Monday 31 August 2020

Consciousness Occult Nature Seeks Presence In Relative Expression. C O N S P I R E .

We as that of what we call Humanity are all basically consciousness cloaked down and woven
within physical matter to make us all clothed in a flesh and blood physical vehicle.
Consciousness shaped and formed by inner design of that of Infinite Intelligence, consciousness
made tangible and expressed in matter.
The word occult means hidden or unseen, so the occult nature of consciousness is usually never
seen, until we become the living embodiment of consciousness , made visible by physical form.
We are all invisible dimensionless life intangible and incorporeal suddenly thrust into a three
dimensional relative existence,and all clothed down in a tangible physical body, no wonder we
all start crying when the midwife slaps our ass at birth!
We have all embodied ourselves so that we all could make our presence felt in this most dense
physical plane, we all need to be here, other wise we would all be noticed by our absence!
Why then do we need to be here then? That is a good question. Curiosity could be one valid
answer, the other is in the nature of what LIFE actually IS, which is ETERNAL, which spells
out very clearly that there has never been a beginning to LIFE, nor will there ever be any ending
to LIFE, so we all have endless billions of centuries to do whatever we chose to do.
Then we need to consider the nature of intangibility, can we imagine what this actually means?
When you are intangible incorporeal,you have none of the senses that we all take for granted
like touch,taste,smell, hear, feel,see,none of these senses exist within the intangible life formless
one. So we can begin to imagine that the need to experience these feelings of touch and taste etc
would somehow conjure up a feeling of curiosity, and an idea to experience.
We need also to remember that none of us belong here in this relative universe, this universe is
only a back drop scenery that temporally covers over the reality it seems to hide, which is the
Absolute that lies beneath this facade relative universe, which only "seems" to exist but as in
fact is just an illusion.The one AND ONLY REALITY is LIFE, which stands for LIVING
having what could be termed as a relative experience here upon the planet Earth,
In part two will explore this further.           Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 30 August 2020

Darkness Enfolding Light Implies Gaining Higher Truth. D E L I G H T . Part Two.

We are all reference points held in stasis by the intentional wave of the indwelling soul which
keeps us all in a harmonic coherence,until we are ready to let go of our form (physical body)
and return back to the intangible life from whence we all arose from. There are many forms of
light or luminosity, but these can all be narrowed down to just two aspects  we call light, one
is the light which arises from within this relative universe, and is emitted from suns and other
relative materials, then there is absolute luminosity that arises solely from within SPIRIT or
that of LIFE, this inner luminosity totally transcends this relative universe, and requires
We human beings who are all outwardly tangible and all inwardly intangible, outwardly we
are all influenced by the shadow of this inner luminosity, relative light that emerges from our
sun and that manufactured by us to light up our homes at night, is in truth a pale shadow of the
inner spirit self illuminated  light that shines within our inner core, this inner core is the home
of exquisite DELIGHT.
Absolute Perfection is what we all are within the core of our being, here at the very core of
our being exists a light of absolute PURITY, a MAGNIFICENCE that no mortal eye could
behold and LIVE. This LIGHT is something that science cannot as yet understand of even
comprehend, because this light transcends the spectrum which breaks down white light into
its seven rainbow colours, the light of Spirit CANNOT EVER BE POLLUTED by others
shadow colours, it stands ALONE in absolute WHITE PURITY. 
The seven colours of the relative spectrum are all absorbed within us in our outer tangible
physical forms,we absorb then all and they keep us healthy and fit.The darkness that enfolds
us all here on Earth allows us to distinguish the polarities and the differences between the two
it is through this interplay of polarities that we experience the experiences we all need in order
to fully know and understand just who and what we really are.
If we choose to look within ourselves,we will then be heading into the direction where our
ultimate delight exists, because we will gain access to higher truth which in turn will reflect
directly into your inner knowing of your immortal inner nature.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks.

Saturday 29 August 2020

Darkness Enfolding Light Implies Gaining Higher Truth. D E L I G H T .

What if darkness was just light enfolded within  its matrix, and that light was just darkness
expressing itself? Do we actually need eyes to see light? What then about dreaming? We can
see bright sun shine in a dream with our eyes firmly closed, what are we then seeing with
if our eyes are closed shut? Perhaps our consciousness can picture any image it focuses on
whether it is darkened or lite.
Our delight is being tangible beings, and therefore we can feel,touch, taste, see, hear, smell,
all the very things we all take for granted as tangible physical human, but our completely
denied if you are incorporeal and just intangible intelligent living energy, even invisible to
us all here.
The reason we are all here is because we take absolute delight in experiencing these things
that we call our senses, the trouble is though, most of us have forgotten that we all chose to
become embodied here upon planet Earth long long ago, countless life times ago actually.
And because most of us have all forgotten the pact we made to experience tangible life,we
then feel pain and discomfort with our lot, and moan and groan about our lives, not even
remembering that it was us who decided to come here in the first place, we could have easily
stayed within intangible bliss,if we so desired to do so, as many of other souls so did choose
to stay where they were.
Light and darkness are both qualities that exist solely within the context of duality, both are the
same thing just being seen from one or other end of the spectrum, one end is light the other end
we call darkness,in reality they are the same itself is SELF Luminous, life glows within
its own vibratory essence, it is not the light that we all see here on Earth, the glow that emanates
from within life is absolute in nature,and completely different from what we all perceive as that
of dual based light and darkness.
When we can look beyond the choking confines of relativity and its duality based light and darkness
we begin to enter the domain of higher truth, where consciousness reigns supreme, here we leave
behind the outer physical senses, and thereby enter into the real of super-normal sense detection
which consciousness affords us a wide umbrella to see and feel things within the mind and emotions
In part two will look deeper into this.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 28 August 2020

Infinite-Reality-Enfolds-Inner-Godlike Numen-Subtlety. "I" R E I G N S Part Two.

Each one of us human beings all 7.7 billion of us are all each be-jewelled facets of the One
SOURCE. 'WE' are all Absolute Spirit, having a relative experience here upon a tiny atomic
speck within the infinite vastness of the universe, and all of us have forgotten who we really
are. Which of course 'we' all originally planned so long ago,we have all forgotten.
'We' had to all forget our Absolute Source Being,otherwise we would not believe the
role play which we are all thoroughly engaged in today.
'We' are now all at a time of a gradual massed ascension cycle, slowly one by one we are beginning
to awaken and explore the true nature of our being.The very word ascension is the modern
buzzword on many internet websites.
We are all gods, and goddesses experiencing expressed physical life upon this tiny speck 
called mother Earth Gaia, but instead of reigning like Divine monarchy which we all truly are
we instead often rain down floods of tears,because of our inner sadness and dissatisfaction with
our lives, often feeling unworthy of even being loves by some one, we under value ourselves
and get caught up in a see saw between positive and negative feelings.
It is only when we have thoroughly exhausted all the options that seem to exist OUT THERE
that we then feel the instinctive desire to venture within ourselves,to begin seeking our the
reason we are all here, which is really very simple yet also very profound,the reason we are all
here is to fully know,and fully comprehend the entirety of who and what you actually are.
Many of us human being think and feel that they know themselves, this kind of low level
comprehension which is totally based of the false assumption of you being just a human being
and that the physical body is who you really are, this low level comprehension of believing that
you know yourself,and that this self,is just a human being, this false pseudo self, keeps millions
of human beings trapped hopelessly through many more incarnations here,until they let go of
the physical vehicle,and begin embracing the immortal spirit the soul,of which you truly are.
We all tend to hide our inner light under the bush of self ignorance, we do not understand that
we are all made of light,that we are all rainbow children of the one SOURCE. Let your inner light
shine forth dear reader of this blog, by going within yourself and revealing your very own Divine
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Infinite-Reality Enfolds Inner Godlike Numen Subtlety. 'I' R E I G N S .

