Wednesday 4 May 2022


 The whole of nature with the exception of mankind is without SPOT, meaning that

nature is INNOCENT (UNCORRUPTED) by malice and evil intentions. Mankind

is the one exception to natures rule, and that one exception makes us to have SPOT.

So what exactly is SPOT that we all have? 

Well this blog today called WHIPS will try and lay out what exactly SPOT really is.

SPOT really means "LOSS OF INNOCENCE" mankind has lost its innocence 

due to the fact of gaining our "I AM" self awareness consciousness, when we woke 

up to self aware consciousness we were then on a par with GOD the Source, loosing

out innocence means that we can defy our nature and consciously break universal law

by our will alone we can entertain thoughts of hatred and malice, do evil nasty things

to another soul, we can defy our natural instincts and go contrary  to natures direction,

we have free will and having free will comes the burden of consequences that follow

that free will . Cause and effect also known as Karma comes into play here, because 

all of nature is karma free, only mankind has and does collect karma because of our 

free will. It may be called free will but it can cost us plenty if you step out of the 

natural law alignment sphere. We have to loose our INNOCENCE in order to gain 

our SELF awareness and to be able to become GOD-LIKE in nature, by going within

ourselves and reveal that Divine immortal soul that dwells within each one of us,

We can never remove the SPOT, but we can make the SPOT-LESS by adjusting

our manner and behavior towards other souls.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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