Saturday 30 April 2022


 This blog today entitled ASKED is about the DIVERGENCY of life as it is being expressed

universally. Behind every soul lies Divine Immortal Eternal SPIRIT clothed within five

koshas of expressed energy coverings. We each have a fresh body vehicle on incarnation

this body vehicle then takes on the personality of the ego that awakens within it. While 

in the astral realm the soul sees itself as the last personality incarnation, until it is time

for it in incarnate, then it looses consciousness and falls into a deep unconscious sleep,

then it is carried back to Earth  to be reborn as a differing divergent entity personality.

Whether we have a choice on when we return to incarnate depends upon the state of our

evolution development, up to a certain level incarnation is automatic and you have zero

choice. Then when we have moved into deeper understanding , we can then chose when

we incarnate and even chose our parents to be. 

The soul is a vehicle for the ONE Divine SPIRIT, Spirit is always the SINGULAR 

reality, there is but ONE SPIRIT and countless billions of souls.

The expression sequence is that SPIRIT  clothes itself in five layers of matter energy,

this five layers then become the SOUL . The soul then becomes the physical body which

is a vehicle for it to use, in order to gain experience of tangibility. 

Each incarnation is about gathering more experiences and putting all the pieces together

finally revealing that you are a divine immortal soul, and by going deeper into the soul 

matrix you eventually find the PRESENCE of Eternal Spirit. Divergent living is about

SPIRIT gaining understanding of physical tangible life. When that SOUL fully awakens 

into this most profound awakening process, it then REALIZES ITS TRUE INNER 

NATURE, when this occurs to the awoken spirit/soul  it then has a choice, it can 

ascend into pure consciousness living, having then transcended the astral realms forever

or it can CHOOSE to remain within the ASTRAL CYCLE and become a guide and 

helper to those souls who are still asleep and trapped within the personality syndrome.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 29 April 2022


 This blog today entitled SUBWAY is about examining just what is a human being ? We 

call ourselves that of humanity , a collection of human beings. but what exactly is a 

human being? What we are is a biological machine with a biological computer which

is called the brain, that is what a human being really is just a biological machine a 

vehicle that an intangible life force which is the soul /spirit  uses in order to seek out

tangible experiences here on Earth. In absolute truth there is no such a thing as a 

human being, only biological machines that we through ignorance of out true state 

of being, PERSONALISE this MACHINE  and give it a name and therefore behave

that this machine vehicle is really who you are. Completely missing the point that the

real YOU is an INTANGIBLE SPIRIT using  this physical machine vehicle to express

itself  here on earth. 

Because of our compound protracted ignorance of who we really are, we thereby falsely

identify with  a biological machine as who we really are, Imagine what would happen

to you if you said the car you drive to work in  really is YOU? That  you identified with

your vehicle car  as being who you really are. If you did that you would be seen as not 

being in a sane state of mind, and that perhaps a visit to a mental hospital for treatment

for your delusion of identifying with you car would be in order.

Well then are we not all deluded into thinking that our physical biological vehicles are 

who we really our, we each give this machine a name and status, and with the birth of 

the ego adopt a personality to go along with this delusion and then go onto thinking

that we actually have or rather posses a thing called individuality, which is just another

delusion making this whole soul presentation of a life form here on Earth somewhat


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks,

Thursday 28 April 2022


This blog today entitled LOVE is about understanding just what love actually is. What

is love?  Well it is ALIVE, it is OMNIPRESENT, it VIBRATES  and is EXPRESSED

UNIVERSALLY, in a ubiquitous manner. There is not one point in this universe where love

is not present. Firstwe need to understand that love is a form of ENERGY and all energy is

omnipresent. Unconditional love can be seen as a universal GRAVITY WELL that holds all

the contents of this relative universe within its perspective place. Love is a unifying frequency

that holds together expressed life universally, love can be likened to the throb of the universal

OM frequency which pulsates 1044 times per second. Love holds all its charges in stasis 

without the love frequency there would be zero coherence within this universe. Love 

COHERES all life within its infinite embrace.

Emotions are when love becomes entangled within a self aware consciousness, this then

displays as emotions and affections, plus all the other emotions such as fear and hatred these

are love energy that has moved into the negative end of the love spectrum.

Pure love is free of any emotion, it is pure energy that issues out of the will of the Absolute

Source , which is unconditional love. We with self consciousness  put conditions on our 

love and have failed to learn how to love unconditionally, with the exception of a mother 

caring for her baby child.

Love is a universal constant, it is a infinite ocean of pure energy that we all move through

as we journey along the highway we call evolution or ascension, love itself never MOVES

it has zero need of movement or motion as it is omnipresent it is everywhere universally

simultaneously present. 

Expressed life which is what we all our moves through the infinite ocean of love and 

hopefully learns something along the way.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Wednesday 27 April 2022


 This blog today entitled VISTA is about bringing  into focus the sequence of events that

are portrayed in order for a PURE SPIRIT which is ubiquitous and omnipresent  and 

intangible, to finally become a tangible vehicle able to interact within a relative framework

of reference upon this planet Earth. SPIRIT cannot interact or directly connect with matter,

purity and grossness cannot exist together dimensionally, so in order for spirit to be able 

to become tangible and gross, it has to become clothed within five koshas or sheaths  to 

allow its entry into this dense area of expression. The spirit "becomes" the soul which is 

Spirit "cloaked down" in density by layers of infolding energy skins/koshas. 

