Sunday 31 December 2017

Awakening-When-All-Resistance-Expires. =A.W.A.R.E. part two.

We resist so much,mostly completely unaware of what we are even resisting?  The main thing we
all resist, and is the main cause of all our woes, planetary,and personal, is our resistance to look
within ourselves, we are all "mesmerised and fascinated", as though we were in a "trance like state"
transfixed and "held hostage" by our electronic gadgets, like smart phones,and tablets, these gadgets,
that connect that connect us to the "media highway" and the mediocre shallow bullshit it peddles
out 24/7. These electronic devices, keep us in a trance like state,and stop all chance of ever looking
within,why you might miss some shallow crap gossip,if you took the trouble to look within you!
Ignorance and resistance are the two biggest foes of mankind, because all the while we are caught
up in this "web of lies" we are hopelessly lost,and a total stranger to reality and how life really
So what can we do?Good question! The main problem is that so many are hopelessly lost within
themselves, and to further compound this fact,they are not even "aware"that they are "LOST"
therefore a solution cannot be found in these circumstances.
What happens to a soul that has been "lost for ages"is that the inner spirit, the soul, will bring about
circumstances, that will culminate in a minor or major crisis,this will bring about a change of
awareness and the beginning of a process that will lead the man out of ignorance into an understanding of who he really is, this will be brought about by the man who for the first time in his life , actually beginning to look within himself.
To begin examining the truth of his being,"who am I"? He asks,and through regular practice of meditation and yoga,he begins to find out who he really is.
We cannot awaken into full realisation of whom we really are,until we begin to let go of all
resistance, when we can expire this constant need to resist, and what are we all resisting anyway?
Basically, we are all resisting the need to "change" we do not like change! And many of us resist
it to the point the it can and often kill us in the process, is this not a form of insanity?
In part three will try and tie up all loose ends, warmest regards Michael, face book soul realisation. any feed back welcomed.

Saturday 30 December 2017

Awakening-When-All-Resistance-Expires. =A.W.A.R.E.

What are we aware of? What is the depth of our awareness? Are we as shallow as a Sahara desert
puddle? Or as deep as the ocean?
Science informs us that ninety seven per cent of us our unaware of our full reality, we are just
three per cent aware! Like icebergs we are more submerged (unconscious) than awake, just three
per cent awake,and yet, this too might be an overestimation? We need to consider  what humanity
actually is,and what is the make up of mankind?
First, man is a three fold being, physical,mental, and spiritual, yet the vast majority of mankind
is only really operating on just two dimensions,that of the physical, and the mental, the spiritual
dimension in millions of us is all but totally dead, and un-awakened .
That being the case millions of us are only "firing on two cylinders" rather than three, so that our
awareness of reality is only existent within a very limited degree  within us.
The whole dimension of spirituality is dead within us.
We may well be no more than actually just two per cent consciousness,and ninety eight per cent
unconscious and unaware.
Some say that mankind is sleepwalking into oblivion, completely unaware that he is un-awake
and only two per cent active.
Yet mankind prides himself in his "apparent"awareness "look at what we have achieved" "he
proudly boasts" not even aware that his boasting has actually "raped" the planet, polluted its
oceans,fouled the air we breathe,destroyed millions of acres of virgin rain forests,those trees that
make oxygen which we all need to breathe.
The planet is in great distress,oceans polluted,fish stocks plunging, and disease within marine life.
Then mankind is in the grip of an epidemic of disease, millions are dying from cancer and heart
disease,plus millions more from addictions, and mental and emotional illnesses.
Short of a miracle, mass awakening of mankind is somewhat doubtful, so we will have to rely
on individual souls awakening into a higher level of consciousness and beginning to make their
presence known to us all,  by bringing our attention to the damage we are all doing to our planet.
Green peace is doing an excellent job in doing this,taking on the cartels, like oil and big Pharma,
and exposing the damage they do to our planet, and to our lives.
In part two will explore a process of waking up.regards Michael. any feed back welcomed facebook soul realisation,

Anguish-Descends-Downwards-Into-Conscious-Thoughts-Impeding-Our-Nature.=A.D.D.I.C.T,I.O.N. P3.

The nature of addiction, reveals itself in the feeling of "longing" this longing, when looked into
its nature,further reveals a deep need to become "unified within the whole", our innermost nature
which is that of a Divine soul incarnate, calls out longingly to our outer self, saying please look
within and unite with your TRUE higher self,that of the soul.
All addictions have their root cause in the need for "unification" with the "whole" the biggest
obstacle to this unification with our higher self , the soul,  is that of our gross ignorance of who
and "WHAT" we really ARE!
We don't know who we really are, therefore, we feel a longing deep within us,do not understand
where it comes from, and therefore try and "fill"this "hunger" with all manner of things,like,
booze,drugs,food, sex,excessive egotism, (embodied in the SELFIE CRAZE) mental and emotional
illnesses, all these manifestations are our response to try and fill a "deep hole"within our psyche.
We each have an opportunity to change this,usually, after a crisis has visited us, then we are brought
up against our seemingly fragility of our life, and what happens to us if we die?
When we eventually look within ourselves,we suddenly feel that we have tapped into an unexpected
source of POWER.
This POWER is the energy of our soul, the spirit within all of us.When we embark on a practice
or yoga, we begin to open up a door within us,that leads to an expansion of awareness and consciousness, we begin to realise that we are far more than just a human being,we begin to wake
up to the knowledge that we are all souls, with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls.
We begin to see the true nature of all our longing, we "yearn for UNITY" to become WHOLE,
in mind, body, and spirit, rathefr than being "fragmented" as we all have been most of our lives.
By aligning ourselves with our true inner nature,that of souls incarnating upon the earth plane
to learn and gather experience.
When we can do that, that empty hollow feeling within us, will begin to "heal over"we will begin
the healing process of being restored and united with the WHOLE of our being,then we will see
ourselves as we truly ARE,that of DIVINE SOULS INCARNATE, immortal and eternal beings.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation,

Thursday 28 December 2017

Anguish-Descends-Downwards-Into-Conscious-Thoughts-Impeding-Our-Nature.A.D.D,I C.T.I.O.N. Part2

What is the true nature of all addictions? I firmly believe that the true nature of all addictions, is a
deep and inner "LONGING" a longing for "wholeness"a longing for "something" that seems "missing" in our life, an emptiness,a "hollow feeling", a yearning for something that we cannot
quite understand , or put a name to.
Yet we all feel it, sometimes the feeling is very strong,other times it is just there in the back ground
of our consciousness.
What we are really longing for is "UNION" "completeness"a feeling that we are truly "WHOLE"
complete, and at one within our inner being.
What then causes this deep inner longing?Why do we feel this hollow feeling within us?
The answer to these questions lies in the understanding of just what a human being actually is,
because it is in what we ARE is the sole reason why we feel this lack of "UNION"which expresses
itself within us as a "longing feeling"we feel incomplete because we are only operating within two
dimensions, rather than three.
Human beings are three dimensional beings physical, mental, and spiritual, the vastness of humanity
however,only operate on two dimensions, that of the physical, and the mental,the spiritual dimension
is largely unawakened , therefore this is the reason for our longing and the operating force behind all
our addictions.
Our souls are calling out from within us,which presents itself as a longing feeling, hoping that we
will take notice, and look within to find the source of this longing,if we fail to take notice  of these
inner promptings of the soul,the promptings begin to get more severe, we may even die in the
process, only to be born again, and try harder next time!
Our addictions begin to get more severe if we fail to take notice of these inner promptings, we
become very ill,and crisis calls at our door,
This is our souls way of trying desperately to gain our attention, and cause us to look within ourselves for the answer to our yearnings and longings.
We are all Divine souls incarnated on Earth to learn and gather experience. The main experience
we need to understand is that bt making mental contact with our inner true SELF that of the soul
we then become WHOLE and COMPLETE , then the longing feeling will begine to evaporate like
the mist before the rising sun.
in part three will look at ways of finding this path towards soul contact,warmest regards michael, any comments welcome,face book soul realisation.

