Friday 30 April 2021


 Shiva resides within the crown chakra (SAHARARA) and Shiva's other 'half' Shakti resides 

within the root chakra (MULADHARA). The journey from root chakra to crown chakra can

take us many many incarnations before we finally unify these two mighty divine energies.

Shiva is the masculine principle, while Shakti is the feminine principle, our journeys through

many incarnations here on the earth plane are about uniting both our masculine and feminine

principals into one composite wholeness.

Sexuality is the union of man and woman, while spirituality is the union of the human and

divine consciousness.

The expression of this most intimate journey we all will eventually make, either within this

life time or in a thousand years from now, as time is an illusion it is also irrelevant  as to how

long this process takes. The fact is we will all make this journey some when is our expressed

human format. 

Jacobs ladder, that is mentioned in the Bible represents our journey through evolution from

root earthy chakra where the Goddess Shakti resides up to and beyond the crown chakra when

Shiva resides, the ascension up the ladder that Jacob saw the heavenly host so to speak, was

the symbol of our chakra and the ascension along the spine beginning in the root chakra and

gradually ascending up the spine to the crown chakra and beyond into spiritual bliss.

When this ascension upward through the spine reaches the crown chakra this is called

the KUNDALINI AWAKENING EXPERIENCE, which can then culminate in what is 

called an SAMADHI experience.

Our  journey vast as it is, is one where we have been animal-man, the human-mankind, 

then mind and spiritual mankind, then where many today are approaching spiritual/divine


Evolution is the same meaning as this "buzz word" ascension  both are identical and are

also represented in the vision that Jacob and the ladder he saw ascending into Harmony (heaven)

The only reason any of us are here on earth is to finally WAKE UP and smell those proverbial

roses, Waking up means literally to fully know and fully comprehend exactly who and 

WHAT you actually ARE! The sole reason any of us are here for, is to know you are a SOUL

and when you know that, to further understand that you are the SELF TOO!

Which means literally that the SELF KNOWS ITSELF to be the SOURCE of all LIFE.

When you reach this point, and very many have already done so, and moved onto other

playing fields, so to speak, You will then have the choice, to move onto other things, or 

remain here fully awakened, and help your brothers and sisters to find their way out of this

proverbial "vale of tears".

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Thursday 29 April 2021


 Our souls instinctively look inward, and our ego's and persona look outward. We spend many

incarnations here on Earth looking forever outward, searching for something we are not quite

sure of, we all have an instinctive feeling for wholeness, and seek  out many ways of achieving

this over many incarnations.

In our present incarnation today there seems to be what could be called a 'crescendo crisis'  

looming in the wings, about to explode. Where it seems that billions of us are all looking 

intently and deeply into our smart phones. some are so engrossed in watching that plastic 

screen they walk out into the road and get run over by a bus! Some have a double whammy

of looking intently at their phone, while at the same time listening to music on their headphones

all this distraction is aimed solely at keeping us forever looking outwards , and never God forbid


It seems that in our so called modern age, we are bombarded with multiple  devices that all demand

our total attention, and are designed to keep us from ever looking within ourselves for answers to

questions that really matter, like who am I really? Is there life after death? Am I truly a soul?

Is there an infinite being, some call God out there somewhere? All these questions are there 

within us, awaiting an answer, but we are so intent on looking at these plastic devices, we fail

to hear that silent inner voice of ours.

If we persist in ignoring that silent inner voice, then the soul will try to get your attention by

manifesting a crisis to arise within your life, that will force you to take stock of your life and

thereby adjust it accordingly.

Our inner divine immortal soul, longs to make your acquaintance and to inform you of your 

true and lasting identity, all we need do is to look within ourselves, and  perhaps  take up

something like meditation or yoga, then we will be heading in the direction which will 

awaken us into our true inner nature, and cut down or even maybe cancel out any more 

incarnations here on earth.

warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 28 April 2021


 Our universe is a curtain cloaking the Absolute with relativity,  which equates directly 

with that of motion, perpetual motion in fact. Our entire universe is surrounded by an 

Absolute void in which the SOURCE of all life fills with its Absolute Infinite Presence.

The VOID which contains this relative universe within its awesome Infinite Absolute 

BOSOM, is beyond our mortal comprehension, because it contains absolutely NO-THING!

No  light, no darkness, no matter, no energy, no motion, absolute motionlessness, Absolute

silence, absolute peace, and transcendent perpetual BLISS.

When and if we lift this curtain that is cloaking our vision of the infinite and Divine destiny

we will discover  our true immortal inner nature, this can be found lying deep within us all.

Becoming BOLD  in this context means taking HEAVEN by storm, Heaven is NOT A PLACE

that exists anywhere in reality, the word heaven actually means where divinity resides, it is

NOT a PLACE , rather it is a state of BEING , state of mind, inner peace and harmony, this

is what heaven actually is. Being Bold, means we do not timidly tap on the door for entrance

into Heaven, rather we BOLDLY smash the door down, and demand entrance into our

divine heritage, our inner home, that dwells within the soul within us.

By going within ourselves, we make the decision to boldly make contact with our higher self

which is your very own immortal divine soul. we do this by taking up the practice of 

meditation or yoga, and seeking contact with our higher self, this usually begins when we 

make and establish some inner contact with our intuitive faculties that reside within your

consciousness and awareness.

The infinite and absolute VOID is not a place far far away from where you now live, dear

reader of this blog, in fact the VOID  is no more than an ATOMS distance from you at any

given moment in this relative framework of time and space continuum.

We are all completely surrounded by the VOID submerged within it, and overlaid upon

this VOID is an atom thick film or cloak of MATERIAL which we call home, the relative

universe, we seem to experience this illusion of time and space, while further encapsulated

within a physical vehicle, we call humanity.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 27 April 2021


 All life is occupying space by its presence within it, we are all personified out of space and

our all condensed into many forms and expressions.

Life occupies the wholeness of space, which acts as a backdrop that permits expressions 

within a relative duality based universe. What then is this SPACE in which we all occupy?

That is a good question! And one that I will attempt to answer here now. SPACE to me is a 

fluid a vibrant living fluid , which to me can actually be seen as the LIFE BLOOD of and

from the SOURCE of all LIFE. An infinite ocean of living fluid, in which we all live and move

and have our being within this fluid backdrop of space.