There are seven point seven billion souls upon this planet Earth, but there is only ONE LIFE
present upon this planet, how many of us ever consider what this actually means, and further
what implications can we draw from this truth?
Seven point seven billion 'I 's upon this planet that all condense into ONE LIFE, if that is so,
and surely it is that way, just where do YOU fit into this picture dear reader of this blog?
If we all knew who and what we are,the answer would be very obvious, in fact it would be
staring at you in the mirror. Alas though very few of us has any real idea of our true Absolute
immortal identity, "WE" all reign like gods, because we all OUR SOURCE which equates
with that of GOD, Absolute BEING having a relative Experience upon this planet Earth, and
further has faceted or BE-JEWELLED itself into seven point seven billion physical vehicles
in order to experience seven point seven billion experiences SIMULTANEOUSLY!!
Each one of our 'Is' is a be-jewelled facet of the one almighty BEING which is the SOURCE
of all LIFE universally, and who contains this entire universe from within its Absolute Self.
Each one of our seven point seven billion 'I's is in itself a self referencing point of a singularity
held in cohesion by an intentional field that issues out from the indwelling soul,that needs to
keep the physical vehicle within a relative zone in order to gather the experiences it wishes to
Life is like a living ocean of being, words and thoughts can flow like a liquid, flooding into
our consciousness from the infinite ocean we are all submerged within, thoughts are like waves
that flow through the slipstream current that carries us all aloft, we all rise and fall within the
troughs that undulate throughout this infinite absolute ocean of expression. The wall that we often
feel our backs are against,is in truth a trough we are in, and the wall is a wall of resistance that we
have erected within our part of the ocean,as we resist the inner urge for change, when we realise
the need to change, the wall or wave collapses.
Gradually through endless experiences we begin to join the dots up together and begin to see the picture we are building through our living experiencing. We begin to see that our physical bodies
are nothing more that vehicles, no more important than the car you drive to work in. We then begin
to look within ourselves, and see what lies beneath this facade of form?
In part two will explore this further,       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Truly We Are Source-Let Our Vibrations Emerge. T W A S -L O V E Part Two.

In essence we are all the SOURCE which is that of Spirit and also that of being Absolute and
All Knowing -perfection of the ONE BEING. Away from our essence we are all currently
gathering experiences here on planet Earth, and inhabiting a physical vehicle  which is commonly
called a human being. At this level of physical expression we are no longer Absolute, but rather
we are all relative beings.
All experiencing this collective illusion of each being separate from each other,and also the
further illusion of individuality, we mostly all think of ourselves as human beings rather than
being all sourced from the ONE SOURCE. We further confound this illusion by also thinking
that the physical body, the vehicle we all use to gather experience here,we mostly believe that
the physical vehicle is who we really are,which of course is totally and absolutely untrue,and
a false assumption bred out of our gross ignorance of our true and lasting immortal identity.
There are many explanations and long worded compositions all explaining what the writer
thinks or feels what love actually is.If we rather looked into ourselves, the explanation of what
love actually is,would be staring at you face to face! ALL-LIFE is basically the
EMBODIMENT of LOVE, every human being is basically and factually LOVE motioning
upon TWO LEGS! BUT, because we fail to fully understand our true and immortal identity
we therefore fail to tune into the vibration that would bring unconditional love from the depths
of our inner yearnings to the surface of our being, which if we all did that simultaneously there
would be a FLASH of UNIFIED INSIGHT and INTUITION that would make the sun look
like a mere CANDLE compared by the combined energy of 7.7 billion souls each showing
unconditional LOVE for each other.
We do not have to look for love,other than within yourself,We are all the very Embodiment of
this IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLE which is LOVE, we are it on TWO LEGS.                                         life=LOVE=SOUL=SPIRIT=YOU dear reader of this blog, because of our ignorance of who
we really are, and because there is no actual teachings of this reality, our schools and colleges do
not teach the basics of reality, instead they fill our souls and hearts with intellectual masturbation
of dry facts and figures that exist as reasoning facts you need,wisdom is away on vacation.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Truly We Are Source-Let Our Vibrations Emerge. T W A S -L O V E .

Truly we are all Sourced from the SOURCE, which is of course that of L I  F E  which to me
stands for this, Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, we are all of that, and possibly few would
take exception to this interpretation of Life.
Life emerges from within us because we are all basically the very embodiment of the eternal
immutable principle that we call life, the vibrations that all oscillate within us at such a
rapidity that it is beyond our waking comprehension, are all emerging from deep within us
to the surface of our extremities,love that feeling that pulsates from deep within our core of
being,is the most rapid vibration of them all.
Humanity is currently surfing on a life wave which has enclosed and enfolded the principle
of self awareness, our I AM Consciousness has that added most vital GOD LIKE Quality to
it,which is SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS, we as human beings all have the inner inbuilt faculty
of that of self-reflection, we can reflect, and indeed know that we know, no other life forms
on this planet have that most vital added dimension within their living expression here on
Earth,only mankind has this here. Perhaps upon other planets within this vast infinite universe
there are others too who have self awareness,but we are the only ones here on Earth.
Truly we are all far more that we can ever imagine,behind the Living Intelligent Focused Energy
lies the SOURCE of all this motion. Motion that arises from within complete motionlessness
TWAS, the night before we were stirred into motion, that we were all unconsciously WHOLE
and COMPLETE, not any motion stirred anywhere in the silent VOID, all was still and the
universal OM was as yet unborn.Silence echoed and stillness prevailed.
Then there arose a thought-wave within the Infinite Mind of the Absolute, this gave birth to
all Motion and also the birth of the primordial OM, our silence and eternal stillness was
immediately then cast out of EDEN, and therefore into the maelstrom of an about to be born
virgin universe.TWAS, the birth of all motion, and the beginning of the SOURCE ESSENCE
transforming from pure spirit with is eternally still, into that next stage of expression which we
now all call life.
In part two will explore this idea more fully, and show the more we reveal our true nature,Love
thereby rises to the surface of our being. Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family or friends.  Thanks.

Monday 24 August 2020

Souls Enter Vortex Earth Next Stop, S E V E N S Part Two.

At the point of physical death we all exit our vehicles and proceed within our Astral bodies
to our next plane of residence which is the Astral plane.Here we rest and recover from all the
trauma of physical life,and the fears and pains that often lead up to our passing. Then when we
have done this we then look at our last incarnation with an honest look at what we did, what
were we happy with? What brought us pain and anguish? We meet up with those other souls
who we have an affinity with, we do not meet up with anyone we do not resonate with.
The time we spend here in the astral realm really depends upon where we are on our localised
evolutionary stage of becomming. Some of us return back to Earth in days or weeks,others
it might be years or even hundreds of years. Some of us return to Earth automatically and have
no say in the matter,others of us can choose when we return and even choose our own parents
to be.When the time arrives for us to return to this 'vale of tears' we then fall into a deep
dreamless sleep,loose all consciousness, and then pass into the river of forgetfulness which
is the mythical river STYX, enter into the vortex that will ferry you out of the astral realm
and back into the physical, we all enter into physical life on a centrifugal clockwise spin within
the vortex which tapers to a singularity point of reference, YOU and ME are those reference
points, we then stay anchored within this centrifugal spin, until it is time to leave again when
we die, then the centrifugal spin ceases,and immediately a centripetal rotation open vertically
and we then ascend back into the astral plane.
We spend many centuries going down into physical life, then up into astral life,these journeys
are all about us gathering experiences, and hopefully learning from them as well, we are here
to basically connect all the dots together, and see the connections and interconnections that we
are all tied into.Every human being is directly and indirectly connected and interconnected  with
every other soul on this planet, we need to realise that there is not even one ATOM of space
between any of us whatsoever.We are all just self aware points of reference within an absolute
directly connected to the other infinite number of other living wavelets.NO GAPS,NO SPACES,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please then pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks.

Sunday 23 August 2020

Souls Enter Vortex Earth Next Stop. S E V E N S .

