Thursday 30 April 2020

'I' Accept Myself. 'I' AM. Part Two.

I am what? I am life,what then is life?  To me life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-
Energy, that is what we all are, the human race is basically seven and a half billion Living
Intelligent-Focused-Energy units of expressed informalized (formed from within) life.
The word inform comes from the Latin word informare which means to form or shape.
We are all informed (shaped from within) by the intention that holds us all here in perfect
coherence, which is the immortal divine soul. The reason we are all here is to eventually
come to realise this fundamental reality of our Being here on Earth,We are not here to suffer
in squalor and hardship, although that does occur to many of us, we are all here to gather
enough experience,and this gathering of experience over a vast number of incarnated
sojourners here on Earth will occur both suffering and joy along the way. When we finally
realise who we really are, then we can move onto to other adventures in other dimensions
of expression, having by then got of the wheel  and therefore paid our karmic dept to this
sphere of schooling we call Earth in full.We also can chose to remain here and help those
who still are unaware of their true inner nature. Incarnation here on this school yard called
Earth is both automatic and also self chosen,it is automatic when we are basically unconscious
of any semblance of our inner reality,and only recognise your own physicality and nothing else.
When we recognise a degree of our own spiritual self within us, then we can chose when we
come back here,and also chose the parents we want to be born with.
Our I AM signature denotes that we are all self aware beings, and this therefore means that
our normal universal awareness which is total consciousness universally,has to become
LOCALISED and condensed into a singularity point of reference, this reference point
is wrapped around a vortex of living energy,which becomes that of spirit being super
compressed into that of a flesh and blood materialised human being,  and then this little I
AM being emerges from the womb as a babe in arms programmed by desire and destiny to
seek out its true nature within the inner mystery of life in formalised form,the eternal infinite
living LIFE compressed from its universal all expression,and super compacted within a sweet
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul Realisation.
If any of this resonates within you please pass it on to your friends and family thank you.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

'I' Accept Myself. 'I' AM.

In the course of the average age,say four score and ten years, how many of us utter these two
most powerful and profound words ever spoken by mankind which are I AM these two most
powerful words always preface any other word when we introduce ourselves to another person
we do not say John or Mary first we always say I am called John or Mary.Why do you think
this is?
What is so important by the utterance of those two words,that are always the first two words
we ever say? If we begin to think on this question as to why we all our prefacing any contact
with another human by say I Am so in so,we may begin to realise the uniqueness in those two
words, and become aware that no other life form on this planet has got any I am  self aware
consciousness, they have got consciousness and acute awareness, but no SELF awareness as
we do, there is no I present in any other life form on earth except in mankind.
The question then can arise within a self aware self conscious human being as to that of
self acceptance, do I accept myself? If you immediately answer yes of course I do! Which
then could lead onto the question,well what exactly is this SELF I am accepting/? Could you
explain to me exactly what a SELF actually IS? It is often said that self acceptance is the key
to normal and healthy living, which of course it does, however the acceptance of self will vary
within each person,depending upon the depth they have ventured into their inner self and the
understandings of what life actually is.
Who is this self that I Am accepting?  Was this self in evidence before I was born? Will this I
AM presence still exist when I die? Can any of us answer these questions? The answer to that
last question is YES we all can answer and know,if we so choose to look within us for the answer
to just what is this life I am living. If we think that we begin at birth and terminate at death,then
YOUR I AM PRESENCE is VERY LIMITED INDEED, it will only exist up to the point when
you die,then your I AM vanishes forever. However if we can see that those two most vital and of
PARAMOUNT importance I AM are the very words of IMMORTALITY. Are these two words
not those spoken by GOD to Moses, when Moses asked who shall I say sent me Lord, God said
tell them that I AM that I AM sent you.! There is a connection there is we can ACCEPT it.
In part two will look further into this.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Soul Internal Listens Energy Negotiates Conscious Expansion. S I L E N C E Part Two.

Within us all lies the silence,forever brooding on the time when it will get some attention?
The whole of expressed nature operates within the silent inner womb  of expression,all
expressed life moves within an internal silence,except for mankind that is,why is that!
Well it could well be that we all have an added ingredient that the rest of expressed nature
does not yet posses that of our I AM self aware level of consciousness,and further this self
aware consciousness enables us to do what other life seems not to do,and that is the faculty
of thinking. It would then be the case that inner thinking taken to excess,would lead to the
complete cancellation of any inner silence. Thoughts and thinking can be and are a wonderful
boon on us all, as long as we are in complete control of this faculty, and can switch it on and
off at will,but how many of us can actually do that? How many of us are masters and captains
of ourselves? Who among us is in complete control of who what and where I think? Are we
often slaves to repetitive thinking and thoughts,and unable to switch them off? Is it us of our
thoughts who run our lives? I spent many years enslaved by rapid thoughts that would drive
me to complete despair, thoughts that race through the brain like a machine gun,firing non
stop all day long,it was only when I was able to see into this madness that the opportunity
to take action presented itself in the form of meditation. Meditation saved my sanity from
being totally dissolved into utter despair and death, and opened up to a total stranger in my
life, this handsome stranger came in the form of internal silence and inner peace.
Without a degree of inner silence we will all eventually suffer from its absence in our life
we all hear things 24/7 but how much time do we spend actually listening? Paying attention
to our inner needs, and silence is one of the most important NEEDS that we all require in order
to remain healthy and well balanced. We are ALL immortal souls,engaging in a relative
incarnation upon this planet and moving through our expression (physical body) gathering
experiences that will ultimately culminate in your awakening to the realisation of just who and
what you really are.And one way of assisting you to open that inner door within you, is to seek
out the silence that eagerly awaits you presence within you.What have you got to lose?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 27 April 2020

Soul Internal Listens Energy Negotiates Conscious Expansion. S I L E N C E .

Silence is not  the absence of sound,but rather the beginning of listening! Silence is the
nonverbal language that lies within the form of your expression, our ears strain and listen
to that soundless sound of silence,and while we listen and remain silent in speech,we begin
to realise that our awareness attention level has become much deeper and more profound.
If silence is truly golden,then what would ceaseless chatter be? Lead maybe! When we can
begin to realise that forever looking out there,forever listening to endless TV shows from
morning till night, being bombarded by endless noise that exist within our modern society
can seriously impact upon any human being,because this manner of 'living' is unbalanced
and therefore this leads to all manner of dis ease and emotional swings as the inner being
seeks some form of alignment.
Human beings have a dual nature, as does all life,we have a conditioned reference to seek
outwardly and balance our five senses with the external world,where we experience the senses
as touch,taste,smell, see, hear,that is the way we are expressed as relative vehicles enclosed
within a physical body,this is how LIFE is expressed within a physical form,however LIFE
has other functions than to just amuse its self with the outward senses, While it is natural for
us to look outward, we go over the top with this,and with modern life and smart phones this
addiction to outward only gazing,is causing massive harm and dis-ease among humanity.
To become balanced within our living expression,we also have a very real NEED  to also
look within ourselves as well,and gradually stop the endless chatter of the mind, and try and
listen to that inner silence that dwells within all life.
We can spend much time on seeking out what we want,how much time do we spend on
seeking out what we need? We need food and water, a home if we are fortunate enough to
have one, we need to feel safe and secure, hopefully loved by someone,have a sense of
purpose in our lives,but there are other needs we all very much NEED, and that is to get
in touch with your inner self, to find time to let go completely of this OUTER WORLD
and enter into the peaceful and life enriching inner world.
In part two will go further into this.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 26 April 2020

Matter Is Spirit And Knowledge Enfolds Numen. M I S T A K E N part Two.

