Tuesday 31 May 2022


 This blog today entitled SURVEY is about how the myth of humanity arose within

the ignorant minds of humans through the ages long past. What we call humanity is in

truth just a collection of 7.7 billion vehicles who all imagine that they are real beings.

Not realizing for one minute that what we really are is a talking walking biological

machine, and nothing more than that. Because we misidentify so strongly with  the 

vehicle as being a real entity we therefore imagine that this vehicle belongs to a race

of humans beings called that of humanity. Not realizing that this Earth is like a big

GARAGE for 7.7 billion vehicles to park in, while the real owner and real living 

ENTITY which is the immortal divine soul  gathers experiences of tangibility while

being housed within a biological machine.

We tend to think that humanity is something SPECIAL some sort of magic about it

instead of seeing ourselves as just a collection of vehicles. Mankind outside of this

tiny planet in this tiny solar system does not EXIST in universal terms , Mankind 

only "SEEMS" to EXIST here in this tiny dot we call  earth, but compared with the 

infinite vastness of this universe, this planet is no more than an ATOM in substance.

Survey is about realizing just who and what we really are , which is immortal Divine

Souls who use a biological machine to collect DATA, that's all we are on the OUTSIDE

collecting DATA vehicles for a higher intelligence to use while visiting this planet to gather

experience of what tangibility life really is like.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Monday 30 May 2022


 This blog today entitled WAIST is about how we are all double bound beings. who have

an inner eternal reality, and also an outer limited reality, and very often sadly to say the 

twain will never meet up in this life time, all 7.7 billion souls, know their personal physical

body self, because we all develop an ego and mind, that sees itself as a personality and 

also as an individual. All of us know to a greater degree this part of our double equation 

of being expressed here om on earth.

But tens of millions of us have no idea of the reality that indwells  within them. This 

sleeping soul lies within the head and heart chakra and hardly ever stirs throughout that

given life time. This phenomenon of real self soul unknowingness has been the scourge

of mankind for thousands of years . Gradually over many life times and experiences  we 

begin to wake up in one particular life time, and begin to awaken to the fact that there is a 

living PRESENCE within you , that has been trying to get your attention for many life 

time incarnations. This one today dear reader of this blog ,may be your waking up day

reading this today it may cause you to think abut that little inner small voice that you 

heard a while ago which helped you out of a crisis  situation, you hearing a reassuring 

inner voice saying that you will be ok don't worry! When you ponder on this inner voice 

it will awaken  a curiosity up within you that will cause you to seek out the nature of this

inner small voice, you will be very pleasantly surprised to find you have actually made 

contact within your very own immortal divine soul , then you will know peace and feel

a sense of inner unity and atonement.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Sunday 29 May 2022


 This blog today entitled SHOUT is about how all universal truth is locked away

within us all within our inner matrix which is the indwelling divine immortal soul

all universal omnipresent truth is all basically vouchsafed within each one of us,

all we have to do is to look within ourselves for the answer to all universal knowledge

and wisdom.

Outwardly we are completely ignorant of this vast infinite wisdom that lies within us all

It is only when we make the effort to look within ourselves that we begin to tune into this

infinite font of all knowledge and wisdom, Sadly none of us are taught from birth to look

within ourselves for all life's many questions, instead our heads are crammed full of dry 

useless facts , that when we leave school or university we promptly forget all their dry dusts 

facts, More often than not none of us would ever begin looking into ourselves unless we were

confronted by an arising crisis in our lives, or a sudden illness, Then when we are in trouble

and within a crisis , we will often think instinctively about looking within ourselves for the 

answer. We all have an infinite reservoir of wisdom and knowledge that dwells within 

each one of us.

Our indwelling divine immortal soul has access to infinite knowledge and wisdom, all we

need to do is to look within ourselves, find this font of all knowledge and then tap into and

tune into its loving presence,.

The Presence of the indwelling soul is always  there waiting patiently to make your conscious

acquaintance , when that happens in your life dear reader of this blog , your life will there on

in will never be the same again, your life will change dramatically over night for the better.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 28 May 2022

Meditation Ancient Science Truth. M A S T .

 The ancient science of meditation goes back many thousands of years , it is a 

tried and tested way for all souls to fully realize themselves and awaken into 

full self knowingness. This ancient science is about taking a leaden weighed

down unknowing soul and through the ancient practice of meditation begin 

the process of transmutation where the leaden ignorant soul is transmuted into

a golden being of full self knowing.

The Alchemist stone was really representative of our stone cold heart, that through

meditation would become golden and beating with a rhythm that was opening up

all those unbeknown energy centres within your body.

Meditation takes a leaden ignorant soul and through the art of transmutation which

is an inbuilt part of the meditation process, and changes that soul into a golden nugget

of pure joy and wisdom.

Over the past centuries millions of souls have found themselves  through this sacred 

science of meditation , each soul finding itself sends a wave of JOY rippling through

the ETHERIC WEB of expressed life.

Today we all have it very easy , there are countless methods of meditation being offered

on various websites, you pay your money and make your choice, for me who has been

meditating for the past forty eight years  I have always used the very same simple straight 

forward method of just observing the breath, letting go of all thoughts completely, and

then entering into the infinite depths of that inner silence. this method has enabled me to

fully realize my immortal divine soul which I realized beck in 1975, and have therefore 

been passing on this message of soul realization within over ten thousand blogs on that

subject alone, passing the message of awakening is sharing this so that readers too can 

find this inner truth within themselves,

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 27 May 2022


 "WE" that of humanity are all Sourced form the ONE SOURCE of all expressed life

which means that it has MOTION, if it moves it is LIFE, if it is motionlessness then

it is SPIRIT. The Source of all that is was and will ever be is within its AWESOME

SELF absolutely motionlessness and eternally still within perpetual blissfulness .

