Wednesday 30 November 2022



This blog today entitled ISIS is ab out that intangible SELF that lies within the core

of our being, is in fact that of Pure Spirit which we know of as GOD or the SOURCE

of all there is, was and will ever be.

Every human being is an expression of the Source covered over by five Koshas or 

sheaths that enable the pure spirit to be free from coming into direct contact with gross

material matter.

The inner SELF is intangible intelligence , and the Koshas that adorn the soul bodies

of expression do enable the SELF to be able to indirectly experience tangible experiences

through the use of indwelling within those Koshas.

When mankind begins to fully know the inner Self then man will see how wonderful

and perfect that this expression really is. We can often get ,lost within the ego and 

physical life, and thereby begin to believe falsely that our human body is who we truly

are, and only identify with this physical body.

Often it is not until we are confronted with a major crisis that we begin to look within

ourselvesfor an answer. Sometimes we hear a small inner voice that offers us words of

reassurance and hope , when this happens we begin to wonder what lies deeply within us?

Then if we follow up this wondering feeling , and take on say meditation , we will then 

be heading in a direction that will bring us into eventual contact with this Divine 

Intelligence that inner Spirit that is WHOLE (holy) and is who we all truly are.

We will begin to see that we are  all indeed immortal divine beings, and that we have all

been moved by the PRESENCE of that Divine inner HOST, who dwells within all of

mankind, waiting PATIENTLY for our RECOGNITION of its PRESENCE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Tuesday 29 November 2022



This blog today entitled QUID may seem rather complex in nature, but I will try

and simplify this presentation. The first thing to see is that the presentation of LIFE

is in a three fold manner, which is 1,SPIRIT, 2, SOUL, 3,physicl body, this can be 

seen as the LIFE-WAVE  functionality, a three pronged projection into relativity 

from the Absolute void of NO-THING-NESS. 

Quantum decloherence when associated with life is therefore seen as ILLNESS.The 

life wave that connects all three aspects of the full presentation sequence can through 

interference become a collapsed wave , when this occurs then its effects radiate 

inwards to eventually impact on the physical  body, as an illness of some sort.

Many of the illnesses and addictions that effect many millions of human beings are

ther because of a decoherence within the LIFE-WAVE sequence, if we do not 

understand our position in the life wave presentation then the full sequence is 

unbalanced . We are all three fold beings, mental, physical, and spiritual, if we 

neglect any one of these principles of expression we then are set up for the process

of DECOHERENCE (illness, addictions) to arise within us.

Quid is about us understanding ourselves as three fold expressions of DIVINE

SPIRIT . If we can accept this reality , then we can also look within ourselves 

and begin balancing our three fold nature into an acceptance of who and what we

really are. Then by being in harmony with the LIFE WAVE it will not collapse

within us, and therefore we will remain fit well and healthy.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 28 November 2022



This blog today entitled TWINS is about how NOTHING in truth becomes all

there IS. The first thing to understand is exactly what is NOTHING?

To answer this question we need to examine the word and understand that it is 

really two words in one which is NO-THING, we need to fully understand that

this NO-THING is in fact the ALL THING because no-other thing exists universally 

than that which is the NO-THING which is the ALL-THING and ONLY THING 

that is REAL and ETERNAL, NO-THING is UNBORN and eternal we can call this 

NO-THING that of Absolute Intelligence SPIRIT of as often called the SOURCE

of all life or GOD.

Science admits that the only thing that exists within this relative universe is ENERGY

that only energy exists but when you peer deeply into the matrix of energy you will see

in evidence that of Intelligent Pure Spirit. Pure Spirit has diversified infinitely into a 

numberless manifold of things, like that of planets, stars, etc, but the one thing it all 

boils down to is SPIRIT. The Absolute Source is able to become relative and bring 

about a universe from WITHIN ITS SELF, and then diversify infinitely into all the

things we see and know. NO-THING is the  ALL-THING  and the EVERYTHING

that is within this universe. NO-THING is relative and Absolute simultaneously all

life is made of NO-THING which is that of Spirit , Spirit is all that "IS". NO-THING

ELSE EXISTS anywhere universally than SPIRIT.

Spirit is ALL THING and the only thing that "IS" an Absolute Reality. All expressed life

(motioned) is SPIRIT covered over by sheaths or Koshas , Energy is Spirit in motion

no motion ,no energy, only SPIRIT.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 27 November 2022



This blog today entitled POLAR is about how Pure Spirit becomes localized into

awareness points of expression and thereby becomes motioned into what we call 

LIFE. The word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy. This focused

energy is pure Absolute Spirit which becomes super condensed and thereby localizing

and removing from its omnipresent natural state. All expressed Life (spirit) becomes 

POLARIZED into a relative localized state, so that it can be thereby be presented within

this relative space time continuum.

We are all reborn physically many times in vehicles that act as a body to enable the host 

within (soul) to collect experiences of tangible life exchanges. 

It takes many incarnations to fully exhaust the ignorance that we have accumulated within

our journey. When this has been accomplished we can then return back to our former SELF

which was Absolute Spirit here we are then our UNBORN eternal stateless state.

Our awareness and consciousness which is omnipresent in our Absolute state has to 

become super compressed and super condensed so that our universality becomes contracted

into a localized relative state. We are then sealed of from our universal awareness and thereby

become localized within our relative state of presentation.

