Friday 31 July 2020

Inceptive Consciousness Has Risen In Sequenced Transmutation. I -C H R I S T .

The term Christ mentioned here in this blog has absolutely no reference whatsoever to any
religion or any particular individual, rather the term mentioned here is to an immutable 
principle of intelligent Energy, which can be called Christ consciousness, cosmic
consciousness, or simply universal consciousness, all these three terms,mean exactly the
same thing,which is an immutable principle of intelligent energy, that will automatically
arise within any seeker of inner knowledge and hidden wisdom, provided they make an
effort to know themselves as they truly are, look within themselves by practising either
yoga or meditation, as listen and pay attention to that intuitive insights  that well up from
deep within your psyche.We each one of us treading the holy ground which is our class room
school yard, called planet Earth, each one of us without doubt has the ability to establish
contact with this principle of intelligent energy, if we so choose to do so, and also make the
effort that is needed, without effort nothing happens,except decay,
Woven within the matrix of our 'I' Am consciousness field, is the way to make direct contact
with much deeper levels of consciousness, without many of us realising  is just how deep and
far does our 'I' AM consciousness penetrate into? In fact our aware consciousness traces back
into at least five other dimensional levels of expression. And access to these levels of awareness
is only denied us by our own ignorance of who and what we really are, there is no GOD, or any
Deity keeping you from knowing all there is to know, the only thing that stops any of us from
gaining spiritual enlightenment is the depths of our own ignorance.And the first step into gaining
inner knowledge and wisdom,it to make and accept the fact of your own ignorance, all the time
we claim to know anything, the door stays firmly shut, when we can acknowledge that we know
nothing, the door swings open for us.
As we gain access to deeper levels of consciousness, perception, and awareness, we are mindful
that awareness and consciousness are an ocean of infinite depth, as we dive into the depths of
expressed life, we are gradually becoming transformed and our vibration frequency is becoming
more rapid,this then leads onto what is termed as that of Sequenced Transmutation, where we
are literally being transmuted from the inside out,into lighted beings. This can be seen as a gradual
process which we call enlightenment.
In part two will explore this further.           warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please then pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Sequence Of Life Informed Divinity. S O L I D Part Two.

From out of the invisible infinite unified field of total intangibility, arises shapes and forms
that all occupy this infinite unified field, which we all call Space,'The ancient wisdom stated
that 'space is an entity' space is occupied by tangibility presenting itself as stars, planets,
comets, plus all the other life forms  that we are all familiar with like nature,and us as that
of humanity.
Humanity occupies the space'unified field; and through our occupation of this most vital space
we gather our experiences that eventually lead to our full self knowing of our immortal divine
soul, and once we have fully realised our true immortal divine nature, we will then if we choose
to,be able to shed our tangibility, our solid-looking dense vehicles, and merge back into the
invisible field where life flows within an ethereal fluid, where consciousness, and energy are
all enfolded within a sphere of living light.
We each as points of consciousness within our field of I AM self aware consciousness,all at
differing stages within the infinite vastness of the evolutionary pulsation that drives us all
towards a gradual ascension of its arc of rising vibrations.Some of us have no choice as to when
we incarnate, it is purely an automatic process,then when we each reach a particular point in our
ascension field, we then register with a higher frequency and this then enables us to chose when
we incarnate and to also choose our parents to be.
The hallmark and unwritten signature of life is basically two-fold, they are LOVE and
Service. The entire absolute infinite relative field which we call the Unified Field has but two
absolute objectives, and they are to be of SERVICE and to unconditionally LOVE each and
every reference point that exists within the field of expressed LIFE universally.
When we all aspire to full selflessness and abandon all our selfish self centred egotistic ways,we
will then have clarity of thoughts, actions, and deeds, so when we each arrive at our point of
awakening,where we have found our inner divine immortal soul, we can then leave this vale of
tears forever if we choose, move onto a place of perfect harmonic unity bliss and upmost joy,
or we can turn our back on that,and decide consciously to return back to this earth, and help our
brothers and sisters who are still lost and confused by it all. What will your choice dear reader of
this blog??
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please then pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Sequence Of Life Informed Divinity. S O L I D .

Life at Source level of unexpressed infinite potentiality, is no-thing, rather it is all-thing 
awaiting a quickening stir of Intention from within its infinite mind. Absolute intangible
substance-less unknowable infinite dormancy,brooding within a void of never ending bliss.
That is Life or rather Spirit in its unexpressed stateless state.When Spirit becomes Life it
then is galvanised into action by the MOTION of the WILL of the Source, Will equates
directly with that of all universal Motion. The intangible formless spirit,becomes clothed
in various garments of matter, whether it be solid, liquid,gas, or plasma, we as human beings
have all been embodied with vehicles made of flesh and bone.If we search deeply into our
inner levels of aware consciousness, we will see plainly that we have all journeyed through
these various expressions of life,in all its presented ways of being,we have all been plasma,
gas,liquid,and now within a semi solid state.
We have all journeyed through the whole spectrum of living life lighted energy, we have emerged
through every colour of the spectrum, and have been doing this for billions of centuries of
elapsed experiencing, which in truth amounts to zero, because all life is eternal,so we have never
experienced a beginning,nor will ever experience an ending.That is the nature of life,and being
mindful that NO-THING ELSE exists EXCEPT LIFE, death is a meaningless word, that does not
or ever has existed within reality, It only "seems" to exist because of our entrenched ignorance of
life and reality.
This relative universe is one of perpetual motion,everything moves within its expression, at the
back of this relative universe,lies the Absolute,which is eternally still and completely
motionlessness,a dimensionless void of unknowable splendour, from which all motion and
animated life emerge from.
This universe we all live in,is orchestrated by what i call the All-Sequence this all sequence is
one that works on levels of harmonic tones that vibrate in frequencies that cause life to dance
in time and motion to its particular note or frequency, and this infinite symphony of melodic
tones,is conducted by a  MASTER TONE which we all now call the mighty OM. The OM
Is a homing-beacon that pulsates within the matrix of every living expression of life.
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook  Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto family and friends. Thanks.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

What Is Life Dissected. ? W I L D Part Two.

Life unexpressed is Absolute silence and without form, substance or motion, the ALL of
LIFE here in this stateless state is that of PURE-SPIRIT untainted by form or motion.Only
when spirit/LIFE is expressed as we all encounter it within this relative temporal universe,
does life take on infinite forms of expression and motion becomes the engine that drives the
expressed life to experience tangibility at varying levels of density, where it can be expressed
as a solid,liquid,gas, or plasma,we as human beings are expressed  in very dense(low vibration)
physical biological machine. With a physical biological computer our brains, that can act as a
transducer to conduct electromagnetic energy via the brain into our central nervous system.
We mistakenly think that there is an opposite to the word LIFE,this is an erroneous idea which
is born aloft from our basic ignorance about something that has never occurred in the wholeness
of eternity,and that is DEATH, death is a total ILLUSION and therefore it has never existed any
where in this universe.There is NO OPPOSITE to LIFE,all life is Eternal and therefore has
NEVER had any beginning,nor will it EVER experience any ENDING, all life transcends ALPHA
and OMEGA, before this first was born, LIFE WAS,and after Omega LIFE IS.What we
mistakenly call death,is the point where we vacate our vehicle on this physical plane, because
that is ALL your physical body is,a VEHICLE a physical biological device you use to gain entry
into this dense low vibration field in order to gain experience here and feel the interplay of
matter and force flowing through a duality based positive and negative dimensional field.Science
itself informs us all that energy cannot ever be destroyed,all energy is eternal it can only be
converted,never destroyed, when we (DIE) exit our vehicles, we are all immediately converted
out of our physical vehicle, and then move seamlessly into our ASTRAL BODY, and then carry
on living as before in the astral realm,rather than the physical realm.We have all experienced this
exchange of dimensional habitats many many times, its just that most of us forget this,and some
begin to remember when they are moved by strong emotional disturbances.We are all LIFE and
are experiencing the experiences of being embodied and informed into material substance and
being conscious of the illusion of separateness which brings up feelings of being alone and being
unconnected to the whole. We need to see through these illusions, and recognise that it is totally
and absolutely ever to become disconnected from the SOURCE.It may feel like you are, but even
feelings can be deceptive.When we look within LIFE, LIFE rushes to to aid you will loving service.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader please pass it onto family and friends Thanks.