Wednesday 27 December 2017


The substances we are addicted to,take the place of our soul, edging it out of our consciousness.
What then is the nature of addiction? Whom among us, is not addicted to something? I understand
addiction very well,after being under its horrendous lash for many years, my addiction took the
form of alcoholism, addicted to booze,so much so that it almost, but not quite killed me off, my
doctor gave me three months left to live, this was back in 1974, that's when i faced my addiction,
asked the Infinite Spirit for help,and surrendered my addiction to its Infinite Will.
That was nearly forty four years ago now, and i have enjoyed a clean and sober life ever since.
The nature of addiction is in the need of humanity to fill a gaping hole within the human psyche
or centre of being.
Humanity today is likened to the "legion of lost souls" billions of us are hopelessly lost within an
all embracing "emptiness" that engulfs our entire being, we are "Hollow people" a yawning gash
a chasm exists within us, which demands filling, and what will we fill this yawning gap with?
Drink,drugs, food,sex,compulsive and excessive egotism, like the obsession for taking photos
of yourself,selfies=bloated egotism) glued to smart phones,and other media reporting gadgets,
all make of worthless plastic, which if the battery were removed, what use would it really be??
Those who fool themselves that they are not addicted to anything, need to look carefully in the
mirror, they fool themselves by bullshit, and blindness, we are ALL addicted to something, find
out what your addiction is my friend.
The obvious ones like drugs, drink, and food, are very easy to detect,but there are many subtle
addictions that we all have,all in their own way,trying to fill a hole within us.
Addiction, exposes very clearly the nature of the arising need to "fill up" cover an opening within
ourselves, we need to rephrase the name of humanity to be the "HOLE" of humanity, rather that
the "WHOLE" of humanity.
Because within humanity as a "W"HOLE, there is a gaping "HOLE"that is being filled by many,
many, various addictions, tens of millions of us die each year in pain,anguish, and suffering due to
the nature of their particular addiction.
Instead of being WHOLE PEOPLE, balanced and healthy, we are instead, HOLE people, unbalaced
and very sick, in mind,body, and soul, What is missing from all the HOLENESS, is the "W" which
when attached to the word HOLE, then completes a healthy circuit of harmony, and we then are
transformed into WHOLE BEINGS, rather than fragmented ones,
In part two, will go deeper into this nature of addiction, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome, face book soul realisation.

Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S. part three.

Reality (spirit,consciousness) hides from us in plain sight,everything we touch,taste,feel,see, and
hear, is spirit, yet we call it many millions of different names, little realising that everything we are
ever aware of is exactly the SAME THING, and that the only "real difference " is in the vibrational
rate of the object been viewed, that is all.
All is energy,energy is consciousness,and consciousness in its highest degree is SPIRIT, which
further reveals its highest degree of expression that of LIFE of which we know nothing about,
yet we are all "IT" we are LIFE,Spirit, on two legs!
How then can we know this truth about our inner being? Good question!Man can spend a thousand
or more life times here on earth, and still not know who he really is.
There is only really one tried and trusted way of discovering yourself, and that is by going within yourself, looking within yourself by the practice of meditation or yoga, however mankind is
resistant to doing this,he is "FAR TOO FASCINATED" by outward looking"bullshit" like smart
phones, taking selfies, (bloated egotism)  checking FACEBOOK, and TWITTER, and all the other
social media outlets, to even think about looking within himself. That is of course until his inner self
the soul, decides  its time to re-orient your "gaze" from outward looking to inward looking, the soul
does this by bringing a crisis into your "field of vision", this crisis can come in the shape of illness
like cancer, or heart disease, or maybe be in the form of loosing your job,or marriage break up, this
crisis, although at first seems like a very negative thing, is in fact a "Godsend"to you, it is the Divine
within you trying to rescue you from further suffering and torment.
When we are in the "throws" of a crises and our life may  well hang in the balance, like mine once
did, many years ago.
It utter despair we call out in anguish, looking for help and hope, then in our "darkest hour"just
before the dawn breaks, a "voice" from within us, calls out in a reassuring voice, "all will be well"
it says, peace will come, this inner voice which is the voice of our Divine self, the soul or higher
self,opens up the door way within us, we are then invited to turn our gaze inward, to take up the
daily practice of meditation or yoga, which will eventually lead us into full realisation of our inner
Divinity and an understanding that we are all spirit expressed as a human being in order to gain
experience about our true immortal identity.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, face book soul realisation.

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S. Part two.

No man has ever seen reality,or ever will, while in mortal form.
Science and quantum physics all say and agree, that all matter is really just energy, and then has
postulated further that energy seems to show  and demonstrate the very clear faculty of intelligence
which further suggests to quantum physicist, that this "intelligence" is really just another word for
"consciousness", and when consciousness is investigated more fully, it will then yield an inner
nature of consciousness, that of SPIRIT.
And that finally, all science will have to admit, that energy is consciousness,consciousness is
really spirit,and that finally SPIRIT is really "LIFE" the VERY LIFE OF ALL LIFE,that of the
So when we can begin to see just what we are, and what all else really is,we can begin to understand
how we are all interconnected and connected,to the "WHOLENESS"of the ABSOLUTE, we are
forever "SAFE" and SECURE" because what we really are is "SPIRIT" "clothed"in a "SHEATH"
called the physical body, the physical body is a vehicle for your "indwelling immortal soul" which
in turn is a vehicle for the indwelling SPIRIT.
We are "spirit"made into the "shape" of what we call a "human being" we are made into this "shape"
the physical body, in order for us to wake up, and realise our Divine and immortal nature,
There is but ONE SPIRIT, manifested into billions of "FACETS"all of humanity, all seven billion
human beings on this planet, are all "facets" within the "ONE JEWEL", that JEWEL being the
Living within every human being is a "glint"of "sparkling brightness", "LIVING LIGHT" a golden
spark of the absolute resides within us all.
This is the "SELF" and that SELF, is absolute,reincarnation is the Absolutes way of making sure
that after being buried within matter and forgetting our divinity for billions of years,that we are given
endless opportunities to "awaken"from our long slumber and find out our true eternal and immortal
In part three we will explore the process of waking up. warmest regards michael. any feed back welcome, face book soul realisation.