POLAR is about how we can wake up, go within ourselves and begin to tune into a more

expanded awareness and conscious state.

To let go of our compounded ignorance and begin to get to know who we really are.

Then you will not have to be reborn again , but rather return to your UNBORN Eternal


Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Saturday 26 November 2022



This blog today entitled HEBREW is about how the spoken word of ELOHIM

(GOD) became realized and became the spoken wisdom of that language.

In the beginning was the word and that word was the HALLOWED sound of

ELOHIM , which was the vibration of the sound of LIFE being expressed through

the Divine Intention of ELOHIM. The message of the Divine Principle of ABSOLUTE

all there is, was and will ever b e, has been given out to mankind many times over 

thousands of years. This one today is focusing on the HEBREW message that was given

to mankind in that part of the world long long ago. From the word of ELOHIM comes

forth wisdom, and this wisdom finds its way into the language of that day, and is added 

to down through the centuries by the "Prophets of ELOHIM" who could make conscious

contact with ELOHIM and able to interpret the holy word of ELOHIM.

Today we can understand that ELOHIM (GOD) is within us all, as we are all spirit 

with bodies, the inner spirit is the primal reality of who we really are. We are all spiritual

beings meaning that our root  core of being is that of spirit. Whether we believe or not

in God , is really not the question, our beliefs do not change the reality of what and who 

we really are. You can believe you are a MARTIAN , but you will still remain a human

divine being. The SPIRIT believes in us because that is who we truly are.

HEBREW is about us knowing and realizing just who we really are, to look within

ourselves , meditate on that inner self and we will then find the inner spirit of ELOHIM

or GOD there within the core of your being. Just like those ancients Prophets of the past

you too can make conscious contact with that inner Divinity within you which is that


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 25 November 2022



This blog today entitled SANSKRIT which is the classical SACRED language of 

HINDUISM, is about how mankind can all become seekers of "SELF KNOWING"

by looking within themselves and discovering what the teachings of the SANSKRIT

sacred language actually taught about how to fully know thyself as a pure spirit 

being. Laying within the root chakra of all of mankind lies a sleeping serpent, the 

dragon of all universal wisdom that can be awakened by meditation practices.

There within mankind lies the sacred fire of the dragon of wisdom, which is the holy

flame or fire of that holy being called AGNI the lord of the holy flame of life 

KUNDALINI is awakened by our focus within ourselves and entering into the 

profound inner silence that becomes evident when all thoughts cease. Here in that

silent inner self the flame of the KUNDALINI  rising is lit and begins to glow with 

its mystical fire of living light. AGNI  who is the Lord of the holy flame of life will

gradually guide you up your spinal column until you reach your crown chakra here 

if held steady you will then enter into the state called SAMADHI where your 

consciousness will expand and you will then experience Cosmic consciousness

or as some also call it CHRIST consciousness. As the KUNDALINI rises this 

holy flame which is AGNI stops at each chakra on its vertical climb up the spinal

column and recharges that chakra and energises its momentum, 

The arising sequence is seen as a dance of two spirals whish entwine the spinal

column , the rising shape is the same as that of the double HELIX which is found

within our D N A as it is expressed.

These two spirals eventually COJOIN with each other in  the crown chakra where there 

is an implosion of energy which results in the SAMADHI EXPERIENCE.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Thursday 24 November 2022



This blog today entitled MOLE is about how all life is firmly anchored within the

membrane that separates the absolute from  the relative universe. First we need to

fully understand what life actually is. When life is being expressed (motion) it is 

called life, but when it is not being expressed  (stillness) it is called SPIRIT. 

Spirit always remains within the absolute but protrudes through the membrane 

like a wave rising up within the ocean. here the ocean is the absolute ocean of 

pure spirit. Spirit rises up and presses out the shape of the life particle that it will

be energising. 

In our case the human being. Spirit will press out five Koshas of expression which will 

push through the membrane and protrude into this relative universe.

This way pure spirit never actually comes into contact with the gross matter of this 


Humanity is covered over by five skins Koshas of etheric substance which house the

spirit within it , this allows spirit spirit to experience this dimension of relativity but 

not actually coming into direct actual  contact  with gross material.

Mole is about recognising that behind our FACADE of form, we are all in truth  pure

spirit, which is UNBORN and ETERNAL,  only life moves and has atomic vibration

which this relative universe is, one of total perpetual motion. Spirit NEVER MOVES

and is motionlessness. The reason spirit never moves and is eternally motionless, is 

because very simply Spirit is omnipresent, ubiquitous, present everywhere simultaneously

within the eternal now, which is absolute.