Monday 27 July 2020

What Is Life Dissected ? W I L D .

We are all totally surrounded and infused by what we call life, but what exactly is this thing
we all call life? In this coming blog will make an attempt to answer this most vital question.
The word LIFE for me spells out the fundamental components that make up the infinite
various expressions of this remarkable principle. Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy=LIFE
These are the four basic ingredients that make up the composite wholeness of the expression
of which we all call life.
Here I would like to bring into the picture that all expressions of universal life,rotate within
a unified field of living fluid ethereal energy,and that this can be expressed in what could be
called a Mobius-strip,which is surface with only one side and only one boundary component
the Mobius strip has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It demonstrates that
the reality of spirit and matter are one of the same thing.
The ancients held that the universe is created by life,and not the other way round.Spirit
is always the invisible component of expressed life, and matter or flesh and blood is always
the visible component of expressed life, both are the same thing expressed differently.
Existence is basically ONE THING, not any collection of things linked together,
fundamentally there is only ONE BEING. If it were possible to dissect all the infinite
expressions of the ONE ABSOLUTE LIFE we would find just ONE basic ingredient and
that one ingredient would be SPIRIT or consciousness if you prefer. If that expression were
physical then the spirit would have condensed into what we call matter flesh and bone.
To fully understand life, we need to move away from the illusions of beginnings and endings
these concepts exist only in our very limited understanding of reality,which is LIFE, in life
or reality all is forever eternal, we as human beings have never had or will ever have any
beginning or ending,beginnings and endings are fairy stories we tell ourselves because our
lack of understanding of the true nature of eternal life.The very name eternal life, should if
impinged deeply into our consciousness reveal our true everlasting nature.Death is also an
illusion,it does not,or ever has existed anywhere in this universe, or any other come to that.
There is no such a THING as being opposite to LIFE, LIFE has NO OPPOSITE, it is an
Eternal IMMUTABLE Absolute PRINCIPLE, as is the only THING that exists anywhere.
In part two will explore this further,and explain the illusion we call death.  Warmest regards. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 26 July 2020

Nothing Orchestrates Wisdom. N O W Part Two.

Wisdom arises from within self knowing,the inner nature of wisdom is that of being fully
inclusive and never divisive like that of knowledge.No-thing commonly called nothing by us
is the unified universal field that holds the entire relative universe within its infinite embrace.
This unified field is orchestrated by the wisdom of Infinite Absolute Intelligence,we as
human beings are all dwellers within this field, which exists solely within the eternal NOW.
Albert Einstein,wrote in one of his last letters this, Quote,"People like us,who believe in physics
know the distinction between past,present, and future is only a stubborn persistent illusion"
unquote, None of us here on this earth have ever left the ever present NOW, nor will we ever
leave it ever, even though in essence and also in Source we are all eternal being,we will never
leave the now, because now is the eternal registering upon your consciousness this very micro
second,the now penetrates the relative universe from is stationary motionlessness state of
Absoluteness and omnipresence, bringing the absolute reality into this motioning point which
is fixed within each one of our self aware I AM consciousness point of reference.The
simplicity of this is that we are all outwardly firmly fixed within this relative motion driven
evolutionary arc of evolution, and are each rotating through this stationary field of the now
this motion that we are all caught up in,is basically the river of life being expressed and being
informed (being given a physical body) so that we can experience the illusion of time and ageing
and to be able to finally recognise our true nature while being plastered over with layers of physical
flesh and bone.When we can still our thoughts,honour this present moment as sacred,see the
simplicity of this very moment,, see our consciousness participating in the play of form. As we
enter consciously into the eternal NOW, we are literally and factually entering into HOLY
GROUND, within this stateless state of the eternal now, we are resting in our eternal abode of
everlasting peace and harmonic silence,where even the melodic tone of the mighty OM cannot
venture into this abode of absolute peace and fathomless silence. Past and future are meaningless
terms and have no existence in absolute reality, it only "appears" to exist here because of our
ignorance and present state of awareness. Only the eternal NOW exists, and that never moves,or
ever will move,we are all moving,until we awaken into the stillness of BEING.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

Saturday 25 July 2020

Nothing Orchestrates Wisdom N O W ..

Question, what is the NOW?  The ever present now is the point where the Absoluteness meets
Relativity within the consciousness of an 'I'AM self aware being,the ever present now punches
into our awareness, via our I am self awareness.The now exists within the eternal  which is
always forever motionlessness, we "seem" to move through the now because we are at present
conscious of being relative beings,moving along an ascension field we all call evolution.
The NOW has never moved,nor will it ever stir into motion, the now is a singularity point
of reference,that directly connects us to our true and eternal place of BEING, this connecting
link is forged by infinite intelligence and anchored within your I am self aware point of
consciousness,our self awareness brings to our attention of this fixed POINT which is the
Eternal NOW, we FLOW through the NOW in a controlled sequence of experience gathering.
We are all basically FIXED within the now, eternally,and also Flowing through the river of
expressed life within Relativity simultaneously.
When an irresistible force meets an immovable object the result is a standoff, both cancelling
each other out,here the irresistible force is the ever present now, and the immovable object can
be seen as our ignorance of our true nature. The solution to dissolving this ignorance is applied
to us all over a long period of relative time,and this solution is called reincarnation.
The now is the fixed point in which we are all anchored within, this anchor is none dimensional
and exists within the Absolute, because that is where "WE" have all exited from long ago,that
is our core -being SOURCE reference point,from that point of eternal stillness the home of the NOW, we have all flowed out of stillness which is absolute,and into motion which represents
that of relativity, and into this relative duality based temporal universe,(this universe is indeed
infinite,but not eternal,it will last for billions of relative years,but compared with the eternal
this is just a blink of the eye within the Absolute intelligence)
We all place ourselves here by our thoughts words and deeds,we are always in the right place at the right time,although many of us would argue this point, if we are content and happy in this moment
we will more likely agree with this truth, but if we are in pain or mental torment,we will resist this
Idea rigorously, this is the nature within us all,we are all here to understand what the eternal NOW
is trying to teach us.
In part two will explore this further.            Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Friday 24 July 2020

Indivisible Simplicity Of Universal Life. 'I' S O U L Part Two.

The word Indivisible means, 'unable to be divided or separated' that is what we all are
indivisible LIFE. Life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what we all
are,and LIFE exists solely within the singular principle. there is no such a thing as life in
the plural, life is an absolute singular noumenon which is both relative and absolute
simultaneously.There may well be over seven billions souls on Earth,but there is but ONE
LIFE, think this through,and it will surprise you.
From Corinthians 13.11, "When I was a child,I talked like a child,thought like a child,reasoned
like a child,when I became an adult,I put away childish things' end quote,  what does this mean
to us today? If we look at who and what we really are,that which dwells behind the facade of
form (physical body) what are we at our primal reference point? What lies behind the facade
of John Smith the plumber,and Mary Smith the lawyer? What are we in essence? The answer
is life.In our case we are life being presented within a physical biological machine that houses
our divine immortal soul,so that it can experience the tangibility of physical life,and play with
the energies of duality and causation,which do not exist within the absolute spirit realm of
unexpressed life. Duality does not exist in absolute reality, it only "appears" to exist within
the illusion of this relative universe, which is only a backdrop stage set for players to act their
roles, covering the absolute reality by twinkling stars and the illusion of space and time.
When we grow up and put away our toys,and stop throwing our rattles out of the pram,we begin
to clarify an inner truth that has been within us for aeons past,and is now beginning to bubble up
into our waking consciousness, this is the beginning of your Spiritual Awakening, which literally
means that you are awaking into the realisation that you, yes YOU reading this NOW actually are
a divine eternal immortal spirit, which then translates as that we are all GOD, every human being
on this planet is GOD the Absolute BEING currently having and experiencing a RELATIVE
Experience as YOU DEAR READER OF THIS BLOG!!!!! There is only ONE ABSOLUTE
INFINITE BEING,there is ONLY ONE universal LIFE and you reading this NOW are IT!
We all are the very embodiment of unconditional LOVE, but because of the depth of our ignorance
we fail to see or even realise the inner reality of who and what we all actually ARE I hope this
humble blog will help this awakening to gain some momentum.We are all l ONE LIFE,eternally
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realisation.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Indivisible Simplicity Of Universal Life. "I" S O U L .