The word NUMEN comes from the Latin meaning that of, 'Divinity'or Divine presence' Divine
will' any even a 'nod of the head',all those descriptions including the nod of the head,apply
directly to every human being on this planet without one single exception.
Our physical bodies,which are really just very wonderful biological machines that have
been designed by infinite intelligence to house ITSELF into this biological machine and
use it as a vehicle,to engage in experiencing being presented and confined within a matter
based flesh and blood body. These experiences are what you dear reader have been EXPERIENCING all YOUR life! All the seven and a half billion human experiencer's
which are on this planet are all basically divine spirit  enfolded within a dense matter based
vehicle,and all living their lives upon this planet mostly completely unaware  of their
immortal divine heritage. Ignorance runs deep in the valley of shadows, and many of
us will ever realise our divine heritage within this incarnation.There is no need to fret or even
be concerned about this though, as we will all have many many more incarnations plenty
of time to begin awakening.We are though very fortunate to be in an age where there is so
much information on the internet,Gaia channel full of wonderful information about eternal
life and the reality of the immortal divine soul, the facts are all laid out for us dear readers of
this blog, the tools exist there ,all you got to do is pick up the tool,and open that internal door
of your inner self, and therein you will find that YOU reading this NOW are a divine immortal
soul, you will then further REALISE that death is an ILLUSION, DIVINITY is IMMORTAL
which means quite simply that death does not EXIST, it is a malicious lie, that has been
spawned by ignorance of what REALITY actually IS! The human body,which is just a
vehicle for the indwelling soul to use,does of course cease to function,which we then call death
the physical body rots and decays and is returned to the EARTH from whence it CAME, But
the most important thing to be very MINDFUL OF, is that YOU who are the immortal soul
are NOT  that PHYSICAL BODY,and never have been in truth,it is only our ignorance and
therefore misplaced identification that has lead to believe this fiction. MISTAKEN means that
we have all wrongly identified ourselves as just being a physical being, now we know that we are
far far more than that.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Matter Is Spirit Truly And Knowledge Enfolds Numen. M i S T A K E N .

What is matter? Does science fully understand what matter actually is? I can see that matter
could easily be seen as that of compressed consciousness,or spirit. Or if we do not like the
word spirit,we can replace it with the word ENERGY, they are both the same thing!
Light compressed can also congeal into matter, matter is really light super condensed
and vastly slowed down in vibration. We are biological energised matter,a biological
machine that has also has a biological computer we call the brain.Our brains are connected
and interconnected with vast electromagnetic fields of energy, this energy impinges upon
our self aware conscious energy field, which we take to come from our biological computer
the brain.
Mankind in general has M-I -S-T-A-K-E-N this biological machine for centuries long past
as that of being ALL HE/SHE IS,just a physical body,lives for four score and ten years,then
its curtains,you die and vanish into oblivion, unless of course you are one that hopes to get
into this place called Heaven,but only if you have really behaved yourself?
We have all been fed this fictitious drivel for centuries,is it not time we all examined the
validity of this utter fallacy? Who can you ask,where can you find an answer to the question
of is DEATH the END of ME? Well I could point out thousands of place where you could look
for verification towards the continuation of life after DEATH,and of course hopefully many of
you will, but there is always someone CLOSE BY YOU who knows the answer to the question
will "I" survive after the death of my physical body, and that SOMEONE is YOU dear reader
of this blog,you Do NOT have to take my word on this,forget about me,or any one else,but
just ask YOURSELF the question,"Will 'I' that is a living BEING survive this illusion called
DEATH, and continue on with MY LIFE, when this physical shell that I embodied is laid
to rest in a grave??? If you ask this question from within the inner chamber of your heart and
with all the sincerity and emotion you can muster, then an inner voice will give you a clear and
distinct answer to your heart felt question. Let your heart speak to you, then you will know the
truth and that truth will set you free from all fear and foreboding.
In part two will explore this further. warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 24 April 2020

Rotated Inner Vortex Expressing Reality Spiritually. R I V E R S Part Two.

'WE' have all been flowing in the infinite river of Expressed Life for a timeless time that
at present seems beyond our comprehension. Expressed life basically means that it has Motion
and therefore anything that is in motion in by definition that of being relative,whereas life
that is motionlessness  is therefore Absolute infinite and eternal, as we all our when we
eventually become STILL?
We who have attained the level of self awareness, our I AM that I  AM ness, are awakening
into the gradual realisation of out true and lasting identity, this journey has involved thousands
of incarnations here on the Earth plane,just to get us to the point of inner awareness, as
opposed to outer awareness, which of course all other animal life does all the time,and cannot
do any other listening? But we can if we so choose,the choice is always ours, look outward
incessantly  and remain ignorant of your true inner SELF the soul, or look within yourself and
discover just who you really ARE!
We pays our money and makes our choice,what will yours be dear reader of this blog? Within
the flow of life's eternal river, we flow up and down at regular intervals, we flow down into
physical incarnation,live that life as a human for as long as is deemed necessary by the
indwelling soul, then you exit your vehicle die(change venues) and then ascend into the
Astral dimension,and there you will stay,until such time as you will feel a magnetic pull
within your astral vehicle that will draw you back into an Earthly incarnation, where you
will then loose consciousness upon the astral plane,cross over the mythical river STYX
which is the river of forgetfulness, and then be carried Earthwards by a rotating fast
swilling vortex flowing downwards (lowering vibrations frequency) into the vecinity
where you are about to be conceived, and at the very moment the sperm enters into the
egg of the female there occurs an quickening energy life force as the two parts of the male
and female join in union,a third force enters making a three fold trinity connection and therein
you are into the expressed river and into another womb that will deliver you into a further
opportunity to reveal the true and eternal nature of who and what you truly are.
Which of course is a divine immortal SOUL
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,please pass it on to your friends and family Thanks.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Rotated Inner Vortex Expressing Reality Spiritually. R I V E R S .