As we all journey endlessly upon a conveyor belt we call evolution, we eventually reach a
stage where we become self aware. This point marks a significant event within our journey
so far,for up to this self aware point, we all journeyed unconsciously, the I AM was absent from
our being.
Now we have all gained the I AM Consciousness, we now have to experience what this
actually means. This awakening therefore has the effect of anchoring us within two realms
one being the Astral realm,and the other the dense physical realm upon the planet Earth.
Before this anchoring point was secured we could have been anywhere within this infinite
cosmos,we would have all been unconsciously gathering experiences which would all be
stored within the collective unconsciousness of us all.
Now we have all become awakened, and we will all stay here within these two dimensions
the Astral plane and the physical plane until we all finally completed the awakening sequence
that will culminate in our full and total awakening of our inner divine heritage, and therefore
knowing ourselves to be all immortal divine souls, when we all fully realise this truthful
reality,we can then decide to move beyond these two limiting dimensions and thereby more
onto a fuller more fulfilling and more inclusive dimension where limitless opportunities await.
So here we all are today dear reader of this blog, each of us is within this particular vehicle
each of us experiencing our own particular present day living experience, what is yours like
today dear reader?  What role play are you involved into with this life time experience? Do
you consciously realise and understand that you have been here many many times, and each
one you played a differing role? Each life we live we are born here on Earth do what we feel
we need to do, then die (exit the vehicle) and therefore return to the Astral plane for a rest and
to take stock, then back into the swirling vortex that will convey you back here into another
vehicle for you to inhabit for another session,and another role play role, will this present role
you are in,be the one that you finally realise your true immortal identity?????
One day each one of us will WEIGH our own anchors,  and thereby cast us away from this
present cycle, then we can all leave this river of life, and get back into the OCEAN of LIFE.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with ou then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 22 August 2020

Self Channelling Reveals Each Entities Numinosity. S C R E E N Part Two.

'WE' are all eternal immortal Absolute spirit ,clothed within a soul undergoing a Relative
Experience ,while being clad within a facade of form which we all call a human physical
biological machine which we commonly term as that of a human being.
Having this particular incarnation experience on a school room planet called Earth.
Which is here basically spinning in this location,in order to teach all of us through a great
many incarnations here playing our endless roles of being male and female,and every possible
combination of acting out these multiple role playing roles, in order to finally teach us through
vast experiences the ultimate reality of just who and what we really are,human beings seem to
be very slow learners.
We so often fail to make the necessary connections that will illumine of level of consciousness
and make a pathway within us that will eventually lead us all into full and complete self knowing.
We look outside of ourselves to answer questions like what is the meaning of life? What is life?
Who am I ? We fail to comprehend that we,yes you dear reader of this blog, are the very
embodiment of life itself. If you want to know what life is, and what does life mean, just ask
yourself, ask the inner centre of intelligence that lies within you, that of your higher self..
within every human being lies a centre of INTUITION, every human being HAS the faculty
of INTUITION inbuilt within THEM. There are ZERO EXCEPTIONS to this Divine RULE
We each have an inbuilt inner teacher, this inner teacher can at first be seen as your higher self
when you get used to that term, and built up an inner confidence of its integral part of your inner
learning, your expanded inner trust will then make the leap of faith and see this inner teacher
this intelligence that you are now channelling, is no other than your very own immortal divine
Each and every human being on this planet Earth has this inner faculty of intuition. we can each
learn from our very own personal channelling experiences from within ourselves from our own
personal higher self,the immortal soul within you.We do not have to part with our hard earned
cash to pay strangers who might or might not be honest about their abilities, we can trust our own
intuition, but not always the words of another being.The truth of life and spirituality lie firmly
within you dear reader of this blog, just look within yourself,and find the reality of these words.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 21 August 2020

Self Channelling Reveals Each Entities Numinosity. S C R E E N ..

We all need to learn how to channel ourselves, therefore cancelling out the need to go seeking
for outside help,or maybe to some so called channeler who may not be genuine or even self
deluded.There are very many well meaning self deluded souls out there, best to try and learn to
trust your own inner guru,you higher self the soul.We each have this faculty on board,this is
why I am doing another blog on this subject as I feel it is of upmost importance that we all know
exactly what we all have access to within ourselves, and I am hoping that those of you reading
this will learn to try this method out, by turning your gaze inwards and beginning to establish a
conscious contact with you very own inner GURU.
The last word in this blogs title is numinosity, this word spells out what lies within us all,it can
mean a 'supernatural presence'(awe inspiring) Mysterium Tremendum mystery. to become
'spiritually elevated', from the Latin word for bowing the head, to nod in respect.
We are all so much more than we can ever imagine, many of us sell ourselves short, and often
feel unworthy and therefore we devalue ourselves, and remain completely unaware of our most
noble Divine heritage, We are all eternal immortal souls, undergoing a human relative experience
and in the transition from our high spiritual state to become human vehicles,we have all
therefore forgotten just who we really are.It is time for us all to wake up,and realise just who you
really are. You are NOT the physical body, that is just a biological vehicle, just like the car you
drive to work in is a mechanical vehicle, made out of pressed tin and rubber, you are just made
out of flesh and bone a vehicle that is all you are. Humanity is just a collection of 7.7 billion
vehicles nothing more than that.We give a great deal of importance to our vehicles, we need
always be very mindful that the vehicle is NOT WHO YOU ARE!!!!! You vehicle in NOT
IMMORTAL, it will rot and decay and return back to the Earth from whence it came, but YOU
the inner YOU reading this blog now, will NEVER ROT or EVER DECAY because we are
all immortal divine souls.
If we can all learn to deeply trust our inner self, then we can look within us, for within lies
infinite knowledge and wisdom,all we have to do is shift our gaze from outwards into in-wards
then we can all learn to become our own self channellers, and build up a trust within ourselves
with our higher selves.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realisation.
If This blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Shadow Walkers In Motioning Sequence.S W I M S . Part Two.

Much like icebergs humanity is showing much less then ten per cent of its full volume
most of who we really are is invisible to our eyes and not even present in this physical
dimension. About eight per cent of us is present in this physical dimension, and that presence
is consisting of that of condensed light,light that has been vastly slowed down in its vibration
frequency and then appears as a flesh and blood physical body.
As mentioned in the previous blog on the shadow walkers, we often seek out and search for
enlightenment and take up the practice of meditation or yoga, not really being aware that we
all are entirely made up of the very thing we are all trying to find, that of light!
'WE' are all actually living and moving and having our being, doing and being something
that science maintains is totally impossible, that of being a solid tangible SHADOW!
Science maintains that this is totally absurd and does not and cannot exist! Yet here we all
are shadow walkers with tangible substance all 7.7 billion of us.Perhaps science needs to look
into the mirror and ask what is this image that looks back at me, and further what does it consist
off?  Light flows as a liquid in other dimensions, where you can have rivers or even streams of
liquid light, then light can also become a ray, much like the seven rays of the rainbow spectrum
it can take on the nature of being plasma like that of our solar sun, and it can also become very
condensed and therefore become solid substance which we commonly call matter. Our physical
bodies are all biological matter,which is indeed made up of condensed light (very slow sluggish
vibration frequency), our bodies give out heat which is radiation, radiation is a form of light
also,so is radio-activity also light.
We are all walking in the shadow of our inner light, to contact this inner luminosity all we
need to do is to go within ourselves, ask ourselves the most basic fundamental question any
being can ever ask, which is the question,who AM I? Ask yourself this question dear reader of this blog, after all what have you got to loose? Your ignorance perhaps? If you do this, and persist with
this line of inner questioning, you will be amazed at what will begin to occur within you.Your
outer shadow will gradually become less dense, you will actually begin to feel LIGHTER??
Instead of just treading water and getting nowhere fast, you will start swimming towards a new
lighter less dense YOU!
Warmest regards michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you,please pass it onto your family or friends. Thanks.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Shadow Walkers In Motioning Sequence. S W I M S .