The sequence of this blog VISTA is that the primary reality is the SPIRIT (GOD/SOURCE)

This primary reality wants to experience TANGIBILITY, so in order to do that it covers itself

(LOCALIZES ITSELF) in five layers koshas and exits the ABSOLUTE VOID into tangible

relativity which is this relative universe. 

The soul then needs a vehicle to become fully dense and tangible on Earth, so the soul 

summons the vital ingredients for its vehicle from the four ELEMENTS which are Earth

Air Fire and water which then cooperate with the incoming soul to provide the physical

vehicle for the soul to become born within and thereby exit the womb into and as a 

human being vehicle of the soul.

We all our a divine trinity being expressed here on this planet Earth, the divine sequence

is that the PRIMAL REALITY is SPIRIT which equates DIRECTLY to GOD/SOURCE

the secondary expression is the divine immortal soul, which in truth is spirit "cloaked 

down" and the third part of this holy trinity is the physical body vehicle which is not a 

principle, and thereby rots and decays, when the souls departs back into the astral realm.

The elements that made up the physical vehicle are thereby returned to the place from 

whence they arose from within the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,

Warmest regards michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

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Tuesday 26 April 2022


 This blog today entitled MASS is about something that present day science say is impossible

and that is a SOLID SHADOW! But this blog will explain that Humanity is in fact a collection

of 7.7 billion solid shadows, who are in truth shadow walkers of the inner light of spirit.

Spirit energy  which is that of liquid light has become super compressed and has congealed 

this living light into a physical shadow of its real essence. We are all LIVING LIGHT  SPIRIT

ENERGY that has been condensed down into that of physical matter . We are that matter and

our all reflected shadows of that inner spiritual light. This living liquid inner light dwells within

every human being, this inner essence is that of the Divine  Immortal Soul. The soul is the 

living light and invisible to the mortal eye. We are all on the extreme end of a Spiritual BEAM

of light, that at the source level is liquid light. then it gradually condenses down as it nears the

belt of matter. We are all expressed within five koshas or sheaths, beginning as a semi fluid 

then further condensing as it nears and approaches the dense physical realm of the human body.

This blog called MASS is about understanding that at our outer extremity we are a solid 

mass of congealed light, in other words we are a solid shadow which science thinks is 

impossible, but we all PROVE this POINT by our PRESENCE here on EARTH.

The solid shadows are just physical  vehicles that are loaned to the Divine Immortal Soul

by the four elements of Earth Air Fire And water  so that the living light essence of the soul

could become clothed in solid light mass, so that it could experience tangible existence upon

this planet earth.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Monday 25 April 2022


There is ONE unified force in this universe and that is ENERGY, energy unifies this entire

universe within its omnipotent embrace.

What is ENERGY? That is a good question, and one that will be answered within this blog

today. To fully answer the question what is energy, we have to return to the beginning of

this universe. Before this universe was born aloft by that INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE

of the Absolute SOURCE, all that was in PRESENCE was SPIRIT, in a motionlessness

stateless state, When the SOURCE manifested a thought intention wave  MOTION was BORN

aloft that thought wave and MOTION is what ENERGY ACTUALLY IS. Energy is SPIRIT

that has been moved by an intention thought wave. Perpetual Motion is Spirit  being moved 

and this motion is called by us as that of being ENERGY.

All expressed life is Spirit in motion which equals directly with energy. Humanity all 7.7

billion of us are all points of condensed energy manifesting within a physical vehicle . We

are perpetual motion energy expressing a hidden divine immortal soul and our expression 

is in five densities or layers of energy, the most dense being the physical body.

At our core of being we are PURE SPIRIT where energy has ceased to move and we are 

that SPIRIT in essence. It is only our five koshas bodies that are engaged in the motion 

of physical energy.

UNITY which is what YOGA means  is found within us when we look within  ourselves

and find that stillness within, stillness EQUATES directly  with SPIRIT, and spirit is

what we all actually are.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Sunday 24 April 2022


 In the beginning was the WORD, and that word was within the SOURCE, and the word

was the Primordial Intention Thought Wave  of the Absolute Source. The WORD was 

MOTION, motion  was born aloft within that Primordial Thought Wave Intention of the

Absolute Source of all there is and ever will be.

This blog entitled WISE is about how this DIVINE WORD which was the primordial cause

less cause of all motion universally came to become established and go onto become this of

evolution. Evolution in its raw essence is about how the SOURCE became involved within

motion,(here we need to understand that prior to this primordial thought intention wave, there

was NO UNIVERSE, and ZERO MOTION, all there was was absolute motionlessness)

It WOVE itself within the fabric of energy and thereby went UNCONSCIOUS for AEONS

in the expressive mode of being.

Until we arrive of what we call Humanity. Humanity has that Divine Ingredient which is SELF

AWARENESS "I"AM self aware consciousness. Being self aware is the beginning of the

SOURCE remembering what it is and where it came from. When we say "I AM"  we are 

uttering the words of DIVINITY ITSELF (and we know it not!)

When we begin to awaken and tune into the inner wisdom we begin to feel that there is a 

PRESENCE within us. This presence is the presence of Divinity we call the immortal 

Divine Soul, which is really just a much FINER EXPRESSION of PURE SPIRIT which


Within humanity the SOURCE AWAKENS and recognises its WHOLE COMPLETE inner

NATURE, often this occurs gradually over several incarnations or sometimes it can happen

when the soul has a spontaneous super conscious awakening and thereby instinctively 

knows its true divine inner nature.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 23 April 2022


 This blog today entitled SIFT is about how we can find the answer to all questions we 

really need to know, by going inward into ourselves and looking within our inner being.

