Monday 28 February 2022


 LUCIDITY is about how an intangible life force can become and gain density in order

to become expressed within a three dimensional physical vehicle body, and how the 

Absolute  Principle of Unconditional Love , can take on a cloak of relativity and therefore

able to gain density and become able to be presented upon this Earth plane.

LUCIDITY is about a Divine CLARITY that opens up a direction for life to evolve

into higher complex beings. We that of Humanity have all entered the domain of being

a human vehicle, the kingdom where we all have "I" AM self aware consciousness. 

This GOD like addition to our living expression in third density dimensional expression

is that vital ingredient that can and does enable us to make conscious contact with the 

Divine energy within us all.

Our consciousness is in fact LOVE in MOTION  the motion expresses itself in our 

thoughts and actions. Love unifies consciousness when we are expressed in three 

dimensional density and this inner power is a signal that opens up an awareness within

you, when you ask about who "YOU"  really are.

When you ask that question with insight, you will receive an answer. YOU are 

TRANSFORMED from WITHIN-WITHOUT. When you venture within yourself and

use your consciousness to reveal this inner nature to you, which is that of unconditional

love being portrayed relatively as a thing called consciousness.

Unconditional love is the PRIMAL MATRIX from whence all MOTION arises within

the eternal now sequence, this divine sequence is what is called the DANCE of LIFE we

are all the DANCERS who are all motioning if the direction of full self awareness, some

of us are moving towards the centre stage of this infinite ballroom, other have just 

entered the room, we are all at different stages in the dance of life, but when we gain some

LUCIDITY  and clarity into  dance of life, we can then begin to understand the nature of

the dance, and where it will ultimately lead us?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Sunday 27 February 2022


"WE" are all the NOUMENON  being expressed on Earth as the PHENOMENON which

we all call that of Humanity. Humanity is the physical representation of the invisible and

universal force known as the NOUMENON. To become aware of what we actually are is

the reason we are all here to find out. And the way we find  out is by living daily and while

doing this daily living, gather as much experience as we can. Our destiny lies in gathering

experiences over many incarnations here on earth. The reason for this mammoth gathering

of experiences is that we need to be able to join up all the dots to reveal the big picture.

The BIG-PICTURE is who and what we really are. 

"WE" as the "presented phenomenon"  are visible entities that have substance, but when

we look deeply within ourselves we see that this tangible substance of the physical body

vehicle, is NOT the full picture of who we really are, we SENSE an intangible part of

our real existence.

This Intangible part is that thing known as the NOUMENON is also a part of who we really

are. The SOURCE of all life universally lies within our primal matrix  which exists not 

in this low density physical dimension, but we are all connected to it via a series of 

Electromagnetic force fields of dynamic energy that completely surrounds each human

being within a double toroidal undulating force field.

If we can just become AWARE of our full potentiality we will then realize why we are

here on Earth, and what our destiny really is, and that is very simple to answer as our

destiny is the WAKE UP!!!!! And smell those proverbial roses.

We have all been asleep for aeons long past, it is time now to reveal our true immortal

identity and lay claim to our Divine Heritage.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 26 February 2022


 Consciousness  is a relative ECHO of that of awareness, it is a reflection upon a body

of resistance. which is the human mind  and awareness is reflected by memory and 

observation, and we call this reflection that of consciousness. Without reflection 

consciousness would not exist. Pure awareness stands alone as an Absolute and Singular

eternal infinite  presence. Awareness is alone the only absolute principle  that exists 

universally, and also transcends this relative universe totally. Consciousness cannot 

exist without awareness, but awareness can and does exist without consciousness.

Awareness is PRIMAL and consciousness is SECONDARY.

This blog entitled CRAVED is about understanding the difference between these

'two' appearances. The main difference is that pure awareness is Absolute and consciousness

is relative. We that of humanity  are relative that we have consciousness, and Absolute in

our matrix  as we our pure awareness there, when all the relative "clothing" is removed.

This relative "clothing" is layers of condensed energy,  or koshas/sheaths of compressed


We use this reflective principle which is another name for consciousness, to experience 

this relative universe and through experiencing use our minds to "REFLECT"  upon 

what these experiences actually mean to us.