Our natural state which is SPIRIT (when all expression is stripped away, all that is left is SPIRIT

which of course means we are all SOURCE-BEING) which can been seen as that of a liquid

light, or intelligent energy which is our natural fluidic state.

We as a collective have all to become condensed in order to manifest as biological entities 

human beings. Our physical bodies are basically made out of congealed light, we all emerge

out of space which is infinite, and meld into a relative material physical body  which is

finite, and will fall away when we leave and move back into the astral plane, and thereby rot

away and return back to the four elements from which it came, which are , Earth, air, fire, and


We are "ALL" that of humanity all 7.7 billion of us, are all condensations and thereby relative

expressions of the infinite absolute SOURCE of all LIFE! We are all GOD being expressed

within a vehicle, and are all busy collecting experiences that will eventually reveal to you just

who and what each one of us actually is, our realization will be a three fold awakening 

sequence, which will out play as this sequence, the first realization will be that of the ego

and the personality, which will then include the illusion of your 'apparent' individuality, 

then the second awakening will arise as your intuition awakens and thereby reveals your 

indwelling self, which is your immortal soul, and the last realisation will be your full 

awakening into you seeing yourself as the SELF which equates with that of the SOURCE.

When that occurs, you will no longer be incarnated here on earth, you will then move onto

higher levels of BEING.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 26 April 2021


 All life is basically an expression of and out of the SOURCE of all reality. The Source of all

life is forever motionlessness stateless state, one reason the Source never moves, is because

very simply where could it possibly move to as it was Omnipresent and ubiquitous?

Only that which is expressed from within the Source  has motion, and thereby having motion

denotes that you have become a relative expression, you have obtained motion from within

that which is motionless, the motion is caused by the intentional ideation that emanated from

within its infinite and absolute consciousness, when a thought enters consciousness it becomes

mobilised, it moves.

If we fully understand the nature of life, and where it all emerges from, then this will inform

us that all LIFE is eternal as it all emerges from the eternal Source of all Life. Life can NEVER

DIE! What 'appears' to die before our ignorant gaze, is the vehicle that housed the life force 

energy, the invisible life force, which is spirit has never ever been seen by mortal man.

We as human beings have never in truth ever been BORN let alone entered the fiction called

Death. What is born is the vehicle that we enter into in order to experience physical life here

on Earth. And what we call the fiction of death is when we step out of the physical body, and

thereby ascend into the astral realm in our astral body, then the shell we leave behind is 

finally reabsorbed back into the elements of Earth, air, fire, and water, from whence we 

borrowed the materials in order to incarnate here.

'WE' are all life and have all emanated from WITHIN the SOURCE,  we are all to coin a 

phrase, re-SOURCE-FUL?  Thereby being eternal which means that NONE of 'US' have 

EVER been BORN and thereby will never EVER DIE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 25 April 2021


 Our temporal home and school room planet Earth, has often over the last few thousands of

years, been called the 'vale of tears' and the 'gnashing of teeth'. This explanation highlights

the emotional and mental experiences we all undergo on our journey to full self knowing.

This planet Earth is for us basically a school room planet where we are incarnated upon to

learn the nature of our inner invisible selves, and this is obtained literally through the wailing

and gnashing of our teeth, as we personally experience the anguish and emotional pain and 

heartaches, that arise within all of our lives at some point in our journey into self and soul 


Many of us fail to realise or even understand the nature of expressive life, in particular our

human experiences, as we all are as human beings we are all at a major point in the infinite

ascension principle, which we usually call evolution, humanity as a collective all stand of

the precipice of a great awakening into the claiming of its inner Divine nature, the great

awakening into soul realization and the dawning of this age of Aquarius where we all 

awaken one by one, into the full understanding of our divine immortal heritage.

In order for this magnificent miracle to occur we had to plunge headlong and unconscious

into the relative nature in what duality actually is, we left our high infinite Absolute non

dual singular state, which is SOURCE, which of course we all ARE in TRUTH, and became

launched into motion (motion equates directly with duality) before we entered the maelstrom

of relativity and duality, "WE" were all motionless absolute and in perfect bliss.

It has taken literally aeons of experiencing to bring us all to this point of awakening into

our true immortal nature, now we all stand of the very brink of a great awakening within 

yourself. The question we need to ask ourselves is this; will this particular life time I am now

experiencing be the one that I fully awaken within??? Or will I stay asleep and wail and gnash

my teeth for a few more incarnations here of Earth, before I make the decision to look  within

myself, and therefore become fully awakened??

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 24 April 2021


 Many of us fail to recognise who we really are, we can spend our entire life from the cradle

to the grave, and never  have an inkling as to who we really are. The word NUMEN used in

this blog title todays, comes from the LATIN word meaning 'that of Divinity, or Divine presence'

we are all that and more, and we fail to recognise this ethereal fact of our true inner nature.

We all come from Divinity, and we further express this Divinity by our PRESENCE here

upon this Earth.

If we were to ponder on the idea that it would make much more sense to look for God or 

Divinity within ourselves, rather than trying to connect with Divinity outside of ourselves.

There can be no possibility of Divinity or God existing outside of yourself, that cannot occur

and has never occurred, we can have the illusion of Divinity being "out THERE" but in truth

what is happening is within your heart and inner consciousness.

The truth of the matter is really very simple, and it lies within every one of us, when we look

for the PRESENCE  or Divinity, we need only look within ourselves because we all our the 

PRESENCE in physical form !  

Our  true inner divine nature escapes our recognition, and we therefore fail to reconnect to

our inner Divine true nature, and sadly for many of us, it remains that way until we leave 

this physical  body and thereby re-enter the astral realm, where we came from before arriving

here as a new born baby. then if we are fortunate there we may then get an inkling into our

real soul-self.

Then after some reflection and rest, we will become reincarnated into a new physical vehicle

and begin the process of gathering experience again, and hopefully this life time you will be 

able to join up all the dots, and thereby revealing your true immortal divine soul, then you will

know, feel, see, and fully recognise just who exactly you are, and see and feel the inner 

PRESENCE which is your true inner SELF!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 23 April 2021


PREVIOUS, to our all being expressed within a prism of diversity and image making, we

were all ONE within  that which is the SOURCE of all there is, or ever will be.

