Friday 31 March 2017

Packets-Of-Energy-Taken-Shape- =P.O.E.T.S.

We are all P.O.E.T.S and we did not know-iz!  All life is basically and fundamentally energy.
We are "packets of energy condensed by dramatic lowering of vibrational frequency, housed
in what is called a human body. we are living intelligent energy cloaked down in vibrational rate
in order that we can experience the experiences of separation from source, and learning how
to deal with that.
If that energy that is us, is not circulating in a harmonious flow, then problems appear within
us, they first appear in the etheric and astral body, then if the flow is not corrected in time
this dis-harmonious flow within us, that creates "eddies" within our being, swirling  vortexes
of energy going "no where fast" this is where dis-ease is born, dis-ease and all the other
maladies that befall mankind are "born" within what could be termed "vibratory crisis" when
our energy patterns are compromised by the way that we live, eat, think, and act then crisis
will occur, and these crisis that occur are killing millions of us every year, and the number
is increasing exponentially.
Because there are millions of us who do not know who or what we are, and because of this
ignorance and lack of understanding of "who is this being inhabiting this body?" We suffer
agonising pain and heartache, millions who find a gaping hole within them selves and cannot
fill it, but try vainly with food, drugs, alcohol, etc. If we had but eyes to see, we would be
amazed and very disturbed at what we saw and witnessed around us. That energy that we are
is motioned into patterns of colour from very low ugly hues to higher and brighter hues and the
infinite shades in between. If we were clairvoyant or very sensitive we would "see" these coloured
energy patterns around people they looked at, and would know at a "glance" what your signature
hue signified? It would show if you were a liar and a cheat, if you were vain and pompous, if
you were ill, and also show where the illness was located in the body, nothing can be hidden
from those that have eyes to see. The whole "point" of existence within this physical plane
of expression ,is  to learn how to harmonise our energy signature, to create balance and
equilibrium within, to find out who we are, and where we came from, and then when we have
achieved that, by how ever many life times that takes, pass that knowledge onto your
neighbour so that they too may loose their darker tones, and replace them with brighter ones.
warmest regards Michael.
email I have a page on Facebook called soul realization, if interested.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Union With Source By The Conductor Gravity.

What is gravity? Science does not fully understand it, Quantum  physics does also does not fully
understand it ,although I believe they are getting close. A short quote from NASA on gravity
Quote, "is it possible that all the forces we see at work in nature are really different sides of the
same force or structure"? End quote.
Science says that this universe came about by what they call "the big bang", I see this rather
differently, and suggest that this universe is totally a product of Absolute Mind, The Source
of ALL, and indeed is ALL. A universe manifested from within the Source, motion stirred
from absolute motionlessness and became an embryo universe, the absolute intention was
first called involution, the wrapping up of principles that would then become universal laws
when the unfolding sequence occurred ,it  would then be called  by the name we are all familiar
with, that of evolution. All of everything within the universe came from within the Source.
Now that said, I want to bring gravity into the picture, I have been curious about gravity
for years, and have written posts on it before, I understand gravity as this; we came from
Source the absolute, and will eventually return to source, and gravity is the conductor that
will vector all expressions, through the shortest root back to that source. We need to be aware though
that this shortest root will still take billions of years, short is long in this instance!
So then this conductor called gravity is really expressing something that has been completely
overlooked and most likely never thought of either, that of "unconditional LOVE" the LOVE
principle which is the highest of the high is embedded within this attractive force, the attraction
is to bring "all things back to the Source, which is NO-THING"? For those of you who meditate
you will have no doubt experienced a  "sudden rush" a rapid acceleration which seems to be a
tunnel, often with a blue colour to it, and at the end of this tunnel there is often a white light.
Near death experiences are the same, a rush of gravity helping you to be closer to source,if
only for a short time. As we are self aware beings ,we  can actually align ourselves with gravities
inner nature, and through the practice of meditation and yoga speed up that reunion sequence
as by making soul conscious contact through meditation and yoga we download into our being
cosmic consciousness, and that process  "beams" you far,far, closer to source ,than  if you had not
bothered. If you look deeply into your heart of hearts, you will know that what you want most is
absolute acceptance and union with the Source.
May gravity lift all your hearts reading this, regards Michael
email If interested I have a page on face book called soul realization.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Awaken To The Master Within.

So many of us have lost our way, and wander from one incident to another, seeking something
but unsure as to what it actually is. Many of us feel an emptiness within,. a hunger that cannot
be sated. We get lost within endless distractions of our own making, and designed by us,(although
we are completely unaware of this) the reason for all this distraction is to keep our focus on the
outer world, and keep us indulging in this endless battle to fill this gaping hole within us.
I lived like this for thirty years, and it nearly killed me, thankfully because of a major crisis
that happened then, I was given  an opportunity to start on the journey within, and find my true self.
What I discovered is the we need to develop, love for our "own spirit", because as a soul we need
religion, the word religion is "rooted" in the Latin word "Religare" which means  "to bind again"
We need to  "bind again" with our higher self, the soul, it does NOT mean that we have to adopt
any new faith, this is about going within ourselves, the master dwells within each and every one
of us.
It is said in the ancient wisdom that, "when the pupil is ready ,the  master appears" when I first
experienced this ancient axiom many years ago now, I thought, what chance have I got of meeting
a master in a small town in England? Less than zero, I reckoned, I thought that the only way I
could meet one, was to journey to Tibet and seek out a guru or master there. And as I was broke
and had no passport, that was out of the question.
By going within ourselves, practising regular meditation, we will begin to make the connections
that lead to the discovery of that master that dwells within you, your soul, the REAL YOU, we are much like "cardboard cut outs" a shadow of the living light within. Every one of YOU now reading
this will have experience of your own conscience, that conscience that makes you feel guilty or
ashamed at times, that "still small voice" that speaks to you in the silence, that inner voice is your
higher self the soul, the Divine spark, that gives YOU that thing called LIFE.
Look within yourself, that is where the answer to life lies, there is NO answer without, only pain
loss, and heartache, plus all the deception and glamour, where a maggot is disguised as something
you must have! Intuition (to be taught from within) we can be taught from within by our own master
that dwells therein.
warmest regards Michael.
email  I also have a page on Facebook called Soul realization.

Tuesday 28 March 2017


I would like to present this "idea" of evolution entitled the "Wheel of Ontically" or woo for
short. I hope to "woo" some of you fellow readers out there in cyber land city, to the idea of
the "wheel of life-full-ness?  We start at the "point" of departure, the singularity, from this
point, a line is drawn by Intents-focus, the idea of spin is within the point, and rotation ensues,
to an observer this would begin to look like a "Catherine-wheel" firework, the real difference
being that the firework spins in only one direction. This one spins outer-Ying and inner Yang.
Woo starts at the emergence point when singularity becomes "present" within the void, and
woo continues and regulates the formation of an Embryo universe. Where intention leads
woo follows, we are now conscious entities aware of the experience of self consciousness
and just beginning to understand the true nature of woo.
The universe was brought about as an "IDEA" within the mind of the Absolute, first there was
thought wave, the thought wave became beam, the beam became plasma, the plasma became
gas, the gas became liquid, the liquid became solid, you and me! There is a balance of forces
in the universe, the universal thought wave is finer than our individual thought waves.
The universal mind is the ether that permeates all things, and is indeed all things.
Something cannot be created from nothing, in the beginning there was but Absolute
or universal mind, the Absolute can only create from Its Self , Absolute is universal
matter, all things are manifestations of the universal mind, the universe is one continuous
ocean of energy. There is no separation, except by perception.
Everything needs a medium to exist in, the law of the universe is something must exist
in something else? Something cannot exist in nothing. A total vacuum is space empty,
of everything else, except the ether (dark energy) or thought wave. Woo is assisted aided
and abetted by the ever present "turner of spin" the obliging vortex without this input from
the spinner of form, no manifestation would be possible. Ying and Yang are the primary
spinners of universal force, and create the balance needed for continuous coherence of form.
They provide the motion needed and the uniformity needed to allow the condensation of
higher vibrations (thoughts) to be "cloaked down" and appear solid like.
Woo leads us to self realization and beyond, our real journey is just beginning?
with warmest regards Michael.
email btw,I can also be contacted via my web page on
Facebook called soul realization.

When Snowy Appeared Hope Was Born.

