Monday 30 November 2020


 How do we ignite the sequence that will align us within the inner flame or fire of the

spirit? All expressed life in enfolded by the inner flame which emanates from the 

SOURCE of all that lives and moves and has its being. The words from an old song come

to mind, "There is a fire down below, down below in my heart", indeed there is a fire within

us all, the living flame of life itself, we can sometimes feel the heat when passion and 

emotion flare up within us, when our faces turn red with anger, this is the living igniting

flame flaring up within us. We direct energy within us, and when our passions are aroused

there is heat generated. Heat come from fire. Because we do not understand what life 

actually is, we fail to connect to this internal flame in a way that reveals our direct 

connection to the source of all life, which is a LIVING FIRE, we all our that living FIRE

wrapped in a blanket of materiality we call a physical body. Emotion and passion are the

connecting rods that align us within the living flame of spirit./life, we we look within 

ourselves we begin to align with the higher energies that reveal the internal flame.

We all our living flames the sparks of life being expressed within three dimensions of

living fire, first we are spirit which is the pure fire and burns with a white flame, then

the second flame is the soul and burns with a golden flame, and third is US the physical

being which burns within an electric blue flame, this equates to the three flames of expressed

motion, within which we all dwell. Within the centre of your chest lies the heart chakra, this

is where we are all anchored within the physical realm, also in the crown chakra area, 

therein lies the flame of life. By engaging your focus of attention inward you will open up

connections that all lead to your higher self, which is the immortal soul, when you begin

the process of igniting this inner flame consciously, this will act as a consuming fire, and

what it will CONSUME is your ignorance of WHOM you really ARE!

Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 29 November 2020

Uncovering SELF. U S .

 How do we really find out who we really are? What is the process that will reveal the real

you? Collectively we are known as us, individually we are known as I AM John smith or

Mary baker. The word uncover means to reveal what lies beneath the outer form, to open

the box and see what is inside. When we fail to understand what we really are and what our

full potential actually is. we then feel that we may lack something, and that to obtain this 

something we need to look outside of ourselves. The hidden truth which is vouchsafed 

within our inner being, will reveal to you the fact that you need nothing from outside of

yourself, because you already have all you will ever need, the problem is that you do not

know how to access it. Because of this ignorance of who we really are, we doubt ourselves

and imagine that we lack things that others have got. Take the word Enlightenment, this is

a buzz word on the internet, many websites sell courses of how to become enlightened, but

the truth is that EVERY ONE of US is already enlightened and have been all our lives, the

biggest difficulty is the FACT that none of us recognises this reality. Because of our 

conditioning from birth and an endless amount of false assumptions, we fail to cognise

our true inner potential. When we can begin the process of UNWRAPPING all those false

assumptions that we have built up over our life time, we will begin tapping into our inner

being, which will then begin to open up areas of consciousness and perceptive awareness

which will in turn reveal a more expanded concept of who you thought you were.

We only ever feel incomplete because we do not know ourselves, if we knew ourselves 

then we would automatically instinctively know and FEEL WHOLE. Nothing is missing

from your WHOLENESS, that would be an IMPOSSABILITY, but because we fail to realise

this basic universal truth, in our ignorance we feel that we are LACKING SOMETHING.

All knowledge, all wisdom, all of everything lies within your core matrix of being, we are all

PERFECT otherwise you would not be in existence period. But because we have not yet 

uncovered this inner reality within US, we think we are defective in some way, something

is missing or lacking in us, what is missing is your uncovering of you true immortal Divine

Identity, and when you uncover this truth within yourself, all doubt and ideas of lacking 

anything, will vanish just as the early morning mist vanishes before the rising sun.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 28 November 2020

Consciousness Reveals Our Spiritual Self. C R O S S

 The cross we all have to bear is that our own ignorance into the truth of who and what

we really are. And just this ignorance alone stands transcendent above all other 

lack of understandings as the first cause of all our pain and misery, all our wars and

innocent blood shed, the greed and bigotry, racism and all the other aspects that become

compounded by our illusion of separateness and imagined differences. I recall a story I read

Over forty years ago now, that sent cold shivers down my spine when I read it. The story was

of a angel flying over a large city teeming with life, the angel was carrying a soul with him

and as they passed over the city the angel pointed downwards and said to the soul, "behold the

city of the living dead!" This story impacted upon me, and caused me to try and find a meaning

to this seeming riddle. This caused me to think and ask the question am I then one of these living

dead? What did this idea of the living dead actually mean. In the four decades that have passed

since I read that story, I have gathered many experiences and insights into this riddle .Mankind

is basically a three fold expression of living energy, this equates to humanity as being a physical,

mental, and spiritual being, this is how we are all basically presented into this realm of 

physicality. This three fold expression though is often not aligned by either our conscious 

awareness, or our inner knowing, which then instead of aligning and expressing within 

three dimensions of freedom, we are only existing in two dimensions rather than three,

these two are mostly always the physical and mental dimension, the spiritual dimension

is as yet unborn within the soul in question. This is the meaning I believe the angel meant

when he said 'behold the city of the dead; that city was alive with two dimensional beings

that were all dead to the spiritual dimension that exists within every human being on this


Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 27 November 2020

Spirit Enfolded Life Force. S E L F .

 What exactly  is a SELF? Do we fully understand what this name actually means?  We use terms 

like myself and yourself, who is this MY that has a self? Who is this YOUR that has a self?

Are we perhaps speaking purely from our ego's when we say words like my self/? What has our

I AM aware consciousness to do with the SELF? So many billions of us think that we are just

a physical body, and that this physical body is what we call our personality, our individuality,

our ego driven mind. So when we imagine we are these aforementioned  things, it then seems very

logical to believe that this collection of "IDEAS" would therefore coalesce into what we term as

our SELF. We need to be aware that this word mind, is a construct that we create along with the ego

the personality, and the illusion of individuality, all these mental ideas are formed within us from 

our birth, they consist of memory, interactions with parents and friends, the gathering of these

experiences, which then meld into a mental concept and coalesce within the brain at around two

years old, where the I AM self aware ego is born into the infants newly acquired SELF 

consciousness, It becomes aware of its self, as being apart and separate from its parents.

This self then is an ego driven entity, which can be seen as the lower self. What then is the

higher self? The higher self is who we all really are, when all the layers of materiality and

the layers of ethereal energy are removed, what is left then is PURE SPIRIT  which is the real

and ONLY SELF, which is absolute eternal Infinite BEING or GOD.