Monday 25 December 2017

Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S,

There is an ancient axiom, which says,"that reality is hidden in plain sight, and we see it not"
we too have a saying which says, "we are like ships that pass in the night, we pass each other
without ever knowing we were there".
We each have senses,sight,hearing,smelling, tasting, and touching, and we have access to
awareness and consciousness, thoughts and feelings, if we say focus on sight, what do you actually
see? You look around your place of viewing, and what do you actually see? If you were asked to name all the things you see, you would most likely come up with many "different" things,all called
by different names,I saw a bird,a tree, a car, people, grass, dogs, what you "thought" you saw was
several different things, but in "reality" you only ever "saw" ONE THING, that of SPIRIT,
disguised in what appears many different forms.
If we look at what science says about matter, and what it is,what does quantum physics say about
matter?Quantum physics says that matter is actually energy, and mainstream science agree that
ALL MATTER is ENERGY, everything you see, touch,taste, smell,hear,is energy, we are all ENERGY, now quantum physics is postulating that matter is energy, and that they now believe
that energy is just another name for consciousness! The next discovery will be I predict very soon
will be that they will then see that CONSCIOUSNESS is actually SPIRIT, and that spirit is just
another name for LIFE, which then translates as the ABSOLUTE,GOD, BRAHMAN.
So getting back to what you think you see? In absolute truth there is only the ABSOLUTE, who
is ALONE within its UNKNOWABLE IS-LESS NESS, we and the universe are all within this
unknowable Absolute Infinite LIFE FORCE, that is absolute, that is who we really ARE, when
we "SHED OUR MANY SHEATHS" of expressions, here and now we are ALL RELATIVE
beings,living here on the earth plane, doing what we can to get by, and find some joy and peace
There is also an ancient saying, that says "ALL NAMES BELONG TO ME" thus says the ABSOLUTE GOD, we get confused in seeing what we think are many many, things, but in
reality, and science confirms this  ancient truth, that everything you see, touch, taste, smell,
is ALL THE VERY SAME THING, that of energy, matter, consciousness, spirit. everything
in the universe is made of exactly the SAME THING, there is no such thing as (THINGS) only
thing exists in reality.
In part two will explore this more deeply. warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Sunday 24 December 2017

Why Are We Here ? Part Three.

There are two basic questions that mankind has been asking of itself for many centuries past, the
first question asked is "who am I"? And the second question is "why am I here"?
The first question has been answered in other blogs here, that of who am I? So i will try and finally
answer this blogs question  in this part three of why we are here?
Mankind is not what he thinks he is, humans are not what they think they are. The term human being,
what does that term actually mean? Do you know? What we call human being is really addressing
that of the soul (which is wholly divine) the shape and "thing" that we call a human being, living
in a physical body is in FACT and in TRUTH a "SPACESUIT" what we call a human body is really
just a vehicle for the "divine soul" to gather experience here on the earth plane.
The mistake we all make and continue to make for sometimes thousands of life times is that we
mistakenly identify with the "SPACESUIT" as being the our real nature, and thereby spend centuries
lost within our material space suit, and NOT revealing the divine spirit  that dwells within us.
The sole reason we are here,is to wake up from our long,long, slumber,and look within ourselves,
rather than repeatedly looking outward and thereby remaining lost and empty.
In this modern age, humanity is hopelessly lost,save for a few who look within themselves.
In this day of social media,and taking selfies (egotism)on smart phones,everyone is actively
encouraged to forever look outward, spend your days looking at FACE BOOK, and other media
outlets, spend,spend, look,look, forever  outward, the result of this blind ignorance is magnified
pain, and endless suffering,millions are dying every year because of selfishness,,rabid egotism,
and addictions to alcohol, drugs, food, sex, and a whole other lot of mental and emotional illnesses.
All these maladies are arising from our total ignorance of who we really are, and no one ever looking
within themselves to find the answer,
Until we start looking within us,and finding our true nature, that of divine sons and daughters of
the Absolute, God, Brahman,unless we take up meditation or yoga,and reveal our true divine nature
we ourselves are doomed to die, life after life,in pain and agony, the choice dear reader is yours to
make,you chose to come here and learn who you really ARE, when will you start this process of
looking within you? Will it be today, perhaps????????
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome face book soul realisation.

Saturday 23 December 2017

Why Are We Here? Part Two.

Why is mankind here upon this planet earth? For what is the purpose of our being here? These
questions naturally arise within our minds at some time or another.
We may muse quietly to ourselves, why are we here?  Did I chose this life?  These questions about
our being here, often arise when life and circumstances are not going the way we like, or we feeling
unhappy with our life,or we are having a crisis in our life, and this is making us reflect on what is
this life all about?
We look around us,see others far better of money wise than us,and this makes us jealous and envious
of this,or is it we feel ill,and others seem to be healthier than we are,why are they so healthy  and
me so ill? Its not fair!! We can say.
Mankind is on a journey, a journey that will eventually lead him to fully discover his latent divinity
and the God head that dwells within him.
We have all been journeying for billions of years, our bodies are made of "star dust"stars that burnt
out of existence billions of years ago, we are the result! The earth the planet we live on, our physical
bodies,are all composed of star dust.Star material that has evolved into "YOU" now reading this blog!
We must first understand "what we are" before we can fully understand the question, "why are we here"? Human beings are in "FACT"  (SPIRIT) condensed and steeped  down VASTLY in vibration ,
"slowed down" congealed,"set" "solidified" spirit then takes on a "sheath" (vehicle) that is called the
soul. The soul then takes on a "sheath" (vehicle) so that it can express itself upon the earth plane, this
vehicle is then called the physical body, which is basically a "space suit" for the soul to gain purchase
in this dense physical realm.
So that now we know what we are ,we can then better answer the question,why are we here?
We are all eternal immortal beings,but the fact is, very very few of us actually are aware of this fact
and know it to be true.
We believe that we are all "individual beings" and independent of each other,all these ideas are false
and entirely untrue. We are each direct reflections of each other,mirror imaging,and replicating
manner and style, the whole human race is connected and interconnected with each other and the
universe as a whole.
We are all one divine family,all eternal spirit,all immortal,death is an illusion,albeit a very convincing
one as Albert Einstein once remarked! Death is just another name for "change" we die,ascend into the
astral realm,stay a while, then descend again here on earth to explore our true nature and gather more
necessary experience, through living here in human form.
Each life time we experience here, hopefully brings us closer to a full realisation of who we really are
then we will know why we are here,And clearly see the reason  behind the experiences we all must
undergo in order to fully understand this great truth and full comprehension of why we are here.
In part three we will fully explore this, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

WHY ARE WE HERE? (Dedicated to my friend Sathish Prince)

                           Blog idea suggested by Sathish Prince,

The universe is totally governed by natural law, "all is under law" and we as human beings
are no exception!
All universal laws emanate from within the infinite embrace of the Absolute, or Brahman, God,
God, alone alone is above the law, and is the only exception to all that is,the Absolute is the law
and the law is Absolute.
Before answering the question of this blog,why are we here? We maybe need to look at what we are first! So the first question is, what are we? What are these things called human beings?
We are all Divine  beings brothers and sisters of the ONE FATHER, a divine manifestation, we
are all "spirit" first, soul second, and a human third, our "human body" is basically a "space suit"
for the indwelling soul while incarnation.
We are all sons and daughters of the Absolute, here on earth to rediscover our inherent divinity
we are all "points"of consciousness within the "Absolute mind" seven billion facets of the "ONE
JEWEL" that of the Absolute.
So that is who we are very briefly, now we can answer the question, why are we here?
The only reason any of "us" our here is to discover our inherent divinity, to find out who we really are,we are "god incarnate", but it might take us a million life times to finally  realise this truth about
our "Real Nature".
Coming back and forth in and out of carnation.At first our journeying in and out of incarnation
is wholly automatic, we have NO say in the matter,the natural law of which we are all fimly
embedded within, decides our incarnations, back and forth with rapid succession, life after life
we are existing through, until, one day, there is a "dawning" within us, a feeling that arises from
the very depths of our being, it echo's through our mind, and within our heart,it stirs something
from within us,a distant memory begins to dawn upon us,we feel an inner urge, that we are far
more than we ever before realised.
This is the beginning of our awakening into the truth of who we really are,our divine heritage
is about to be discovered by us this very day.
In part two will expand this more inclusively ,warmest regards michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

