Saturday 31 October 2020

Living Intelligent Focused Energy L I F E Part Two.

 Within us all lies the awareness of all that will ever be, consciousness that is infinite and all

embracing, and access to perceptions that are able to penetrate into the deepest recesses of

reality, all we have to do to access this infinite bounty is to go within ourselves and practice

either meditation or yoga. We are only limited by our lack of faith in ourselves and our over

excessive fascination for always looking outward, and never inward. We all our as this thing called

humanity LIFE being expressed within a physical vehicle, we are being expressed within a relative

framework, and therefore see ourselves as relative beings, this is true of course about our outer

physical being, but not true about the LIFE FORCE that we all truly ARE. LIFE is eternal and

therefore has never experienced a beginning, nor will ever experience an ending. So many of us

are blinded by what we see, the physical body, and do not understand that the physical body, the

relative shell which holds the real occupier within, is only a vehicle nothing more than that, yet

in our gross ignorance we believe just what we see on the surface, and fail to see our true self

that lies within us. Living Intelligent Focused Energy that is what we all are, and what focuses 

this intelligent energy is LIFE,  Life is consciousness and this consciousness is the FIELD that

contains this relative universe, and this FIELD we are all contained therein, being Expressed

and motioned into experience gathering  which is the way that expressed life get a full 

understanding of who and what it actually is, through the acquisition of an I AM self aware

consciousness. This is where we all are now, self awareness, and using our relative minds to

access the infinite consciousness that exists within us all. Then looking within us will reveal who

we all truly are.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Friday 30 October 2020

Living Intelligent Focused Energy. L I F E .

 There is ancient occult maxim which state that 'space in an entity' meaning basically that this

whole universe is wholly alive, that this universe reflects the relative aspects of LIFE in a 

multitude of varying expressions. Science knows that energy is eternal and cannot ever be

destroyed only transformed into another phase of being, what science has yet to accept though

which the ancients have known for thousands of years, is that this 'energy' is life and is alive.

We have yet to fully understand that there is no opposite to LIFE, that death is a meaningless

word and cannot exist within reality. What we call death is really just our ignorance seeing a 

process, but failing to fully understand the complete process, we only observe the physical 

process and no further, thereby only seeing an incomplete process. what we call death in a 

human being, is when the true occupier has vacated the vehicle and been moved to (converted)

into the astral realm, leaving the physical  corpse to rot and thereby return to the Earth from whence

it came, which is called by some as that of Divine Economy.

We as this thing called humanity are Infinite Absolute LIFE being expressed and funnelled down

a singularity vortex, and exiting into this physical universe as a relative life form, enclosed within

a physical body. We are all BEING which equates as absolute infinite LIFE (GOD) being expressed

as what 'appears' to be that of manifold BEINGS. All these beings which amount to 7.7 billion

human beings, are all emerged from ONE BEING, and ONE Being only.

One Absolute Infinite BEING/SOURCE which can be likened to that of an Infinite Radiant JEWEL

and we as that of humanity are all the facets of this one JEWEL.

Consciousness can be seen as the living field which permeates this entire relative duality based

universe, consciousness arises as an intentional field within the Infinite Mind of the ONE and

thereby encloses and contains all motional elements that are expressed within this universe.

In part two will explore this further.            Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends.  Thanks.

Thursday 29 October 2020

Flow Of Incarnate Life Expressing Divinity. F O I L E D part Two.

 The flow of life expressing Divinity is a continuous ebb and flow of expressions within 

incarnations, each incarnation leading to and adding to the collective of experiences gained

here. In between each physical incarnation there is a departure sequence that is automatically

engaged  which we call DEATH, which the plural of the word is DEATHS, if we look at that

word and break each letter down ,it then spells out the real meaning of the word, Departing-

Earth-Astral-Trajectory-Holding-Space=DEATHS. That is what death actually means it is a 

departing sequence which is part of natural LAW and is enacted a vast number of times in

your journey to full self discovery and full SELF Knowing.

Who we meet and interact with while in the Astral realm depends entirely upon your very own

signature vibration and level of your ability to access your level of awareness clearly. One natural

law though that operates here is that like attracts like, which can be summarized as that of "birds of

a feather flock together" if there is a resonation between you and another you will meet up, otherwise

it will not occur, such is the law of vibration. We need to become mindful that the Astral realm is

not some strange place that we are automatically propelled towards at death, rather it is a place 

that we have  visited  all our lives while asleep at night The only real difference at death is that

the silver cord is snapped off when we die, making it then impossible to return to the physical

body, but while we are sleeping and travelling within the astral realm the silver cord remain 

firmly attached to our physical body.