So many of us within humanity are all looking for the light,many of us even take up the practice
of meditation or even yoga,trying to find enlightenment. What we all seem to fail to grasp is that
we all are without exception entirely composed of condensed light,we are all lighted beings
who do not realise who we are therefore we condemn ourselves to remain shadow walkers
because of our ignorance of our true immortal identity,instead we cling to the limited belief
that we are only flesh and blood mortal beings,and that mistaken belief system causes so much
pain and anguish within us all.
By forever looking outwards,forever checking our smart (dumb) phones looking into shop
windows for something to buy,we fail to see our life time slipping away as we are all too busy
looking out there, all that exists out there will eventually bring you pain and heartache,instead
of swimming within the waters of life, we often are standing still and just treading water,going
round in circle getting nowhere fast.If you want a balanced life, if you want some peace of
mind, if you are searching for some serenity, you will never find it by constantly looking
outward. Only by looking within ourselves can we ever find a balance within our life time,
We are all here for one reason, and one reason only, that one reason is to reveal your true
immortal identity to your outer physical level of consciousness, to do this and to achieve
this most vital connection, our higher self (which the majority of mankind do not even know
of its existence) which is your very own immortal soul,(SWIMS YOU)  which translates as
motioning you through a great number of incarnations here upon this Earth in order for you
to experience a vast number of varied experiences that will ultimately cumulate in your
awakening into the realisation as to who and what you really are.
We all seem to be very slow learners,we all seemed to be bogged down by our gross ignorance
and seem lacking in inner wisdom and self aware knowledge. Perhaps we are so fascinated by
the shiny lights out there, the constant summoning of our attention to gaze lovingly at our smart
phones, that we fail miserably to see our life time slipping away on a snakeskin of trivia, that we
all completely become blind to the inner light,that we are all basically composed of.
Are we then all happy just staying as shadow walkers,and content to blindly  tread water and
just hope something turns up. Because it most certainly will,whether you want it or not.
In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Inner Guru Numen Is Truly Enfolded Divinity. I G N I T E D Part Two,

We are all 'shadow walkers' in the land of subtle illusions, 'we' fail to recognise that 'we' are
all entified abstractions of the principle of Life, which is spirit.
Our physical bodies are all made out of intangible invisible energy,which is that of
electromagnetism-light that has congealed and set into physical biological bodies, we are all
literally made out of solid-light. Light that has undergone a massive slowing down of its
vibration frequencies, so that the intangible fluid like liquid of light sets and hardens,and we
then appear in the form of 'shadow-walkers'.
We  are the walking shadows, solid SHADOWS that present day science has yet to comprehend
the reality of a solid tangible shadow.
We are all solid looking on the outside,and fluid within,life which stands for Living-Intelligent
-Focused-Energy, life unclothed is intangible invisible intelligent energy/soul./spirit, which
equates with that of ethereal light or liquid light, as the LIFE/SOUL/SPIRIT descends
downwards which equates directly with a massive slowing down of vibration frequency, the
fluid life essence condenses and solidifies, thereby exiting within a physical human body,which
has been said to then become a solid-shadow.
As we follow this descension downwards from spirit/life into the soul then the human vehicle
we can clearly see the direct linkage from the physical body to that of the inner GURU which
is the higher self the divine immortal soul. This inner guru this intuition that flashes into your
conscious awareness, is available to all mankind,at absolutely zero cost, it is eternally FREE
all you have to do,is look within yourself,open your mind and well as your heart, and if you
can do this, listen within with quiet patience,then all your longings, all your manifold questions
will all be answered for you.This is NOT SOME THEORY BEING MENTIONED HERE,
Your inner GURU is NOT A THEORY, it is not SOMETHING I READ IN  A BOOK, it is a
TRUTH that I have listened to for over forty years, my own inner guru,communes with me every
day of my life, and I am nobody special, I am as ignorant as the next soul, but I do know that the
inner guru exists,because I have PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED it for over four decades.
You TOO dear readers of this blog can each experience your very own personal GURU,why not
make a start today,and look within yourself, Bless you all  and have a safe inner journey.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 17 August 2020

Inner Guru Numen Is Truly Enfolded Divinity. I G N I T E D .

If only we all actually knew ourselves, if only we all understood what lies beneath this facade
of form,we call the physical body, if we indeed did know this, we would not have any need to
consult fortune tellers, of pay money to see a repackaged medium now calling themselves
star seeds and that they are now channelers,of extra-dimensional's and various star beings
from The Pleiades or Arcturian's,. If we all fully knew ourselves,we would then know and also
fully understand the fact that every human being upon this planet has his or her on GURU 
onboard, this inner teacher which flashes intuitive insights into your waking consciousness
is none other than your higher self,your very own immortal soul.We have absolutely zero need
to look outside of ourselves,for any kind of help whatsoever, unless of course we choose to.
Any thing any channeler could tell you,you could find out for yourself free of any charge,all
you need to do is to go within yourself, take up the regular practice of meditation or yoga,
listen to that inner quietude that dwells deeply within us all,and if you do that,then ask your
self questions, pose a question to yourself, let the question sink deeply into your inner
consciousness levels, and then sit quietly and await an answer. If we are patient and persevere
with this daily practice,we will begin to settle into a comfortable place within us, where we will
begin to see the real value of this inner insight.
None of us are ever really alone,and we are never NEVER EVER SEPARATED from the SOURCE of all LIFE, it may well FEEL as though we are, but in reality that is totally
Impossible ever to be apart or separated from the Source. These feelings arise within us because
of our deep ignorance into the reality of just who and whats more what we actually are, when we
know fully who and what we all really are, all these lonely feeling vanish like the mist does when
the early morning sun rises.
Infinite wisdom has placed within each one of us, a inner GURU a MASTER who dwelleth within
each one of us,very often we only know this inner still small voice is within us,is when we are in a
crisis, then when our back are up against the wall, and we do not know which way to turn, then
suddenly out of the blue, this reassuring inner small voice, whispers words of comfort and reassurance, which calm us down,and make us feel that we are indeed never really alone.
In part two will explore this further.          warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you, then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 15 August 2020

Force Of Hierarchy Absolute Thought. F O H A T Part Two.

The force of FOHAT has seven 'sons'  which are motion,sound,heat,light,cohesion,electricity,
and magnetism, a seven fold expression of that which could be described as that of dynamic
energy of Cosmic Ideation.
All of the seven fold aspects  of the cosmic force of fohat interplay's within us all on a daily
basis, we are all constantly in motion,hearing sounds,feeling heat,seeing the light,cohering
within our range of family and friends, constantly using electricity, and electromagnetism
enfolds our entire body within a electromagnetic field shaped like a double torus.
Fohat is the underlying Divine thought principle that makes up the entire unified field which
manifests within this relative universe, the principle of thought which arises from within
stillness is one of the most powerful forces in this universe.
Being ever mindful that this entire relative universe is but the product of the Absolute thought
Our physical solar sun is also an aspect of the expression of Fohat.The seven rays of the light
spectrum that emanate from our sun,are also related to the seven sons of Fohat, this entire
relative universe runs within a multiple septet of sequences.
The very ancient adage of 'Thoughts are things' is very real, and manifest around us daily, what
we often fail to realise is that every thought we think activates a corresponding reaction, so if
we are thinking negative destructive thoughts, they will surely impact upon us soon. The same
goes for positive uplifting thoughts as well. The big difference here on Earth and within this
physical body, is that every thought take a while to materialise within our present state
consciousness, it can take hours, or days, or even longer before that pattern of thoughts that
issued out of your being impacts upon you, and therefore we are all grossly deceived by this
delayed reaction. We kid ourselves that we have gotten away with our hateful thoughts and
negativity, we kid ourselves that we can hid behind our masks of persona, but we cannot hide
from what belongs to you,stays with you, and that includes every thought you have ever had!
In the astral plane it is totally different from here,every thought you have there instantly
materialises without a second between thought and its showing, you cannot lie there because
your aura is plainly seen by everyone there, and lie will immediately show up on your aura
and those watching you will know full well that you are lying, there is no escape there, but
here we fool ourselves that we can hide behind masks. Fohat is the primordial thought that we
can all lock onto,if we go within ourselves,and enter into the silence, there is no deception in
the silence.only the soundless sound of the OM which calls us all home.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 14 August 2020

Force Of Hierarchy Absolute Thought. F O H A T .

