Friday 10 July 2020

Rhythm Of Lucid Life Enfolding Divinity. R O L L E D Part Two,

The primordial sound of the eternal OM is the undulating pulsation that throbs within the
matrix of all universal expressed life, this soundless sound is the ever present beat that by its
incessant pulsation will eventually guide all living expressions back to SOURCE from whence
it first came.
The primordial OM is also a homing beacon that is embedded within every human being alas
though for so many of us we do not recognise this inner beacons message, or are not yet sensitive
enough to look within ourselves and try to make some sort of connection with it.
Sadly it seems that the only way many of us make this most vital connection,is when we are in
an almost or actual a life threatening crises, then we hear this inner voice which reassures us that
we will be safe and secure again, this inner small voice is part of the rhythmic pulse of the OM.
Because the vast majority of humanity have know real understanding of who they actually are
we are then confronted with a repetitive cycle of coming in and out of incarnations,many many
times over thousands of years, until we finally put two and two together and then realise just
who we really are. We all are rhythmic expressions of lucid life (the lucidity is our self aware
I AM consciousness field) enfolded within the outer expression of physicality lies the real YOU
which is the immortal divine soul, this immortal divine soul,can lie hidden buried deep within
your various psyches over numerous incarnations here upon the Earth plane, awaiting an insightful
moment to FLASH into your consciousness, this moment though is usually but not always,
brought about via an arising crisis, that the indwelling soul has brought about to try and get your
attention, because so many of us dwell in ignorance of our true nature,and are forever looking
outwards and scanning our smart phones for  messages,and often therefore missing the most
important message of your existence, that of your true and immortal divine heritage.
Our real learning experiences can only really materialise while we are in physical form, this is
why it is most important that we try and understand our experiences here on Earth, and see what
messages they contain for us. When we exit our vehicles and move back into the Astral realm for
a while, we can only really take stock and  rest up, not actually learning much more until we are
reborn again back on Earth.
Warmest regards Michael Any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass in onto family and friends,Thanks.

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