'WE' were all motionless, silent and still, in perfect bliss and universal awareness.

'WE' have all spent literally aeons  in an unconscious state of motional experiencing 

throughout this infinite universe, we have all been within a blazing stars fusional matrix

and unconsciously experienced its inner GLORY!

We have all been literally to coin the phrase, "we have been everywhere man!" Now we are

on this planet Earth, where we have all awakened into this wonderfully divine addition to 

our expression, which is our "I AM" self aware consciousness, To be able to say those DIVINE

MAGIC words "I AM" JOHN or MARY, the I AM prefix is exactly the same prefix the SOURCE

uses when it contacts us, like it did with MOSES at the burning bush experience, Moses asked 

who shall I say sent me? To which the SOURCE replied, "tell them that I AM that I AM sent

you". Each one of us is an "I AM" prefix manifesting within a biological machine vehicle and

at the relative end of this infinite prism which we are all refracted through, we stand as a 

relative facet within a biological vehicle we all call mankind, and at the other end of this infinite

connection where the refraction and prismatic lensing was BORN, stands the SOURCE of all

LIFE. The impossible to break connection between each one of us and the SOURCE of all

LIFE, is orchestrated and conducted by that primal TONE that underlies all frequencies 

within this universe, which is of course the mighty "OM" which is the universal master tone

that connects all universal expressed life in its ONE harmonic TONE, all expressed life

everywhere is fully embraced within this master tone.

PREVIOUS, to our I AM self aware consciousness, we were all experiencing, but not being

consciously aware of what we were doing. Now we are all aware so that we can consciously 

adjust our lives so that we live in more inner harmony and inner peace. We now have conscious

control over what we think, say, and do,  so if we are wise we will adjust ourselves accordingly.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 22 April 2021


 Mankind's NEMISIS is basically himself, the physical body and the mind and personality

that arises from within it. Our physical bodies. which in truth are only vehicles for the 

indwelling soul, but the nemesis factor, here is that hundreds of millions of us are 

completely unaware and totally ignorant of this basic fundamental fact that lies within

them buried under a thick layer of ignorance and the total absence of any form of teaching

explaining the real nature of enfolded life expression.

No-thing expresses us, means that we are all inwardly expressions  of the SOURCE of all

LIFE, and that this SOURCE of all life, is Absolute infinite BEING, it is NOT A THING it

is the ONLY REALITY that exists anywhere, and we as that of humanity all arise from 

WITHIN this SOURCE which is ALL there IS.  Humanity amounts to basically 

NO-THING, but we are all within the ALL-THING, which amounts to all that is was and

will ever BE.

Our minds and egos are the main culprits that keep us all enclosed within a web of deceit and

ignorance, if we make any real efforts to look within ourselves, our minds and egos feel 

somewhat threatened and will therefore try various methods of distracting you from delving

any deeper into your inner self.

Our egos like to be and stay in charge of us, and try to keep us distracted from looking within 

ourselves, rather the ego will always direct you into looking forever outwards and try to keep

us all amused with all manner of trivial tripe.

We are all our very own NEMESIS and its so subtle that hundreds of millions of us KNOW

IT NOT! We are completely unaware that we all stand in the way of us all achieving full and

total knowledge of just who and WHAT we really ARE!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this bog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 21 April 2021


 We live in an age where there is so much information available to us, the internet and its

many websites offer unlimited advice about everything you could think of.

When in the past we had Spiritualist mediums, who would channel the so called dead, and give

out messages, now we have all the new age channelling, who claim to channel all kinds of 

ascended masters, with God and Jesus added also, plus they have added multi dimensional

beings into this heady mixture, all claiming vast wisdom and insight into what is going to happen

to us all on Earth. If they go on producing at the rate they keep popping up on You tube we will

soon have more channelling souls ,than there are stars in the night sky!

Many of these channelling souls of 'masters' and star people are at best hopelessly deluded  and

at worst knowing scammers and con artists.

The sad thing about this phenomenal rise in the new age 'PSUEDO PROPHETS' is that they can

only exist because of our gross ignorance of who and what we really are. If we all knew 

ourselves and understood the inbuilt faculty we all have within us, which is that of our intuition

we would then be on the path that would open up and reveal the true immortal nature of each 

and everyone one of us here on Earth.

We have absolutely no need of any advice from some dodgy psuedo prophet  about some alleged

ascended 'master' they are supposedly in contact with, when all we need to do is to look within

ourselves, search within your own heart and inner being, tune into your very own channel that

will lead you eventually to discovering your very own immortal soul. 

Being ignorant of our true self is the truth millions of us live with every day, but it need not stay

that way, you can change this dear reader of this blog today, yes YOU! Can change your 

ignorance into wisdom and knowledge, just by looking within yourself, and tuning into your

intuition that lies within your inner self. Do that ask yourself the question, WHO AM I ? 

And persist with this inner question until you get an answer.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 20 April 2021


 Hidden away within us all lies the Infinite potentiality to become fully realised, and know

ourselves as the Infinite SELF (SOURCE) we all are in essence of BEING. We are all 

PRIMED by our Divine heritage to fully realise ourselves eventually after many lifetimes

and countless experiences and interactions with each other.

We gradually graduate through the physical experiences, the emotional and mental experiences

then into intellectual experiences and arguments, then onto the ideas of whether we have a latent

spirituality within us.

How many lifetimes have we lived seeking and looking for answers? How many questions have

we all posed about why are we all here? Is there any real significance in our being here, or it

just a cosmic fluke or some accident that brought us all together on Earth?

Do we just eat sleep and be merry, for tomorrow we may all die? We have all been on this journey

for countless aeons past, we have been human beings for countless thousands of years, have 

explored every country, and been both male and female countless times, all these countless

experiences we undergo, gradually begin to impinge upon our waking consciousness as that

of an inner knowing of something that seems to be missing from our life. What is this missing

echo that resounds within us?

We have all had the very real experience of an inner emptiness, a very real feeling that 

something is missing from our life. We feel incomplete, unholy (meaning hollowness within)

This hollow empty feeling ,is our latent spiritual inner nature seeking some recognition from

your self consciousness self awareness state of mind.