Fohat has the power to change and transform that which was subjective into the objective
that which was noumenal into the phenomenal. In the ancient book of DZYAN The second
verse states that 'Fohat is the steed and thought is the rider'. Fohat emanates from the
eternal what i term as this expression of it,'motion is the embryo of stillness,
stillness is the embryo of motion'. Fohat can be described as that of primordial-electricity
or even the SPIRIT of all electricity.
An Electric Entity that holds all power within the unifying field and connects all life cohered
into one composite diversified wholeness.
The will that emanates within mankind is one aspect of fohats power.. We are all sourced down
into deep density by our will to become, and also our levels of ignorance that keep us in low
density expressions (low vibration levels).
Fohat is the animating principle electrifying and galvanising every atom into is the
wholly fire (holy)  the will of the ONE Absolute Mind echoing into this relative universe
that resides WITHIN the Absolute.
This relative physical duality based universe is Totally Residing Within  The VOID  that is
the Absolute. there is NO SUCH A THING AS BEING OUTSIDE anywhere in existence
what could you possibly be outside of? The universe perhaps?  the term as being outside only
has a relative value here among us physicals, in reality outside has never existed, and is totally
meaningless and nonsensical.
Fohat is the life force that galvanises us all into action, it is that spirit that spark or fire that
becomes inflamed when our passions and emotions become super excited, where we can be
bursting with vital energy, and filled with that electrifying force that is Fohat. In those
moments we feel fully alive and super charged with the life force, this is that invisible power
of fohat lifting you up with this divine dance of living joy.
Fohat is also the main power we often hear about these days,referred to as the Kundalini force
here it acts as an electrifying spiritual energy that rises up from the root chakra and exits through
the crown chakra like a coiled up serpent.The are courses advertising awakening your Kundalini
This is a very dangerous thing to play with, this power is unlimited, do you fully understand what
that means? It can enhance life,but it can also destroy it, it can drive you insane, give you an
psychosis and land you in a mental hospital. Many are heading that way,Unless you have a personal
guru or master, who has personally achieved this awakening him or herself and can guide you through it, if not leave any such a thing well ALONE,if ignorance plays with FIRE you will surely
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 13 August 2020

All Singularities Consciousness Enfolds Numinosities Toroidal Sequencing. A S C E N T S Part 3.

I finished up part two of this trilogy on ascents by mentioning that there is a surface-tension
that exists within the infinite unified field, which has also been called the ethereal field, I
would also like to link this surface tension field, with a mention from the Bible in Matthew
(9 20-22) where there is a story of a woman who touches the hem of the garment Jesus was
wearing, and immediately felt virtue (energy) leave his body, and the woman was healed from
her bleeding. This story has a hidden meaning to it,the hidden reference is in the hem of the
garment, which equates directly with the surface tension of the unified field. When we touch
this field, we are in effect touching the centre of the double torus field the point where stillness
reigns supreme. It is also the border-land where the relative universe meets that of the
Absolute, when we touch the HEM of this GARMENT, which is another name for this
Infinite field of surface tension. Which separates Absoluteness from that of Relativity,we
instantly receive a download of expanded consciousness,perception,and awareness.Also if we
are in need of healing at that point of touching,that will then automatically take place as well.
In order to touch the hem of the wholly garment, which means making conscious contact with
the fields surface, we enter into the border-lend between this universe and that of the Absolute
and in the holy place miracles can and do occur, the reason they occur is very simple, they occur
because you have made conscious contact with your HIGHER SELF, which remains eternally
Absolute. we need to remember that we are all just products of THOUGHT, it is the THOUGHT
that incarnates here on Earth, the primal THINKER has NEVER LEFT HOME, and remains
forever Absolute, we the little thought-lets see all the action, and get so lost in our ROLE PLAY
that we let ourselves become suckered into believing that we are just mortal plumbers or nurses!!!
By going within ourselves we can all smash this delusion of us being just mortal beings, and therefore wake up and smell those proverbial roses, we have all been asleep and ignorant for far
to long,let us all rally round,look within us,take up meditation or yoga, sit quietly enter into that
inner silence, become still and await the silence to enfold you, when it fully does access to the
hem of the holy garment, the surface tension field will become pierced by your inner stillness
and therefore wonderful things will befall your startled GAZE.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

All Singularities Consciousness Enfolds Numinosities Toroidal Sequencing. A S C E N T S Part 2.

In part one of this blog titled ASCENTS I mentioned that in truth none of 'us' have ever left
EDEN, 'we' are all still there in perfect bliss and silent stillness. What has left is the 'idea of
having motion' to explore the feeling of motion and to gather experience of becoming  a
tangible being, gaining substance,solidity, becoming dense and darkened by density and
matter. 'WE ALL' chose to forget that 'we' were Absolute  and Infinite Power and Intelligence
and BEING the ALL of ALL that IS Absolute ONE without any OTHER.
It is only our expression that appears to move, and motion through expressed life experiencing
itself as a mortal being, a human being. Our inner Being which is SPIRIT has never left HOME
It has no need to,all it needs is the IDEA,the THOUGHT and then project that thought  wave
into the space you have created by your WILL then this space you have created,you then
occupy it with your thought form presence,which in our case is our physical bodies, the vehicle
for the soul to occupy.
'WE' are all anchored firmly within the Absolute embrace of the Absolute, in which 'WE' all
ARE!  Forever still  within the bliss of BEING, which as mentioned is yesterdays blog equates
directly with that of SPIRIT, which never moves,it has no need of motion, what moves is the
THOUGHT FORM arising within the Absolute Mind, this then becomes what we all call LIFE
LIFE is always RELATIVE,whereas SPIRIT is always ABSOLUTE. Outwardly we are all Life
and therefore have motion, back of all that motion,lies stillness,which is spirit. What separates
the Absolute from the relative motioning universe, is just a wafer thin veil which we call the
unified field, which is a infinite field of infinite possibilities awaiting to become realised.This
unified field is like the surface of an infinite ocean of endless possibilities, below this ocean
lies the Absolute motionless void  of all that IS,  on the surface lies the same phenomena that
we experience here on earth within our rivers and oceans, that is surface tension, between the
beginning of the Absolute and that of relativity lies what I term as the borderland between two
fields one of motion,and the other stillness, at the borderlands all the universal laws that we know
vanish and do not operate here in the in between space-less space.Within this space-less space
wondrous things can happen to us, instant healing, cosmic consciousness,rapid expansions of
awareness and perceptions abide here in this WHOLLY PLACE, in part three will explain how
we can each pierce this surface tension of the unified field, and find our true and lasting identity.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@ any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

All Singularity Consciousness Enfolds Numinosities Toroidal Sequencing A S C E N T S .

This blog is an expression of how I intuitively feel this universe works within the way it
expresses life in all motioning formats. But will go more into the way humanity is expressed
and why and how this occurs..i will explore how every human being is expressed within a
double torus field, which looks much like two doughnuts undulating each other with pulsating
electromagnetic waves of ethereal electricity,that are centred within the heart chakra area of each
human being. The double torus field maintains  a feed back loop which is used by our
consciousness of our 'I AM' self aware state of being. Without this double torus feed back loop
we would not have the faculty of self reflection that we all use,nor would we have access to any
memories either.By becoming enfolded within this toroidal field we then gain access to this most
prised possession that of SELF AWARENESS, which is a GOD LIKE quality no other life
expresses upon this planet.When we all fully wake up,we will realise that we are all far more than
just souls, we will ultimately realise that even souls are just an expression of something far higher
which is the Absolute, "we" are all absolute being, undergoing the game of motioning
expressed life while in a relative temporal vehicle.
At the core or inner matrix of being we forever remain absolute, we have in fact NEVER LEFT
EDEN, which equates with absolute bliss and atonement with all-BECAUSE YOU ARE  ALL!!!
If we so chose to we will all dissolve back into Absolute Bliss and atonement within the ALL
or we can remain in any relative state we so chose to be or do.Awakenings come to each soul
at its time of ascension, when we have ascended we can go onto further adventures within this universe,or we can melt back into perpetual bliss and dissolve our expression then exit relativity
and rejoin yourself within the Absolute, or you could chose to reincarnate here and help those
lost souls who are struggling and tormented by the shadows of endless illusions. The choice is
always yours dear reader.What has left EDEN is the IDEA -THOUGHT of what would motion
feel like? Having spent eternity in total and absolute stillness, the idea of limitation and motion
was attractive, We have all remained in EDEN no need ever to leave, when we remember the
old occult adage that thoughts are things, we then THOUGHT about MOVING while our
real SELF remained Absolutely motionlessness.
In part two will explore this much deeper.      Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto family and friends. Thanks.