However the Source being pure spirit and intangible cannot experience any of the 

things we all take for granted  like, sight, touch, smell, hear, taste, the Source is unable

to feel anything as feelings implies motion, and when you are motionless you cannot 


So the Infinite wisdom decided to manifest motion by thinking an INTENTION

THOUGHT WAVE which then manifested motion out of stillness , This motion was

the birth of relativity and also the birth of a virgin universe, by manifesting an intention

wave motion which brought on that of perpetual motion came online . perpetual 

motion was born aloft that primordial thought intention wave , What we need to 

understand is that this primordial intention wave which began countless aeons ago ,

IS STILL in the process of being THOUGHT OUT. This intention thought wave 

will last for aeons , when the tought is complete  this relative universe will vanish in

a micro second as though it had never been, Which in absolute truth it never has been ,

We are in a dream state of experiencing by proxy of a borrowed vehicle!!!

We are all here to learn what tangible experience actually means, Because in every way

we are all intangible spirit, which cannot feel the way we understand that word, Feeling

implies MOTION and there is ZERO motion in pure spirit being ness.

Warmest regards michael 

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 26 May 2022

Presenting Humanity Opens Energy Nothing INTWINING XENO. P H O E N I X .

 This blog today entitled PHOENIX is about the way humanity is being presented

upon the stage of LIFE upon this planet Earth. The word XENO here means "alien"

"guest" we are all GUEST ALIENS from the Absolute Spirit  world all being presented

via a singularity vortex  into this relative universe, so that we can partake in tangible 

experiences while being embodied within five koshas or sheaths of varying density 

energy levels.

To get here on this planet is no easy task, no mortal mind could fathom a way to 

make an Absolute non-tangible Spirit , into a tangible relative human being , even

the great mind like ENSTEIN  would be baffled by such a task. But Divine Intelligence

does it all the time. Presenting a SPIRIT formless ubiquitous being who is Absolute 

and then taking it out of absoluteness and into a relative state is a mammoth task

that 99.9999999 percent of us are completely unaware of. The Spirit has to become 

condensed down into a low vibration state congealed and compressed from its fluidic

state to that of congealed low vibration  matter energy, then it is placed into a singularity

vortex where it is again super compressed and funnelled out into  a singularity  point

of reference . here you are a sub-atomic point of reference held in the slipstream of the

vortex, here you enter the fertilized egg of your mother to be, here you will grow and be

born as an human baby, the baby like all the 7.7 billion of us will be completely enfolded

with a double torus field of undulating electromagnetic energy and at the heart and crown

chakra centres we are both anchored upon this earth plane, the rotation of the vortex stays

within us in a clockwise rotation until we die then the rotation becomes counter clock wise

and thereby ferries us out of this dimension and into the Astral dimension.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 25 May 2022


 This blog today entitled HEADY is about how our emotions are our direct link to

the Divine Source. Life is all about being expressed and becoming expressed means 

that it is in MOTION, zero motion=zero life. What makes humanity a bit different from

other life forms is our faculty degree of what we term as EMOTION. Although there a 

degrees of emotions in the animal kingdom , it is in its fullest intensity within the human

kingdom.  What is the difference from the word motion and that of EMOTION? All life

has motion universally, but EMOTION is in a nutshell  "the Divine Fire of Life"  it is the

ARISING of an "I AM" self aware consciousness  level of SELF Knowingness.

Humanity is full of "EMOTION" which means that we all our the "living flame"  of

Divine Spirit encapsulated and embedded within five layers of varying density degrees

of energy levels of expression .

When we can go within ourselves, we can connect to this living flame which is the Source

of all emotions.

EMOTIONS are divine movements within the fabric of the space time continuum . Emotion

without expression which means motionlessness is  then called pure spirit at rest.

HEADY is about looking within yourself, finding a connection to that inner flame and making

conscious contact with your Divine inner indwelling immortal divine soul.

Our emotions are in a way the gateway to spirituality and the full and lasting inner knowing

of just who and what we really are, and thereby also revealing the reason we are all here in 

the first place.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Tuesday 24 May 2022


 The ultimate destiny of mankind is to become RISEN our of the ashes of gross

materiality and into the embrace of higher spirituality, which exists within each 

human being ,all you have to do is to look within yourself to find it . Mankind 

will all become RISEN after being crucified upon the cross of gross materialism.

and rise like the proverbial PHOENIX  out of the ashes one by one into a new

higher level of awareness and consciousness. This is all our higher destinies and

we will all become RISEN sooner or later.

This blog entitled RISEN  is about how each human being depending upon their

circumstances react in certain ways  to stress and pain, some choose  a chemical

solution like drugs and alcohol for their many problems and often get badly addicted

which causes even more severe problems to arise, While others will begin by 

examining themselves  for the answer to life's puzzle of why are we here?

Energy spirals  within us electromagnetic energy and when we tune into our inner

being, the rotation of the spiral becomes more intense and penetrating drawing us

out into unknown levels of perception and awareness. Our consciousness levels to

become deeper and more embracing, a feeling of inclusivity will befall you, and you

will start to find a part of everything within  this universe which of course you are

and have always been so, But NOW you FEEL IT within yourself by the RISEN 

Energy Level  that has become rotating within your inner core.

