Wednesday 29 March 2017

Awaken To The Master Within.

So many of us have lost our way, and wander from one incident to another, seeking something
but unsure as to what it actually is. Many of us feel an emptiness within,. a hunger that cannot
be sated. We get lost within endless distractions of our own making, and designed by us,(although
we are completely unaware of this) the reason for all this distraction is to keep our focus on the
outer world, and keep us indulging in this endless battle to fill this gaping hole within us.
I lived like this for thirty years, and it nearly killed me, thankfully because of a major crisis
that happened then, I was given  an opportunity to start on the journey within, and find my true self.
What I discovered is the we need to develop, love for our "own spirit", because as a soul we need
religion, the word religion is "rooted" in the Latin word "Religare" which means  "to bind again"
We need to  "bind again" with our higher self, the soul, it does NOT mean that we have to adopt
any new faith, this is about going within ourselves, the master dwells within each and every one
of us.
It is said in the ancient wisdom that, "when the pupil is ready ,the  master appears" when I first
experienced this ancient axiom many years ago now, I thought, what chance have I got of meeting
a master in a small town in England? Less than zero, I reckoned, I thought that the only way I
could meet one, was to journey to Tibet and seek out a guru or master there. And as I was broke
and had no passport, that was out of the question.
By going within ourselves, practising regular meditation, we will begin to make the connections
that lead to the discovery of that master that dwells within you, your soul, the REAL YOU, we are much like "cardboard cut outs" a shadow of the living light within. Every one of YOU now reading
this will have experience of your own conscience, that conscience that makes you feel guilty or
ashamed at times, that "still small voice" that speaks to you in the silence, that inner voice is your
higher self the soul, the Divine spark, that gives YOU that thing called LIFE.
Look within yourself, that is where the answer to life lies, there is NO answer without, only pain
loss, and heartache, plus all the deception and glamour, where a maggot is disguised as something
you must have! Intuition (to be taught from within) we can be taught from within by our own master
that dwells therein.
warmest regards Michael.
email  I also have a page on Facebook called Soul realization.

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