There is only ONE SELF that is ALL there IS, The word  self is really a singular reality, there is

no REAL plural or added S on the end of the word SELF. Like the word LIFE there is but ONE

LIFE, and that one LIFE is expressed in infinite number of ways, We as human beings are ONE 

SELF expressed in 7.7 billion ways.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 26 November 2020

Cast Out Of Paradise COOP =(EDEN)

 Today I begin this blog with a short poem written specifically  for this coming post.

Cast out of EDEN by an Intentional wave,

Uprooted from stillness, and projected into

motion, entered the Maelstrom, within

the Infinite ocean

The Biblical story of Eden is I feel an updated version of the original story than began before

this universe was even THOUGHT OF. The Biblical story is I feel an allegory passed on by

the ancient wisdom to portray an updated version of creation that would suit the human race at

that age and time.

The deeper meaning is that within the motionlessness stateless state  of absolute infinite

unrealised potentiality which translates as LIFE ENERGY which is motionlessness and

unmoved, unexpressed. Pure Awareness Alone in its awesome integrity. Then within  this 

silence of profound stillness, there arose an INTENTION within the Absolute, this 

INTENTION was the BIRTH of ALL  MOTION, motion arose out of absolute

motionlessness, and was the primordial motion THOUGHT WAVE that gave birth to

the universe as we know it today. WE, all expressed living ENERGY were at that very 

moment that motion was born into action, literally CAST OUT of EDEN which equates

directly to stillness, motionlessness. We then unconsciously entered into the maelstrom

of spiralling energy and have been on the move ever since Within each one of us lies the

memory of stillness and absolute peace, it is buried deep within our inner matrix

the reason why we seek out peace and quietness at times is a dim reminder that echo's

down through countless aeons  of a memory of a time before any motion was born.

It is said that "THOUGHTS are THINGS" we are all the appearance of things from within

the primordial PROTO thought wave, that launched motion (expressed living energy)   into the

virgin about to be born relative universe. Aeons later we awaken as this label called mankind

and then begin reflecting upon where we have all come from, the simple and most profound

answer to that question is STILLNESS, we have all come from no-thing which was in

a motionlessness stateless state.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Space Is Not Empty. S I N E (WAVE)

 The ancients wrote long ago that "Space was an Entity" , and we all live and move within

this Infinite Entity called space. What then is this entity that we call space? In my 

understanding it is a colourless invisible spiritual Fluid, and we all OCCUPY this fluid

by our expressions "out of this fluid" as physical beings. When not being occupied by a 

star or a planet, this fluid is intangible and invisible, it vibrates at a steady pulsation within

a sine-wave S shaped pattern, this can be likened to a GREAT BREATH, in and out pulsation.

This FLUID is neutral and not affected by the duality based  relative universe, it stands

transcendent unaffected by the polarities of Yin and Yang positive or negative.

We could call this fluid the LIFE-Blood of the Absolute or GOD  for short. But that might

sound somewhat unscientific! 

All expressed life, which means life that has got MOTION as opposed to motionlessness, which

is our unexpressed mode, is condensed out of this FLUID (SPACE) and then becomes an occupier

of ITSELF within a material expression.

Humanity for instance consists of 7.7 billion occupiers  of SPACE which is condensed FLUID 

which is the LIFE LIVING FLUID of INFINITE INTELLGENCE, pulsating through the vehicles

(human bodies)  which MEANS that we all ARE OCCUPIERS of the one SELF from which we

all came from.

This Fluid, this SPACE, which should really be more accurately called FLIUDIC SPACE is an

Infinite OCEAN in which we all swim within. We each condense out of this ocean into an ISLAND

which we call our I AM self aware SELF. This ISLAND (you and me)  is presented within a form

and bursts into the (ILLUSION) of temporality (being born)  and then begins to wake up slowly

over a period of many presentations here on Earth, and eventually reveals our true Fluidic Nature.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 24 November 2020


  Psalms.8-4 "What is man that you are mindful of him"? What indeed! The question could be

what then is Life that we are all involved in? When we look deeply into the question of what

is life, we find that there is ONLY one LIFE that exists anywhere in this universe. We do not

and cannot pluralise LIFE, we know there is no such a thing as LIFE(S). Life is forever in the

singular, never plural. With the singleness of the Life Principle in mind , we come to 

mankind. What exactly is mankind?  A human being, a life force. How then do we render the

equation of 7.7 billion human beings into just ONE LIFE? If we go deeper into the matrix of

mankind, we begin to see a correlation  between the one life principal and the interconnecting

energies that link all mankind into just one COMPOSITE WHOLE. This then begs the question

'what  is this composite wholeness?' We all are the WORLD and the WORLD revolves on

our axis which is centred directly within our I AM self aware consciousness. This I AM self aware

consciousness is a centralised point of DIVINTY.  In effect and in fact we have 7.7 billion points

of  Divinity moving around on this planet. Now, the majority of these points see themselves as

many differing things, but below the threshold of their self aware consciousness, they all exist as

points of Divinity. We can ask then what is the DIVINTY that we are mindful of it? Say, for example, 

we do not like the word Divinity, well then we could use the word LIFE. We all are life, Not many 

would argue with that statement, except perhaps a zombie!  We could also use the word SPIRIT or 

GOD, or even infinite intelligence. In truth it matters not one jot what you call this one singular

Absolute Infinite Reality. We are all within IT, of IT, and ultimately ARE IT!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 23 November 2020

Coherence Has Risen Investing Soulful Truth. C H R I S T .

 The word Christ comes from the Greek word 'Christos'  which translates as that of the

'anointed one'  or 'chosen one'. in this coming post I will show that 'we' 'anoint ourselves' by

going within and connecting to the spirit within us all, and that we also 'chose ourselves' by

our actions of going within and searching for the truth of Life. That there is NOBODY who 

chooses you or me, or ever anoints you or me, we do it to ourselves, by our efforts and love for

the Divine wisdom that lies within each human being.

Christ energy is a Divine energy that brings and blends together the essence of the soul and spirit

within each one of us, symbolically we could say that Christ Energy brings together and 'marries'

the permanent an spiritual witnesses within each individual.

Christ is simply a symbolic term and name for the purely impersonal and Divine principle of

spirit, which is present in everything in this universe.

