Tuesday 30 November 2021


It was written of old that the ground we all stand on becomes a sacred place, because we are

all spirit clothed and enfolded within  a physical flesh and blood body. The word HOLY really

means that which is WHOLE-COMPLETE and aware, When we can know ourselves fully

we will see that truly we are all sacred spiritual beings who are all 'HOLY' because we fully

know ourselves and thereby become WHOLLY WHOLE  and  complete within all five 

koshas or sheaths of our full dimensional expression here upon Earth.

SACREDNESS lies within the PRESENCE and when we fully know ourselves we become

acutely aware that indeed we are the PRESENCE -INCARNATE upon this planet.

If we seek answers from within ourselves , by using our consciousness to begin probing 

into our inner self , by tuning into our inbuilt GURU which is our intuition faculty, we

can then begin rolling back our ignorance of our true immortal status, which is that of us 

all being Immortal Divine Souls.

When we begin homing in on our inner true being we can sometimes feel our emotions 

beginning to arise with a sense of expectancy and excitement , we begin intuitively feel 

an inner pulsation which is the homing beacon of the universal OM calling out to you to

make that last leap of faith and thereby connect consciously with your higher self, which

is of course your Immortal Divine Soul.

WE are all HOLY (WHOLE) SACRED SOULS who through no fault of our own, have 

forgotten our divine  heritage, and have thereby concluded that all we are is just this 

physical body. We now though are given the opportunity to correct this error, and thereby

reclaim our divine immortal birth-right. The real beauty of this truth dear reader of this

blog, is that this truth, can be verified by yourself simply by making the effort to look 

within yourself and thereby reveal the validity of this blog today, you don't have to take

my word for it, look within YOURSELF and see what YOU FIND THERE! Simple

as that.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul  Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks. 

Monday 29 November 2021


 All life has been on a very long journey seeking the truth of being. Much of this journey 

has been taking us along through unconscious experiences and through many differing levels

of expression. Human bodies are composed of matter that once was within a STAR shining

bright in the heavens. Star dust makes up our physical bodies. Life has been motioning 

through space for billions of years of unconsciousness motioning through space and interacting

with other forms of expression.

These were experiences that formed the matrix of the becoming life form. When life crawled

out of the chemical soup upon this planet earth, 'we' were then set upon a pathway that would

lead us into a point where we awake into that of Self awareness, We became "I AM self aware

unit of consciousness, who then knew who you were. We that of humanity are all in a "jousting

sequence" which means that we are all 'rubbing up against each other' in varying degrees

of contact, and we are all then learning through our experiences of interacting with each other

and beginning to make sense of just where we ourselves fit into this big picture.

Now we are at a point in our personal ascension or evolutionary path where we can then ask

the question of who am I really? No other life form that we know about is able to ask that 

most important question, as to who am I?  We alone seem to have obtained this privilege 

so are we than going to ask this most fundamental question any human being can ever ask.

By looking within ourselves, and practicing meditation we can ask ourselves that very

basic question of who am I really? Will you dear reader of this blog ask yourself that most

important question? I sincerely hope you do, and become greatly surprised by the answer

you receive from your higher self.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 28 November 2021


 This blog is about sharing my experiences of 47 years of daily meditation, and what I have

discovered along the way. I remember becoming interested in the concept of "remote viewing"

which was in use by the C I A  in the USA for the purpose of revealing information about other

countries weapons  and secrets. The CIA ran these programs through the seventies and eighties

which was a form of 'PSYCHIC-ESPOINAGE', what interested me about it was that it seemed

somewhat akin to meditation and letting go of all thoughts , to look into a black space and see

what appeared there, What occurred to me was that what would happen if I tried to remote view

a super massive black hole ? To send my consciousness into a black hole and see if I could 

discover its secret. What purpose did it serve? What I discovered was truly astounding  and yet

sublimely simple. Black holes I found out our really recycling vortexes that transfer relative 

material back into its former stateless state, which was pure absolute intelligent awareness, 

which I intuitively understood to be that of SPIRIT. The black hole provides a passage 

through this relative universe barrier and back into VIA  a singularity point of reference

to the ABSOLUTE stateless state, that contains this entire relative universe within its bosom.

It reveals that the relative universe is solely the product of thought INTENTION becoming

compressed from IDEATION into energy, then matter, then enfolded life forms like us for


Motion was born out of intention ,motion became vibration, vibration become energy/matter.

Black holes recycle that primary intention back to the point of ISSUING which lies within 

the Absolute void of eternal stillness.  The event horizon is the last point of reference that exists

within the relative universe, beyond that point you enter the "borderlands" between relative and

absolute, Here every last vestige of relativity which equates directly to motion is stripped away

until it reaches the barrier that separates this universe from the ABSOLUTE VOID of eternal

stillness and absolute silence, a placeless place of eternal bliss.  This barrier lies on the 

MEMBRANE that separates this universe from the Absolute, this sub-sub- sub-sub atomic

point is called the singularity, at this pointless point all motion ceases, and the membrane

permits passage to the last vestige of  expression which is pure awareness that of SPIRIT.

The last point I became aware of was that this passage through a super massive black hole 

was just in ONE DIRECTION ONLY, and this direction was INWARDS, there was no up

or down, it might SEEM TO go DOWNWARDS but i found this was an illusion warping

ones senses. The black hole is basically a conduit from the relative universe directly into the

Absolute void. It recycles the self back into the self perpetually.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Saturday 27 November 2021


 Truly what is the secret of humanities hidden faculty? Which we call intuition. The meaning

of the word intuition is that of "being taught from within", there is a hidden teacher within 

each one of us that we call intuition. But what exactly is this faculty we call intuition?

Why is it that so many human beings only ever engage with this hidden teacher when 

they are in a crisis situation ? When we are in a major crisis. maybe life threatening we 

are in a desperate state of mind, and feel that our backs are up against the wall, and there

is nowhere to go, but face this crisis head on, it is when we are confronted by this desperate 

state, that we then hear a clear soft spoken inner voice, which reassures us that all will be

well, a comforting supportive inner voice. This inner voice is the voice of our intuition

speaking directly to us within our conscious mind. Hopefully when we encounter this 

inner voice of intuition , it will awaken our interest as to what this inner voice actually is.