On the first of January 1982, Myself and several others were sat having our breakfast in the
kitchen of a big old rambling farm house in the countryside, ironically as it will soon appear
as I write more, the house was once owned by a member of the Guinness family, who for those
who may not have heard of this name, Guinness was a stout, an alcoholic drink, and the family
were brewers of this drink. I worked and lived in this place, and was the manager of it, the
house was a hostel for up to fourteen men/ women, although mostly men. The residents who
came to live there were all alcoholics, and many had come from jail to stay here and recover
and endeavour while there to learn how to live, without the need of  alcohol. The house was a
dry house, and anyone who drank there was asked to leave by me.
Now having explained the basic layout, back to the appearance of Snowy, Snowy was a pure
white dove that on that morning in January 1982  fluttered down from the sky and landed
at our kitchen window, and looked in the window at all of us sat there amazed by this.
Myself and a couple of the others went out to see this pure white bird, it seemed so tame
unafraid of us, I looked  for any rings or bands on its leg, but there were none, I thought
that it may have got lost, but we were never to know that. Can we keep It, said one of the
residents, I found myself saying yes of course why not! We had lots of space there over
three acres of land, and two huge gardens, one of which had a green house in, which
I thought would be an ideal home for Snowy, as he was soon to be known. Many of the
men there were quiet distressed emotionally and mentally, and found it very difficult to
trust anyone, however I noticed early on in my time there, that we had a collie dog who
was named Nellie, and she was loved by all the  men, and it would lead at times to tempers
flaring as to who was going to take Nellie for a walk! The men felt "safe" with the dog,
and so to it became very apparent  that Snowy was having the same effect on the men.
Snowy was to become very much like an "angel "who  descended from on high, disguised
as a pure white dove, snowy would sit on the shoulders of the men and sometimes pull
their ears with his beak .One  man in particular had a special relationship with snowy
and the friendship he felt with this bird awakened within him a spiritual dimension that
had been completely dead within him before ,he  looked on snowy as a direct message from
the Great Spirit of the universe ,his  experiences with that "bird of hope" led him to
completely change his life, and remain well and sober for over thirty years and died sober
last year. Many other of the residents there were also helped by snowy, they would sit in the
garden and snowy would perch on their feet and both would look at one another ,eye  to eye
contact, and often I would hear one of the guys talking very gently to snowy, who would
cock his head side ways, as though he was listening very intently! One last thing I will
mention about this beautiful feathered friend we all called snowy ,we  also had a wild cat
that stalked the grounds,  that never came into the house ,we  left food on the window ledge
for it, but it often would catch and eat wild birds as well, the strangest thing I saw was that
shortly after snowy appeared and was made a home in the green house ,a  bed of straw and some
corn, well this morning I went into the green house ,and  low and behold, the wild cat and snowy
were both cuddled up together sound asleep!!!
with warmest regards Michael
btw,if anyone wants to ask or say anything I have a page on facebook called Soul realization.

Monday 27 March 2017

Points Of View For The Soul.

We are multi-dimensional beings stretching into the highest levels of consciousness, the human
soul flows downwards through ever decreasing vibrational planes of existence, like a stream
cascading down the mountain from the Source.
The stream of our soul interacts with the dimensions at various consciousness exchange "points"
(known as chakras) where "unity consciousness" as it flows into "separation consciousness"
as the bodily vehicle. The overriding purpose is to initiate divine acts of creativity-right action
and right thinking, by which to experience who we really are!
The human body is an encasement vehicle for the soul to use and gain experience upon this
Earth plane of expression.
Much like an iceberg that is ninety per cent submerged, and just ten per cent visible, we in
some ways fall even short of that percentage, for it has been written that man is ninety seven
per cent asleep! And that we are only using three per cent of our consciousness! That reminds
me of a story I heard years ago, and then could not understand it, the story is that of an Angel
soaring over a large city, and looking below says "Behold the city of the dead" I can now
understand that story.
We are "points" the "viewer" is the soul, our bodies are just points, encasements, vehicles, so
that the soul can find purchase and have the anchor of gravity in order for it to experience the
experiences of being separate and apart from unity, to feel the mighty emotions of fear and
alone-ness, to experience the darkness of ignorance, to feel the dark night of the soul
and feeling abandonment, then to feel the warmth of a caring soul toward you, a welling
up of emotion, a doorway opens up in your heart, the tears of pain and torment leave you
and instead you feel a glimmer of light in your darkened mind.
You feet are now upon the road of awakening to whom you really are, awareness and
perception grow, and with this is comes the realization that this form (physical body) is
just a vehicle encasement for the REAL you to express itself here on Earth.
warmest regards Michael.
email Btw,I have a page called soul realization on Facebook,and
would like to hear from anyone reading this,thanks

Sunday 26 March 2017

The Psychology Of The Human Soul.

Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of the soul on this plane of existence, and the soul
is the vehicle on a higher plane for the manifestation of spirit, and these three are a trinity
synthesised  by life, which pervades them all.
Through the use of matter the soul unfolds and finds its climax in the soul of man. The above
is a brief synopsis of the inner motions of the life principle.
The next stage in the teaching of human psychology is upon us, that is the acceptance and
recognition of the human soul, this recognition is seeping and oozing into the minds of many
intellectuals , and has already been lectured on in some universities, albeit, presented as para-
psychology. Soon there will be within the curriculum of the pioneering universities, the
psychology of the human soul, along with all the ramifications that this acceptance and
understanding  will bring.
As we become aware of the reality of the human soul , and are able to establish contact
with it, this will awaken a latent power of the soul, that of psychometry, now what is
psychometry? I suppose it might be defined as the ability to take a tangible something,
belonging perhaps to an individual, and through the medium of that, to put oneself
"en-rapport" with that individual, or with a group of individuals. Psychometry is the law
of association of ideas applied to the vibratory quality of force for the purpose of obtaining
As we grow more sensitive and are able to access these latent powers,  others will also
surface quite naturally and in accordance with evolutionary law, these will be in the nature
of natural clairvoyance and clairaudience, we will too of course be able to see each others
auras, which will make concealment and lies all but impossible to hide!
To go within ourselves, to meditate, to begin to discover our "inner universe" ,what an
exciting and wonderful place, to see the inner beauty and the symmetry of the realms
of light.
Here with patience and perseverance we can tune in to our higher self, to discover that we
are indeed a "soul with a body, and NOT a body with a soul" there is a vast difference in the
warmest regards to all,Michael.

TORQUE TO ME ? L-I-F-E- Part 2.

Torque, a force that tends to cause rotation, "a turning and twisting force" what has this to do with
me, you may well ask. We all have a resistance to the "life force"( soul, or spirit) because our focus
and gaze are grossly misaligned and leading us all into oblivion and addictive behaviour,resulting
in a gaping "HOLE" within our psyche, which portrays itself as an insatiable voracious appetite
to "consume" whatever is your poison, whether it be drugs, alcohol, porn, food, vanity, pride,
(mostly false pride) affection, the list is endless. Millions every year die because of this hunger
now this hunger is not the one that affects millions say in Africa, due to a famine, although that
is a great travesty as we in the west have more than enough to feed them all, but most often a
blind eye it turned to those poor suffering souls, the hunger that I am talking about is the one
that destroys far more souls than any famine could do, literally millions die each year because
of a gaping HOLE within them ,that  they cannot ever fill, and is the root cause of most if not
all of the misery that abounds on this planet.
We ARE literally and factually being eaten alive by our gluttonous fascination and irresistible
magnetic attraction to always looking "OUTWARD for the answer, rather than looking
within. Our outward constant gaze forms a magnetic vortex that is sucking the life energy
out of you, draining you out of any vitality and healthy energy, the torque is vectored in
an away from source mode, resulting in a draining of the life energy ,and  if left unchecked
will terminate you from the body. By looking within, and fixing our gaze in that direction
we alter the "spin" of the torque vortex, and it then flows life ward and becomes a vector of
positive energy rather than one of negative energy is was before we changed the flow.
We all need to WAKE UP, and realize who and what YOU are ,how  many of you reading
this little old blog, really know, and understand what you are! We are primary Spirit, and
secondary human, we are spirit with physical bodies (a garment to clothe the inner energy)
we are here to gain experience, and learn who we really are. this what you are reading my
friends is NOT a theory, a belief, it is the way IT actually IS, and has been for billions
of Earth years. You do not have to take my word for it, most of you will not anyway, but
find out yourself ,by  going within you, and asking your conscience, that inner monitor within
you, that still small voice ,that  we all have access to, ask yourself the question, who am I really?
If you are patient and sincere, the answer will flow back to you, and then you will know for sure
beyond a shadow of a doubt, that YOU are an immortal soul and that love is your signature.
warmest regards Michael.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy =L-I-F-E.!