Only relative things move and have motional life. But all life  expressed  is all FIRMILY

ANCHORED within the stillness of PURE SPIRIT within the ABSOLUTE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks/

Wednesday 23 November 2022



This blog today entitles ALIVE is about exploring the phenomenon known as "Quantum

Entanglement" and that I believe that it goes well beyond the reality of just particles that

are entangled. I think that when quantum  science probes deeper into the phenomenon of

entanglement they will ultimately find that all life universally which includes all the stars 

and planets in this universe are also totally entangled within the all of universal manifested

energy. I believe that quantum science will soon realise that entanglement is just another name

for consciousness. And that consciousness is the intelligent factor that connects all MATTER 

within this universe. When we fully understand  this immutable principle of consciousness

and how all life is fully connected and interconnected with all other life universally, we will 

see and understand fully, that if we harm or hurt another form of life , we will automatically

also hurt and harm ourselves, this effect which we call karma is really that of an ECHO

rebounding back at you the one who harmed another life form, the action you took  will 

reverberate within you and return to hurt you as well/

Consciousness and intelligent energy are one of the same thing, which means that all the 

energy in this universe is entangled within the ALL. The whole relative universe is just ONE

Infinite Field of connecting consciousness fields of pure perpetual motion which is Conscious


The great ILLUSION is that of the "APPEARANCES" of "SEPARATION" There is no

such a THING within this universe that is "SEPARATE" in ANY WAY, "ALL" is super

and Absolutely Connected to everything else, within this infinite expanse we call the relative

physical universe.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Tuesday 22 November 2022



This blog today entitled SOAK is about asking the question of what exactly is a 

soul? This blog today will try and answer this most vital question. Firstly we need

to try and understand the presentation expression sequence, that takes place for 

PURE SPIRIT to become embodied and become able to exit  the Absolute VOID

of NO-THINGNESS, and thereby gain access to this relative universe. This process

that takes place explains what a "SOUL" actually IS and what it consists of.

PURE SPIRIT (BRAHMAN/GOD) is Absolute and omnipresent. In order for its

essence to become tangible and relative , it needs to become condensed and contracted

into a relative format where it becomes "LOCALIZED" within the parameters of this

relative universe. This "ESSENCE" which was pure spirit then is "HELD"  within a 

singularity vortex and spun into a relative orbit to where it will emerge as a soul.

The SOUL amounts to five  KOSHAS (sheaths coverings) layers of etheric energy

awareness which then clothe the pure spirit in a super fine "GOSSOMER" of etheric

energy. These layers of clothing for the spirit are what is called KOSHAS. The 

human is presented into relative expression through Five Koshas (etheric clothing

for the spirit)  what we call the soul is really and in truth just the covering KOSHA

which protects pure spirit from coming into direct contact with gross material matter.

What we call a soul is really just a name for the clothing spirit uses in order to gain

purchase into this dense physical realm of Earth, in order to experience tangible 

expression and interactions The human physical  body vehicle is the most dense 

KOSHA and is the one that experiences the most intense interactions and feelings

of emotions. In truth there is only SPIRIT/GOD  being expressed as what we call "LIFE".

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Monday 21 November 2022



This blog today entitled AEON is about how energy (atomic excitation) came to

be born aloft an Primordial Intention Thought Wave, from within the Absolute Mind

of BRAHMAN. In the beginning was the Primordial Intention Thought wave which 

arose within the Absolute Mind and brought forth motion from that of motionlessness.

Motion was the PRIMAL ESSENCE from which all LIFE arose from and how this 

universe was brought into BEING. Within motion arose energy (atomic excitation)

of perpetual motion. What may be difficult to accept and understand  is that this 

primordial intention thought wave is "STILL CURRENT"  that this intention wave

is "STILL ONGOING"  even after billions of aeons long past. The INENTION 

PROCESS has not yet been completed. When that intention ceases then this universe

will vanish in a blink of an eye, as though it had never been. This cycle has been called

by the ancient wisdom as days and nights of BRAHMAN, when there is a day then the 

universe comes "ONLINE" when it withdraws its pulsation thought wave, the night of


Where the universe vanishes without a trace  and all atomic excitation ceases. ALL LIFE

universally is motioned in atomic excitation on its outer expression, but at the core of all

life there lies total stillness and zero motion, this inner matrix is our connection to the

SOURCE of all which is PURE SPIRIT.

Perpetual motion which is that of atomic and sub atomic excitation is about how life 

becomes expressed and motioned into being by intelligent ENERGY. which never stops

moving while the expression sequence is fully engaged. Only when the life expression 

opens the inner door  to stillness does the motion become still. Within the eternal stillness

reigns supreme.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 20 November 2022



This blog today called PRIZED is about a hidden and often unknown Presence 

that resides within us all. This Presence exists within every human being upon this

planet, and is mostly completely unknown  to us. There is a verse in the BIBLE where

GOD talks to a follower, and says the following "I am closer to YOU than your hands

and feet, and you KNOW me NOT!" This Presence of Divinity is closer to you than

the atoms and cells within your body, in TRUTH there is ZERO DISTANCE between

you and this Divine holy Presence  "and we know it not".

The Presence is "The Silent Watcher of all our day upon this Earth" waiting patiently

for a glimmer of recognition of its presence by us. Waiting for us to look within ourselves

and see what lies beneath this FACADE of form the human body.

PRIZED is about us understanding this ;presence within us, and thereby looking within 

ourselves to try and establish some inner contact with this holy presence.

Humanity is presented in a three fold expression which is physical, mental, and spiritual 

we all mostly are familiar with the first two expressions of physical and mental, but so 

many  of us our unfamiliar with the spiritual aspect of our being. By taking up 

meditation or yoga we can begin  to tune into our inner SELF, which is that of the 

spiritual , we all our in ESSENCE SPIRIT, the spiritual is the outer  expression of 

our inner reality of being from that of spirit clothed in a material physical embodiment.

To gain the  PRIZE of our true being , we need to look within ourselves and see that

holy presence that lies within us all.