Coherence arises within us when we venture deeply within ourselves, searching for the answer to

the riddle of life. We begin raising up our lower self toward our higher self, this act of intention 

and inner focus brings in its train a greater sensitivity and heightened awareness, our  inner 

intuition fires up, and we begin to experience flashes of insight, and a feeling of expansion 

and inner knowing,

We are searching sometimes without our full understanding for the answer to who and what we 

really are.   By going within ourselves we are beginning to connect to higher energies, higher

vibrations, we are literally raising ourselves up from within, a vertical spiral of ascending energy

which will connect us directly into the Christ Energy principal , when this begins to occur within

our now heightened spiritual awareness, we literally anoint ourselves with the DIVINE FLUID

of the CHRIST  PRINCIPAL ENERGY, which will symbolically flow over our heads as we bow

in reverence to the radiance and inner beauty  of the Divinity we have just TOUCHED with our

Divine SOULS. The light of this inner radiance is that of liquid golden light, it is the essence made

manifest to the startled soul of the CHRIST universal Principal.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul realization..

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 22 November 2020


 Some day soon science will at last realise that which the ancient wisdom has always known

for thousands of years, science will soon realise that this entire universe is ALIVE, that atoms

are all points of consciousness and are alive, atoms have intelligence and are attracted only to

that which they resonate with, exactly the same as humans do. There are three infinite eternal

absolute immutable principles that oversee all motional displays of energy diversification  within

this infinite universe, and these three principles are that which we call the NOW, AWARENESS,

and LIFE,  three principles that all come from within the SOURCE and then coalesce into ONE

from which they first emerged. All these three principles are absolute, there is no opposite to any

of these, there is no such a thing as being UN-NOW! There is no such a thing as being 

UN-AWARENESS, and there is no such a thing as being UN-ALIVE. There is no opposite to LIFE

Life is by its VERY NATURE ETERNAL, it is a SINGULAR reality, life is transcendent, it is not

associated in any way with that of DUALITY and that of temporality, IT stands ALONE within its

AWESOME Absoluteness. Life has never EXPERIENCED a BEGINNING, nor will it ever

experience an ENDING. When we are in deep sleep we seem to be unaware, but this is an illusion

because in deep sleep the ego or your I AM consciousness is disengaged from your (personal ideas)

and you are then without awareness of the I AM ego, you transcend the temporal and become the

universal being, which you really are, when self ego consciousness is suspended.

Death is an illusion, we see an animal or a human being what we term as dead, and judge the 

vehicle that carried the LIFE ESSENCE as being the real BEING, we seem to fail to recognise

the life principle that overshadows the vehicle that is manifested into physicality for the specific

reason to permit entry into this dimension, so that intangible life can have substance that will

grant it access to this low level of expression.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 21 November 2020

Point Of Expression Maybe ? P O E M.

 What is the point of us all being here on Earth? What is the point to my life? Who has not

asked this question, particularly when we are in a crisis, or feeling  depressed, who indeed!

We seem to at times to search for and try and reveal to us the point in doing things, is there

a reason for all this experience gathering here on Earth? Is not life like a poem, and we are

acting out the lines of verse daily? To me the only point to life is to LIVE IT! This answer is

as many will find and experience, very easy to accept if you have a roof over your head, food

in the house, and you are fit and healthy, but what if you are in pain, homeless, hungry, alone,

and depressed? Then the answer to the point of life is to LIVE IT, would not be very greatly

appreciated, and seem almost cruel to the listener. Life is being expressed in an infinite number

of ways, each expression is a point of reference unto itself, although unlike most other expressions

of life, we have the added dimension of SELF AWARENESS, this self awareness puts us all into

a higher dimensional framework of reference, we all know that we know, whereas other life

expressions do not know that they know, because that added dimension of self awareness the 'I'

is missing from their level of consciousness. Only mankind can ask the question of what's the

point to my life?  Perhaps the point in all our lives is to fully reveal the true nature of our BEING?

When we begin to fully understand what LIFE actually IS, and to become fully conscious 

and aware that it would be absolutely impossible to gather enough experience of life in all its

facets and shades of expression within just one life time. Then we will begin to understand the

reason that we all have and experience a great many different life times upon this planet Earth.

We all weave a tapestry within our life stream matrix a cloth of many colours ,each lifetime

is another line of verse  within your living POEM. The text is written within the sweat of your

brow and your laughter in times of joy.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization

In this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 20 November 2020

Becoming Localised Our Grounded Self. B L O G S .

 'WE' all had to become localised in order to become tangible and relative in shape and

form. In essence 'we' are all non-locale  meaning that 'we' all our universal omnipresent

ubiquitous LIFE/SPIRIT  Intangible BEING. In order for US to become LOCALISED and

manifested within the relative universe, 'we' needed to become condensed  and super 

compressed within a singularity vortex which 'held' in stasis our I AM SELF AWARE 

consciousness, 'we' then lost our omnipresence and became localised or rather grounded

upon this planet Earth. 'WE'  have all but forgotten our true immortal SELF, when we enter

this "belt of matter"  we all undergo a state of amnesia, all is forgotten of who and whom we

really are. This is necessary in order for us to become familiar with this relative environment

and to be able to experience life here, and feel the emotions that arise within the interactions

you encounter daily, if we had memory to soon awaken within us, we would become sorely

distressed. We need to understand that 'we' have all chosen this experience, although this may

be very difficult for many to accept, easier to accept if you are now content and very happy

with your life, than those who are in pain and suffering at the moment. Relatively 'we' seem

to be born, live for many years then die, but we need to be ever mindful that this beginning

and ending is an ILLUSION, in REALITY we have NEVER EVER EXPERIENCED a 

BEGINNING, or will we ever experience an ENDING, BECAUSE 'WE' are all ETERNAL

IMMORTAL BEING, we all buy into this illusion sequence of beginnings and endings because

of our basic ignorance as to what LIFE SOURCE SPIRIT actually mean. WE are all SOURCE

ABSOLUTE and ETERNAL, Undergoing a RELATIVE experience here upon planet EARTH.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 19 November 2020

Death Is Astral (LIFE) D I A L Part two.

 Divine Intelligence (US) when we are in our essence being state have manifested the astral

realms millions of years ago when it was decided that physical expression within this planet 

was required, the collective WE has manifested a holding area (astral realms) in order for

physical beings (us)  to have a place to return to in between incarnations, Infinite intelligence

knew that it would take sometimes many thousands of incarnations before a full awakening

was processed within the human being, and as each life time seemed to be limited, there had

to be a place of holding in which the astral body can reside in while awaiting its next incarnation.