What do we know about life? Do we realize that we are It !  What then is it, we are living,being
fully alive, intelligent, the ability to understand, focussed, narrowing in, zooming into our matrix,
energy, motioning force that vectors us into alignment, (if we allow it) =L.I.F.E. The realization
that we are the living "essence" the embodiment of life represented in physical form, and called
a human being!
There is a mighty hunger that stalks this planet, and this hunger grows more rampant as the days
pass, what then is the nature of this hunger? The nature of this hunger is in looking without, away
from being, we have been enticed since birth to look without, and the more we look without the
more we dissipate that vital energy that is within us. We all need an "infusion" of the life essence
the fictional vampire who sucked the blood out of its victims, is much like what we are doing
only we are the ones who are "bleeding us dry" by our addiction and fascination for all the crap
that lies out there ,hours  spent looking a pieces of plastic,(phones etc,) we are running on empty
all the addictions on this planet, the unimaginable greed, endless searching for some thing ,that
the advertisers will tell you, they have just what you need, buy one and get one free!
We are basically "packets" of energy (life force) encapsulated within a form (physical body)
to gain experience of being "enclosed in form" and feel (emotion) and realize what that feels
This LIFE that we ARE is being starved of its vital energy, simply because of our ignorance
of what we are. The essence of this word life is both consciousness that is the "rider of the will"
who is the Absolute, in which we all live and have our being within, and "within" this
consciousness lies its essence which is Spirit, that is what we all our in essence! And the reason
why the human race is full of  Holes that promote a greed that is wiping out millions every
year on this planet ,the  hole within mankind is because contact with the spirit within,(soul)
is absent. We need to become W-HOLE and fill that hole with the W that stands for willingness
to look within us ,find  our true being, and when we have been re-nourished by this experience
look to our neighbour who may be still "hungry and lost" and offer him/her to food that lies
within us, that living JEWEL that radiates our soul and gives value to our being ness.
with warmest regards Michael

A Voice In My Ear Am I ILL ?

It may be so that if we experience something that we perceive to be positive, and it causes us
no real problem, then we can accept it and live our lives fairly normally. But what if the same
or similar thing happens to another, but this time it causes them fear and anxiety, what then?
What I  am talking about is hearing voices in your ear, in the negative aspect of this phenomena
it is called  mental-illness, psychosis, and in England you can be put on a Section-of the Mental
Health Act, and kept in hospital against your will.
When it manifests in a seemingly positive way, well some can actually earn a living and instead
of calling this mental illness, it is called instead clairaudience and  those who exhibit this aspect
are called mediums!
How things affect us, the way we react or act, how others see us, many I have known who
hear voices, have been afraid of the sound of the sound, have been regarded as mentally ill,
and put on medication, yet I know there is also a positive side to this phenomena, and that
people do hear voices that enhance their lives, and also enable them to help others.
I have encountered many mediums in my time, some have been very honest and practised
humility, while others were misguided and somewhat deluded, however I have come to the
understanding that there is Real communication with those who have left this level (died)
and our on another dimension of existence-communication is very possible if you "tune"
into the right frequency.
I have experienced both sides of the voice in the ear syndrome, one being positive and being
given by a medium, the other being negative and being given by a patient in a psychiatric
hospital, now what is the real difference? Well one answer would be that the "negative
patient who is hearing these voices is at most times though not always, in my experience
is accompanied by "fear" and agitation, while the voices given off by the medium are
usually, again not always," positive" and the medium is relaxed and content.
There is another factor, which is about knowing things that the medium could not possibly
know. Now with the medium who is often both clairvoyant and clairaudient they can and often
do give you a personal message that is very accurate and can at times leave you feeling
stunned, I know for I have personally experienced this many times, I am well aware by the way
of the many fraudsters and wishful deluders, but here I am talking about the Real MACOY!
I looked after a young lad many years ago, and here is where the "water gets murky" this lad
could look out of the window from the hostel where he was living in and I worked at, and he
could predict with 100 per cent accuracy the colours of all the cars that would pass the window
before they came into his view! He also told me about my family, and stuff that was impossible
for him to know, I never ever discussed my private life at work! He was a wonderful lad,with
many problems ,was  he an exception? I think not ,there  are others like him out-there?
warmest regards Michael.

Friday 24 March 2017

Final Analysis.

In this blog I would to present what I would call the final analysis of expression and
in-form-ation, I am suggesting that we and all that is manifest within the universe are
the result of crystallization of thought. Thought made manifest, crystallized into form
by " Intention and "Will, an idea becomes in-formed (formed from within) emerges into
"physical reality, the intangible becomes tangible. All "Ideas of the Absolute become
immutable universal laws once crystallized, when we are able to gaze very deeply into
form we will eventually "see the idea behind the presenting form!
What this suggests is that we are indelibly linked to and part of the whole, each of us
is connected and interconnected with the "Whole Idea" of manifested form-ation.
I believe that I shall see the day, and it is not too far away, when mainstream science
and physics, realize what has been known for centuries by some, that matter and energy
are all the out workings of thought, pure and simple! All the militant materialists will
have to be re-educated into the reality of form and how ideation and intent crystallize
into matter and energy.
On the periphery creeping slowly inwards is the idea that thought lies at the back of matter
many scientists already have this notion, so to a few physicists, there numbers are steadily
growing, soon those militant materialists will find them selves surrounded by their
alleged colleagues, who will be calling a very different tune indeed. They will find that
their tired and worn out clap trap, will be resigned to the dustbin, for recycling into
something useful for once.
De-formation, to unravel the appearance of form, and see what is its matrix, in the final
analysis, as I am attempting to illustrate here, there will be found "an idea" a motion of
will-full-intent, micro-encapsulated within the existing form, steeped down from its "high
estate" by will-full-intent ,matter  is formed, and condenses, congeals, made to become
semi-solid  by cooling ? lowering, the result is the condensing of matter form at its
lowest state ,at its highest it is thought, matter and all universal form are the direct result
of this crystallization process.
warmest regards Michael.

Thursday 23 March 2017

The One And The Many.

Although this physical universe is three fold in the nature of its expression, for the sake of
simplicity, they are positive, negative, and neutral. I maintain that this trident of power or
force is really the manifestation of just one fundamental energy, I further maintain that all
the numerous names we have for particles ect, are basically all the same thing. Lets call
it energy for want of a better word, then this is all there really is in the entire physical
universe, just energy which masquerades as all the other phenomena witnessed by the
science fraternity, energy can be attractive, repulsing, neutral, It depends on its rotational
spin and vibrational rate. If we could just see that there is but ONE  force, not forces,
there is no plural, just singular. Confusion grows out of looking for the many, and thereby
creating a fog that obscures the reality of the One energy.
How many forms of life are there in this physical universe?  A seemingly impossible
question to answer, but it is not? With this blogs basic premise, I know exactly how many
there are, the answer is ONE. Which is qualified like this; One form of life within the physical
universe, expressed in a infinite number of ways. Absolute simplicity leads to understanding
and comprehension of Wholeness, rather than imagining fragmented pieces of a fictional
assortment of "things" There is no plurality in reality! Only the singular.
Mirror imaging each reflecting of the other, we see ourselves in others? Do we really? I
maintain that in reality there is but ONE being on this planet, call it human being if you
will, that one being is "reflected" as representing male/YING female /YANG ,the primal
vortexes of the creational intent..
One human being masquerading as many millions, an illusion of astonishing proportions
and one that is entrenched  in our psyche, that many reading this will simply dismiss
it as a load of non-sense, and completely ridicules, I did so myself, for a long time.
However when I looked deeper into the "appearance" of the many, I discovered like
"many" before me that this was an illusion ,albeit  a very real looking and breathing
illusion. The "many" are an image of relative existence, and have no reality within
the Absolute. Do not panic though, you have many more lifetimes to experience
so be happy, most folk are as happy as "they" make up "their mind to be!
warmest regards Michael.

Legion Of The Lost Ones.

Carl Gustav Jung, world renowned psychiatrist and author of many books on the mental health
on mankind said once, that in his opinion alcoholism "was displayed as a low level thirst for
God". I really identified with this, as I had an unquenchable thirst for alcohol that led me
through the gates of hell and beyond. Given only three months to live, and with unbearable
pain and mental torment, I asked for help and fell to my knees in utter despair. That was over
forty three years ago, and now my life is full, peaceful and content. In all these years I
have been studying and helping others to find themselves. In so doing I have discovered
some very interesting aspects on human behaviour. I firmly believe that Carl Jung could
also have included all the other addictions that plague this planet like drugs, gambling
over and under eating, obesity which is an epidemic here in the west, addiction to wanting fame
at any price, the porn which has grown since the internet and has millions  addicted to it.
Children are now taking indecent photos of themselves and posting it online and then being bullied
by peers, leading to suicide at times. Millions of lost souls who are empty inside and
try to fill this inner gaping hole with their addiction of choice. The very root of all these
soul-less and empty lives, lies in the way we are aligned to reality, or rather misaligned to
it. Millions of lost ones are only existing on two dimensions, that  of being just physical
and mental. The third aspect of functioning humanity is missing, that  of the spiritual
dimension. It is the absence of THIS ASPECT which causes the emptiness within. Our inner spiritual
being acts like a beacon and pulses throughout our expression trying (and often in vain)
to call us to look within and find our true nature that lies there awaiting for us to wake
up and open that inner door to freedom and inner joy.
Most often it is only in crisis that we are forced to think about what is the matter our lives. Then change can occur. We each are SOULS with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls
and it is our inner monitor, the  conscience, which is our higher self, the soul. The Hole that
exists within us  causes us the addictions that wipe out millions every year. That emptiness
is the lack of connection to our inner self, the soul. Our spiritual awareness and consciousness is
asleep, and needs waking UP! Usually it is a major crisis that does the waking up.
I would like to share one more thing before closing this blog  as I feel it is important. The inner
soul, or higher self is NOT a theory or some vain idea of giving false hope to a lost soul, it is
an absolute fact, a  fundamental reality of human existence on Earth. I have personally experienced
this reality over the past forty years of contented sobriety and so have thousands of my friends
who I have met over those years. For any lost soul out there reading this little old blog, I  beg of you
to look within, ask for help for your immediate needs, then begin the journey within that will bring
you peace and joy. Bless you all on your journey.
with warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Mission Impossible!