Unbeknownst to most of us is that within us all is vouchsafed the answer to all questions

and the core of all universal wisdom lies within us.

All we need to do to venture within us via either meditation  or yoga and seek out what 

lies within us. The first thing to realise and understand is that within each one of us lies

the faculty of INTUITION, this intuition when accessed can reveal to you all the answers

you could ever ask.

The most important question of who am "I" REALLY?  Will be answered by your intuition

once you have learned to access it. The best way to access your intuition is by going within

and meditating, slowing down all your thoughts  until they eventually cease to arise, when

this occurs real meditation begins, and when this occurs your intuition will fire up and begin

to give you insightful messages about yourself.

Contacting your inner intuition is only the beginning of a new voyage of discovery that will

eventually bring you to the point of full self knowing which will result in your full awakening

into cosmic consciousness.

Once you have established regular contact with your intuition, it will begin to dawn on you

that who is this inner small voice that is teaching me so very much? This will lead you into

asking your intuition just who are you? Is it me that is talking back to me, or is there a 

hidden presence within me that i am currently unaware of?

Your intuition will say that it is really your higher self that is speaking to you, which will 

then eventually lead into that question of all questions, which is then who is really my 

higher self then? When you arrive at this point dear reader, and make no mistake you will

arrive at this momentous point sooner or later, the answer will come back as that "I" AM

your Immortal Divine Soul, pleased to make your acquaintance !!!!!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 22 April 2022


 We are all being expressed as temporal vehicles in order for the real occupier who

is an eternal principle that is the immortal Divine Soul, so that this divine principle

can have the experiences of what tangible duality based life is really like.

When we can fully know ourselves and see the wood through the trees, we will

all then realise just what humanity really is, which is basically a collection of 

7.7 billion vehicles, who mostly all think that their physical vehicles is really 

who they actually are. When we finally all wake up, we will then see the real picture

and then recognise the real occupier of your vehicle and be blessed with this most noble

of realizations. "WE" have all been brought up with the basic notion that God or the SOURCE

was absolute  and perfect  and was all knowledge and wisdom. But this assumption is 

incorrect. Because the SOURCE  of all life GOD does not know what tangible life really is

because the Source in its essence is completely INTANGIBLE and MOTIONLESS, the 

ESSENCE  of the Source never moves, or does anything whatsoever. It knows nothing

about duality  and tangible living.  That is why YOU ARE HERE!! DEAR reader of

this blog today. "WE" humanity are all vehicles for the soul ,which is SPIRIT to be able

to engage in tangible living and experience tangible life.

When you remove the outer covering from the human being you will find that beneath the

FACADE of form  of the physical body, lies that of INTANGIBLE SPIRIT.

"WE" all VOTED  to come here and to experience the experiences of physical tangibility

none of us are here by accident or mistake, we are all here because we chose to be here

long ago when the universe was still in its early primal state, now thousands of us are all

waking up and realising this basic fact, our actual ascension cycles have actually speeded

up since we entered the digital age and the birth of the internet and mass global 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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Thursday 21 April 2022


 This blog entitled DENSITY  is about how we are presented upon this planet Earth today

as human beings, who are in fact vehicles that the Divine soul uses as a means to gain purchase

upon this dense physical dimension.

DENSITY is the one thing that the soul needs in order to experience tangible existence  here

on Earth, and the way the soul engages into tangibility is by enclosing itself within a physical

body vehicle, which is provided to the soul by the four elements  of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

these four elements cooperate with the soul in order to enable it to have an expression upon this

planet Earth.

Density is a vital ingredient that our bodies provide for the soul to use in incarnation.

The soul is neutral within its own integrity but does choose what sex it will incarnate in as 

whether male of female . We each have experience of being both male and female, the soul

wants to gain a full perspective of dual sex incarnations, and also to experience being a parent

and also to experience actual giving birth to a baby.

All these experiences make up the full understanding of what physical tangible life really 

entails and to be able express and remember what these experiences taught us.

When we have experienced all these things, and have learned there lessons therein, we have

then the real need to fully wake up to the reality of who we really are, and t be able to enter

within ourselves meditate upon our knowing's of who we think we are, and then begin the 

process of full self knowing, and waking up into the conscious awareness that there is a 

PRESENCE within us that is not HUMAN, and this presence we then learn through insight

and intuitive flashes of insight is none other than your immortal soul.

When this wondrous day dawns upon your consciousness you will have thereby realised 

your own immortal soul as to be TRULY YOU!!!!!!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization'

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 20 April 2022


 Who are we really? Do you know dear reader of this blog? We call ourselves that of 

humanity, but what does that actually mean? A collection of human beings!  What lies

beneath that FACADE of form we call a person? Where have we come from? Why are

we here? All these questions need answering, are we bothered enough to seek the answer?

We are all reality enfolded within a biological physical machine, beneath the machine lies

the invisible intangible soul that is a principle of immortal being-ness. This is who we all 

our beneath our outer covering  of flesh and bone, we are SPIRIT//SOUL first covered over

by a physical body .