When this happens and it happens to every soul on this planet sooner or later,  we have reached

a milestone in our ascension sequence along the evolutionary arc, it means that we are finally

waking up to our real inner divine nature, all of our previous experiences over many lifetimes

have accumulated into the point when the proverbial penny drops and we make that most

vital connection, and realise our divine soul driven potential is about to become realised.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 19 April 2021


 All of us will each experience Eventually the 'Dweller on the Threshold' the threshold is that of 

expanding consciousness and awareness that begins opening up when we have made some

progress into our real inner nature. The Dweller is the sum total of all the personality 

characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued and which must be finally

overcome before initiation can be taken in a higher realization of our Divine immortal heritage.

We need be mindful that we have all lived many lifetimes here on Earth, and have also 

accumulated both positive and negative karma. In certain lifetimes when we have made some

progress into fully understanding who and what we really are, the past unresolved issues rise

up to confront us.

If we accept these issues and take full responsibility for our actions without making any

excuses for our actions and behaviour or any justifications, we will integrate the 'dark shadow'

of our past deeds into a full and forgiving current  level  of awareness and integrity. 

For us to become fully whole or rather HOLY? We need to fully accept our own dark shadow

which dwelt in our past lives here on Earth.

When we can do that with a loving and fully accepting grace that is heartfelt and has the 

humility to see that we did many things that were unwise, and very selfish, but we are mindful

also that we were very ignorant as well.

Now we have grown up, and put away our toys and childish ways, we have become adults  and

now accept ourselves totally and fully  unreservedly.

We can now grow into higher levels of consciousness perception and awareness, and begin to

realise the inner truth of our immortal soul self identity.

The Dweller on the threshold of our lives means very basically as the name spelt out to read

the word DOTTED in the title of this blog today, the word DOTTED is how through our 

many life time experiences, we have all completed or have nearly completed joining up all

the DOTS and when we are therefore DOTTED! We know what we know, and therefore 

adjust ourselves accordingly.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 18 April 2021


 How many of us have bewailed and lamented in great sorrow and despair, when a major

crisis befalls us, and we feel that all is lost, and maybe if we are very ill and think we might

not make it through.

When all is lost this creates an opportunity for 'something to be found' and in my personal

experience. when I stood on the brink between life and death, the greatest thing I discovered

and FOUND was my real SELF.

Without the major crises entering into our lives, we would have never known, what we 

were really capable off, the crisis I encountered blasted me out of my comfort zone and

my complacency, and brought me up to face the realisation of just who the heck I really

was. The principle of life ,in which we are all completely enfolded within it infinite embrace

is an intelligent living force of spiritual energy, and knows that we are all here to reveal the

eternal nature of itself, within your self aware consciousness state. And therefore the principle

of life will if we fail to pay attention to the experiences we have experienced, and fail to take

stock of these lessons, then that divine intelligence will bring about a crisis within your life

that will cause you to stop what you are doing, and perhaps rethink what you are doing.

If you pay close attention to this minor crisis, and make adjustments in a way that further

enhances your life, and opens up opportunities for you to explore within yourself, then no

more crisis will befall you. However if you fail to take stock of this minor crisis, and 

therefore carry on as before, sooner or later, and its usually sooner than later, another major

crisis will arise in your life, forcing you to take some action, to deal with this situation in a 

way that will improve your life and open up the door to your real inner SELF.

This planet Earth is a SCHOOL for SOULS to awaken into their true immortal nature, that

and this only is the reason we are all HERE! The planet Earth is a schooling planet and we

each one of us within the collective called humanity, are attending school, and our experiences

gained daily are the lessons we are all learning, some of us are in the primary class, some are

in the college class, and some are beginning to graduate from the university class.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 17 April 2021


 I discovered well over forty years ago now just how possessive the ego is of keeping complete

control of our being. When I started meditating in 1974 I found that I was always getting 

distracted from what I was doing, which was trying to meditate and find some peace of mind

and serenity. Whenever I sat down to start meditating, something trivial thought would enter my

mind that seemed to warrant my immediate attention, and therefore cancel out my meditation.

It took me several years to finally work out what was happening to me.

I realised that the ego had a beguiling effect, on my actions, in particular when I was about to

start meditating. I realised that the deeper I went into exploring my inner self, and began to

awaken my latent spirituality, the ego become and felt threatened of its loosing its vice like grip

it had on my thinking and actions, and because of this fear the ego had, it tried to undermine

and subvert my intentions to go deeper into meditation.

The ego was intent on keeping the emotions and the living energy that flows through us all

well within the confines of the physical body and relative thinking. When it felt the awareness

and consciousness beginning to expand out into the universe, it became uneasy and felt it was

loosing its grip on the control it thought it had of me.

And this fear caused the ego to try and deceive me, to beguile me, and distract me from 

venturing any deeper into self enquiry.

I discovered that basically emotional energy arises from within the heart, and at the core of

emotional energy is that of Divinity and soul PRESENCE.

We are all souls at various stages of awakening, as we make further inroads into the 

realisation of who and what we really are, which is of course immortal divine souls, we will

then have access to greater intensities of emotional spiritual energy, which in turn will expand

our levels of consciousness and awareness perceptions.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 16 April 2021


 Without our intrinsic nature of our "I AM" self aware consciousness, ego's would not exist 

and neither would we. We all gave birth to our ego's when we made that most vital transition

from being expressed life unconscious of self and therefore totally egoless and unaware of 

personal self existence, to the point where we are at the very precipice of the dawning and

awakening of this new age of Aquarius where mankind will leave its animal ancestry behind

and consciously embrace a new higher self awareness which is awareness of our indwelling

divine immortal soul.

Many thousands of mankind are 'coming online' every year which means they are awakening

to their higher indwelling self, which reveals to them the nature of the soul within.

Our ego's are a very important part of our nature, the ego allows us all to experience the highs

and lows of expressed physical life, it makes good use of exercising all the "notes" that can be

played within our emotional responses to varying stimuli  from loving warm feelings, to

outright anger and hatred.

Each one of us gathers its own experiences over very many incursions incarnating back here

on Earth, every life time experienced here, brings us all one step closer to making that final

transition into the full and comprehensive understanding and awakening to the realisation of

just who you really are, then you will realise that humanity is only really a collection of

vehicles, that Divinity uses in order to experience tangible existence within a physical

biological machine, which we call and often think is really who we actually are.