LIFE, which is eternal and absolute has no beginnings or any endings, as it is expressed which
by definition means that it moves has motion, is forever flowing like a mighty universal river.
By the nature of motion means that it is relative and that it has an intended intent-full  flow
towards the eventual realisation of becoming Self aware.
This flow towards self awareness and eventual SELF realisation takes the life-force an
unimaginable amount of relative time(in truth time is an illusion) but it helps to visualise
a process of gradual unfolding to reveal the essence of LIFE, when SELF realisation occurs.
We now as that of humanity are all being expressed here upon the Earth and all have that most
profound and magical added ingredient which is our 'I AM' self aware consciousness, no other
expression of life upon this Earth has this I AM that I AM self awareness,what then does this mean
to us a a physical embodied race of human beings?
If we could actually all see the manner that we are being expressed here,we would all fall to our
knees in absolute wonder and marvel at the complexity and the simplicity that our individual life
energy signatures are woven around a vortex that spirals downwards (meaning lowering vibrations)
from another dimension (astral realm) which is just ever so slightly out of phase with this physical
dimension, those that are sensitive enough can at times see into this astral dimension, which often
will reveal itself in a bluish like mist. We are then held here within a singularity point,which is
invisibly attached to your crown and heart chakra, we appear to be still, because the point of
singularity that we are all firmly located within, is within the eye of the rotating electromagnetic
life force field, and thereby unmoved by the enormous rotational rapidity of this intentional
life wave,that holds us in perfect cohesion,until the time of our departure arrives (death) change
venues, then the downward force cease its clockwise rotation, and reverses the flow upward
back into the astral realm within a counter clockwise rotation.
We have all been fully immersed within the River of Life, if we go with the flow of the river we
meet little or no resistance , and our life experiences are rich and rewarding, but if we try and swim
against the rivers current,we then meet much resistance, and this means that we will bring into our
every day experiences, dis-ease, illness, stress, fear and foreboding, the river of expressed life is
a flowing reality within YOU,when you think your life is going around in circles,is because you are
caught up in an EDDY a swirling mini vortex, that has you caught up in its circular flow.
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation.
If any of this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your friends and family.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Humanity Expressing Word Numen. H E W N Part Two.

The whole of mankind,humanity is basically and fundamentally the WORD made and
fashioned into a flesh and blood biological machine, the NUMEN which is SPIRIT has
been clothed in the mantle of form, and we all call this physical body a human being.
To be mindful that the term human being does not exist within absolute reality, the
human being only exists within this physical realm,and also in the lower astral realms,
Above that place humanity phases out of existence and then the real YOU the NUMEN
or spiritual soul takes centre stage, as the eternal BEING.
The WORD in truth springs from the primordial INTENTION of the Absolute Intelligence
and it means in essence motion from eternal motionlessness, motion is the creator of the
illusion of what we call the relative universe, where we have perpetual motion and the
opportunity presented by this emotional moving force of willed intent to be able to gather
valuable experiences, at first unconsciously, then when we entered the human field of
divine expression,we were then awakened into our I AM SELF AWARE consciousness
we were then no longer unconscious gatherers of experiences,we were then self aware
and able to reflect on our personal level of self-knowing. When we can stop and think the
question,who am I really? If we do this with sincerity and with an open mind,not to far
open in case your brains fall out! If we can begin understand just what we have aboard
this physical body and its internal connections to the universe, we will see that reality
exists only within YOU, and no where else. Because many of us are lost, we look outside
of ourselves for LOVE and comfort,someone else will make us feel SAFE? What we all
fail to realise is that each one of us,is in fact and in reality the very embodiment of LOVE
manifesting in human form! We are solid condensed ethereal matter which is LIGHT and
also has the essence of the eternal within it matrix, We all are LOVE in EMOTION moving
around the face of the Earth looking for SOME-THING  OUT THERE and failing to recognise
that what YOU are looking for,EXISTS only within YOURSELF!
We are all HEWN chips of the ONE BLOCK.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader can you please pass it on to your friends and family.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Humanity Expressing Word Numen. H E W N

Our physical bodies were Hewed out of the elements of earth,air,fire,and water,and when we
die(change venues) we cannot take even one atom from this Earth, all the elements return to
their source,as they are  loaned to the incoming soul as necessary ingredients in order to make
a physical body. We however have never had a beginning or will never experience an ending
because we as souls/spirit are all eternal  and transcend the Alpha and Omega,the first and
the last.We are told in the Bible that in the beginning was the WORD and with us the word
has became flesh, you and me are the WORD made tangible in that we are made of matter.
What then is a WORD? Where does a word originate from? The word originated within the
Infinite Mind of the Absolute,which is consciousness, and consciousness brought about
motion from motionlessness, the word then coalesced into the universal OM which was
the primal stirring which produced sound from absolute silence, this OM sound is the
primordial sound which resonates within all expressed life universally,it is a homing 
beckon  that pulsates within the heart chakra of every human being upon this planet,that
is why in this so called age of Aquarius, where meditation and yoga are very popular,we
see many mentions of this word OM.This primordial sound is vouchsafed within each of us,
if we look within and tune into its frequency,it will guide you home!
We are all here for one reason only,and because we often seem to be slow learners,we have to
make many journeys into what is often called 'This vale of tears' in order to find our spiritual
wholeness that lies within our inner consciousness,then we will eliminate our sickness of
Each time we descend the 'Tenebrous spiral staircase of the self' back into physical existence
where we are funnelled down into a singularity point of reference, we each have a fresh
opportunity to tune into the vibrant OM and begin our journey back into the full and lasting
realisation of your true and eternal identity.
Before being a human being,we are all NUMEN being numen which is a Latin word for Divinity
or spirit,is our eternal self, the physical body is just a temporal vehicle we use to gather experience
here on Earth.
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 20 April 2020

Perfection Localised Unveiling Soul P L U S Part Two.

Expressed life,in particular us the human race are all within a continuing field,which could
be seen as that of a 'rise and fall experiencing wave', when the wave falls down into a trough
we are born upon this planet, then the expressing life wave raises up gradually, until the
time of departure (your death,change of venue), then the wave collapses,and you ascend into
the astral plane.We each experience countless incarnations here,up into astral life, then down
into physical life,a continuing life wave,that we have all been experiencing for countless
generations, why are we all on this apparent merry-go round? Is there any purpose to all this?
The main and only SOLE purpose for being here is for us to fully and totally REALISE 
the reality and eternal truth of who and what YOU ARE which is a divine immortal SOUL.
That is why we spend thousands of years up and down into physical life then back to the
astral life,it would seem that we are very slow learners of our immortal identity.
As long as we remain fixed on looking outward for the answer to life's riddle, we will remain
hopelessly lost,and be always being caught up in endless eddies, where we swirl around
getting no where fast.
How many of us have been in these eddies,forever going round in circles, to break out of the
grip of these life sucking out twisters, we need to look within our selves, because within us all
lies the answer to all your plaintive prayers,hope and direction lie within us all. Because we are
unaware of the infinite potentiality that lies within our divine matrix the soul, we instead can
feel helpless and sometimes,totally alone. Many of us can feel like the 'legion of the lost' filled
with fears and doubts about what our capabilities really are,and not realising that within YOU
lies access to infinite power and awareness,that wisdom and expanded consciousness is lying
there within you,awaiting the opportunity to become activated by your awakening inner resolve.
We are all perfection personified within a physical vehicle,our eternal divinity which is
everywhere in the universe in its essence,becomes localised and compressed within your I
AM self aware consciousness, a point of self awareness held in coherence by the will of your
higher self the soul, all you need to do,is to look within yourself and ask yourself the question
Who AM "I" really? be persistent in your asking,and the answer will present itself to YOU.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 19 April 2020