We have all forgotten long ago that we all chose to come here and experience the experience of

duality and embodiment, to feel the movement of MOTION and the interplay of Divinity being

expressed at that of EMOTIONS, to forget our ubiquitous infinite nature, and thereby become

condensed into relativity and lose our universal consciousness awareness to be replaced by a 

localised acquistion which we call the mind. When  we can therefore fully know ourselves and

fully see and understand our immortality, we will then be able to get of the wheel of incarnation

and thereby move onto something completely different.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Flow Of Incarnate Life Expressing Divinity. F O I L E D .

 Mankind has been foiled by the belief that death is the end of life as we know it, when in fact

death is an illusion  conjured up by false teachings and our own ignorance of who and what

we really are. We have been foiled and fooled into believing that we are just mortal beings

who live for four score and ten years then die and disappear into oblivion. Its time we set aside

these foolish and childish fears of death and endings, we are in truth all immortal beings, and

are all here on Earth to know and realise this truth, and the way that we realise this truth of our

immortality is by gathering many experiences over many life time incarnations upon this Earth

plane. We flow in and out of incarnation within a seamless sequence of natural law which operates

with perfect precision and always places us in exactly the right situation that we need in order to

bring about this eventual realisation of our true immortal nature. This cannot be achieved within

one physical life time, therefore infinite wisdom has facilitated a sequence of events and holding

areas (astral plane) that will permit a seamless transition from physical expression onto astral

expression and back to physical expression. Within and around our physical body we also have 

an etheric body and also an astral body, we have other finer expressions than these two, but will

ignore those for now. The two most important bodies along with the physical are the astral and

etheric bodies. Because of our vast ignorance of who and what we really are, we fail to  realise

that each one of us travels within the astral realm evert night when you go to sleep,  we are each

attached to our astral body by what is often termed as a silver cord  and this silver cord keeps us

attached to our physical body while we go gathering experiences within the astral realm, the cord

can stretch into infinity and back distance is an illusion within this realm, it is impossible to over

stretch the silver cord, it cannot ever arise, the only time this umbilical cord is severed is when we

exit our vehicles (DIE) then the cord snaps and we then become full time residents within the astral

realm, and return back to Earth is not possible, until a period of rest and reflection on our last visit

to Earth, and we can then phase out of the astral and become reincarnated upon the Earth and 

thereby live and develop another ego and personality, and gather more experiences.

In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Consciousness Localises Earth Allocated Realm Selected. C L E A R S Part Two.

 'WE' are all the living word, made flesh and the word is that of  'I AM' self aware consciousness.

Consciousness is absolute and infinite, it is the sum total  of all phenomena and is also the 

noumenon, consciousness just IS, that which amounts to all which is represented by that of

INFINITE INTELLIGENCE. We as life and what is called humanity are all contained within

this reality and are indeed the very embodiment of this reality. Though most of us fail to see this

truth. In order for 'us' to be here consciousness has to collapse its infinite self into a relative point

of self awareness, this is achieved by the contracting the infinite consciousness into a singularity

point of reference, where we then flow into this physical realm as a potential human being.

In the first blog on this one here I mentioned that we all needed a holding area to contain the

self aware consciousness when it exited its vehicle (died)  this holding area is commonly known

as and called the Astral Plane or realm. This realm is posited here by Infinite Intelligence so that

we can continue our experiences which will eventually lead to our full SELF KNOWING which

would mean that we had exhausted all ignorance within us and thereby we would automatically 

transcend all dimensions and realms, and thereby merge or rather dissolve back into the ALL NESS

which we left aeons ago. Mean while though billions of us have not yet exhausted all our ignorance

of our true immortal nature, so we need a place to accommodate us when we die, so that we can take

stock of our last life time, rest up for a while, before the urge rises up within us to become born

again, and thereby continue our search through the gathering of experiences to reveal the true 

immortal nature of our being. If we can make the decision to begin looking into ourselves by

taking up the practice of meditation or yoga, we will have begun a process that will speed up our

progress into the full realisation of the SELF, thereby cutting down the number of incarnations you

have to experience. the choice is always ours there is all the time in the world an eternity, so its up

to each one of us to decide what course of action to take.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 26 October 2020

Consciousness Localises Earth Allocated Realm Selected. C L E A R S .