The reason we are all here is to experience tangible life and feel what expressed  life actually

is, that is what humanity collectively is doing at this moment  7.7 billion souls all collecting 

separate experiences and feeling what it is like to FEEL EMOTIONS and to be able to see,

hear, taste, touch, smell, all the things pure spirit cannot do.

Humanity becomes confused because it misidentifies that of being  the vehicle, which is a 

form of madness really imagine if you thought that the FORD car you drive to work in was

really you, if you told anyone you are really a FORD CAR , they would call for a doctor  to

examine  your head! 

Because we through our ignorance fail to know who we really are, we think that we are the

person who looks back at us in the mirror, but  this is only the vehicle looking at a vehicle

the real owner is invisible and hidden from view.

SHARED is about waking up and knowing who you really are and that is not your physical

reflection, RATHER you are an immortal Divine Soul, undergoing a human vehicle 

experience in order to gather valuable experiences of what tangibility living is really like,

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 19 April 2022


 This blog today entitled WISDOM is about the reason why infinite Divine Spirit  or

in other words the SOURCE of all life universally, decides to descend into this gross 

dense physical level, what is the reason for this descent into matter?  What could be the

reason for this? Well this blog today will try and answer this most intriguing question of

why? The answer can be found I think in the fact that spirit universal in its natural stateless

state is completely INTANGIBLE and unable to do any of the things we all take for granted

like, seeing, touching, tasting, feeling, hearing, smelling, all these things we do spirit cannot

do and also  spirit is always motionless and completely still, it never moves  because when you

are ubiquitous there is no need to move you are everywhere simultaneously.

So the reason "WE" are here is to provide vehicles for the spirit to use in order to EXPERIENCE

TANGIBILITY here on earth, and feel EMOTIONS become moved  by and emotional response

of something that is said or done to us.

Our physical vehicles are what Divine Spirit  use in order to gain experience of TANGIBILITY

and feel  the responses of motioning life, being able to have the illusion of motion and being

able to feel emotion , all this is impossible when you are just being pure SPIRIT.

WISDOM comes from understanding this process and seeing into ourselves how this is 

played out in your every day life. We we fully understand this process, we will then also

fully understand just who and what we really are.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Monday 18 April 2022


 Sharing is caring so they say, this blog today called SHARE is about how we can all look

within ourselves and ask the most vital of all questions, which is who am I  really? We all

need to fully know the answer to this question before we can be really sure of our own true

identity. Within each one of us lies a Divine  Immortal Soul. I know this for a FACT  it is

not an idea of mine, or something I read about, it is a fact because I have personally 

experienced the evidence of my own immortal divine soul  that dwells within me. And 

as this blog is called share I am sharing this fact with all of you who read this blog today.

Sharing is about passing on what  you have personally discovered within yourself, and passing

this onto your family and friends, and in my case readers as well.

If we ask the question within ourselves who am I? The answer will come it always does, I 

know because it came for me back in 1974 when I asked myself that vital question who am I?

The answer was that I was an immortal divine soul . Within us all lies the faculty of 

INTUITION which is that still small inner voice that often speaks to us when we are in a 

crisis, it reassures us that we will be ok, this too will pass. This reassuring inner voice is 

known to us at first as our intuition, then it becomes our higher self. Then finally we realize

that this inner voice is really our immortal divine soul, that has been gently guiding us along

all the time and all our lives.

You too reading this today each of you has this Divine Immortal soul within you, all you need

do is to look within yourself today, an d ask that most vital of all questions that we could ever

ask and that is WHO AM "I"??? If you dear reader ask this question of your inner self, then

rest assured that the answer will come to you, it did for me back in 1974 and it will for you

in 2022!!!! TRY IT AND SEE!!!!! What have you got to lose????

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto  your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 17 April 2022


 The destiny of all expressed life universally is to eventually transcend its own existence

and to merge back into the Absolute Source which by its Absolute Infinite Eternal nature

transcends all existence and just "IS" In this context  the Source of all life has never

existed, it just "IS" that which is ALL within ALL.

The word EXIST comes from the Latin word EXSISTERE, which means to "step forth"

"emerge" "appear" to step froth from a background . Transcendence means in this case

that  you ARE the background, plus everything else as well, you are the background


Within every human being is a matrix  an inner core which is directly connected to the

Absolute source of all that is, At that level "you" DO NOT EXIST rather you just ARE

the whole of all-ness within ONE SINGULARITY.

"WE" humanity and all other expressions of life only "SEEM" to "EXIST"  because 

we have BECOME RELATIVE  our absoluteness has been covered over by five layers

or koshas of varying density energies, we  therefore "STAND OUT"  "STEP FORTH"

"EMERGE" from the background  and "SEEM"  to become a "THING" which stands 

out. This understanding makes clear the IDEA that GOD does not EXIST and never  has

existed, because the SOURCE is ABSOLUTE TRANSCENDENCE was beyond MERE

relative existence.

The SOURCE JUST "IS" Absolute REALITY, which is what "WE" all are when we first 

emerging and stepping forth . When we really know ourselves to be Divine beings we will

then take that giant step from existence and become a non existent Absolute BEING which

just "IS".

