Thursday 2 March 2017

Wisdom-Opens-Main-Being- =W.O.M.B.

There is an old verse that goes something like this;" Man is born from a womb, lives his life, and is sealed in a tomb "it is said in the teachings of old that "the beginning of wisdom is in knowing the
depth of your ignorance", how many of us have thought about our past actions and only wish we
had the wisdom to know the difference!
We ensnare ourselves in future traps by our behaviours of today, if we only knew what we were creating for ourselves we would radically change the way we think ,act, and say, what defence have
we from incurring future problems? Well wisdom and self knowledge are a great place to start ,what
we really need is an incentive to do so ,In  an ideal world this would not be necessary, however we
do not live in an ideal world and unfortunately most of us will not change our life style unless we have too when we are pressured by an arising crisis in our lives ,I  was one of those who had to be within a major crisis, with my back to the wall, given only three months to live before I sought help
from within ,it took that much pain and turmoil to get me off my fat ass and actually do something
about my problem.
By going within, we find the way out that is the paradox of energy transformation ,by  going within
ourselves we suddenly discover a source of unknown energy the higher self, or soul, that still small
voice that exists within everyone on this planet by tapping into this infinite font of energy over time
we are transformed and a whole new world of experiences opens up for us.
We learn that negative thoughts tear us apart and cause dis-ease things like hatred and resentment are
poisons to our bodies, by resenting or hating some we are actually destroying ourselves and lowering
our vibrational frequency that permits entry into the body pain and discomfort ,a most unwise thing to do! I was once consumed by resentments in particular one person who was always festering in my mind, then one day the thought occurred to me and said what thing do you dislike most, and I thought
rats! Then the thought said that if you dislike rats so much, would you keep them in your house?
I then realized that I had to let go and release this mental energy ,and  actually wish this person well
and good health.
In my years of meditation and study of ancient wisdom I have had the honour and privilege of seeing
many desperate souls like myself be born again into a new level of consciousness and awareness
and leave aside the sickness of selfishness and embrace the idea of love and humility.
with warmest regards Michael,

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