Intuition is our very own INNER GURU who is there 24/7. all we have to do is to open

that inner door and make conscious contact with our higher self which is the voice of 

intuition, also known as that of our immortal divine SOUL. There is no need to wait 

for a crisis to come a calling ,before we are contacted by our still small voice. We can 

instead take the INITIATIVE and begin the process of looking within ourselves, by

practicing meditation, where we will then become aware of this inner faculty which lies

within us all. When we still our thoughts, and become still within, we then begin to tune

into the inner voice of intuition, which will then begin to flash insightful thoughts and

insights into your perceptual awareness and consciousness.

To be able to achieve conscious contact with our higher self, is a great leap forward into

your own personal ascension process, it places you in a position where you can tune into

higher states of consciousness and your intuition will unlock access to universal wisdom

and knowledge, then the inner veil will become transparent to you, and you will then know

truly who your really are, and the true nature of your eternal IDENTITY.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Friday 26 November 2021


 The snake is an ancient symbol, mentioned in the Bible within the Garden of Eden , who

tempted EVE to get ADAM to eat the forbidden fruit, also twin serpents mount the staff of

HERMES  which we now call the CADUCEUS , which is used as a medical symbol 

worldwide today. The serpent  also stands for knowledge and wisdom.

When we seek no-thing we are in effect affirming that within us lies the answer to all

our endless questions. Within us lies divine wisdom and knowledge. But to find this 

inner treasure we need to seek nothing, instead just start looking within ourselves. To 

become still in mind and body, to let go of all thinking, which is generated by the mind

which is the ego, which has many questions and few answers. When we enter into the 

stillness within ourselves, we begin to expand our awareness and perceptions, also our

consciousness state becomes expanded as it listens deeply within that peaceful quiet 

still inner space which is devoid of all thought.

When we begin to really know ourselves, we then begin to realize that we are much 

more than we had ever imagined.

We become aware of an infinite depth that lies within us all. When we make conscious

contact with our intuition faculty we then begin to understand that all knowledge and 

all wisdom is already vouchsafed deeply within us all, we have absolutely nothing

to learn, but rather open our hearts to that divine inner treasure of wisdom and 

knowledge that every single human being on this planet has within themselves.

When we open up our hearts and inner being to than vouchsafed wisdom within 

us then twin serpents will again rise up within us much like the ancient symbol of

the staff of HERMES, this rising of divine wisdom is called by us that of the

KUNDALINI which rises up within those who have ignited that inner divine fire 

from the root chakra up the spine and into the crown chakra, where if maintained

the soul enters into the state called SAMADHI. This is where we then KNOW 

that we KNOW who and what we truly ARE.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 25 November 2021


 There is in place a sequence that permits humanity to REAP  the benefits of gathering

experiences here on Earth, and also to remove them safely at the point of departure (death,

change of venues) back into the astral realm, from whence you came before incarnating here.

This sequence that permits souls to flow down from the astral into the physical realms, and 

then ascend upwards at death(change venues) can be likened to that of a MOBIUS STRIP

a conveyor belt that passages souls from one dimension into another .The complete circuit 

that every souls makes in its journey to full SELF DISCOVERY is in the shape of a figure

eight  a vertical infinity symbol, that flows downwards into incarnation in a clockwise rotation

and this downward flow remains in place until the time of death, then at this point the flow 

reverses to the vertical and a counter clockwise rotation opens up and thereby escorts the 

astral body back into the astral realm, where it will rest up, take stock of its experiences 

there on Earth, meet up with other souls, and then when the urge again arises it will want

to return here again, 

When this moment arrives the soul will fall into a deep slumber and loose all awareness 

when this occurs the soul will then flow across the mythical river STYXX the river of 

forgetfulness, and be rotated back into a new baby FETUS, where it will eventually 

be born with a clean blank slate, to begin gathering more experiences.

The reincarnation sequence is up to a certain point completely automatic aligned with the

law of cause and effect, however when we reach a certain level of evolutional growth and

have become on an ascension arc towards the vertical, we then awaken into the understanding

of having a choice as to when to incarnate and even chose your parents to be. It really depends

on how far you have so far evolved into, and your level of perceptive awareness as to what you

really are in essence.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 24 November 2021


 This blog named SEMINAL is about tracing the passage of the seed (seminal) from the

SOURCE of the primordial seed, to the presence of mankind and its ability of self awareness,

and the added ability of looking into the beginning of when that primordial seed  was sown.

The order of the primordial seed progression sequence begins within the primordial seed 

holder, which is the SOURCE of all expressions , which is SPIRIT, spirit moved (thought)

which manifested motion which equates to that of energy, and energy then began to condense

or congeal into what we now call matter.

The primal seed was SPIRIT, spirit manifested energy (motion-vibration) by its INTENTION

to manifest, and then energy condensed into matter. Inclusiveness is always neutral which is

what the spirit essence (SOURCE) is and the spirit is the home of the primary seed thought and

also that of unconditional love, which spins out from the absolute centre of BEING into this

relative universe. We as human beings use this unconditional source love , condensed into 

that of conditional love and acceptance, although the primary essence of unconditional 

love does shine through in that of a mothers love for her child.

mankind who has the God like ability to be I AM self aware consciousness , can now

consciously think about his/her origin, man has that extra ability no other life on earth has

a reflective consciousness that can begin retracing his/her origin back through time and right

back to the SOURCE of all life expressions. We all have the ability to see how that primordial

seed thought has brought us all here into full self awareness, which then leads onto that of

full self knowing. We all our expressed first as that of spirit, then condensed into energy which

equates to vibratory motion, then further condensed into matter which then branched out into

biological physical bodies. Our primary essence is spirit 1, 2, we are energy,3 we are 

biological matter. A three fold seeded expression of SOURCE in a tangible format.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 23 November 2021


 Within  us all lies a MYSTIC self awaiting that inner pulsation that lights the spark

that sets us of on this quest for knowing what is truth?

