Wednesday 31 January 2018

Beginning Life In Shaped Sequence=B L I S S Part Three.

What is real? Do any of us know? Have you ever seen reality? The answer to this question is NO.
Reality  as it actually is, has never been seen by mankind,are we real? The answer to that question
is both yes and no! Our outer appearance (the space suit) we all wear, commonly called the physical
body, is not real, absolutely real that is,the body is relatively real, but not absolutely real.
Anything that changes is only ever an outer appearance of an invisible inner changeless reality.
Bliss,joy, happiness, are all the natural state of our inner being, but because we are so out of
alignment with our inner self, we suffer endless misery,pain, and anguish.
Those who think they can find happiness and lasting joy from outside,will also find that this
experience is very short lived, and will soon be replaced by the opposite feelings again.
True joy, bliss and happiness,can only be found from within your inner self.
It is not until ewe make contact with our inner being that we approach the place where peace
and joy flourish.
We are all "formed" and "shaped"spirit, which is called energy, at this low level of vibration ,
the human body is a shape and a form basically a package, a package of condensed spirit
energy,cohered into this form by the willed intent of the soul in order to gain experience and
understanding, to make the connection and join up the dots.
So that we eventually find full union with our higher self the soul, then when that momentous
day arrives, we will be bathed in profound bliss and happiness.
We are ALL immortal souls, living here gaining experience, and learning about the reality
of who we are, Man Know Thyself! That is the injunction set out for us centuries ago by the
ancient Greeks at the temple of Apollo, we all NEED TO KNOW WHO WE REALLY ARE
and when we know that, joy,peace and happiness will up-well within us in blissful union.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Beginning Life In Shaped Sequence=B L I S S . Part Two.

The essence of life is formless intelligence, that which is Absolute, eternal,infinite,and to our
level of understanding, completely unknowable.
Even our language is totally inadequate in relating what reality actually IS,when i used the
phrase, the absolute is beyond "our" understanding, we need to realise that in truth there is
no "our" which seems to imply a separate thing as from the WHOLE, but of course, this is
impossible, there is no such thing as "our" which implies we are different, we our NOT.
The mind boggles trying to get around this fact,that in Absolute reality we do not EXIST, and
never have done! It is only in relative reality that we seem to be here and shaped into a form.
Life just "IS", and this IS which is absolute and infinite  mind and spirit, life, is just ONE
INTELLIGENCE, there is only ONE LIFE, one reality, do you see the implication here?
We are confused by what we think we see, seven billion humans,billions of other creatures
of all shapes and sizes,we look up and see a universe seemingly full of different planets, and
stars,how can all this seemingly infinite number of things, actually be condensed into ONE
If we can realise that all appearances ie, shapes  and forms,are in truth the SAME THING
ENERGY, which then translates into consciousness,which further condenses into spirit,which
then further condenses into what we call LIFE, which as said in the opening of this blog,is
Formless,Shapeless, like an INVISIBLE INFINITE OCEAN of BLISS =LIFE.
All matter, which is just energy,which exists within this physical relative universe, and that
includes us, bliss which in truth is just LIFE being expressed, no one has ever seen LIFE
what we SEE is the outer expression, which we call life, the physical body is animated
by the LIFE PRINCIPLE, no human being has EVER seen the LIFE PRINCIPLE, nor will
ever see it, because it is invisible and like a liquid force.
We only ever SEE the outward projection, and never the inner reality.We as humans are on
the surface relative and dual in nature, but at the core, or essence of being are absolute.
In part three, will try and marry this altogether. warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,facebook soul realisation.

Monday 29 January 2018

Beginning-Life-In-Shaped-Sequence. =B.L.I.S.S.

The only way we can ever really know the bliss of divine union with Source is by dissolving
within it, then only can we fully experience wholeness and union.
What is life? My definition of life is this, Liquid-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what we all
are,liquid intelligent focused energy, otherwise known as human beings!
The word life is, as i feel singular,because all is alive, life being absolute  inclusive in nature,in
other words all is alive, the entire physical relative universe is alive and therefore LIFE, no dead
thing can POSSIBLY EXIST in reality, and hopefully we all live in reality!
We need to consider where all the universe comes from? It comes from the only source of LIFE
there actually is, that of the ABSOLUTE the very LIFE of all LIFE, that which just IS!
We all come from this source, there is no other alternative in existence,and this source is LIFE
Absolute, so it follows that from life can only ever come LIFE, no other thing has ever existed
the word death is a meaningless word that is none existent in reality.
Hear we need to fully understand the phrase death, which most of us will think it means termination
of life,oblivion, the end of existence, that cannot happen in reality or in truth, for ALL LIFE IS
ETERNAL, by the very nature of it SOURCE that being the ABSOLUTE, which is eternal.
The correct word for death is CHANGE, we change bodies when our time hear comes to an end,
we exit the physical body, and change into our Astral body, and carry on living as usual.
Absolute life is formless, it only takes form and is shaped when it emerges into this relative
universe, there it is expressed as a liquid,solid, or as gas, energy, consciousness, spirit, are all
basically the same thing, science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed
into something else, like the physical body is exited at death (change) and we are transformed
into the astral body.
The only difference between you and a rock, is that the rock is a rock but cannot reflect upon
what it is, you are a human being and can reflect on your state of being, that's the only real
difference, the rock is ALIVE, but not as you understand it.
Long ago we left source and entered into motional existence, before that all was eternally still
and motionlessness, since then we have journeyed far and gathered much experience, will go
into this more fully in part two. warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome face book soul relisation. 

Sunday 28 January 2018

As-Belonging-Intensified-Divinity-Envelops.=A.B.I.D.E. Part Two.

"We" are encapsulated within a shell, (the human body) and this body seems to have a mind of
its own? We call this mind the ego, and the ego which displays itself, as to what is commonly
called a "personality" we all seem to be personalities! And as personalities we fail to see our
inner connection with our real self the SOUL.
Because of this dis-connection, we abide within a "phantom", a ghost of projected energy, which
is in reality just a "spacesuit" for the indwelling soul.
We think that we are the "real deal"we think that we are human beings and therefore real. We
fail to see, because of our ignorance, the truth behind the "spacesuit" which is the physical body
its like identifying yourself by the overcoat you are wearing! You remove the coat (physical body)
and there stands the real YOU- the immortal soul.
All our inner longings are because we are separate from our higher self,(this feeling of separation
is in truth an illusion, albeit a seemingly very real one, in fact it is impossible to ever be separated
from our soul, it just FEELS that way) the  soul, it ABIDES within us,and we "know it not" and
because of this lack of understanding and ignorance, we suffer all manner of unpleasant things.
If we can look within  ourselves, and begin to realise that there is much more to us, than meets the eye,we begin to discover our inner reality, and begin to connect with an inner energy that gradually
reveals itself to you as your higher self, the soul.
This inner identifying with your real self opens up access to expansion of consciousness,and
awareness,your perceptions become more attuned to higher vibrations and frequencies,you
gradually become a "WHOLE BEING" rather than a fragmented one you were before you
awakened into real self.
Most of us on this planet live alone, we are unconscious to our real identity, we are fragmented
and plagued by longings and loneliness, which manifests in numerous dis-eases and addictions
that befall mankind today, millions die each year completely unaware and oblivious to who they
truly ARE, we each have a responsibility i feel to share our experiences  with each other and to try
and help our brothers and sisters to find their true inner reality, thereby gaining freedom and inner
joy, hopefully this little old blog will help one of you out there, to find a way out of the maze
of illusions and the smoke and mirrors that reflect in our lives, and find your true nature, all
i am doing is sharing my experiences with all of you, and hope it can be of some use.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation

Saturday 27 January 2018

As-Belonging-Intensified-Divinity-Envelops. =A.B.I.D.E.