In order for 'us' all to be here reading this blog today,we had first to become ensouled
which means that we all had to be clothed within a garment of matter, prior to us all
leaving our heavenly abode of absolute perfection and motionlessness, we 'all' were unclothed
and totally formless spirit,life in its purest unexpressed state of perfect bliss.Motion was born
on the wings of the primordial thought wave intention of the Absolute Mind, and ushered out
from the primordial womb of eternal bliss, we that was eventually to become that of humanity
after aeons of unconscious meanderings within the primordial field of unified intelligent energy
gathering vast amounts of unconscious experiencing,gathering various forms of expression,
from the invisible ethereal matter down into dense physical matter, each ensoulment meant
an ascension into a higher degree of expressed life upon the arc of evolution.
Now as we all are self aware I AM consciousness, we have all entered into a ;position where
full SELF KNOWING becomes a distinct possibility. We have all crossed over the invisible
divide that separates unconsciousness into the fully expanded degree of actual "I" am aware
and "know that I know" state of self reflected mirroring consciousness,which is basically
a double torus energy field around every human being upon this planet.This enables us access
to memory and reflection of past events in our experiences along the unfolding path that will
eventually lead us all into full liberation and consciousness of our true nature, which is being
a conscious facet of the Absolute Infinite Intelligent SOURCE of all universal motion.
We are all in truth expressions of an IDEA which set a course for us all to enfold within an ever
expanding motioning universe,which arose out of the stillness of absolute silence,when the OM
was cast out of EDEN (absolute silence) we quickly followed on within its unique vibration
wake.Today we all stand on the precipice of a new dawning of expansive consciousness that
will awaken many of us,into the realisation that we are all immortal divine souls,and are all
here upon this planet to experience this awakening sequence within ourselves.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Emergent From Field Enfolding Conscious Tangibility In Vibratory Equilibrium E F F E C T I V E P 2.

All expressed life is resurrected from within the living ethereal field which is the infinite ocean
that pulsates with the primordial OM,which is the sound of spirit in motion and motion 
equates exactly with what we all term as LIFE, which stand for Living-Intelligent-Focused
Energy=L-I-F-E. The word resurrection literally means to RISE UP and how we all RISE UP
or are resurrected is within a standing wave,that literally lifts our energy signature out of the
ocean,which is a dimensionless zero point field,and thereby pierces the surface tension of
the field,exactly the same as the surface tension of water is pierced when we dive into its
depths,the only difference is that we are leaving the depths of the infinite ocean of life,
which exists within an absolute domain, and piercing that field into the relative domain
which exists as a infinite blanket covering over the absolute reality beneath its expression
posing as a relative duality based temporal universe.
All expressed life is automatically resurrected from with the absolute ocean of infinite
potentiality,there is zero uniqueness in the fact of resurrection, we have all been resurrected
countless times, and will all continue being resurrected until we fully realise our full
and total DIVINE NATURE, when we all do this,the primordial OM will no longer effect
us,as by then we will have moved far away from where vibrations dwell.
Human life exists within a spiralling point of 'I'AM consciousness localised field, this infinite
field which is limitless and boundless has in fact coalesced into a singularity point of reference
and YOU dear reader are that reference point, we have to understand that all LIFE and all
Consciousness is ALL ETERNAL and also ABSOLUTE,so that literally and factually makes
us all Eternal Infinite Consciousness which by nature is boundless and endless,super compressed
that infinite ocean into a singularity point of reference which directly correlates with me and YOU
dear reader of this blog, we all emerge from this field and are born into the womb of our human
mother,we acquire the physical body via a process of cooperation from the elements of earth,air,
fire,and water, the ethereal energy is supplied by the indwelling soul, the four elements supply
the atoms necessary for the body to grow and gather size,and the whole sequence of physical
expression is held within an electromagnetic standing wave which holds the life expression in
perfect sequence until it has completed its aims for this life time, the the life wave collapses and
we physically die on Earth, and are immediately resurrected within the astral domain.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass in onto your familyand friends Thank you.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Emergent From Field Enfolding Conscious Tangibility In Vibratory Equilibrium. E F F E C T I V E . .

All expressed life emerges from within the infinite field of living intangible unfocused life
potentiality, this living energy which science in particular quantum field science calls the
'unified field', the unified field is the universal infinite ocean of living energy, intelligence
that exists without shape or form, invisible and awaiting a directional will to become
informed (meaning to emerge from the intangible state,to become tangible embodied)
All embodied forms emerge from this living field,humanity is fully included within this
embodied state. The whole of visible and invisible nature we see on this planet,all arose from
within this universal invisible field of living intelligent energy=LIFE.
There is a very ancient saying that arises from the ageless wisdom which states 'As above so
below,and so below as above' This saying correlates directly to what is being presented here
in this blog,if we look at water for instance we see that it has what is termed as surface tension
and the likes of pond skaters can easily glide along the surface tension of the water,without
sinking into it.The unified universal field too is an infinite ocean of ethereal fluid, which is
intangible and without substance,this living infinite ocean of life too has a surface tension,
and this surface tension has to become pierced in order for us to become informed (awarded
a physical body) when a human being is about to become informed with a physical body, an
intentional wave from the soul directs with its will  to unite with the egg of the female and the
seed of the male at the exact point of the marriage of the egg and the seed, union brings about
a three fold union of forces,which then pierce the surface tension of the unified field and this
brings about what can be called a standing wave that rises up out of the field which is zero
point dimensionless field, the standing wave pierces the field and therefore exits intangibility
and becomes relative and contained within a three dimensional physical reality.This sudden
arrival from within to without, automatically summons the physical atoms that are needed to
create the cell division the new arrival to this dimension will need. The standing wave is what
we all actually are,when you look behind the form a standing wave will be there,holding you
in a cohesive embrace until its time for you to leave this physical domain, then the wave 
collapses, and you die,(exit the vehicle).
In part two will look more into this.          Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Monday 20 July 2020

Omni Rotating Bioplasmic Souls. O R B S part Two,

Consciousness enfolded within living light, this is the essence of the orb,when we can fully
understand what life actually is, which is spirit becoming expressed,which means that spirit
has acquired motion, when spirit acquires the facility of motion,it then becomes known as
that of life.simply put spirit remaining in stillness is spirit, when motion is enacted within
the divine equation,we call it life. All life in essence is invisible motion vibrating at a rate
far beyond our comprehension, it only becomes visible to us,when it condenses through
many dimensions of expressed living energy,and finally emerging as a sluggishly slow
vibratory rate as that of in our case flesh and blood physical body.When we see orbs we
are seeing ourselves minus the physical encasement of the flesh. It can be easier to understand
this phenomena,when we fully realise that all MATTER that exists within this relative
duality based universe is totally and absolutely composed of congealed LIGHT, light that
has been slowed down from its ultra high frequency and therefore has coalesced and set into
Orbs have been my constant companions for well over four decades of elapsed relative time
an orb is very basically a coloured ball of vibrating consciousness that encloses a reference
point,which is the being within the expressed sphere or orb, in order for this invisible life
force to reveal its presence within this physical domain, it has to focus an intention, which
then will reveal itself as an ORB of luminosity, and the colour which is revealed within the
orbs vicinity will reveal the essence of the visitor, I have only ever seen three very distinct
colours,which have been white/silvery,blue, and Gold. these three orb colours I have seen
thousands of times over the past four decades. In my experience of being within there
welcoming company,I have realised that the faculty of intuition is often manifested within
an orbs visitation. The two seem to go hand in hand,intuition flashes into my consciousness
this is often repeated by a flash of an lighted orb in direct correspondence to the internal
message, It is a beautiful and wonderful way to learn, and one that i am immensely grateful
for.Orbs are a natural correspondence within the vast array of expressing light/life, nature
has its own visiting orbs as well, and i have seen them as well on occasions,sometimes called
nature spirits.The paradox that we are all presented with is this, we need to look WITHIN in
order to see what lies out there!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Omini Rotating Bioplasmic Souls. O R B S .