Perfection Localised Unveiling Soul P L U S

What is perfection? Does anybody know? An ancient maxim states,'that truth is hidden in
plain sight,and we see it not'! What is it then that we all fail to see? The connectivity of all
visible and invisible expressed life universally,total and Absolute connectivity with
Absolutely ALL THAT EXISTS. Another word for perfection is wholeness-complete
with absolutely NOTHING MISSING! If anything was missing from mankind it would
not and could not exist.Every human being is perfect whole,otherwise they would vanish
from the face of the Earth in a micro-second, there is NOTHING that could be added to
mankind or taken away from mankind,because mankind is wholly whole and complete.
So wherein lies the problems that we all encounter? The problem mankind encounters is
simply his or hers ignorance of what they have within themselves, lack of knowing WHO
and WHAT they really ARE.. Countless billions of us have swallowed hook line and
sinker the total lie and falsehood about their true identity of being divine immortal souls
instead countless millions of us believe the cruel lie, that they are the physical body,and
when that dies, YOU are terminated extinguished from reality, unless of course some religion
will made a safe haven for you,if you TOE the party line that is!
The reality is very simple,you have no need to believe anything at all NOTHING,because the
process of life is automatic, when you vacate your vehicle,you automatically are transferred
into the astral plane, whether you believe in life after death, whether you believe you will be
destroyed in some fictitious place called oblivion,whether you are a rampant atheist , it is
utterly and totally irrelevant what you think or don't think, the law of life and its expression
in shape and form operates automatically and has done for an eternity.
We are all perfect and we know it not because of our lack of real understanding of just who
and what YOU dear reader of this blog really are.Perfection localised within a physical vehicle
which then will UNVEIL the SOUL that lies within your consciousness and unused perceptions
we have only to look within ourselves and reveal this truth to ourselves,wholeness and perfection
are your divine birthright, lying within YOU awaiting your discovery by opening the inner door
within yourself.We need PLUS understanding,and MINUS our ignorance.
In part two will explore this further,    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 18 April 2020

Enfolding Velleity Intricate Law. E V I L Part Two.

In absolute truth the concepts (ideas)  of good and evil do not exist, the only absolute force
that exists is that of unconditional LOVE. However  when we enter into the relative universe
"WE" as GOD infinite intelligence coalesce and become embodied within a biological machine
and are 'spun out' into a singularity point of reference, and thereby become called a human
being, GOD or absolute intelligence becomes FRAGMENTED into what we call the human
race of seven and a half billion "fragmented facets on the absolute ONE. Then when we awaken
in this realm, we forget who we really are,and therefore spend many many life times,before we
finally remember our Divine Absolute Birthright.
Within this relative realm of cause and effect we are seeing distortions of reality and thinking
that this is real. Evil and Good do not exist within reality, but because we are limited in our
understanding of what actually IS REAL, we in effect strain on a gnat, while swallowing the
proverbial camel! Evil and Good are just CONCEPTS IDEAS , what exists is LOVE and love
presents itself individually to each human soul depending upon their individual levels of
awareness and perceptions the DEGREE of the full SPECTRUM of  love, love can be seen as
an infinite force of being,If we are hateful and spiteful we draw on one end of this spectrum,
if we are positive and compassionate we draw on another higher level of this one force.Evil
is really a far end of the love spectrum, and goodness is just on the SAME  spectrum just
further along the scale.
A great master was once asked by one of his devotees,who asked the question,"master what
is the difference between you and me"? The master replied,"the difference between you and
me, is that I KNOW that I AM God, and you do not no that you are God, that is the difference".
We are ALL IMMORTAL BEING having a relative experience here on this school-room
planet,and the SOLE reason we are all here,is to realise your own SOUL REALISATION.
There EXISTS NO EXTERNAL JUDGEMENT of mankind,the only judgement you will
ever receive throughout eternity is that which EXISTS SOLELY WITHIN YOUR OWN
CONSCIENCE! OUGHT ELSE EXISTS except your conscience!
Most human experience most human environment, and most human failures, are the direct
answers to forgotten prayers,forgotten wishes,forgotten desires,forgotten curses,forgotten
FEARS,all like black chickens,come home to roost! We need to be even mindful of what we all
think,say, and do, because all our thoughts words and deeds will always REFLECT back directly
to us,whether we know this or not, or accept this or not, the law of life cannot be deceived by the
mind on man.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
Dear readers of this blog,if this blog resonated within you, please could you pass this onto your friends, thank you.

Friday 17 April 2020

Enfolding Velleity Intricate Law. E V I L

The word evil is the exact opposite of the word Live, in its very basic element this means that
the word evil equates exactly with contraction, and that to live equates exactly to expansion.
To try and understand what the term evil really means,we also need to understand the law
which is universal and absolute. The universal law of cause and effect,which states that every
cause will produce an effect,the law of Karma is the same thing,So then what is evil? Evil is
basically an inversion on the natural law,which when you are aligned to it, you expand within
the embrace of unfolding life upon the arc of ascension which equates exactly with that of
expansion. Evil on the other hand is the exact opposite of this positive sequence of expansion
and therefore the energy moving through this sequence is an opposing energy which equates to
contraction,which means that evil is a violation of natural law,and there the consequences of
the acts of evil,whether intentional or not,are that of a slow 'strangulation of the life force'
which is expressed as contraction and compression of vitality.
The reality to understand here is that there exists NO JUDGEMENT whatsoever in this
universe on mankind and his actions, and here I am referring directly to natural Universal law
and NOT to MAN MADE laws,where we are indeed judged by judges in a court of law,and we
also because of our ignorance of universal law,we often judge our neighbours and friends.
There is only ONE JUDGE in existence, and that one judge is the MAN himself, in other
words we all judge ourselves, and believe me there is no other judge ALIVE as totally thorough
as a human being that has full and unbridled access to his or her CONSCIENCE!
Our conscience have been rightly called by many as our inner Divine Monitor. when we are
aligned very sensitively to our conscience it then warns us if our thoughts,actions, or deeds are
contrary to natural law, and therefore we are able to cease that direction if we are wise.The other
thing we need to understand is this idea of punishment for our (sins) that word SIN means very
simply that of SPIRIT IS NEGATED =SIN and that means literally to GO OPPOSITE to LIFE
which equals expansion.The other thing we need to understand is that no BEING is EVER
impacted (punished) for WHAT-THEY DO, but the reality is you are impacted BY what you do!
There is no GOD or any other thing in existence that DISHES out any punishments IMPACTS
upon man,we alone are our own judge,jury, and executioner!
In part two will go more into this,     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.
Dear readers,if this blog resonates with you,can you please share it with your friends bless you.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Living Intelligent Vibrant Energy. L I V E Part Two.