We are never ALONE or FORGOTTEN, we are always "within the PRESENCE of

Divinity" just open your heart and mind and thereby find it NOW within YOUR SELF!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 19 November 2022



This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about how the SELF which is the SOURCE 

of all (BRAHMAN) portrays its universal SELF by becoming localized within 

a biological vehicle , which we call a human being.

All life universally expressed is composed of the same ONE THING (SELF) 

being expressed within an infinite diverse ways. Humanity fails to understand 

that each human being is on the outside a biological machine we call a human

being , but within the inner matrix of our being , we are all the SELF, which 

means that all of humanity is GOD in its ESSENCE, covered over by five Koshas

of expression , the human vehicle the lowest and most dense.

The Absolute spirit (BRAHMAN( cannot dwell in relativity and materiality, unless

it undergoes a "clothing" of etheric energy which then allows pure spirit to pass out

through the membrane that separates the absolute from the relative universe. and into 

the relative universe and become an embodied entity, that can then be able to experience

tangible life as a relative biological machine.

All of humanity  is GOD at its core of being , and a human biological machine at the 

outer expression.

By looking within ourselves we can all discover this basic truth for ourselves. Our 

souls are the name given to the ETHERIC clothing that covers the pure spirit  through

the five Koshas of expression  into this relative domain of the physical universe.

The soul is the ETHERIC covering which allows  spirit entry  into this relative universe

We keep the soul body koshas through many incarnations until we all learn the full truth

of who and what we really are, when we do that we dissolve the soul  and melt back

into the eternal absolute ocean of pure SPIRIT, this is what "ATONEMENT" actually


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

I would like to say a warm welcome to all my dear readers in UKRAINE bless you all.

Friday 18 November 2022



This blog today entitled SIMPLE is about the emergence of all life universally

and how all life emerges from the Absolute Singularity Matrix of the ONE Source.

"From the one came the many, and from the many came the ONE". Simple is

about understanding how all life which is "motioned spirit" cloaked within etheric 

energy, came to be presented universally as a DIVERSE expression of the ONE IDEA

within the Absolute mind of the SOURCE. It is sometimes difficult to get your head 

around the fact that this entire universe is made of just "ONE THING ONLY" and that

ONE THING is SPIRIT enclosed within etheric substance. All the stars and planets are

all the same thing, being expressed in an infinite diversity of expression .

Human beings all 8 billion of us are all 8 billion souls, but all that 8 billion in absolute

truth dissolve back into from whence it CAME which is the ONE SINGULAR Absolute

Spirit or SOURCE of ALL.

The many came from the ONE SOURCE and all return to that one Source eventually.

We all fall into the illusion that we are all individual beings separate and apart from 

the whole, but this is an illusion conjured up by our egos and the need to be a contained 

whole unit. Outwardly we all are localized self aware consciousness, but inwardly we

are all eternal unborn Spirit. "WE" are here to gain experience of tangible life being 

expressed in a diverse way. We each have our unique experiences of tangible life 

and each experience and incarnation is fed back into the SOURCE of all as a collective

expression of the whole SELF. which is the Singular Divine SPIRIT we call the SOURCE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 17 November 2022



This blog today entitled SCOUT is about how we can better understand LIFE by

getting to know exactly what it is. What is the universal truth that condensed spirit

can tell us? Here we need to look at what existence and life really are, existence and

life only exist within a relative background, beyond relativity there is NO-LIFE or

EXISTENCE, only that of the UNBORN  pure eternal SPIRIT (GOD) This physical

relative universe is only that of  multiple expressions  of the ONE ETERNALSPIRIT.

Life equates directly with MOTION, without motion there is no life ,Existence is that

which "stands" out from the background and that we call life. Life and existence are 

connected by atomic vibration (motion) you cannot have one without the other. When 

all atomic motion, perpetual motion cease,  you are no longer within this relative 

universe which is that of perpetual motion, you are instead within the Absolute eternal

void which is motionlessness. BEYOND LIFE, BEYOND EXISTENCE,  lies that  

of the ETERNAL UNBORN PURE SPIRIT which we can call GOD or SOURCE.

The SOURCE of all is TRANSCENDENT of all LIFE and EXISTENCE, way 

beyond the reach of any MOTION. 

This physical relative universe consists entirely of ONE THING  which is that of 

CONDENSED SPIRIT. Condensed spirit clothed in ETHERIC  awareness layers 

becomes what we call a SOUL. SOULS are in truth SPIRIT clothed within a Koshas 

so that it does not come into direct contact with gross matter. The essence of eternal truth

is covered over by layers of super fine GOSSAMER etheric energy. We that of humanity

are all eternal unborn Spirit, outwardly in our physical vehicle we are called life and have

existence, but deep within your core of being you transcend life  and existence  and our


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 16 November 2022



This blog today which is part two of yesterdays blog called BLISS. is about following

on from there. The ascension sequence of the KUNDALINI rising from our root chakra

to the crown chakra is governed by our ability to hold still in the silence, and listen with

focused attention within that awesome silence. The uncoiling process which is a double

spiral of vertical divine energy rises to each chakra on its vertical journey. Then it pauses

and revitalises that particular chakra , and pulsates energy within it.

This uncoiling process as mentioned yesterday is akin to the double-helix of our D N A 

spirals, which are replicated here within the uncoiling process which also unlocks DNA

memories from past lives and expands our awareness exponentially.