We can cheat, lie, and bribe our way out of getting arrested and punished by the laws of man.
Many have got away with murder and other horrific crimes, simply because they had lots of
cash, and could  afford a brilliant "word smith" whose bull**** would baffle the brains of
most ,and  in so doing, pervert the course of "justice".
However there is one law that is absolutely impossible to evade its effects, and that is natural
universal law, now there are quite a few of these, and it would take several blogs to mention
them, so I am only going to mention the one that most of us are familiar with, that of cause
and Effect also known by its other name that of Karma.
Here I would like to mention something that I feel is of paramount importance, and that
is, that we are "punished" BY what we do, and NOT for what we do, there is a great difference.
The word Punished is a very misunderstood word, and it implies that there is a Punisher usually
seen as (GOD) who will crush us underfoot if we dare break one of his laws. This idea is a relic
of olden times, when mankind was illiterate and chock full of superstitious nonsense, now
we are more aware, and have the services of the internet.
We all need an "update" on what natural law actually does, and to understand that the
law is an "director of energies, albeit negative or positive, we are the ones that direct it?
The natural laws are perfection, and it is absolutely impossible to be immune from its
effects, there is NO being who punishes us ,we  do the "punishing to ourselves by our
actions, in thought, word, and deed, there is no greater judge of man, than man himself!
The Absolute, or God, has never "punished any being in this universe ever! There would
be absolutely no need for such a thing, because if we cause harm, or misery to our brothers
or sisters, we at the same time inflict ourselves with this action, Karma makes very sure
we pay for all our hurts to others to the last penny is paid. We are here to gain experience
and learn from that experience about how to align ourselves to the universe, so that we
are in harmony with it, and in so doing we feel the effect of this by our consciousness
being more aware ,joy  and happiness become our regular companions, and love is born in
our hearts. We establish contact with our soul, the monitor within, which is also your conscience
and then you realize that you are locked into this vast ocean of life, that you are safe, and secure
you in effect are the embodiment of all the laws ! All we have to do now, is the shape up, before 
we ship out?
warmest regards Michael.

Death Is An Illusion.

What has science to say about death? The first law of thermodynamics states, that energy
can't be created or destroyed, it can only change forms, although bodies self-destruct the
"ME" feeling is just a twenty watt cloud of energy in your head. But this energy doesn't
go away at death!
Science seems now to be agreeing with what the ancient wisdom has been teaching
for thousands of years! Hallelujah. The changing forms that science mention are
that of the physical body, being left behind at death ,and  moving into the astral or
etheric body ,and  moving to further experiences, after a period of adjustment.
Our physical bodies are fundamentally ,basically, and factually just vehicles that
we use to gain experience here on Earth, when we have gathered sufficient experience
for this life time, we exit the vehicle (die) and move on.
There is so much fear and foreboding about death, mainly because of our ignorance
of the reality of what life actually is.
Not only is death an illusion in our case, but it is equally an illusion with regards to
all expressions of form, whether visible, or invisible, the whole of the universe is
fully alive, death in the meaning of (no life being present here) is absolutely impossible
and is an utter fallacy, this fallacy is born out of ignorance and fearful superstition,
which has been perpetrated down through the centuries.
It is time, well time for an very important update! Even science now agrees that energy
cannot be destroyed ,and  guess what,(we are energy!) Life is eternal, we are eternal
beings ,and  have always been alive ,we  are all on  an evolutionary arc of ascension
into higher and higher levels of consciousness and aware perception.
We are here for one reason only, that of gaining experience ,to  experience the
experiences, learn from them, and then move on to further adventures into
consciousness and inclusiveness. We will eventually discover the reality of our
human soul, and gain soul realization, this will lead us farther away from the ignorance
of the past, and into a brighter future of global responsibility and the re-activation of
the unconditional love principle within each of our hearts.
with warmest regards Michael.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Religions Of The World Exoteric And Esoteric.

Looking at five major religions, that of, Jewish, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism,  and Buddhism.
First that of the Jewish, I came across the writings of professor Gershom Scholem, who writes
about Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, Esoteric teachings.
Islam, Sufism, Esoteric interpretations of the Quran, (Batin) inner meaning, exoteric Islam
= Submission to ALLAH, esoteric SUFI and DRUZE focus on union with ALLAH.
Christianity, Jesus taught exoterically to the general public, at a basic level they would
understand, HE taught his disciples esoterically, much more deeply, to look within
the Father within is closer than your hands and feet!, Plus also teaching about reincarnation.
There is so much more about this ,if  you are interested look up esoteric Christianity on
Hinduism ,just  want to say here look up "The Inner Teaching of Hinduism by master
Choa Kok Sui.
Buddhism, again I have only to add, The Inner Teachings Buddhism, by master Choa Kok
I have a profound respect for all religions, and have friends from all, however I feel that
there is a real need to update all of us to the hidden teachings of all the worlds religions
as when you look at the inner teachings of all of them, as I have over the past forty years
you will find remarkable similarities between them all, basically the message of them all
is love, honour, and respect your brothers and sisters, accept  total responsibility for all
your actions , be honest and true to all, that life continues after death, and that we all have
an immortal soul, a Divine monitor that is our conscience.
The outer teachings seem to teach, exoteric, that we need to obey GOD/ALLAH,which
can and often does breed fear, the inner teachings, Esoteric teach union with GOD/ALLAH
often  by the practice of meditation.
A hundred years ago or so 99% of the world were illiterate, and only those who were monks
or religious leaders could read ,so  we then had little choice, things have now changed dramatically
and we have the internet ,and  ask Google! If you are happy and content with your faith now,then
ignore all what you have read here,and carry on as before,bless you for reading this far.
If however you feel lost and alone,and are empty inside,then I suggest you look into one of these
five religions ,or  just take up meditation and find that light that is within you,and you empty
feelings will vanish like the mist before the rising sun. May you all find,that peace and inner light
that resides within us all.
with warmest regards Michael.

Genuineness-Realizing-Activates-Vortex-Inner-Truth-Yields =G-R-A-V-I-T-Y .

Gravity is a seven lettered word for love, and the word L-O-V-E. spells out, Life-Opens-Vortex
Expression -Love. The signature of gravity lies within the vortex, and will reveal unconditional
love in swirling action.
To better understand the nature of gravity we need to go back to the "now" of the beginning
of all creation. Brahman (the Absolute) stirred into motion an 'Intention', an 'idea' of becomingness. Motion was 'born' out of absolute motionlessness and 'in-formed' by the will of  Brahman, thereby involution was cast out of the "void" and into a virgin, as yet unborn universe. This vast unrolling of wrapped up principles (which would become natural laws) when fully unfolded. Then there ensued a momentary pause, (slack water). Then involution was finished, and  evolution was born.

Science knows almost nothing of the true nature of gravity. It does not know why gravity
only seems to 'pull' and seems not to have made the connection between gravity and the
vortex. Gravity is basically a collector of all 'loose ends' (the universe) and is the
embodiment of unconditional love. Its JOB is basically and fundamentally to reunite
all creation with its Creator! The vortex is the servant of Brahman who ensures
that this 'now' point of creation is fully realized in the now of coming time, that
the journey and passage of re-union with the ONE will be expedited by the spinning
actions of the vortex, which is multi-dimensional in its expressions.
The Vortex is the conductor of gravity and guides and aligns it to aid its mission of
re-union with all the illusions of the 'many' back home to the ONE.

This action of course has been in operation for billions of years and will continue
for a few more billion years. There is no need to panic! You have all the time in the world.
We as the human family here on Earth all  have within us a 'magnetic compass' that will
eventually guide us home. That  compass is the human soul, or higher self, we all become
eventually when we have gained enough experience, heading back to our true home that
we left billions of years ago, when we were 'cast out' of the void to gain experience of
being apart from ONENESS, to feel the emotion of being separated from source, and
find your way eventually, after an eternity of experiences, back home again. To  assist
you in this endeavour is gravity and its conductor the vortex.

warmest regards Michael.

Monday 20 March 2017

Vortex The Conductor Of Ideas.