Friday 22 December 2017


Who but the authority of God, can bestow grace? Can man actually bestow grace upon himself ?
A Great Master was once asked by his ardent devotee, Master, he said, what is the difference between
you and me? The Master replied, to the ardent devotee,my son, the only difference between you and me, is this, I am God, and I know that I am, you are God, and you do not know that you are! That is
the difference, between you and ME.
In the Western Bible, there is a verse which says to a follower  of God, I (being God)  have been closer to you than your hands and feet, and you know me not! God, the Absolute, Brahman, is
totally within every atom of our being, there can be "NO-DISTANCE"-WHATSOEVER between
you and GOD,NONE! Therefore we need to realise that we are all indeed  "GOD" for in absolute
truth, no-thing else exists within the absolute universe, except GOD ALONE!!!!
This is the final and only reality there can ever be, the entire physical, mental, and spiritual universe
is composed of just ONE REALITY.that of Brahman, Absolute.or God, nothing else exists  except
Thereby we can now understand, that any grace bestowed upon any being, is given to them by
their higher self, their soul, or God within them.
Mankind in many ways very childlike  and immature, and imagines that if they are "very good"
God will reward them with a favour! This can NEVER OCCUR, because that would imply
that the Absolute infinite Father of ALL LIFE, who showers us all with its "unconditional love"
would somehow, develop a state where it had "favourites" Special souls who would be given
favours, while the rest of us "poor unfortunates" got SOD ALL!!!! This would make the Absolute
God a mockery and a sham! Thank GOD, it is NOT SO!
Grace descends into our conscious orbit, when we are aligned with the energies within us, even if
for an instant, grace is often aligned with acceptance, and the greater the depth of acceptance, the
more the energy of grace is released into our consciousness.
As we go deeper into ourselves, we draw ever closer to the home and heart of grace, that of the
feeling of the spirit dwelling within us, the closer we come to God consciousness, the closer we
draw near to the essence of grace itself, that of DIVINE UNITY WITHIN, when we achieve that
we will live within grace, every day and be blessed every day by her grace,
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome face book soul realisation.

Thursday 21 December 2017


What is GRACE? Have you ever experienced it? Is grace a BOON from God? Or have you actually
earned it,(albeit unknowingly)? By the grace of God, what does this actually mean?
Is God the "bestow-er of Grace"? Or are we the be- stowers of grace upon our selves? Could it not
be, that our actual be-stow-er of grace is our higher self the soul?
So many questions about what grace could actually be, it seems to me that we are the actual be-stow-ers of grace upon ourselves. If you think that it is God (Brahman)  that be-stow-es this grace upon us
then is this BE-STOW-ER of grace separate from us? And if so how? How can the Absolute God of
all there is,was, and will ever be,apart from its own manifestations? Are we not all emanations from
within the essence of the Absolute, Brahman, GOD? And if we are that, which seems surely to be
the case,therefore from where does grace arise from? What is its source?
The reality of this thing called grace is as i see it, be-stowed upon ones-self by the acceptance of
all, physical,mental, emotional,and spiritual aspects of being at a great depth,the greater the depth
of our acceptance of all things they are, the greater depth of grace and peace will befall us.
Grace will befall upon us, directly through our "letting go of all resistance" physically,mentally,
and spiritually, and emotionally as well, when our resistance falls to "ZERO POINT" GRACE
descends within us, as a direct result of our inner tranquillity that made our mind still and clear,
all is calmed within,in the very stillness  of focused quietude, GRACE is the BOON that we be-stow
upon ourselves, when we live in harmony  with the natural laws of life.
Grace and acceptance go hand in hand, together,complete and total acceptance of our life and all the manifestations that arise from within it,will bring about the state of grace quite automatically.
When we say things like , by the grace of God willing , will see you tomorrow, what do we really mean?
Well if we think it through, what is tomorrow? There is only ever the eternal now,so tomorrow is
a meaningless expression  of something that can NEVER happen in reality, tomorrow never
arrives, does it! We will see you now,as we are so doing,that grace is be-stowed upon us now!
G-R-A-C-E GOD- Realised-As- Consciousness-Expands how can we expand our level and depth
of  consciousness?
We will explore this in part two tomorrow.warm regards michael. any feedback welcome, face book soul realization 

Wednesday 20 December 2017

I-Dream-Of-Love.=I.D.O.L. Part Three.

Love, which stands for,Living-Omnipotent-Vibrant-Energy=LOVE, is the universal "glue" that
binds all focused expressions of its awesome power, and holds all within its coherent "loving
When love becomes expressed and condensed into form, it takes on a "cloth or sheath"which then
becomes known as a different name, that of a "VITAL" force, VITALITY is the outer expression
the inner love principle,vitality is also a living principle(the outer expressed of the inner love) that
if it is not fully manifest within us,we are often called to be "lacking in vitality"that is the outer
appearance,the inner reality is that we are also lacking the nourishing vibration of Divine Love.
Millions die every year, due to a lack of vitality (love) without the tender embrace of love,  we
just wither away and die.
What we really need to know, and fully understand, is that we as human beings are basically a
"enclosed energy circuit"(the many layers or sheaths of the auras) that is charged with vital life
enriching energy,(here we need to understand that energy,is really FOOD) and the food of life
equals love =vitality.
Now mankind makes the fatal mistake, due to his ignorance ,of looking for vitality and love
outside of himself, this will only prolong his sufferings, and will eventually eliminate man from
his incarnation, and he will be recycled again later,and hopefully choose wiser next time!
But it need not be this way, man is Divine by nature of his Divine heritage,man is a living divine
soul incarnate, the very embodiment of the principle that he so badly needs!! If only he knew to
look within himself for the answer.
Human beings are love (vitality) incarnate into physical form.Inwardly they are are the essense
of the love principle, LOVE ITSELF, outwardly they are vital (provided of course, they are in
tune with their inner self) if not, then their vitality (love) will be spasmodic and be drawing the
life essence, from a much lower level of vibration,thereby lacking in vibrant energy, rather just
sluggish and wearisome.
The solution to banishing a lack of energy, lack of vitality, lack of feeling loved and accepted,
is by going within ourselves, accepting the awesome fact and reality, that YOU ARE DIVINE, yes
DIVINE on two legs!! Every atom in your entire energy matrix is 100 per cent LOVE, YOU ARE
IT, you do not have to look for love, you are it, look in the mirror, what looks back at you through those eyes is the DIVINE BEING, who YOU ARE. Dream of love no MORE, you are IT.
Warmest regards Michael ay feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

I-Dream-Of-Love.-I.D,O.L. Part Two.

We all search throughout our lives for love, and acceptance, we search hoping to fill that deep
longing within us, that empty feeling that makes us feel like there is something missing in our
Love is an energy, that we all need in order to be fully alive,millions though never find this energy
(love) and therefore wither and die, lonely and broken desperate souls, unloved, and unaccepted
die of illness and lack of "vitality" for that is what love actually is, "VITAL" to life, in fact it is
LIFE, Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy.
So what is missing from the lives of the millions who die every year unloved and unwanted?
One answer to this most "vital" question of what is missing from those lives, lies in the very word
"VITAL" which stands for,Vibrant-inner-Truth-Activates-Life=VITAL.
Vital is LOVE enclosed by "form" (body) and ignorance, unless we find this vital reality within us
we will wither away from a lack of VITALITY, which translates  as a lack of love.
Because we do not know ourselves, our own ignorance is actually causing our demise.
We are all "sparks" of the ABSOLUTE , absolute being made relative,and "clothed" in what we call
a physical body.
A human being "YOU" now reading this, this is a fact and a reality,the living embodiment of
universal LOVE, made manifest in physical form.
We  are love (vitality) in physical form, love is our NATURE. it is WHO YOU REALLY ARE,
but because of mass ignorance, and a complete failure of education throughout this planet earth,
children are taught all manner of bullshit, that will allow them to pass exams and get a job,  but
NOT ONE MENTION of who they actually ARE, They are not told that they are immortal souls
that they are the very embodiment of DIVINE LOVE,  oh no they are never taught this most basic
and fundamental reality of all our TRUE NATURE, we are all Divine sons and daughters of the
Absolute,that is the TRUTH, that is Never Told to man or ever taught in schools, why then is this
betrayal of man kind allowed to flourish?
In part three,will embrace more of this principle of love VITAL
warmest regards michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Monday 18 December 2017

I-Dream-Of-Love -I,D.O.L.

