Monday 20 July 2020

Omni Rotating Bioplasmic Souls. O R B S part Two,

Consciousness enfolded within living light, this is the essence of the orb,when we can fully
understand what life actually is, which is spirit becoming expressed,which means that spirit
has acquired motion, when spirit acquires the facility of motion,it then becomes known as
that of life.simply put spirit remaining in stillness is spirit, when motion is enacted within
the divine equation,we call it life. All life in essence is invisible motion vibrating at a rate
far beyond our comprehension, it only becomes visible to us,when it condenses through
many dimensions of expressed living energy,and finally emerging as a sluggishly slow
vibratory rate as that of in our case flesh and blood physical body.When we see orbs we
are seeing ourselves minus the physical encasement of the flesh. It can be easier to understand
this phenomena,when we fully realise that all MATTER that exists within this relative
duality based universe is totally and absolutely composed of congealed LIGHT, light that
has been slowed down from its ultra high frequency and therefore has coalesced and set into
Orbs have been my constant companions for well over four decades of elapsed relative time
an orb is very basically a coloured ball of vibrating consciousness that encloses a reference
point,which is the being within the expressed sphere or orb, in order for this invisible life
force to reveal its presence within this physical domain, it has to focus an intention, which
then will reveal itself as an ORB of luminosity, and the colour which is revealed within the
orbs vicinity will reveal the essence of the visitor, I have only ever seen three very distinct
colours,which have been white/silvery,blue, and Gold. these three orb colours I have seen
thousands of times over the past four decades. In my experience of being within there
welcoming company,I have realised that the faculty of intuition is often manifested within
an orbs visitation. The two seem to go hand in hand,intuition flashes into my consciousness
this is often repeated by a flash of an lighted orb in direct correspondence to the internal
message, It is a beautiful and wonderful way to learn, and one that i am immensely grateful
for.Orbs are a natural correspondence within the vast array of expressing light/life, nature
has its own visiting orbs as well, and i have seen them as well on occasions,sometimes called
nature spirits.The paradox that we are all presented with is this, we need to look WITHIN in
order to see what lies out there!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
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