This energy embraces NOTHING  which you will come to understand means 


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Monday 23 May 2022


 This blog today entitled BEING is about how life is funnelled down into expression

depending on its place in the evolutionary arc of development.

We as human beings are all funnelled down from the astral realm into this physical 

dimension by the willed intention force of the indwelling immortal soul , The soul

wills the life force energy into a coalesced unity provided by the four elements  of

Earth, Air, Fire, and water  these four elements provide the necessary energy 

signature  needed to make one human vehicle. We all remain here on earth solely

by the willed intention of the soul, if that intention  is relaxed you would die 

immediately, sometimes too the soul reconsiders its options  during transit 

(still born)  or later in life (sudden dearth). The soul can then will another body 

to be made by summoning the elements for their valuable ingredients.

Being is about how to BE to BE and within this neutral gateway of presentation

to BE means to be-come ETERNAL knowingly,  which translates as becoming 

inwardly sill without thoughts, the ETERAL is forever STILL and silent.

The soul is always in charge although outwardly it might not look  that way, but 

the soul has the will  that basically holds you on this planet.

We incarnate upon this Earth plane and EXCARNATE (DIE)  back into the astral

plane. We all two and fro between those two holding area until we have awakened 

into soul and self realization, here we become fully conscious of our soul and our spirit

SELF, when we acomplish this point in our ascension we are then free to leave these two

holding areas of astral and earth, and consciously move onto fresh pastures else where

in this infinite cosmos.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization;

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your friends and family Thanks.

Sunday 22 May 2022


 This post today called  BLOGS is about before life was born aloft an INTENTION

THOUGHT WAVE all that was in the placeless place was that of the ABSOLUTE 

SPIRIT/GOD. The Absolute is TRANSCENDENT  of LIFE and is an ETERNAL 


The word LIFE  which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy, springs into

being when there is the presence of MOTION- no motion -zero life. Pure spirit which

is the ABSOLUTE is MOTIONLESSNESS eternally still and in perfect bliss.

It was only when that Primordial thought INTENTION wave was born aloft within

the Absolute Mind  that MOTION was BORN within the THOUGHT ACTION of

the Intentional wave LIFE was BORN  aloft that thought wave into what  was to become

a virgin universe. Life  was just at first  living intelligent energy there was zero focus, 

within a maelstrom of complete and utter chaos. LIFE  which is spirit at rest in stillness

was "CAST OUT OF EDEN" by that primordial  thought wave and we have been unfolding

ever since. Evolution  is about how energy formed bonding alliances with other energy and

gradually coalesced  into higher forms of expressions , We that of humanity are at present 

the apex of this evolutionary ascension. We are all heading in the direction of full SELF

Knowing, where we will eventually enter back into that stillness of pure spirit, if we want to

that is. There is always options open for souls who want to remain here on Earth  and aid 

those other souls who are still in the shadowlands of ignorance of their true immortal identity.

Others who find their true SELF can move onto other laces in this vast universe and find

and incarnate into other different life forms and become part of that culture.

We all have choices when we reach a certain level of awakening.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 21 May 2022


 This blog entitled LIT spells out LOST  IN TRANSIT is about how we incarnate back

into this Earth plane with our conscious awareness of who we were before, wiped 

completely clean, we are born with basically a blank brain a clean slate in which to

etch this incarnation experience. While we are in the astral realm we have full 

knowledge of our previous life  on Earth, and spent our time in the astral doing some 

reflection, thinking about what we have said and done on Earth, were we kind and 

loving?  Or were we selfish and unkind to others. While in the Astral  we reflect on

our previous life , and see and see what we could have done better. We receive help

from those trained by experience to counsel us on our past life journey  to earth, what

were our strong points and weak ones.

When it comes time to reincarnate we fall asleep and then pass over the ""river of 

forgetfulness" which is the mythical river STYX  here we are funnelled down a vortex

of singularity and into the fertilized  egg of your mother to be, you are not completely

unconscious although you will be born with a clean slate, a blank brain, however your

DNA chromosomes  will have memory implanted within this is a process of chemical

bonding, which will release the codes of your journey through experiences here on

Earth. When you reach  your time depending  on what you have been doing and how 

sensitive you are will depend on how much of the DNA sequence will unload and restore

forgotten memories  of past lives etc.

Reincarnation is both automatic and self chosen depending upon yout point of awareness

within the ascension arc of evolution , Below a certain level point reincarnation is 

automatic, and you have zero choice. Beyond that point  you indeed do have a choice

and what's more you can even chose your future parents to be,

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmil.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks

Friday 20 May 2022

Meditation Opens Doors Enfolding Really Nothing. M O D E R N .

 Todays blog entitled MODERN  is about how the ancient science of meditation will

open up inner doors and enfold the inner wisdom of no-thing.

For thousands of years seeker souls have used this most ancient science  of 

meditation not only to find their selves, but also to be able to escape the wheel 

of karma which imprisons billions of us on this planet, with endless incarnations

looking for a way to experience full self knowing. Not realizing that meditation

is the EXACT SCIENCE that will take an ignorant soul seeker into the realization

of its true immortal divine nature. There are millions of us who are all prisoners

of this planet and the astral realms, never escaping their brooding grasp  It is not

until we fully awaken that we can transcend the wheel of life here on Earth, and

the only tried and tested way for thousands of years is that of meditation.