 Consciousness is Infinite and omnipresent It is infinite Intelligence the Manifesting Being

that brought this universe into relative existence, some would call this BEING GOD. For us

that which in humanity, in order for consciousness to become expressed within us and through

us, it has to become contracted and compressed into a relative framework which then occupies

the human being, this compression sequence which forms a singularity point within the human

being, then becomes known as that of localised consciousness, which we then all call our I AM

self aware consciousness, this infinite ubiquitous consciousness coalesces into what we then 

term as mind, which rises to the surface of the child at around two years old, we call this the ego

mind and this then develops the personality .Consciousness is non-duality and omnipresent whereas

our minds are finite and localised within the being ,and  centred within the brain. We come to this

planet as a matter of choice, albeit mostly unknown by our current awareness. We come here to

experience motion and cause and effect, and in order to be able to do this effectively we have to

forget who we really are, which is Infinite BEING (GOD) so we then effectively surrender our

infinite awareness and consciousness into a narrow singularity point of reference and are then

ferried by an intention thought wave into the channel that will place us upon this planet Earth.

We are in effect Infinite BEING undergoing a relative experience here upon this planet Earth.

As there is only ONE INFINITE ABSOLUTE BEING, how then does this pan out and explain

the seven point seven billion souls who walk this Earth? Infinite Replication is one answer, the

other one which this I favours is that of the INFINITE BEING representing a JEWEL and that we

are all facets of this one JEWEL.As each facet begins to know itself totally it gradually draws

closer to the INFINITE JEWEL. This process however involves many incarnations into this place

of leaning which is our school room planet Earth, As we do not fully realise our true immortal SELF

within this one life time experience we then need  a holding realm that we can rest up in when we

die within that particular vehicle we temporally inhabit, in part two will explore this sequence.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 25 October 2020

Negotiating Our Withdrawal. N O W .

 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi born in 1879 and died April 1950, who was a master of SELF

KNOWING, was once asked by a devotee this question, Master, how should I treat others? To

which the master replied ,'there are no others'! There exists no other  than the I AM Self which

is eternally present within the ever present NOW. The gateway to now lies in our awareness, as

we go within ourselves we begin to synchronise our perceptions to the ever present eternal now

which then reveals that we are always within the eternal now, we are as much eternal being now

as we will ever be. This dawning comes to us when we begin to see and understand the relative

illusion of time and space. We see that time and space only appear to exist within a relative

framework of reference. Meditation can therefore be seen as a tool for negotiating our

withdrawal from the illusion of time and space, and realising that like our awareness  'we' are all

within the eternal now, and have always been so. Awareness  and consciousness are seen as being

wrapped around an I AM self aware principle of localised consciousness, which we then  identify

as that of being our mind, which can then lead to the illusion of there being "my" mind, and that of

"your" mind, this ignorance seems to suggest that each mind is separate from the other mind, and

is located within a special area we call the brain. The NOW is the expressionless expression of

the eternal, and all expressions within it are basic replications of the Infinite SELF which is ONE

without ANY OTHER. The SELF appearing within the NOW of time and space relativity, can be

seen as that of Spirit (GOD) Eternal Localised Form =SELF We are all GOD LOCALISED within

what appears to be a time restricted localised  form of the NOW, and experiencing or rather seemed

to being experiencing human relative existence .Looking within ourselves with the practise of 

meditation can open an inner doorway to which can reveal our true eternal nature, and this can

therefore aid us in the direction that will help us to negotiating our withdrawal from the illusion

of a seemingly narrow time restricted version of the eternal now, and thereby identifying ourselves

with the eternal self awareness of the ever ubiquitous all encompassing everlasting NOW!

Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks. 

Saturday 24 October 2020

Emotion Portrays Our Consciousness Holistically. E P O C H. Part Two.

 Our emotions are born out of our I AM self aware consciousness, our I AM ness is the result of

consciousness which is infinite in its SELF, being contracted and thereby being resolved into a 

point of consciousness which amounts to a singularity point being opened and exited into this

relative realm as a fetus which grows out of the sperm and the egg of the female.

This newly formed physical life has  or rather will have soon access to consciousness that is

finite in nature and will present  itself as that of having a mind. Infinite consciousness when

compressed into a I AM self aware being, becomes what we term as a mind this is consciousness

that has become localized and enveloped within a form, this is what could be termed as finite

consciousness, and when not localized by form it is infinite.