What is the point of transfer of energy? How does it traverse the many dimensions of flow
and keep in tune with the harmonics being noted at any one time? It would seem to me that
the conductor for this to be able to occur is a vortex, vortices , a spinning connecter from
level to another, able to traverse dimensional doorways with ease. The vortex could  I
suppose be seen as a sort of inter-galactic web provider of information and ideation
fulfilling the out workings of reality .Without  this inter-connecting we would not exist!
The humble vortex who always keeps a low profile , needs a champion ,any  takers?
The music of the spheres, the harmonics of living light ? Who flashes forth hoping to
catch our attention, and when it does, uses a vortex to provide entry into our conscious
mind. There is a universal law of economy which operates on a multi-dimensional
level, the mode of transference by this law is rotary the vortex, if only we had the vision
we would see that we are within an ocean of energies swirling around us, many of the
swirls  are brightly coloured, but alas invisible to most of us.
The great thing about these vortexes is that they can be  sub-atomic, atomic, and also
vast like a spiral galaxy, intelligent economical transfer of energy, what a thing  to behold!
The vortex is the very embodiment of economy ,and has a spin that equates perfectly
with the positive -Ying, and a spin that equates perfectly with the negative Yang .the
male and female equivalent.
All of all spins, understand the vortex and you will understand the whole of creation,it
is as simple as that. Gravity  has absolutely no reality outside of the vortex that it is
entombed in! Remove the spin and it is not there .Period, All science has to do is one
simple thing ,make a detailed study of the vortex, it is far more than just a little or
large spinner of force, the vortex has a Signature ,learn  to read the text, then within
the swirl ,there you will find what energy really is? 
warmest regards Michael

The Nature Of Glamour And Its Hold On Us.

Glamour veils and hides the truth behind the fogs and mists of feeling and emotional reactions
it is of unique and terrible potency, owing to the strength of human nature to identify itself
with the astral nature, and to the vital nature of conscious and sentient response itself,glamour
can only be dissipated by the inflow of clear directed light, this is true of the life of the
individual, or of humanity as a whole.
Here are the names of some glamour's, the glamour of destiny, this glamour which indicates
to the one it "controls", that he has important work do,and that he must speak and work
destined. This feeds a pride which has no foundation in fact. The glamour of duty, this leads
to an over-emphasis of  the sense of responsibility, or futility, or of impotence.
The glamour of mind, and its efficiency, and its capacity to deal with problem, this leads
inevitably to isolation and loneliness.
The glamour of sentiment, imprisons and bewilders all the NICE people in the world,
imposing upon them obligations which do not exist, and produces a glamour which must
eventually be dissipated by pouring in true selfless love.
We seem to be surrounded by glamour , seduced by the package, and miss the maggot
within! The glamour of the intellect which can lead us into false-pride and arrogant
behaviour, and its many shadings! Making a God out of science, and exaggerating its
importance, looking at the label, and failing to see the cloth! There are many glamour's
which we are totally immersed in ,it  is like a swirling fog, that blinds us from seeing
the inner beauty of life, the surface can seem very bright, scratch it though and you
will find a maggot!
The needy and greedy world of glamour noisily demands attention using negative
energies of fear and separation which ensnares its victims in a continuous web of
illusion. This builds tremendous interference when attempting soul contact, and creates
wasteland at all levels.
Of all the many glamour's that surround and engulf us, one in particular, I find most
amusing and also disturbing, that of "designer labels" If I got a coal sack,cut a few holes
in it, and then put my name  across the front of it, would you pay a thousand dollars for
it! Of course you would not, but if I put the name of some famous chap who was well known
then you would pay plenty for that "designer coal sack"?
I can imagine those very clever marketing folks, and their designer chums, laying on a
beach in the south of France, thinking what a load of suckers are being bred today, as they
puff away on a Cuban cigar.
warm regards Michael

Sunday 19 March 2017

Mobius Strip Singularities Last Dance. Part 4.

The Mobius strip is an expression of non-duality, it reveals the unity of all polarities, creating a
state of oneness, joining the whole and the part, the masculine and the feminine expansion and
contraction, spirit and matter. It is the symbol of balance and union.
An endless road is the strip of Mobius, flowing endlessly from obscuration to tangible forms,
then back to obscuration, a cycle and flow of the essence of life. What better way to describe
the endless cycle of life expressed, and  life unexpressed, than that  the dance of Mobius ?
As we motion along this strip like a singularity stretched out into a infinite highway of
journeying souls, gathering a little more experience and understanding along the endless
path. All dance is an expression of movement, motion ,rhythm, life dances to the rhythm
and sway of universal harmonics, whose tune is played out to the will of Absolute Intention,
and orchestrated in a symphony of unified motion.
Mobius is the highway we walk on towards transformation, a never ending highway of ever
expansive opportunity and conscious expression.
It has been said that all evolution proceeds from the homogeneous, through heterogeneity,
back again to homogeneity, and so on, evolution is continually accelerating march of all
particles of the universe, which leads them simultaneously, by a path sown with destruction
but uninterrupted and unpausing, from the material atom to that of universal  consciousness
in which omnipotence and omniscience are realized.
The dance of the lesser death to the larger more expansive life, is led by our dear friend
Mobius and his living strip? All existence has its cycles of expansion and contraction
a dance of coming on stage, then vanishing into the wings, only to re-appear later ,Mobius
and his merry strip, represent this cycle to perfection, an endless procession of visiting
minds, finding their true place in the singularities point of circle?
The ever generous Mobius will bestow upon the "traveller of the way" the faculty of
self-awareness, self consciousness ,,an  implosive realization that "I" am here, and that
now "I" know that I am here. The dance then becomes focussed  as the dawning gives
way to the rising son? Being born within, Mobius ever watchful of its charge looks on with
a kindly smile.
The dance of Mobius is rhythmic splendour and for a  "time" long past unconscious of its
true identity, as we developed self aware consciousness we also inherited the responsibility
that comes with the territory, (that of exorcising free will) and the ability to say "why"
prior to this we were without "spot" now Mobius  has given his charges "spot" and the
ability to choose! With generosity like that, who  needs social services????
warmest regards Michael

Saturday 18 March 2017

Sequential Osmotic Absorption.

Definition of osmosis,
1) slow change in  concentration , time diffusion of a solvent through a semi-permeable
membrane, from a dilute to a more concentrated solution.
2) Gradual absorption of unconsciousness, absorption of knowledge or ideas through
continual exposure rather than deliberate learning.
It occurs to me that this osmotic principle explains a lot about our journey from a point
of self awareness realization, to final melding into the whole as a droplet (us) is then within
the whole. We exist through many incarnations and each lifetime of experiences, shapes
our level of awareness, feeling as we do a magnetic, an inner tug, that in effect is a beacon
guiding us home. It seems to me that we grow a little in each lifetime, the inner divine calling
to its outer child, a magnetic link that cannot ever be severed causes us to feel unsettled, and
unfulfilled, even empty at times, we come to long for an inner peace and tranquillity and
somehow feel that it is there within somewhere.
As we become spiritually aware and recognise our own inner divinity the absorption rate
quickens, with each succeeding incarnation, speeding up the attraction of the magnetic link
as with a dynamo running faster with more power input. We begin to loose dross physical
atoms, and attract more  etheric finer atoms, making for a far less dense physical body.
Seeking the natural divine flow is awakened in us by experiences of living  here in three
dimensional physical being. Osmosis can be likened to a divine principle, ensuring that
all its charges are magnetically linked to the source, that none can ever be lost, and an
inner homing beacon is activated within us at our point in awakening.
In truth we can never loose touch with our core spirit, it just seems so at times.
That which is deep needs bringing to the surface and exiting within our physical brain
and emotions, like gold is brought from the bowels of the earth and refined into purity.
Osmotic transfer is the method that is used within our form, as we continue to tune in
to our innermost being and discover who we Really are, the principle is actioned into
warmest regards Michael.

Atheists Are Spiritual People Too !

Religion is what man made, spirituality is what we are! Spirituality has absolutely nothing to
do with religion, on the contrary, it is born within mankind , as an outworking principle of
natural law and the evolutionary cycle we are all on. People belonging to any religion are
of course also spiritual too. But it is not a requisite,  we are all born naturally spiritual.
I do not belong to any religion, but I respect them all, without question. I have many
fiends who are, Hindu, Buddhists, Muslim, Christians, Jewish, Taoists, and of
course Atheists and agnostics, a very good friend of mine many years ago was a
very vocal atheist with a very broad Scottish accent, he worked tirelessly visiting
prisons in order to help others like himself (he was an alcoholic) to see that there was
a way out of their illness ,and  that they could recover ,and  make a life for them selves
and then never have to return to the jails they were so familiar with. My friend who
helped a great many souls find themselves and recover, would never accept praise and
would brush it off if it was offered, he was self effacing  and had a natural humility
about him. When asked about why he did this, he would say I am just passing on what
so freely was given to me. Yet ask him about what he thought of God, and he would
go red in the face and say loudly "there is no such thing as God, utter nonsense" yet
this man had all the hallmarks of a loving being, and giving service and sharing his
experiences with others like himself, venturing out on cold wet wintery nights to
help another man, without thought of himself, a truly spiritual atheist man.
My hope for the future is that the ignorance of us all will be lifted ,and  that there
will be a firm understanding of what we are, spiritual beings,(that of the spirit) the
reality of the human soul has entered into the consciousness of millions at this time
I predict that before the next twenty years passes, that the reality of the human soul
will be taught within our universities as part of their normal curriculum.
If we had but eyes to see, what beauty would befall our gaze? A kaleidoscope of
many colours emanating from our auric spiritual bodies.
warmest regards Michael.