When we begin to know who we are, when we answer the question of who am "I"?

We then are able to home in on awareness and let go of the reflective principle which

is just a bunch of memories nothing more than that,. And tune into the silent eternal NOW

which is the doorway that leads to that of PURE AWARENESS.

What is CRAVED by us all is to BE-WHOLE  and COMPLETE within the SELF.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Friday 25 February 2022


 All expressed life universally is focused through a dimensional prism of condensing 

energies. Humanity is no exception to this rule. All of humanity is condensed through 

a prism of refracted light energy and contracted down into physical matter, in our case

biological matter. Our physical bodies are just made up from condensed light, compressed

into a tangible substance. We are expressed within 5 koshas or sheaths  of expression, these

expressions are 5 layers or rays of light that each have its own colour, these colours correspond

with the colours seen in the light spectrum we see when white light is passed through a prism.

Each kosha is less dense than the previous one , our physical body is the most dense. 

The Presence is that WHITE LIGHT of PURITY that penetrates through the whole of our

expression, and takes on the colour of that density level  we are conscious upon.

We are all the PRESENCE being presented within a physical body vehicle. The Presence

is the SOURCE which lies within the matrix of all expressed life universally.

With humanity the SOURCE is within us all, and is known as that of the Presence  within

us, that in certain times we can actually FEEL its PRESENCE  within us.

When we go within ourselves and seek out the answer to who we really are, we are then

beginning to contact that inner mirror which will reflect back to us an opening within that

will reveal a "LIGHTER VERSION" of you as you venture deeper within yourself.

Within us lies less density levels and access to lighter shades of prismatic refraction, we can

open up and become closer to contacting this PRESENCE that lies deep within us all.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

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Thursday 24 February 2022


A COHORT can be seen as a "COMPANION",  a  companion who is born in the "cave" of

your heart. Who is this companion that is born in the cave of our hearts? Well there are two

main companions that are born in our hearts. If we live in the West this companion  is often

called the CHRIST, who is born in the cave of our heart when we are able and open to receive

this "download of Divinity". If we live in the East then this 'download of divinity" would be

called "ISHWARA" lord of the universe, master of nothing,. here we need to remember 

that the CHRIST is a universal PRINCIPLE, and has nothing do do with a man called Jesus

only in the fact that he was OVERSHADOWED, or rather had this principle awakened  within

the cave of his heart.  This PRINCIPLE called CHRIST is a UNIVERSAL DIVINE ENERGY

that will download into those who have a receptive heart.

ISHWARA is the same thing that can be born in your heart those in the East experience this as 

ISHWARA, and in the WEST as CHRIST.

If  we meditate and go deep within ourselves we will if we persist in that inner silence make

contact we our consciousness awaking the heart centre, or heart chakra, when this occurs and

we stop focussing from our heads, and drop into heart centred  awareness, then we become

open to accept this Divine Principle into our conscious awareness.

And this Principle will become born within us, and grow within us as we venture more 

deeply within ourselves.

This is also about the realization of our immortal divine soul which also lies within us.

Our divine immortal COHORT who is born within the cave of our hearts, is our divine

COMPANION, who waits patiently while we slumber in a material miasma of this and that

until through many experiences our hearts are touched by love, and this is the beginning

of the CHRIST or ISHWARA becoming born within us.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 23 February 2022


 This blog entitled WATCHES is about how "WE" that of humanity are expressed in such

a way that we are all SELF-AWARE "I" AM consciousness. The question that we need to

ask is what exactly "IS" being expressed here?  Quantum science is beginning to come round

to the idea that this universe is "SELF-AWARE". So what are the implications of this finding?

Well it means that at our deepest level of expression "we" are all SELF AWARE expressions

of this universe, miniaturised  into a holographic image which we call a human body vehicle

and further presented within a singularity point of reference within a three dimensional 

expression, and held in stasis  and cohesion  by infinite intelligence.

"WE" then are in truth a physical embodiment projected through a holographic prism and

then presented on Earth as a miniature universe on two legs!!!