Modern is about each one of us beginning to wake up and realize just who we

really are , when we do that, we are well on our way to opening hose inner doors

that will enfold you  with the wisdom of the ancient way of self knowing and 

SELF and SOUL Realization.

We all our far more than just a biological machine  called a human being, that is only

the FACADE of hiding an inner deeper reality which reveals that of an indwelling 

immortal Soul, that resides within the heart chakra of all of humanity.

When we can realize that the physical body is only a VEHICLE a TOOL for the

soul to use while gathering tangible experience here on Earth.

When we can look deeply within us we will therefore change beyond your mortal


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 19 May 2022


 This blog today entitled BELT is about how the word  EXIST which comes from the 

LATIN word "EXSISTO" which means to 'come forth' 'emerge' 'arise' all these words

describe the idea of "something coming out of something" this blog is about examining

that which is the back ground state of all emergence universally.

In absolute truth we do not exist nor does GOD or Brahman exist, the reason why God 

does not exist is because the Absolute  GOD DOES not EMERGE FROM ANYTHING,

it cannot COME FORTH from anything  "AS"  there is NO-THING in reality  OTHER

than ITSELF, Spirit or God cannot exist and what's more does not exist because the Absolute


reality of GOD Brahman is way BEYOND the limited scope of Existence which only "seems"

to exist within that of relativity.

We human beings only "seem" to exist because we are all "locked into" a relative framework

and can see no further than this relativity.

But beyond relativity lies the Absolute which is totally transcendent of existence.

Humanity is all relative in the presentation sequence of having a biological machine 

body, but indwelling within each human being is the immortal divine SOUL, which is

a further presentation of the inner ETERNAL UNBORN SPIRIT and in essence we are 

all pure awareness pure spirit, which cannot "come forth", or arise from any place, we in

ESSENCE are all omnipresent and ubiquitous  eternal SPIRIT/GOD?BRAHMAN,

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Reaization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Indwelling Divinity Earth Allocated. I D E A .

 This blog today entitled IDEA is about how we that of humanity are all in truth

nothing more than vehicles for a higher life form that of the divine immortal  soul

to gain purchase here on this planet Earth. in order for the immortal soul to have

any purchase on this planet is has to have a matter gravity laden vehicle in order

to become dense  enough to be able to remain in this dense material world.

We talk about humanity as though it is something special but in truth we are no

more important than the car you drive to work in , its useful  but not that important.

When we fully realize the indwelling divine reality within us all, we see that we are 

indeed  just sheaths vehicles for a higher power to gain purchase here. We then feel

a presence within us and know that the real YOU is not the biological machine

vehicle, but the real you is your IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL.

This blog IDEA is about having and developing this IDEA that you really are a 

Divine immortal soul , and by realizing this truth within yourself.

When you make that immortal realization within yourself, you will never be the same 

again, You will then know who you are and not only that but to be able to enter into

conscious contact with your soul and then it will reveal to you all the inner wisdom

that lies within you, and is just waiting to come gushing out into your self aware state

of now expanded consciousness.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blo resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


 This blog today entitled "I" SOW is about how we all can find out our true eternal

nature , by the act of going within ourselves, The question of why are we all here?

Well the answer firstly is to gain experience of duality tangible living within a 

physical body vehicle of expression. And secondly we are all here to fully know 

who we really are.

Tens of millions of us identify solely with the physical body vehicle as being their

true self, which of course is incorrect. What we all our is an immortal divine soul/

spirit until we fully know this fact we will have to continue coming back here 

reincarnating endless times, until you finally learn to join up all the dots and see 

the full picture of who and what you really are.

There is another reason why the spirit  is here covered over by five koshas or 

sheaths of expression , not that is needs to know itself, it is already fully aware 

of its absolute true unborn nature. What the pure spirit entity wants is to Experience

Tangibility expressed (motion)  living on this planet.  This is the sole reason the soul

is here to experience tangibility and also to wake up the five outer bodies to there 

true immortal nature.

"I" SOW  is about making the right connections and joining up all the  dots, when we

see the full inner picture of our true immortal nature we can then move onto other 

expressions of ,life in varying other parts of this universe , This Earth chain is only

a minute part of a far greater wholeness of being expressed universally.

The hallmark of Spirit  is to share your realization  with other souls  who are still 

groping in the shadow lands of unknowingness.

Warmest regards michael,

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Tuesday 17 May 2022


 This blog today entitled MOB meaning to spell out the motion of becoming , What is it

that is becoming?  The short answer is that of life, life is becoming more and more 

evolved as it motions through a MYRIAD  of experiences. What lies beneath the motion

of becoming is what we commonly call that of evolution  is the motion of becoming , and

mankind is at the apex of this becoming principle.

We have all arrived at a point in our motions of becoming into SELF AWARE "I AM" 

consciousness . We are now all on a level of becoming, which brings us up to the conscious

awareness of being a spiritual being. What is a spiritual being? One that is consciously 

conscious of being  a soul /spirit being. This point of becoming puts us on a level with the

divine order of things. We can look within ourselves and reveal that divine inner nature which

is our divine birth right heritage.

Foe aeons life has been becoming more and more evolved within the process of becoming 

until it reaches its apex in mankind. We are now on a level of the Gods of life  or rather

the Absolute SOURCE of all life,

Many millions of humanity are awakening up to realize the divinity within themselves

and many have awoken up to realize their immortal divine soul.