Our emotions manifest within us like echo's of a dim memory of our unified wholeness, although

we are most often not aware of this inner echo. The inner core or matrix of emotion is that of

unconditional love, we though in our ignorance of this impose all manner of conditions upon

our families and friends, we give conditional love, and conditional acceptance, and through the

gathering of vast amounts of experiences we gradually begin to plot a course which will lead us

all into a deeper understanding of just what our emotions actually are. A mothers love for her child

is about as near as we can get to unconditional love, a mother would lay her life on the line to save

her child, this is a reminder of what love and emotion actually is. It's origin lies within the SOURCE

of all life, which is Divine infinite and absolute. All our emotions are about UNITY because the 

inner knowing that lies in the matrix of emotion is that "WE" are ALL ONE BEING which at the

moment is fragmented into what "appears to be" separate selves, each self is being reflected by all

the other selves, mirror reflections of the ONE SELF. By going within ourselves and seeking out 

that which lies within us, we then begin to see the connections between us all, then our feelings

turn to joy as we see that we are all connected into one unified WHOLE and that unconditional

loves over shadows all existence .Our emotions are the MOVEMENT of DIVINTY within a 

limited space called relativity.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please share it with your family and friends.

Friday 23 October 2020

Emotion Portrays Our Consciousness Holistically. E P O C H .

 I this blog I want  to examine the basic difference between that of motion and that of emotion.

Within the relative duality based universe there is perpetual motion, and the primal occupier

of all motion is space, space and motion basically intertwine with one another and are basically

the same thing. What then happens when we add the letter E to that of motion?  It then becomes

EMOTION,  what then is the basic difference between motion and emotion? The basic difference

as far as I can see is that all MOTION moves without being aware of its self, and that EMOTION

is very aware of itself, and has that very basic differential addition to it of an "I AM" self aware

consciousness state. Emotions seem to arise within a self aware I AM state and our a part of

universal consciousness that has now become self aware and this self awareness has the essence

within it of universal love, which lies at the very matrix of all emotions. Unconditional love which

is the natural state of universal consciousness, becomes conditioned by our contraction of 

universal infinite consciousness  into a relative embodied state of becoming a human being

which has then enfolded a degree of universal consciousness into a super compressed point of

singularity, which then exits into this dimension as a human child.. This child will then begin a

process of manifesting a MIND which is a relative expression of consciousness, through the child's

experiences and interactions with its parents, up to the age of around two the baby is within 

universal consciousness and unaware of this fact. Then when the ego emerges from its memory 

and experiences and relationships with its parents, the baby begins to use this relative form of 

consciousness which we call MIND. Higher forms of animals have the faculty of emotions, we

can see this in dogs and other animals, they all exhibit rudimentary signs of emotions, but the

biggest difference between us and all other animals is our I AM self AWARE, and "I" KNOW 

that "I" KNOW, animals do not as yet have that one most vital ingredient.

In order for consciousness to know itself, it has to take on shape and form and also leave its

infinite place of BEING and therefore become a relative being and become encased within a 

flesh and blood body, and thereby totally forget your immortal infinite SELF, and therefore

begin the adventure of gathering experiences and getting to know who and what you really are.

Emotions are the eternal reflections of the ONE BEING they are the secret ingredient that will

after you being fully involved   within the whole gambit of various emotional displays begin to

feel the ancient echo of what lies beneath the emotion, which of course is always that of

unconditional love and acceptance.

In part two will explore this further.           Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Thursday 22 October 2020

Vortex Of Inner Consciousness Enfolding Divinity. V O I C E D Part Two.

 'WE' all are within a pure consciousness ocean which is absolute and infinite, however pure

consciousness knows itself by awareness, but does not know the world of material shape and

form. So in order for pure consciousness(GOD) to know this world it has to collapse its NON

-LOCALE  omnipresent ubiquitous nature into a singularity point of reference  and therefore

become localised within a human being, exiting out of the singularity point in physical space

as a new born baby. This infant then through experience and relationships with its parents 

and family build up at the age of around two years old what we term as a MIND this mind

is the manifestation of the ego and the newly forming thing called personality, likes and dislikes.

This newly acquired mind is finite, unlike that of pure consciousness which is infinite, our

minds can never become infinite, and will remain always relative and never absolute.