The deeper we look into ourselves the deeper we penetrate into the inner void, which is 


We are in effect and in fact penetrating into our SELF which is this universe, by going within

ourselves and meditating deeply we are looking into that which we project outwards into 

three dimensional space, which is the COSMOS in miniature OUTSIDE and infinite on the


By going within ourselves we are turning ourselves inside out  by going within? This is the

Paradox of physical life we are the miniaturization  of this universe, outwardly and inwardly

we are the infinite universe being aware of ITSELF within an INFORMED TANGIBLE


We all our the WATCHERS On WATCH looking for the vital experience that will connect

your outer you to your inner you and within that connection you will eventually know just

who and what you truly are, lets hope dear reader that this WATCH you are presented

within, will be the WATCH that you fully awaken.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Tuesday 22 February 2022


 The point of ascensions arrow is aimed at us arriving at a point where we fully realize

our SELF, which means that we will know that we are in fact the very SOURCE of all

LIFE. manifested within a biological vehicle . We will then know beyond a shadow of

doubt that "WE" are in FACT the universe experiencing ITSELF through your self aware


"WE" as humanity are all in a unique position that we have self awareness and an "I AM"

self aware consciousness ,we can therefore do what no other life form can do, and that is

being aware of what ascension actually is, and for making a decision to move into a 

position that we can actually "SPEED UP" our transition upon the wheel of life. 

We are all ABLE to SPEED UP  our ascension sequence, or to quicken up our 

evolution process. We can do this simply by taking up meditation and looking within

ourselves for the answer to life's many questions, and seek to answer that basic question

of just who am "I"? Meditation can open the door that will answer that very question

for you. WE can all fire that ARROW that will accelerate our ascension  process and

bring us closer to that proverbial arrows target which is in revealing just WHO you really


We each have control of our destiny, whether we know it or not, and what we decide today

will most definitely affect all our tomorrows. We are all here to experience, and those things

we each experience will grow exponentially as we understand life in a deeper more profound

way, gradually the experiences we experience become more profound and more inclusive

the exclusiveness of expressions begin to fall away, we begin to see how all life is connected

and that we are totally connected to everything universally, and our final realization will be

that we will then know that "WE" are the universe experiencing ITSELF""!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization .

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 21 February 2022


 The most powerful force in this universe is an IDEA manifested within the Absolute 

Awareness of Brahman or God. This IDEA intention is Absolute Power, that manifested

this universe and everything that is contained within it. Humanity owes its existence to this

primordial IDEA of the SOURCE of all life universally. An Idea that has a focused 

INTENTION behind it can and has been an unlimited force of manifesting power.

We each of us human beings have the power to manifest IDEAS, but have we the focus

to make them manifest in our everyday lives?  Energy follows thought and the amount 

of energy that follows depends directly upon the focused intention of the thinker. If one

primordial intention IDEA of the SOURCE can manifest a relative universe, what could

we make manifest if we all put our minds to it? Judging by the state of the world today,

we are not making many positive IDEAS to manifest in our lives.

Consciousness is an infinite ocean of space , space is consciousness and consciousness 

can be tapped into by our mindful intentions. We can actually direct consciousness (energy)

wherever we focus out intention upon. We can direct energy which is thought by focusing

an IDEA  upon a subject of your intention, and if we visualise this IDEA as well we then 

make it more powerful and potent.

Thoughts are THINGS! so say an ancient OCCULT MAXIM, thoughts become things 

when we focus intently upon it. If we think negatively then only negative things will appear

in your life, such is the law of IDEATION, as we think so we become! Think positive 

and positive things will appear in your life. We each have unlimited power at our disposal

but lack the full understanding of how to use it. Whatever we focus upon will eventually

materialise in your live, so be very careful what you focus upon, and make sure that your

intentions are about something that will enhance your life and bring you joy and happiness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Sunday 20 February 2022


 Why do we need to know ourselves? That is a good question, maybe if we really knew

who we were, we would then understand life better, and see what the reason is for us all

being here. Are we here just by chance? Or is there a reason for us being here on this planet

Earth?  If you are a least bit curious, then you owe it to yourself to explore this question and

see where that will lead. Meditation is a good way to begin looking into yourself and asking

the most basic question of "WHO AM "I"? Do you know who you really are  dear reader of

this blog? If no, then do not you want to find out just who you really are?