This blog is about you becoming aware of your inner divinity, and taking the time to look

within yourself and find that indwelling soul that resides within you, and every other human

being. Mob brings us to an understanding  of ourselves. and opens up that inner door which

will lead you to your very own liberation of your inner true immortal divine soul.

This inner reality resides within all 7.7 billion human beings, to find your true immortal

inner soul. all you have to do is go within yourself and reveal this presence to your self

conscious I AM self awareness self.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 15 May 2022


 Aeons before mankind thought of the APP  for everything from ordering a meal

to arranging your own funeral  APP. The Absolute  power presence was there FIRST.

Life  which was ISSUED out from the Absolute Primordial INTENTION WAVE, life

equals SPIRIT in MOTION, before life was born aloft that INTENTION THOUGHT

WAVE, all that was present was ABSOLUTE SPIRIT. within eternal motionlessness


Life can be seen as surfing  upon the pressure wave  of the divine Intention, we are

what could be called or termed as that of "APP-LETS" of Divine expressed Life.

Humanity consists of 7.7 billion "APP-LETS"  of the ONE DIVINE Absolute 

principle , our APP which is indwelling within  us is called your indwelling divine

immortal soul, this is the APP that YOU NEED to CONNECT  with. And once that

connection is made you will therefore find yourself and also find your way back to 

your SOURCE of all life.

Our evolutionary pathway is the way Infinite Intelligence moves through many stages 

and dimensions of expression all leading up to the point where we all are now  within

the human evolutionary chain . Here in this chain we have developed  "I AM" self aware

consciousness , this realization is your opportunity to open up your  inner APP which 

which will put you in place for finding your true immortal divine heritage.

When you find this realization , you are nearing the end of your incarnating 

experiencing, you are nearing the end of having to be on the wheel of life and karma.

Once you fully know your SELF, and have fully made conscious regular contact with

your inner divine soul, then you are ready to CASH In your APP, in exchange for 

inner bliss and stillness of being. This then can lead to getting another APP for somewhere

far removed from this GALAXY. But that's another story.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Saturday 14 May 2022


 This blog today entitled ELOHIM which is the HEBREW word  for GOD/ Great spirit.

is about how we that of humanity are all enfolded divine light that can and does open up

the hidden inner matrix  which resides within us all, this blog will reveal the way to 

respond to this inner light and thereby reveal the real divine inner dweller that resides

within you.

Divine light energy which is spirit has become compressed and congealed into matter

and thereby become localized within a point of reference which is you dear reader of 

this blog today. The fluidic light of spirit energy is ubiquitous in nature, present every 

where simultaneously, but in order to reincarnate here upon Earth it needs to become

LOCALIZED within a single point of reference, this is the singularity that becomes you

the human being. Ubiquitous energy becomes super compressed so that the light which

is fluid becomes super condensed and congeals into what we call matter, in our case the

matter becomes flesh and blood.

This compression into a single unit of self aware consciousness, takes the spirit/soul  out

of its ubiquitous state and the compression  localizes it within this planet Earth.

At the core of our being we are all ELOHIM/GOD/SPIRIT ,this inner matrix is then 

covered over by five layers of varying densities of matter , these are called Koshas or

sheaths, outwardly we are a human being vehicle, who can reclaim its inner Divinity

if we look within ourselves, and take up meditation or yoga.  By going within your self 

we can open that inner hidden matrix , which lies at the core of our being, and reveal the 

Divinity and the ELOHIM that resides deep within every human being upon this planet.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 13 May 2022


 This blog today entitled WORLD is about how not only do we encompass the world

within ourselves, but in fact we all have the universe within us in miniature. When we

look within ourselves we are looking into a infinite space-less place, which has within 

it all the answers to all the questions you could possibly think of . Outwardly we are 

all physical vehicles called human beings, but inwardly we are all divine immortal 

souls, all we have to do is to look within us. Many of you reading this now will have 

had at sometimes a feeling of an inner presence within you, or maybe in a crisis 

situation you heard an inner voice whispering words of comfort to you, had you

investigated this inner voice you would have found your immortal soul. This Divine 

inner being dwells within us all, and longs for the time when it can make conscious

contact with you. Sadly it most often only happens when we are in a crisis situation

it would be nice if we could make contact by just going within ourselves and making

contact that way.

The world and the universe lie within each and every one of us , all we need to do is to

look within and discover this hidden treasure that lies within every one of us.

Going within is not about learning anything, rather its about discovering and uncovering

what lies within you. All wisdom and knowledge lie within you, the answer to all your 

questions lie within you, your true immortal identity awaits within you, waiting for you

to discover this wondrous prize today,

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Thursday 12 May 2022


 What is life literally? Does anyone really know? This blog today entitled WILL is about

trying to understand exactly what life actually is. We all know that life is a singular 

reality, that there is but ONE LIFE FORCE in existence. So there is only one life force

so what then is the NATURE  of this one FORCE?

To answer this question, we need to consider just where does life come from? Life can

only come from ONE SOURCE, because LIFE is only ONE FORCE and from ONE 

comes ONE, so we can assume with a certain amount of surety that life came or comes 

from THE SOURCE of all life which is what we call GOD or BRAHMAN and as 

Brahman or God  is SPIRIT, then we can easily see that behind all life lies the eternal

divine SPIRIT.