We can spend most of our lives longing for something,that we just don't know what it is! This
longing often takes the form of an emptiness within us,that we try and fill with all manner of
things, like, alcohol,drugs,food,sex,etc, a hollow and a hole within the core of our being.
We are forever longing for something,what we need is the (BE) to become fixed to the word
longing,so that we feel that we now BElong to something, rather than being apart from.
How can we go from longing and emptiness unto belonging and filled with energy?
That's a very good question! Usually the answer to this by enduring a major crisis in our
lives, this then opens the door for considering changing the way we live our lives.
The title of this blog  ABIDE is about reaching within us,and leaving the sorrowful state
of longing and suffering that arises from this state,like alcoholism,drug addiction,obesity,
mental and emotional illnesses,heart attacks, cancer,etc, and finding that within us there (ABIDES)
our real and true identity, that of the soul or higher self.
When we can make  the connection to our real and true nature, all the wounds that we have endured
during our lifetime , will start to heal over,because we will have tapped into a previously unknown
source of power,that of our Divine higher self, the SOUL.
We on our own,seriously lack any real power,our life force energy is flashing out warnings of
serious malfunctions that are about to present themselves to us, these come in the form of
illnesses, mental and physical breakdowns, dis-ease, our VITALITY which springs from the
inner world and dimension of the spirit, is seriously compromised  by our lack of conscious
awareness of who we truly are, we are ignorant of our true identity, and because of this ignorance
we suffer so much pain and anguish, my hope is that this blog might in some small way help
to lesson this ignorance.
Lacking vital power is our major dilemma, this is why tens of millions die each year, because of
a shortage of vital energy, that comes from embracing the inner fact that we are all eternal
immortal souls,living in a physical body, which is not aligned to this fact, thereby we fall ill
and die or ignorance basically.
In part two of ABIDE will go more intro this, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation,

Friday 26 January 2018

Solid-Light-Is-Divinity-Expressed.=S.L.I.D.E. Part Three.

This blog on SLIDE is about trying to get our heads around what is real, when we use the word
"real"we need always remember that no human being has ever "SEEN REALITY"what we only
ever see is the outer image of an invisible inner reality,that is the fact,science  and quantum
physics will all agree on this point.
Connection and interconnection is the way reality flows, NO-THING anywhere in this universe
is unconnected to its source,and that of course includes you dear reader of this blog. We as human
beings are directly connected to each other,directly connected to the planet Earth,directly connected
to the solar system,the milky way galaxy,plus everything else within this physical universe.
Not only are we all connected, but the implication of this is also that there is NO-SPACE or
GAP anywhere to be found in this universe. So the distance between you and GOD is NONE
EXISTENT!!God is within YOU, in every cell of your body,if you can accept  this fact, for fact
it truly IS, you will find much comfort and inner warmth from this acceptance. You will also stop
looking "out there"for the Divine, knowing now that it is there within YOU!
We are all congealed light ,like swirling eddies,we are caught up in a maelstrom of condensed
energy, so that when we wake up into our aware consciousness, after being born here on earth
we think we see separate things, we think our parents are separate from us,and this illusion
goes further as we get older, we fail to see all our interconnections, we feel apart from other things
feel lonely,and afraid, all this happens because we don't realise the truth of our connections to all.
Our natural fluidity of being liquid light. which flows like water,is obscured by our blindness and
ignorance,and therefore we see only SEPARATE THINGS, we think we are apart from the whole
which is impossible ,yet feels real, because we don't know any better.
For us to SLIDE into an expansive reality and know who we really are, we need to look within
and remember that there is no such thing as "OUTSIDE"existing anywhere in this universe.
Look within, see the connections,feel the flow of living energy, LIFE itself,embrace it, and begin
the sequence of inner exploring, that will gradually loosen your solidity and gradually create a
more fluid reality for you,as you find your inner spirit,your consciousness will thereby expand
and the inner light of the spirit will creep up within you and eventually will glow out through
your aura.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Thursday 25 January 2018

Solid-Light-Is-Divinity-Expressed.=S.L.I.D.E. Part Two.

We are all "lighted beings" darkened only by our gross ignorance of who we really are. We are
Divinity (which in its purest and rarest state is liquid light) our highest estate in pure
consciousness is fluid by nature, light that flows literally the same as water flows, we are all
Spirit  that is what Divinity actually is SPIRIT, and spirit expressed in a relative universe like
this this one is at its highest vibration is fluid, liquid golden light, and at its lowest vibration
it is solid light, which our bodies are made of,our bodies are in fact solid light ,congealed,and
set. All other matter or energy that "appears" solid looking is again  actually liquid light
slowed  down in vibration and appearing as a solid, just the same as ice in frozen water!
If we but had eyes to really see,we would see this truth hidden from us in PLAIN SIGHT
all matter is energy,and all energy is light,consciousness is light,light or consciousness is
the only thing that exists within this universe, no-thing else exists.
The next consideration is the fact that there is no "SUCH THING AS OUTSIDE" outside of
what? Outside of the universe? We need to be aware that what we are is "energy" (light) and that
the universe is all energy(light) and all ENERGY is connected  to all energy within this universe
and that includes you dear reader of this blog,so "all is connected to all"this means that everything
on this planet,everything within the solar system, everything  within the milky way galaxy etc,
is all connected to all, when you consider  this fact,and make no mistake, this is a FACT and
not a theory ask science it will agree on this principle.
With all this connection to all, how could you possibly be "OUTSIDE OF IT?
OUTSIDE does NOT EXIST,Period! It never has and never will, wait a minute you may say, I
can go outside my house! Can you really? You are energy, remember,your body is energy,when
you walk  through your front door ,(which is energy,like you are) you walk through the door into
energy the "other side" of the door! We are all tricked by the illusion of "outsideness", in truth
it cannot possibly exist.
We see shadows because we think we are outside of something ie, (separate) light seems to cast
shadows, like the sun casts shadows upon the ground, but this is an illusion, because you think you are apart from what you see! And that in reality is impossible. real spiritual light casts no shadow
as it arises from within you/.
In part three will try and tie this all together, warmest regards michael, any feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Solid-Light-Is-Divinity-Expressed. =S.L.I.D.E.