As mentioned yesterday the great Carl Gustav Jung talked about the collective unconsciousness

of humanity, well in a way WE through our collective unconsciousness have all created the 

existence of the Astral realms, and they will stay in place until the last human being fully 

awakens, then when that occurs the Astral realms will melt away into the ether they came from

long ago. The astral realms are only TEMPORAL dimensions to holds souls in transit towards

a full awakening of their true SOURCE BEING. when that occurs the astral realm is transcended

and the BEING moves onto and into the ocean of Spirituality and bliss.

Humanity is expressed within five sheaths or Koshas as they are called in India, I only want to

mention two aspects of these, the physical body we are all familiar with, so will not dwell on 

this one, then we have the health body, often called the etheric body, this body completely

surrounds the physical with a living flame a fire that is cool and has no heat, it can be seen as

an electric blue fire that permeates the entire body, when illness comes to us ,it first appears as

a dark shadow within the bright etheric field, then if not dealt with ,the illness then penetrates

the physical body. The second body is the astral body which is within us all while we are in

physical form, and also when we die(change venues) when we die, we automatically release 

our hold on the physical body, and ascend out of it within our astral body, as then the silver

cord snaps off, and we are off onto the next adventure.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 18 November 2020


  When one physical life ends, immediately another life begins in the Astral realm, the word

death is really a meaningless word, when we fully understand and thereby recognise the truth

in the fact that all LIFE is eternal, and remembering the fact that our science informs us that

energy cannot ever be destroyed, only CONVERTED into another EXPRESSION well we

as human beings which are the embodiment of the eternal principal of LIFE which to me stands

for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and that Living Energy that is US is thereby 

CONVERTED into our ASTRAL body and we then exit the physical dimension of 

expression, and seamlessly automatically merge back into the Astral dimension. The only

difference this time is that the silver cord which kept us all connected to our physical 

bodies, when we were asleep at night and thereby visiting the astral realms countless

times, suddenly snaps and breaks of the connection, whereby then return back to the 

physical dimension would become impossible. The irony in this sequence of expression is

that the one who has just died (changed venues) is very soon much more ALIVE than they

were on EARTH! Meaning that they have much more insight into their being than they had

on Earth, and also have a clarity about their experiences here on Earth, and what lessons they

contained. We all have vast experiences that we have lived  within the astral realms,

unfortunately though we mostly forget these experiences, they are locked away within our

subconscious minds, and can be accessed if we train ourselves to remember. What then are

the Astral realms? The most simple explanation of these realms is that they are "holding areas"

They are dimensions of expression where 'WE' can visit and take stock of ourselves and rest up

before returning back to Earth in another body. If a deeper level of understanding WE ALL have

manifested these realms over tens of millions of years, part of what Carl Gustav Jung  called

the collective consciousness of humanity.

In part two will go deeper into this,      Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Science Of Meditation Explored. S O M E .

 Meditation along with alchemy are the most ancient of sciences, and have been practiced for

thousands of years. The two sciences actually go hand in hand together when we realise that

the core teachings of the ancient science of alchemy was about transmuting a base leaden 

being, into an aura brightened being whose radiated a golden glow within their aura. It had

nothing to do with changing lead into gold, this is a fallacy promoted ages ago to deflect 

from the true purpose of awakening a soul into realization of their true nature. This was in 

a time where you could be put to death for witchcraft and not believing in the religious 

teachings at the time. Meditation to often had to be secretly practised, as this could be seen

as devil  practices. Thankfully in these more enlightened times we can openly practice meditation

and yoga without fear. To me meditation is the science of transformation and expansion of awareness

and consciousness, without meditation my life would have been utterly intolerable I owe my life

and sanity to the practice of meditation. Which has kept me sane and content for the past forty six

years that I have been daily meditating. Meditation is a KEY that unlocks the inner workings 

of the self, it unlocks access to that of INTUITION and the word intuition translates as that

of "being taught from within" when we then realise this truth, the next question arises

within us, as to just who is this TEACHER that is teaching me from within?

I discovered long ago, about forty years ago in fact that this inner teacher was at first I saw

this as my higher self, which then begged the question, who and what is this higher self?

This led onto the realisation that I was a soul with a body, and not a body with a soul, there 

is a big difference. The realisation then was that I had accessed through meditation conscious

contact with my immortal divine soul. This was an astounding revelation and one that I am

still in awe of after over forty odd years ago this occurred. Each one of us has this within us

has the ability to make conscious contact with your own inner soul, all you need to do is take

up the practice of meditation open your mind and believe in yourself, then the magic will

begin unfolding within you.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 16 November 2020

Others Don't Exist O D E Part Two.

 'WE' are all 7.7 billion reflections of the ONE SOURCE. Each one of us is an atomic 

expression of the ONE WHOLENESS of BEING. We are all ATOMS within the WHOLE

BEING, each atom is a surficial looking limitation of the wholeness of the Source. On the

surface of our bodies we all look a bit different from each other ,and we have male and female

bodies, we have different skin colours, but under the surface expression we are all living

intelligent energy which is called LIFE, and ALL LIFE comes from the INFINITE SOURCE.

Life in its essence consists of both male and female aspects seen as within duality as positive

and negative, both are combined within the whole, and only condense into one or the other as

the particular life stream enters into the belt of matter and is about to be resolved into a human

being. As mentioned in the last blog about others there is not ONE ATOM distance between you

and I, all life on Earth including mankind is all conjoined  into one unified field of living ENERGY.

There is no such a thing as being OTHER from LIFE, or other from truth, the word other may serve

some limited purpose in our use of words and understanding, but in truth it is a meaningless word

that describes something that DOES NOT EXIST in REALITY., It ONLY APPEARS to exist to us

because of our ignorance of the real nature of our BEING. The truth is that there are no OTHERS

There is only ONE FAMIILY called MANKIND.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 15 November 2020


 The great master Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi born 1879 -died April 14th 1950 in 

India, was asked by his devotee this question, " Master, how should I treat others?" To which

the Master replied, THERE ARE NO OTHERS! What then did the master mean by this?

If we all knew the full implications of this realisation, the world as we know it would change

overnight, all wars and conflicts would cease immediately, racism and bigotry would vanish

within a blink of an eye, greed and selfish behaviour  would cease to exist, we would all see 

and know that we were all fully and totally connected to each other, all related to each other

as being all SOURCED from the one SOURCE. We are all fractals (living energy packets) of

the ONE Infinite Absolute BEING. Each one of us is a reflection cast out of the infinite abode

of eternal peace and stillness, born into motion by the intention to explore and motion through

the dimensional levels of expression within the relative universe, and then exit into this level

of being expressed as that of a human being. When we fully comprehend the truth as to what

you actually are, then overnight change would appear. If we fully understand that you as an

individual reality, does not EXIST, it only SEEMS to exist in YOUR MIND, which is finite.