Friday 17 March 2017

Breath Of Life Absolute.

Religion is what we made, spirituality is what we are! During the life cycle on man, he expresses
what is in him at this particular stage, and gradually develops from the ante-natal period wherein
the self  overshadows the matter aspect, until  the period  wherein that higher self takes full
possession of the prepared form.
This stage varies with every individual, from this time on , fuller self consciousness is sought
and the man (if proceeding normally) expresses himself through the form ever more adequately.
Each life or lesser cycle in the great cycle of the ego or self, sees that expression more complete
brings the form under control , and develops a conscious realization of the self, until  there
comes a culminating cycle of lives in which  the self  within rapidly dominates and takes
full authority. The form becomes wholly adequate, the fusion of the two poles  of  spirit and
matter is fully brought about, and the light (fire) and heat (radiation) is seen and felt
systematically. Then the form is either consciously utilised for specific ends, or is
vacated  and the man is liberated. The breath of life absolute forever points to liberation,
as its intention so wills it to be!
Because we are so often out of synchronization with the flow of natural order, the pulse
of the life within us is disturbed, and we feel ill at ease, we need to recognise this, and
take the time to restore inner harmony, which will reconnect us to the source of life
and power. The breath of life that we are, seems like a drop within a vast ocean of life
we are connected to this ocean, although many seem totally unaware of this. A rhythmic
pulse surges through our being, coaxing us towards alignment and atonement with
natural law. With each physical expression of life, the inner breath leads to the knowledge
of ourselves, and the realization that we are within an infinite ocean of  life, and have a
unique part to play in the drama of "formal-expression"?
We are informed and moulded by the breath of life, expressions of an idea worked out
through the interactions of evolutionary law, and honed and sharpened by the friction
of those interactions, each confrontation chips away more of the outer dross, allowing
the unfolding of finer materials to come to the surface.
Ignorance of our inner reality, breeds much fear and anxiety ,leading to all manner of
dis-ease and conflict. But as we begin to sense an inner connection with a larger reality
and see that there indeed seems to be some "higher-intelligence" involved in all this
we start to comprehend the very breath of life itself.
with warmest regards Michael

Consciousness Crowned Primal.

Religion is what we made. Spirituality is what we ARE! The jewel in the crown of
consciousness is the living light that it contains, that which will illumine our pathways
on this voyage of self discovery. Consciousness, mindfulness, mind, all words we are
familiar with, but I would venture to suggest that some words have more to them, if we
look closely, I have studied words for a long time, and have learnt much from peering
into what is" hidden in plain sight" an occult and esoteric phrase, that  means so very
much, if we have but eyes to see? The word  M-I-N-D- is short for, manifesting -inner
natural-divinity= mind, all energy, matter, form, living-life, outwardly is seen as energy,
force, power, but inwardly it is divinity expressed.
Quote from Henry Strapp Physicist, "The quantum level of the matter presents a stake of
all possibilities. It is a harmonious stake within an indivisible whole ,but  this cannot be
observed , because we always see one possibility" unquote. The Yogis name this stake
Turya and describe it as a state of consciousness in which the object, the subject and the
act  of knowing are no longer separated but are unified in a transcendence of the subjective
and the objective. A paradox presents itself to the one who begins narrowing down things
to be left with Thing-consciousness, the paradox is that the less you have to work with
the more you will know? Less =more in this case!  As consciousness rises to the surface
and is seen to be one of the same as energy, then giant leaps will be made in the basic
fundamental understanding of universal expression, and how "form" is really "ideas"
given shape to perform a task, that what we actually see are "in-formed ideas"
consciousness flowing along and unfolding the sequence of intention, when we
reduce all to thing, and  energies to energy, then that which remained hidden will
become exposed, it will then be pretty obvious that consciousness  is the THING
in itself ,and  that "every" has been discarded as the illusion it truly is!
Science is gradually coming round to the idea that all is mind,  the ancients
knew this 10,000 years ago (they are very slow to learn) Consciousness, Alpha
and Omega =consciousness. This "idea" is so simple that a child could understand
it, reality is expressed in  complete simplicity, all is mind ,and  mind is consciousness
and consciousness is all there is! Consciousness is LIFE and LIFE is absolute.
warmest regards Micharl.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Consciousness Is The Woven Cloth Of Life.

When we begin to know ourselves, begin to understand the connectivity of all apparent things,
we also begin to align ourselves with that inner monitor that of the higher self/soul when this
is locked into sequence, then we tend to become "authentic and real and our actions are more
spontaneous and less thought out!
With this also comes the realization that consciousness is the underlying reality within all
existence, and is basically the primal mover and shaker of all phenomena.
Consciousness is the beacon which burns exceedingly bright within this relative existence,
when we are engulfed  in awe our very breath seems to stop, awareness of this causes us to
gasp, this act of gasping is a physical reminder of being apart from and trying to re-connect?
Where lies this place where consciousness is not? It is not to be found in this universe or
any other ,if there are any, that is. Consciousness is the life principle in action, it moves
upon the face of the deep and calls to its own, in a language that speaks to heart in profound
silence. When we are still, and moved by awe and wonder, and our breath falters, fear not,
for in the connection with All the cost is one breath per connection!
The "arm" of the Absolute is consciousness, within this arm, the "muscles" are the spirit, they
are one of the same, however we as relative beings as well as absolute  find it helpful to see
a distinction. Consciousness is the one THING that all "things" are resolved  into when the
connections are made  understood and accepted, quantum science has began this realization.
It is written, that, "all is alive" that there is no DEAD thing anywhere in this universe.
The dust you breathe in on a windy day is alive, and a stone is seen as being in a state of
"profound lethargy", the  very idea that any dead things exists ie, life-less is false and a
illusion, the universe is vibrant and fully alive and  dynamic, what we call death is just
the releasing of this physical body back into its elemental source, and the inner being who
inhabited that vehicle moving back into a higher vibrational state of expression.
As this self awareness expands it seems to expand into "all inclusiveness" and the being
begins to realize that all apparent differences are really the same thing at varying
vibrational states of being, a unified bonding and a affinity to all expressions of the living
principle, surface within  the mind of the being  who awakens to this realization.
with warmest regards Michael.


In Form Ation Update.

An architect is summoned if we want something built, he discusses what the customer wants
then goes away and designs that which was discussed, now we begin to zero in on this process
what does the architect do first? He thinks, and then imagines what this "idea" will be,when
he has done this thoroughly, he then presents his "idea" to the customer, and if the customer
is satisfied by what he has seen, then the materials are gathered together and the "idea" takes
"shape". So what have we here then, an idea has been drawn on paper, then agreed on, then
physical matter has been assembled to make this "idea" materialize from within the mind of
the architect and be fashioned by in-form-ing the idea,  taking it from the invisible intangible
Idea in mind, and making it visible within the material plane.
Well that's enough about architecture, I want to move onto the title of this blog, in-form-ation
we are basically an "idea" manifested into form ,all universal  manifestations are basically
"ideas" informed within the mind of the Absolute creator of all there is, was,  and will ever be.
Motion was born out of absolute stillness ,from  within that absolute stillness, which until that
"point" was just unrealized absolute potentiality, motion was born, the virgin principle of
ideation came into being, this whole universe is basically, fundamentally, and factually
a product of thought, and we as a race of human beings are  firmly "locked into" this
sequence of unfoldment. The update is about realizing the reality of our being and what
we truly are, we are an idea that has been manifest for aeons long past, we all have star dust
in our DNA and all have been on a very long journey of discovery and a multitude of experiences
we have all been asleep for aeons now we are self aware, and self conscious and it is right that
we know our heritage and from where we came from. We came from an unimaginable peace
and were "cast" out by the "willed intent" of the Absolute to go and gather experience and
when you have gathered enough, then report back to base.
The Absolute creator of all, in whom we are ideas in=formed (given bodies of expression)
If you really think on this, you will realize that an "idea" of the absolute is far harder than any
diamond ,far  more lasting than a mountain chain ,we  are all safe and secure within that will to be
of the Absolute, we can never be forgotten, overlooked, or lost, we are the embodiment of that
magnificent idea made flesh.
How can we deny the idea of the Absolute giving birth to the universe, when every day we accept
that creation of the architects idea's taking shape and form????
with warmest regards Michael

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Theory Of Everything- T-O-E-

Consciousness "the rider of the will" that vast ocean that all is immersed within,we as self aware
beings can reflect on this concept. How can such an apparent complexity be made simple?
Complexity I consider arises from the idea of "many things" If many things are honed down
to one thing, then complexity  and difficulty vanish, what then is this "one thing"? Why
consciousness of course! You can call it energy or even light, whatever you  call it, It
remains the same consciousness-mind-stuff-the will made manifest and the "idea"of
bringing out into form is born  into phenomenal existence.
Consciousness is the spinner and the loom that weaves the web of  evolution and
Consciousness has no beginning, which poses a problem to the human mind,we are used
to beginnings and endings, so that which is eternal is difficult to understand.
The TOE will eventually translate into the reality of everything,leaving the theory behind
as it will be replaced by a certain knowledge.
We are in the process of a transmutation where the TOE will hit a wall,when this is smashed
down, it will reveal the true nature of consciousness,when this opens up within the mind
of man, a translation process will begin -this will automatically "update" the transmutation
sequence and replace it with the translation sequence which will open up to man "a wonder
to behold".
"Everything" resides within consciousness, there is ought else, "we" are a principle made
tangible and self aware, energy is consciousness performing a willed task.
Consciousness is what "we" arise from not only is the TOE, it is the whole of "What-is-ness"
we are like the fish swimming in the ocean "asking the question" where is the water?
We are supersaturated in consciousness and to view it as a phenomena of universal
unfolding,rather than see it as the totality of all there is.
Arising out of this vast ocean of consciousness man stands at the portal of initiation where
he finds "himself" and thereby finds the answer to the TOE which spells out,consciousness
is the "stuff of all things".
warmest regards Michael.