We will discover beyond any reasonable doubt that we are much more than just a physical

body called John or Mary Smith ! If we take the time and make the effort to look within

ourselves .

Meditation acts like a polish that clears away the ignorance that lies within us all. We each 

have what could be called a dark mirror within us, this dark mirror is the collected ignorance

that we have all inherited from our ancestors.

Meditation acts like a polish that removes the grime (ignorance) from our mirror and begins

to reveal more and more about what we really are.

You will begin to discover how you are connected to all expressed by an invisible thread of

pulsating energy. You will see also how you are totally connected and interconnected to the

whole of humanity, that we all are just one composite WHOLENESS of a UNIFIED FIELD

of expressed LIFE, each one of us inextricably  linked into each other, although this fact is

largely unknown to the majority of mankind, who wrongly imagines that we are all separate

individuals. You will also discover if you venture deeper into yourself, that you are indeed

an immortal Divine soul. And when you make that most vital self discovery your life will

then change forever.

Warmest regards  michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 19 February 2022


 Question, why is nothing known?  Does nothing actually exist? If so where can it be

found? A nod and a WINK can make you think!  I think the main reason we know 

nothing about NO-THING  is because we mistake the word for meaning the absence

of something tangible, hence we say, NOTHING is there! Is life made of nothing or

something ? And if so which is it?  If we break down the word nothing into that of 

NO-THING, we begin to get an IDEA of what NO-THING actually is. If no-thing 

exists as something that does not register in our frame of reference as to what things

are, then where can it be found, and can it be real if its not tangible and existing in

our relative frame of existence. All things are relative to each other, all things are 

every thing, so being everything can they then become  NO-THING? The answer

is YES they can, but only when you understand that from NO-THING EVERYTHING

SPRINGS from NO -THING, emerges out of the NOUMENON, it is not relative

but within the Absolute as the SOURCE of ALL LIFE. The SOURCE  Absolute is



This whole universe is a relative reflection of the Absolute  becoming relative in a 

relative framework . If we see this Absolute BEING as that of SPIRIT, then it becomes

clear that NO-THING is SPIRIT and that is all that EXISTS anywhere in this universe.

A "THING" any THING is MADE OUT OF SPIRIT cloaked down by several layers

of relative density energies, You reading this are also fully absorbed spirit wearing a 

physical vehicle biological machine body.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Friday 18 February 2022


 Spirit is NO-THING that connects everything in this relative universe. This blog entitled

SINCE is about us recognising these connections and thereby understanding ourselves and

life in general. There are zero gaps anywhere in this universe, no such a thing as an" EMPTY

SPACE" space is totally FILLED with energy and vibration. No one thing is isolated from 

another, every single star in the universe is connected to the wholeness of stars. NO-THING

connects  ALL and here the word NO-THING means that what connects everything together

universally is the ALL-THING  which is the SOURCE of all life universally. A great master

was asked by a devotee, how should I treat others master? To which the master replied "there

are no OTHERS!".

Humanity consists of 7.7 billion souls and each one of those 7.7 billion souls is connected to

everyone else on this planet. If only we could actually see how we are all electromagnetically

connected to each other, this whole planet is connected to one wholeness of unified energy.

If we could actually all perceive this fact of connectivity, we would then realise our oneness

within the WHOLE, and immediately all wars and hatred would cease, because we would 

then FEEL  the CONNECTION and thereby adjust ourselves to it.

Any hurt we would inflict upon another would also harm us as well, and we would see and 

FEEL this reality. Thereby there would be peace upon the earth and goodwill to all mankind.

The Golden age would thereby be born upon us, and we would prosper.

There is a saying that goes like this" There are none so blind ,as those who cannot see" This

is how humanity behaves today, because we fail to see the connectivity between us all

and therefore make enemies instead of friends.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Thursday 17 February 2022


 We are all souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls, there is a big difference. We are

souls clothed within a physical vehicle ,and the soul is an expression cloaking the spirit,

which is within it .We as humanity are all 7.7 billion souls all at differing levels of ascension,

some have barely started, while others are well on their way. Ascension or its older name of

evolution is an impulse which reverberates within all living expressions, it is the pulsating 

OM that primordial sound  that rings out within this relative universe , calling all its 

expressions home. Evolution or ascension is about our long journey from being "cast out

of EDEN" aeons ago and hurled into the maelstrom  of chaotic space, there to grow and 

unwind into varying states of expression; Then aeons later we arrive at a place of awakening

where you will become Self aware and give birth to your "I AM "self aware consciousness.