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 16 April 2022


 This blog today entitled SELF is about  the understanding of who and what is the real

occupier of the physical vehicle?  The human physical body has but just one purpose 

only  and that is to provide a vehicle for the soul to use here on Earth in order to gain 

experience of being tangible and to be able to feel, touch, taste. smell, see, hear, and all

the feelings that "human beings" have the soul does not have when it is without a physical

body. Being intangible as the soul is without a physical body, it cannot experience what we

all experience everyday. That is why the soul manifests a physical vehicle something that is

tangible so that it can gain purchase here in this dense level of physicality.

Because of our almost zero teaching on who we really are, the vast majority of humanity

have almost zero idea as to whom they really are, tens of millions of us falsely misidentify

with the physical body as being who you really are! But this is a completely false 

identification of the real being occupying that physical body which you wrongly think

is YOU!!!

It is usually only after we have encountered a crisis or too that we may then begin to 

refocus our gaze inward rather than forever outward, and begin looking within ourselves

for the answer to our many questions about life, and the question of who am I really?

Humanity is basically a collection  of 7.7 billion souls who have lost their way through

ignorance and misidentification of the physical vehicle as being the only real being.

In order to find yourself, you need to look within yourself, all  the answers to all your

many questions lie within you, you have only got to venture inwards and ask the questions

to your divine inner monitor which is you INTUITION,  intuition means to be taught

from within. So if you ask your inner monitor the question of who am I really? If you

are patient and open to change and new ideas the answer will be given to you very clearly

about who you really are, and most assuredly it is not your physical body that is the real


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Friday 15 April 2022


The vision of JACOB'S ladder implies the steps or rungs which we all have to climb

before we fully know  our SELF. Because the SELF is GOD the Great Spirit  Brahman

the Absolute having a relative experience upon this planet earth,

We are all here to gather experience and hopefully learn from these experiences. To 

fully know ourselves involves basically three stages which last over many incarnations

upon this planet earth,. The first stage is about knowing ourselves as physical beings, 

getting to know how we work, explore our feelings, and build relationships with others

Experience  being male, and female, being a parent, and giving birth, this first stage is

the longest and lasts through a great many incarnations . The second stage begins when

we have had some minor and major crisis in our lives, and this causes us to look within

ourselves and see what is there, This is the beginning of our searching for the meaning 

of life and beginning to feel the PRESENCE of an inner intelligence  which we further

discover to be our higher self , which then becomes that of our immortal divine soul.

By the time we have discovered this inner reality we are a fare way up that JACOB'S


The last phase of this journey takes us deeply within ourselves, and we begin to see 

and realize that there is a greater reality than the immortal soul, we instinctively  feel

that we are more than a soul . We then begin to see that we are a vital part of ONE

INFINITE WHOLENESS. That all human souls will eventually dissolve back into

that ABSOLUTE SELF which is the SOURCE of all expressed life Universally.

"WE" ALL OUR the SELF/SOURCE undergoing a relative experience gathering 

exorcise here on Earth, !WE" are ALL ONE imagining that we are MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please  pass it onto your family and friends Thanks. 

Thursday 14 April 2022


 "WE" that of humanity are all ""CAUSED" into presentation upon this planet Earth by

the primordial Intention Thought Wave of the Absolute Source of all there is was and 

will ever be. This primordial intention wave  occurred billions of years ago , and we now 

as this entity called Humanity, which is a collection of 7.7 billion vehicles which have all

culminated over billions of years being evolving into many expressions, into that of an "I"

AM self aware consciousness. Humanity is SELF AWARE, what does this mean? And what

are the implications of this new found awareness of being SELF AWARE being an "I AM"

BEING?  Our whole physical presentation here upon Earth is that of DIVINITY SPIRIT 

being cloaked within five layers or koshas and being expressed in a physical form .

When we can look and venture within ourselves we begin to UNCOVER the REAL NATURE

of our BEING, which is that of an immortal divine soul.

Millions on Earth now are waking up and feeling this inner Divine Presence within themselves.

The Ascension of mankind is now in full swing. We were CAUSED aeons ago and launched

into motion by that Divine Intention Thought wave , now aeons later we are all gradually 

beginning to awaken and realize just who we really are, This blog  CAUSED is about bringing

our attention to this most important fact in our LIVES.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 13 April 2022


What is LIFE? For me it means Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, LIFE is energy  that

is also very Intelligent. Before life what existed? Before this universe  was born what was

there?  The simple answer to that question is SPIRIT, Spirit is an UNBORN eternal reality

we call GOD or SOURCE for short.

So before life was born, it was  PURE SPIRIT motionlessness and unexpressed. LIFE was

born the very moment motion was born which was what the SOURCE manifested  an 

INTENTION  within  its Absolute Mind , this INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE  caused 

motion to be born, and motion equals that of relativity. Duality was non-existent before 

motion was born, Life became life when SPIRIT MOVES. All life is spirit  in motion,

and motion manifests duality. Spirit -SOURCE in its Absolute stateless state can never

experience anything, because in a motionless state no-thing ever occurs, no-thing ever

happens. For spirit -source  to be able to experience anything it has to BECOME

RELATIVE. and take on the clothing of LIFE which means putting on layers of energy

which act as a skin or covering for the spirit.

Then this is called Life and life can and does experience experiences,. We can all do 

something that the  Absolute Source God  cannot DO, and that is FEEL and experience

emotion and feelings like, taste, touch, smell, hear, see, feel pain, feel fear, feel lose,

all the things we take for granted GOD cannot DO in its Absolute stateless state. This is

why the SOURCE manifested a universe so that it could gather experiences.