Individuality is an ILLUSION that billions buy into, never questioning the reality that there

is but ONE LIFE FORCE within this universe, ONE LIFE ONLY! Here on Earth we have

7.7 billion life forms, do we not realise that the 7.7 billion will all dissolve back into the ONE

Life force from whence it first CAME! When will we fully realise that the word others is

totally absurd and also totally meaningless/ Question, what could you possibly be "OTHER"

from? Other from life? Other from reality? Other from your neighbour?  We are ALL

connected to each one of us here on Earth, all 7.7 billion soul are connected and 

interconnected with each other in an electromagnetic blanket that spans this entire speck

we call Earth, invisible energy pulsates and undulates around and within each one of us,

there is NOT ONE ATOM of empty space between any one of us here on EARTH, if we 

could see this with our physical eyes, we would fall to our knees and burst into tears at

the radiant beauty and majesty of it all.

In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If thos blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Saturday 14 November 2020


 T'WAS the day before our awakening that we thought we were all different" this particular

blog is about looking at ourselves as that of arising from and being manifested from that of

what we call SPACE. The word space to me breaks down as this, SOURCE-PRESENTS-AS

-COHERENT-ENERGY= SPACE. All material within this universe is occupying the space

that surrounds it. We as human beings occupy this space, we are occupying or rather living

within this dimensionless thing we call space. The ancient wisdom called space an ENTITY

a LIVING INTELLIGENCE, question, what would most minds assign this ENTITY to BE?

My guess would be some name that represented that of the SOURCE of all LIFE. We can call

this being GOD for short. If then GOD is space are we then not all OCCUPIERS of GOD?

It would seem we are if this premise is accepted. Space is absolute and infinite non-dimensional

all embracing, does this not sound familiar at all? Of course it does! Because they are the same

thing. Are we then occupiers of space/GOD or our we occupying OUR-SELF in dream-mode?

Space awareness God are basically all the same ONE THING, and consciousness is just awareness

in reflective mode. Space can be understood as an infinite ocean which rather than being filled with

water, it is filled with ETHEREAL FLUID, this fluidic space filled ocean is boundless and thereby

eternal and absolute, it could also be described as the BLOOD of the SOURCE!  We as human

beings are all condensed into shape and form and thereby emerge into relativity and become

coherent intelligent energy packets that exit into this dimensional realm via the coupling up

of a human male and female. We could all be accurately described as condensed SPACE the 

SOURCE of all taking on SHAPE and FORM.!  The PRESENCE we all feel at time of wonder

and awe, is the condensed SOURCE (you and me) making actual contact with its 

"SURROUNDINGS" which is the SOURCE/SPACE  in which we live move and have our being.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 13 November 2020


 In this blog I am attempting to show what I believe to be the unfolding principle that

governs our existence here on Earth, and also the universal interplay of physical expression

within the numberless galaxies that exist. I think there is one principle in play and we use

two different words to express it, one is space and the other is awareness. As I understand it

both words mean the same thing. Awareness is infinite and absolute, it is eternal and is a 

singular state of absoluteness, it stands ALONE and is dependant on NO-THING, Awareness

just IS. We can say that awareness has all the hallmarks of BEING /GOD/ or SOURCE.

What then of SPACE? Well in the ancient wisdom it is written that SPACE is an ENTITY,

what then could this ENTITY actually BE? Anybody you know? We here in quantum physics

about the UNIFIED FIELD that is supposed to surround and interpenetrate all matter within

this universe is not this field then space? And as space is infinite which it definitely is and is

therefore ubiquitous, could not therefore space be seen as the invisible intangible SOURCE of

all LIFE? We would then be surrounded by infinite intangible space GOD, and enfolded within

a tangible physical body, we then are in fact "wrapped up in space"? Wrapped up in SOURCE!

Awareness is space and space is awareness, awareness wraps itself around space as in condenses 

into tangibility which arises when motion emerges from stillness. We are all the SAME THING

when we are in a  intangible state, we only "APPEAR" different when we are presented within a 

tangible state and formalised within the biological machine called a human body.

Our awareness will eventually reveal to us who we really are, as our awareness will expand

proportionally to our ability to connect to higher energies and vibration. We are all wrapped in

space, and enfolded within awareness.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail/com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Thursday 12 November 2020

Souls Transported In River Styx. S T I R S . Part Two.

 What memories 'STIRS' within our hearts and minds? In times of awe and wonder, feelings

that 'I have been here before' arise within us, who has not had these feelings? Who indeed!

Infinite Intelligence has posited a place of reflection and rest in between incarnations, this

place is called the Astral Realms, realms as in the plural because there are are seven main

planes, plus forty nine other sub-planes. These are various holding areas for souls, so that

like can be positioned with like. We each gravitate automatically to whichever realm or

sub-realm we resonate with, such is natural law. There is NO ONE choosing their designated

place, other that the one who resonates with it. The only JUDGE of MAN  is the soul Itself.

God or SOURCE has NO AUTHORITY whatsoever to intervene. No other authority can 

judge the SOUL other than that SOUL ITSELF, such is the law. There can be no greater

judge of a men than the man himself, when his conscience is laid bare and naked before

its startled gaze. We have nothing to fear, no one is going to punish us, if our conscience is

clear there is nothing to fear. Life is ETERNAL and we all are eternal beings in transit through

a process called evolution, we are all the SOURCE, we are all GOD, but we do not know it

yet, or are capable of accepting this reality yet. A great master was once asked by his devotee

what is the difference between you and me master? The master replied, the difference between

you and me is this. I am GOD and I know that I am. You are GOD but you do not know you are.

that is the difference between you and I.  We are all here either by choice or by an automatic 

process, depending upon our state of ascension within the arc of evolution, we are all here to gain

experience, and through that experience eventually in this expression or in the next incarnation to

make the necessary connections within us to begin the process of self and soul realization.

We are ALL HERE to reveal to ourselves just who and what we REALLY ARE, and to dispel

the illusion of our thinking that we are all mortal beings, and thereby awaken from our long

slumber ,and move into the revelation of our eternal immortality.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Souls Transported In River Styx. S T I R S

 In Greek mythology there is mention of the river Styx and the boatman called Charon, who

ferried the dead into the underworld. There is also mentioned in Greek mythology the river

Lethe which was called the river of forgetfulness, because whosoever drank from the water

of this river totally forgot who they were .Now the reason why I have mentioned these

mythological Greek stories is because I feel that they describe a natural law process which

we usually call reincarnation  which effects everyone one of us here on Earth. There is a 

process in operation which has been in use for countless millions of years, this process we

call reincarnation, and the underworld described in Greek mythology is in fact represented

by that of the Astral planes where we all return to when we exit our physical vehicles, we

term this process as that of death, not realising that death is an illusion that so many of us buy

into, and the reason we buy into the false understanding of what life actually IS, is because of

our ignorance of life and reality. Death as in meaning becoming NONE EXISTENT or complete

annihilation and extinction of being, is totally false and is abhorrent to any deep thinking.