What is it that we all need, and crave for? Well there may be many answers to this question, such as
lots of money, good health, but the most important thing i believe we all want is love, we all need and
want to be loved, loved for what we are, accepted,being loved helps us to feel as though we are whole
and valued.
It is said, that love makes the world go around, but those millions of us that receive no love, or respect, life seems empty and full of longing.
Longing for love, longing for acceptance, longing to fit in with others, be part of something, rather
than apart, and lonely.
How many of us, lie awake at night, and wish we had someone to love, and better still, someone who would love us.
Love is food for the soul,without the warmth of love, we become cold and bitter, open to all manner of dis-ease, because we are in fact the very embodiment of love incarnate, we are all first, spirit, second, we are soul, and third we are a physical body, all theses aspects of our presentation here on
earth, are actually all born out of unconditional love, we all are, everything on earth is manifested
by unconditional love, yet we know it not, and are completely unaware of this reality.
The mistakes we make, are all really born out of our ignorance, we all go looking for love and acceptance, never once realising that what we are actually looking for (love) resides within us, we
are LOVE, and fail to see this hidden truth, millions go looking for love, while millions more go
looking for GOD, (God is not lost) you are! Love is not out there, love lives within you.
If we look within ourselves, we will find the love that resides within us, our heat chakra is the home
of love, joy, and acceptance, we have but just look within our selves.
Because we have lost our way,and are ignorant of our true identity, we become shallow beings, and
empty vessels, love and respect, have been replaced by rabid selfishness and egotism,love for spiritual things and beings, is being replaced by worship of footballers,in the west a man who kicks
a bag of wind around (a football) is paid an obscene amount of money, and is like a GOD to his
fans, can not we see through this utter bullshit, and see it for what it really IS, the same thing for
celebrities and film stars, hollow fractured people, loved and adored by millions of fans,  who read all about them in special magazines, devoted solely to reporting about what these celebs think, what they wear, which is copied by the fans, how hollow and shallow we have all become, where is there any depth? Are we really that hungry and desperate to show interest  in what theses famous people actually do? Are we really that interested  in whether they fart in the bath!
We are all love incarnate,we are all souls with bodies, we are all within one divine family, and we are
all loved and accepted by the Great Spirit, in whom we live and move and have our being.
In part two will go deeper into this, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realisation

Saturday 16 December 2017

You-Open-gateway-ATMA =Y.O.G.A. Part Three.

Mankind, is living within the ranks of "the legion of the lost", until man finds himself by going
within,he is cast adrift, within a ocean of despair,agony, and pain,he is forever destined to circle
around his precious ego, "like a great white shark,about to devour its prey" man is being "devoured"
eater alive, by his ego, and selfish nature.
Usually, when we have suffered enough, been through many heartaches, illnesses,and traumatic
crisis, we then become open to the need to change.
Here man who has suffered enough, begins the journey inwards,embarking on a path that will finally
lead him to finding his true inner nature,and unification with his higher self ,the soul.
YOGA, has many paths , that lead to final liberation from the bondage of self, we can all choose
one that resonates within us.
In my own case i went within myself, and sat quietly, for more than forty years, listening to that
still small voice within me(that of the soul)  this inner voice was very spasmodic at first, and
sometimes, months would pass without any contact, but i persisted daily.
It took me years to finally be able to still the mind, so that all thoughts ceased, when this started to occur, the inner voice became more frequent.
Union or YOGA, means that everything within the universe is connected to you,and you are connected to it,we are all connected to (GOD) by the nature our indwelling spirit, and we are
connected to nature, the stars, and planets,plus every human being, who in fact is your brother or
Total connection with all matter,mind,and spirit,we are connected and interconnected with the
WHOLE of expressed life.
We realise this truth within ourselves,we see that we are all immortal eternal beings,who are all
on a journey of discovery, and gaining experience while being expressed here on Earth.
When we have learned all there is to understand here on Earth(which may take a few weeks!!!!!)
we will then move on,to greater and more adventurous discoveries, in other parts of this wonderful
universe, which we all call HOME.
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, face book soul realisation,

Friday 15 December 2017

You-Open-Gateway-ATMA=Y.O.G.A. Part two.

What is Man? A human being! What then is a human being? Because we are enclosed within the
form of a physical body, we therefore identify with it as being what we really are. This is not true
we are NOT the body physical, the physical body is basically and actually just a vehicle, (spacesuit)
for the indwelling soul, so that it can gain purchase  upon this dense physical realm,in order for it
to gain experience  upon the earth plane of existence.
The soul is a vehicle for the indwelling spirit, that of the ATMA. Man is actually that of Divinity
incarnate  (though he knows it not) God made manifest upon the Earth plane.
Yoga (union) is the royal path that will eventually lead the seeker into the portal  of expansive
consciousness, and magnified perception and awareness.
The ultimate goal for the whole of humanity is unification within the WHOLE, this will of course
take many thousands of years to finally be accomplished.
But a start has already been made by many thousands of seekers of inner truth, men and women
who are stilling their mind, quietening the monkey mind,and finding their consciousness and
perceptions expanding.
The doorway to wisdom opens when we consciously recognise our own ignorance, and begin to
practice humility and love towards our fellow man, and life in general.
When we make a daily practice of going within ourselves, we are gradually opening an inner door
that will lead us all into full liberation from the bondage of self and selfishness,which is the ego
within the man, that seeks satisfaction for itself,and exhibits mainly an exclusive nature, rather
than that of the spiritual nature, which is that of inclusiveness.
When we open the gateway that will lead us out of ignorance into wisdom and understanding,
we have embarked upon the most important journey we will ever take in the whole of our living
We will discover, and what's more, know, who we really are, the dreams and falsehoods will melt
away, as we go deeper into our true being, our inner intuition, (the voice of the soul) will begin
communicating with us, we will learn and trust this inner voice, this voice is NOT the voice of the
EGO, which is that of self concern, and selfishness, this inner voice is your higher self, and that
of the divine spirit within you.YOU will soon learn the difference, from that of the ego's voice, to
that of the soul.
In part three will try and unite the blog on yoga into a hopefully final chapter.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome, face book soul realisation.


The meaning of the word YOGA, actually means "union"linking up all the fragmented parts of man
into one unified WHOLE.
How is this done? Well there are many ways and forms of meditation and yoga practices, that can be
used to begin the process that will lead to ultimate unification within the WHOLE ,yoga, union with
We open the gateway that will lead eventually to union , we will discover the ATMA within us,
ATMA means self, or soul, this is who you really are.
Mankind can know many "things"but the most important thing  he can ever know is the answer to
the question, who am I?  When mankind can answer this question with full realisation and integrity
he will then be re-united with his "TRUE BEING"  that of the SELF.
The first steps taken in this unification process, begin by looking within us. We look within and
endeavour to still the wayward mind, with its endless "thoughtful chatter".
This process of stilling the mind, takes as long as it takes, one man may do this in weeks, or even in
a few days,another man may take his whole lifetime, and even more. It really depends on our "point
of evolution"(where we are on the pathway of expression) and how much effort we put in, on a
daily basis, with our meditation and yoga practices.
Man is expressed in a physical,mental, and spiritual mode, a three fold being,who for millions of
us upon this planet only exhibit, and know of two dimensions of being, that of physical and mental,
millions are completely unaware, (and seem not to care, or have any interest in) of their spiritual
divine heritage, they are two dimensional beings only, rather than expressed in three dimensions.
The spirit is as good as "DEAD!" within millions of us,the way of the "world" seems to be forever
looking "outward"  whereas the ATMA or union with our true being can only be found by going
within our self, and finding the LIFE FORCE that dwells within us, which is of course, that of the
In part two of this blog on union YOGA, will attempt to go deeper into this, and see how consciousness which is really energy directed by will, unites within man and reveals his true
identity, that of a GOD INCARNATE!.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome, face book soul realisation.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Lower Son=Soul-Openness-Negated-Higher-Sun-Spirit-United-Numinous. Man Is Son And Sun!