This awakening is the point where we begin ascension. When we can begin to realize that

we are indeed souls with bodies , that the principle of the soul is primary, and the physical 

body is secondary, and will fall away at death (change of venues)  but the soul will continue

on into the astral plane.

We are all ascending souls each at our own unique point upon the ascension ladder of full

self knowing. Jacobs Ladder, is another name for ascension it represents the KUNDALINI

energy this rises up from the root chakra and into the crown chakra, this rising up of the 

SACRED energy represents aeons of being expressed throughout this universe being 

within the stars, and wearing a physical body made up from star dust, and then reaching

a WHOLLY PLACE WITHIN YOU, where you at last after countless aeons of wandering


HERITAGE. That is YOUR destiny dear reader, enjoy IT!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Wednesday 16 February 2022


 This blog entitled ROSE is about how for millions of us human beings will experience

the awakening of an inner spiritual force, which will eventually be identified as that of

being our very own immortal soul, There are literally millions of us today that are having

this realization of an inner life force , that is surfacing within our awaking consciousness.

We are beginning to realize that life and our physical embodiment is just a presentation

of an "inner reality"  that is a "sacred principle" this sacred principle is our immortal

Divine Soul.

we begin to realize and understand that this physical body is NOT a PRINCIPLE,  and

thereby rots and decays at death(change of venues from earth to astral plane) but the 

inner Principle which is the soul is ETERNAL and an immortal reality, that is awaking

within your waking consciousness. The amount of humans that are waking up to the 

truth of their true immortal identity is growing in leaps and bounds, soul REALIZATION 

will eventually become like a SPIRITUAL TSUNAMI  that will encircle this planet in

the coming years. More and more of us are awakening, The ASCENSION of mankind 

has gone up a NOTCH in the past forty years. More and more of us are aware that we our

"souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls" there is a big difference.

The act of  EMERGENCE  which means awakening in this context is gathering ;pace.

The internet  is full of websites that teach of soul awakening , mankind is beginning to

awaken from a long slumber and realizing just who  he/she really is under this FACADE

of form we call the human vehicle body.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

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Tuesday 15 February 2022


 This entire universe is self aware consciousness, the whole of infinite SPACE is a 

Fluidic  infinite expansive ocean of ETHEREAL ENERGY,  which is consciousness

of  being universal  and ubiquitous , which acts as a reflection of Pure Absolute Awareness.

For pure fluidic ethereal energy , which is intelligent life being expressed in a fluidic 

ethereal formlessness stateless state. In order for this fluidic awareness which has 

consciousness as a reflective principle within it. For consciousness to become 

infinitely compressed into a singularity point of reference, and thereby be placed

into a super compressed spiralling vortex which in essence is what we call a 

"black hole" consciousness or ethereal energy becomes infinitely super compressed

into a singularity point of reference, which then penetrates downwards(lower vibration

levels)  through all the dimensions and varying levels of consciousness until it reaches

the super dense state of our three dimensional level of existence.

Here within this singularity point of reference lies the POINT  of super compressed 

consciousness, which will become  a human being. This singularity point forms what

could be termed as a "white hole" the exit point of the singularity that "melds" into

and coheres with the cell fusion of the male sperm seed and the female egg.

What is not seen by us is that this entire process is encapsulated within a double 

torus field of electromagnetic energy which holds the little life form within its 

magnetic loving embrace, the inner point of the invisible singularity which is 

pure infinitely compressed Ethereal  life force is fixed within the centre of the body

where the heart chakra is located, and around this centre point is a massive 

electromagnetic force field of undulating pulsating energy.

this blog entitled ICES is about bringing out a hidden process that permits the 

passage of pure awareness which is absolute and eternal, to become reflective a 

dimension issuing out of awareness  and then being able to gain purchase  within a 

very low density field of expression, by becoming super compressed and thereby 

funnelled downwards into a three dimensional existence in order to become relative 

and tangible, to feel the wind upon a solid looking face. And thereby gather tangible

experiences. Is this not a miracle of expression?