'WE'  are all living intelligent vibrant life, living out this expression encapsulated and enfolded
within a physical vehicle which we all term as a human being.Life by the very nature of BEING
ALIVE is eternal, for life and eternity are EXACTLY the same THING. Life has never had a
beginning,nor will it ever experience the illusion of what we call death or ending. Because the
vast majority of humanity have bought hook line and sinker into the fantasy called death, in
truth the very word has zero-meaning in reality, it only exists in our minds because of our
basic ignorance of out TRUE and ETERNAL nature. We are ALL (without a single exception)
immortal beings. What we term as DEATH, is exactly the SAME THING as you getting out of
you CAR,without the emotional attachment we give when we "loose someone special to us)
when you get out of your car,what do you actually do? You EXIT the VEHICLE!!!! and when
you die (you EXIT your PHYSICAL VEHICLE, and relocate yourself (automatically) you do
not have to do a thing, except (die of course) your silver chord it then snaps off, and you move
back into your other home in the Astral realm where you have been countless times over
countless incarnations here on Earth. We remain on this cycle of incarnation where we are born
here on Earth experience that life, then exit the vehicle rest in the Astral and then back here again,
You could well ask the question,what is the point of all this heading for Earth then back into the
Astral,then back again here.The pointless point in all this is for ONE REASON and one reason
ONLY, the reason we all experience countless expressive incarnations is in ORDER for YOU to
KNOW EXACTLY who YOU really ARE,when you know EXACTLY  who YOU ARE, then
as it says in BUDDHISM you will remove YOURSELF from the WHEEL of endless incarnations
by the nature of your FULL-KNOWING that YOU are a eternal immortal timeless SOUL./
When you then know yourself as an immortal being, you then can transcend the astral planes,as
by that time you will have outgrown the need to ever dwell there again,unless of course you choose
to,in order to serve those still enclosed within their limited mortal understanding.The Astral planes
are still relative,although the physical laws we have here on Earth do NOT apply THERE, in those
realms thoughts materialise instantly into what you were thinking,there is no delay as there is on
Earth, if you want to fly there as you think the thought you are flying!
Warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Living Intelligent Vibrant Energy. L I V E

What we all actually are is represented in the title of this current blog,Living-Intelligent
Vibrant-Energy which is to LIVE and that which lives is LIFE. We are all LIFE currently
being expressed within a physical vehicle,which we call mankind or humanity. The last
word in this blogs title is ENERGY, what does science tell us about energy? Well basically
it tells us that 'energy can never be destroyed,only converted into another expression'
that being so, science then says that therefore energy is eternal. Well we are all energy are
we not? What then can we deduce from this finding? The simple answer is that we too are
all eternal beings, therefore the word  death (as in extinction oblivion) is utterly meaningless.
What actually occurs at the time of (death) is that we exit our vehicles,the physical body,
and just like science has informed us about energy, at the time of our death, we are 
converted from our physical container, and via the Silver chord (as in harmonic tones)
are then realigned with our Astral Body, and promptly carry on living as before the
conversion took place.
The biggest lie that mankind has bought into, is in the lie about a beginning and an end,the
very idea about beginnings and ends is utter nonsense, and has NEVER OCCURRED in
this universe,or any other or multi-universe, If we are all ETERNAL BEINGS, the word its
is self explanatory,which we all are,then we have always been ALIVE never be born, nor
will ever die, because that would be a total impossibility. So then what happens? This
reality has been known to mankind for tens of thousands of years, so why are we still
buying into this utter nonsense? Why are we so afraid of something that does NOT EXIST?
The reason we are afraid is because we do not know ourselves, we do not understand who
we really are, we believe what we have been told us by our parents and friend family etc,
who may well not know anything about what happens at the point of departure, when we
rise out of our physical body,and move fully into our astral body.This truth has been known
for centuries,but kept hidden from the many (you and me) by what could be termed as the
ELECT, which gave them power over us,through the use of FEAR and superstition.
In part two will go deeper into this.          Warmest regards Michael; any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Harmonics Underlying Gratitude H U G Part Two.

We are the ones who need gratitude, gratitude does not need us! What does this mean? It
means that if we do not make the effort to cultivate any gratitude in our lives,then we will
eventually wither and die.Why would that happen? The answer is really very simple,if
we take the plight of a plant that receives little or no water,what happens to it? It dies.
The emotion of gratitude is exactly the same principle as that of the plant the gets no water,
for us the water, turns out to be the living waters of emotion, without this living water
lubricating and caressing all our vital organs and central nervous system, we would shrivel
up and die,just like the plant without water.
Without gratitude,happiness,or joy, in our lives, we become open to infection and dis ease,
negativity breeds dis ease.
Every human being emits its own harmonic tone, this is the mighty OM being fragmented
into sub tones by our expression into physical form, like the colours of the rainbow seen
by rain falling in the sky,or revealed within a glass prism, we too as human vehicles have
expression in many tones of harmonic frequencies, if we are feeling grateful and giving
thanks for our life and circumstances, we then vibrate within a healthy harmonic tone,which
if life enriching and we feel alive and vibrant.
Our emotions are linked in directly to our higher self the divine immortal self,emotion and
love are purely spiritual principles, they transcend all other universal laws, and are immutable
which means that gratitude (which is love expressed in motion) is an eternal principle, so if
we can understand that, then further understand that if love and gratitude are eternal principles
and these principles course through every fibre of our beings,then we too are all aligned within
these principles, which means that we too are all eternal beings. The reason we need to show
gratitude is because by doing so, we are actual revealing our true immortal self, we are then
becoming what we truly are,while still incarnate within the flesh, which is that of the SOUL
presented within a physical vehicle. The bottom line that reveals that of what humanity
actually is, we are the embodiment of LOVE incarnated into flesh, and then  FORGOTTEN
(lost in transit!) who we really are, our TASK now dear readers of this blog,is to remember
who we all our. May gratitude help you find the way.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 13 April 2020

Harmonics Underlying Gratitude. H U G .

I thought that today with the last day of Easter and all the news of this global lock down
and the fear arising within many hearts across this planet because of this corovirus, that
we could all be in need of a great big HUG!  I first encountered this word gratitude nearly
forty seven years ago,when I had been suffering from an incurable illness which was
alcoholism, and I was given three months to live by my doctor, as I am here writing this now
I have survived all those decades sober and well. Gratitude entered my life when a very wise
man said to me that if I wanted to stay well and build a new life for myself,I would need to
'cultivate some gratitude' this was the same man who said I was a'defect looking for a character'
my response was to say I am not a f+++king gardener and  know nothing about cultivation! He
smiled at me and said,well son you had better learn this lesson fast,or you will vanish without
a trace.
In truth I have discovered over these four decades of inner searching through meditation and
much experience of sharing with other, that the spirit of gratitude, does not NEED US,
rather it is US who need to cultivate this emotion, because within the inner matrix or core
of gratitude lies the distant "echoes of our wholeness!
Gratitude reveals itself as a vibration, a harmonic tone, and the tone fluctuates in vibrational
frequency depending upon the depth of our emotional response  to the stimulus that set it
in motion.
We as human beings feel the need for gratitude,becomes it reaffirms our place and location
on earth, it beings us warmth and comfort, these warm and comforting feelings, if meditated
upon would reveal that inner feeling that warmth that glow we get when we feel appreciated
is again an ECHO arising from deep within your consciousness of a forgotten wholeness
that was once known to dwell within you.
The main thing to remember though, is that WE are the ones who NEED Gratitude, gratitude
does NOT NEED US! What does this actually mean?
I will explore this question in part two tomorrow,     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 12 April 2020

Field Of Emotional Source. F O E S Part Two.