Twin suns exist within the orbit of mankind, the outward sun is golden or yellow looking, and our
physical bodies are made up from the elements that exist within the solar sun, we need be ever mindful that our physical sun is a star, the closest one to this planet, and from which all physical
life on earth depend on, without the physical star called our sun, no life would exist here. (not
life that we would recognise anyway).
Deep within mankind, there exists a spiritual sun, and this sun  radiates an icy blue colour, this
is the universal spiritual sun, that lies within the inner consciousness or soul of man.
Mankind outwardly is dominated by the physical sun, and his outward life and health depend
upon this solar energy, prana emanates from within the physical sun, and we all need prana, in order
to remain healthy.
The son of man (us) remain within the singular influence of the outward physical sun, until such time
as perhaps a grave crisis arises within our life, when this occurs, it can have the effect of directing
our gaze inward, rather than outward, we this happens, and by going within ourselves  we discover
an inner reality that we never knew existed.
The journey from lower son, which stands for SOUL-OPENNESS-NEGATED,to the higher sun
SPIRT-UNITED-NUMINOUS, is a very long and painful experience, spanning often many many
life times, man is buried deep within his own ignorance, and it takes time, and many experiences
many of them painful and highly emotional, before by circumstances arising within him (usually
severe crisis) he eventually starts the process, that will in later time, illumine his inner consciousness
and free him from his prison, the physical body!
When that happens, man being born of the solar physical sun, is inwardly baptised by the fire which
is an icy cold crystal clear blue sun, which is the inner universal spiritual sun, which can only ever
been known, by deeply going within ourselves. When this sequence finely "locks into place" the
man who was human, and born of the physical golden sun, is at that point, reborn within his being
and then becomes a sun of the infinite father, who radiates universally through the central spiritual
SUN, which is BLUE which stands for Being-Life-United-Eternal, man is then reborn by the fire of
spirit, and is then cooled by the inner sun, and warmed by the outer sun, perfect balance has been
established, and duality expressed in two suns co-joined and transforming man into a real and whole
son of the SUN.
warmest regards michael. any comment welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Lower SON=Soul-Openness-Negated Higher Sun=Spirit-United-Numinous, Man is SON AND SUN!

The son of man,becomes the sun of universal fire,through the process of transformation, which then
reaches into the process transmutation, which if persisted with wilful focus, and one pointedness
becomes exalted in the final process of transfiguration of the body, from body matter, to body spirit.
The son with the 0 is within man's embrace, and remains ignorant, the sun with the U becomes
universal and fully inclusive.
The man with the 0 is mostly exclusively orientated, and driven by ego, and personality,using the
word son or sun here is also fully inclusive and includes the female as well as the male,there is
no sexism in reality, as that cannot exist.
So when you read son, also include daughter. Man remains within the domain of man, that of ego
and personality, and exclusiveness, for many life times,this son spelt with the central O in between
the S and the N represents an inner emptiness, (the birthplace of all longing) this son is as yet "UNBORN"of the spirit , when that happens a "solar eclipse" takes place within the man and within
this fiery transformation man with the 0 which stands for emptiness, and is reborn with the U making
his transmutation from SON to SUN.
The son without, has to eventually become the SUN within, this brings about the awakening of
the inner fire AGNI, the SUN within the SON of man. The physical solar sun casts long shadows
upon the experiences of man,the inner solar sun, that of the spirit AGNI, casts no shadow, because
it emanates from within the being, the solar sun casts shadows because it is perceived as being
"out there" and not from within.
We need to be mindful that man is "energy" which is basically LIGHT condensed into lower vibration, while man remains ignorant of his true identity, the only light he perceives is from without
that of the physical sun,it is not until he begins to look within himself, that the inner sun begins to
illumine his consciousness.
We will all eventually make this momentous journey from being the SON of MAN, to becomming
the SUN of the Absolute (GOD) in full waking physical consciousness, then we will all be reborn
and baptised by the inner SOUL-AR fire of AGNI!
This is our destiny,tomorrow will expand upon this, warmest regards michael any comments welcome, face book soul realisation.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

The Agony Of Man's AGNI. (Fire Of Transformation) Part Three.

The fire (AGNI) in the aspiring man begins to rotate after a while of ardent endeavour, when the
beginnings of balance within the emotions of the enquiring begin to calm, and the uprising thoughts
have been all but stilled(for a short time at least) then there begins a descent of AGNI (fire) into the
crown chakra of the man.
AGNI rotates down in a vortex shaped column of liquid fire, and enters the upper head (crown chakra) of the man.
While this is occurring, the lower fire is rising from the base root chakra, and is slowly ascending
again in a spiral vortex formation, and will eventually meet with the higher fire of AGNI within
the heart chakra.
Now the time factor for this occurrence to bring about partial or full realisation, really depends
upon the man in question,and his position within the evolutionary chain, whether he is an old or
young soul, it can take one lifetime, or many thousands of years. The man life after life, gradually
ascends the ladder of realised perfection, and then one momentous day arrives,and all his efforts
come together in a FUSION of internal fires (AGNI) unites the man with his true image that of
The beginnings of this transformation start as soon as the man has decided to open himself to change
and adopts a regular practice of meditation.
Man has lost his way,and forgotten his real identity, that of a divine immortal soul, a GOD in
waiting for expression,man is wholly spirit, (which translates as the "LIFE FORCE") we are all
children of the very LIFE of ALL LIFE, that of the ABSOLUTE,BRAMAN, we are all "facets" of
By going within ourselves, and becoming inward looking, rather than outward looking,we begin to
make the connections that will eventually lead us into perfect peace,and endless joy.
Looking within ourselves, asking the question,who am I? This question will be answered if you
persist in the enquiry within.
Man is spirit,clothed in a soul, and further expressed in a physical body.Man needs to awaken unto
his destiny,which is realisation of the SELF, which begins with soul identification first, when the
intuitive fires of AGNI are fully ignited within the ardent man,he will begin an expansive
awakening into his true identity,his consciousness, perception,and awareness, will expand and the man will begin to see the inclusivity of expressed life.
AGNI fires will unite within the man's heart chakra, the lower will unite with the higher and that
union which is the true meaning of the word YOGA (union) therewill eventually ensue a FUSION
of human with the divine, cold fusion from AGNI higher flame, will cool the lower fires of passion
and bring about a balance of energy, equilibrium will have been established.
Man will then be born again,without having to enter the womb twice!
Warmest regards michael. any comments welcome, face book soul realisation.

Monday 11 December 2017

The Agony Of Man's AGNI (Fire Of Transformation) Part Two.