We all have the faculty of intuition, which with so many of us is hardly ever used, and

when it does appear in our lives, it is usually when we are in a major crisis situation. Then

when we are at our lowest ebb, a still small inner voice speaks reassuring words of comfort

and support. Sadly it seems that we only ever become aware of this divine inner monitor when

we are in a crisis.

Our inner intuition facility is the doorway that opens up the MYSTIC SOUL that lies within

us all. We each have on-board a built in connection to all universal knowledge and wisdom,

all we need to do is to tune into our very own divine inner monitor, which starts of as that of

being our intuition and if we access this faculty and become acquainted with it, then it will 

open up so much more and we will be then introduced  to our higher self which will 

ultimately lead to our realizing the very presence of our indwelling mystic soul.

If we take up the practice of meditation or yoga we can then begin our very own MYSTIC

journey into that of self discovery. Intuition is our inner guide and teacher that will reveal

to you what your inner nature is, The more you enter into this inner silence , the more

acquainted you will become of your inner true self.

All the many questions that you might have will be answered fully by your intuition, it will

tell you exactly what and precisely who you really are. And that is a Divine Immortal Mystic


warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 22 November 2021


 This blog called CRY is about waking up to the inner realization of the very real need

to fully know and understand ourselves.

Most human beings know themselves as biological bodies and understand a bit about 

being a personality, an individual with certain traits and likes and dislikes, but that is

only a minute part of who you really are.

To consciously realize ourselves we need to take some active steps to do this, I know for

myself that I took up meditation as a way to find out more about who I really was. I soon

discovered that there was so much more within me that I had ever imagined.

One of the first things that came to me intuitively was that I was a SOUL with  a physical

body, and not a physical body with a soul. I realized that the SOUL was primary , and that

the physical body was only a vehicle for the soul to use while gathering experiences here

on earth.

What I basically was looking for in meditation at first was just to find some peace of mind

and perhaps a modicum of serenity, but went onto find so very much more.

I  learned that we were all expressed in a three fold manner, physical, mental, and spiritual

and that so many of us humans are only expressing two dimensions of their three fold 

expression, which is just the physical and mental expression only, and the third dimension

of the spiritual not being consciously activated.

I was certainly just a two dimensional being up to the time I took up meditation and began

to realize the grave error I had been making.

Meditation expands our consciousness and awareness, it opens up inner doors within us

that bring about a basic realization and understanding of how all life is connected and

interconnected, in particularly with us human beings, we are all very much connected to

just one unified universal SOURCE.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 21 November 2021


 This Relative infinite universe which resembles a flat infinite disc or circle, has also

an infinite amount of "infolding accretion disc's" which we tend to call black holes.

What is the basic purpose of these infolding matter swallowing vortexes? The deconstruction

of energy which is dissected within a black hole is a mystery to current science as to what becomes

of this energy when it is deconstructed within the black hole? Current science predicts that at the

end of this infinite compression of matter energy, it is then passed into a singularity point of 

reference, when it exits this singularity  what does it exit as? Here I  think lies the answer. First

question is   what is the core matrix of all energy? Where does energy arise from?  To me there

is only one place energy arises from and that is INTENTION which equals THOUGHT,

thought is intangible and energy in motion (the motion was manifested by the intention act) 

becomes tangible by compression and density of focus,

This relative universe is a product of INTENTION an intentional IDEA became a relative

universe, The IDEA  (INTENTION)was NO-THING but as it was projected out from the 


Black holes therefore are recycling accretion disc's which convert something (energy) into

via a singularity point into (NO-THING) which is pure awareness . The IDEA infolded 

back into stillness and absoluteness.

The singularity point at the tapering end of the black hole actually touches the membrane that

separates the absolute void  from the relative universe.  The disc or black hole is relative  and

tapers inwards to the point where relativity and the absolute meet, the membrane is that film

that divides one from another.

Another point to remember is that this primordial INTENTION THOUGHT wave is STILL

ONGOING, the intention wave is STILL INTENDING after billions of years passing, when

the intention ceases this entire relative universe will infold back into NO-THING  from whence

it CAME. It is said that within the blink of the SOURCES eye a billion years will pass.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Saturday 20 November 2021


 When we describe ourselves we often use the ;phrase myself, the question can then

arise as to whom is this MY that has a SELF? Do we as so called individuals own

something called a SELF? And if we do, what exactly is a SELF? Is it the form and

shape of the human body, or is it something much more nebulous than this which we

are all not sure of? We are often told things like, "just be yourself" and everything will

be fine, does this mean act naturally? Which would seem to imply that at others times

we acted unnaturally!

This blog called WHIM is about trying to discover what lies beneath the words we use

to describe our lives. The word SELF can be broken down to spell out SPIRIT-ENFOLDED

LIFE-FORM=SELF, perhaps this is what we really are?  Who is ME is about looking within

our presented physical form and asking questions to our inner awareness as to what is our 

true identity, what is this SELF that belongs to me?  Am I the owner of a thing called SELF?

Is the self really ME?  Do you know, dear reader?  Is there a difference between a ME and a

SELF?  If so what!

We are all living beings, we all have the property of life within us, life is a singular principle

just one life exists universally. 

So we can see that there is but one life force, and that from this one one life force comes many

ME'S, Humanity has in fact 7.7 billion ME'S!

If there is but ONE LIFE  FORCE universally and we all emerge out of this one life force

then it implies very succinctly that we have all come from ONE SOURCE ONLY, and that

although we appear and act as many, in truth we are all really ONE WHOLE BEING, which

we call life. ME then equals all of presented life universally is actually ME???

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 19 November 2021


 The cosmos is an infinite expanse of no-thing which then becomes occupied by some-thing

and that some-thing relates to you and me, our occupation of the cosmos began with the

process of condensation, the steeping down of high vibrational expressions, into lower 

states of expression. This compression of energy which is  like that of electromagnetic light

becomes compressed by an focused intentional wave of pure thought energy which issued out

of the Infinite Mind of the ONE SOURCE.