So the sequence of life being expressed universally meaning that life is in MOTION

and back of all that motion lies the eternal stillness of SPIRIT,

When we bring this into the human kingdom we then are first the Divine principle of

SPIRIT  being expressed as life  and enfolded within a physical body vehicle, outwardly

we are physical  bodies, with an ego, personality mind and a sense of individuality, but

inwardly we are a divine immortal soul , who then is a SPIRIT  who then is connected 

directly with the SOURCE which is BRAHMAN/GOD.

So the answer to the question "WHAT IS LIFE?  Becomes that life is SPIRIT in 

MOTION, we move through this motion of LIFE and will eventually reach a point of 

STILLNESS within , and when we reach that final point of perfect inner stillness

we can then leave life =MOTION behind and unfold or open up like a beautiful 

rose and thereby blossom back into the place you left aeons ago which is SPIRIT in

the stillness of ALL within BRAHMAN/GOD.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail/com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 11 May 2022


 This blog today entitled SHIVA will relate what part SHIVA the Hindu God plays out in 

our lives. "Shiva is said to be the controller of time itself, and has the responsibility of 

carrying out the process of destruction , the destroyer of MAYA (ILLUSION)".What 

Shiva destroys in our lives is the illusion that we are only a human being, who lives 

three score years and ten and then die, end of story. Well Shiva will remove all fantasy

and falsehoods from your consciousness, it will reveal to you that you are a Divine 

immortal soul and that you will live forever as a spirit being . It will reveal to you that

you are indeed a spirit/soul right now and all you need to do to verify this fact  is to

go within yourself. Take up meditation and reveal the real you under the presented

physical body FACADE.

What Shiva will destroy in your life is all the things that you do not need, it will 

remove your inner fears about life and death, because you will see that you are an

immortal soul . It will gradually remove the ignorance that keeps you locked in 

negativity and fear .By looking within yourself you will find inner peace and serenity.

You will find a balance in your life ; All the dross that kept you a prisoner to this 

planet will fall away, and you will develop a spring in your step , your energy levels 

and vibration rate will increase and so will your level of awareness and conscious 


Shiva will act like a searchlight into your soul illuminating your self awareness with a 

new and fresh perspective on your whole life in general, It will destroy all the illusions

that have kept you in ignorance and fear, and will reveal to your startled self who you 

really are, a divine immortal soul.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks,

Tuesday 10 May 2022


 This blog today entitled SIR is about how we all can achieve Soul Realization  by going

within ourselves and seeking out that Divine Indwelling Being  who resides within each

one of us. So many of us believe in having souls , and never venture beyond a vague 

belief that I am a soul, but we can change that belief into an inner knowing by actually

realizing our inner Divine Presence.  

Back in 1974  when I started meditation little did I know my MEAGER attempts at 

meditation would lead me into the full and complete realization of my Divine immoral

Soul, all I was really looking for was some peace of mind, some serenity and for to be able

to slow down and stop my rapid thought processes.

Soul realization is open to all seekers, all you need is to go within yourself and practice 

meditation, seek the inner silence and wait for your intuition to begin to come on-line 

for you, you will find that after you have observed your breath, let go of your thoughts 

until you experience some quietness inner silence , then your intuition will fire up

and give you inspiring intuitive thoughts and flashes of insight into things that had 

previously baffled you.

When you have discovered this intuition, this leads onto your higher self . When I 

discovered my higher self , I then thought what is the nature of this higher self?  It was

then that I made the LEAP from having faith in my soul TO actually KNOWING

that I had established conscious contact with my Divine immortal SOUL.

This too is open to all you dear readers of this blog today you can just like me also realize

your own immortal soul by doing what I did to practice meditation and go deeply within

yourself, this what I am sharing today is NOT A THEORY I read in a book, rather it is 

my direct LIVING EXPERIENCE of having achieved this within myself, which is the 

conscious realizing of my immortal divine soul.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 9 May 2022


 This blog today called UN is about seeing that humanity on mass are really in essence

just a projection into relative time and space, which appears as what we call a phenomena,

but behind the projected image lies an invisible principle which is the eternal unknown 

NOUMENON. This NOUMENON is an UNBORN principle  and therefore eternal in its

nature-less nature.

Humanity are all basically eternal spirit  which is absolute and ubiquitous  in nature 

undergoing a relative experience upon this planet Earth in what we term as human beings

which are only vehicles for a higher form of life, do indeed live and then exit our vehicles

and then dwell in the astral realm for a while, before coming back here for further tangible

experiences. The vehicle does indeed rot and decay indeed it does, BUT YOUARE NOT

THE VEHICLE, we all our SOULS with physical bodies, and behind that immortal soul

lies ETERNAL SPIRIT  which is UNBORN, all of humanity is UNBORN which is the

essence of your portrayal on earth . 

None of us have ever become non-existent , all of life is eternal by its very nature of being

spirit in essence and SPIRIT  is GOD the ABSOLUTE, and this principle which is 

eternal is the NOUMENON, that we all ISSUE out OF to BECOME projected into

relativity and relative  time and space.

Outwardly we are all phenomena  projected vehicles of humanity by our inner invisible

SELF/SPIRIT is the NOUMENON  which forever remains the UNBORN ETERNAL.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Sunday 8 May 2022


 This blog today entitled BOLD is about realizing that SPACE which according to the 

ancient wisdom is "AN  ENTITY" and that space is occupied  by us. This US equals

that of LIFE, life is the occupier of SPACE. so what then is expressed LIFE? Well space

is basically the fluid energy of the ABSOLUTE, which amount to its BLOOD, and the

occupiers  (US) this blood by crystallization into a physical body. 