We human beings are all the SOURCE fragmented into fractal facets of the ONE BEING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Tuesday 12 April 2022


 We are all BESTOWED upon this planet Earth by the BESTOWER who is the Immortal

Divine Soul. The soul needs to experience tangible living in order to fully understand the

full meaning of motional life as it is expressed within a three dimensional Earthbound life

force. We need to fully understand that the word human being really means the we are 

biological machines with a biological computer called the brain which is manifested here

on Earth, so that the soul has sole use of the biological machine. Human beings it truth do

not exist, and never have done, We just confuse a  vehicle machine as being a real soul, when

when in truth it is just a biological machine and nothing more than that.

The immortal  soul uses this machine to gain purchase here on Earth and which doing that

explore through experience what tangible living is really like.

When the vehicle  begins to awaken a bit and begin to suspect an inner presence within

itself, then the integral consciousness becomes opened more expansively which gives the

hum an being access to Divine wisdom. When this occurs and the human being takes up

meditation or yoga , there begins the process of SELF/SOUL KNOWING which will

ultimately result in the vehicle awakening into the realization that they are really a 

Divine Immortal Soul, and then knowing that the physical body is just a vehicle of

expression which is needed for the soul to use. 

We then wake up and know who we really are , which is an Immortal Divine Soul.

We understand the process and see the wisdom of it being  used before our very eyes.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 11 April 2022


 This blog today called MINE is about our understanding of the word ME, which stands

for MANIFESTED-ENERGY.  Who or what is a ME? And further does ME still exist 

when you die (change venues) ?  The usual understanding of the word ME refers to the 

person who uses it and identifies with the physical body as that of being ME, mine, myself,

but does this  ME persist beyond the grave?  Or does it end when you die?  This blog is 

about the word ME and that in reality the usual understanding of the word ME is none

existent within reality, it only "seems" to exist within the enclosed physical form of the

vehicle, apart from the physical entity it does not exist.  Is there a universal Me? That

is inclusive of all?  Well the answer is yes there is, when we understand that ME meaning

MANIFESTED-ENERGY is universal and absolute, it is not located in one sole place but

rather the universal ME is universal and absolute. We fail to comprehend that what we call

humanity is really 7.7 billion vehicles used by ONE SPIRIT LIFE FORCE  manifesting

as billions of souls. There is no such a thing as individuality  or being ONE ME, This does

not exist in reality ,it only "seems" to exist within our limited understanding of what actually

LIFE really  IS. All that exists within this universe is INTELLIGENT ENERGY=ME 

Manifested Energy.  Your physical body is not a ME it is only a vehicle for the divine 

inner soul to use so that it can experience TANGIBILITY.

Humanity is not ME in the personality state which is false, but rather humanity is a 

collective name  for VEHICLES that LIFE uses to gather experience. Your personal 

ME only exists within your head, nowhere else, when you die ME as that vehicle dies,

BUT YOU who are a SOUL continues to live as a living life SOUL  BEING,

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Sunday 10 April 2022


 The dictionary definition of the word RESURRECT  means to "restore vibrancy, 

"to reawaken" this blog today entitled ROD is about how we all can resurrect our

inner destiny and awaken and restore our vibrancy  of our true inner nature which is

that of an immortal divine soul.

The sole reason any of us are here on planet Earth is to find ourselves through engaging

in multiple experiences while being incarnate upon this planet. These experiences will

ultimately culminate in the inner realization of just who we really are. We are all here 

to realize ourselves and claim our divine heritage of being immortal souls. The process

of our awakening into full divine recognition is a long and arduous process which spans

countless incarnations here on Earth. Now days we all have an advantage something 

that our ancestors never had, which is the digital age of mass communication and the internet

which is full of websites churning out information about us being divine immortal beings.

We can all do something that our ancestors could never do, and that is to actually "speed

up" our evolution by learning about our true nature on the internet, and by taking up

meditation, and look within us for that divine being that dwells within all of us.

We can find ourselves by going within ourselves and seek out that inner voice of 

intuition which wll lead us into full knowing of who we really are. We can thereby awaken

into ur rue SELF . We can restore our vibrancy, raise our vibrations and reveal what lies 

beneath our FACADE of FORM . which is our Immortal Divine Soul,

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

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Saturday 9 April 2022


 This blog today called CLIMB is about how mankind has to climb out of the dense

valley of ignorance and awaken to the fact that every human being is in truth a 

Divine Immortal Soul  and that the fact of Soul Realization is written within the

destiny of every human being on this planet today. If we do not realize our soul 

reality today, we will have to incarnate time and time again until we do realize this

inner reality that lies within the vehicles we call humanity.

The destiny of all mankind is written within our D N A coding sequences if we

could read this it would reveal that your bodies are just vehicles for the soul to use

in order to get your attention to look within yourself and find that truth that dwells 

within every human being.

"WE" are all here to realize ourselves as being Immortal Divine Souls and Eternal  

in nature, an unborn reality.

We need to realize that our bodies are just vehicles and nothing more than that.

You dear reader are not the body, you are a immortal divine soul , but we all misidentify

with our physical bodies as being who we really are, but this is entirely a false assumption

born out of our deep compounded ignorance as to our true and lasting divine soul NATURE.

Our physical bodies are made out of condensed light energy condensed and projected into

this physical material dimension by the INTENTION WAVE of the SOUL so that it can

have purchase in this dense dimension within a physical vehicle, in order for it to gain

experience as a tangible being within a physical body..