The background state of the cosmos is that of fluidic pure energy, which can be seen as the

Living-Fluid (BLOOD)  of the Infinite SOURCE. Space as the cosmos is really an infinite

fluidic expanse of pure-spirit-energy, which means that it has motion, pure awareness without

motion is Absolute. The motion is manifested by thought-intention, where there is intention

there is always motion and motion is the infinite ocean of the cosmos.

All expressed life is a condensation, a compression of pure light energy into a tangible 

physical state as with us human beings.

Light  which is fluid is living energy, as is all energy universally. We need to understand 

that energy is motion atomic vibration which makes all expressed motional energy relative.

We as human beings are all relative compressed congealed light on the outside, the physical 

body vehicle, but inwardly we gradually become more fluid in the nature of our expression 

as in our etheric and astral bodies.

Basically we all our the COSMOS condensed into a physical body vehicle, this vehicle is

the means that enables us to each collect tangible experiences and interactions with other

living entities that help us compile a composite understanding of tangibility and discover

the illusion of differences that seem to exist in lower states of comprehension. This could

not occur in other higher dimensional states, we all need this full density of planet Earth 

in order to fully make the  realization of our true immortal self.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 18 November 2021


 In the beginning motion was born aloft by the intention wave of the Absolute SOURCE of

all MOTION. This INTENTION manifested an Infinite non-dimensional DOT. a singularity

point of infinity which was non dimensional and Absolute in its point of reference. This dot 

being the birth of all Motion, began to spiral forming a line of direction that rotated clockwise

out from this infinite dot of the Source intention to move wave.

The spiral was then the manifesting of SPACE which rotated out of the Absolute void, and

therefore began the process of relativity manifestations.

In the beginning motion was born out of motionlessness via an Intentional Thought wave of

the Source, motion equals relativity, and motionlessness equals the Absolute.

Everything that exists within this relative universe emerged out of that one singularity dot,

this non-dimensional infinite point of Absolute Intention compressed within an infinitely

sub sub sub atomic point of reference.

So we as human beings are all the 7.7 billion souls who all emerged from that one point of 

an infinitesimal minute point of reference.

The motion of life moves within a cycle within a cycle overlapping through many 

dimensional states of reference.

Each human being exists within five sheaths or Koshas , each Kosha manifests of a 

differing dimensional state,(which is really that of differing consciousness levels of awareness)

The physical dimension or state being the lowest, the next two being that of the etheric health

body, that radiates an electric blue light which completely surrounds the physical body,

and then we have the astral body, that we all use every night while asleep to explore the

infinity within that vast limitless realm.

Since we all issued out from that infinitely compressed super condensed singularity point

we have all been within a infinite spiral a rotating spiral that we often call evolution or perhaps

that of ascension, we are all now within the ascension arc of awakening into the realization of

our true immortal divine identity, when we fully understand this SEQUENCE of MOTION

that we have all been on for aeons of past experiences , we will then begin to embrace the

stillness that lies within us all, and when we do that we will be nearing the end of our 

motioning and will then enter the bliss of silent stillness and infinite wisdom.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any  feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 17 November 2021


 From the cradle to the grave we are all enfolded within the arms of reflective consciousness.

Remove all reflections and all that is left is pure awareness. Pure awareness becomes localized

from its infinite eternal nature by our becoming a  'reflective entity' which is manifested by

our internal memories of what has occurred within our lives since birth.

Consciousness can therefore be seen as that of localized awareness which relies on reflection

to enable the reflector (YOU) to make sense of its environment.

Outwardly we are all reflective localized life which use a reflective principle of awareness,

which becomes contained within the users focus, but inwardly we are pure awareness with 

zero reflectivity thereby consciousness has no-thing to reflect upon, therefore does not exist

at this level of BEING within the ONE SOURCE.

We can of course through the process of going within ourselves and taking up the practice

of meditation or yoga reach a point where our localized self begins to become more expanded

when all our thoughts are stilled ant the mind forgotten, we can then tune into pure non local

awareness , This awareness is infinite and eternal and thereby stands transcendent  of this

relative universe.

Our reflectivity was born within the formation of our "I AM self aware consciousness, as 

soon as we became self aware, and this occurred many many life time incarnations ago, we

were then formatted within a localized space which for us is this planet Earth, and became

conscious of being a localized self aware being. This caused us to look what we took as things

that exist other than ourselves, we felt separate and apart from the rest of expressed life and

thereby began building memories of our experiences, this changed the pure awareness into

a localized reflective ability which became known as consciousness. Consciousness only

seems to exist within a localized enfolded life form that has progressed into full self awareness

and has an I AM perception.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Tuesday 16 November 2021


 The SELF is the Absolute Singular Brahman or God, Great Spirit whatever name you chose

for that which just "IS" what we call it matters not one jot.

The SELF which is Absolute and a singularity remains eternally motionless, but it can become

expressed (MOTION) by an Intentional Thought Wave , which when that happens that thought

wave  becomes Relative, meaning that it has motion it moves.

The ONE Stillness becomes motion (atomic vibration) through the power of THOUGHT which

is Intention. The Self is ONE and so is SPIRIT ONE, there is no S on the end of SPIRIT, like

the Absolute it is a Singular non dual entity.

From the ONE comes the Many, and from the many come ONE. The Self expressed its intention

by manifesting fractals of itself, each fractal a minute replication  of the ONE WHOLE.

The human race consists of 7.7 billion fractals or facets of the ONE WHOLE, 7.7 billion 

fractals which will eventually all dissolve back into the ONE  Singular Being.

As we go within ourselves with meditation or yoga, we begin the process of engaging  with

the fractal image , which will then reveal more of its inner workings of its expression.

When this occurs you begin to see the big picture and begin realizing the connectivity of

all life, and the way that all of humanity is linked totally together.

When you finally realise your true Self and let go of the illusion  of the FACADE self which is

the physical body, you will see all this as yourself ONLY!

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 15 November 2021


 Within every human lies the reality of total support and the answering of all our questions.

