Wednesday 5 August 2020

Your Awakening Releases Darkness Sequentially. Y A R D S Part Two,

Metaphorically by clearing our our own 'yards'we are in fact reducing our levels of ignorance,
and acquiring a slight momentum towards our awakening experience.This then reduces the
darkness (ignorance) and brings in the light,meaning  wisdom and knowledge.
If we all did but know exactly what lies within us all,if we could just ingest a modicum of
the power and energy that reverberates through our entire energy matrix, we would literally
fall to our knee's in wonder and amazement. We all have access to ALL Knowledge, ALL
Wisdom, All Power, everything possible to need,to know, to gain, is locked and vouchsafed
within every human being on this planet, all you need to do is to look within yourself, make
a regular practice of searching within your inner self, practice meditation or yoga, seek out
the inner GURU that resides within your heart and soul. Light that VITAL SPARK which
is the DIVINE HOLY FLAME that burns within your heart chakra, this vital flame that lies
within all seven point seven billion souls  residing upon this planet today. This divine flame
has ZERO CONNECTION with any religion upon this planet, this divine flame warmed
hearts of old,long before this planet was made manifest, all atheists and non believers alike
all have this divine flame within them, It is part of universal design and intention, what we
think or not think, accept or reject is totally irrelevant to what actually is.We can say we reject
life, will it then disappear?
The flame that we can ignite is the cold flame of the spirit, and this informs itself into our
consciousness levels of perceptive awareness as in the disguise of INTUITION, intuition
means literally 'to be taught from within' intuition is also fully and totally connected to the
experience many of us encounter in times of trial and crisis, where when our backs are up
against the wall, and we have nowhere else to turn, SUDDENLY out of the BLUE, we hear
this still small voice within us, which whispers comforting words of reassurance to us, this
inner voice, is the same voice that inspires us with intuitive insights and flashes of ideas and
concepts that suddenly appear in our consciousness out of nowhere.This inner voice is none
other than that of your higher self, which is that of your immortal divine soul, who is the real
YOU, that resides within you behind the facade of form,which so many of us falsely identify
as being who we really are, you are NOT the physical body(vehicle) you WE are all the immortal
SOUL. When your YARD is swept clean, the Soul will gleam at you like an exquisite JEWEL.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed,facebook Soul Realization
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
Bless all my new readers in Cambodia.

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