Emotion is the embryo of stillness, and stillness is the embryo of emotion. We are moved by our
emotions, where are we actually moved from? When you add that letter E to the word motion,
you then get motion that is 'self aware' and self awareness or our I AM self aware
consciousness displays itself as that of 'crystallised divinity' or in other words the intangible
living energy that is LIFE becomes coalesced into a point of singularity and this crystallises
the 'spirit' into a relative form which is then expressed  as you and me. Motion which is
perpetual within this relative 'backdrop' universe, I  say the word backdrop universe because
it is in fact a veil an illusion which covers the absolute void  that lies behind this curtain of
relative duality.
Motion when aligned with an I AM consciousness field ,transforms itself into  a self reflective
loop, which we call EMOTION, this self reflective loop is our consciousness and self knowing
Our emotions are direct connections to the Divinity that lies within us ALL (no human being
is excluded from this reality) by connecting to our emotions and  linking this with the going
within ourselves and meditating upon your heart chakra,we will then open up a clear and direct
pathway to revealing our real and Eternal  immortal SELF.
The Presence is all around every expressed life form , within us the Eternal Presence  becomes
The infinite ocean of Presence is around all of us and also within all of us, outside us our physical
vehicle it is called the presence ,inside our Emotions, mankind is actually the very embodiment
of love and emotion, and to a far greater extent, "we know it not"!
Eternal consciousness is yours,because YOU ARE Eternal Consciousness. The riddle of the
ancient Sphinx says,"what is it knowing,that we know all things"?
Our biggest and only real FOE, is our ignorance of who and WHAT we really are. if we all
knew this today,tomorrow the world would change overnight, where instead of greed and
selfishness,which leads to wars and dis-ease,we would have loving emotions compassion
and acceptance that we were all brothers and sisters of the one Reality,united and unified
by love and humility.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 11 April 2020

Field Of Emotional Source. F O E S .

Before I start of this blog today , I wish to mention that the name spelt out from the title
spells out the word FOES, the dictionary meaning of this word is (an enemy, or opponent)
What I wish to share here today is that our real enemy is our ignorance of who and what
we really are, and our main opponent from realising this is FEAR.
Love is an emotion, without emotion there could be no LOVE, for love is an emotion.
What then is EMOTION? Emotions are the 'localised field' of our I AM consciousness,
the universal field which is 'unconditional love (emotion) becomes localised within our
I AM Life Stream signature and becomes a very potent  and powerful force if we know
how to access it.
Emotion  is the PRESENCE , some call this God,absolute intelligence,Allah,Jehovah,
Brahman,which is absolute and infinite, becoming Relative (born into a physical human
body)  and when this occurs the PRESENCE automatically transforms and transfigures
into what we call emotions. Not only do we need to reach soul realisation, but we also need
'emotional realisation',it is quite  different to know a thing mentally, and quite different to
realise it emotionally.
'WE' all exist within a 'fixed point'of reference which is a singularity point which holds us
here on Earth in an embracing coherence.
We are an eternal life force localised  within a temporal relative field of expression, then
having forgotten who we are, and therefore grope about within this relative darkness,
searching for a way out of this mystery that is the puzzle that throws up endless directions
to follow, that mostly end up in a cul-de sac.
We are all totally immersed within the universal unified field of unconditional love, which
our emotions when we are sensitive enough to feel this becomes for us the PRESENCE
in our times of trial and major crisis,when our backs are up against the wall, suddenly out
of the blue, comes a reassuring inner voice,which offers us comfort and hope, this inner
voice is that of the Presence manifesting within your emotional energy field, which is directly
connected and interconnected to the Absolute Source of ALL>
In part two will explore this further.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 10 April 2020

Absolute Being Of Dimensional Expressions A B O D E Part Two.

Our Abode at SOURCE is Absolute universal dimensionless BLISS. Absolute stillness and
Wholeness which even transcends the universal unified field of expressed life force. This
ABODE is from where 'we' all came from,and all will return to, provided  'we' wish to do so
that is. The reason I put an apostrophe on the word 'we' and often on the word 'others' is because
in our essence of BEING ,there is no such a thing  as others or are there any 'we' there is but
ONE-Absolute Being, Infinite intelligence,Infinite Life,Infinite Spirit/Consciousness.
It is only in the lower life expressions, where duality and relativity manifest , where we have
male and female which are just positive and negative polarities manifesting in a physical
vehicle here on earth.
We see seven and a half billion 'other people' souls who are all waiting to discover just who
they really are. Ultimately all seven billion of 'us' will dissolve into ONE WHOLE BEING
which is where 'we' all originally came from.
'WE' are all Absolute Being ,having a Relative experience here on Earth, and trying to remember
who we really are! We will spend many life times and have numberless experiences ,sifting our
way through those experiences and starting to put the puzzle together of our true identity.
We have this abode of being in physical form on Earth, but we also need another abode to dwell
in when we die(change venues) kere the Infinite wisdom has provided an abode for each of us
when we die(change venues) called the Astral planes or realms, of which there are seven major
realms of expression,and also forty nine other sub planes, we are each assigned our Astral Abode
by our resonate consciousness signature, which translates as the old adage of "birds of a feather
flock together"!This universal law holds very true in these realms,Only on this Earth plane can
you have two totally opposing forces in the same room , here on Earth you can be in the same
room as a mass murderer, a child sadist, a loving selfless being, an innocent child, all in one room
here on Earth, this cannot occur in the Astral realms, there the law is crystal CLEAR, like attract
like, that is how it is there, we will all fit in there seamlessly, because you will wake up there among
those whom you magnetically resonate with. Then after a reflective time there, we will feel the
need to return and continue our journey of SELF discovery.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Absolute Being Of Dimensional Expressions. A B O D E .

To all of us who are fortunate enough to have an actual home to dwell within, which then
become your abode,we can all use this time where we are all locked down by this coronsvirus
to recast our gaze inwards, rather than forever looking outwards.
If we begin doing this ,looking within ourselves inquiring to the inner nature of our being, and
while doing that let go of all fear and foreboding about this virus crisis. Fear lowers your
vibrations and in effect sends out an invitation  to the virus to come and infect me please!
Let GO, of all fear, and instead try and embrace some gratitude that you actually have a home
a place to dwell within.
Countless millions of our brothers and sisters along with their children, have nothing but
the open streets on many cities around the world, sleeping and dying on the streets,and
sleeping under trees in the countryside, countless millions of them will die over the next
few weeks,many with the virus,and many from other diseases plus hunger and lack of clean
water to drink. If we are getting a little pissed off with being shut in our safe and secure home
just reflect on those poor souls, who would sell there very soul to have an enclosure around
them that they could call HOME, to have some privacy, clean water to drink, food in a fridge
the reality of this contrast dear reader is outside of our comprehension.
Life in its essence has 'no fixed abode'the reason for this is because life in its essence is
Absolute and omnipresent ubiquitous, thereby life's essence is in quantum speak non-locale
present everywhere yet nowhere in particular.
We however as this essence the noumena has therefore become phenomena by being expressed
as a relative human being, our physical body expressions are all localised  within points of
reference . We are all very familiar with the lower reference point which is the physical body,
our physical bodies are 'localised compressed life energy' our very expression pulls out of the
Absolute  non-locale state, and localises our energy life stream into a physical body that is
being held in coherence and a harmonious stasis by a reference point called a singularity.
In part two will explore this further.          Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Void Is Space Transfiguring All. V I S T A Part Two.