We all have a faded memory of who we really are, and the way we bring this faded 

memory back to the forefront of our minds is by engaging in multiple experiences and

thereby build up a picture within ourselves that will eventually bring about that proverbial

moment when the last penny drops and we then awaken into the realisation that we are all

immortal divine souls.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 15 April 2021


 The word Christ used in this blog today has absolutely nothing to do with any religion faith

or sect, also it has nothing to do with the man called Jesus, other than the fact that he was

supposedly "overshadowed"  by this universal principle which is called the Christ Principle

or Divine universal energy principle, that operates throughout this universe, and is not a 

PRINCIPLE SOLELY designated as being only used upon this planet Earth. All Divine energy

is totally ubiquitous and infinite in nature.

The word CUSP that is spelled out in this blogs title means that we as this collective called

humanity, all stand on this CUSP which means "at the point when something is about to change

to something else" many now within our midst are standing upon a precipice of entering into

a higher level of consciousness and awareness, a great awakening is arising within so many of us

at this most momentous time in our evolutional arc of ascension.

This universal energy, the Christ principle is arising within the heart chakra of tens of thousands

of our fellow human beings, when we begin looking within ourselves for answers to the many

questions that arise from within our minds, like who am I ? Really! we all want answers that have

baffled us for ages long past. And when we begin to receive these answers, it opens an inner

door within our heart chakra, this then activates our INTUITIONAL faculties and we then begin

to hear that still small voice within. This inner voice gently opens our inner receptive capabilities

and we then begin to tune into this universal spiritual energy which is called the Christ principle

this divine tuning in  alters our energy patterns, and tunes our consciousness into that of being

Christ consciousness which is all enveloping and universal in nature, whereas our ordinary 

consciousness before this awakening was much more localised, and not universal.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 14 April 2021


 The void is the absolute infinite motionless backdrop, from whence all motion and this

relative universe emerge from and dwell within its infinite absolute embrace.

We as this collective called humanity are all self-emergent from within this VOID, our

physical bodies are just basically relative biological machines, with our brain  being that

of a biological computer, that is totally connected and interconnected  to the infinite 

electromagnetic fields of energy that stretch out into infinity in all directions simultaneously.

Our vehicles, which we all commonly call our physical human body, are really NOTHING

MORE than a Receptacle  in which infinite intelligence has fashioned into a fitting holder

for the reason  of spirit or rather divinity to be able to experience physical relative duality

based upon an experience based schoolroom which of course in this planet Earth.

In our primal intangible state of pure divine energy, perfection in formlessness, It would

be totally impossible to get anywhere close to tangible physical matter, let alone become

expressed on Earth and gather experience.

This is why we have all come to be presented in this physical manner, and have been 

condensed down from being  ubiquitous non-locale, to that of becoming a relative physical

biological machine, which calls itself "I AM" self aware, what we often fail to recognise is

that this self we call ourselves, is just an atom sized relative point emerging upon an atom

sized planet, our real SELF which we have forgotten about because of the amnesia that 

occurs in the condensation process resulting in physical birth, our real SELF is UBIQUITOUS.

or the SOURCE of ALL LIFE.

We are all here on Earth in order to raise up the physical matter into the realization of our

divine immortal SELVES.

We have all been asleep far to long, it is now time for us all to AWAKEN!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

In this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 13 April 2021


 The title of this blog which ends with a question mark, asks the question that maybe humanity

as a whole is seeking some kind of evolutional divine realization, but I think that for the 

majority of humanity this "seeking some divine union" is not active consciously, rather I 

think more accurately it lies below the threshold within our unconsciousness impulses that

drive us forward, I think we all seek union and wholeness, but not are consciously aware 

of this.

The word evolution is really just another word for a phased movement of life which gradually

ascends along a pathway or arc of evolving which is obtained by varying experiences  over 

an unimaginable period of time.

There is of course the other factor in this phased evolving sequence is that most of it was 

experienced while we were unconscious and unaware of our motioning through time and


In our lower states of being, before we became human beings, we did begin to experience

a rudimentary awareness and consciousness, but that God like ability that we as human

beings have, which is our "I AM self aware consciousness being, was totally absent in the

lower life expressions.

Now we are human beings, we have the power of self introspection, we can examine 

ourselves, ask questions, who am I ? Seek out answers to discover our true and immortal

identity, open up our minds to become realized into our true selves. We are all at a PIVOTAL

point in our phased arc journey of expansion into greater levels of awareness and 

consciousness, we all stand at our DESTINIES DOORWAY, millions of us, can move

forward in leaps and bounds within our conscious awareness, we now have that most 

SACRED opportunity presented to us all, where we can actually accelerate our mental and

spiritual growth, by taking up meditation or yoga, or searching the internet for clues about

soul realization. This way we can then enter into the doorway that will reveal your inner


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 12 April 2021


All life universally presented however divergent and different it may appear on the surface

will all eventually COALESCE into one COMPOSITE wholeness, which is the SOURCE

of all life everywhere universally.

We as this expression called humanity are all totally connected and interconnected with each

other, plus we are also fully connected with all other living expressions upon this planet and

also everywhere within this relative universe.

If we but could only see and further fully understand this intimate connectivity we all have 

with each other, we would then all fall to our knees in a shameful repose, at the way we treat

our fellow pilgrims upon the pathway of evolving ascension. We would then fully understand

and fully comprehend that if we ever cause hurt or harm to our fellow kin, we will also bring

the exact hurt and harm into our living experience, it might not impact you today, but by

Christ it will indeed impact upon you sooner or later.

This whole planet is connected within a vast infinite ocean of electromagnetic energy that 

impinges upon and also penetrates within every human soul within this planetary  field of

expression, there is not in truth ONE ATOM DISTANCE between any human being on 

this planet, the invisible electromagnetic waves of energy hold all 7.7 billion of us all within

its powerful magnetic embrace.

The nature of LIFE, which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, is to eternally

just BE, the nature of life is that of BEING ETERNALLY PRESENT. We as being within

what we call HUMANITY are all LIFE, so when we fully understand the PRINCIPLE of

LIFE, which is to be ETERNALLY PRESENT TO BE! We can then see the direct 

implication that arises within our minds eye, that as we are living, and therefore are LIFE

then it must also mean that we all too are eternal beings, therefore IMMORTAL SOULS. 