When we die (exit our vehicle) we are then automatically transported to the Astral realm via

and within our astral body. Which we have had within us all of our physical life here upon the 

earth, and we all have been using this astral body nightly whenever we fell asleep, we would

visit the astral realm ,so in truth and if fact we are never strangers to this realm, we have all

visited it thousands of times over our physical life time. Nature which is LIFE which is Infinite

intelligence is also that of unconditional love, one of the reasons we visit the astral every night

is that it get us used to the process of leaving your body and venturing into the Astral realm which

is in fact your second home, and one that you have visited countless times. How long we spend

in the Astral plane before returning back to Earth, really depends upon our evolutionary point

on the arc of ascension, how far have we evolved in self knowing? Reincarnation is both automatic

and self choosing, the process is automatic below a certain threshold of conscious awareness, and

above that threshold we can chose when and where we incarnate, and also chose our parents to be.

In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Principle Of Universal Reflection Sequenced. P O U R S Part Two.

 We as this principle called life are all literally poured through the strainer (prism) of our

self aware consciousness, and then exit into relativity as the illusion  of being a separate

being each within its own vehicle of expression which we then call human beings.

The biggest heresy that mankind have swallowed from ages past and has kept us all

in never ending ignorance, is the illusion of being separate beings, apart from each other

this heresy is the root cause of all our wars and misery for thousands of years. The reality

is that WE are all connected to one another by an invisible electromagnetic umbilical cord

that binds all life into its primal matrix which is LIFE which then translates directly into

the SOURCE which is LIFE ETERNAL. We are all LIFE eternal and connected directly to

the SOURCE being expressed relatively into physical vehicles that are needed for the SOURCE

in order to become tangible and thereby experience relativity in the form of a human being.

The sequence that engages in order for relativity to come online and exit the eternal is called

by us that of evolution, we are all journeying through evolution and gaining experience as we go.

Reflection is born within the minds of humanity, it appears out of awareness and becomes 

localised within a self aware human being, consciousness therefore is awareness reflecting upon

its self through the act of thinking, remembering, experiencing, consciousness is awareness that

is reflecting upon its thinking thoughtful self aware being, which also thinks it is an individual

and thereby different from others, (never ever being aware that there is no such a thing in

existence as "OTHERS!)  Behind all the thinking lies the inner silence the home of pure 

awareness, awareness just is, it is the eternal ever present invisible SOURCE of ALL.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 9 November 2020

Principal Of Universal Reflection Sequenced. P O U R S

 The principle of universal reflection that is sequences through our self aware I AMNESS is 

that of consciousness, consciousness arises out of awareness and thereby wraps itself around

the principle of consciousness that has lost its infinite expression ,and is thereby compressed

into a singularity point of reference and thereby become finite and exits into physicality via

what we call a human being. Awareness has no reflective aspects to it, awareness is absolute

purity perfection and complete. Consciousness however relies entirely upon a reflective

principle, without reflection all that would be there would be awareness solely. Awareness can

be seen as the absolute ground state of the absolute that has pervaded into this relative universe

and is called by us as SPACE, and space is known by the  ancient wisdom as that space is an

ENTITY, and that entity is basically what we term as GOD or the SOURCE. If we had but

eyes to see, we would witness mankind being expressed individually as a focal point of living

energy, being completely surround by an electromagnetic field that took the shape of a doughnut

which was two torus fields of undulating electromagnetic energy and right at the very centre point

of this magnetic field of undulating energy would be the I AM self aware being, that was being

held in stasis and coherence by the intentional wave of the indwelling immortal soul.

Consciousness arises out of awareness and become localised within what we term as the mind

and the thoughts that arise within the mind, we are not however aware that each one of us 

manifests our own minds out of our ego's and arising personalities plus the combination of our

memories since birth and the experiences we have encountered. The double torus field that we are

all contained within, keeps reflecting the energy in and through us, our consciousness or rather our

minds work entirely on the self reflecting principle, take away the reflection and all that would be

left would be pure awareness, uncontaminated by thought and mind.

In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 8 November 2020

Ideas Of Numinous Seeking. I O N S Part Two.

 The Infinite Absolute Self/Source is all knowing , what then could it be lacking? That is a 

good question, and one that I shall attempt to answer here in this blog. The seemingly 

common assumption is that the SOURCE of all that is was and will ever be, is absolute

perfection and therefore is by the nature that we understand the word perfection to mean is

absolutely perfect and lacking NOTHING. However as this blog will hopefully show that 

this assumption is mistaken and the evidence for this looks at you in the mirror every day.

If we accept as I most certainly do that all expressed life originates from ONE Source and

that we as this thing called humanity are what seems to be at the apex of expressed life on

Earth as we are all SELF AWARE I AM consciousness, we use the prefix I AM to introduce

ourselves to other humans. It can be in no way a coincidence that the story in the Bible of

Moses and the "burning bush" episode, where when Moses asks God whom shall I say sent

me? God replied tell them that I AM sent you. We all use this same prefix daily I AM, does

this not suggest some connection here? The Absolute Infinite Source of ALL that IS WAS and

WILL EVER BE, is in ESSENCE INTANGIBLE, and unable to see, hear, feel, touch, taste,

smell, and all the other things we take for granted, like laughing, or crying, feeling pain,

feeling love. In order for the SOURCE to do any of these things, it has to become 

TANGIBLE, and that's where we all come into the picture. Humanity is at the apex of expressed

life as far as we know in this solar system. Every human being is the SOURCE fragmented in

Fractal terms, each being gathering experiences within its own limited orbit and contributing 

to the whole a bigger picture of collective experiencing. We all our infinite Being (SOURCE)

each undergoing a relative existence and being presented as a human being, to which each one

of us goes about our business collecting experiences, sharing our experiences with our families

and friends, and in so doing growing in awareness and consciousness. This will eventually

culminate in the being starting to look within themselves for answers to the question who am I?

When they finally get the answer to that question, they will know SELF which equals SOURCE!