Light flows out from Absoluteness into this relative physical universe,it flows out through the
portal of a singularity that lies at the centre of this universe.Absoluteness connects with
relativity via this singularity, there the unrealised infinite potentiality,becomes potentialised  as
it passes through the singularity and exits through the "border land"(the place where absoluteness
and relativity meet) into  the, what we know as the physical universe which is relative by nature
meaning "dual" duality is born here,Ying and Yang, when this infinite energy spews out from
the singularity it is "vital in essence" which by nature is "liquid light",this liquid light flows out
into the universe like a mighty river of "Golden Light"which then gets defused and densified
into other colours, though still remaining in a liquid state.
As the expression of the light , which is also now called energy becomes less vibrant then there
what could be called a "cooling effect" upon the light which then becomes "thicker" and slowly
starts to harden,become congealed and eventually  take on a solid like substance, this is where
we come into the picture!
All solid looking matter is energy condensed from its natural liquid state into a more denser
form, by vastly lowering its vibration levels.The slower the vibration level,the denser will be
the form.
We, which are all just energy (light) remember,S.L.I.D.E. down from our very high original
state, that of liquid Golden Light, into what now be called a "darkened state" where our inner
light is blacked out by our vast ignorance of who we really are.
We are all spirit-ual beings, spirit first, which by its nature of being the absolute "ESSESENSE
of LIFE itself, and that is LIQUID LIGHT, Golden and White in its purest state, this is what we
all our,when you strip away all the bullshit that surrounds our real identity, strip away all the ignorance that surrounds mankind, and finally reveal that GOLDEN NUGGET that hidden
GEM, that DIADEM that sits at the centre CORE) of his being, that of the SOUL, which
forever keeps its natural liquid light state.
When we can discover this hidden truth of our being, we will then begin to "liquefy our assets"
and in theory and in fact actually become LIGHTER BEINGS, light being the operative word
In part two will explore this more fully, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Manifested-Energy.=M.E. Part Three.

Energy which exists everywhere within the universe,is universal in its nature,omnipotent , and
eternal,science and quantum physics all agree on this point. Energy cannot be destroyed , only
converted, science tells us this. So then if energy is eternal and omnipotent as it seems to be,
which also implies very strongly that it is perfect as well,why then do we which are of manifested
energy,feel often far less than perfect? Why do we fall ill?Why is there so much sickness and dis-ease
among mankind then? There must be something fundamentally wrong with our equation of
human energy,if man is so ill and disease ridden,as he most certainly seems to be!
What then is the matter with man,that he being energy, which is perfect,yet man does not reflect
this perfection,what is wrong then?
I feel that the answer in this seemingly puzzling question lies in the word "alignment" (or rather
mis-alignment) mankind is out of alignment with his "TRUE NATURE"and therefore opens himself
up to what could be called "negative vibration" "jarring oscillations"that disturb the molecular
balance that would be present, if man were aligned with his true nature,what then is man's true
nature?Well that's simple to answer,mankind is energy manifested and shaped into what is called
a human being, man is Spirit,expressed as a soul, and further expressed as a human body, (space
suit) for the soul.
The problem is that billions of mankind do not know or accept this fact of nature,so this ignorance
sets up violent oscillations within man's energy matrix, and this manifests as illness and disease,
that's why millions of human bodies die of illness and disease every year.
Until man can accept his true nature of being a soul with a physical body, realise this as his true nature, thereby aligning himself with with natural universal law,and in so doing reflect the
perfection that he really is at the "core of his being"!
When man really knows who he is that of M.E. then all the ills that befall mankind in this world
will miraculously go away.
Warmest regards Michael all comments welcome facebook soul realisation

Monday 22 January 2018

Manifested-Energy.=M.E, Part Two,

Who do you think you are? This is often said to someone, if they say or do something that goes
against the accepted norm, it is a very good question indeed, because how many of us reading
this blog, really know who they are? We all are living intelligent energy, incarnated upon this
planet earth, and called human beings, or mankind.
Do you dear reader of this blog, consider yourself as intelligent energy? Perhaps not! But that is
what you really are, all ME:s that is you and me, are energy, this energy flows like a liquid in its
highest state or expression, but as this energy (YOU=ME) as it gets closer to "the belt of matter"
its high vibrational rate is slowed down vastly, this has the effect of "hardening and forming" a
shape, which will eventually become you and me, when it grows up, and accumulates more matter
Energy, in its highest state is like a liquid, invisible like steam as it leaves a boiling kettle, you cannot
see the vapour at the very end of the kettle spout, it only becomes visible a few inches away, because
that when in begins to condense? We too are very much like steam, the principle that governs water vapour and steam, is the same for living energy packets, such as you and ME!
(ME) at its lowest expression is called a human being, at its highest expression it is called spirit
and this spirit condenses into what is called a soul, and this soul further condenses into what is
commonly called a human being (ME).
What then is mankind? What is man? Manifested-animated-numenosity=MAN, spirit condensing
into soul, and soul condensing into what is termed a human body, which is really a vehicle (spacesuit)
for the soul.
Quantum physics and science all agree that energy (which is you and me, remember) cannot ever be
destroyed, only converted, so basically all energy by its very nature, is eternal! Which means then
that even science is saying that we who are all energy, nothing else actually exists, that the whole of
humanity is eternal by the nature that all of humanity is ENERGY.
We will all live forever because we are all energy, period, not in the same body of course, we age and
die (change=converted) into an astral being, after vacating the physical one, then when we need further physical experience, we convert back into a physical body, and are then reborn upon the
In part three will explore this more fully, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Friday 19 January 2018

Manifested-Energy. =M E.