But first we need to understand that which lies within us! We can spend our entire life time

searching for answers to our endless line of questions. Mankind is forever searching for

answers to the supposed mystery of life. Vast amounts of time spent looking for answers,

and always looking outside of yourself. What we fail to realise is that within every human

being lies the facility of intuition. Intuition is the enfolding principle of Divinity that is 

vouchsafed within every human being. We hear talk these days about getting your own

GURU or life guide, but here in the west that is particularly very difficult to find such a 

being, and if we did, could we afford their offered services?

Well I have good news for all of you that think they might need the services of a GURU.

That good news is that we all have within us a personal GURU, who will serve you totally

free of any charge. This inner Guru dwells within us at the point of our intuition facility

lies, sadly because of our gross ignorance about this inner guide, the majority of humanity

only get acquainted with this inner Guru when they are in a crisis situation, then when 

filled with despair and hopelessness, suddenly a still small voice within whispers out words

of comfort and reassurance, this we find is the voice of our inner Guru speaking to us

directly. When we can refocus our gaze and look inward, we can open up a line of 

communication by focussing within and listening for the voice of our intuition speaking

to us. We each have this divine facility embedded within ourselves, it is not something 

that only 'spiritual people' have access to , the inner Guru the intuition is present within

every one of the 7.7 billion souls on Earth. There is zero exceptions to this universal law

of expressed life that has an I AM self aware consciousness.

This blog here mentioning our inner GURU is NOT a THEORY I just made up, it is

a FACT and not a theory, and the beauty of this fact is that you dear reader of this blog

need not take my word on this ,or in fact anybody else's word for it, all you need to do

is to LOOK WITHIN YOURSELF and reveal this FACT for yourself.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 14 November 2021


 Written down well over twenty thousand years ago, is an ancient maxim which states that

"SPACE IS AN ENTITY" space therefore is basically ALIVE, and intelligent. All expressed

life are occupiers of this infinite SPACE ENTITY. All the stars and planets that run into 

countless trillions are all occupiers of this entity, which we call space.

Humanity are all occupiers of this ENTITY, so what then could this entity actually be? For

me there can only be one answer to this question and that is that the ENTITY which we all

call SPACE is none other than BRAHMAN or GOD, infinite intelligence.

Space is the entity of the absolute GOD BEING expressed within a relative infinite expanse

which we call the universe. This universe which is the ENTITY is therefore CONTAINED

within the ABSOLUTENESS of the ABSOLUTE. 

The Absolute contains that which is RELATIVE within its eternal absolute BOSOM of ALL.

All expressions of life are alive, and this includes the stars and planets as well, many see our

Earth as alive and call it GAIA, mother Earth.

Life being expressed which means being embodied, condenses the fluidic  nature of space into

dense congealed matter energy, which then appears to occupy the expression with its form 

and shape. This entire universe is alive, which means that it MOVES (has vibration)  anything

that moves is therefore an EXPRESSION of SPACE becoming condensed and thereby 

occupying this SPACE by its physical relative expression, which in effect stands out from 

the background of fluidic space, which is forever motionlessness.

Space (the ENTITY) is motionlessness only ITS OCCUPIERS MOVE!!!!

This blog entitled SUE is about recognising that outwardly we are all  occupiers of SPACE 

which is an intelligent ENTITY that MOVES (has atomic vibration) but inwardly at the very

essence of our being we are pure absolute awareness which is totally motionlessness eternally.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your  family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 13 November 2021


 PNEUMA, is a Greek word meaning 'Breath'  or 'Spirit', so that PNEUMA which is the

invisible spirit , that powerful "nothingness" that formed and made this relative universe.

This whole physical universe is basically made out of PNEUMA which amounts to nothing.

An invisible force that lies behind all phenomena within this universe. 

PNEUMA can be "seen" as the NOUMENON that lies beneath "all appearances" within 

this universe. We as that of humanity are visible by our physical biological vehicles, but

behind the biological phenomena lies the invisible force that animates the vehicle, which

is the PNEUMA , or rather the invisible breath of SPIRIT.

All phenomenal  life universally is presented within an atomic framework of vibration

and oscillations, in other words it has MOTION, but behind all this motion lies absolute

motionlessness, and within this motionless state the NOUMENON  the spirit holds all 

universal expressions in absolute cohesion . PNEUMA never moves because it is the

eternal background state of the infinite void of eternal nothingness.

This motional universe is fully and totally contained 'WITHIN' the PNEUMA of Spirit

Our universe is basically a flat infinite circle with zero depth, we think we see depth but

this is an illusion, we are tricked by what we think we see .In truth this universe is only

and less than an atom thick, only a membrane separates us from the infinite eternal ocean

of PNEUMA which is the NOUMENON  which amounts to NOTHING other than 


By putting on layers of matter energy which is condensed liquid light we have all literally


The ETHERAL breath of the PNEUMA the SPIRIT has condensed into what we now call


Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 12 November 2021


 Faith  mentioned in the Bible. Hebrews 11:1 "now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen", what does faith mean to you dear reader of this blog? Can 

we have faith in ourselves, and know that we are more than just flesh and bones? What is it

about us that remains unseen? If we "feel as if this helps" which breaks down the word FAITH

into a process of action. 

A way to proceed forward and search for inner knowing. Have we faith that we truly know

ourselves? If the answer is no, then what action can we take to rectify this unknowing-ness?

Faith can arise within us when we least expect it, when we are in a crises  situation, or develop

a life threatening illness. we sometimes hear a still small vice within us, reassuring us with

comforting words that help us calm down and relax  a little. This inner small voice is your 

inner self reaching out to contact you and make itself known to you.

To have complete faith in ourselves we therefore need to know completely who we really are.

In times of crisis this provides an opportunity for our inner self to make its presence known

to us. In many cases this is the only way we can become aware of our true inner nature.

When we are all feeling great and busy with our lives, we fail to look within and see what

is there, we seem mostly focused on looking outward and seldom if ever look inward.

Our higher self  which is our immortal divine soul, will sometimes bring about a crisis 

into our lives, in order to get our attention refocused.