My first conscious experience of seeing orbs,which I have come to know as those orbicular
lives that reveal themselves within a sphere of bio-plasma coloured light, as they have no
need of a physical vehicle, these spheres or orbs came into my life just as I thought I was
going to die. I was twenty nine years old,and a doctor had just given me three months to
live,unless I took some drastic action immediately. Well to cut a long story short,i took some
drastic action,and am now still alive at the age of seventy five years young. Orbs have been my
constant companions for the last forty six years, I see them every day,without fail, thousands of
times over the years, They appear for me in only three distinct colours, that of silver/white,blue
and gold.To me orbs are very personal,like if i am reading a book or magazine they will flash
and hover over one particular word,or sentence, and when that occurs i know they want me to
pay close attention to that particular word or sentence.I see them around various people flashing
a light around their shoulder or head, plants as well will reveal an orbicular presence that will flash
into my gaze.
I have known and understand that we have incarnate souls with physical bodies, and also that
of incorporeal souls who have no need of physicality, and they can and do often reveal themselves
in a orbicular manner.
If life had a definitive shape it would most certainly be that of a sphere or orb, we are all spherical
in our essence or energy matrix,the whole universe is filled with quadrillions of spheres,every
planet, every star is a sphere, so we are all surrounded by an infinite amount or ORBS, and each
orb is a point of intelligent energy. We are all orbicular beings, sometimes going round in circles
and getting nowhere fast. These are the eddies that exist within the slipstream of life's living flow.
There are many of us that see orbs, and I am very grateful for their presence in my life, without
their guidance and support over the years,my life would have been greatly impoverished.
Each one of us has a presence within them, whether you are aware of it or not, it is always there
waiting in the wings for a glimmer of conscious recognition.We are all completely submerged
within an electromagnetic field of undulating energy, some of this energy is ionised gas or living
plasma, this is where the orbs manifest a presence from within this field and reveal the colour of
their living ray.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you,please pass it onto your family and friends. thank You.

Saturday 18 July 2020

Mother Earth Guise Active Informed Atoms. M E .G A I A Part Two,

The mother GAIA is the presence of the divine creative force in all things, just as we have a
a physical human mother, this planet is our mother,this whole universe is our mother.Within us
is a confluence of forces in nature a condensation of the cosmic mother related to our specific
ray. The whole of mankind is expressed within seven rays of expression,will explore this in other blogs. We all need constantly the attention of our divine mother GAIA, because each time we
exit our physical bodies or rather vehicles,  then transit to the astral domain,for rest and
reflection, functioning then in our astral body,which interpenetrates the physical body all the
while we are on living out our experiences, but invisible to our normal vision and in another
more ethereal dimension than this dense physical one.
Once we have rested and taken stock of ourselves,we then need GAIA our mother to supply
us with the much denser physical atoms in order for her to construct another vehicle (body)
for us in order to be born again upon this planet.This flowing down into incarnation, then
up into the astral domain happens over a period of many many thousands,and sometimes
millions of years,as we understand the concept of time,which in truth does not even EXIST
we only think it exists because our consciousness cannot expand beyond the limitations of
duality and relativity,when we can see beyond this we will clearly see that the concept of
time when seen from within the Eternal NOW would be non existent!
Mankind in this present day is to put it very bluntly raping the mother earth GAIA, our very
own MOTHER is being raped daily,poisoned daily, the lungs of the mother are being gouged out
at an alarming rate,the oceans are dying and are polluted beyond redemption,the air we breathe is
poisoned by chemicals and other toxic fums,the life blood of the mother which is oil is being
sucked out of our mothers veins, to be used to pollute the air with cars and other transports.
The life blood of our mother which is oil below the surface and water above the surface. The
Tectonic plates that move under the earth are oiled by the blood of the mother, as we have removed
billions of gallons of this mothers life blood, we can therefore expect much greater impacts from
Earthquakes as the grease smoothing ability of the oil which would allow these movements to
occur with minimum damage done, is now vanished,and we all will be the losers from this,
Because of our greed and lust for power at any cost,Gaia may very well decide its time for us to
leave, exit stage left. It has happened several times already,mass extinction, and then a slow renewal
We will all soon know the answer,if things do not drastically change very soon.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thank You.

Friday 17 July 2020

Mother Earth-Guise Active Informed Atoms. M E -G A I A ?.

This blog is about us trying to gain some perspective in the way we are all presented here on
Earth,how that actually works,and an attempt to bring into our focus the reality of the role this
planet which we call Gaia, which literally means Mother Earth, she is the mother of us all,
and we know it not! So deep is our ignorance into the true nature of physical embodiment
that the vast majority of mankind is lost in a miasma of smoke and mirrors,one illusion
feeding many others, hopelessly lost in a materialist nightmare of our own making.
The Indian mystic and author Sadhguru wisely stated, that when we die,we will not be
permitted to take even one atom away from this Earth.Who then is Gaia? Gaia is a localised
(localised meaning that the universal spirit,has coalesced into a physical body,which we call
planet Earth) This universal Feminine aspect of divinity goes under many names, in the east
she is called Shakti, many Goddesses Aphrodite and Alcyone, and of course this whole planet
whose localised universal Goddess is called Gaia.If we ask ourselves the question,what do we
actually own? The answer is very simply nothing! We do not even own our physical bodies,
your name of being ME spells out Mother Earth. that is the owner of all of humanities bodies
What does the priest say when we are buried,ashes to ashes dust to dust,we are all returned
form whence we came.We have the gall and arrogance to say we own the land! Native
Americans were very puzzled when the white man put up fences and said this land is mine,
to the native Americans all the land belonged to the Great White Spirit.In essence everyone
of us is eternal immortal spirit, and wrapped around that oceanic droplet of core Divinity is
what we all call our immortal soul,and our souls need experiences and require matter and
tangibility in order to become expressed as physical material biological machines, and to be
able to acquire these valuable materials we therefore need a supplier. and that supplier is none
other than this planet Earth,or more informally GAIA our Earthly mother,.To gain entrance into
this mothers domain,we have to die,in the astral realm (dying hear means simply loosing consciousness) and we are then ferried across the river of forgetfulness which is the mythical
river Styx,and are then co-joined with the feminine egg and the male seed. But before any of this
can take place,the immortal divine soul,has to ask for permission to literally come aboard this
planet,it has to ask Gaia for permission to be born here, Gaia then agrees to this request,and thereby
serves us with the opportunity to gather experience here upon her body,the planet Earth.To do this
Gaia calls upon the elements,earth,air,fire,and water, the ethereal aspect the soul supplies. and
thereby produces a physical vehicle for the soul to occupy,
In part two will explore this much deeper.    warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thank You.

Thursday 16 July 2020

Consciousness Reveals You In Numerous Guises. C R Y I N G Part Two.

We are all revealed to ourselves by the unique faculty of self-knowing, because we each have
the added dimension of I AM self aware consciousness, we therefore know that we know,and
have that godlike dimension opened up within us, that gift of reflection that awareness of
ourselves gives us through our level of awakened consciousness the ability that no other life
form has on this planet (that we currently know of),has,which is the ability to be able to
reflect upon our actions and deeds, and if warranted make the necessary adjustments to the
way we conduct ourselves.
Our numerous guises that we all act out (albeit unknowingly) span over vast ages of elapsed
time, where we act out numerous roles and engage in all manner of differing sexes, races,
creeds and cultures.We are exactly the same as actors on a stage or film set, the only real
difference is that the film and stage actors,know they are being paid to act out this role, then
when the play or film is wrapped up and finished, they get changed back into their normal
everyday clothes,and go home. We however are also actors on the stage of life, but we differ
from the paid film or stage actor,in that we buy into our roles,hook line and sinker, and go
to our deaths believing that we were really the butcher, or candle stick maker,or doctor etc,
never knowing or even suspecting,that you were just playing a role, you chose to play!!
When will we all get around to stop playing roles,and acting out all manner of varying parts
and just be who we really are? When will we stop the acting,and just be ourselves? In the song
where it says 'many a tear has to fall, but its all in the game' is a song that expresses so many
of our lives, how many tears have you shed dear reader of this blog? We can shed tears of sadness
and also tears of pure joy,so there we have a balance,without tears, without engaging in the act
of crying,whether it be in sadness of joy, whether it be in sickness of robust health, without the
shedding of tears,we would not have evolved into who we are now today.Our emotions are the
oceans and inner seas from whence our tears arise from, to wash away old things,and remake us
all anew.
We each have access to consciousness, and this field of consciousness is absolute and eternal it
has infinite depth,and there are no limits as to how deep you care to dive into its bottomless depths
the only limits that exist is within ourselves,where we can let go of our ignorance,and embrace the
infinite wisdom that lies within us all, just look within and begin your adventure.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you ,please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Consciousness Reveals You In Numerous Guises. C R Y I N G .