We are all M.E. which stands for manifested energy,we are energy condensed and vastly slowed
down in vibrational rate, solidified light in fact, we are light made manifest . Human beings are
basically liquid light energy (set in stasis) cohered together by the soul's "intent to form" and
what it has formed is YOU, your physical body, the physical body is just a vehicle, nothing
more, a "space suit" for the indwelling soul divinity, if you say I am ME, then what you are
saying is that you are energy, light, manifesting in something that is called a human being, this
Earth is NOT your home, the planet Earth is basically a planetary school for incoming souls to
learn and gather experience, and by that manifold experiences over many life times, finally realise
who they really are, that of souls with bodies, and NOT the other way round of bodies with souls.
We are all eternal  immortal beings , yet the vast majority of us do not know,or believe  this fact.
We think we are born and die,and that's it,game over!!
That idea is entirely false and has no bearing on what reality actually is.Reality expresses itself
as LIFE, and all LIFE is eternal by its very nature,life is ENERGY, energy is consciousness,
and consciousness is spirit, which is the ELECTRIC SPARK that galvanises the soul into
expression upon the relative plane of expression.
When you look into the mirror and see your reflection,ponder on the word reflection, what are you
actually seeing? You are ONLY SEEING. the OUTWARD REFLECTION, of an INNER REALITY
You have NEVER EVER SEEN the REAL YOU, the real you that is M.E. manifested energy.
Is always hidden from your view, all you ever see is the "SPACE SUIT" the physical body, which
is NOT YOU, try and grasp this TRUTH, for truth it verily IS! YOU are NOT THE BODY
PERIOD!  The real you is the ANIMATOR of the space suit, your immortal SOUL.
In  part two will explore this further, will be travelling for a few days after today, heading back from
India to the UK, so next blog will follow in a few days,thank you all dear readers,
warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Spirit-Talking-In-Loving-Language-Numenosity-Expressed-Signalling-Silence.=S.T.I.L.L.N.E.S.S. P.3.

Unless we find stillness and peace within us,we fall prey to all manner of ailments that befall
the unwary one,ailment's like heart disease,cancer,mental and emotional  illnesses, addictions to
things like alcohol.drugs, food, sex and porn, all these maladies that befall mankind are due to
the utter lack of any inner peace and stillness.
We become habituated to the inner agitation that manifests within modern mankind,the constant
agitation of all the media outlets, like smart phones,and lap tops,etc,all clammering for our
attention, and constantly spewing out worthless gems of purile trash to keep you constantly looking
at that worthless plastic screen! These actions add to a general unease and agitation.
Mankind has been "DUPED" by global ignorance to always look look outward, and pay attention
to the media giants,like, Facebook, and Goggle,in case you miss some important piece of worthless
junk called "news"! We are mesmerised and hypnotised by our pieces of plastic junk, that keep
billions in a trance like state, unable to think for them selves, let Goggle tell you what to wear and
what to think!
We are all spirit (souls) clad in a "space suit" called the physical body, our reason for being here
is to know who we really are, to become unified  with the soul within us all, and the way to find
this inner union is to go within ourselves,turn our gaze inward and looking within,with the help of yoga or meditation, and find that point of inner stillness that dwells within us all.
When we find that inner stillness we find the "Royal Road" that leads to the knowing and
discovering the reality of the SOUL,that is the REAL YOU!
This discovery leads to enlightenment, and an expansion of consciousness,and puts us in a steady
state of relaxed quietitude and peace within us.
We find the true HOME where STILLNESS DWELLS.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome,face book soul realisation.

Thursday 18 January 2018

Spirit-Talking-In-Loving-Language-Numenosity-Expressed-Signaling-Silence.=S.T.I.L.L.N.E,S,S, Part 2.

All matter moves,motion is the way of  relativity, the relative universe is in eternal motion, nothing
is still, how then can we achieve stillness with this universal motioning universe?
If we looacticek at a physical example, of say a hurricane, it can have winds in excess of 150 miles
per hour, yet in the eye of the hurricane, all is still! No wind, no motion, we can achieve this
stillness by going within our selves,moving away from the surface motion, and going into that quiet
place within us, "our own personal,eye of the hurricane!"
When we take up the practice of yoga or meditation, we begin the process of searching for stillness
that exists within us,all we have to do,is to find it.
The only way i know of finding this quiet still place within us,is by the practice of yoga or meditation
if you know of another way  that's great, use that.
Within stillness lies the kin of stillness, that of silence,silence and stillness are constant companions
of each other.
Through the practice of yoga or meditation we learn how to find balance and peace within us.
This may take a lot of practice, doing this discipline daily,greatly helps speed up our journey
towards peace and serenity.The more we can relax, and let go of outside things,become
emotionally calm, find a point of balance within us,let go of all thoughts and feelings, be still,
in mind, and body, then when we are perfectly within, our consciousness becomes expanded,
and our perception becomes more sensitive, our awareness also expands,and we begin to touch
on the intuitive aspects of our inner being, that of our higher self , the SOUL.
The more we can cultivate stillness within us, and what's more "hold that state"for longer and
longer periods,we will begin to see changes occurring within us.
We will be much more perceptive and aware of all things around us,we will intuitively know
what is real and what is false,we will be able to "read"other people and see them as they really are
either,true or false sentiments or feigned emotions.
Our consciousness will expand and become more inclusive, and less exclusive we will begin to see and know who we really are.
In part three, will bring this stillness to conclusion, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 17 January 2018


Within the awesome silence,nothing stirred, no thought, no feeling, no expectation, zero motion
all is still. This is the inner peace and calmness that lies deep within the core of our being.
To find this stillness within us all, we need to turn our "gaze" away from looking outward, and
fix our gaze inwards,then eventually we will find that "point"within us,wherein dwells the
infinite sound of absolute stillness! Stillness as the name implies means an absence of motion.
How many of us in this modern age are ever still? Are you dear reader of this blog? When was
the last time you were absolutely still, for say one hour? We all seem to think that we have to
"do" something, when in fact the most benifical thing you can ever do for yourself is "just be
still", still in body.still in emotion,still in thought, just sitting relaxed, and at peace with your self
how many of us ever achieve this?
We re taught  from birth to forever look outwards,away from who you really are!No one is to
blame, for this ignorance, it is a global thing,and billions of us,have yet to awaken to the
reality of what a human being exactly is, and what does in consist of? The vast majority of us are
fed the same old bullshit, that I was fed as a child, because our parents, my mother,God bless her,
she has been dead (changed) now for many years, did not know any better,she passed on what she was told as a child, which was basically "only speak when you are spoken to" and know your place!
My mother like millions of other mothers, knew nothing about who we really are,knew nothing
about meditating,knew nothing about silence within, she was too busy looking after me, and
working for a living, after serving in the Royal Air Force during the second world war. The only
silence my dear mother ever knew, was when she went to sleep at night.
We each have our own responsibility to find our way in life,usually, the only time we will entertain
changing anything in our lives, is when we are hit by a crisis.
Then if we become very ill,or emotionally made bankrupt, and our backs are up against the wall
then we will consider changing things, life then says "change  of die"! Then we are open . and begin
the journey of looking within ourselves, in our search for serenity and peace.
In part two, will explore stillness further, warmest regards michael. any feed back welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Monday 15 January 2018

Deception-Engages-Awareness-Truth-Held-Hostage. =D.E.A.T.H.