Integral Updates Of Self.

Many years ago when I got my first computer, (which ran of gas!) Just a joke! I was inundated
with messages telling me that my computer needed updating, or I might get infected by a
super bug!  I got fed up with this constant badgering by the update merchants. Little did I
realize or comprehend that I too was in real need of updating.
The word Integral means according to the "Oxford living dictionaries" necessary to make "whole"
complete essential ,and  fundamental.
How can we make ourselves whole? To answer that question we really need to know who we
really are, and how many of us can really say in an honest and authentic way that we KNOW
ourselves? What do we actually know beyond our name and number? Do we know where we
came from, do we know where we are going, what happens to you when "you "die?
For most of my early life I was much like a "cardboard cut out" empty and hollow
unauthentic, and just going "through the motions" of existing, and running on empty.
Then I was introduced to meditation that was in 1974 and have been involved in its
practice ever since. What I have discovered is that we all need updates and orientation
towards becoming "whole" and "complete" the realization that hit me like a
sledgehammer was that I was fragmented and misaligned with natural law, and thereby
hurting my chances of becoming free and boundless from the confines of my own
stupidity and ignorance. By going within and practicing meditation and yoga we
begin to make the connections that are fundamentally essential if we are to enjoy
life to the full, and have peace of mind and joy in our hearts. By going within and
hearing that still small voice "that dwells within you" your higher self the soul you
then begin to access and penetrate deeper into consciousness and in so doing there
occurs the sequence of downloading universal knowledge into your mind and awareness
you then begin to "see AND Know" and what's more you will Know that you Know who
you really are ,because  you will experience it personally the truth of your being will be
vouchsafed and etched upon your heart!
Let us all welcome the updates in our lives, and may we all be truly authentic and act with
integrity in our dealings with each other.
warmest regards Michael.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Transmutation Of Mankind One At A Time.

The entire tradition of alchemy is a symbolic presentation of a practical science (meditation)
alchemy hides the knowledge of how to elaborate the full potential of a human being which
is hidden in all our atoms and cells.
The word  transmutation comes from the Latin root, trans means "thoroughly" and mutare
means "change" to transmute means to completely change something (you?)
No one can become Self-realized without transmutation taking place.
Another word for transmutation that is more often used these days and is one we are more
familiar with is the word transformation, which means the same thing.
Mankind like every other form within this universe is composed of pure energy, we are
basically and factually "living-Intelligent-Energy" our physical bodies are full of vibrant
energy ,however  this expressed energy ,which  is always invisible, no human has ever seen
pure energy, they have seen the "effects" of it but never the "cause", all universal life is
expressed in vibrations and the denser the energy is ,the  slower  the vibrational rate will be
human beings are most quite dense and with a low vibrational rate(by the way ,dense as in lower vibrational rate, not as being ,unintelligent) We have at our disposal though a way to bring
about a major change in our vibrational rate, a way that will enable you with practice and
perseverance to exchange you dense physical atoms for much higher vibrational atoms of
the etheric kind, this will begin the transmutation or transformation of your being.
You will bring about a fundamental change within yourself your consciousness will expand
beyond your wildest dreams, you will literally become "born again" without having to enter the
womb twice, you will make contact with and maintain contact with that "still small voice within"
the soul or higher self. You will realize and know for sure that you are an eternal being,an
immortal soul, and you will know this absolutely without doubt, because this reality of
being ness is vouchsafed within your heart. So now comes the hard part, all this can be your
own reality as long as you work for it (there are NO free lunches in life) to bring about this
fundamental change from within, you need to start practising meditation or yoga, do it daily
and use the three Ps which are patience, practice ,and  perseverance ,and if you do this daily
then you will be well on your way to transforming yourself into a finer and higher vibrational
soul, and you will then know a inner peace that passes all understanding.
may this way become you regards Michael.

Spinners Of Force The Dance Of Life.

Absolute universal economy comes in the shape and form of the humble vortex! From spiral
galaxies, to black holes, to atomic and subatomic energy exchanges, to the invisible vortexes
that are expressed within each of our seven main chakra's which are whirling centers  of energy.
We need to understand and see that life is basically a dance,a balancing of energies,of being
swept out of the flow and caught in an eddy,(which is another vortex,flat and circular,and not
tapering down like a tornado!) In other words going nowhere fast.
In the dance of life we are responsible for the steps we take,we can dance in a ballroom of
splendid harmony filled with blissful rhythmic joy, or we can stagger from pillar to post in
a ballroom of pain and despair,which is it going to be for you?
The law of the spinners of force,the humble vortex works both ways,in particular when operating
within humanities orbit,and will reflect back to you in direct ratio whatever you put out,so if
you are mostly negative and angry,therefore going contrary to natural law,the vortex in which
you are creating and firmily  within will begin a motion that will ultimately strangle and suffocate
you,and if left unchecked will terminate the body,and this happens to millions every year.
If on the other hand you try and remain positive and do the best you can,then in effect you are
aligning yourself to natural law and the vortex that you are within,will expand and broaden
your awareness and consciousness will begin to open out,and in so doing the steps of your dance
of life will begin to become harmonies and joyful.
We are at our core being the very Source of life (the absolute,(god),the highest expression of life
brought to its Lowest level,here on Earth in physical form,we are the lowest expression of the
Highest here on earth to gain experience and understanding and feeling the great "dread" of separation and feeling alone and isolated,we now can reach within ourselves,and begin that long
and noble path to reclaiming our true divine heritage that lies within us,then your dance will
become one of rapturous splendor and joyful bliss.
May you dance of life dear reader be one of spinning bliss.
warmest regards Michael

Monday 13 March 2017

Evolution Of Consciousness.

Expansion is wrapped tightly within the flow or arc of evolution, like a principle within a principle
and when certain criteria are met, (experiencing the experiences, and learning the lessons thereof)
there ensues an unwrapping of a layer of  Maya (illusion) and a expansion within the expression
(You) occurs.
Humanity now stands on the precipice and mammoth changes are needed in order to survive as
a viable species of earth, just look at the imbalance that is now in place, extinctions  of animals
and forests, plant life, the oceans are becoming sterile and poisoned by our pollution ,everything
is dwindling down, except mankind, who is increasing at a frightening rate of knots, this grave
imbalance cannot last.
We are all now in a very unique position, that most expressions of life do not have, and that is
self aware consciousness, we can actually do something that is impossible for other life forms
to do, and that is actually, and factually participate consciously in our own evolutionary cycle
we can when we reach a point in our own awareness, and maybe feel that  "Is this all there is to life"
or we encounter pain and heartache, then we begin to loose the great attraction of  "out there"
and all its illusory charms, and start to look within, this is the beginning ,and  the birth of
you actually taking a conscious part in your human and spiritual self, the birth of your
evolution into expanded consciousness and awareness, beginning to hear that still small
voice within calling you home!
By going within and practising regular meditation you will begin to open out (unfold) as the
beautiful lotus does in response to the rising sun, your rising sun is within you and is called your
soul or higher self  ,the  radiance from your central sun (soul) will cause you to unfold,and
reveal to you who you really are! An immortal soul journeying through this vale of tears to
gain experience of physical life, and experience the feelings of being alone and cut of from
the source of all LIFE.
Many years ago when I was very ill and full of fear, a man came to see me and sat down and
spoke to me for hours, what he said gave me hope and the courage to build another life,
I thanked this man from the bottom of my heart, for all his kind and patient help ,he  just
said to me "pass it on" my friend. That is what I am doing now ,passing   it on to YOU.
warmest regards Michael.

E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-E- Unfolding The Hidden Jewel.

