Friday 31 March 2017

Packets-Of-Energy-Taken-Shape- =P.O.E.T.S.

We are all P.O.E.T.S and we did not know-iz!  All life is basically and fundamentally energy.
We are "packets of energy condensed by dramatic lowering of vibrational frequency, housed
in what is called a human body. we are living intelligent energy cloaked down in vibrational rate
in order that we can experience the experiences of separation from source, and learning how
to deal with that.
If that energy that is us, is not circulating in a harmonious flow, then problems appear within
us, they first appear in the etheric and astral body, then if the flow is not corrected in time
this dis-harmonious flow within us, that creates "eddies" within our being, swirling  vortexes
of energy going "no where fast" this is where dis-ease is born, dis-ease and all the other
maladies that befall mankind are "born" within what could be termed "vibratory crisis" when
our energy patterns are compromised by the way that we live, eat, think, and act then crisis
will occur, and these crisis that occur are killing millions of us every year, and the number
is increasing exponentially.
Because there are millions of us who do not know who or what we are, and because of this
ignorance and lack of understanding of "who is this being inhabiting this body?" We suffer
agonising pain and heartache, millions who find a gaping hole within them selves and cannot
fill it, but try vainly with food, drugs, alcohol, etc. If we had but eyes to see, we would be
amazed and very disturbed at what we saw and witnessed around us. That energy that we are
is motioned into patterns of colour from very low ugly hues to higher and brighter hues and the
infinite shades in between. If we were clairvoyant or very sensitive we would "see" these coloured
energy patterns around people they looked at, and would know at a "glance" what your signature
hue signified? It would show if you were a liar and a cheat, if you were vain and pompous, if
you were ill, and also show where the illness was located in the body, nothing can be hidden
from those that have eyes to see. The whole "point" of existence within this physical plane
of expression ,is  to learn how to harmonise our energy signature, to create balance and
equilibrium within, to find out who we are, and where we came from, and then when we have
achieved that, by how ever many life times that takes, pass that knowledge onto your
neighbour so that they too may loose their darker tones, and replace them with brighter ones.
warmest regards Michael.
email I have a page on Facebook called soul realization, if interested.

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