This blog today entitled SAVES is a follow on and an addition to yesterdays blog
which was called "KISS". SAVES is about explaining what souls really are, and that
SPIRIT is always the PRIMAL and only eternal reality. All souls are basically "cloaks"
or coverings for the indwelling spirit.
There are eight billion souls on Earth but only ONE Absolute Spirit. The soul is really
the name given to a Kosha or covering that protects the spirit from directly coming into
contact with gross matter.
Souls can and do live for thousands of years, but will all eventually "DISSOLVE" back
into that Absolute ocean of pure spirit and bliss, which is the SOURCE of all Absolute
BEING. The soul is therefore immortal as it spans centuries, but it is not eternal and
unborn as the spirit is. Our Astral bodies which is one of the Koshas is a body that we use
when INBETWEEN life on Earth, when we die we vacate the physical vehicle and go into
the astral vehicle to the astral plane. Here we rest up and take stock of our last incarnation
then after a period return back to Earth in a n ew physical vehicle.
SAVES is about learning who we really are and beginning to search within ourselves
for the answer to our origin. The spirit is always there as an inner PRESENCE when
we feel that presence that is the spirit making itself known to you. The Presence is what
we call GOD or BRAHMAN . When we feel this Presence we can feel blessed and aware
of this inner Divinity which lies within us ALL.
Spirit is the PRIMAL BEING and the soul is the covering of this Primal absolute reality.
Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
Useful distinction between soul and spirit. Thanks