We are all so much more than many of us imagine, faith in ourselves and a willingness to

look within  ourselves will lead us into higher states of awareness and consciousness, 

which will begin delivering the dawning realization of your true immortal identity.

This will thereby reward your implicit faith with the knowledge and wisdom of the real

you, that immortal eternal being that has been hidden from your view  by your ignorance

of your true inner nature., now you have awakened into a higher state of consciousness 

and this brings in its train, a new and wholesome confidence and well being.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks 

Thursday 11 November 2021


 The great master SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI born 1879-died 1950 in India, was once asked 

by a devotee the question of, "how should I treat others master?" To which the master replied

"There are NO OTHERS"! What then does this truth teach us all? There are 7.7 billion

human beings on this planet Earth , but only ONE LIFE  FORCE is present, not 7.7 

billion LIFE'S! The word LIFE has no plural to it, there is only one life within this entire

universe. So what is it that we see that suggests there are indeed  OTHERS? Other than what?

What we call "others" is in truth a reflection of the ONE WHOLENESS that is LIFE being

expressed. Life being expressed becomes an infinite fractal facets of the ONE energy that 

moves it through space and time. Humanity is basically 7.7 billion fractal facets of the ONE

Life Force. 

We each are just reflections, that are embodied within a physical vehicle . There is only ONE

Absolute Source, which transcends that of life because life is an EXPRESSION a MOVEMENT

of the Eternally still Absolute Singular non-dual reality. BEYOND LIFE (motion) lies Absolute

stillness  and the Eternal Spirit of all that IS was and will ever be. Life in essence is PURE

intelligent Spirit energy.

We that of humanity are all this ESSENCE, covered over by many layers of differing densities

of energy, which reside in different dimensions, the most dense is the physical body, we also

have an etheric body and an astral body,  plus more ethereal coverings, which allow us to

be presented within several dimensions (consciousness levels) simultaneously.

Most of humanity is unaware of these other inner expressions that make up the complete 

picture on just one expressed physical human being, we are mostly only aware of our gross

super dense physical body, unaware of our etheric body or astral body, these other inner 

awareness will come on line within humanity as this current surge of ascension energy sweeps

through the human race.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 10 November 2021


 The causeless cause was BRAHMAN, and the universe was the effect. The Absolute ONE

was the cause of all motion (intentional thought) and the effect of this motion was  the 

relative universe we all now abide within. So what then BECAME of US? Good question,

humanity is now residing upon planet Earth, and has an "I AM"  self aware consciousness,

we are all self aware, BUT the reality is that the self in question , which most of humanity 

believe in, consists of the physical body, the physical body is NOT the SELF that issued

out from Brahman (GOD) aeons ago, and was motioned into LIFE by that primordial 

Intention. That SELF was pure spirit energy infinite and eternal and thereby UNBORN.

What the majority of mankind seem to think  is their self ,is in truth an illusion, The 

physical body vehicle is what  it is, a VEHICLE nothing more than that, for the life

essence to occupy within it. The real SELF is UNBORN and eternal. Which is what all

of mankind is, yet most know not this truth. Our so called birth on Earth is nothing more

than an occupation of a physical vehicle  body, as a vehicle for the soul/spirit to use while

gathering experience here on Earth.

When not embodied upon this earth (death=change of VENUES "earth to astral realm) we

are contained within the astral realm within our astral body. This astral body is in effect 

downloaded into the about to become physical vehicle when we are joined within the


The inner infinite part of our true being is never born and will never die, for truly we all are


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 9 November 2021


 This blog called WISH is about looking within ourselves for the answer to the many

questions that life throws up to us all. For me meditation opened up a whole new inner

world of undiscovered possibilities. When I took up meditation over 47 years ago  now,

it was to look for just some peace of mind and the hope to also find some serenity.

What I have found is so much more than that. Meditation is the touch-paper that ignites

the internal fire of the higher self the immortal divine soul. I never knew anything about

insight,  let alone that of intuition, until I started entering into the silence within.

All the many burning questions that I had were answered one by one along the way.

I discovered the inner presence of that still small voice within us all. This inner still small

voice the one that whispers words of comfort and reassurance when we are in a crisis

situation. Insight and intuition both arise from the same place of the higher self our 

immortal soul.

Meditation opens the door to the internal infinite space of inner self knowing. Within 

the silence when all thoughts are stilled, there arises out of the silent peace answers to

our inner yearnings and hopes  that are unfulfilled , there is wisdom within that silent inner

space, all our wishes can and will be answered within this place.

All we have to do is to pose the question, then let it go and wait for the answer, it will come

it has always has done for me, and so will it also be answered to you dear reader.

We all have many questions that need answering, you can maybe ask your family or

friends, you could ask Goggle? Or you could like I did and take up meditation and thereby

ask yourself the questions you need answering. Because we do not realise the infinite 

potential that lies within us all, we often vainly search elsewhere and miss the golden

opportunity to  ask ourselves, by searching within us. I hope and wish that this little old

blog has helped you to decide to find out the answer to life, by looking within YOU.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 8 November 2021


 Chaos is Absolute Pure Awareness prior to there being any motion or expression of

any kind. Chaos is the stateless state of Absolute motionlessness, before any motion 

was born, all that was present was the Absolute Spirit , no-thing existed ANYWHERE,

here there was no universe, no light, no darkness, no motion, no life, zero existed, this was

the stateless state of absolute nothingness, no laws, no matter, no thing was present, save

only the Absolute Singular SPIRIT alone within the eternal chaos of no-thingness.

This was before Existence Existed, before LIFE existed, here I  mention that the word 

exist comes from the Latin word 'Existere' which means to stand out from a background,

and in the pre-existent state there was zero things to stand out from anything, Life and 

motion are both the same thing, when all motion ceases so does life, it then becomes pure

spirit, which is transcendent of life .The causeless cause was born aloft within the primordial

thought wave, that gave birth to motion and its action of becoming expressed  all life, which

is expressed within the embrace of motion, was born out of CHAOS . Humanity  would not

be evident without the primal matrix which is CHAOS.