Warmest  regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Ideas Of Numinous Seeking, I O N S .

 Does the Source of all life go seeking? If we answer no, then what are we all doing here

then upon this Earth? Are we not all Source-Lets from the One? If we answer no, then there 

can be no soul or spirit within mankind, we would then just be soul-less entities that would

vanish forever at death. On the other hand if we really are facets or source-lets from within

the Source of all life, which I most certainly think we are, then we can wonder at the question

of why would an absolute infinite Being seek to diversify itself into quadrillions of varying

expressions throughout this limitless universe, and manifest itself within 7.7 billion human

beings on Earth? To me a clue lies in the two words that of being TANGIBLE and that of being

INTANGIBLE, in our Earthly experiences we have only ever experienced the tangible and never

the intangible. Can we possibly imagine what it would be like to never feel something, hear 

something, taste something, see something, smell something, laugh at something funny, If we

were intangible none of these mentioned things would be available to you. Suppose then that

the Source became curious as to what these experiences would be like to experience ? If that

sounds far fetched and absurd to you, maybe saying that GOD is absolute Perfection so why 

then would a perfect BEING want with these gross experiences of feeling, touch, taste, sight,

hearing etc,? Well that's a good question, but the answer to is is staring back at you when you

look in the mirror! The fact is that there are 7.7 billion of us here on Earth, and we are all 

spiritual beings, with souls that are immortal. So the indication seems to be that the SOURCE

of all LIFE universally has diversified itself into a myriad numberless points of expression

in order to gain and experience the experiences of motional life and all the phenomena that

is associated with tangible life.

In part two will explore this further.           Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 6 November 2020

Ethereal Atoms Transmuting Self. E A T S Part Two.

 'WE' exist within the ethereal spaces between the atoms. In part one of this blog I laid out

the ultimate destiny and journey that all mankind will eventually engage in, ever being 

mindful that we each have the ability for unlimited incarnations to achieve this eventual 

realisation .In other words we have 'all the time in the world', and as time is an illusion

we then each have an eternity to eventually realise our SELF as that of being the SOURCE

of all that is, was and will ever be.

Mankind spends years looking for the SOURCE or GOD, never realising that man is the

SOURCE and the GOD he or she is searching for. By looking within we reconnect consciously

with who we really are, which is GOD or SOURCE the name you call IT is totally and utterly

irrelevant, it just IS that which IS! And we all our this IS represented in the form and shape

of facets or packets of the ONE. Mankind is presented within a relative framework which we

call planet Earth, this schoolroom location is purpose built to achieve an end, and the END is

that these packets of little self these facets will through many incarnations here on Earth in

order to ultimately realise their true immortal nature. By going within ourselves in the practice

of meditation or yoga, we gradually start losing our dense physical atoms, they gradually fall

away, and we meld into the dimension where more less gross energy packets dwell which are

ethereal atoms, these ethereal atoms magnetise and galvanise our inner levels of consciousness

so that we move much deeper into the infinite of awareness and consciousness, this 

electromagnetism opens up access into flashes of intuition and insights into your true nature of

being. Our inner true nature yearns to return from what is was once, which was WHOLE, we all

search for WHOLENESS and  in truth we will never really find it, until we fully know who we

are, then we will be COMPLETE and WHOLE. The primordial OM is  the signal that emanates

from the matrix of WHOLENESS which is the SELF. The OM is the HOMING  BEACON 

that eventually calls all its FACETS HOME.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Ethereal Atoms Transmuting Self. E A T S

Our basic design is that we are made up of quadrillions of physical atoms, an exact number 

that makes the form viable within the physical body ,this exact number is calculated by 

infinite intelligence, there is not ONE atom less or more than is absolutely needed. Each 

physical atom is also an atomic point of consciousness, the consciousness of the atom. When

we make a practice of beginning to look within ourselves, rather than forever looking outward

we set in motion a gradual transmutation sequence that will begin to reform the vehicle (human

body) from the inside out. When we begin a practice of meditation or yoga and begin looking

deeply within ourselves, we then automatically set into motion a reciprocal sequence within us

that will gradually begin to REFINE us from the inside out. So that the more we practice our

yoga or meditation, in particular if done daily with ardent focus and the establishing of a deep

inner silence, we will then begin the process of spiritual alchemy where we will gradually

begin to lose dense physical atoms, and begin the process of absorbing finer more ethereal atoms

this begins the gradual change of the inner nature of the meditating being. By going within 

ourselves we are beginning to open up to the true nature of our BEING, which is a spiritual

being, that is clothed within a physical vehicle, and this vehicle is the transport you need to drive

you to the POINT of inner revelation. The inner revelation will become very apparent to any

ardent seeker into the real nature of being. We rise up from animal man, human man, then onto

spiritual man and then a SOUL infused BEING. those are the stages that we will all pass through

and have passed through along that long road that eventually leads to soul realization, then on

further into SELF realization. As we make progress within our daily practice we are gradually

becoming transformed and transmuted into higher vibration frequencies which then attract the

finer more pure ethereal atoms, and the dense physical atoms begin falling away from our living

energy matrix, this way we become more radio-active in other words we start emitting at fist

invisible light frequencies that emanate from the ethereal atoms, those sensitive souls can see this

as our human aura, but if we keep moving forward with an intensity, eventually this inner glow 

this golden hue will become visible to all onlookers, just like those pictures of saints with a golden

nimbus shining around their head.. The reality is that you do not need to be a saint to let your 

inner light shine, all you really need is to focus within yourself keep practicing and wonderful

things will happen within you.

In part two will explore this more.               warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Manifested Internal Neural Dimension M I N D Part Two.

 We all create our own minds, which grow out of our awareness. A new born baby has no mind

but it has awareness, and from this awareness plus the gathering of experiences, its interactions

with its parents and other family and friends, its memory that is added to daily. This adds up to

like a chemical soup within the brain and the feelings that arise out of awareness. So that by the

age of around two years old these memories, experiences, interactions, begin to coalesce into

the formation of something that grows out of awareness and the rising of the ego which is the

sense of I AM a personality, which it turn brings about terrible tantrums and explosive fits of

anger, this is where the mind is born. The mind is always limited and finite, whereas  awareness

and consciousness are infinite and unlimited. Our minds are always centred around that which we

call ME, our ego centred self, our personality. The mind is always full of thoughts, and these 

thoughts are endless, and cause all manner of feelings to arise because of the thoughts which

have the power to reduce us to cowering wrecks of fear fuelled thoughts, or feeling joyful and

happy, all this is conjured up by thoughts in the mind, and the emotional response that arises within

it. We imagine that we each have a different mind, my mind and your mind, this idea breed the 

illusion of separation and being apart from the whole. The mind fosters up the illusion of "others"

when in truth there is no such a thing in reality as OTHERS, what could you possibly be OTHER

FROM? The universe possibly! The mind which is wrapped around the I AM self aware being

imagines that it is different and apart from all other things, it believes it is an individual and apart

from you and me., When in truth there is no such a thing in existence that is an individual being.