What ignites the "fire"of man's transformation? What is it that causes the flame of "LIFE"to leap
into the consciousness, of the unwary seeker of the self? The echo of the question echo's within
his cluttered brain, "who am I? The forgotten memory impinges upon his consciousness, this is the
beginning of waking up from a long slumber, the beginning of looking within.
Until now the fire of AGNI had been only activated by the emotional, mental,and physical,
instability, of the weary pilgrim to be.
Dominated by the ego, and the personality, the man is often engulfed in the flame (AGNI) of
passions aroused ,like, anger,resentment, and hatred,only the fire (AGNI) of heat and passion
were ignited, the cool flame of the spirit (AGNI) in descent mode, was not yet experienced within
the man.
When we look within, and begin to practice meditation on a daily basis, we begin the process of
"transformation"that of transforming the "man animal",into man "human", then further into mans
inherit "DIVINITY" (AGNI,fire of LIFE Expressed) spirit incarnate, we are all "GOD" the "ABSOLUTE" there is NO-THING else in existence!
It is just that we do not know who we really are, who am I?Is the question that Ramana Maharshi
asked many years ago, and remains very relevant in this year of 2017, as it was then in 1950 when
Ramana died.
Man does not know who he is, and because of this ignorance, we feel the pain and agony of "the
living experience" of awakening.
Man is enclosed within an "energy field"the lower fire, that of the personality and egoic passions
which keep man in an exclusive mode of being,(the inclusive mode of spirit, yet sleeps within the man) this makes man say what about, ME,ME,ME,! And a higher energy that flows downward
into the crown chakra (when man begins to awaken)until then this fire of AGNI lies dormant
within the man.
Man's energy signature is expressed within a dual torus, twin flames, one lower, and one higher.
When man awakens into soul consciousness,through the discipline of daily meditation and stilling
of his thoughts, there begins a process of transformation, the man gradually becomes transformed
and begins to lose his dense physical atoms,and begins to enter a level of consciousness whereby
he places himself into the orbit of etheric atoms, which are finer and purer that physical atoms.
The dense man is gradually made "LIGHTER" by the transformative fire that burns within him.
When the man awakens gradually, the "higher fire"of AGNI, which is a COLD FLAME devoid of
passion begins descending into the man's crown chakra,it is this "point"of contact that man's
consciousness is suddenly expanded into more deeper levels of perception.
In part three,will try and link all this coherently. warmest regards michael. face book soul realization.

Sunday 10 December 2017

The Agony Of Man's AGNI (Fire of Transformation)

Man is a burning fire,burning with passions arising within inflamed mind, desire and passion
energised by ignorance are a potent recipe for misery and pain.
Mankind is manifested in living fire, (liquid fire)condensed into what is called  a physical body,
the human physical body is fire (energy)slowed down vastly in its vibration rate, and expressed
as a (solid looking) form. The fire that is the essence of man is liquid in nature, the same as that
of spirit,Spirit (consciousness)without any (expression) is "cold fire" fire without  heat or light
pure unexpressed spirit is a "black light", a flame that is life's essence, a black flame,the "seed
potential" of all expression,as above, so below,as below,so above, a seed within the earth "needs"
the darkness in order to "ignite" the flame of expressed life, this is the energy of black light,
darkness,(energy) then when it has "sprouted" it enters the domain of liquid radiant light,which
has the spectrum of variety within it.
Black light,(consciousness unexpressed) is beyond any spectrum differentiation, it is pure energy
that "sparked" the seed into expression mode.
Man is mostly only familiar with the light that emanates from within his desires and passions, this
is AGNI in its "burning glory mode"the ferverent passions of heated desire.
This is the upward flow of AGNI,and is a hot flame, that burns deeply within man, when this flame
is added to feelings of hatred and resentment,it turns into dis-ease such as cancer  and heart attacks.
The fury of anger outbursts make man "glow" (fire)with rage, that's why your face glows red when
you are angry, that is red light, radiating from within,This is AGNI in the act of "consuming you"
from within.
The cool flame of AGNI that flows into the crown chakra is largely unknown to the majority of
of us.
The cool flame is that of the spirit descending into man, when the man is open and ready to recieve
this energy,after opening himself up through the regular practice of meditation or yoga, often man
will only take up this daily discipline when he has undergone some grave crisis, or major illness
in his life. It is often when our "backs are against the wall" that we will finally look within us for
a way out of our misery suffering, and sorrow.
When man looks regularly within himself and makes a daily discipline of stilling the wayward
noisy chattering mind,when he finds that inner stillness,the inner fire begins to percolate and begins
a descent into the one who has ardent intent and mindful focus.
Will go more into this tomorrow, in part two, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome,face book soul realisation.

Saturday 9 December 2017

Integral-Consciousness-Expressed.=I.C.E. Part Three.

The ultimate destiny of mankind, is FUSION, total union with his divinity,integral yoga, which means (union) with the "WHOLENESS of BE-ING" mankind is basically and fundamentally
represented as "facets of the one JEWEL" the "JEWEL" being the ABSOLUTE, the ONE without
ANOTHER,the absolute, and infinite universal life force, which is expressed within infinite
consciousness. Infinite MIND/SPIRIT/LIFE FORCE/,mankind upon the earth plane, all seven
billion of us, are ALL, seven billion facets, of the ONE JEWEL.
Human beings, are not what they think they are,the fundamental reality of a human being, is
that the body that houses the divine essence the soul, is just a "vehicle or spacesuit" what we call
human beings, and humanity, is in truth a meaningless phrase, a work of fiction, "smoke and mirrors"
all that a human being is, a vehicle, like the "car you now drive" is the car you drive the real YOU?
Hardly not! And so your body, is NOT YOU either, what humanity really is, is that we are FIRST
spirit, and second the soul, the shell that we inhabit is just that,a shell animated by spirit and soul
and kept in stasis and coherence by the willed intent of the soul.
I.C.E.  is about man waking up to his true identity,looking within himself, and through the practice
of meditation, and yoga, finding out who he really is, discovering his hidden DIVINITY, that spirit
which in the eternal reality of all life.
The word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what we all really are, we are
all living intelligent focused energy, expressed within the eternal field of consciousness, when man
wakes up from his aeonic slumber, he finds that he is in truth the embodiment of divine spirit.
Integral yoga, is about raising up the lower passions of man, and bring down the higher aspects of
his latent divinity, and joining the lower and the upper aspects of his being within the heart chakra
when this is done, with focused intent, there ensues the act of "cold fusion" the perfect aligment
of energies balanced by the integrity of the soul/spirit.
The down energy of fire,AGNI, is a cold flame, issuing from within the absolute stillness and
motionlessness, this is the flame that is cold and dark, raising up is the fire of passions, which burns
with the intensity of a solar sun, this is the hot flame of AGNI, united and cooled within the heart
chakra of the now fully awakened and realised being, a true reborn son of the ABSOLUTE.
"warmest" regards michael. facebook soul realisation. any feedback welcomed.