Change is the real meaning of the word "death"we all change bodies many times over many
physical incarnations here upon the Earth plane.
There is no need to fear death(change) it is a natural phenomena, which cycles us in and out of
incarnation,when we have gathered  enough experience for this trip!
What many of us fear is the "process of dying" will we feel pain?And will we suffer? The honest
answer to this question is "yes" you will feel pain at times, and this pain will cause you to suffer
but it will only be for a short while, and if you are in hospital, you will be given painkillers to make
your transition easier, many though will die (change) in their sleep, and not feel anything at all,
until they awaken in the Astral plane, very surprised by it all!
We all feel pain and suffer anguish at times,this is what life is about,experiencing these things,
and gaining understanding of what it all means.
It is only the process of dying that we really fear,once you have died (change) all fear is gone,you
are released from it, by then you have left your physical body, and now fully occupy your Astral body, the physical body is now just an empty vehicle (shell) and will decompose and return back
to the elements from whence it first came.
The question so many ask is this,what happens to me,when I die? The short  and correct answer
that you "continue living"in your astral body,and remain there until such time that is deemed right
for you to return here to Earth to gather more experience.
I said previously in the other blog on this thing of death, that sleep was also called by the wise elders
as "the first cousin of death" each night when we go to sleep, we "die" in the physical world, and are born, (wake up) in the astral world, here we visit our dear departed family and friends,visit many
places just by thinking about where to go, as soon as you think IT HAPPENS! If you want to fly,you
just take off and fly! Soar over mountains, visit other planets, anything you can think, you can experience while residing in the Astral.Then when morning comes, you wake up here (die in the astral) and are born again (wake up) in the physical plane again, where very soon after waking you will have completely forgotten all your adventures in the other plane.
While sleeping and visiting the astral worlds, which we all do every night, we are attached to a
"SILVER CHORD" this chord can stretch to unlimited length , anywhere in the universe if fact
it has infinite length, and we are ALWAYS firmly attached to it all of our lives,it is only when
we die(change) that this chord is SNAPPED, and once this happens, return to the physical body
is impossible.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Sunday 14 January 2018

Deception-Engages-Awareness-Truth-Held-Hostage. =D E A T H . Part Two.

In part one i outlined the fact that death was an illusion,albeit, a persistent one, as Albert Einstein once remarked,and that the correct way to view this natural phenomena is one of "change", from
leaving the physical realm and moving into the astral realm.
we "change" (die) place of living  in thousands of times in our quest for gathering experiences
and journeying towards self realisation, and the release from the "wheel of life" (KARMA)
If we took the trouble to look within us,we would begin to understand things that are denied
to those who are forever looking outward.
We would begin begin to realise that sleep which is known by some as the "First cousin of death"is
really  a rehearsal  for the real thing when it happens (die) Change. Each night when you go to bed,
you "die" in the physical world, and enter the Astral world,we have all visited these realms thousands of times in our present life time,its just that with the exception of the few, most of us never remember
these nightly visits. When you remember dreams of flying through the air, or levitating,or fighting
a dragon, you are remembering your visit to the astral realm.
Although we forget these nightly visits on our waking consciousness, our subconscious mind
remembers every detail of our experiences, and those will be replayed back into our consciousness
when we pass over into the astral realm.
If in the word death we mean total and absolute oblivion of our being, then this is absolutely
impossible and has never happened, and cannot ever happen.Rest assured dear reader, you will
survive for all of eternity, you are a SOUL and are immortal.
Remember what science says that energy (which we all are) cannot be destroyed, only converted,
never destroyed.
If we can know and accept this eternal truth as a fact within our lives, then hopefully we will loose
all fear of death and dying .
All life is eternal by nature, and nature is basically energy, which really is another word for
consciousness, and spirit.
We are all souls with bodies,here on earth to learn about who we really are, to know that we all
live many lives, here on earth and have in fact  (DIED) thousands of times before, and still remain
very much ALIVE!
Warmest regards Michael, in part three will bring all this together. feedback welcomed, facebook soul realisation.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Deception-Engages-Awareness-Truth-Held-Hostage.=D E A T H .

The biggest lie, and deception that has ever befallen mankind, is this word called (DEATH) what
fear and dread this word conjures up in our scared and frightened minds, we are all born to die, says
mankind, nobody can escape death, we are told, even the richest man on earth cannot buy another
day extra to live, when his time is up and the "GRIM REAPER" is summoned! Some are in such
fear of dying  and death that they feel they can actually "hear" the "REAPER" sharpening his sythe
ready to cut them down!!
We are all "living energy" and even science and quantum physics come to our rescue here,when we
are scared of dying and being extinguished, entering oblivion,and gone forever, science informs us
"energy"which we "ARE" cannot "ever"be destroyed, that all energy is basically eternal by nature,
science tells us that! Energy can only be converted, never destroyed.
So we as energy, when we "die" (converted) we leave our physical body  and move fully into our
Astral body. The physical body which is constructed from the elements, earth,air, fire and water,
and the ether, all resolve down (decay) and are reabsorbed into their elemental affinities.
Death is an ILLUSION, albeit, a very persistent one, as observed by Albert Einstein,death is really
another word for "change" (conversion) when we die  we change the "living space"that we did occupy, the physical world,and move into our new home the Astral realm, where we have
visited many times in sleep,but few remember their experiences there.
We fear death because of our ignorance, we are never told the truth of what that word actually
means, it means, (CHANGE) nothing MORE! You change your living space, which prior to
change (death) you lived in the physical world,when you "die" you leave the physical
realm, and fully occupy your Astral body and move seamlessly into the Astral plane of life.
Mankind has seven bodies of expression, and he occupies them all,the physical body is the
lowest,and the bliss body is the highest, we also have an etheric body, astral body,egoic body,
etc, the etheric body is an "Electric Blue" outline which acts as a mediator between realms,
and is also called the health body,if you have any illness , it first appears within the etheric
body, as a dark patch over where the illness or disease will make contact with the physical
If you put your thumb and forefinger together, hold them very close together,then look between
the tiny gap,stare at this gap, and at first you will see a misty outline appear, then this will change
and you will see an electric blue flame shining there from your finger! Go on try it out now, prove
it to YOURSELF dear READER, the reality of YOUR ETHERIC AURA!
In part two will explore this CHANGE (DEATH) more., any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Point-Of-Singularity-Expressed-Divinity. =P.O.S.E.D. Part Three.