Humanity are crystallizations of this fluid blood of GOD!  BOLDNESS means to stand 

out from the background. Well then the background is fluidic space which is the fluid

blood of the Absolute, a kind of liquid THOUGHT substance . The BOLDNESS is in our 

consciousness state of having a physical body .

All expressed life is crystallized blood of the Absolute Source of all life . Humanity has

gone through aeons of forms and states has occupied space many times . Now we are self

aware and can look into ourselves and ask that question of who am "I" really?  

We are all physical occupiers of this fluidic space, crystallized spirit formations, living 

as flesh and bones. We are all the WORD made into FORM by the condensing and

crystallization  process.

Humanity is BOLD in appearance and manner, we have arrived at a point where we can

know ourselves fully, and by knowing this a realization will dawn upon you that you

are a divine immortal soul, condensed and crystallized into a physical body vehicle in

order to experience tangible living as a solid SPACE occupied FORM.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto yojur family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 7 May 2022


 There are 7.7billion human beings upon this Earth planet, how many of  those 7.7 

billions of us are unaware that they are immortal divine souls? Most likely the

number runs into tens of millions of us. This blog today entitled US is about those

unknowing souls who are completely unaware that there is a divine being dwelling

within themselves. 

Are you dear reader of this blog one of those unaware souls? If you are I am not 

going to try and convince you that you have a soul. that would be futile  and pointless

and would only make you resist, and perhaps stop reading this blog. Rather I would

instead suggest to you that you rather look within yourself and ask the question of

yourself who am "I"? If you are interested in meditation so much the better, you can

then go within and ask yourself that question of who am I really? We need to realize

that just because a person is unaware that they are a soul, this does not preclude them

being spiritually minded beings. You can be unaware of your soul but still be a loving

kind person. Love and kindness are part of being a human being.

If you are unaware of your soul  it means that you have not been consciously touched

by that inner presence within you,

Or maybe you have and not made that vital connection? Perhaps you thought it was

just your intuition speaking to you, not realizing that intuition is really the soul 

communicating with you. If you have had episodes of intuition flashes of insight

in your mind, then this is your inner presence reaching out to you. If you are in a 

crisis situation it is here that we often hear this still small inner voice that offers us

a reassuring words of comfort , this reassuring inner voice is your divine immortal


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks

Friday 6 May 2022


 Were we to SURVEY beneath the FACADE of the physical body, we would "see" the

intangible soul using the physical body as a vehicle for it to use in the business of

gathering tangible experience of physical relative expression.

So many of us are fast asleep to the reality of what and who dwells within us all,

because of our gross ignorance  of our true divine inner nature, we fall into the 

delusive trap of that of identifying with our physical vehicle as being who we really

are, which of course is entirely a false notion.

What we all our is souls with a physical body, that the soul needs to be able to gain 

purchase here on Earth. Question, why does a divine immortal soul need to gain purchase

here on Earth, what could be the reason? Well the reason is very simple to understand once

you know the difference between tangible and intangibility.

The soul in its intangible stateless state cannot do any of the things that the human 

vehicle can do, that is the main reason the soul is here to discover what tangibility ia

all about, to be able to experience things like , touch, taste, smell, feel, see, hear, to feel 

pain and to be able to cry, to laugh, and have love and feeling for the illusion of another

soul. To feel separateness and apart from the whole, to give birth to a baby, and be a parent

Humanity  in truth is a collection of VEHICLES  and the Earth is like an immense 

GARAGE  for 7.7 billion vehicles that all adopt the name calling themselves HUMANITY.

Humanity is the name of our VEHICLES, that the soul uses to gather experience.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 5 May 2022


 This blog today called MOIST is about how the immortal soul obtains a physical

body, and incarnates upon this Earth. To do this the soul who is in essence state 

needs to obtain the vital ingredients in order to make one physical body. To do 

this the soul seeks out the four ELEMENTS of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, and

asks them to supply the vital ingredients to make one human being. The four 

Elements agree to give some of their vital energy so that a human being can incarnate.

This cooperation between souls and the elements has been going on for hundreds of

thousands years . The four ELEMENTS provide a service so that humanity can EXIST

without the elements there would be zero humanity in existence, the fifth element which

is the etheric one is supplied by the souls essence.

Once the deed and deal is done, natural law takes over and the soul places itself within

a downward (lower vibration) spiral vortex which is a singularity point of reference, here

when the soul is placed within this vortex it looses consciousness and falls into a deep

sleep. Then the soul is funnelled down into the mother to be womb, and this embryo 

soul seed is then fixed within this singularity point of reference. All this sequence is

totally invisible to human beings we only ever see the outer FACADE of form, we cannot

see the electromagnetic vortex and torus field that completely surrounds this little life

force, this undulating field of electromagnetic energy light waves  remains with the soul

until the time of departure arrives death (change of venues from earth to astral realm).

When the baby is born its biological computer the brain is basically a clean slate, awaiting

to be programmed by the infant, it is not until around two years old that the EGO is born

and the "I AM" awake mind say I want this and that NOW! When the "I" is born the little

one begins another journey of self discovery. All of us humanity owe a deep sense of gratitude

to the four elements, who without  their act of sacrifice themselves so that we may live here

on Earth. This blog is my way of saying thank you Elements for your love and service.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 4 May 2022


 The whole of nature with the exception of mankind is without SPOT, meaning that

nature is INNOCENT (UNCORRUPTED) by malice and evil intentions. Mankind

is the one exception to natures rule, and that one exception makes us to have SPOT.