Chaos is the primal matrix from which all universal expressions arose from, chaos is

another word for the Absolute Great Spirit /GOD. When the SPIRIT is not being moved 

by an intention wave, when the Absolute is STILL, there is NO UNIVERSE. no-thing

exists anywhere, all there is present is the Absolute Potentiality held in blissful silent

stillness. When another Intention arises a universe is born out of CHAOS again.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 7 November 2021


 How is life expressed universally, In its manifold diverse expressions? This blog ISIS will

try and bring out the hidden occult workings of life being expressed within this infinite 

universe. The first thing is what is the root meaning of expression? The word expression 

in this context here means 'motion' "to flow out from a Source", the SOURCE is the 

Primordial thought wave of the Absolute ONE.  This thought wave arose within a point

a DOT within the infinite Absolute mind of the SOURCE, that dot then became a LINE

of Intentional Energy which went on to form an infinite flat circle which is the relative

universe we all know today. Life issued out (spirit) into an intentional ocean of primordial

thought (pure energy), spirit became clothed within the vortex of motion and matter (denser

energy congealed) then begun the surfing into experiences within this fluidic thought ocean

of INTENTION. All life expressions surf upon the 'pressure wave of that primordial thought

intention, which is still surging across this universe in one Magnificent Tsunami  life wave.

The SOUL-UTION that is behind this life wave is that of full self knowing, which involves 

a vast journey of discovery taking aeons of elapsed time, where the life wave (you and me)

was surfing unconsciously and had no idea of self. This surfing journey involved infinite

encounters with other energy signatures, some more aware than you, and some far less than

you. Each encounter brought you one wave closer to wakening up.

Here and now humanity is awake with that magic ingredient of "I AM" self aware 

consciousness, where we call this surfing pressure wave that of Evolution.

After aeons of time we are all waking up and realizing that we all are far far more than

just this physical body, with our self awareness, we have the power that most of other  

life expressions do not have which is the power of reflection, which is what our aware 

consciousness state is, we can reflect on ourselves and learn from our mistakes, we can ask

questions that is denied other life forms which is the most fundamental question a life 

being can ask, which is that of ""WHO AM "I"?

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Sol Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 6 November 2021


 The word occult  simply means something that is 'hidden' absolutely zero to do with anything

evil or otherwise, the word comes from the LATIN word "OCCULTUS" meaning 'hidden' 

'concealed' or 'secret' nothing to do with witchcraft or any evil doing.

Our  creative consciousness can and does reveal to us the true nature of our being. When we ask

the question to ourselves of who am I? We then invoke our consciousness to look deeply into

ourselves and enquire the true nature of our being.

The truth of our existence lies within each and everyone of us, all we need to do is to look 

within and see what lies there beyond your name, rank and serial number, there lies a silent

truth of who you are, beyond the FACADE of form you are physically presented within.

Our awareness and consciousness can look deeper within us and reveal a PRESENCE that

abides within there that is not a physical being, but rather is who you truly are and will be 

when you fully awaken from your AEONIC slumber.

Millions of human beings are all beginning to wake up and recognise that there is more to 

us than just this physical biological machine body.

You dear reader of this blog today are really far more than you currently imagine, beyond

your wildest dreams lies the true nature of who and what you actually are.

To locate this eternal infinite truth we just need to refocus our gaze to that of inward looking

rather than outward looking. The truth of you real Divine inner nature, can only be found

within you, it does not exist outside of you. If we can let go of our doubts and gross ignorance

open up our inner self, practice yoga or meditation, we can then begin to embrace the true

immortal nature of who and what you truly are.

The basic truth is this, we are all SOULS with physical bodies, and NOT BODIES which 

have a soul, the divine SOUL is a universal eternal PRINCIPLE the physical body is NOT

a principle, and thereby rots , as the real living entity (your soul) moves on to greener


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 5 November 2021


 The basic differential between consciousness and awareness is that awareness manifests

or rather is PRESENT in both this relative universe and also within the Absolute stateless

state that transcends this temporal relative universe, while consciousness manifests only 

within relativity, because only within relativity there exists the principle of reflection.

This does not exist within the Absolute realm-less realms where there is NOTHING to

REFLECT UPON, there is only PURE-AWARENESS present there. Consciousness

cannot exist without the reflective principle being operative. 

Take away the reflection and consciousness ceases to be conscious, but then becomes its

other self which is awareness, pure and simple.

Consciousness exists or rather 'seems' to exist for us all in order for us to be able to reflect

on our journey through evolutionary life. Consciousness reflections abilities allow us to learn

from our experiences and interactions between each other, without the ability to reflect we would go

around in endless circles getting nowhere fast.

Consciousness is basically a reflective phenomena, and exists in order for us to learn and grow

It  can be seen as a teacher leading its pupil (you and me) by the hand and teaching us how to

grow and expand our inner knowing, and expand our awareness .

In truth only PURE AWARENESS is real, all else is an illusion, but we need this illusion to

experience tangibility and gain insight into motional embodiment life. 

Pure awareness is Absolute and eternal ,while consciousness enfolds its life charge with the

power of reflection.

CARP is about understanding both principles and also realizing at the same time that in 

absolute truth only ONE PRINCIPLE is PRESENT and that is PURE AWARENESS which

is reflected relativity wise as that of being called consciousness.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 4 November 2021


 The ISHWARA frequency and that of omnipresent motion (OM)  I believe are one of the

same thing. ISHWARA according to the HINDUISM teachings is the only begotten not made

son of Brahman the Supreme GOD of all that IS. ISHWARA becomes infinite that omniscience

which exists in mankind as a germ. ISHWARA is the preceptor of all. not limited by time, "his

name is OM". ISHWARA is the relative universe and the totality that exists within it , is the 

infinite manifestation of the ONE begotten son of Brahman which is ISHWARA.

The OM which pulsates throughout the relative universe is a homing beacon, that will

eventually bring all life expressions back  into ONENESS and realization of the life

signature true immortal eternal identity. OM is the frequency (music of the spheres) and

ISHWARA is the "MOTIONEER" the COSMIC DANCER who enfolds all life 

expressions within its SELF. OM is the undertone and ISHWARA is the overtone both

balance  the relative universe with their harmonic signature. All expressed life universally

dances to the tune of the OM and is expressed (embodied) by the motioning of ISHWARA.