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Sunday 11 April 2021


 LIFE universally presented is ONE FORCE that has no beginning or will ever experience

an ending. Life is both absolute and eternal, plus it is also SINGULAR in its ESSENCE.

There is no such a thing as a PLURAL  to the Infinite eternal reality that is LIFE, it is just

a Singular Reality, that is always eternally present everywhere simultaneously, ubiquitous in

its ever present SELF.

We can call this infinite life force any name we choose, some call it GOD, others call it the

Source,  or Infinite Intelligence, it is of course all these names, every name known to mankind

is within this Singular Reality we all call LIFE.

If we think deeply and ponder on this singular reality we call Life, it raises the most basic question

within us, which is this; If there is only one THING called LIFE, which is a singular reality

then where do we all fit into this singularity, baring in mind of course that there are 7.8 

billion human beings on this planet Earth, where do we all fit into this ONE REALITY??

This indeed is a very pertinent question, what becomes of us all, how do 7.8 billion souls

all coalesce into ONE Singular reality??

The basic answer to this most pertinent question lies deeply within the hearts of all humanity

if we care to look deeply within ourselves, and ask that most vital and fundamental question

of "WHO AM I " really?  Your inner self will reveal the answer to this most TIMELESS


This blog WOOLIES is about the warmth that upwells within us and keeps us warm, when

we begin knowing ourselves, we feel warm and safe, because we know we are all immortal

deathless souls, we know that deeply within us all we all are the very embodiment of the LIFE

PRINCIPLE itself, we are all the very SOURCE of LIFE, being PRESENTED here upon

the Earth plane, in order to gain experience that will add to the collective WHOLENESS

of the LIFE principle as it is being EXPRESSED (motioning, moving) throughout this relative

theatre we call the physical universe.

We are all literally the many, that will all eventually dissolve back into the ONE LIFE.

warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 10 April 2021


There are two aspects of reality and we live within both of these, there is relative reality,

where everything is in perpetual motion, and all apparent things appear to change, and

there is absolute reality where there is never any change and that motion has never ventured

here at all. 

Relative reality is our dual based relative expressed universe, where everything is in 

perpetual motion, everything within our physical universe moves with just one exception

which is the eternal ever present NOW, which is eternally motionlessness.

Nothing exists in absolute reality, because the word EXIST is totally meaningless when

brought up against  the ETERNAL. The Latin word for exist is "EXISTERE", which means

'to step out from; ;stand forth'  'emerge' and 'appear;,  LIFE or SPIRIT  cannot exist in this 

context. because it 'does not appear' ,it does not 'stand out;  and it did not 'emerge' from 

somewhere either,  because LIFE-SPIRIT-GOD-SOURCE  is ETERNAL, which means

that it has NEVER EVER had a BEGINNING, or will it ever experience an ENDING. 

Life has never been BORN and will never be UNBORN, In this context LIFE or SPIRIT

does NOT EXIST, and never has existed, rather LIFE-SOURCE absolute reality, JUST IS


Life expressed which means precisely that it MOVES, is by the nature of it moving means

that it is within a relative motional matrix, and the reason for this motional experience is to

bring about self aware consciousness  to the indwelling life form energy, and this is obtained

by incarnating here on Earth and thereby become engaged within multiple experiences over

many life time expressions, until the proverbial penny drops, and we join up all the dots and

thereby reawaken into our true and immortal   identity.

We only "SEEM" to EXIST because we "SEEM TO" STAND OUT' from what we perceive

as OTHERS! But as the great master RAMANA MAHARSHI once said to his devotee who

asked him the question "Master, how should I treat OTHERS? To which the master replied,


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 9 April 2021


 We all come into birth upon this planet Earth via a clockwise rotation of living life

essence energy, which is pulled out of the ubiquitous non-locale universal consciousness

aware state, and then literally funnelled  into a maelstrom vortex that captures the 

ubiquitous life force and compresses and congeals it into what we call our "I AM" self

aware consciousness , consciousness and awareness which in its primal state is therefore

universal and omnipresent. Becomes Localised and relative within this slip-stream 

singularity vortex that super compresses our universal non locale consciousness into

an self aware "I AM" a self conscious relative being.

We enter this Earth plane within this clockwise spin and are anchored here within this 

physical realm at the heart and crown chakras. The sign for infinity which is an 8 lying

on its side, is actually presented within us as a vertical 8 rotation vortex system.

We enter incarnation physicality within a clockwise rotational spin, this is anchored in

two places the heart and crown chakras. This clockwise spin remains in place for the whole

of our life time here on Earth. When we reach the point where death ensues, the clockwise

downward spin ceases, and the spin or physical life wave collapses, and immediately an

upward rotation counter clockwise spin opens up and the inner life SOURCE the soul 

ascends from and is carried to the astral plane, this whole unnoticed automatic process

is invisible to mortal eyes, but those who have developed an acute sensitivity to the etheric

dimension, can and do witness this perfectly natural phenomena.

We are all literally and factually spun into and out of physicality, in order to experience 

tangible relative duality based experiences. We are perhaps unaware that when you are 

intangible life source energy, you are thereby incapable of experiencing all the experiences

we all take for granted, like those experiences of, touch, taste, see, feel, hear, smell, plus all

the other things we take for granted, fear and feeling alone and lost, feeling of being apart

from the whole, none of these experiences are possible, when you are pure essence source

LIFE, Only here on Earth can these experiences be obtained. That is why you are here today

dear reader of this blog.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 8 April 2021


 If we can but turn our gaze inward  we can then begin to look at and learn about the 

enormous value that can be gained by insight, seeing that which was hidden from our

view. Mankind has two basic aspects to his identity, that of the lower self, which every

human being is very familiar with, and also that of our higher self, which very few of us

know about, or in many cases never even heard of.

The lower familiar self, is basically a self made construct, that we each build beginning

at our birth, and is the result of memory and our interactions with parents and friends, that

gradually we construct this lower self, when we reach the age of around two years old the

ego is born within us, as we start using the familiar term "I" WANT this and that NOW! and

if I don't get it I will shout and scream! The ego is born aloft with the I WANT this and that 

then we develop our personality within this newly formed ego, by now we are identifying

our physical body as who we really are. Our sense of individuality manifests from within

this self constructed core of the lower self.