Awareness and consciousness are eternal infinite, the mind is finite and limited to FORM. As

mentioned yesterday in this blog, there are 7.7 billion minds on Earth, but only ONE awareness 

and ONE consciousness, we are all destined to LOSE our MINDS completely and become pure

awareness that has consciousness arising within it. Then we will know bliss and become the 

unconditional love and acceptance that we all are at our SOURCE STATE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Manifested Internal Neural Dimension M I N D .

 All 7.7 billion human beings seem also to have 7.7 billion individual minds, is this really true?

What then is this thing called a mind? Does anybody know? How is 'your mind' different from

my mind? Where does this mind arise from and how? To answer these intriguing questions we need

first to understand what a 'human being; actually is, then when we know what the entity consists

of, we can then trace the trail that will lead up to the manifestation and the arising of what we all

term as mind. So where does the I AM self aware consciousness come from? And how is it posited 

within an living energy life stream that will emerge upon the earth plane as a human embryo ? The

answer to this question lies in the nature of consciousness its nature is infinite absolute and 

omnipresent and also enfolds the entire relative universe in its awesome embrace. So in order for

consciousness to become localised and thereby lose its non-locale universality, it has to become

constricted and compressed into a localised point of reference. this reference point is called a 

singularity point of reference, the POINT that is referenced is called your I AM self aware

consciousness, when this singularity is formed this swirling vortex localises the infinite 

consciousness into a finite living form which we then call a human baby. So far so good,

we then have a mindless baby, there is no mind present yet, but the baby has consciousness

that is equivalent to our deep sleep consciousness, there is within this baby at first nobody home!

Between birth and around two years old there is no mind present, the I AM ME has not yet arisen

this I AM ME I WANT THIS and THAT is born with the birth of the ego and the time of the 

"terrible twos" where temper tantrums rage. this is when the mind comes on line and begins to

say those magic words I AM, I WANT, the mind is manifested within the child through memory

through experiencing the interactions between it and its parents and family members, it is a 

combination of memory, experiences self awareness, the birthing of individuality and personality

all this experiences coalesces into what we then term as mind. Our minds then become a limited

finite representative of infinite consciousness. There is only ONE Consciousness and 7,7 billion

human minds.

In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Monday 2 November 2020

Mankind Is Soul Self-Outworking Universal Truth. M I S S -O U T . Part Two.

 'We' are all here on Earth experiencing the outworking of universal truth, and what exactly

is this universal truth ? The truth is that the SOURCE of all this is, was and will ever be, has

decided in its Infinite Absolute Divine Wisdom to experience its handiwork first hand by 

becoming embodied and thereby fragmenting its Infinite SELF into facets of expression we

now call humanity. The SOURCE has fragmented its Infinite Self into 7.7 billion facets and

thereby experiencing directly what it actually feels like to be within a material field, a

dimensional field, and also to be layered with a material substance, which we call a flesh

and blood physical body. Plus on top of all this, the SOURCE has also decided to forget

who and what it actually IS!  How do we therefore know that this is the truth? That is very

simple to answer, and you do not need any book or website directing you to where this truth

can be found, all any of us will ever NEED is to look within yourself, here you will find if you

practice meditation or yoga, and then ask yourself the question WHO  AM I? If you do this and

persist with this line of inner questioning, you will then tap into your higher functional 

consciousness, which will then open up your intuition insights and begin revealing who and 

what you actually are, which you will  then discover YOUR SELF within your inner being

which you will understand this to be your very own immortal divine soul. When this occurs to

your self conscious mind, you will then automatically realise the validity of what is being shared

here in this blog. You will realise your own Divinity and see without a shadow of any doubt that

you are indeed a facet Sourced from the SOURCE. And that YOU are INDEED the SOURCE

incarnated within a physical body, and this realisation will ripple through you a living WAVE of

REALISATION, that will DAWN upon your astonished aware consciousness, then all fear will

vanish from your life, as now you are fully awakened.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 1 November 2020

Mankind Is Soul Self-Outworking Universal Truth. M I S S -O U T .

 So that we this entity called mankind do not 'miss-out' of the bigger picture of what we really 

are. We need to look within ourselves for answers, the word mankind is really just a name that

describes the collective embodiment of 7.7 billion souls, who without most of them knowing

this truth. That their physical bodies are no more that vehicles for the real occupier of the body

which is the soul. Humanity is just a name for the collection of vehicles that are used to express

a soul infused life form. Mankind equals a vehicle just like your car you drive to work in, if

you identified yourself as being the car, you would be seen as being mentally unwell and perhaps

needing some medication or mental health treatment. Yet we all seem to identify ourselves as being

the physical body, thinking that this physical  vehicle is who we really are! And we call ourselves sane!

In a reverse order of expression we have the SELF which is infinite absolute and is the SOURCE

of all that is and was within the universe, the ONE without another. Then we have the soul and there

are many of them, and lastly we have 7,7 billion vehicles which we all identify as this thing called

mankind. Mankind is a collective word for vehicles, biological machines that play host to the 

indwelling soul who is incarnated here in order to gain experience, what then does this soul need

experience for? That is a good question indeed ,why would  an infinite being need experience for

if it already knew it was perfect? The answer is that this being the SELF in order to manifest in

the relative duality based world ,has to collapse its infinite consciousness and thereby forget who

it REALLY IS, so that it can enter into a relative universe that has perpetual motion, as from total

motionlessness and absolute state that is its natural abode-less state. The SELF which is the SOURCE

holds this entire universe within ITSELF, this relative universe is 'surrounded by the void of the

ABSOLUTE. The SOURCE cannot enter relativity without being clothed in a vehicle which is

where the soul comes into play, the SOURCE is absolute purity pure SPIRIT, and this purity cannot

encounter matter unclothed,  that is an impossibility, so in order for the SOURCE to enter relativity

and experience dimensional expressions and physical form it cloths itself  within what we term as

a soul, which is made of a very fine etheric sheath that gains density the lower in descends into the

physical realm.

In part two will explore this further,           Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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