Each chakra is reenergised by this arising KUNDALINI energy. How long this journey 

takes really depends on the practitioner it can take  months, years, or days depending on

the intensity of focus and depth of held inner silence.

When the KUNDALINI energy arrives at the crown chakra then there is a "momentous

Convergence" which results in what is called a SAMADHI experience, here we are 

;propelled into what is called Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness , Christ

consciousness is about a PRINCIPLE and NOT a PERSON!   Jesus was overshadowed

by this principle. As is the one who has just been exalted in the SAMADHI process.

At the point of entry into SAMADHI we stand as a "DWELLER on the THRESHOLD"

of LIFE expanded into SPIRIT awareness and consciousness.

The process which is about BLISS and awakening, changes us forever in that moment of

awakening. We will never be the same again , we are REBORN into a new level of 

consciousness and perceptive awareness.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 15 November 2022



This blog today entitled BLISS is about that sleeping serpent the KUNDALINI which

is the Divine Feminine energy that resides at the base of our spines. When we awaken 

this sleeping dragon which will bring you into recognition of the regency of your birth

which is your Divine heritage of all of us, being Sovereign Souls searching for our true

inner SELF. To ignite that spiritual fire of the sleeping serpent , that ancient dragon of

all wisdom which resides dormant within us all in our root chakra.

This inner fire that lies asleep within the root chakra, when awakened will begin to uncoil

the sleeping dragon and two spirals of divine energy (FIRE) will begin t circle and rotate

around the central spinal column. These two twin flames of the KUNDALINI resemble

the DOUBLE HELIX of our D N A structure.

The process of setting this KUNDALINI into awakening , is about how we need to take 

up the practice of meditation and doing it daily. We need to be able to let go of all thoughts

and the thinking process, we need to be able to enter into a deep inner silence, and hold 

our focus within this space-less space in total silence.

Here in that silent inner void we begin to awaken into the very real presence of our 

INTUITION, which is that still small inner voice , our intuition is and will be our inner 

GURU into the process of arousing the KUNDALINI FIRE that lies dormant within you.

When we contact our intuition in that still silent inner place, we then begin to sense the

presence of our Higher Self . When that occurs within us, we are beginning to raise this

inner fire, out of ur root chakra and it slowly begins coiling around each chakra  as it ascends.

In part TWO tomorrow will continue this BLISS journey on its ascension into the crown chakra.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 14 November 2022



This blog today entitled OSMOSIS is about how Absolute Transcendent Spirit emerges

through the MEMBRANE that separates the Absolute from the relative universe.

For Absolute Spirit (GOD) to enter into relativity it needs to be clothed in relative

etheric awareness energy, these are the five koshas that are the birth of what we call a 

SOUL being. Spirit has to press through the membrane and then become clothed in

etheric substance. This point of INTENTION pushes through the membrane that 

separates the absolute from the relative , but always remains connected into the stillness

of the absolute. This connection is never broken OSMOSIS is about how all LIFE (motion)

pushes through the membrane but always remains rooted within it , contact is never broken.

This applies to all of humanity , at the core of every human being lies the pure spirit of the

Absolute SOURCE of ALL.

We are always connected to the SOURCE , the SOURCE is Transcendent  of LIFE and 

also existence it lies way beyond the concept of motion and relativity being UNBORN

and ETERNAL. All life being expressed is relative but all life is connected to SOURCE

which includes the humble EARTH WORM , and the majestic EAGLE.

All life is relative in expression but eternal at its core of being, including the humble

earth worm.

SPIRIT SEEPS through the membrane from the absolute ocean of Pure Spirit  and through

the principle of OSMOSIS has been given the five koshas of motioning expression to be able

to collect valuable tangible experiences of relative expression within a planetary system.

Without the principle of OSMOSIS we would not all be here alive and motioning through

our daily lives.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 13 November 2022



This blog today called ELOHIM is about the expression of humanity into motion

and into embodiment. The word ELOHIM is a HEBREW word and the first two 

letters of the word which is EL is the HEBREW name for GOD. So this word spells

out a sequence which can be expressed as this; EL=GOD is expressed as life and 

opens up a relative portal into the time and space continuum, to present humanity 

upon this planet Earth. GOD=EL manifests its Absolute SELF/SPIRIT into a 

relative Earth bound IDEA of being expressed and disguised as a human being.

Humanity is therefore made up of fractal facets of the ONE SOLE Spirit of GOD.

Humanity is and consists of eight billion fractal facets of the ONE Absolute Being

who is ELOHIM.

The word expressed  means to become "motioned into relativity" and vibratory 

atomic motion, before being expressed "WE" were all Absolute omnipresent Spirit

or GOD. In that stateless state "we" were all motionlessness and eternally still.

NOW "we" are all here on Earth in order to gain tangible experiences and also to

gain insight within ourselves as to the true nature of our being.

PURE SPIRIT ELOHIM cannot come into contact with gross material matter, therefore

Divine wisdom "clothes" the spirit with five koshas of etheric energy awareness which 

then permits entry into the relative universe and also into dense matter of the physical 

body. ELOHIM is about how the Great Spirit of the universe  has devised a way that 

it can become MOVED" into an expression mode by its will and become able to dwell

on this planet and FEEL the MOTION and EMOTION  that arises from these 


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Saturday 12 November 2022



This blog today is about the presentation of life from that of being pure SPIRIT

GOD/BRAHMAN, and into motional frequency of becoming expressed within 

the MIGHTY AUM soundless sound. There was expressed a Divine 

Orchestration Symphony of and by the master MUSICIAN of all arising expressed

life. Who is the master and conductor of all universal motioning, that of the Great 

Spirit, we call GOD or Brahman.

