Tuesday 2 January 2018

Awakening-When-All-Resistance-Expires.=A.W.A.R.E. Part Three.

There was a TV series called STAR TREK, in which an alien race called the BORG, would always
say the same thing when they took over a planet or race of people, they would say; "Resistance is
futile, we are the BORG" "prepare to be assimilated!
Our resistance to change is too "futile" but we persist with it, until crisis arising in our life causes
us to rethink our stance on what is really important in our life.
We will always remain asleep until we begin to let go of our resistance to change, asleep here means
that we are only mentally and physically awake, but remain spiritually dead and asleep.
Until we awaken to embrace our spiritual heritage, we are only half alive,we have a hole within us
that desperately needs filling in, and the only way to fill this "hole" within us, is to turn our gaze
inwards, to begin the process of looking within our innermost being, for in looking deeply within us
we finally contact that golden nugget at our core, that being our immortal SOUL.
Being aware, means being fully ALIVE and not just partly alive, and we can only be fully alive when
we are fully conscious of who we really are, and that is that we are all immortal souls, having what is
called a "human experience" here on earth,
Human beings are just vehicles for our immortal souls to gain and gather experience here upon the
dense physical plane of planet earth.
By going within ourselves, embracing our divinity we awaken into our true and eternal identity
we discover who we really are, our consciousness and awareness expands beyond our present
comprehension and we then attune ourselves to the inner harmony and music of the inner
spheres, this in turn brings us within the orbit of an inner knowledge and wisdom, that has been
always within us, but remained hidden from us by our ignorance and resistance to change.
We we can let go of all resistance, accept the things we cannot change,make a decision to look
within us, instead of forever looking outward, then we will place ourselves in a position that
harmonises with natural universal law,and in so doing we will naturally align ourselves to
this inner cosmic law, which will automatically expand our consciousness, perception, and
Warmest regards michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome, face book soul realisation.

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