Our outward physical body is anchored in relativity as is our minds, but within the core of

our being we remain as we have always been that of eternal consciousness, all that separates

us from our true inner self is the ignorance of our true being. We are all expressed within five

dimensions of expression, this physical expression is the lowest dimension, five sheaths of 

awareness and consciousness make up our whole presentation into the phenomenal  worlds of

relativity, as and when we begin to look within ourselves, which often only occur when we are

confronted by some form of crisis, we begin to make inroads into just what and who we really 

are. We all have many incursions into what is often called the "valley of tears" Earth, each time

we are here we acquire a mind to use and help us make sense of this place we are living in. Through

vast amounts of experience the pure consciousness begins to fully understand relative existence

and all the sadness and heartaches the joy and the pains of relationships, this then translates into

the physical brain and the mind as that the time to return back into the ocean is awaiting if you

want it, so that there will arise from within your surficial mind the urge to look within you, and

this urge will expand your awareness and perceptions which will then open up other previously

unknown dimensions within you, which will then connect you directly to the SOURCE of

all being which is the SELF,  this connection will unlock your inner knowing and then you will

see just who and what you truly are. Then when you know that, you can then share your 

experiences with others.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please share this with family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Vortex Of Inner Consciousness Enfolding Divinity. V O I C E D .

 Consciousness unexpressed is absolute and ubiquitous, in quantum science terms consciousness

unexpressed is that of being NON-LOCALE , when consciousness is contracted  and placed into

a vortex, a violent whirlpool  it then ceases to being non locale and becomes localised within a 

singularity point which exits into this relative realm as that of a human baby, which then acquires

at the age of around two years old the faculty we now call the mind, which is born out of the 

being who at around the age of two years old acquires those magic two words of I AM that

then is the birth of what we call mind. The mind is always relative and finite, while consciousness

is always infinite. In order for consciousness to experience itself, it needs to become localised 

within a physical form, in our case it is the human physical body, which has a mind, which is

really contracted consciousness, consciousness that has become relative in appearance to the

one who is within the physical body, we each manifest our minds out of our experiences from 

birth, our memories our interactions with our parents and family build up a memory which then

at around two years old this memory coalesces into what we call our ego, our personality, which

then leads onto the idea of us being an individual who has an ego,  hat has likes and dislikes

we want to get our own way ,hence the temper tantrums that  small children exhibit.

Our minds are really a relative finite echo of universal infinite consciousness, and serve us while

incarnate ,then dissolve at death, consciousness however continues because even when we loose

our minds, we are still very much alive and aware also. We are all destined to loose our minds this

is part and parcel of evolution. We never loose consciousness because we ARE CONSCIOUSNESS

consciousness equates directly to LIFE to SPIRIT to SOUL we all are that which is eternal none

of us has ever experienced a beginning of life, nor will we ever experience an ending of life, we all

our eternal BEING. Notice that the word BEING is singular because there is only ONE BEING

therefore no S can be added  .We may not realise this or even accept this but we have all chosen to

come here ,in order to gain experience of relative duality based expression. 'WE' are all immortal

being having an relative experience  upon this planet Earth. If we can begin to refocus our gaze

inwards rather than forever outwards fascinated by our smart plastic phones we will then begin to

reconnect to reality rather than illusion, and in so doing will be awakening our inner awareness

which will then seep into the consciousness that exists within us, that way we will be heading

in a direction that will lead us into the place where full self knowing dwells.

In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Tuesday 20 October 2020


 "WE" are all the infinite absolute eternal SELF which is ubiquitous, omnipresent and in

quantum science terms Non-Locale. However when we acquire a shape and physical form

"we" all become localised within a I am self aware point of singularity, which exits out into

physical space as a human being. This new born baby is a 'blank-slate'  self, with no mind

because the mind only emerges into being through the gathering of experiences and the use of

memory. Until the age of around two years old  babies have no mind as such, the self looks out

bewildered by this strange new localised world. When the baby reaches the milestone of what

is often called by many mothers as "the terrible twos" this is when the ego is born ,the sense of

"I want" I am me, this emerges through tantrums and temper rages, this is the point when the mind

fully begins to occupy its unknown host. The mind then begins to act like a filter or a prism we

become the reality of our very own experiences. The real SELF is then defused and diluted by

the newly arisen mind, so much so that tens of millions of us only ever know and experience this

pseudo self!  The real infinite eternal SELF becomes hopelessly lost within a myraid of gathered

experiences ,emotions, relationships and so on. Our task as human beings is to begin to make the

connections, and see that all life is connected into ONE INCLUSIVE WHOLENESS, when we can

see these connections we then begin to build up a picture that will reveal we are far more than just

flesh and blood beings. We can become almost wholly mind centred and loose sight of our real SELF

underneath all those experiences and emotions and relationships, it usually takes a serious arising 

to occur in our lives, like that of a crisis to shift our attention from outwards to inwards,  when our

backs are up against the wall, and we are in deep distress, then an opening can appear, like that of