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 8 April 2022


 The practice of meditation is the key that unlocks the door to our inner Divine faculty

which is that of INTUITION,  what does intuition actually mean? Well the word means

literally to "be taught from within" by going within ourselves  with meditation  we are

then opening up an inner door that leads to our being able to tune into our inner teacher

which is that of intuition. Who is it that is teaching us from within ourselves? What is

the nature of this inner teacher? When we examine these questions within ourselves ,

we begin to see that the still small inner voice that often speaks to us in a crisis situation

is none other than our higher self. So who then is our higher self, what is the nature of 

my higher self ME? Or is it another being altogether?

Well if we meditate on this and maybe share our experience with a friend, we will see

and finally reach the conclusion about who is and what is the nature of this higher self.

I know that when I discovered this inner voice of my intuition I  first thought it was my

higher self, then I thought this through and realized that really my higher self was in fact

that of my Immortal Divine Soul.

This blog entitled MISER is about contacting our inner intuition building up an relationship

with it, and realizing that emerging from this experience we realize that out intuition is

really that of our Immortal Divine Self speaking directly to us within our private inner

spiritual sanctum.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 7 April 2022


 Behind the FACADE of form, behind the Divine Immortal soul  that indwells within

the physical vehicle, there lies the Eternal UNBORN SPIRIT. The essence of all mankind

is a soul occupying the vehicle, and the occupier of the soul is SPIRIT. "WE" are all 

presented upon this planet "wrapped" in five layers or koshas of differing densities each

on its own level or dimension of consciousness, but behind all the FACADE of FORM  lies

the  UNBORN eternal SPIRIT. That is what we all really ARE, when you remove all the 

outer layers. Pure Spirit, pure awareness.

The reason we are here covered in five layers of koshas, is so that SPIRIT  can become 

TANGIBLE and feel the feelings that we all take for granted, like taste, touch, feel, hear,

smell, see, all these things which we do every day , is impossible when you are an intangible

Spirit. This is the sole reason any of us are here. To learn what it feels like to FEEL anything,

our emotions are who we are, our feeling provide depth and meaning to our lives.

Spirit wants to feel this, so we are manifested in order to do that very thing.

In truth humanity and human beings are just vehicles for Spirit to use, the trouble is

that we think we are really human beings , That our FACADE bodies are really who we are

This is not true in absolute truth humanity does not exist, The only thing that actually does

exist is SPIRIT or the Absolute SOURCE of all LIFE universal.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 6 April 2022


 There are 7.7 billion human beings upon this planet earth, but there is only ONE LIFE

PRINCIPLE here in residence upon this planet, what then are the implications of this

indisputable fact? We are all LIFE and there is 7.7 billion of us, but all the 7.7 billion

seems  to arise out of ONE PRINCIPLE!  What then is LIFE?  And it seems to be a  

SINGULAR REALITY. LIFE to me stands  for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy,

so life is LIVING ENERGY and it seems that we FOCUS this energy within our 

physical bodies.  ONE LIFE  yet it has billions of expressions  of the ONE PRINCIPLE.

We see the AMAZON rain forest which has billions of trees yet the whole forest which

is filled with billions of trees and creatures still amount to ONE LIFE being expressed 

in Brazil. LIFE without form or shape is just PURE INTELLIGENT ENERGY, we 

human beings are shaped into the form that we recognise as being human. Remove 

the form and LIFE REMAINS. Because LIFE is ETERNAL and has never had a 

beginning, LIFE is an UNBORN Absolute Reality. That being so, where then do you

dear reader of this blog  come into the picture?

Behind the name and form of a human being, lies the reality of what that shape and form

actually are which is LIFE.

All LIFE is Eternal which means that you reading this are also ETERNAL BEINGS you

are LIFE and that is FOREVER REAL.!!!!

Warmest  regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 5 April 2022


A short poem to start this blog today.

Mirror image speak to me

tell me of truth and liberty

slay the darkness of my soul

uproot my ignorance and

make me whole.

We all have a mirror image within us all, and often we are unaware of its existence

There is the outer part of you that the world sees , and there is the inner you that only

you feel and see, both are NOT THE SAME! The real you is always that one that is

hidden from view, sometimes we even try and distant ourselves from our inner self

in particular if it suggests something about yourself that you do not like or disagree

with. This blog entitled  MISTY is about looking into that inner mirror and seeing who

and what we really are, when there is no one around us, when we are fully alone, who

are we listening too? Our outer image or our inner image ? We need to understand  that

we tend to wear several masks depending on who we are interacting with, whether it be 

as a parent with its child, the boss at work, your married partner, close friends and family

members, each one of these you have a mask for, which you think is appropriate  for the

one you are with.

So when you are alone is that the real raw presentation of yourself or are you still acting

a role?  Being ourselves at all times is not an easy thing to do, because we have  lerned

to play roles, we are like actors on stage , do I know my lines for this person in front

of me? It is possible to just be yourself with everybody but this takes an effort, because we

are used to playing roles, MISTY is about stop acting roles and rather JUST BE YOURSELF!

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


Monday 4 April 2022


 This blog today is about examining the future destiny of mankind and what lies before us?

How far can we venture into the ultimate of becoming wholly whole and complete.