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Monday 14 February 2022

Everlasting Truth Expressing Relativity Now As LIFE. E T E R N A L .

 "WE" are all transcendent of the relative concept (idea) of what we call life and death.

This concept (idea) does not apply to us, because we are all eternal BEING, which means

that we have never ever experienced a beginning, nor will we ever experience an ending.

That is what the ETERNAL MEANS, UNBORN REALITY. "WE" are all SPIRIT in

essence and spirit is ETERNAL and ever STILL. There is a big distinction between 

Spirit  and what we call life. Pure spirit which is that of pure awareness is motionless

and forever still  in perfect bliss and atonement, only when a concept (IDEA) enters

into the Absolute Mind that we then get what is called INTENTION=MOTION

=LIFE. When the Absolute Source INTENDS to BE-COME LIFE it causes 

MOTION through the INTENTION process. LIFE is born aloft within that

primordial THOUGHT WAVE. Spirit then is "moved" by the motion of

thought and thereby enters into relativity as that of a motioning LIFE principle.

Humanity has been involved within this life principle for aeons of lapsed relative 

time. Gradually ascending a spiral of expressions into a direction that will ultimately

lead to the birth of our "I AM" self aware consciousness. All of life has never been 

born, because all of life is SPIRIT, becoming expressed by INTENTIONAL motion

this motion will ultimately lead the life expression back to its place of STILLNESS

which is Spirit.

We will see then plainly that the physical body is just a biological vehicle nothing 

more than that, We underneath this vehicle are all LIVING PRINCIPLES which are

ETERNAL and therefore forever UNBORN.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 13 February 2022


 Souls are embodied spirit which have become clothed or covered over by an outer

covering of living energy which completely enfolds the spirit fractal image that enables

it to become expressed, which means to have motion (vibration). At this high end 

expression  it is still pulsating within the membranes embrace, and for it to move 

deeper into relativity it has to begin protruding or penetrating into deeper relative 

dimensions until it reaches the lowest density which is the earth plane. The soul needs

to flow into this planets vibration density level because it needs the experience and to

become further enclosed  within a physical vehicle. The soul needs to feel the illusion

of separateness in order to fully understand the dynamics of expressed life and what it

entails. The soul has to negotiate with the elements  of earth-air-fire-and water in order

for them to supply the vehicle the soul needs to inhabit while here on Earth. The physical

body is just a cooperative conjunction of varying energies supplied in good measure  by 

those four elements. We mistakenly think this vehicle is really who we are. This 

mistaken  identity is the root cause of all earthly wars, and tales of woe and heartache

;pain and suffering. SPIRE is about understanding the journey our souls make time after

time in order to fully understand expressed life. 

The soul needs to fully understand the whole gambit of living expression and all the feelings

that we felt. Because when you are intangible you cannot have these feelings and motion

is cancelled . as when your are fully realised you become ubiquitous and are present 

everywhere. at the same time.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@g any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 12 February 2022

Vibration Of Universal Consciousness HOLOGRAPHICALLY Expressing SELF. V O U C H E S .

 All life universally is a holographic image and humanity is no exception to this universal

rule. Our outer physical body has within it vouchsafed within its inner matrix  the real 

imageless image of the living life force that is the SELF or the ONE who is seen as the

Absolute ONE from which we also call the SOURCE of all life universally.

All expressed life is a fractal image of the inner life energy vibration that propels it 

in its dynamic destiny of gathering experiences.

Humanity consists of 7.7 billion holographic images of the ONE universal SELF or

SOURCE of all life. As fractal facets images we have the illusion of being separate

and apart from the whole. We dwell under the added illusion of our "individuality", 

and being of a distinct and separate being. Our lives here on Earth are about being able 

to make the connections that will link us all together into one composite wholeness.

We fall under the spell of being separate beings, and this is the cause of all of our 

pain and misery. Life vouches for us  by giving us our self-aware I AM consciousness

this self aware consciousness can and will lead us into the realization of who we really

are eventually.