The journey that we all undergo over many life times to discover our true immortal inner
nature is a long and arduous one. One that involves many tears and crying as the title of this
blog spells out. Consciousness is the living spirit principle that pervades the wholeness of
Eternity,consciousness is the first born out of the primordial intention of the Absolute Infinite
Mind where motion was born aloft by the intentional wave of the Infinite Mind, this gave
the birth of motion which arose from eternal stillness.The consciousness thought wave was
the first thing that entered into a newly forming relative virgin universe. All of us now present
and conscious upon this planet Earth, this wholeness of humanity,you and me, were all present
at that very moment this universe was conceived by Divine Intention (THOUGHT) albeit though
in a totally unconscious state of unknowingness.
We were all within this unconscious state for aeons of unconscious experiencing, then we entered
into formed and shaped life,and progressed until we made that quantum jump which brought us
into the realm of self knowing, our I Am self aware consciousness came online and registered
its presence within our newly awakened self consciousness.This then began the final push that
will eventually lead us away from all resistance and into full self knowing and acceptance of that
reality, of whom we really are. We are either very greedy for the need to devour vast quantities of
experiences over numerous life times,and in many guises, or we all are exceptionally very slow
learners! Not sure which category I would fall in here.
Our consciousness does not exist within your head, consciousness is you compressed into a vehicle
presented as a human being,we are all living fluid ethereal energy compressed and vastly steeped
down in vibration frequency, that we now have the capacity of being living-light congealed by
intelligent will  and thereby coalesced into you and me.
Consciousness is the universal unified field in which we all dwell therein, it is an infinite and
absolute ocean which contains all wisdom and all knowledge,from the birth of relativity within
a virginal universe, up to this present moment within the eternal now, all you have to do,is to go
within yourself,and start asking questions, make conscious contact with the unified field of
consciousness, that exists within each one of us, ask your questions and expect an answer, you
might be very surprised at what you hear.
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends. Thank You.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Life Unifies Consciousness Impressing Divinity Into Transforming Yoga. L U C I D I T Y part Two.

We as this thing called humanity are all surficially expressed informed into physical vehicles,
while beneath this outer facade of form lies the infinite depth  of the eternal ocean of LIFE.
Lucidity spelt out here in sixty three letters making up the title of this blog, is an attempt to
bring clarity and intelligibility and also to penetrate into the depths of life expressed in a way
that is understandable.The word Life is that of Spirit becoming expressed, unexpressed spirit
means that it is in its Absolute state of motionlessness,and not Relative. That is what "WE"
all are at SOURCE-Resolution. When spirit enters the domain of relativity, which is what
this entire relative dual based universe is,it immediately becomes life, because it has acquired
that added dimension of motion. Motion is living ethereal energy which we call life, beginning
a journey which we commonly call that of evolution."WE" have all been motioning along
for billions of years, although we are all caught up in the notion of time, which in truth does not
or ever has existed.All that ever exists is the eternal NOW.
Humanity has acquired that GOD like quality of I AM self aware consciousness, when we prefix
our opening words with that of I AM, John Smith, or Mary Smith, we are replicating the same
exact words that God said to Moses in the Bible,when Moses said who shall I say sent me Lord ?
Ans God told him to tell them I AM sent you. I AM,that I AM! So if we understand that
which is very clearly implied here, you will then get a very LUCID CLARIFIED IDEA as to
WHO you really are dear reader of this blog.
Behind all our facades of form (the physical body) lies the eternal immortal divine soul/spirit
we just need to look within ourselves and thereby reveal our true and immortal inner nature.
The Absolute Infinite Eternal Intelligence which is also absolute perfection, is intangible
and has zero substance,it has zero attributes,it just IS, however while the Absolute remains
absolutely motionlessness within its unexpressed SELF, it cannot experience ANYTHING
whatsoever, because in the motionlessness stateless state NO-THING EVER ARISES EVER!
So in order to experience experiences,that Absolute had to also become RELATIVE and manifest
a relative universe from within itself,then the INTANGIBLE SPIRIT could BE_COME LIFE
and that meant motion and the eventual acquiring of tangibility and substance, and this is where
we all come into the scene as human beings.We are all that ABSOLUTE BEING having a relative
experience here upon the planet Earth,just look within yourself, and then you will see and understand
the real meaning of LUCIDITY.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Monday 13 July 2020

Life Unifies Consciousness Impressing Divinity Into Transforming Yoga..L U C I D I T Y .

I am using the word YOGA which is the last word in this blogs title, as in its root meaning
which is that of UNION. The lucidity of expressed life is therefore clarified when we pay
attention to the inner nature of our lives,and mental and emotional well being.
Our particular points of consciousness are compressed around a vortex of rapid rotational spin
that galvanises the LIFE-FORCE into a centralised point,which quantum science terms as a
singularity point of reference, this impressive coalescing action brings about the phenomena
we all know as our I AM self aware consciousness, consciousness in its natural state is an
infinite ocean of liquid intelligent life,the liquid could be seen as an eternal Ethereal fluid 
The science terminology for the unified field of consciousness is that it is non-locale meaning
that it is universally present everywhere all at the same time, with our I am self aware
consciousness it means literally that this universal omnipresent  consciousness is then Localised
within a narrow band, which we collectively call our I AM self conscious being, me and you.
Lucid contemplation will gradually reveal that our outer physical body is actually galvanised into
motion, by the emotion of Divinity (LIFE FORCE) which then causes the coalescing of the
outer body to form, which is in effect the IMPRESSION of DIVINITY into FORMATION
of a physical human body. Simply put we are all impressed by infinite intelligence in a
physical body, so that we can experience the experiences of tangible existence.
It must be very difficult for us to even begin to imagine what life must be like where we
would be intangible, not being able to touch,taste,see, hear, smell, be non locale, present
everywhere,yet no where in particular., we all take these feelings for granted because with our
limited understanding of the eternal nature of all life, we imagine that this particular life is our
only venture here upon this earth plane, not realising that we have all been here more times that
you will have the proverbial hot dinners in this life time.
We as humans are experiencing life within a duality based physical spectrum expressed within
seven dimensions of varying densities, here our intangible inner core is silenced by many layers
of physicality wrapped around it. We are here to feel the forces of resistance which only come into
force with this narrow spectrum of relativity and duality, in our natural state there is zero resistance
zero duality, zero relativity, just the eternal ever present blissful now.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
if this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank you.

Sunday 12 July 2020

Humanities Earth Astral Realm Sequencing, H E A R 'S. Part Two.