Quantum physics informs us that we literally blink in and out of existence 1044 times per
second, which means that you are not actually present on this Earth 522 times per second
instead you are a 'universal presence' it happens so fast that we are completely unaware
of this blinking in and out of existence.
I mentioned yesterday regarding the double torus field that presents us here on Earth, that we
are secreted out of a singularity point of reference,super condensed  within a vortex spun at
such rapidity that we condensed into a singularity point, and exited into this dimension at
the point where the two torus fields meet, where the spin is one down,and one up.
Another aspect of this presentation of the life force, is that the term 'black hole' when used
usually refers to a phenomena that is occurring light years away  from this Earth, certainly
not ever occurring in our solar system.
But this idea of a black hole being far far away is basically untrue,in fact they appear in there
billions right here on Earth,and that point which is referred to by science as the 'event horizon'
where nothing can ever escape from is also not entirely accurate, because we as human beings
are 'all presented' as the EVENT from the horizon, which occurs within the double toroidal
field. The event horizon is US that of humanity, we are all frozen within the event horizon
of our super-compressed LIFE-ENERGY state,we have become super compressed so that
it solidifies as flesh and bone.
We are literally 'held' within this point of singularity ,which is basically SPIRIT  becoming
super compressed and condensing out of the liquid light phase and into physical matter.
Put simply, we are the 'event' within the singularity horizon and remain fixed within that
toroidal field until we decide to move on and then the field collapses, which basically means
that we move onto another field of reference, and then continue expressing ourselves as before
but in another dimension.
From the void of space we enter this place,and become what's known as the human race!!We
are the transfiguring transformers of expressed life.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Void Is Space Transfiguring All V I S T A .

We are all totally surrounded by Absolute space which is also the void both are the same.
So when we look at ourselves we see a physical body which is therefore relative, which
means that it is subject to change. The universal space or the void  which surrounds everything
is Absolute and never changes.Only matter and form change and have motion, space or the
the void never move,and never change.
All matter including ourselves become secreted out of the absolute space void and into
becoming solid looking and condensing into form, form from the formless.What is the
process that can congeal the intangible and therefore make it become tangible and solid
looking?  If we look at the sign for infinity which is that of the number 8 lying on its side,
if we however transpose this infinity sign so that then changes to look like the usual
presentation of the number which is this 8 here we will see how this intangible energy can
become tangible and be 'formed out of nothing' like all matter is,including you and me
dear reader.
When the vertical 8 is in place it becomes somewhat squashed together and therefore becomes
a double-torus, it then becomes a toroidal field and within this field the invisible life force
can become visible and take on form and shape,in our case the form and shape is that of a
biological machine.
All human beings are expressed within the centre of this field , because the centre of this
toroidal field is the 'buffer zone' between the absolute  and the relative. That point in
which we emerge into visibility and become tangible is what I would call the 'boarder lands'
of expression, this side of the boarder is expression within the relative dimension of three
dimensional expression, the other side of this universal singularity point boarder is absolute
always still and perfection in motionlessness. The reason it never moves is really very simple
the absolute intelligence,the eternal BEING-less BEING, is present everywhere as the
Absolute PRESENCE, IT has no need of MOTION,where could  IT possibly go,where it was
already there!!
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 6 April 2020

Who Are You ? W A Y Part Two.

What part of you,is actually you? If its your physical body,then when it dies  you go with
it into oblivion! Can you therefore define your 'I AM 'self aware consciousness? It is
known now in more advanced quantum physics that consciousness needs a feedback loop
in order for it to reference itself as being, within a reference point this reference point is that
of a toroidal field expressing the physical life form (you and me dear reader) at the centre
point within where two torus fields co-join and we materialise within that centre out of space
into matter.
This point of reference is a singularity point  which is anchored within the crown and heart chakra.
What keeps us all anchored here on Earth is our lack of understanding of who and what we really
are, who we really are is in fact very simple to explain, but perhaps very difficult  to accept.
'WE'are 'ALL' absolute Intelligence or GOD for short, that is who you and me all really are
Eternal Absolute Truth or E A T for short.
The ONE has become the MANY, each of us is a facet or point of reference within the WHOLE
and as each point recognises this fact, it transcends and ascends the frequencies of expression
and will eventually dissolve back into the Whole ocean  of life.An important fact here to
mention,if some of you dear readers dislike the idea of dissolving back into the whole, when
any of us reach this exalted state of being,we always maintain the POWER of CHOICE, so
we can therefore not choose to dissolve back into the ocean of life, but can therefore choose
to say return back to Earth and serve your brothers and sisters who are still groping in the dark,
or even go to other worlds and get experience there,we are masters of our own direction.
We are basically space that has materialised into matter  via a double torus field of reference
and have acquired a self referencing mode called our 'I AM' self aware consciousness which
needs the toroidal field to relay feedback to the self aware beings consciousness.
There is an ancient occult maxim which states the SPACE IS AN ENTITY,that entity is the
Absolute Infinite Intelligence, and we are all SECRETED out of this SPACE  into physical
form, and call ourselves that of Human Beings.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 5 April 2020

Who Are You.? W A Y .

Have you ever asked yourself the question, who am I ? What am I doing here? What is the
point to all this? How many times have I incarnated upon this planet, and for what purpose?
So many questions and so few answers.It was not until I had a major life threatening crisis
in my early life at 29 years old, that I started asking these basic fundamental questions.
I took up the practice of meditation as a way to begin inquiring within myself as to what is
the of life? I soon began to realise by many intuitional insights that basically there was no
real meaning to life other than to live it to the full and while doing that reveal the real reason
we are all here for.
I began to discover while in meditation which I have been doing daily since 1974 that I was
not the person I first thought I was, rather in fact  I was not a person at all!  Instead I
discovered that I an immortal divine soul who was using this physical body (that I had always
thought was the real me) as a vehicle in order to experience life within the illusion of being
separate and apart from the whole (which I later found out that it was absolutely impossible
to occur) we may well feel separate  and apart  from the whole,but these feelings although
seem very real to us at the time of feeling them,they are however an illusion born out of our
ignorance of the reality and interconnectedness of all life.
I discovered that each one of us in our own time will make this journey of inner discovery
and bring about the awakening of soul realisation into your self aware consciousness state
not necessarily though in this particular life time. Most of us it seems will not make an
effort to inquire within us, unless we encounter a crisis or two,this is what happened in
my case, and in many others I have chatted to and counselled over the last forty five years
we seem to be all  programmed to forever look outwards and never inwards,from birth babies
are given mobiles hanging over their cots and are always reaching outwards to touch this thing
now in this age its smart phone dis-ease where countless millions worldwide are all glued to
this plastic container. When crisis calls it is often our higher self asking us to pay attention to
the reality of who you actually are, and less attention on who you think you are.
In part two will explore this further.       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization/

Saturday 4 April 2020

Inverted Triangle Expressing Mankind. i T E M Part Two.