When we can begin to see the connectivity between all life and between the whole of

humanity, we are then waking up to the realization of being a Divine immortal being.

Our consciousness turned inward will reveal who you really are, it will show you through

opening your inner wisdom that all life is Divine and emanates from just ONE SOURCE.

We are ALL VOUCHED FOR by Divine Intelligence our living expressions are testament

to this fact, outwardly we are experience gathering vehicles who through our collected 

experiences multiplied billions of times over, all our collected by that Intelligence and fed

into the collected consciousness of the ONE SOURCE.  ONLY expressed life which 

becomes TANGIBLE can collect experience, intangibility cannot feel, touch, see, hear,

smell or taste, so "WE" (SOURCE) come here in holographic imagery to experience 

that which cannot be experienced while BEING INTANGIBLE!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 11 February 2022


 We would all be completely AWED if we understood the cycle of human expression 

and how we alternate our journeys between being on Earth , and being in the Astral 

plane. We are all "DRIVEN" by an instinctive urge to incarnate upon this planet,

the reason being is that ONLY on EARTH  can progress really be made, and NOT

in the astral realm. The astral realms are about contemplation, taking stock of ourselves

resting up in between lives on earth, and meeting up with soul mates, and family.

But real progress and life experience can only be found upon this physical planet .

Here we learn the lessons of life which one day will reveal your true inner divine 

nature. Up to a certain point in our evolution we have no choice about reincarnation 

it is completely automatic , then when we have progressed further along the evolutionary

pathway of ascension we do indeed then get a choice when we incarnate and we can even

choose our parents to be.

We all flow down into incarnation, and up into the astral. this cycle lasts as long as you 

fail to make the vital connection of your true immortal identity. When you eventually 

do this then you can get of the WHEEL OF LIFE  which is bouncing back and forward

between Earth and the astral plane. Many souls have achieved this over the passing 

centuries and have moved onto higher planes of expression.

We are all here by the divine pulse of ascension that id guiding us through the maze of

experience gathering, to finally reach a point of connection and thereby becoming fully

aware of who and what you truly are, then you will become AWED!!!!!!!

warmest  regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 10 February 2022


 The name UR means in biblical HEBREW that of "FLAME  LIGHT" which to me also

describes the indescribable SPIRIT. "we" which are all pure spirit at our absolute core 

of Being are "ALL" therefore  UNBORN, "we"  have never been born, and will also

never die, because at our spirit level we are all ETERNAL BEING. And eternal means 

no zero beginning and therefore zero ending. What begins and ends with us human beings 

is the vehicles we use in order to gain purchase upon this dense low vibration physical 

dimension. Because of our basic ignorance of our true immortal reality, we therefore 

buy into the illusion of our being mortal and therefore dying at the end of your visit here

to Earth, Because we all buy into this false misidentification with our physical body as

being who we really are. We also buy into a vale of tears and suffering, which also brings

up our fears of dying. What will become of us? Is death the end of us, and if so how scary

is that!

The truth is that YOU the real YOU have never been BORN and that you will NEVER DIE

"WE" are all ETERNAL BEING the REVELATION COMES  when we look within 

ourselves and find this reality within us. When we fully know ourselves we understand that

we are all immortal souls, we will see that our physical bodies are like "space suits" for

the soul/spirit to use while becoming tangible and gathering experiences.

The SPIRIT or soul is intangible and thereby incapable of experiencing physicality without

the outer covering of our physical vehicle , which allows the soul entry into this earth for a 

limited period. May this blog entitled UR bring light and a flame that will thereby ignite

your internal fire so this revelation becomes YOUR revelation.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 9 February 2022


All life universally is in motion, it has a vibration frequency particular to its presentation

in that shape or form of expression, be it solid ,liquid, or gas. All presented life is cloaked

within a covering that varies in density depending on its expressing mode. This covering 

or cloak acts as a "skin "to  shield the inner spirit from the corruptible presence of matter

(spirit being pure energy cannot come into contact with matter directly) it needs an outer skin 

or cloak. Before the emergence of this physical relative universe there was no "LIFE" because

"LIFE" means presented SPIRIT (motioning) without emergence there is only the 

Absolute  ONE SPIRIT which is motionlessness and unexpressed which equals 


All universal life is spirit being cloaked within a covering, we as humanity are just that we

have basically two major coverings and three lesser coverings. The two major ones our 

first our physical body which is just a vehicle for the soul to use, "WE" are not the physical

body it is just a vehicle nothing more than that. The second major body is the soul which

acts as a covering for the spirit. The soul  guides the physical body and the astral body, the

inner Spirit guides them all.