The AUM is that boundless infinite ocean of fluidic Spirit Intelligence, from which

all life arises out of and returns to at the end of the expression sequence.

Pools is about peering into this vast ocean of pure energy and tracing the arising of

LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy as it arose out of the ocean

by an INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE that became the Divine Carrier wave of all

universal motioning which is the master OCTAVE  the AUM. Life is the literal 

embodiment of the AUM frequency , condensed sound into material matter, or in 

our case flesh and blood vehicles. In Absolute truth we have "NEVER LEFT" this

OCEAN, for we are all firmly ANCHORED within it NOW!  Our presenting sequence

is that at the root core of our being which is pure spirit, "WE" are all totally submerged

within this living ocean of Spirit Intelligence and all wisdom, but relatively we are 

presented within five koshas of expression which span five dimensions of frequency.

Outwardly we are all relative beings enclosed by living energy that has condensed into

material forms, but inwardly we are all Divine Spirit Brahman.

Life equals the embodiment of a musical OCTAVE that of the AUM which is the frequency

of all expressed life universally.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Friday 11 November 2022



This blog today entitled SKIP is about that if we SKIP this most important thing

which is to know who and what we truly are, we then condemn ourselves to remain

in ignorance of the truth of our immortal identity. The sad thing about full self 

knowing is that mullions of us go through our entire life time without ever knowing

who they really are. This blog SKIP is really about drawing our attention to the FACT

that each hum an being on this planet Earth is in truth a Divine Immortal Soul. And it

beholds us to make sure that we go within ourselves and reveal this most relevant truth

about the nature of who and what we really are.

Soul Realization is the most important thing you will ever realize within this life time

all other factors pale into insignificance compared with knowing the truth about who you

really are. 

Self ignorance keeps millions bound to the lash of endless life times searching for the 

answer to our life. All of us can easily take up meditation and begin our journey inwards,

here within us we will make contact with our INTUITION, our intuition is that personal

guru who resides within you. Your intuition will lead you into the way of full self knowing.

We all have this "still small voice" within us, many of us only come across this inner 

voice when we are in a crisis. Then that voice offers us words of hope and comfort.

When we go within ourselves we will find through contact with our intuition the opening

up to the awareness of our higher self.

When that occurs we are only a small step away from revealing that Divine Soul that 

resides within the core of our being.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Thursday 10 November 2022



This blog today entitled NOISE is about the way Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy

which spells out L I F E  is presented within this universe and how we can begin to

understand the presentation sequence that manifests all expressed life universally.

Humanity is presented as the phenomenon the tangible physical human body, that 

is what we all our on the outside presentation sequence. We are the phenomenon 

called humanity, solid and tangible. However on the inside at our core presentation

we are something quite different. Here "WE" are the "NOUMENON" that invisible

essence of SPIRIT that is UNBORN and eternal. SPIRIT is transcendent of LIFE

life only comes on "LINE" when motioned (atomic vibration) moves into the frame,

The NOUMENON is the ESSENCE of ALL THERE IS, it even transcends this 

universe, and also fills this universe with its mighty PRESENCE.

The NOUMENON is really another name for the Absolute singular non dual reality

from which everything within this universe emerges from and melts back into.

NO-OTHER-THING EXISTS in reality other than this NOUMENON which is 

another word for GOD/BRAHMAN. NOISE is about our understanding of what 

we really are. All Life is the expressed phenomenon which issues out from that

Absolute invisible NOUMENON. "WE" exist within two frames of reference, on

the outside within our physical body we are all phenomenal physical relative beings.

But at the core of our being we are all eternal unborn spirit NOUMENON.

In truth "we" are all UNBORN eternal BEING , currently undergoing a human 

expression here on planet Earth. We are here to gain experiences and also to WAKE

UP  and know ourselves fully while still within this physicality format..

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Wednesday 9 November 2022


  This blog today entitled WAVES looks at the question of what exactly does 

humanity consist of? Or to put it more simply, what is a human being? This 

question is the most basic question we could ever ask ourselves, that of who and

what am I really? We are all "expressed life" but the question is who and what are

we actually expressing? What lies beneath this FACADE of form we call the human

body? The truth is that we are all Souls with a body, and not a body with a soul, the

soul is the primal reality. The physical body we will find is only in truth a vehicle 

a vehicle for the soul to indwell within, while it gathers experience of tangible life

here on Earth. We are therefore all souls having a human experience here on Earth 

in order to know and understand the interactions of physical life and the experience 

of being a tangible solid body vehicle.

Because we mistakenly mistake our physical vehicle for being who we really are , we

therefore think that the physical is who you really are, we identify with the vehicle as 

being who we really are, this level of ignorance is truly outstanding. Millions of us

firmly believe that they are the "real deal" that physically is our reality.

Imagine if you started identifying with your car you drive to work in, saying that 

your car is really YOU! What do you think would be the effect of this mistaken 

identification? You might  be taken into care for your mental health problem.

But see that there is a direct parallel with this way of thinking, and the way we 

think our vehicles the human body is who you really are!