Eternal Numen Absolute Being Life Expressing Diversity. E N A B L E D Part two.

We are all enabled by the living energy that is pulsating through our expression.This energy
is the life force, Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, which spells out life. What we all are
as this thing called humanity,is basically 7.7 billion points of self awareness,this I AM self
awareness, the consciousness that allows you to say those two most profound and powerful
words in this universe, which is that of 'I AM' this sentence of 'I AM' LOCALISES and
CENTRALISES the universal presence of the living energy which is LIFE.
We have in effect and in fact localised a universal omnipresent ubiquitous living intelligent
energy, with what appears as your physical body.
Our core being is that of SPIRIT, when spirit is expressed (ie gains motion) it then becomes
what we term as that of life, life equates directly with motion, whilst spirit equates directly
with eternal stillness,motionlessness,the other major difference is that spirit remains absolute
while life becomes through being expressed relative.
Our I AM self aware consciousness field, is held within a fixed point which can be likened
to that of a singularity point, our self aware consciousness is held in stasis and coherence by
the rapid rotation of the vortex that holds you and I firmly into place,as we each exit the
non material singularity point of reference, and then adorn the physical atoms that rally
around by intelligent force to assemble you a physical vehicle so that you can venture out
into this dense shadow-land we call physical existence.
We are all held within the singularity point of reference by the intentional field of our
immortal soul,each of us is held in a clockwise centrifugal rotation which remains in
this state,until the time of departure is opened,then the downward spiral wave collapses
and an upward rotation opens centripetal wise anticlockwise and when then exit the physical
body vehicle, and journey into our other place of being,which there is called the astral plane.
The whole purpose of being here upon the Earth plane,is to gather enough experience in
order for us to fully realise our true and immortal nature,while being here in this dense low
vibration field of this shadow land which is awash with countless illusions of differences,
our job and task while here,is to see through all these illusions,and recognise that everything
within this planet and the universe is totally connected and interconnected with each other.
That nothing whatsoever is lesser or greater than another, a saint and a slug are equal to
Infinite Intelligence.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 10 August 2020

Eternal Numen Absolute Being Life Expressing Diversity.. E N A B L E D .

What is it that enables the numen (spirit) to leave its Absolute abode of motionlessness bliss,
and become embraced within the arms of an infinite maelstrom of chaotic motion, all born
aloft from the primordial carrier wave from that primal intentional thought wave that arose
from within  the Absolute Mind of Infinite Absolute Intelligence. This was the birth of all
MOTION which arose out of eternal motionlessness.
This was the point, where all motion was born,where the eternal numen (spirit) became relative
at this point where the physical relative universe was born, a virgin universe, here all motion
equates directly with that of spirit, diversity had not yet begun, Diversity came later, when the primordial maelstrom had reached its fullest intensity, and that the process of involution had
ceased, followed by a momentary pause universally, which equates to the phenomena called
slack water which occurs just as the tides in the ocean pause between ebbing and flowing,
after involution and the momentary pause, there begun the sequence we are all more familiar
with, which is that of evolution,which was the birth of universal diversity.
Spirit (numen) (YOU AND ME dear reader) were all CAST out of EDEN, when we left our
home of Absolute bliss which was eternally motionlessness. There was never any real garden
of Eden, that story is just a myth, look deep into the myth and you will see stillness was Eden
and being cast out equates directly to motion, or even (E)MOTION?
What is humanity today then? Very basically humanity consist of a particular diverse life form
that has acquired the faculty of an I AM self AWARE Consciousness, and that this self aware
point of consciousness is therefore presented downwards (meaning here lowering vibrations)
through five differing dimensions,which exit with a physical biological vehicle, the vehicle
holds the soul and astral body via an electromagnetic connections through the brain and the
heart.Our highest connection is our spirit the numen principle, then our immortal soul, then
our vehicle,that so sadly still millions of us misidentify and believe this biological shell is
who you actually are,I sincerely hope and pray that this blog and others that i write help in
some small way to dislodge this gulf of ignorance that seems somewhat entrenched within
mankind's psyche
In part Two will explore this further,       warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realisation,
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks,

Sunday 9 August 2020

Indivisible-Absolute Morphic-Unwombed Spirit. 'I' A M -U S . part Two.

In part one of this blog i finished up by saying that here I would be addressing this idea of 
virgin births, and the myths surrounding this supposed possibility. First we need to understand
that is has been reported throughout ancient history, which literally reeks of virgin births. 
The number runs into hundreds,here are just a few, Ra,Egyptian sun god born of a virgin,
Net-Horus was the son of the virgin mother ISIS, even Plato in Greece was said to have been
born of a virgin.Buddha Gautama decided he was born of a virgin  called Maya by divine decree.
Genghis Khan, was supposedly born of a virgin ,seeded by a great miraculous light,Krishna was
born to the virgin Devaka.In the Scandinavian folk lore there is Frigga was impregnated  by the
All Father God ODIN and bore Balder.And last we have Jesus born of the virgin Mary.These
stories which are myths all expose a common denominator ,which is the male ego which
fosters hierarchies and fraternities (all males) who have vested interests in clinging to power
and ruling the many by fear and superstition,where they SOLELY  Interpret the various
wishes of the God they supposedly serve, and cast fear among the flock if you are caused to
sin against this Infinite Absolute Spirit of the universe!!! Are we that POWERFUL that we can
actually cause OFFENCE to that which is infinite wisdom and unconditional LOVE???????
There is no Punishment dished out by any deity in existence,we alone are our OWN JUDGE
and jury, The is no authority greater than your own authority,we each govern ourselves and 
correct ourselves, there is no greater judge of man,than man himself,Infinite intelligence lies
in the core of your being,look within and find it there for yourself.Our conscience is our judge
and jury,no other life form has authority over you dear reader of this blog,not even God has any
authority over you, because we all our GOD, Divine infinite Spirit,when we all fully awaken into
this reality,we will all see very plainly what we all our, which is ONE ABSOLUTE LIFE FORCE.
Some  of may think that there are many alive today who seem to have no conscience, but be not
deceived, God is not mocked, those whose conscience seems to be asleep while alive physically
will then burst back into life when they shed their physical body and move into their Astral body
at the time of departure (death) then they will be awakened to all their past deeds, they will then
recognise the agony and force of a fully awakened conscience, then Karma will expect its price.
We all our Spirit,we have never been born,or will we ever know death, remember please your
physical body is NOT WHO YOU ARE, it is just a vehicle that's all nothing less and nothing 
more than that.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
if this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family of friends. Thanks.

Saturday 8 August 2020

Indivisible-Absolute Morphic-Unwombed Spirit., 'I' A M -U S .