Have talked much about the singularity that brought about this physical universe,through the
"willed intent" an IDEA within  the Absolute  infinite Mind, and how this "IDEA" became a
virgin universe.
Would like now to "update"this IDEA as countless aeons have passed since the "birth" of the
universe, we are now arriving at another "point of singularity"  arising from within mankind.
I call this the "singularity sequence"that has opened within mankind, yet very few have yet been
able to fully activate this sequence and find atonement with Source.
Man stands looking out into a relative universe, all is temporal in nature, and forever changing.
That is mankind looking outward, when man begins to look inward, he begins to put"pressure"
on the "KEY" that will unlock the "singularity sequence" and eventually release man from
the bondage of selfish egotism.
Existing within man,in another dimension is a singularity connection to the Divine reality that
lies within and mankind.
For man to find that "KEY"that unlocks the singularity sequence and opens and transforms the
man from human being into human Divine, he needs to change the direction of his "GAZE"
man needs to begin looking inward and begin the sequence that will propel him like a "rocket
through space"into a new level of consciousness and realisation.
Man will then literally be "reborn"again baptised by the fire of Spirit,and into a new level of
experience,man will then be after long searching within himself through meditation and yoga
be at a "portal"the singularity,the singularity stands midway between man and spirit, at the centre
of his being,lies the singularity, although there is no "real"distance between man human, and
man Divine, the point where the singularity lies, that will take the man back to the "point" he
left countless aeons ago, can take many thousands of years to reach, and many,many, life times
of going within , before one reaches that wonderous day,when all your efforts over centuries
all culminate in one life time(maybe this one you are now living in ,  dear reader)when all your
come together and you actually touch the "hem of the divine garment"(the singularity) this
touching of the singularity propels you through the portal of relativity and into the domain
of the Infinite Spirit the Absolute,You are then only conscious of being Infinite SELF.
Then you can choose to stay here and help your brothers and sisters find their way to the point
of singularity that lies within all mankind,or you can step out of the physical body and move into
another dimension of being that at present is beyond your comprehension.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Friday 12 January 2018

Point-Of-Singularity-Expresses-Divinity. =P.O.S.E.D. Part two.

From the "point" of the singularity, there was the "birth of all motion", across the "borderland" on
the "other side"of the singularity, all was eternally still, and Absolute motionlessness, the Absolute
"willed intent"from within its Absoluteness and focused this willed intent through the "lens" of
the singularity, here with this intent willed , there came the birth of ALL MOTION, as we think
we know it.
This intent was an "IDEA" a THOUGHT within the Absolute mind, and this thought was channeled
through the singularity giving birth to ALL MOTION, motion was "BORN"from within the infinite
well of absolute motionlessness..
There is an ageless occult axiom which states,"All motion is born is born within stillness",
absoluteness equals motionlessness, relativity equals motion,outwardly all life including us is
relative, thereby forever in motion, but inwardly, particularly in the human race we can have access
to stillness, if we practice yoga or meditation, when we still our thoughts,stop the endless inner chatter, and become peaceful within.
This is the beginning of finding our way home, back to our source.Mankind is the pinnacle of
evolvement , he is at a point where he can find that inner divinity,that dwells within him.
Therefore when he finds that, he will also find that he is an immortal soul, and a spiritual being
one with the absolute,in other words a GOD INCARNATE.
Man has travelled a long way since he "issued forth"funneled through the singularity and "gushed
out" into a virginal, yet to be born physical universe.
It began with an Absolute "IDEA" the idea "willed to be", and motion was born, that was billions
of aeons ago, an unimaginable amount of time passed. The idea, formed outwards from source
in what is called "involution",because before you can have evolution,you first must have
involution,This process was where all the "yet to be"LAWS of the virgin universe were born,
"wrapped up"principle within principle wrapped up and enfolded within the "GREAT THOUGHT"
Then after ages unknown to us,there was a momentary "pause" a great stillness came about, this
pause, is repeated every day in the oceans of the world, when tides ebb and flow, there is a "point"
reached called "slack water" (stillness)  which ties into the occult axiom of "as above so below, as below,so above".
When the momentary pause ceases, this was the end of the involutionary cycle, and the beginning
the evolutionary cycle, the one we are all now on.
In part three will explore this further,warmest regards michael. any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

Thursday 11 January 2018

Point-Of-Singularity-Expresses-Divinity. =P.O.S.E.D.

A singularity posited within a "relative" point,radiating 360 degrees in all directions
simultaneously. This singularity or "point of relativeness" is the Absolute making and showing its
presence within its created relative space.
The Absolute is focused within within this singularity, the "point"from which the physical universe
expands into. The centre of the universe is actually a singularity point,this point is the "doorway
portal"from where "ABSOLUTENESS becomes Relative".
The point or singularity,is in fact a "point of Absolute Intention" an "IDEA" formulated within
Absolute Mind, the focused "will to be"is channeled through the singularities point of reference.
We are all thoughts within the absolute mind, thoughts that which have become, within the human
race,that which have become aware of thinking thoughts, in other words "self aware" self awareness
allows us to think thoughts, create and action ideas,we begin to reflect the same "principle"
(singularity)that actually brought us all here, billions of aeons ago.
That point where  "we emerged"from , the singularities point of reference, and spewed out in
"INTENTIONAL IDEATION"  into what was to become a "VIRGINAL UNIVERSE".
The singularity from whence all potentiality becomes eventually realised, is a "point" at the
centre of this physical universe,this point is where "that which is no-thing" becomes "something"
one inward point within the point is absolute and completely motionlessness,Infinite poteniality
yet to be realised,then within this "point" singularity there is what i call the "borderlands" here no
yet apply, a state of "absolute neutrality"this "borderland" is a kind of "buffer zone"between
Absoluteness and relativity.
Here the absolute "will to BE"funnels through and becomes relative, from within the infinite mind
absoluteness which by nature is motionlessness then takes on a relative "CLOAK",which gives
"birth" to ALL MOTION UNIVERSALLY ,motion can only "SEEM" to exist within a relative
framework,, and this framework is called by us EVOLUTION!
In part two, will explore this singularity much more, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,face book soul realisation.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Spirit-Overshadows-Using-Love.=S.O.U.L. Part Two,

Soul realisation, is often the last thing on anybody's mind, in fact it seldom enters into the
consciousness of humanity in general.
There manifests within mankind a mammoth tragedy of ignorance, that has implications for many
life times yet to come.
Our global education system fails millions every year, particularly in the west,for children are never
taught about what is the most important fact that any human can "ever know" that of who you actually are? Children are taught to  read and write,taught maths, and history,taught how to pass
exams,then when passed,promptly forget what you have learnt.
But they are "NEVER" taught who they really ARE! This ignorance which prevails on a global
scale is the "root cause" of ninety nine per cent of all conflicts, wars, disease, and strife, who is
to blame for man kinds ignorance? The reality of the human soul has been known for centuries
by tens of thousands, why has this reality not been passed onto the rest of us?
Why have our education centres never taught this fact and fundamental reality, of who we are?
What then is man? man is first a SOUL incarnated within and dwelling within what is called
a physical body, the physical body,is just a "vehicle" (nothing more)a "tool" to enable the soul
to gather experience here upon the earth plane.
We are all immortal souls gathering experience while here, and learning from that experience
when we can embrace our inner reality, we then enable the process of transformation and
transmutation of our inner being manifests,and coming to the surface of our being.
When spirit overshadows its ""charge" the soul using the universal energy of love, we
automatically expand in consciousness and perception,we awaken into a new reality of being
that we never knew existed.
This "ADVENTURE" awaits ALL OF MANKIND, if he can just turn his gaze inwards, instead
of forever looking outward, and being mesmerised by his electronic gadgets, and all the other
bullshit trivia, that is spewed out every day on media outlets. If man cal look within himself
establish contact with his higher self the soul, through the practice of meditation or yoga, then
there is hope for mankind, even if he only awakens one man at a time, eventually enough will be
awake, to demand the teaching of SOUL REALITY to be taught to ALL our children.
May this day dawn soon upon us all.
warmest regards Michael, any feed back welcomed, soul realization face book.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Spirit-Overshadows-Using-Love. =S.O.U.L.