This whole universe is one magnificent orchestrated melodic dance, the dance of evolving 

energy into perceptive awareness and finally self knowing.

The conductor of this dance is ISHWARA playing the roles, with the OM belting out 

the tune of expressed life. Unconditional love manifesting within a musical note of ONENESS.

We all   have this beat this inner note of the OM ,  silently pulsating within us, when we awaken

sufficiently we will embrace this silent OM and will then gradually become aware of our own

true immortal heritage.

ISHWARA is the lord of this universe, and master of NOTHING, we are all ISHWARA 

facets of the ONE SPIRIT ENTITY, 7.7 billion facets of the one universal JEWEL=


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 3 November 2021


 This blog today called MULTIPLY when broken down spells out the way that Absolute

Spirit/GOD, is able to manifest within a relative framework we call the physical universe.

Motion first arose within the Primordial Thought wave of the Absolute ONE, and within 

this issuing out thought wave was the ESSENCE of the ONE, about whom nought can

be said. The Absolute Spirit Singularity. This essence which was Spirit was then to become

LIFE as it entered into the newly about to be formed relative universe. When Spirit left 

stillness and perpetual bliss it then transformed into what we now call LIFE. Life is really

Spirit that has become caught up in MOTION (wrapped in a motional spiral). Motion is the

thought wave causing the configuration of the relative universe, and within that motional 

cradle life was born out of the Spirit stillness, and moved into relativity.

There is only ONE MOTION and ONE LIFE but each reflects the other and motion and 

life can manifest within multiple levels and dimensions , but all have ONE PRIMARY

SOURCE ONLY. And that is the Primordial thought wave of the Absolute.

Inwardly human beings (biological machines) are spirit and are Absolute motionless, but

outwardly we are all relative and have living life expressions. Our outward expressions with

a vehicle are all localized within a temporal time space continuum, but our inner being is 

absolute and non-locale.

Through the action of motion acting upon our life vehicles we are all learning through

experiences what tangible life is like, and in so doing beginning to reconnect to our inner

source being. All of humanity is multiplying these expressed experiences by the factor of

7.7 billion times, each motion/life you and me, is sending back into the MAINFRAME  

The Absolute stillness of the SOURCE all these experiences and expressions of the ONE

multiplied 7.7 billion times.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 2 November 2021


 The question is, who are we really? What lies beneath this FACADE of form? Humanity

as a whole is called life . life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy. So we can say

that we are living intelligent energy, which we call life. The next question that arises is that

what is LIFE?  What lies within the core matrix of life? When we look deeply into life we

come across the reality that life is a singular reality, that there is NO plural to life!  Our

whole planet Earth is alive with almost an infinite variety of expressions of life, but all

these expressions no matter how many different forms  there are, ONE LIFE only is being

expressed, within  an infinite number of ways. When we understand this basic principle of

ONENESS a singular reality, we can then answer a seemingly impossible question of how 

many forms of life exist within this relative universe?  The answer is very simple just ONE

LIFE form exists within this relative universe, being expressed in an infinite variety of ways!

Mankind is on the higher ascension slope of the evolutionary arc of ascension, than many other

life expressions, we have the added bonus of self awareness and "I AM" aware consciousness

This enables us to look within ourselves and ask the question who am I ? 

We can look within ourselves and begin the process of awakening into the realization of our 

Divine immortal heritage.

By going within ourselves and beginning the regular practice of meditation we can learn how

to contact our higher selves, which is in fact our immortal divine soul, and then awaken into

a new and expanded level of awareness and a deeper level of a more profound consciousness.

When we all eventually find our true immortal soul , whether in this life time or another

incarnation, when that momentous day arrives for us, we will be so excited at this awakening

this grand state of soul realization, we will no doubt shout out WOW!!!

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 1 November 2021


 I thought this blog today would express the current topic around the world concerning 

global warming, and the many global crisis that are arising out of this increase in global

heat, plus the vast amount of damage being done by pollution of the land, sea, and air.

It seems to me that all life on Earth is being slowly suffocated in what I call A B I 

which stands for Asphyxiation-By-INSTALLMENTS. We are all slowly being choked 

to death by the pollution. Some experts  say we have only about twenty five years left,

unless there is drastic and immediate changes in our way of living and dealing with

pollution. I personally think about ten years is all we have left, unless major global

changes are made soon, like tomorrow!

So called third world countries are being used as dumping grounds for the wests toxic

waste, we our exporting it to poorer nations which then pollutes and poisons their land

as well. Lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are on the rise

globally, due to air pollution any other causes due to pollution and chemicals. Our oceans

are totally polluted, and overfished, so much so that many fish are now extinct. Along 

with this disaster  raw sewage is being pumped into our seas, in the UK  this is being 

done on a wide ranging scale, it is a national disgrace, and our beaches are unfit to swim 

in. Our children will have nowhere safe to live, and will slowly suffocate as the Amazon

is reduced to cattle farms and trillions of tress cut down, and all the vast variety of wild

life there exterminated.

Global warming, and global pollution and over fishing which will reduce the oceans to 

sterile polluted dead water. Which will in fact disturb  the very fabric  of human

evolution, future incarnations will become impossible because of this soon to become 

a super toxic wasteland. So instead of being able to come here and experience physical

embodiment, and thereby live tangible lives and gather valuable experiences while being

a physical human, we will be forced to remain within the astral realms, unable to find

complete fulfilment because the Earth is now unsuitable for physical life to be sustained.

This will in effect bring to a halt our evolutionary journey, because without the physical

duality of human life, we will be unable to progress into fully realized spiritual beings

we all totally need the physical aspect of incarnation in order to become fully awake into

the full realization of your inner divine immortal nature. This cannot be achieved by solely

interacting within the astral realm. This coming future could be come a nightmare if we do

not all soon act and change our ways of doing things.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If  this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.