"a still small voice from within" this inner voice which offers words of comfort and reassurance is

no other than you REAL eternal SELF trying to get your attention, and for you to look within

yourself so that in order for you to then reveal the nature and reality of your real immortal identity

which is the eternal SELF. Unbeknown by us we actually subconsciously invite a crisis into our

lives because we feel the very real need to connect, the sense on longing that so many millions

of us have, is about the real NEED to feel WHOLE and the only real way any of us can ever feel

whole, is for you to KNOW YOURSELF, your real immortal SELF and not the imposter the 

MIND, we all create our minds, through memory and the gathering of experiences, it is a useful

tool when understood, and it helps us to build up an understanding of relative living within a 

physical form, but UNLIKE the real SELF which is limitless and eternal ,the mind is limited

and is not eternal.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 19 October 2020


 "WE" all our SELF, what does this mean? Is the self the ego-mind  and personality, or is it 

something entirely different? These are thought provoking questions indeed, this blog will

hopefully unfold some answers to these very deep questions. Our sense of I AM is the self

this self was in evidence long before it got coloured by our adding experiences into the equation.

Before the rising of the ego mind and personality, the self was evident, the I AM is an eternal

infinite reality, which being eternal has never had a beginning or will never experience any

ending, what has a beginning is what we term as personality, ego, mind, individuality, all these

additions were acquired at the birth of our I AM self aware consciousness, prior to that birth

of our I AM self aware consciousness, "we" were absent of the  "I" this did not exist within us

then,, When we evolved into the state of being SELF CONSCIOUSNESS, this magic ingredient

was added to our physical matrix the "I"  AM self aware consciousness was born within us.

We need to try and understand that "WE" are all infinite eternal BEING =SELF, which also

translates as that of GOD, or infinite being, we all our infinite being, notice that the letter S is

missing from the word BEING this is because there is ONLY ONE BEING that resides within

reality, one infinite BEING, absolute and eternal or just GOD for short.

When 'we' came online and acquired I AM self consciousness we immediately began to colour

the SELF our inner true being with a myraid of experiences, these multiple experiences we all 

engage in act like a filter or a prism that deflect our attention away from our inner self, we become

absorbed with the outer world, and therefore loose sight of the inner world, and because of this

distraction of experiences and continuing to forever gaze outwards, we then begin to build up

a picture which then presents itself to you as a pseudo SELF, which takes on a character of which

we all call our personality, which then builds up what we term as an ego which then manifests 

as what we think we are that of an individual with a mind. All these additions are false in that

they do not reflect the real YOU the SELF, what they reflect is solely the content of all your 

experiences gathered in this particular life incarnation. Our true immortal inner self is coloured

by our gathering of experiences, so that we begin to loose sight completely of who we really are

and the start living a pseudo so called personality life instead.

In part two will explore this more deeply.       Regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 18 October 2020


 The absolute Manifestor is the I AM principle, which is absolute infinite and eternal and is

within all projected life. I AM equals that of "IS" which can stand for ININITE SOURCE.

We are all sourced from the SOURCE, we are all ABSOLUTE BEING projected through a 

prism which exits out of absoluteness and arises within a relative field of perceptive awareness.

There is only ONE SOURCE, ONE LIFE, ONE BEING, that is all there is within and without

this universe, every one of our I AM utterences which echo to the amount of 7,7 billion souls

are ALL from ONE SOURCE, and one SOURCE ONLY. All that exists on this planet and every

other planet is all from one source which has motioned its BEING into an INFINITE number of

expressions throughout this entire relative universe, which incidentally manifests WITHIN the

MATRIX of the one SOURCE. All that we take for granted does not actually exist, time does 

not exist, space does not exist, the past does not exist nor does the future ,because there is no sush

a thing called FUTURE or PAST, all that has ever been is NOW, and now does not EXIST because

the word existence means to  arise from to stand out from, and the NOW cannot arise from

anything ,because the word arising implies a beginning, and there has been no beginning of now

because it is ETERNAL and has ALWAYS been so. The now is the eternal WATCHER and we

all fail to realise that we are all fully immersed within the eternal ALWAYS, we all live and move

and have our being within the eternal NOW. LIFE is eternal, which means that you and me are all

eternal beings, it could not be otherwise. In the core of our being we are ALL SOURCE  and 

therefore Absolute, the outer projection of our being is therefore relative and we are all deceived 

by our lack of perceptive awareness and also our gross ignorance of who and what we really are.