We are all souls with a physical vehicle , look within yourself and reveal this 

truth for yourself.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Tuesday 8 November 2022


  This blog today entitled FLAKES is about the process of a human being, being

expressed within a physical body vehicle. The presentation sequence of a human 

being begins at the SOURCE. The SOURCE is PURE SPIRIT AWARENESS. This

pure spirit awareness wants to be clothed in matter in order to experience tangible 

expression upon this planet Earth. Pure Spirit is Absolute and omnipresent eternal

an d unborn. To become tangible it must undergo a relative covering , which is when

the five koshas come into the picture. The five koshas which are 1)physical body,

2)energy body, 3) mental body, 4) wisdom body, 5) the bliss body. These five bodies

are what we call the SOUL. The soul has five expressions or bodies. The nature of the

soul is really that of its covering for the indwelling spirit to become relative, each kosha

from the bliss body down to the physical body is more dense than the one above . The

physical body is the most dense body. Here we have three expressions being 1)SPIRIT

2) soul, and there the self conscious I AM aware human body. Spirit/Soul/ human being

that is the way we are expressed. The only Absolute real thing about our presentation

is that of the UNBORN Eternal Spirit. The soul is relatively real and can be around for 

many incarnations , spanning thousands of years, It seems to be immortal in this sense

but it is not ETERNAL UNBORN like that of the SPIRIT.

There are billions of souls (koshas) but only ONE Pure Absolute Spirit. "WE" all are

this one absolute spirit in our core of being, that is where "WE" "ALL" originate from

and eventually return too.

FLAKES is about getting to know your true eternal unborn SELF, which is PURE SPIRIT. 

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Monday 7 November 2022



This blog today entitled PALM is about how this entire relative universe is perpetually

propelled by perpetual motion. NO-THNG in this relative universe is still, every atom 

every quantum particle is in perpetual motion. The Master Tone vibration echo's 

universally as that of the mighty AUM or OM , this master tone unifies all motioning 

effects on all dimensional levels universally. It blinks into relativity at the rate of 1044

times per second. All expressed life blinks in and out of existence at that rate of 1044 

times per second.

The AUM or OM is not only the master tone but it also acts as a homing beacon to all

intelligent life universally. We human beings can and do tune into this master tone, by 

taking up meditation or yoga.

The AUM OM pulsates silently in and through us all, when we can tune into its silent pulse

we can then begin to discover who and what we really are,

We begin to realize that behind this perpetual motion lies total motionlessness, a stillness

of unbounded peace and serenity. The OM or AUM will guide you into opening up that

silent self which dwells deeply within you. Here in the silence you will learn who and what

you really ae.

You will see and begin to understand that behind your motioning expression in physical life

an inner still peace which is not of this Earth.

All atomic vibration and all motion universally the master tone AUM OM  included all arise

within a THOUGHT WAVE of the Absolute Toneless Motionless BEING, which is the ONE

from which ALL LIFE universally arises from within its motionless BOSOM as a 

Intentional thought wave, "WE" are those intangible thought wave condensed into 

form and motioned into a expressed format.

Warmest regards michael. and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Sunday 6 November 2022



This blog today entitled MOIST is about how we can wet our appetite for self 

knowingness by going within ourselves and taking up the practice of meditation.

Meditation is that most ancient science of self unifying within the wholeness of

the one being. When we begin the practice of meditation we are beginning to 

venture into our inner self, which to many of us is an unknown entity.

Here within ourselves when we can let go of all thoughts, and enter into that 

silence within, when we do that on a regular basis we soon begin to be aware of

an inner voice within us . This inner voice is that of our intuition, which is that 

inner teacher our own personal GURU who will lead us into full self knowing if

we continue to venture inwards.

When we make conscious contact with our intuition we are then well on our way 

to beginning to realize that there is another self here within us, this is our Higher

Self. The higher self when we discover it, will eventually lead us on into the further

discovery of that the higher self is really that of our Divine Immortal Soul . When 

we discover this truth within us, we have become aware to who we really are.

We have then realized our SOUL SELF that has been hidden within you all of your

life. You will then see that you are an immortal being who is having a human 

experience here on Earth.

When we realize this basic truth of our inner self , we are AWAKENED into a 

greater reality. Our awareness and consciousness will expand and we will instinctively

know things that before awakening were completely unknown to us.

MOIST is about going within yourself and waking up to the truth  of who you really

immortally are

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Saturday 5 November 2022



This blog today entitled OPT is about how all expressed life universally is "UPHELD"

by and into an "absolute presence", which is the background state of all expressed 

motioning (LIFE). This background presence state is universal and omnipresent.

We human beings can and do feel this PRESENCE at times of AWE or great joy or

sadness. We often feel that this presence is that what we call GOD. There is no plural

to this great universal presence , it is a SINGULAR Absolute all embracing enveloping

power, that is absolute in its origin , but penetrates into this relative universe,

Life expressed emerges out of this powerful presence and becomes a motional physical

shape. Humanity are all made this way , emerging out of the presence which can be seen

as the "WOMB of all LIFE". The truth strange as it might seem is that humanity and the

ocean of presence which is intangible force made condensed and into physical form.

So in truth we are all the PRESENCE encapsulated within a physical vehicle body.

This is why when we meditate and go within ourselves we draw closer to that PRESENCE

which is our core of being.