One thing that has occurred to me during my forty seven years of daily meditations

and seeking deeply into the inner silence that lies within us all, Is there a limit on how

far you can go in meditation? I hear of Yogis who enter into high SAMADHI states 

where they sometimes transfigure into light spiritual energy, Is this the ultimate 

limit of meditation ? Or is there a higher state that can be found? I think that there

is an ultimate state of transfiguration which I call that of TRANSLATION, In this

state the meditator enters into a high state of inner silence and total surrender to the

universe, and holds that state of ONENESS within the ALL , there ensues a 

download of cosmic energy which begins to super excite  the atoms in the body

of the meditator to become less dense and begin to evaporate the physical body

into pure spirit energy the being is then becoming Translated back into pure

energy of spirit which is the core of all our Being.

The flesh and bone of the mediator is being translated  back into that of PURE

ENERGY, and its physical body becomes evaporated out of this dimension 

and also OUT of this relative UNIVERSE and deposited back into SOURCE

within the ABSOLUTE where it left aeons ago. This method of Translation is

a direct pathway from dense physical relative life and back into the SOURCE

by complete evaporation of the physical body and also including the other four

Koshas of expression we all have, Translation totally removes us our of existence

and back into the ETERNAL silence of the absolute.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Sunday 3 April 2022


 What is truth, does anybody know? Well you who are reading this are the literal 

embodiment of TRUTH, and you know it not. If we really knew ourselves then the

truth would become SELF-EVIDENT to you/ You would see, know, feel, and understand

that you were the physical embodiment of an ETERNAL TRUTH. The truth is that all life

is eternal and therefore UNBORN, we have no zero beginning  and therefore will never 

experience any end of life, because all life is eternal.

All we need to do is to TRY and look within ourselves, for within us all lies TRUTH.

WE are all the embodiment of truth on two legs, and we know it not.  When we can know

ourselves we will then realize that you are an eternal immortal soul who has never been born

and will never die, what we call death is in TRUTH just a CHANGE OF VENUES from the 

EARTH PLANE to the ASTRAL PLANE.. we incarnate up and down thousands of times 

we fail to try and realize just who we really are, We are all Divine Eternal Beings having a

RELATIVE EXPERIENCE on this planet Earth.

That is the TRUTH, when you realize this fact you will therefore realize who and what you

really are.

We are all UNBORN REALITY undergoing a relative experience here on earth. The reason

for this is that "WE" wanted to know what TANGIBLE LIFE was like and in order to do

that we had to become TANGIBLE  hence the physical body vehicle.

If we just TRY to look within ourselves then we will succeed in opening up a pathway within

us that will lead you into the direct inner knowing of who and what you really are, then when

you know that, you will become a Realized SOUL.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 2 April 2022


 This blog today entitled AJAR is about the process we all undergo with multiple 

incarnations upon this planet earth over thousands of years. We each incarnate as

both male and female in differing incarnations. We spend almost the same amount 

in the astral realms that we spend here incarnate on Earth, The reason we are all here

is to gain tangible experience of life's diversities and to seek out the meaning of life.

We are all here to find OUR-SELF! This may seem strange to many of you reading

this, as you may well think that you know very well who you are! But do you really

know fully who you are? When we fully know ourselves we can then get of the 

WHEEL OF RETURN. which is incarnations here upon Earth. FULL SELF

knowing means that you have personally experienced the realization that you are

an immortal Divine Soul, and then have also realized that you are the SELF an

immortal eternal SPIRIT, a conscious aware knowing that YOU are ONE within

the ALL, when you know that then VISITS to the astral realms will no longer apply

to you, because you have transcended the need for this by knowing YOUR-SELF.

We all spend thousands of years experiencing experiences of tangible life in

both sexes . The sole reason any of us are here at all is the find  YOUR-SELF,

That is the only reason why we spend thousands of years and multiple incarnations

before we wake up and smell those proverbial ROSES. When we fully know ourselves

we will not need the astral realms any more, because we will then leave this Earth chain

and move onto other more exciting JOURNEYINGS.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 1 April 2022


 What is humanity made of ?What is the nature of its presentation here upon this planet 

Earth? These are very interesting questions  of which I will attempt to answer in this blog

entitled WALL. The main WALL we are up against is that of ignorance. This ignorance 

keeps so many of us in the dark about  what we really are where have we come from? Where

are we going?  And how will I get there? The one thing that exists universally without any 

question is ENERGY, we are all made up of energy and energy is LIGHT that has been 

condensed . Our physical bodies are made up of varying densities of congealed light. The 

equation is that all energy is light, and all light is energy. In truth nothing else exists except

light as energy.

We need to understand  that both LIGHT and ENERGY are INTELLIGENT, consciousness

is also energy that is being reflected by your conscious mind, that thoughts are indeed things!

What you think manifests in this world. Humanity consists of living light UNITS each unit

is called ME of "I" AM, each I AM is a unit of living intelligent light energy.  Energy as with

light can be either a solid, gas, liquid, or plasma,  the expression depends upon its density

and vibratory frequency.

When we go within ourselves in meditation or yoga we are then beginning to tap into that of

spiritual light which is etheric and differs from physical light in its frequency  and  dimensional

level of expression, both are energy but are presented in different dimensions.

To fully know yourself, to be able to realise who and what you truly are, needs you to embrace

that light that you are a conscious UNIT OF, by going within your self, you are then beginning

the journey of SELF KNOWING. So many of us live their entire life from birth to death 

without ever knowing or realising who they really were, this is truly a sad state to be in..

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.