Sunday 26 March 2017

The Psychology Of The Human Soul.

Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of the soul on this plane of existence, and the soul
is the vehicle on a higher plane for the manifestation of spirit, and these three are a trinity
synthesised  by life, which pervades them all.
Through the use of matter the soul unfolds and finds its climax in the soul of man. The above
is a brief synopsis of the inner motions of the life principle.
The next stage in the teaching of human psychology is upon us, that is the acceptance and
recognition of the human soul, this recognition is seeping and oozing into the minds of many
intellectuals , and has already been lectured on in some universities, albeit, presented as para-
psychology. Soon there will be within the curriculum of the pioneering universities, the
psychology of the human soul, along with all the ramifications that this acceptance and
understanding  will bring.
As we become aware of the reality of the human soul , and are able to establish contact
with it, this will awaken a latent power of the soul, that of psychometry, now what is
psychometry? I suppose it might be defined as the ability to take a tangible something,
belonging perhaps to an individual, and through the medium of that, to put oneself
"en-rapport" with that individual, or with a group of individuals. Psychometry is the law
of association of ideas applied to the vibratory quality of force for the purpose of obtaining
As we grow more sensitive and are able to access these latent powers,  others will also
surface quite naturally and in accordance with evolutionary law, these will be in the nature
of natural clairvoyance and clairaudience, we will too of course be able to see each others
auras, which will make concealment and lies all but impossible to hide!
To go within ourselves, to meditate, to begin to discover our "inner universe" ,what an
exciting and wonderful place, to see the inner beauty and the symmetry of the realms
of light.
Here with patience and perseverance we can tune in to our higher self, to discover that we
are indeed a "soul with a body, and NOT a body with a soul" there is a vast difference in the
warmest regards to all,Michael.

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