Tens of millions of us see this lower self as the only reality they know and understand, the

idea of any such a thing as a higher self, let alone a divine soul , does not seem to compute

within their level of conscious awareness.

No one in particular is to blame for this mass ignorance of self inner knowing, none of us

are taught anything about this natural reality of our being, our schools and other places

of leaning ,teach nothing of this most basic fundamental reality of our true immortal 

inner reality, that each one of us, is in truth an immortal soul which is often referred to

as the higher self.

When we make that most vital and important decision to turn our gaze inward, we then

embark upon a journey that will lead us into the discovery of our true and immortal identity.

We will tap into not only insightful messages and gleanings from our higher self, but we will

also begin to receive the faculty of intuition, we will tap into a bottomless well of intuition

and wisdom that will amaze and astound us.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you, then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 7 April 2021


 'WE' are all presented here on Earth within a human vehicle body , which comprises of our

outer covering of a flesh and blood material physical body. This outer covering is largely the

only one most of humanity are acquainted with, and billions believe that this outer covering

is who they really are. Millions identify wholly with the physical body as their "I AM" self 

aware personality, this body is WHO I AM!

This misidentification of the Self is a global reality, where literally billions of us see the 

physical body as the only reality. Thankfully with the manifestation of the global internet

there is now a vast amount of information out there, that shows another side of this one 

physical human body reality. Many websites offer meditation help and ways of doing it,

plus many sites offering yoga, and teachings about the immortal divine soul, of which we

are all enfolded within this expression.

At the core of our being, we are all eternal spirit, we are all  the SELF  which is another

name for the SOURCE of all LIFE universally, some chose to call this being GOD.

Consciousness and awareness both of which emanate from within our core of being

are both infinite and eternal realities, they both rise up from within the SELF from which

everything in existence arises from and returns to the SELF.

Our awareness and consciousness are both limitless and boundless possibilities, all 

knowledge and wisdom reside within each one of us, all you need to do to reveal this 

infinite treasure chest of bountiful wonders, is to turn your gaze inward, and begin to

explore that infinite expanse that lies within each one of us, within your SELF you will

find out exactly what the SELF or your immortal soul actual is, ITS YOU of COURSE!

We are ALL INTANGIBLE BEING-SELF using and engaged in the exploration of 

gathering experiences of TANGIBILITY while becoming encapsulated within a physical

vehicle, which we call our physical bodies,

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 6 April 2021


 The awareness within identifies the Source as being the matrix of all human emotions. We as

human beings have emotions because we all are at the core of being the Source of all life, we 

all are the SOURCE (GOD)  enfolded within a human body vehicle.

Emotions are a refracted reflection of unconditional love which is being expressed universally,

when unconditional love surfaces within a human being, it then refracts as that of emotion.

Source energy which is unconditional love is universal and therefore non-locale ubiquitous ,

but when we are refracted into physical form, and thereby are given an "I" AM self aware

consciousness, this acts like a prism and transmutes the universal ubiquitous unconditional

love into the refracted format that we all call emotion.

We are all surrounded by five layers of expression or sheaths or koshas as they are called in

the east, only the physical sheath is visible ,the other four energy layers are invisible to our

eyes, but perceptible to our finer senses. So we are all deeply covered in five layers of living

intelligent energy, this is where the unconditional love become localised within the outer

physical form, and is expressed by us as that of emotion.

We can though in certain circumstances tap into and also express the unconditional love 

that dwells deep within us all, one regular example of this, is shown with the love of a 

mother for her child, who would willingly sacrifice here own life to save her child.

Our emotions are our direct connection to the Divinity that dwells within us all, we are

in effect and in FACT all tightly wrapped up, in the unconditional love of the SOURCE

of all life's EMBRACE. 

We all express this unconditional love, as that of our natural emotions, when we look within

ourselves we thereby begin making those vital connections, that link us up to the point of

our origin, when this occurs we then know of our divine immortal heritage.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 5 April 2021


 The truth of who we all really are has all but evaporated from our self aware consciousness

state. We all seem hell bent on forever looking outwards, staring incessantly at our plastic

smart phones and computers.

Within humanity today lies a vast chasm of emptiness, which longs to become filled with

something, and THEREIN  lies the CRUX of almost all our problems and tales of woe.

All of our addiction illnesses arise because of this emptiness within us, things like drug

addiction, alcoholism, obesity  and over eating, sexual addiction, plus all manner of mental

and emotional disorders, along with the compulsive disorders as well.

This gaping wound within humanity, that kills tens of millions of us every year, and the

numbers are increasing exponentially.

This hollowness this emptiness, this HOLE within us, is there because we instinctively

KNOW at a subliminal level, that we are not WHOLE, if fact we are UN-WHOLLY

and this is because we are only functioning on a physical and mental dimensional level

we are operating within just two dimensions of expression, the third dimension the spiritual

aspect of our complete expression within reality, is that we are all immortal divine souls

undergoing the experiences of being within a physical body vehicle, and thereby gathering

up the experiences that can only be obtained within a duality based physical expression.

The UN WHOLENESS we experience which then reconfigures itself as a gap hole within

our gut, demands to be filled with something, anything will do, this craving to be WHOLE

lies at the very matrix and crux of the problem, but because of our basic ignorance as to our

true and lasting divine identity, we fill a very real need to be full of something. our 

incompleteness is that we do not know or even understand what we all truly are in reality

instead we live in a fantasy world where perhaps going shopping will make us feel better!

If we can but change our gazing vector to inwards instead of forever outwards, we would be

then heading in a direction where we can begin seeking out the true and infinite nature of

our whole immortal nature, this will then seal up the emptiness within us, and we will become

then WHOLE beings, and no longer fragmented and tormented beings.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 4 April 2021


 The ancient root word meaning of resurrection is that of "to stand up" or to "rise up" and

as this is Easter weekend , I thought it might be timely to bring up also the truth that lives 

within all mankind. Each human being on this planet, which at present numbers around 7.9

billion souls, will all eventually become RESURRECTED, they will "stand up" and "rise

up" and all claim their very own Divine SOUL-INFUSED inner Divine Heritage.

Each human soul in its own time will instinctively feel the call from within their inner

BEING, this call will mark the very beginning of their awakening into and realising of 

their true immortal divine reality. the ancient MESSAGE that has been impregnated  

within the DNA of all of humanity will eventually come home to ROOST!!