Mankind is expressed at the apex of an inverted triangle, this becomes mankind's points
of reference within the physical realm. This point is like unto a singularity that by its rapid
rotation within a very high velocity vortex, we are then super condensed from the ethereal
none physical  expression into that of physical matter,this occurs when the sperm enters the
female egg,and these two components produce the third, which will go on to become a flesh
and blood human being.
We have literally been spun out of our place of being, prior to becoming born here(astral realm)
then forgetting who we were, pass out of cognisance flow through the river of forgetfulness
which is the fabled river Styx , and then become a soon to be formalised  (physical body)human
We are then held here in cohesion by the intention will of the soul that is connected to the being
that's you and me dear reader,by electromagnetic connections within the brain and heart chakra
and further anchored here by the crown and heart chakras, plus an electrochemical which acts
upon the our various glands and vital secretions. One of these is the pineal gland which is the
gland that operates the functions of the third eye.
Mankind is also expressed as a three fold being,physical,mental, and spiritual, the whole
signature of life universally expressed is within the sequence of three. The physical universe
operates within three phases positive,neutral,and negative. We are expressed simply as mind,
body, and soul, three expressions of man,plus the intelligent heart consciousness that of our
emotions,the emotions are the vital connection to the Divine within us all,and also for the
ability to eventually make conscious contact with our higher self the immortal divine soul.
Our three aspects of being,along with our emotional content need to be balanced and for us
to reach an equilibrium within ourselves, if we can do that,we will remain fairly balanced
and healthy, however if any part of our whole being is neglected,then we will feel the impact
of this imbalance, we will become either physically ill, mentally ill. or emotionally distraught.
We all need to make good use of the intelligence we were all born with, if we can do that, our
lives will become healthy is all three aspects of our being,and this will reflect back into the
world we all live in, and hopefully bring peace and love to all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 3 April 2020

Inverted Triangle Expressing Mankind. I T E M .

The life force energy expressing the shape and format of what we call mankind, is being
expressed within an inverted triangular prism.The point of the prism or triangle is the
'body of mankind' raising up to the point on the left vector is the mind/or consciousness
of mankind, then at the right vector of the triangle is the 'soul of man' completing the life
force energy circuit making the triangle buzzing with living intelligent energy.
Life in its natural pure state is intangible,invisible,dimensionless,in order for it to become
tangible and visible to become matter,or flesh and blood like we are,it needs to undergo a
massive condensation process, which steeps down its high rapidity rate into a much slower
level of vibration, it then condenses or congeals into form.
In fact our physical bodies are all made of light which has become frozen or solidified/congealed.
All energy is basically light in its various forms shades and frequencies, if we could but see
ourselves as we really are,we would be amazed at what we saw, in fact many of us would fall
to our knees in shock and awe of the beauty of expressed life.
The story in the Bible of Joseph's coat of many colours , really represents the colours of all our
individual auras,we are all manifesting within a torus shaped energy field of scintillating
vibrant colours of electromagnetic forces that hold our base life signature tone in coherence.
If we are sad or depressed the colours in our aura will reflect this and be dull and darker shades
rather than vibrant.if we are happy and cheerful of feeling a deep inner peace and relaxed then
our colours will reflect this and be bright and coherent.
In the near future when many more of mankind is able to see through the inner eye,or third eye
the term "wearing your heart on your sleeve" will take on a much more significant role as we will
all be able to tell exactly what your friend,neighbour, or stranger is really like by the colours they
are showing everyone, then when that day comes,lying to another will become impossible, as we
will all know who and what exactly you are by simply seeing your aura.The old saying of being
green with envy is exactly right,its a memory from the past when man was more sensitive than we
are now, envy is green in colour a snotty green in fact, not very pleasant to witness, anger is of
course RED, which again would show up in your aura, brown and dark blue for depression and
deep sadness.
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 2 April 2020

Ascension Is Mankind's Evolving Destiny A I M E D Part Two.

The sole reason we are all here on planet Earth is to partake upon a journey that will see us
gradually rise up from the animal like man to the human  being then on up to the spiritual
being. Evolution or the more modern word of ascension is basically an upward arc of ascent
which we gradually rise through as we become more self aware and more insightful of our
inner being.
Ascension can be seen as that of alchemy (which is basically the ancient science of awakening)
which has been known about for thousands of years by the ancient wisdom. As we go within ourselves and meditate or practice yoga we begin the process of transformation that leads to
transmutation from being gross and ignorant of our true identity, into becoming more inclusive
and universal in our thinking,
The alchemists of old were not trying to turn base metals into gold,this is a blind and a fairy
story woven by the ancients to keep their secrets safe from idle curiosity. What they were
actually doing was transforming and transmuting themselves into higher stages of consciousness
and perception, the 'lead'was their gross physical body, and the gold was the spiritual body or
higher SELF'SOUL body which radiated a golden hue aura around them,
We all have immense power and energy  within us,provided we choose to use it,if we do not
bother with looking within ourselves and meditating or practising yoga, no worries,we will
still ascend along the path, BUT, at a much slower and longer pace, which will include more
incarnations, that will be needed to balance the equilibrium needed to fully awaken.
If we choose to go within ourselves , our actions coupled with our 'WILL' INTENT have the
power to quicken our journey of ascension and will also give us access to higher levels of
consciousness which will then bring in its train the accompanied assets of wisdom and higher
As always with life, "you pays yer money and you makes your choice" where will your choice
take you dear reader of this blog? I hope and pray your choice takes you to the place of the
'golden dawn' where you will then know exactly who the hell you ARE! Then dear reader when
you know that, and that wonderful day has arisen within you, all I ask in return is for that you
pass this awakening you have just received onto your family and friends, pass it on, is the way
the dawning keeps arising in our brothers and sisters across the land.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Ascension Is Mankind's Evolving Destiny A I M E D .

There is much talk about ascension today many websites are focusing on this one topic,
so much information is being pumped out into the mainstream media.The latest buzz word
is that we are or you are a 'star seed'  and these 'messages' are being given out by those
who profess that they are in communication with either Angels,or beings from other
dimensions, or other planets light years away from Earth. Almost every other week  a new
'channeler ' comes online with a 'new message' from some other off world being or entity
Ascension is the buzz word and these 'beings or angels' are going to inform you how to
ascend safely! We all need to understand that the hyped up word ascension is just another
word which has been used for ages,which is that of 'evolution' which means to ascend
along a path of unfolding expression. Star seeds. are just a buzz word for the older word of
souls seeking their higher expression.
The other word being banded about on the media and websites is this upsurge of those
people calling themselves 'channeler's 'who profess to channel direct messages from both
angels and arch angels, multi-dimensional beings, and those from other planets light years
away from Earth, there is even a few who talk directly and channel both God and Jesus!
The buzz word channeler is just an updated word from the much earlier one which was that
of a medium, this was the word used within spiritualists society  those that gave out messages
from departed loved ones. Now the updated channeler's  are giving us messages from angels,
multi dimensional beings, off world entities from other planets, plus Jesus and God. All these
'beings' are professing to teach you about how to ascend.
The truth here dear readers is much more easily found, and the place to find it is within yourself.
You do not need any messages from some dubious source,you do not need any messages from
anyone whatsoever,including myself.
All I am doing is to suggest that you look for the answer regarding your evolution (ascension)
within yourself.We are all Divine souls, we are all souls with physical bodies, and NOT physical
bodies with souls, our souls are a PRINCIPLE, which means immortal, our physical bodies are
NOT a principle, and therefore it will rot and decay, BUT YOU will SURVIVE and continue
on your journey of discovery.
In part two will continue this further.   warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.