Our lives as being expressed as that of Humanity, flow down into incarnation and then flow
up into the astral realm, the downward (lower vibration) flow spirals within a vortex that spins
clockwise, and is anchored within two points within the physical body,the first point is within
the crown chakra, and the second point is within the heart chakra., these two point anchor the
inner indwelling soul to this Earth plain within a clockwise electromagnetic vortex, until
the designated time of departure has arrived (death) then the clockwise rotation ceases,and
immediately a counter clockwise rotation opens up,and thereby escorts the soul to its next
dwelling place,which is the astral realm.There are several names for this process of rebirth
and incarnation,we have the usual name of reincarnation which many of us are familiar with
then we have what is called re-embodiment, and also the less familiar name of metempsychosis
which is sometimes called and linked to a process called the transmigration of souls.
The reality of our expressions here on earth,dictate that we all need vast number of lives here
on earth,in order to experience a vast and somewhat complex array of experiences wherein we
are experiencing being male and female, a beggar and a thief, a liar and a cheat, a lover and a
hater, honest and dishonest, murderer and all manner of other things that we experience over
thousands of centuries being born and dying here. Some of you might well say what is the point
of all this, and I have never murdered anyone! The answer dear reader is do you really know that
to be true? As to the question of what is the point, the answer is simply, these is NO POINT to
any of this whatsoever, unless of course you count it as being important about knowing who you
really are! This planet Earth is positioned here by infinite intelligence to be a school ground for
souls to reveal there inner spiritual reality,that of being SOURCE ENERGY! Eternal absolute
beings,undergoing a relative number of experiences here,in order to bring this realisation into
the forefront of your awakened divine consciousness. When every soul on earth is fully awakened
then this planet earth will dissolve back into the ethereal fluid from whence it first came from.
The same goes for the astral realms, these realms which are in fact the collective unconsciousness
and consciousness of the whole of humanity, these realms will too fade away and dissolve back into
Source Energy when we have all out grown its use, and we will all transcend the astral realm and
move into a more fluid spiritual consciousness reality,ultimately all the lower dense vibrations will
cease to exist.The real importance of our physical incarnation here is that is is only HERE on Earth
that we really learn the real lessons we all need to know, so if we are wise we focus while being here
in the astral realm,we basically just take stock and rest up, before our next incarnation here.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realisation
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank you.

Saturday 11 July 2020

Humanities Earth Astral Realm Sequencing, H E A R 'S

Humanity as a total expression of I A M Consciousness and self awareness, is fully engaged
within what could be termed as that of Cycles of Reoccurring Expressions, or more commonly
known as that of reincarnation.The subtlety of this sequence of rebirth is so profound that the
vast majority of humanity know nothing about it at all, and those that have heard of it,often
dismiss this idea as nonsense or poppycock.India and other eastern countries do of course accept
rebirth as a matter of fact.
The big difficulty we seem to have in the west is that there is no formal education being taught
about the continuance of life,and the reality of the human soul,at any of our schools,colleges, and
universities, the only access we seem to have to information about such spiritual matters and
rebirth is often found on various websites on the internet.We in the west are taught every
imaginary skill that will help us get a job and pay taxes, but zero education as to who and what
you actually ARE! And this in the twenty first century is appalling, The reality of eternal life and
reincarnation have been known about for over the past twenty thousand years, so how far have we
really come, when our state controlled education programs teach absolutely zero zilch about who
the HELL we really are!, They will teach you history (excluding references to rebirth of course)
teach you mathematics, but exclude the harmonics and perfect sequencing of universal natural law
and no mention of an infinite Intelligence that organises this perfection.
The ancient Greeks knew this very well thousands of years ago, when that now famous wording
over the entrance of the temple of Apollo in Delphi where it said Man Know Thyself. Because if
we fully know ourselves, then we would not have to keep repeating this sequence of reincarnation,
The SOLE reason we are all here,along with some karmic liabilities added is to find and fully
understand and comprehend what and who we really are, and that is an immortal divine soul, so
our SOLE reason for being here is to find your SOUL! When you find out this inner truth about
your eternal divine heritage, you can then decide what you want to do next,simply put the universe
then becomes your oyster, ventures galore are opened up within your now expanded consciousness
perceptions and awareness. In part two will go deeper into the role of the astral realm, and mention
that we are all destined to move way beyond its border-less borders.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 10 July 2020

Rhythm Of Lucid Life Enfolding Divinity. R O L L E D Part Two,

The primordial sound of the eternal OM is the undulating pulsation that throbs within the
matrix of all universal expressed life, this soundless sound is the ever present beat that by its
incessant pulsation will eventually guide all living expressions back to SOURCE from whence
it first came.
The primordial OM is also a homing beacon that is embedded within every human being alas
though for so many of us we do not recognise this inner beacons message, or are not yet sensitive
enough to look within ourselves and try to make some sort of connection with it.
Sadly it seems that the only way many of us make this most vital connection,is when we are in
an almost or actual a life threatening crises, then we hear this inner voice which reassures us that
we will be safe and secure again, this inner small voice is part of the rhythmic pulse of the OM.
Because the vast majority of humanity have know real understanding of who they actually are
we are then confronted with a repetitive cycle of coming in and out of incarnations,many many
times over thousands of years, until we finally put two and two together and then realise just
who we really are. We all are rhythmic expressions of lucid life (the lucidity is our self aware
I AM consciousness field) enfolded within the outer expression of physicality lies the real YOU
which is the immortal divine soul, this immortal divine soul,can lie hidden buried deep within
your various psyches over numerous incarnations here upon the Earth plane, awaiting an insightful
moment to FLASH into your consciousness, this moment though is usually but not always,
brought about via an arising crisis, that the indwelling soul has brought about to try and get your
attention, because so many of us dwell in ignorance of our true nature,and are forever looking
outwards and scanning our smart phones for  messages,and often therefore missing the most
important message of your existence, that of your true and immortal divine heritage.
Our real learning experiences can only really materialise while we are in physical form, this is
why it is most important that we try and understand our experiences here on Earth, and see what
messages they contain for us. When we exit our vehicles and move back into the Astral realm for
a while, we can only really take stock and  rest up, not actually learning much more until we are
reborn again back on Earth.
Warmest regards Michael Any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass in onto family and friends,Thanks.

Thursday 9 July 2020

Rhythm Of Lucid Life Enfolding Divinity. R O L L E D .

We are all caught up within the rhythm of life which flows like an endless river whose shores
we often venture to touch.The rhythm which ebbs and flows to the pulsating beat of that
somewhat mystical sound of the OM.
Although we are all expressed within five dimensions of being, the majority of us are only
familiar with just two dimensions of expression, and even this is still limited to conscious
awake access to only a few,we are all very familiar with this dense physical body realm, but
not so many of us are aware consciously of the astral realm,the whole human race are all very
much aware of the astral realm subconsciously, as we all visit this realm while asleep, but not
that many of us are aware of its existence while fully awake.
The rhythm and flow of life are all contained within an  Infinite Pulsation of gradual expansion
and evolving of expression,which we all call evolution, evolution is the pulse of Infinite
Intelligence guiding its expression into and up to the point where we all our now, that of
mankind,where we have all got this added dimension of self awareness our I AM consciousness
this added dimension of self-consciousness it the inner dimension that will eventually lead all
mankind into that most exalted state of full SELF KNOWING.
Now in order for us to fully reach this literal GOD-LIKE state of full and total SELF
KNOWING, we need many life time experiences here in this sometimes called "vale of tears"
this planet Earth.
So, we all undergo a vast number of lives here on Earth, experiencing life as male and female,
being rich and poor, living within every race upon this planet, doing all manner of deeds that
we could never be proud, plus also doing very noble and loving deeds as well.At the end of each
physical lifetime we die in the physical body,and are immediately resurrected within our astral
body and then continue living as before you stepped out of your physical shell or vehicle, here
you will rest and take stock, and after a period, you will fall asleep and loose consciousness in that
realm,and awaken with a clean slate within a new born baby, where you will grow up and engage
in many experiences that will bring you one step closer to knowing your true inner identity.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

When Intuition Speaks Dwell On Meaning ,W I S D O M Part Two.