We then feel this presence and imagine that it is GOD or Spirit we are feeling. But in

truth we our feeling OUR-SELF which is the PRESENCE PERSONIFIED in a human


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Friday 4 November 2022


 This blog today entitled SOW is about how we can seek out wisdom by venturing 

within ourselves. Wisdom does not lie outside of us, rather wisdom lies within the

core of our being. By taking up meditation and seeking out this most valuable of things

within us, we are then tuning into that inner nature of who and what we really are.

All wisdom universally lies buried within yourself . Each human being has access to

all universal wisdom and knowledge which is vouchsafed within us all. We just have

to venture inward, make contact with that inner silence within us. Meditation is the 

scientific tool that will open up those inner doors within you. Each human being is a 

miniature universe within themselves, all that this universe contained wisdom and 

knowledge, is replicated within  each human being. We just have to go within ourselves 

practice meditation cease all thoughts, then listen intently into that silence, which arises

when all thoughts cease. 

Here we make contact with our intuition which begins to reveal to us that inner wisdom

that lies beneath that mountain of ignorance that blinds us from this truth.

The answer to who we really are, and all the other questions you could possibly ask , will

be answered within you by the wisdom of the ages that is there waiting for you to find

it.  IF we SOW the seeds of inner questing we will then reap the harvest of knowing 

who and what we truly are, we will then discover that you are an immortal divine SOUL,

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization.

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Thursday 3 November 2022



This blog today called SOCKS is about the importance of coming to know who

you really are. We all live within a physical body, and so m any of us mistakenly 

believe that this physical body is who you really are. This false belief is fostered

by our complete lack of education as to the true nature of our inner being. which

results in us being bogged down within a quagmire of total ignorance.

We need to all seek out consciously what is the inner nature of my being? Our 

physical bodies are biological machine vehicles, a vehicle that plays host to an 

indwelling soul who is the real you. By going within  ourselves and taking up 

meditation or yoga we can then begin to explore what lies beneath this physical

FACADE of form?

We all have an inner yearning to know things, we are naturally inquisitive and want

to learn about understanding life and its expression. This is a healthy curiosity about 

how things are. But the most important question we can ever ask and know is who "WE"

truly are.  What is our true inner nature? We will discover by looking within ourselves

that we are truly SOULS with bodies, the soul is the PRIMAL REALITY. the body is

only a vehicle for the soul to use while gathering experiences here on Earth.

We are all here to eventually fully know  our true immortal nature, even though it 

will take many long incarnations to do. We learn from our experiences and interactions

with other souls the true nature our our expression here on Earth, and we are all here to

fully know our SOUL SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

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Wednesday 2 November 2022


 This blog today is about what I feel to be an updated perspective on the Bible story

of where it says "vengeance is mine" sayeth the LORD. What does this mean today

in our understanding of natural universal law? The natural law of cause and effect 

come to mind here. This law operates automatically and is perfection in its operation.

If we harm another in any possible way we are automatically harmed as well, such 

is the law. This might not occur immediately, but it will occur when the time is right.

If we understand this law of cause and effect we will see one very clear indication of

what actually occurs when we cause or inflict harm on another. The universal law of

cause and effect gives us the clear message if we c an read it, which is that we are 

"PUNISHED" "BY" what we "DO" and "NOT""FOR" what we do, there is a big

difference when we understand this reality.

All eight billion souls on earth are all connected and interconnected to each other within

a planetary field of electromagnetic  energy, all of humanity is within this planetary 

ocean of electromagnetic fields of undulating energy. All planetary life is connected 

to each other. The vengeance that is mine, is the law of cause and effect . We are the 

cause and the effect comes back to haunt you. All natural laws which are universal in

operation act automatically and instantaneously without any GOD  having to act 

whatsoever. We cannot harm another soul without harming ourselves, such is the law.

It cannot be cheated or pleaded with, it will always ACT when the law is violated.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Tuesday 1 November 2022



This blog today entitled SAVES is a follow on and an addition to yesterdays blog

which was called "KISS". SAVES is about explaining what souls really are, and that

SPIRIT is always the PRIMAL and only eternal reality. All souls are basically "cloaks"

or coverings for the indwelling spirit.

There are eight billion souls on Earth but only ONE Absolute Spirit. The soul is really

the name given to a Kosha or covering that protects the spirit from directly coming into 

contact with gross matter.

Souls can and do live for thousands of years, but will all eventually "DISSOLVE" back

into that Absolute ocean of pure spirit and bliss, which is the SOURCE of all Absolute

BEING. The soul is therefore immortal as it spans centuries, but it is not eternal and 

unborn as the spirit is. Our Astral bodies which is one of the Koshas is a body that we use

when INBETWEEN life on Earth, when we die we vacate the physical vehicle and go into

the astral vehicle to the astral plane. Here we rest up and take stock of our last incarnation

then after a period return back to Earth in a n ew physical vehicle.

SAVES is about learning who we really are and beginning to search within ourselves 

for the answer to our origin. The spirit is always there as an inner PRESENCE when

we feel that presence that is the spirit making itself known to you. The Presence is what

we call GOD or BRAHMAN . When we feel this Presence we can feel blessed and aware

of this inner Divinity which lies within us ALL.

Spirit is the PRIMAL BEING and the soul is the covering of this Primal absolute reality.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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