Our outer expression is filtered by a prism which is the mind, We have forgotten who we really 

are, and therefore begin to take this relative existence as that of reality, failing to see that all that

we think we see, here, smell, taste etc is basically an illusion, one that feels so real we know no

other reality. Time and space are all illusions, that "SEEM" real  to our limited awareness and

consciousness, but we are all tricked into believing these illusions, because the prismatic effect 

on our limited awareness, effectively seals us of from our real inner self, It is not unto we venture

within ourselves and begin exploring the nature of being and mind, that we begin to catch glimpses

of another level of being deep within us all.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you can you please pass it ont your friends and family Thanks..

Saturday 17 October 2020


 All phenomena arises from within the noumenon, that means that everything within this

universe arises from just ONE CAUSE which is the noumenon from which all familiar 

things arise which we call phenomena. Phenomena cannot exist without the ever present

invisible noumenon, All life arises from within the SOURCE of all life, we all our the aspects

of the SOURCE diversified into a myraid of differing shapes and sizes.

When we use the prefix I AM to denote that this is you a person talking to you, we are using

the two most powerful words that exist in all manifestation anywhere in this universe. This

whole universe was brought about by a single INTENTION of the INFINITE-ABSOLUTE

MANIFESTOR, which spells out those two absolute dynamically powerful words of "I AM"

do you honestly believe that those two most powerful words ever uttered within this universe

and said by YOU dear reader of this blog when you say I AM John or MARY is merely a 

COINCIDENCE??  Those same two words that were uttered to MOSES at the burning bush

incident in the Bible, when Moses askes GOD whom shall I say sent me? GOD replied tell them

that "I AM" sent you, Is there not a very interesting and intriguing  parallel  between what GOD

told Moses his name WAS I AM, and the prefix you dear reader of this blog use when you say I

am so in so? Ponder on this, it will open up much more than you think.

We as human beings are vehicles that all carry the life principle within its matrix, when we say those

magic words I AM we are using the same two words that the Absolute SOURCE of all LIFE used

to manifest this universe from the noumenon which was the INTENTION within its absolute 

Infinite mind, and also told Moses who it was that of I AM sent you, we use those two identical

words every day of our life here on Earth ,and NEVER ever see the CONNECTION THERE!

Are we so blind that we cannot see what is before us, and what's more within us?

In part two will explore this much further.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please share it with your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 16 October 2020

Scent Of Life Expressed. S O L E Part Two.

 Life is 'sent' into expression to instinctively follow that particular odour that belongs to its

very own species, 'scent' marking is an odour indicator of who and what left this wafting

scent. We as human beings are no different than all the other species, the only real difference

aside from shape and size ,is that we have the added faculty of self awareness our "I AM"

consciousness sets us apart from all other species. And because of this difference we have

lost the ability to sense the scents of life, while all animals have very acute senses to smells

in particular in dogs, animals have their noses tuned into conscious awareness of the smells

of their own species, a dog for instance knows immediately when a bitch comes into heat

and will immediately try and mate with her. We however are different and are also in the 

process of a gradual ascension in all our awareness faculties, the human race is in a transition

phase, where the low animal smells and instincts will be raised gradually into a higher frequency

band of vibration, which will then have the effect of transmuting our lower animal senses and

the ability to respond to odours will rise from the nose to the eyes and be seen a a light emission.

Human beings are already incapable of consciously detecting if a human female is ready to mate

this has been reassigned by evolution to just the subconscious level. subconsciously we know

but do not consciously understand or detect the aroma or scent given of..

The human race in general is in three stages of evolution, each one gradually melding into the

other over each incarnation here on Earth. Man is still very much an animal, a human animal

that is self aware, and this self awareness is the key that will unlock the door to the human animal

then into the human being, then into the human psychic being, then finally into the human divine

spiritual being. All this will be unfolded within each level of consciousness as and when the awareness

sees and understands the need to venture inwards and see what lies in wait therein.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thank you.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Scent Of Life Expressed. S O L E .

 All expressed life as far as we know emits some kind of pheromones which equates directly

with that of a very personal scent, emitted by the male or female with the specific reason for

readiness for sexual activity. Each species of life has its own unique chemical scent pheromones

signature. It has been proven by researchers in Sweden that all humans emit sexual scent

pheromones as a subconscious invitation to engage in sexual activity. these are termed as that

of subconscious odour signals, given of both from the male and female. It is not just life that

gives of a scented odour, even death has its unique smell to it, I once dated a nurse many years

ago now, who worked on an elderly ward in a hospital nearby where we lived, and she could say

with 100 per cent accuracy which patient who be dead in the morning, because of the body odour

emanating from that soul. It could well be said "that by their smell we shall know them" we each have

our own unique aroma .All our senses can be raised by our developing a greater sensitivity to inner

insights and intuitions. There is a direct but not so well known connection between scent, colour,

sound, and taste, animals are often more aware of these connections because they live naturally

whereas we all live in virtual cocoons and very unnatural. the electromagnetic spectrum which

penetrates all life on Earth and universally as well, has its own ozone like odour, with the additional

accompanied facet of being luminous as well, there is a direct connection between light and odour

although this is not to commonly known or reported. Depending on its vibration rate of rapidity the

faster the vibration rate is then the distinct odour will gradually phase out and transmute into a 

definitive light frequency which will correlate directly to the electromagnetic spectrum.