Mankind has been drip-fed lies and total fallacies for the last several millennium or so about
the total absurdity and lies about being born and dying, this fallacious nonsense  has been
fostered by those fraternities who have a vested interest in keeping humanity in morbid fear
of death and also inventing the other preposterous nonsense of that word sin, as though an
insignificant human being on an atom sized planet among quadrillion other such planets
within the infinity of this temporal universe, cause actually cause OFFENCE and UPSET
The Absolute Intelligent Being called GOD, such an idea is totally laughable and completely
absurd. Yet untold millions of us down through countless centuries have all bought into
this bullshit to put it bluntly, because billions of our brothers and sisters have spent there lives
cowering in fear and foreboding, that they had upset (sinned) against this MIGHTY BEING
and were being threatened with eternal damnation when they died. It is time to awaken and
release this childish nonsense back where it belongs,in the waste BIN!
should spell out very clearly that there is no beginning in the ETERNAL nor is there ANY
POSSIBILITY of any ending, EVERY soul on this planet all transcend ALPHA and OMEGA
the beginning and the end, we have never experienced a beginning,nor will we ever experience
an ending, that CANNOT EVER OCCUR in REALITY, it only "SEEMS" to appear in the
illusion of partial two dimensional vision plus our ignorance of reality as it is.
Spirit has never entered or ever left a womb, as spirit  beings we are all to coin a phrase
UNWOMBED, What enters the womb and also exits the womb is the physical seed from the
male and the egg from the female, these two ingredients set into motion the activity that will
bring about quadrillion cell divisions and attract the quadrillion atoms also in order to manifest
a new vehicle,which we term as a human baby, this baby will then become the vehicle that the
soul needs in order to experience three dimensional life while contained and encapsulated
within a flesh and blood body.We need to become mindful that our physical bodies are NOT
who we actually are, what dies when we stop breathing is the physical VEHICLE which is
NOT YOU, and whats more never has been YOU, we all buy into this utter nonsense because
of our ingrained ignorance and a total lack of any given education as to that of reality.
In part two will explore this more fully, and examine to notion of virgin birth.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realisation,
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

Friday 7 August 2020

Source harmonics Are Relative Emergence-Legion Of Lost Souls. S H A R E -L O L S Part two.

We are all basically three dimensional beings,physical,mental, and spiritual forming a triad of
expression on the physical plane of matter, unless we express these three dimensions of being
we are not fully alive! I came across an ancient story many years ago,which told of an angel
flying over a busy city and declaring very loudly,'behold the city of the dead' I thought
how could an angel fly over a city "teeming with life" and say it was a city of dead beings ?
I think that what the angel meant was that those beings below in the city were only two
dimensional beings,physical and mentally alive, but were all spiritually dead,and as yet
still unborn of the spirit.Spirit always precedes any expression of shape and form, we as human
beings are ALL SOULS with physical bodies, and NOT the other way round of being bodies
that have souls, there is a big difference, as the soul/spirit is eternal and infinite, the physical
body is finite and will rot away back into its elemental constituents of earth,air,fire,and water.
When we share our experiences of life with another soul,we are transcending the human mode
of communication which is that of talking to each other, or even gossiping about someone, this
method of communication is of the intellect and therefore head centred and two dimensional.
whereas sharing with another is heart centred and arises from within our inner being which is
also soul based, although this is often not always understood by the one engaging in this form
of deep communication.
We are all projected out into five levels of expression,each expression on a different dimension
of focus and intention,the SOURCE ENERGY is always the primary motioneer, the force that
moves you into the exact coordinance that you need to be in at that moment in your life stream
experience,spirit always is first,then the soul, then the vehicle,the physical body,the Source guides
the harmonics within our outer relative expression of physicality,we learn through our experiences
what aids and helps us in life,and what causes us grief, often it is not before we are visited by an
arising crisis that we decide to make major changes in our lives. We get many hints along the way
that perhaps we should think on this before leaping into something that could backfire on us, but
so often we fail to notice these little pointers in our life, and therefore we invite a crisis to visit us,
albeit unknowingly.
If we can find another listening soul to share with, we will then find our empty feelings beginning
to melt away, the other side of sharing though,which is just as important is that of the art of
listening,, being passively listened to while your share your heart felt feelings with someone is
totally enriching and life enhancing.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Source Harmonics Are Relative Emergence-Legion Of Lost Souls. S H A R E -L O L S .

The definition of being a 'lost soul' for this blog means 'not knowing who or what you really
are'! The art of sharing our experiences strengths and hopes with another soul, is vastly
different from that of talking to another soul. The latter comes from the head, while sharing
comes from the heart.Simply put sharing is of a spiritual nature, whilst talking is more mundane
and basic form of human communication.How many human beings are today lost, giving the
definition as laid out here in this blog? My conservative guess would be tens of millions of
us are hopelessly lost within themselves, and are hopelessly going round in endless circles
caught up in a eddy that is literally sucking the vitality out of their individual life stream,like
some invisible vampire!
There is indeed a proverbial legion of lost souls,searching hither and thither for some purpose
or some meaning to their life, how often do they have an opportunity to share their hopes and
fears with another listening soul?  When we know not who we are, what do you think arises
within us? What arises within us is an inner LONGING, a longing to find out why and what
we are, this inner longing then directly translates into a search for the answer to my internal
longingness. There arises a hollow feeling within, a hole in the soul this empty inner hollowness
begins to demand being filled up with something, what will it be for you, drugs, alcohol, sex,
food, obesity,nervous and emotional ups and downs, this hollow inner emptiness demands
attention,we feel fragmented because we are not aware of our wholeness, we are ignorant of
our true identity, and therefore our unconscious searching leads us down an endless amounts
of dead end cul de sacs.If we are fortunate enough to reach a major crises point in our lives
then we may become open to the idea of reevaluating our life's and perhaps being able to share
our despair with some listening soul, who may relate back to you,that they too were in your
position, and this is what they did about it.Every human being on this planet without exception
has one primary instinctive longing, and that longing is to FEEL COMPLETELY WHOLE
To feel whole and completely at ONE within YOUR-SELF. The truth is often stranger than
fiction some say, but the FACT IS, that we have ALWAYS been WHOLE, BUT we know it
NOT! And it is only by endlessly searching and suffering along the way, life after life, that one
fine day,we finally put two and two together, and therefore see this truth,
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Your Awakening Releases Darkness Sequentially. Y A R D S Part Two,

Metaphorically by clearing our our own 'yards'we are in fact reducing our levels of ignorance,
and acquiring a slight momentum towards our awakening experience.This then reduces the
darkness (ignorance) and brings in the light,meaning  wisdom and knowledge.
If we all did but know exactly what lies within us all,if we could just ingest a modicum of
the power and energy that reverberates through our entire energy matrix, we would literally
fall to our knee's in wonder and amazement. We all have access to ALL Knowledge, ALL
Wisdom, All Power, everything possible to need,to know, to gain, is locked and vouchsafed
within every human being on this planet, all you need to do is to look within yourself, make
a regular practice of searching within your inner self, practice meditation or yoga, seek out
the inner GURU that resides within your heart and soul. Light that VITAL SPARK which
is the DIVINE HOLY FLAME that burns within your heart chakra, this vital flame that lies
within all seven point seven billion souls  residing upon this planet today. This divine flame
has ZERO CONNECTION with any religion upon this planet, this divine flame warmed
hearts of old,long before this planet was made manifest, all atheists and non believers alike
all have this divine flame within them, It is part of universal design and intention, what we
think or not think, accept or reject is totally irrelevant to what actually is.We can say we reject
life, will it then disappear?
The flame that we can ignite is the cold flame of the spirit, and this informs itself into our
consciousness levels of perceptive awareness as in the disguise of INTUITION, intuition
means literally 'to be taught from within' intuition is also fully and totally connected to the
experience many of us encounter in times of trial and crisis, where when our backs are up
against the wall, and we have nowhere else to turn, SUDDENLY out of the BLUE, we hear
this still small voice within us, which whispers comforting words of reassurance to us, this
inner voice, is the same voice that inspires us with intuitive insights and flashes of ideas and
concepts that suddenly appear in our consciousness out of nowhere.This inner voice is none
other than that of your higher self, which is that of your immortal divine soul, who is the real
YOU, that resides within you behind the facade of form,which so many of us falsely identify
as being who we really are, you are NOT the physical body(vehicle) you WE are all the immortal
SOUL. When your YARD is swept clean, the Soul will gleam at you like an exquisite JEWEL.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed,facebook Soul Realization
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
Bless all my new readers in Cambodia.

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Your Awakening Releases Darkness Sequentially. Y A R D S .