E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-E- Empty-Mind-Enters-Realm-Gaining-Energy-Now-Consciousness-
Expands, = Emergence. The awakening of the consciousness is the very purpose of life. It is
for this cause that every prophet, avatar, angel, Buddha, master or whatever you call them
ever appeared to humanity. From their lips emerged all of the world's religions, and all with
the purpose of  indicating to those who sleep (such as you and me) that we need to awaken!
We, as with all else within this universe, are within an unfolding arc of evolutionary expansion
we are all "folded up" very tightly exactly as a flower is before it reaches its peak and the
warmth of the sun causes it to "burst open". We too replicate that unfolding sequence of the
flower and differ in only in that "our" sun is within and is called the soul or higher self. The flower's sun is overhead and without.
Emergence is in the recognition and understanding of our "true" nature and feeling that inner
yearning for unity and wholeness. So many of us today are "hole" people, there is a emptiness
within, and a hunger to fill it, often by addictions to drug, food, alcohol, gambling, and many
other negative habits. We all have an unquenchable thirst for  "W"holeness and not hole-ness.
At the back of all expressions within this universe (us included) is an irresistible force that
is the "Intention" of the creator of the evolutionary arc. The force is a pressure that cannot be
resisted, (that's how a mushroom can lift  a paving stone thousands of times heavier that it).
Our everyday experiences are part of this pressure and soon or later, within this life time or
another, the pressures of your experiences will lead you to look within yourself to find that
treasure that lies deep within you.
Because we are expressed through seven bodies of expression, the wholeness and full
integrity of our true self becomes diffused and somewhat "watered down" and by the time
it emerges here on this dank and dismal vale of tears, (as it is sometimes called) we have
all but forgotten our true light and self. What awaits us as we re-ascend the sheaths that clothe
us is  "radiant splendour", the light of our true being, the soul. That is what we all truly ARE
and will emerge into when we throw open the inner door of our hearts and mind and finally
claim that hidden "Jewel" that verily lies within us all.
with thoughts of wonder regards Michael.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Diffraction Patterns Of Humanity. (Prismatic-Embodiment)

At our core of our "being-ness" we are pure undifferentiated energy (light) unbroken from any
prismatic diffraction process, pure energy, a white light of virginal purity that cannot exist
within this dense physical plane of existence, and being absolutely pure it exists outside of
the laws of refraction and therefore cannot be broken down into the seven colours of the
The refraction process begins when we are "clothed" (given bodies of expression) of which we
have in total seven bodies of expression, in seven dimensions of being, the physical body being
the lowest expression  and vibrational rate.
The primal light shining through the prism or matrix of manifestation to create the various
dimensions of the scheme of things which now exist. 1(source of energy? Absolute (God)
2(the matrix,(soul) 3(the resulting spectrum (us).
The "Self" exists only in potential, it remains embryonic until awakened by a transfiguring
process. It is the pneumatic light spark that is caught in matter. The absolute(god) is concealed
in the whirling energy of nature.
By the time that we awake here on earth and begin to collect ourselves and begin to use our
conscious awareness, we are immediately confronted with numerous distractions from outside
of ourselves.
It begins from the moment we open our eyes at birth, and for many of us continues until
we die! We are forever distracted from beginning to look for the truth of who and what we are,
our varying experiences shapes and hones us, and usually only when confronted by an
ensuing crisis, do we ever bother to look within ourselves, and possibly then gravitate to
taking up the practice of yoga ,or  meditation.
Ascension, the act or process of moving or rising up especially to a higher position (plane)
of consciousness ,by  the practice of regular meditation or yoga we ascend to higher levels
of consciousness, tune into our higher self the soul and with focussed and determined effort
will access a download of cosmic consciousness, that will reveal the "REAL" you,and expose
the card board cut out we once thought we were!
Then you will have ascended the prismatic spectrum and accessed that pure energy (LIGHT)
which is our (YOUR) true colour.
may the inner light guide your way,regards Michael.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Living-Omnipotent-Vibrant-Energy- =L.O.V.E.

Unconditional love on Earth is about as rare as a puddle in the Sahara desert, or meeting a
Martian clog dancer in your local Plaza! Real unconditional love we know nothing about.
As long as we have the "I" in evidence in our lives, we have no chance of ever experiencing
unconditional love.
It is necessary to comprehend what love is, for love cannot be mixed with jealousy, violence,
fear, attachments, psychological dependency, etc.
Love begins with a flash of delectable sympathy, it is substantiated with infinite tenderness, and
is synthesized with supreme adoration.
All singers sign about love but they do not know what it is, and they mistake passion for love.
Passion is the most delectable and subtle venom that one can ever conceive, it always ends up
triumphing after having paid the price in blood.
At our inner core ,where  our higher self(soul) dwells love at that level is totally divine and
unconditional, love and wisdom  intertwined in a dualistic dance of wondrous splendour,
by the time we emerge into physical form ,and  after being expressed within several other
bodies (modes) we become "diluted" the pure "fire of divine unconditional love" has been
fragmented much like the light that when  shone through a prism, scatters the one pure light
into seven other colours?
Thereby our capability for expressing pure unconditional love is compromised by our ego
and the presence of "I" which is the same thing really.
We can of course show "degrees" of full unconditional love, but it would be a very rare
"individual" indeed who showed this unconditional love in its fullest degree while still
embodied upon this Earth plane.
By going within ourselves, and taking up the practice of yoga and meditation, we can
gradually add more degrees of freedom towards expressing a far greater intensity of that
fire of unconditional love.
with all my limited love,Michael.

The Message Of Truth Can We read It ?

When a message to you that seems to awaken a memory of an almost forgotten truth, then
that truth is yours, it may not be all of  that truth, but as much  as you feel is true is yours
the rest will come in time. Emerson is said to have been asked to prove certain statements
which  he had made in a lecture. He is reported as saying in reply, "I  trust that I shall never
utter a statement of the truth which will need to be proved" He was right, truth is self 
When the awakening soul hears a statement of what truth it is ready to receive at that time,
it instinctively recognises it as such, it may not be able to explain it to others, or even  itself.
But it knows, it knows.
The awakening faculties of the spiritual mind perceives truth by methods of their own.
The spiritual mind does not run contrary to reason, but it transcends intellect-it goes beyond
and sees that which the intellect cannot grasp.
In reading or hearing statements of which is claimed to be the truth, accept only that which
appeals to this higher reason, and lay aside  temporarily that which does not appeal to it.
"Real truth" will always come to you, when you are ready to receive it, It cannot escape you!
Such is the law of universal life.
warmest regards Michael.

Cycle In And Out Of Life Don't Forget Your Clips ?

The souls meditation is rhythmic and cyclic in nature, as is all else in the cosmos.
The soul breathes and its form lives thereby-there is an ebb and flow in all nature, and in the
tides of the ocean, there is a wonderful picture of an eternal law. As man adjusts himself to
the tides of soul life, he begins to realise that there is ever flowing in, a vitalising and a
stimulating energy which is filled by a flowing out as sure and inevitable as the immutable
laws of force.
This ebb and flow can be seen functioning in the process of death and incarnation.
It can be seen also over the entire process of mans life, for some lives can be seen to be
apparently static and uneventful, while others are vibrant and full of experience and growth.
The whole of life is not concentrated in one furious continuous stretch of rushing forth
to work, nor is it comprehended in one eternal siesta!
Some lives seem to change their rhythm and mode of activity every seven years, others
it seems every nine years, still others work under shorter none effort.
Growth is one long period over many lives of building in order to destroy, of developing
certain rhythmic processes in order to disorganise later.
Let us hope that we do not fall of the cycle before we reach the terminus??
warmest regards Michael.

Friday 10 March 2017

Chitta And Prana Mind Stuff.

The ancient wisdom of the east teaches that, mind substance, knowing itself manifests itself
in thought, this thought is really motion in the chitta, or mind substance caused by its calling
to its aid energy, which energy has originally been manifested from it. This thought force, called
into play, communicates itself to the ether, and a vortex-ring results, and the ether-whirlpool
becomes  an element or atom in matter-possessing form, dimensions, as well as having within
itself, energy and mind, thereby forming the trinity of matter.
The ancient philosophy, says that, all matter is thought, and  that that thought is mind in action,
and that action is the outcome of energy, and that  energy is the product of mind substance,
indeed matter is mind-all is mind.
It seems that everything in the material world has been Thought into existence, not in a
metaphysical or mystic sense, but in reality.
The signature of intelligence and mind can be found in the humble and majestic vortex! The
sign of perfect economy is found here. We call our universe by many names, and entertain
ourselves with more and more complex theories ,the  basic law of simplicity and economy
are somewhat overlooked, maybe because it is so very simple! We are whether we like it
or not, know it or not, accept it or not a product of mind-pure and simple.
Who was it that said "I accept the universe!" That was real nice of him! Simplicity deals
with one and none, that's  it full stop. This universe is totally chocker block full of
mindfulness. So full in fact that you could not squeeze a dollar bill through any gap.
To split hairs we can also call mindfulness energy, life force, spirit, as it "appears" to
form a trinity when manifesting potentiality?
warmest regards Michael.