There  is often talk of  the missing link within man kinds evolution, but the real missing link that
is never talked about, is the missing link in man's consciousness of soul awareness.
SOUL consciousness is the missing link within mankind,  this missing link causes millions to die
every year because "they did not know"who they really were.
Soul consciousness is all but absent within the human race, yet in TRUTH, we are all immortal
souls with physical bodies.
How can we bring about an overshadowing by our soul, using love? That is a difficult question to
answer, there is an easy answer, but no fewer than one out of a billion could ever actually achieve
this, the easy answer is just to "BE"be in a state of total and complete surrender to the inner Divinity
and the very moment that is achieved , full SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS would be manifested within
us. However the vast majority of us can only dream of such a complete surrender.
Our awakening into soul realisation is largely drip fed over many life times,bit by bit we become
more conscious of an inner reality dwelling within us, then in one particular life time, maybe this
one for you dear reader, all these past lives bring about a crisis within your psyche, which releases
energy within you, this opens the door within you that has been closed since time began! Suddenly
you "KNOW" that you KNOW"you instinctively look within yourself, and make for the first time
conscious contact with your higher self, the SOUL.
This brings about an awakening sequence within you,that suddenly you have left one dimension
of understanding, and entered into a new level of consciousness and awareness.
In a moment of great spiritual and emotional displacement, you have reawakened into a realm
of "knowingness" that you were completely unaware of moments before.
In part two will explore this idea much more deeply.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, facebook soul realisation.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Points-Of-Observation.=P.O.O. Part Two.

We are all observers of our gathering of experiences,we are all "viewers" of the scene that presents
itself to us moment by moment each and every day of our existence here upon the Earth plane.
Voyeurs, viewers,of our unfolding life experience  here on Earth. The question that needs answering
when we finally get around to considering, why are we here? Is that who and what is the "viewer"
of all this gathering  of experiences?
For countless life times here on earth we never consider this question, we are far too busy "getting
on with "our" life, and fighting with our neighbours!
However, there eventually comes a time, in one particular lifetime, that we feel there is something
more to us, than just the physical body,we feel "intuitive thoughts and ideas" coming from deep
within us, and this gets us wondering where is this inner voice coming from? That still small voice
within us, is the voice of our "higher self" the SOUL, the voice of the spirit  within us, this is the
source of that still small voice.
The SOUL is the vehicle of the inner spirit that dwells within every being here on earth, this inner
spirit is the actual "VIEWER" of all our visioning  experiences while here on earth.
To come to this understanding within our point of consciousness, we usually need a "kick up the ass"
and this arrives within our life in the form of a crisis, this crisis can be either life threatening, or
just a deep emotional distressing time in our life, whatever it is, this crisis, at the right time in
our evolutionary journey towards "WHOLENESS" and ATONEMENT, impacts on us in such a way
as to make us "LOOK" within ourselves, searching for an answer.
When we do this ,we begin to make an amazing discovery,we begin to realise that behind our
"personality and egoic manifestations", there is another "FORCE" or "ENERGY"  LURKING
there, this "LURKING" energy is your immortal divine SOUL.
The immortal divine soul, that lives within us, and is the "VIEWER" who looks out on creation
through "our" eyes,Divinity looking our from Absoluteness into relativity through the medium
of our physical,mental,spiritual,etheric,and astral bodies.
P.O.O. is about the Absolute,GOD,Brahman, ALLAH, able to visually look out at its creation through
the eyes of its EMBODIMENTS (US) and see through our eyes the beauty of  its creation and
When we can stand aside (the ego and personality)and just "GAZE" at creation without thinking
and naming it,just LOOKING, and standing to one side , then the "VIEWER" WHO IS GOD, can
see and marvel at its works of radiant splendour .
Warmest regards Michael any feed back welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Points-Of-Observation, =P.O.O.

There are approximately seven billion points of observation upon this planet Earth. These points of
view, or observations are commonly called human beings,belonging to what is called the Human
You and me are all included in this point of observation, we are all witnesses of the Divine Monitor
that dwells within us, but alas,many of those billions of us,are completely unaware of this fact, for
make no mistake,it is a fact, and NOT a theory.
Who is it that looks out through "your"eyes, and witnesses what it sees? You may answer that what
witnesses what you see out there is me? The question then arises, what is this thing that you call a
me? Can you fully answer this question? Who is the viewer? If you say ME, then ;please explain
what a ME IS? And how does this Me see?
Why is it that at certain times in your life,when filled with high emotional excitement, or great
wonder and awe,you have felt like there was something else looking out through "your" eyes?
What and who was this "viewer"looking out with "your" eyes?
P.0.0. is about revealing the observer within us,finding out who is looking out through "your" eyes,
is it your ego? Are you a ME? And if so ,what exactly is that? Your personality, is that what looks
out into the world? Is your ego and personality  the same thing? Or different?
We can spend all our lives , never asking the question , and billions do this every day.They are
not conscious of the inner "viewer"who witnesses through "their Eyes"they are so fascinated by
outwardly things,that they never look within and ask questions like, who is the viewer within me?
We need to try and understand that what we really are is viewers, looking out into a world that we
"seem" to be engaged with.
We are all just point of view, observers of the motions and witnessing those motions as we gain
experience from the witnessing and encountering our reactions and our responses, we act and react
in motional response to the stimuli that presents itself to us, this is how we learn and adapt to the "living experience we are all experiencing upon this planet called Earth.
We are all Divine viewers, enclosed and encapsulated with ;physical,etheric, and astral form, these
bodies allow Divinty to be expressed here on earth.
Will go more into this in part two on POO, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Friday 5 January 2018

Jubilation-Expressed-When-Embracing-Love.=J.E.W.E.L Part Three.

