Saturday 25 March 2017

Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy =L-I-F-E.!

What do we know about life? Do we realize that we are It !  What then is it, we are living,being
fully alive, intelligent, the ability to understand, focussed, narrowing in, zooming into our matrix,
energy, motioning force that vectors us into alignment, (if we allow it) =L.I.F.E. The realization
that we are the living "essence" the embodiment of life represented in physical form, and called
a human being!
There is a mighty hunger that stalks this planet, and this hunger grows more rampant as the days
pass, what then is the nature of this hunger? The nature of this hunger is in looking without, away
from being, we have been enticed since birth to look without, and the more we look without the
more we dissipate that vital energy that is within us. We all need an "infusion" of the life essence
the fictional vampire who sucked the blood out of its victims, is much like what we are doing
only we are the ones who are "bleeding us dry" by our addiction and fascination for all the crap
that lies out there ,hours  spent looking a pieces of plastic,(phones etc,) we are running on empty
all the addictions on this planet, the unimaginable greed, endless searching for some thing ,that
the advertisers will tell you, they have just what you need, buy one and get one free!
We are basically "packets" of energy (life force) encapsulated within a form (physical body)
to gain experience of being "enclosed in form" and feel (emotion) and realize what that feels
This LIFE that we ARE is being starved of its vital energy, simply because of our ignorance
of what we are. The essence of this word life is both consciousness that is the "rider of the will"
who is the Absolute, in which we all live and have our being within, and "within" this
consciousness lies its essence which is Spirit, that is what we all our in essence! And the reason
why the human race is full of  Holes that promote a greed that is wiping out millions every
year on this planet ,the  hole within mankind is because contact with the spirit within,(soul)
is absent. We need to become W-HOLE and fill that hole with the W that stands for willingness
to look within us ,find  our true being, and when we have been re-nourished by this experience
look to our neighbour who may be still "hungry and lost" and offer him/her to food that lies
within us, that living JEWEL that radiates our soul and gives value to our being ness.
with warmest regards Michael

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