So what exactly is SPOT that we all have? 

Well this blog today called WHIPS will try and lay out what exactly SPOT really is.

SPOT really means "LOSS OF INNOCENCE" mankind has lost its innocence 

due to the fact of gaining our "I AM" self awareness consciousness, when we woke 

up to self aware consciousness we were then on a par with GOD the Source, loosing

out innocence means that we can defy our nature and consciously break universal law

by our will alone we can entertain thoughts of hatred and malice, do evil nasty things

to another soul, we can defy our natural instincts and go contrary  to natures direction,

we have free will and having free will comes the burden of consequences that follow

that free will . Cause and effect also known as Karma comes into play here, because 

all of nature is karma free, only mankind has and does collect karma because of our 

free will. It may be called free will but it can cost us plenty if you step out of the 

natural law alignment sphere. We have to loose our INNOCENCE in order to gain 

our SELF awareness and to be able to become GOD-LIKE in nature, by going within

ourselves and reveal that Divine immortal soul that dwells within each one of us,

We can never remove the SPOT, but we can make the SPOT-LESS by adjusting

our manner and behavior towards other souls.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 3 May 2022


 This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about how the SELF which equates directly to the

Absolute Source, places ITSELF and portrays itself as a relative tangible soul that seeks

out experience upon the planet Earth. And to do that needs to find a physical body vehicle

in order to incarnate here in this dense gross level of material matter. Now the act of 

procuring a physical vehicle is not well known to humanity. The soul that needs a vehicle

a body to use needs to find these vital ingredients, from where they arise from,  and that is

from the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water the soul approaches these elements

and asks for their permission to give the soul the energy that is needed to make one human

being, the elements agree and loan the soul the ingredients that will allow the soul to 

incarnate here on Earth, the fifth element needed to complete the mixture is provided by

the soul which is the etheric element. The act of cooperation between the soul and the 

elements has been going on for tens of thousands of years, and not hardly any mention

of the most valuable service that the elements provide us with is ever mentioned of 

even known about. Without the most loyal cooperation of the elements we could not

exist here upon this planet. This blog today recognises the elements most noble service

and thanks you for your blessed help in us being expressed.

The SELF being intangible seeks out the experience of being tangible and to do that needs

to become a soul  which is spirit clothed in subtle matter and then further  being clothed 

within the ingredients of the four elements, so that it can be incarnated here on Earth as

a human being vehicle.

Here it can experience tangible  living and gain valuable experience. And while here the

vehicle can by looking within itself awaken and become aware that it is not just a human

being, but rather much more than that, it is a divine immortal soul.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 2 May 2022


 All of humanity is expressed within a trinity of layers which are the primary expression

which is Spirit, then the secondary expression the soul, and last is the dense gross physical

body vehicle. We are all a three fold expression, with the soul having an additional five koshas

of differing densities which permit full expression upon this planet.

This blog today which is entitled DIFFERS is about how we when in meditation deep awaken

the inner DIVINE FIRE of the KUNDALINI which rises slowly up the spine, and when it 

reaches our crown chakra, it can burst  forth out of the top of our head into rods of Spirit 

Light, which reveal the inner core of mankind expressed which is the SPIRIT.

This is not the soul being expressed  within the KUNDALINI SAMADHI state, but 

rather the pure essence of DIVINITY. This Divine HOLY  FIRE sleeps coiled up in our

root chakra for most of humanity, it is only when we begin looking within ourselves that 

this sleeping DRAGON  awakens from its long slumber. 

When we take up meditation and enter deeply within that total silence within, when all 

thoughts have ceased, we then make contact with our intuition , which leads to contact 

with our higher self, which we then realize is our immortal divine soul. When we awaken 

this sleeping dragon by our inner silence , it begins to percolate slowly up our spine 

touching and awakening each chakra as it rises in what is called the "Dance of the 

lesser DEATH" it is called this because after the experience of a full KUNDALINI

SAMADHI awakening ,you are literally and FACTUALLY REBORN AGAIN and


Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 1 May 2022


 This blog today is about how we are all made in the "image" of GOD which in HEBREW

spells out as "EL".  In the beginning the was EL and EL  manifested a universe from 

within  itself by an INTENTION WAVE THOUGHT , this thought wave intention was

EL being WITHIN its manifesting thought wave, Humanity is a collection of vehicles 

which are all ENTIFIED by the PRESENCE of EL within its core matrix. Love which

is unconditional and thereby issued out within the primal thought intention wave of EL

unconditional love never moves it is the back ground state of all motion within this 

universe. It is us  who moves through love on the evolution conveyer belt that causes 

all life into eventual full knowing that it is SOURCE. 

We humanity are nearly there in self knowing. What is it we have to know? We all have

to understand that each one of us is EL (GOD) that is why you are here to awaken into

this realization .

Evolution is about expanding our awareness and perceptions into an understanding that

we are now self aware and well on the way to full recognition of our true SELF which

is EL. We  are all LOVE embodied within  a physical body vehicle .

Love is the energy that has condensed into physical form and is being portrayed by us

as that of being human beings. The ENERGY of LIFE that propels us through our 

everyday existence is that of unconditional love issuing out from the inner SOURCE

of EL, Its just that we are all enfolded completely within loves embrace, but because of

our gross ignorance of our true being, we all fail to realise this basic fundamental truth.

Warmest regards michael;

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.