'We' are all self processors of ourselves by way of gathering experiences. Each experience
clears away a minuscule amount of inner darkness,which equates directly with that of our
own levels of ignorance.
way back in 1975 not long after I had started meditation I had a profound experience one
evening while sitting quietly in my flat in the hostel I was working in for recovering
alcoholics,who had come from prison to stay at the hostel I worked in as deputy manager.
I experienced while sat there,that of leaving my body and accelerating at a rate of instantaneous
transport to the region of space occupied by the star Alcyone in the sector known as the
Pleiades, also known as The Seven Sisters, Instantly i was there sat cross legged in the vacuum
of space in my astral body, Then a huge blue cup appeared which was then tilted over as
though about to spill out its contents,this registered into my consciousness as that of the sign
of Aquarius,or rather the age of Aquarius,what was about to spill out was the wisdom of the
ages, and that this would pour gradually into the slow awakening of mankind upon this planet
and as this wisdom poured out,the space left behind which was darkness, represented the
emptying out of our own darkness which equates with ignorance, and being replaced by the
wisdom of the ages, that is slowly filtering down from the Pleiades and Alcyone into our
human consciousness today.It is only just recently that i have fully understood the whole
significance of that experience that happened to me over forty five years ago,I was
immediately transported beck to Earth and into my physical body within a microsecond
of zero elapsed time, It was one experience that is etched deeply into my psyche.
Mankind has sometimes been equated with the 'legion of the lost' what has been lost by
countless millions of us,is that of our true and everlasting immortal IDENTITY!  We can
wander hither and thither looking for something that will give our life some meaning,we
endlessly search life after life for the answer,that will repair the emptiness that hollow
feeling inside millions of us today.We fail to recognise that we will NEVER find the ANSWER
to our LIFE  by looking OUT THERE! Nothing exists OUT THERE except illusion and
fantasy, it is only by going within yourself,that the pain that arises within your heart and soul  will
melt away as you begin your journey inward,away from the darkness of ignorance and despair
and into the light of the self awakening.
In part two will explore this further.          Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonated within you please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.
A big warm welcome to all my brothers and sisters in Cambodia,thank you for reading my blogs.

Monday 3 August 2020

So Our Life Appears Relative-Who Are You ? S O L A R -W A Y . Part Two,

The Solar Way, is the High way we all tread as that  of the collective life forms we commonly
call Humanity.We have all arrived here tens of thousands of years ago, as relative time is measured
in reality time has NEVER EXISTED, but we all seem to need this crutch called time, as it
seems to make sense of extended periods of experiences.We as human beings are all collectively
contained within this solar system,and spend our visitations here flowing downwards (lower
vibrations) from the astral realm,where we rest up and tack stock of our last visitation upon
the school room planet earth, here we evaluate our experiences here, and then await our next
incarnation back here. The astral realm has a slight dimensional variation to that of this dense
physical realm,although it also interpenetrates this dimension as well in certain conditions
such as the time of death,and also in certain times of deep meditation, or if an individual is
particularly sensitive to this dimension, it can some times be seen as a blue swirling mist
or vapour. One common factor arises within every human being on this planet, and that one
factor is our I AM self aware consciousness, we are all aware of our "I" FACTOR  now
the question arises of what actually does this "I" FACTOR  consist OF? Who and WHAT is
this FACTOR who calls ITSELF "I"??? Well the answer to that question is being played
out  within each of our lives,life time after life time,incarnation after incarnation,because we
will all keep coming back here, until we all fully realise our divine immortal GOD-LIKE
spiritual reality. And remember please that we cannot ever leave this vale of tears until we all
fully wake up and smell the proverbial ROSES! If that takes an eternity,then so be it,if you
are happy about continuing shuttling up into the astral realm, then back again here for countless
centuries to come, then enjoy your ups and downs experiences.However if you want to get of
this solar system wheel of Karma and endless repetition, the choice is SOLELY YOURS dear
reader, make the choice to find and recognise your own immortal divine soul, realise exactly
who and what you eternally ARE, then when you fully understand and accept this at depth
within your innermost being,where your perception and self aware consciousness knows that
it knows, and expands your inner awareness, a higher tone of perceptional awareness will ring
in your ears.Then when that glorious day arrives dear reader of this blog,you can say at long
last,goodbye to this solar system,I have enjoyed my stay, it is now time to move onto new
pastures green.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,
Thanks and bless you all my new readers in Cambodia,hope you all enjoy my blogs.

Sunday 2 August 2020

So Our Life Appears Relative-Who Are You ? S O L A R -W A Y .

We are all universal beings, life which is the only reality that exists within the universe,
yet as being that of universal beings,why then are we all located within this particular solar
system and all being resident upon an insignificant atom sized planet in some remote parsec
of this galaxy?
That is a very interesting question indeed,the answer is basically very simple, the reason why
we are all here,in this remote part of infinite space, is because the vast majority of the human
race,has not got the remotest idea of exactly who they really are, and that is the SOLE reason
we are all here upon this planet called Gaia, which is an intelligent sphere that provides a back
drop,provides a SERVICE to us ALL as posing as a university come school room planet, that
was placed here by infinite intelligence so that we could all engage in relative duality based
experiences, that would ultimately lead us into the expanded consciousness state of full and
complete SELF KNOWING, when that expanded awareness and consciousness state was
fully REALISED within us, we then could move out of this limited solar-system, and venture
way beyond its limited confines, unless of course we chose to remain here and aid our extended
family with a road map that would also guide them home,to full self realisation, the choice will
be yours when you understand its meaning.
The most fundamental and most profound question we will ever ask ourselves,in this life or
any other is this, Who are you? Yes you reading this now dear reader of this blog, Who are YOU
really? Do you actually KNOW? It may seem an easy question to answer,you could say well I
am ME! And therefore I know who I am! Yes we could all say I am Bob the builder,or Jane the
clothes model.but this only explains what you DO,it says ZERO about who and what you actually
are behind that FACADE of FORM that you present visibly to all onlookers, what lies beneath
your presented form dear reader, this is the question that haunts many souls,over many incarnations
and that is why we are all here,to fully establish our true and everlasting immortal divine Identity.
We become so attached to our physical vehicle bodies,that we fall into this fallacious belief that
this is all we actually are,this is a downright LIE,and this delusion has to be smashed, so we all
undergo very many incarnations here in 'this vale of tears' in order to wake up and see the truth
within us.
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.
Thanks to all my new readers in Cambodia, bless you all.

Saturday 1 August 2020

Inceptive Consciousness Has Risen In Sequenced Transmutation. 'I' C H R I S T , Part Two,

'We' all are what could be described as sons and daughters of density, rather than that of
destiny, which relates to our dense physical body,dense and lighted by our physical sun,
however,when we go within ourselves and take up the practice of meditation or yoga, we
begin a process which leads to the gradual raising up of our atomic physical nature,this
raising up process is called that of transmutation, where we gradually loose our dense
physical atoms,and therefore begin acquiring much less denser ethereal atoms which then
makes us into 'SUNS' and daughters of an inner-luminosity, in other words we become
enlightened, which literally means   to become Illumined by the spiritual SUN light that
rises up from within your inner matrix of being.
There are over seven billion 'I's on this planet, every human being is centred within a vortex
that holds the enfolded consciousness around a central point of reference which is basically
a singularity dot of physical expression. These dots (you and me) are all here for one reason
only. and that one reason is that of finding and revealing your absolute infinite true divine
inner nature,and this is obtained by undergoing vast amounts of experiences over very many
incarnations upon this school room planet.
We are all lighted beings at our central core, we are all parts of the ONE CENTRAL SUN 
there is a burning fire within us all, this central spiritual SUN would make our physical
sun,that promotes growth and gives us warmth,seem like a rather large roman candle by
comparison, The energy that pulsates this universe is a principal of infinite POWER this
principle is sometimes called the Christ principle, which is not related to any religion 
or doctrine, rather it is a universal energy SOURCE which emanates from the SOURCE.
What we choose to call this infinite intelligent Energy is totally irrelevant,we cam call in
cosmic consciousness, Christ consciousness, universal consciousness, enlightenment, the
fact is that there is an Absolute Infinite Energy Source that LIES EMBEDDED within
every human being upon this planet, all you have to do dear readers of this blog, is to
refocus YOUR GAZE from forever looking outward, to that of looking INWARD. If you
do that then you will eventually be born again into the inner LIGHT of the SUN that dwells
within the hearts of HUMANITY.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If This blog Resonates with you,please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.
I would like to say welcome and thank all those new readers of my blog in CAMBODIA
bless you all there,