Within each one of us lies a silent voice,this inner voice is our very own GURU or teacher
intuition arises from that part of us that we call conscience, it is really the voice of our higher
self the soul, as mentioned in yesterdays blog another name for this inner voice is that of a
Divine Monitor.
We so often look outside of ourselves for guidance or direction, not fully realising that we
have onboard within us, an intelligence that can give us all the direction and guidance we could
ever need. It seems that so many of us fail to recognise this inner guru, and that it only ever seems
to impact upon our consciousness when we are in a full blown crisis situation, then when we are
at our lowest ebb, suddenly we hear this 'still small voice' within us, which offers us reassurance
and words of comfort,then in a flash of intuition, we suddenly feel that there is light at the end
of the tunnel, and that things will get better for us. We feel somewhat grateful for this inner voice
but sadly for so many of us, it quickly gets forgotten as we get on with our lives.
Our higher self, this divine monitor, your immortal soul,reaches out to you when crisis comes a
calling, hoping to get your attention which will lead onto an inner enquiry as to who and what was this inner voice that helped me in my lowest point in my life? If we started asking the right
questions, we would open up a treasures chest that lies deep within us all. The word intuition
means literally 'to be taught from within' so the question we need to ask ourselves is this, who is
this inner teacher that saved my life in my last major crisis? If we all take the trouble to inquire
within us,as to the nature of this inner voice,we will then be upon the road that will lead you into
an expansion of your consciousness and perceptions, plus you will be much more reassured by
the now becoming much more familiar presence of this inner warm comforter,that is in truth your
higher self.
Wisdom is obtained by inner knowing and understanding the connections that you have with all
universal life, connected and interconnected with all of humanity, you begin to see and feel that
you are an important part in the infinite web of expressed life.
May you indeed dear reader dwell on the meaning of that still small inner voice within you, and then
you will know exactly who you are.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto family and friends.Thanks.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

When Intuition Speaks Dwell On Meaning. W I S D O M .

The essence of wisdom lies in the full knowing of the Self, so when we fully know ourselves
we become the very embodiment of the word wisdom.We have within us all the faculty of
conscience, what is its purpose? What do we mean when we say that this act 'pricked my
conscience'? Does this mean that we feel we did something wrong,.that we feel guilty of
something? Our conscience can be seen as an inbuilt indicator of maintaining inner alignment
and balancing emotional stability.
Our conscience speaks to us through the emotional network that acts upon our feelings and
the way we express ourselves,and in what matter, if we are kind and considerate with others
we will hardly know its there.But if we are hurtful in our thoughts and deeds, then this will
impact upon our conscience accordingly, and we will then know of its presence.
The home of that 'still small voice' that offers us words of comfort and reassurance when we
are in a crisis, to arises from within what we call conscience, another name for that of conscience
is that of a divine monitor, the purpose of this monitor is to keep you from harming yourself
whether knowingly or unknowingly, that is if we pay attention to its inner signals.
Intuition means literally 'to be taught from within' when we experience the phenomena of
intuition, which so many of us have experienced, it would be mindful of us to inquire as to
whom is this inner voice teaching me things? Who are you exactly? If we ask these important
questions, we will be surprised by the answer, some will see this inner voice as that of their
higher selves,others will see it as the voice of your soul, it does not really matter what we see
it as,or even what its name is,what really matters is if we are paying attention as to what it is
saying. I have been asked over the years by some who say,how do I know that I can trust this
inner voice? Could it not be my ego trying to trick me? One foolproof way is that the divine
monitor or conscience, will never say anything that is harmful to you or any other being,it will
all ways have your highest good in mind,it will never blame or urge you to do anything that could harm you or anything else,it will also never tell you what to do, all it will offer you is love,
compassion, and support. If you hear any inner voice that says otherwise,and tells you what to do, and blames others, then this is not your higher self speaking, it is the ego and lower self..
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 6 July 2020

Wisdom Holds All Truth-Intentional Fields. W H A T -I F Part Two,

Wisdom holds all truth, what does this mean? To understand this we must first understand the
nature of wisdom, from where does it arise? It arises from within a consciousness Intentional
field, and this field arises from within the matrix of the living divine spirit, which emanates
from within Source.To understand the word wisdom means to me,that it needs broken down
into its individual letters, and what they could spell out in answer to the question, what is
wisdom? To me the word wisdom spells out this,Why-Infinite-Spirit-Dons-Occulty-Matter
=WISDOM.To fully understand this idea,we need to understand that LIFE/SPIRIT in its
purest formless form is intangible, pure intelligent energy, that has no substance whatsoever
has no locality,in quantum speak spirit is non-locale,present everywhere,yet actually no where
as well.What we as human beings taken for granted, is denied to pure spirit living energy,
spirit cannot touch,taste,or feel,because that would require a vehicle a body,spirit cannot hold
or touch a loved one,we can though,it was said long ago in the Bible that our physical bodies
are the temples of the indwelling spirit, can we perhaps see a connection here! Wisdom spells
out if we have eyes to see,and ears to hear the very REAL REASON we are all here on Earth
The human race is secretly which also means OCCULTLY experiencing tangible physical
life and only now just beginning to see and realise what has been going on. Because we are
all spirit )intangible life) having tangibility while being clothed within a physical vehicle.
Which means that there are seven and a half billion droplets or facets from the ONE SOURCE
each experiencing life as a feeling,touching hearing seeing tasting smelling human being,all
that we can so often take for granted, and think nothing of it,is denied when you have no
form or substance.Within wisdom also lies the child like quality of curiosity and long long ago
the idea arose within the formless ones of spirit as to the question of WHAT IF? And basically
we are all the answer to that question of what if. Life or Spirit has no beginning and also no
ending,all life is Eternal, so when we realise this fundamental reality, we then see that time
has zero meaning and is indeed just an illusion, there is only the eternal ever present now that
actually exists.When we hold a loved one,or a baby child,we are feeling the tangible reality of
expressed life,and what a wonderful feeling that is.This is why we are all here,to experience the
feelings of touch taste etc, and perhaps be mindful of that wonder of touch and feeling.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass in onto your family and friends.Thanks.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Wisdom Holds All Truth-Intentional Fields. W H A T -I F ?

Wisdom holds the key to understanding who and what we really are, and it also holds the key
to revealing the nature of energy and that of consciousness,awareness, and perception. What
IF the answer to all the many questions we have about who and what we are, all lie within us
awaiting our attention to turn inwards and ask??
All universal energy arises from just one Source, and one only, the source of all energy/force
lies within the Intentional Field of the Infinite Mind of the Absolute.there is no other energy
anywhere in existence that does not originate from the Intentional field of the Source.
All universal motion,arises from stillness, and all universal motion is the product of THOUGHT
Science in particular quantum physics now call this universal energy the Unified Field, because
science can clearly see that everything in this universe is contained within this unified field,
where science and I differ on is that to me this infinite field is the product of THOUGHT and
manifested by infinite source intelligence, in other words the SOURCE THOUGHT, and
that arising THOUGHT-WAVE gave Birth to Motion and motion is the matrix of all universal
energy/thoughts are things! Thoughts are consciousness intentions being given a direction by
an idea arising within an intelligence source.
Wisdom arises from within the accumulated experiences we have lived through and have learned
the lessons from those experiences, and have therefore adjusted ourselves accordingly, this is how
our personal understanding of wisdom grows, through our own pains and sufferings,we learn the
value of compassion, because we too have been there before.The nature of wisdom is that of being
inclusive,it encompasses all life unconditionally,unlike that of knowledge which is often exclusive
and therefore has a divisive element embedded within its core.
What we often fail to understand is that in truth we can never obtain anything outside of ourselves
because there is NO THING as outside of SELF,we think that this is so,because we do not fully
understand what you really ARE,we fail to recognise that we are just points of awareness a divine
entity, which is eternal, enfolded within a physical vehicle for the sole reason of gathering experiences here on Earth, that is what we all are, there is no such a thing in existence as being
outside, outside of WHAT! The Universe, LIFE? Your SELF! All that exists is within us,and
nowhere else.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks.