This will be like the new dawning of the age of Aquarius , as gradually one by one of

humanity rise up, and stand up, and claim their rightful heritage as being each an immortal

soul Resurrection has been occurring within mankind for millions of years, it has nothing

to do with a "ONE OF" resurrection, the reality of resurrection is that it is a natural divine

law that has been in place, since this universe was born aloft by the primordial INTENTION

of the Infinite Absolute BEING or SOURCE.

Every one of us here on earth now will become resurrected sooner or later, in this life time

or the next ,or maybe within several other life times, when we are mindful that time is an 

illusion, and has never existed, and cannot ever exist, there is only ever the eternal NOW

it really makes zero difference when you chose to wake up and smell the proverbial

roses. The only real incentive here is that as this Earth plane has often been called the

"vale of tears" by fully knowing ourselves, and claiming our divine heritage, our 

soul realization, we will be in a much more stable frame of being, and with our expanded

perspective of life and its inner meaning, we will be less inclined to cry and be fearful of


Warmest regards and happy Easter to all .Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 3 April 2021


 Many of us are completely unaware that every night when we go to bed, we meet and 

interact with inner dimensional beings while we are exploring the inner dimensions  of

the Astral Planes. The astral realms are outside of our physical dimension by a very 

small differential within the dimensional references of our physical plane. 

In fact at times the astral and physical dimensions interact with each other, and if

you are a sensitive soul you can actually see the point where the two dimensions

converge with each other. It has often been witnessed by those sensitives as that of

a "blue vaporous mist" that seems to roll along the ground.

The astral realms are vast and to our understanding also infinite in nature, we all

have an astral body that invisibly overshadows our dense physical body, and at night

when we fall asleep, we exit our physical bodies (which by the way ,is the same  process

that occurs at death) the only real difference is that throughout our life we visit this inner

dimension and explore its vast realm, while we all remain firmly attached to our physical

body by our silver cord. with that cord attached we can easily re enter our physical body

but once the cord is severed, return to the physical body is impossible.

So we are all at least unconsciously well used to meeting up with astral beings while we 

sleep,, I say unconsciously, because the majority of mankind have little or no memory of

their nocturnal adventures while asleep, this can be sorted though ,if we keep a notebook

and pen by our bedside, and upon waking write down all the thoughts in your head at that

moment, you must do this immediately upon awakening, even before you go to the loo!

There is only a window of about three to four minutes that stays open, then the curtain 

comes down, and amnesia emerges.

There are also many other inner dimensional beings that exist outside of the astral dimension

which most of us are unfamiliar with. These are at times mistaken for EXTRATERRESTRIAL

from outer space, wherein these beings come from inner space. The doorway to all these 

numberless dimensions lies within us all. When we enter into deeper levels of consciousness 

we will find an access point within us, that will permit us to perceive these inner realities.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 2 April 2021


 What is actually AMISS is our worlds understanding of that universal force of motion. 

Motion and the complete understanding of its purpose is the secret of all knowledge  and

wisdom. The very root of understanding motion, begins with the PRIMORDIAL FIRST

CAUSE, which was the INTENTION within  the INFINITE MIND of the ABSOLUTE


This intention was the primal cause that manifested MOTION from MOTIONLESSNESS

This primal intention was to become the relative duality based universe that we all know today.

All universal motion is the hallmark signature of the SOURCE of all being. Perpetual motion

exists everywhere in this universe, and all this motion has a purpose. Motion is the perpetual

conveyor belt that drives and moves all energy along a progressive pathway which we all call

that of evolution. 

The word expression which in this sense means moving within an evolutionary system, which

further translates when looked into deeper, as that  of "all motion becoming" and the ultimate

becoming is in the full and total recognition that you indeed are the SOURCE of all LIFE

and expression.

We as this thing called humanity, are all ready a long way into this evolutionary journey, we

each have arrived at a most noticeable period within our evolution journey where we are all

self conscious, and self aware we have our "I" AM self consciousness,  I AM , we are all 

nearing the point, and many already have made that final connection with the SOURCE.

To become fully aware of your true identity is the reveal to your astonished self that in fact

you are the SOURCE . now awakening within yourself and claiming you divine heritage.

When we make this final connection, it becomes very clear in fact crystal clear as to who we

really are, which is the SOURCE of ALL THINGS.

It all began with an INTENTION made countless billions of years ago, in a now long

forgotten by us all. We were stirred from our perpetual bliss state of pure motionlessness

into what was to become a maelstrom of perpetual motion, where we would be carried 

along and through this infinite space, and begin the very very slow process of becoming.

We as human beings have long been acquainted with motion, now we are all on the path

that will eventually lead us all back to stillness and perfect bliss.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 1 April 2021


 This blog  today is not about the teachings of RA and the teachings of the law of one,

rather it is about the reality that there is only ONE-SOURCE of all life within this

universe, and this has been known about for thousands of years, long before the books

about the teachings of RA, that came out in the 1980s.

When we look at the law of one SOURCE, one Infinite Intelligent THING or GOD, 

we can then also deduce that all expressions of life where ever they spring from can

all only come from the one and only SOURCE of all life.

This then brings about the recognition that if there is only ONE LIFE SOURCE, then

we as this thing called humanity, cannot in absolute truth EXIST!

The law of one would be that mankind as a whole cannot possibly exist in reality.

The main reason for this is because the SOURCE is absolute and eternal, which

means that it has never had a beginning or will ever experience an ending. Which

means that we cannot possibly EXIST in truth.

The word EXIST comes from the Latin word of "EXISTERE" which literally means

to "come into being" to stand out from,  "WE" are all SOURCE BEING, and are 

therefore all eternal, we have never "COME INTO BEING" because we are all eternal

NONE of us have EVER BEEN BORN, or we will never experience that illusion called

death either,

"WE" are all eternal infinite being, who at the present moment within the eternal NOW

are all busy gathering up experiences, that will some day, hopefully very soon, reveal to

our startled gaze the reality and identity of who we really all are, which of course is the

SOURCE of all, otherwise often known as the SELF, or GOD if you prefer that name

it is really totally irrelevant what we all call our selves , there is but ONE SOURCE and

we as that of humanity are ALL EXACTLY THAT!!!!!!!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.