All our senses are physical at the level of being physically alive, but each one of our senses can

be in fact raised to infinity. ordinary sense transforms in extraordinary as our inner sensitivity 

becomes more acute and finer tuned. Can we not already see the colour of anger RED, and feel 

the vibrations that emanate from the angry soul, which is silent sound?

In part two will explore this further, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Spirit Our Universal Love Signature. S O U L S Part Two.

 Our very embodiment is in fact that of divine intelligent energy crystallizing intangible

love essence, into a physical relative human body. We are in fact embodied love crystallized

with the intention of gathering experiences while in a relative state of expression.

The real beauty of this inner realization is in the fact that you can actually find out this inner

reality, simply by going within yourself and asking the question, who am I really? If you are

persistent in this inner enquiry you will be richly rewarded with an intuitive download of

insightful messages, that will leave you in no doubt whatsoever as to who and what's more

whom you really are, because the reality of our true everlasting divine heritage is vouchsafed

within the hearts and  souls  of every human being who exists upon this planet today. All you

need to do to find out this vouchsafed truth within yourself, is to take the time and make the

effort to take up the daily practice of meditation or yoga, look within yourself, still all those

chattering thought, let go of all thought as best you can, it takes practice ,but keep at it and you

will be richly rewarded with reassurances of you true immortal nature, and the best news of all this

is that all this knowledge and wisdom will arise from within YOU DEAR READER of this blog

you do not have to take my word for it, or anybody else either, all I can do is point you in the

right direction, then the rest is up to you dear reader. When this truth arises within you, as it will

if you make a daily discipline of going within yourself, you will feel instinctively the reality of

what is being revealed to you, you will then KNOW that you KNOW who you really are, and

there will be no shadow of doubt whatsoever in you, as to the truth of who you really are has been

successfully uploaded into your self aware awake conscious state. Each of us dear reader undergoes

this awakening  process, either in this life time ,or another, hopefully for you dear reader of this blog

this life time is the one that you will finally realise and know who you really are. I trust that you will

soon be awakening into a new fresh image of your real SELF.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook and Twitter

If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Spitit Our Universal Love Signature S O U L S .

 Mankind is by in large completely unaware of its true divine nature and heritage, so do know

and some accept that they are indeed souls with bodies, and not the other way round of bodies

with souls.The vast majority though of mankind think that they are just a physical body and 

nothing more than that. This blog is about  trying to raise our awareness into and leading to

the full soul realization of the by then newly awakened soul. With the advent of the internet

it is so very easy to access lots of spirtual information and much about us all being souls.

For those who may be sceptical about this whole thing about soul realization, and also wary

of total strangers telling them to accept this as fact, then there is somebody who you will 

listen to, and accept what they say, this somebody is your very own self.When I first discovered

the reality of my own soul,it was not through anybody else telling me to accep of believe this

in fact it was my own unique personal experience, that revealed to me fully the realzation that

I was indeed a divine immortal soul,so I found out about this what foe me is now a four decade

personal acceptance through personal experience the reality of my divine soul, So for you dear 

reader of this blog, I suggest that if in the case you are interested in realizing your own immortal

soul, and by reading this blog implies that you are, then my suggestion to you is that you take a 

look within your self, either via the route of meditation or yoga and ask yourself the question of

who am I really? This question is asked sincerly and with a postive attitude will begin to unlock

your somewhat latent intuition and insightful thoutht modes of consciousness. This will then begin

to build up an inner picture of your inner makeup. And this will lead you to gain insight and personal

awareness of things about you had never perscieved before taking up meditation or yoga, by doing

this daily practice, you  will not have to take my word, or anybodies eleses word about soul beingness

you will therefore gater your own experieces, and with these you will learn to trust them implicity.

To me this is the very best way to learn anything,from your own experences.

In part two will go a little deeper into this profound and interesting topic.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebbook, Twitter.

If this blog resonates with you,please pass it onto your family and friends.