When we fully embrace LOVE, what is LOVE? Love is Living-Omnipotent-Vibrant-Energy=LOVE
when we fully embrace this "living energy"the result is in our expression which become so "joyful"
we "cry out" in Jubilation and extreme happiness and fulfilment, we are "engulfed" in a feeling of
complete and utter ATONEMENT,we feel "WHOLE and COMPLETE" the longing that had been
our constant companion for so long, suddenly in a flash of inner realisation disappears from our
lives,never to return again.
We all need desperately to know ourselves, for when we do that, we will realise that we are all
facets within the one JEWEL, and that each facet is verily the embodiment of love, we are all love
walking around on two legs, and we know it not!
Self knowledge is the most important knowledge you can ever know,all other learning pales into
insignificance when you fully realise your inner truth of being.
We are all spirit, first, souls, second, and human called "space suits" (vehicles) third.
That is the order of all our expressions here upon the Earth Plane. When you know this, you will know what and who you are , you will be awake at last after countless centuries asleep, and dead
to your true inner identity.
"You dear reader of this blog" yes YOU reading this right now, YOU, are a facet  within the ONE
JEWEL,this may seem to be completely absurd to you, utter nonsense, or even bullshit! 
But all i ask you to do it to consider this idea.
In fact you can prove it to yourself , by going within yourself, take up meditation of yoga,ask yourself
the question,who am I? Keep asking that question to yourself,and what you will eventually find out
that what is being said here is TRUE, you don't have to take my word for it,look within YOUR SELF
dear reader,and find out this reality for YOURSELF!
Warmest regards to you all,Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Jubilation-Expressed-When-Embracing-Love,=J.E.W.E.L. Part Two,

We have all been deceived for countless centuries,here and there some "messengers from the gods"
would proclaim a new direction for us to follow,and many would indeed follow this. Many religions
sprung up with many followers,many messages were given to us, some true, and some false.
What we have not been told is that is that long-long ago, before cars and lorries were ever invented
the Earth was a "planetary garage" for millions of vehicles, those vehicles are (US) we are at present
seven billion  "forms" here on earth , as i said yesterday in the first blog on this JEWEL,there is no such thing as "mankind in reality" we are all figments of our own imagination, in absolute terms our
reality, mankind has ",NEVER EXISTED", and will never exist, but in relative terms mankind "SEEMS" to exist, we live within a "collective hallucination", we are all tricked by our five senses
which deceive us every way we turn.
You only have to look at what science and quantum physics says about matter (US) science says that all matter(us) is energy and that energy cannot be destroyed, only "converted" in other words all
energy is eternal, which means that you are too!
Mankind is just a name associated with a "shape" "form" called a human being, which in truth is
just a vehicle or "space suit" for the spirit or soul to inhabit.
We are all actually facets of the ONE JEWEL, seven billion facets here on Earth, all to learn about
their true identity, and be cognizent of their inner spirit.
Each facet(you now reading this)is a "point" of reference (spirit,soul)within the Infinite Mind of
the Absolute,we are here to become aware of our "real being" that of spirit.
We are all eternal spirit, that is the reality of our existence, we are all eternal immortal souls,
having what can be called a HUMAN  EXPERIENCE, and the reason  for us having this experience
is for us to know who we rally ARE, we have all been asleep,mesmerised by trivia, and bullshit,
ignorant of our true identity, now is the time to wake up, we are all precious "jewels" within the
Absolute JEWEL, facets within the "CROWN OF LIFE" we are "liquid living facets" of the One
Will go into this further in part three, warm regards michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation,

Jubilation-Expressed-When-Embracing-Love. =J.E.W.E.L.

I see life on earth expressed in this way, that each human being is basically a facet of the ONE JEWEL, and that JEWEL is the Absolute,the Infinite Spirit in which we all live and move and have
our being within its living embrace.
To understand this expression of humanity as basically all  facets of the ONE JEWEL, we need to
fully understand , exactly what a human being actually is, and what does humanity actuality
consist of?
Do you know what a human being ,like you now reading this blog, actually is?What is man?
What is his nature?
Basically what we call "mankind" is in reality Spirit being souls, "clothed" in a vehicle, which is
called a physical body, the physical body is in fact a "space suit" for the indwelling soul to express
itself while here on Earth incarnate,in order to gain experience, experience of living in a seemingly
separate (from the Whole) way.I say seemingly separated , because in reality ewe can never
separated from the Source of whole life that being GOD or the Absolute.
All of humanity are "spirit" immortal eternal beings, souls expressed on earth within a physical
In truth there is no such thing as "mankind", never has been, human being, are just "vehicles" "that's
all they are! The physical body is just a shell for the spirit within it to dwell within while here on
earth gathering experience.
The Absolute,God, Brahman,is the ONE JEWEL. we are all just "FACETS" of that ONE JEWEL
our reason for being here is to find this truth, and embrace it fully, for by looking within  ourselves
we discover the true nature of our beingness.
No SPIRIT has ever DIED! That would be impossible, as we are all eternal immoral souls, what
DIES (changes) is the physical body, when the soul has gained enough experience this time around
it withdraws from the physical body, and then the body decays, as the life source the soul, has
departed from its vehicle.
The physical body is then claimed back by its owners, the elements of earth, air, water, and fire.
In part two will explore this more, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,face book soul realisation.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Awakening-When-All-Resistance-Expires.=A.W.A.R.E. Part Three.

There was a TV series called STAR TREK, in which an alien race called the BORG, would always
say the same thing when they took over a planet or race of people, they would say; "Resistance is
futile, we are the BORG" "prepare to be assimilated!
Our resistance to change is too "futile" but we persist with it, until crisis arising in our life causes
us to rethink our stance on what is really important in our life.
We will always remain asleep until we begin to let go of our resistance to change, asleep here means
that we are only mentally and physically awake, but remain spiritually dead and asleep.
Until we awaken to embrace our spiritual heritage, we are only half alive,we have a hole within us
that desperately needs filling in, and the only way to fill this "hole" within us, is to turn our gaze
inwards, to begin the process of looking within our innermost being, for in looking deeply within us
we finally contact that golden nugget at our core, that being our immortal SOUL.
Being aware, means being fully ALIVE and not just partly alive, and we can only be fully alive when
we are fully conscious of who we really are, and that is that we are all immortal souls, having what is
called a "human experience" here on earth,
Human beings are just vehicles for our immortal souls to gain and gather experience here upon the
dense physical plane of planet earth.
By going within ourselves, embracing our divinity we awaken into our true and eternal identity
we discover who we really are, our consciousness and awareness expands beyond our present
comprehension and we then attune ourselves to the inner harmony and music of the inner
spheres, this in turn brings us within the orbit of an inner knowledge and wisdom, that has been
always within us, but remained hidden from us by our ignorance and resistance to change.
We we can let go of all resistance, accept the things we cannot change,make a decision to look
within us, instead of forever looking outward, then we will place ourselves in a position that
harmonises with natural universal law,and in so doing we will naturally align ourselves to
this inner cosmic law, which will automatically expand our consciousness, perception, and
Warmest regards michael any feedback welcome, face book soul realisation.