Friday 8 December 2017


Integral consciousness, can also be called integral yoga,the root meaning of the word yoga, is
UNION, to be reunited in full waking consciousness with your SELF, this is the destiny of all
mankind, to reach the fullest potential of his be-ing that of SELF-REALISATION, through meditation, and focused intent, man can ascend the many levels of realisation, until that DAY
arrives, when the man lets go of all his baggage, surrenders unconditionally to the Absolute
spirit that dwells within him,and the man then is reborn and baptised by the fire of the spirit
AGNI, and then rightly becomes perfected and whole, a divine son of the infinite and Absolute
life energy, the absolute universal consciousness, that which just IS.
Man is conscious energy displayed within a double torus, two torus "stacked"together and
rotating in opposite directions, in this way, energy flows either inward or outward at both poles
of the system (man)rather than one pole and out of the other, as in a single flow.
This torus shape looks like a vertical eight,the higher torus descending down from the crown
chakra to the heart chakra, and the other torus ascending from the root chakra to the heart chakra,
both these energies, (tori) meet at the heart chakra, and when a perfect balance is reached within
the two energies (tori) there ensues a FUSION a union (yoga) of man with his divine heritage
the man is then RE-BORN in full waking consciousness of his divinity, he realises his SELF,
spiirt, and then know, rather than believes, that he is a "point of fixed consciousness" within
the absolute embrace of the ABSOLUTE.
This reality, for truth and reality it truly is, this is not a theory, or some bullshit dreamed up by
some one who thinks he is something, rather than being no-thing, what is expressed here  is the
ultimate destiny of all life on this planet, mankind included. to realise this reality, you have but to
go within, practice meditation, if you do this daily and focus on listening to that still small voice
within you, (which is the voice of your soul talking to you) then you will gain "intuition" which
means to be taught within,that inner voice will guide you to the point of FUSION, where your
lower self will reunite with your higher self, and then you will be born again, and be fused into
soul consciousness, your atomic structure that of your physical atoms, will be replaced by higher
and finer etheric atoms. this is your destiny dear reader, have you the courage to take this leap?
Warmest regards michael. face book soul realization.

Thursday 7 December 2017


We are expressions of consciousness in physical form,we are called human beings, which means
basically that we are first spirit, second soul, and third human, we are all three fold beings, mental,
physical, and spiritual. that being who is called "human" do we actually realise what this actually
means? Basically, and actually, a human being, is a physical body,which is a "spacesuit" for the soul
the real and lasting reality of who we are, is the soul, the soul is immortal and eternal, as its essence
is that of SPIRIT, which is within the enfolding embrace of the Absolute.
Integral consciousness, is about realising our potential while here on the earth plane. it consists of
a two fold approach, first we raise up the "human" aspects of ourselves, which orbits around our ego's
our personality, our awareness of who we think we are, we raise "up" our humanness, until it reaches
our heart centre, there it will be stabilised by our meditative focus intent,we then reach "up" into
the vertical, raising our consciousness, and expanding our perceptual awareness, this is attained by
prolonged and focused intent, which will by effort and discipline, enable soul, telepathic communication to be attained. When the intuitive mind (soul) is fully activated, there is an automatic
"down flow" of expanded consciousness, this then enables the down flow to enter into the being
whose ardent intent over a long period, gradually begins to pay dividends.
There is in effect a down flow of "super consciousness" which enters the being via the crown chakra
and continues down until this flow reaches the heart chakra, here it is met by an up welling from
the root chakra and the two meet within the heart chakra. This meeting is a manifestation of human
and Divine FUSION, the lower becomes fused  with the higher and then the being enters into a state
of REALISATION, the man becomes  REBORN into full awaking consciousness of his Divinity
and sees himself as he REALLY IS, the Absolute incarnate upon the earth plane.
This is the destiny of all humanity, though it will take thousands of years for us all to realise this truth
however we can all be making a start today, some of us have almost completed the journey, others are
on their way, while others are feeling an inner urge to look within our selves.
Integral consciousness,is about us becoming WHOLE and COMPLETE, rather than the fragmented
parts that most of us are now experiencing, to become whole, free, and breath the air and embrace your divine heritage full on.
Warmest regards michael. face book soul realization.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Manifested-Yearnings-Spirit-Envelops-Life-Force.= M.Y. S.E.L.F.

What is it that we all yearn for? I know that many of you reading this will have many different
things, that you may yearn for, a new car, better job,a loving partner, to feel healthy and well, a new
home, the list would seem to be endless, what is is you really want, deep down in your inner psyche?
Do you feel whole? Is there something missing in your life? And you cannot quite put your finger
on it! What is wholeness? To be fully complete within, physically, mentally, and spiritually, is that
you, dear reader, are you complete and whole, physically,mentally, and spiritually?  What about
our emotional self?
Inner yearnings well up from deep within us, they are signals from the soul, our higher self, trying
to gain our attention, and urging us to for once in your life, to turn your gaze "inwards" whereas normally we have been looking outwards, since birth.
The empty feelings that we all experience, that sensation within, that feeling, that something is
missing,we feel it is missing, but we are not sure what this "missing thing" actually is.
Millions of us experience this feeling of incompleteness,something is missing in our life, and we
cannot quite put our finger on what it is. Many try and fill this "hole" this gaping chasm, within us
with things like, alcohol,drugs, food, sex, gambling, we become addicted to substances, whether it
be food,booze, sex, or drugs, vainly trying to fill this yawning gash within us, and millions die
hopelessly lost and bewildered each year.
I know what this feels like, because i was once lost and hopelessly bewildered, and given only three months to live,i was empty and hollow inside, i was a "hole" person, and not a "W"hole being.
I speak from experience, and not from theories,what was missing in my life, and what is missing
in millions of other lives, is contact with the higher self, the soul, we need to be very mindful here
that the reality of the human soul, has got absolutely nothing to do with any religion on this planet!
Every human being has a soul, whether they know it or not, accept it or not,reject it or not, whether
they be atheists or not,what we think,feel, accept or reject, is totally irrelevant, the reality is that we
all are souls, living within a physical body (spacesuit) for the soul. The magnificent aspect of this
reality, is that it can always be "SELF PROVED" you do not have to take my word for it, or any one
else either,just look within YOURSELF, ask yourself the question,WHO AM I? Persist with this effort, and you will be rewarded with a intuitional inner voice, that still small voice within us all
this inner reassuring voice, is none other than your higher self the SOUL.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Friday 1 December 2017


Whom among us has never been scared? Not I, said he, the deluded one. We all experience the
feeling of being scared, childhood emotional traumas, often come back to haunt us, our feelings
can often not represent the moment we are now in, our physical body can be in the now, but our emotions can be back to our childhood, we need to update our emotions to correspond with the
present time we are now in. Feelings of insecurity, and unworthiness, felt and experienced as a
child, often still infect us, many years after the event, we might be in the year 2017, but our
internal emotional state, might still think it is 1960, and we react today, with the feelings
experienced decades ago. I know this from my own personal experiences of insecurity,
feeling unsafe, feelings of "what will become of me" am I wanted? These feelings i had as
a child, still affected me emotionally decades after the events of my past., when we own a
computer, like the one i am typing this blog on now, this computer often reminds me that it
needs updating, to remain current with the present time, if only we all had a remote update
within us, that would save us all years of pain and anguish,and not forgetting the stomach
ulcers, and anxieties that arise from unresolved inner emotional conflicts.
We can be physically fifty years old, and find ourselves reacting to a feeling arising within
us, as though we were only 8 years old,  these emotional scars leave their mark upon us,
the pain and emotion generated all those years ago, is still locked within our psyche, like
in a time warp, locked into the year 1960, and stays in that time, unless we release it
in some way, by sharing it with a friend, having counselling, or doing yoga or meditation.
To have faith in ourselves, to believe that we all have a right to be here,this way of thinking
helps us to feel better about ourselves,you are worthy, you can find love, and give love, you
have a rightful place in this world, without you, this universe would not exist, that's how
important you are.
As we awaken, and our consciousness expands,insight becomes more self aware, and its often
here that we fully begin to understand the weight of the "baggage" that we have brought with
us from our childhood. If we face this, with a positive attitude, we can begin the process of
"letting go" of our childhood traumas,forgive those who hurt and maybe abused us, so that they
then have no longer power over you, you fully release them from your psyche, and they can
no longer "infect" you. Resentment, and hatred, only harm US, those two create cancers, and heart
dis-ease.Let go of all that negativeness, and embrace life and yourself with hope, love, and positiveness.
Warmest regards Michael any comments welcome face book soul realisation.