Saturday 4 July 2020

Source Expresses Xenomorphically Unconditional Absolute Love. S E X U A L Part Two,

Every expression from the SOURCE of all LIFE is programmed  from its emergence from
stillness into relative motion with a magnetic inbuilt homing beacon, this beacon is an
infinite force of unconditional love a magnetic attraction that will ultimately return the
life expression back to where it came from, this attraction is mirrored in what we call
gravity? Is there a hidden message within this force?
We as with all other living expressions universally are all programmed to return to the place
of your origin, the human race being self aware with that divine quality of "I AM" consciousness
many of us within humanity are beginning to wake up to the fact that we are all spiritual beings
having what is termed as a human experience. In absolute reality there is no such a thing as that
of humanity, the word in its barest terms,without any intellectual interpretations or philosophical
musings, just describes what humanity actual is, and that is just a collection of seven or so
billion vehicles, and to be mindful that these vehicles are NOT principles, and will therefore
rot and decay, when the real occupier of the vehicle which is that of the soul/spirit which is a
principle, meaning that it is eternal, our true inner reality will always be present in our
consciousness for eternity,whereas the thousands of vehicles you have occupied over countless
centuries fade our of your reality,and will be long forgotten.
As mentioned in yesterdays blog, all life,including us,have all been 'out-sourced' from the
SOURCE, we are all facets or source-lets from the one Absolute JEWEL that is the SOURCE.
We are here on Earth to use our intelligence and examine what lies within us all, we may spend
a thousand life times experiencing only what lies outside of us, and when we have fully exhausted
all those outer experiences, our inner beacon which some call their conscience becomes active
and through experiencing suffering pain and anguish, we instinctively feel the need to look within
us for an answer to our questions of what is the life all about? Who am I really? We want to know
the answer to these most vital questions, and the answer will come from within your inner self.
The answer to all our questions lie within us, our consciousness has no limits upon it, we are
all directly connected and interconnected to Source energy, all we need is to look within and ask
our inner higher self the questions we need answering. Nothing will be hidden from you,if you ask
and persist in your inner quest, believe in yourself,and the way will open up for you.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader please share it with your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 3 July 2020

Source Expresses Xenomorphically Unconditional Absolute Love. S E X U A L .

I am using the word xenomorphically intentionally here to mean what I am trying to express
in this blog, this word means in this coming expression this, Xeno is the Greek word  for "strange
voice" and that this strange voice (xeno) morphs into an infinite number of living expressions,
and we the human race are one of these infinite expressions.
We are all SOURCE energy living out our lives here on Earth, no other energy exists except
source energy. We all live within a fluid field of infinite energy, now being called the Unified
Field by quantum physics.The word SPACE in its true meaning as being empty, is meaningless
because emptiness does not,and cannot exist anywhere in this universe.This entire universe is
filled with SOURCE ENERGY, what science calls the unified field. As we cannot see 99.999999
per cent of this invisible energy,we imagine that it is empty.The universe is filled with the LIFE
BLOOD of the SOURCE, and all universal expressions of the source are all contained WITHIN
IT. Science is on the brink of realising that the word OUTSIDE is in absolute terms totally
meaningless,ALL the exists is WITHIN the WHOLE,which also includes the entire relative
universe,The question would arise as to what exactly could you be outside of? The universe
perhaps? In relative terms outside "seems" to exist and we go in and out of our lives hardly
noticing or realising the illusions we are all surrounded by.We do not see ourselves as Living
Intelligent Focused Energy, which is what we all actually are, and science teaches that all 
energy cannot ever be destroyed only transformed into another thing therefore being Eternal
which is what we all are eternal beings, yet frightened of dying,because that would be the end
of us! We so often fail to realise that we as life,we as the human race and all other life
everywhere is all out-SOURCED from the ONE SOURCE! We are all FACETS of the
SOURCE no-thing else EXISTS except the SOURCE. All names that exists all eventually
dissolve back into from whence they came, all names that we call THINGS all ultimately
consist of just ONE THING ONLY and that is ENERGY and all energy emanates from just
ONE SOURCE. We are all completely surrounded by seemingly different things,which in truth
are all the very SAME THING diversely expressed.All this unified field of energy is
ubiquitous in nature and is present everywhere simultaneously, it never has to move away from
where it is,because the field is universally connected and interconnected so distance does not exist.
This FIELD is powered by one force ONLY, that is unconditional LOVE.  In part two will explore this aspect further. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends..

Thursday 2 July 2020

Reflections Of Life's Experiences-Principle Located As Yourself. R O L E -P L A Y Part two.

The great 'bard of Avon' William Shakespeare wrote,"All the world's a stage and all the men and
women merely players, they have their exits, and their entrances, and one man in his time plays
many parts" end quote. The great bard seemed to know full well that we are all just playing roles
just like an actor on stage, but the difference is that the actor on stage,or a film lot, knows that
when the directors shouts cut,its a wrap, you then leave the stage,take of your costume and return
to your other role,whatever that is. The paid actor does not think he is AL CAPONE the gangster
he has just been playing. But we believe the role we are playing is who we really are, not for once
realising that you are acting out the role of being whatever you are doing, say a doctor, plumber,
bank clerk, etc, and the main reason we do not realise that we are just acting out the experiences
of being whatever your engaged in,is because we fail to realise just who and what we are. No one
ever explains or are we ever taught in school,college, or university, about who and what we all are,
This act of role playing is something that every soul upon this planet has been engaged in, more
times than you have had hot dinners, we have all had an enormous amount of other incarnations
here on earth, and have played all the roles you can ever think of,spanning back thousands of years
and each role you play,brings you one step closer to that EUREKA moment when you make that
final connection and realise just who you really are, which is a divine immortal soul.
Consciousness works through our expression of life which we see and feel as a physical body
as a self-reflective principle it undulates within us within a double torus field of electromagnetic
energy, this field of invisible energy holds all the information you will ever need, and this energy
will serve your needs if you just take the time to look within yourself, and enquire as to what is
my true immortal nature., if you reflect on who you think you are, and then ask your consciousness
to reflect back to you what it thinks, you might be in for a surprise.We can all imagine all number
of reasons why we are here, and if we are enjoying our lives,we a satisfied and happy, but if we
are full of fear and foreboding,we sometimes can wish we were never born. Each one of us has
experienced lives of joy, and those of suffering, no one escapes this journey, the SOLE reason we
keep coming back here to earth, is to find the reality that we are indeed all Divine SOULS.
And to find that out we need many incursions here upon this Planet. Once we fully know this and
accept it as our own reality, then if you want to, you can move onto other venues and adventures.
Warmest regards Michael. Any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends.Thank you.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Reflections Of Life's Experiences-Principle Located As Yourself. R O L E -P L A Y ..

This blog is about what I feel about life,I see life as a 'mirroring reflective principle' it is a
principle that is immutable in its operation within this relative universe, and I would like to
expand the idea of what this actually means within our everyday lives, this mirroring reflective
principle is also known by its more familiar name of the law of attraction and that of vibration
I feel that if we look deeper into this principle it will reveal and reflect back to us,just what
all this actually entails simply. I wrote a small poem years ago that sums up what I am trying
to convey in this blog today. The poem is called Mirror Image. 'Mirror image speak to me,tell
me of truth and liberty,slay the darkness of my soul,uproot my ignorance and make me Whole'
The truth about life is that it is wholly reflective, and whatever you give out returns back to
you, because it belongs to you! No -thing can stand in the way of this immutable principle
and therefore when positive things reflect back in our experiences we are happy, but the
happiness fades very quickly when unpleasant and painful experiences enter our lives, we
fail to identify that we are the owners of this unpleasantness,and it has returned to us because
it belongs to you, you created it! Life speaks to us in purely reflective ways, there is no
bargaining with an immutable LAW, no excuses are ever recognised or ever acted upon.If
life actually spoke to you,you would hear an echo and that echo would then bounce back onto
its source you! If any of you reading this have ever experienced what is commonly called
'tough love' tough love can sometimes be seen as the very VOICE of Life itself. I experienced
tough love from a number of people who were all trying to help me survive and incurable illness
which in my case was that of chronic alcoholism, where I was given three months to live in 1974
still alive today,so something must be working. The tough love that i was shown was about
directly reflecting back to me what I said, so when I said I don't like these meetings where you all
seem to pour your guts out, I was told that the door swing both ways,you know the way out. Then
I said i don't want to work your program, they said well don't then! Then I said if I don't work it
I will die then, they says well then work it, That is how life works silently within us,if you say to
life I don't want to live, then life will say then die then, if you say but I want to live,then life will
say then live then.. Life always reflects back everything we think,say,and do,so if we want joy
and happiness in our lives, we need to give out joy and happiness,then it will reflect back to us,
In part two will explore the role play we all experience here on Earth,,Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.