We are all here to awaken into full consciousness of the realization of just who we really are

our level of ignorance is so deep that it takes many incarnations to make a considerable dent

into our hard physical shell, through countless incarnations and many experiences of crisis

and pain do we therefore decide to look within ourselves for the answer.

What BELIES us is that under this FACADE OF FORM the human body lies the REAL YOU

our job is to look within ourselves and therefore reveal this true immortal SOUL that lies 

beneath this outer extremity!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 8 February 2022


 All universal life STEMS from ONE Source and that ONE SOURCE is BRAHMAN or

GOD if you prefer. Expressed life means that it has "MOTION" which was born out of 

motionlessness, in the motionless state LIFE is not relative but rather Absolute and being

absolute it is not life (expressing) but rather that of SPIRIT (unexpressed).

There is an occult maxim which states that "SPACE IS AN ENTITY" A living PRESENCE

which is infinite  in nature. Space is an invisible ocean of liquid INTENTIONAL THOUGHT

The "LIFE BLOOD" of the absolute Brahman. When Brahman who is absolute , manifested an

INTENTIONAL Thought Wave, this caused MOTION to ARISE from within absolute stillness

this motion the became RELATIVE. Life condenses into physicality by becoming less vibrant

cooling down of the vibrant fire of pure space into a tangible form or shape, which then occupies

the space with its presenting form (physical body). Humanity are all occupiers of space with our

relative vehicles, we call our human body. 

We have condensed into shape and form , and have acquired an "I AM" self aware 

consciousness. "WE" in fact are THE PRESENCE of SPACE in SOLID FORM! Simply

put we are a CONDENSED THOUGHT FORM brought into this three dimensional  place

of planet Earth  by the INTENTION of life as it journeyed through its ascension sequence

pathway, which will eventually lead it back into the recognition of its Spiritual inner nature

so that this physical protrusion of a human body will no longer be needed.

We will then dissolve the outer garments that kept us locked into this dense and murky

dimension, and we will there ascend within our inner spiritual soul body, out of this gross

dimension into something far more beautiful and everlasting more than we can now barely

even imagine.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 7 February 2022


 Disambiguation basically means to "make clear" "narrow down meaning" that is what I

am attempting to do here in respect of mankind, from his primal matrix that of spirit, to

its emergence upon the physical plane. The words of the song "I can see clearly now the

pain has gone" reminds me of the fact that few of us will ever venture far into our inner

being, unless we are confronted by crisis, often more than one! Clarity can be seen as

crystal clear, obvious, self explaining, however with mankind its expression is filtered

through a prism and broken down into seven basic rays. Which makes understanding

ourselves really difficult due to the shading effect and lensing refraction. At birth only 

a third part of the divine nature of man temporarily dissociates itself from its own

immortality and takes upon itself the "dream" of physical birth and existence, animating

with its own celestial enthusiasm a vehicle composed of material elements, part of and

bound to the material sphere. 

At death the incarnated part awakens from the dream of physical existence and reunites

itself once more with its eternal connection.

Man is a little world a microcosm, and while his terrestrial body is in constant sympathy 

with its parent Earth, his astral soul lives in unison with the sidereal anima mundi.

He is in it, as it is in him, for the world pervading element fill all space, and is space itself

only shoreless and infinite.

Man is truine he has his objective, physical body, his vitalizing astral body(or soul) the real

man, and these two are brooded over, and illuminated by the third the sovereign, the immortal

SPIRIT. When the real man succeeds in merging himself with the latter -he becomes an 

immortal entity. Man is composed of three men, man of dust, man of thought, and of light

he is a body , soul, and spirit..

With or without a crisis intervening we nee to look within ourselves, to embark  upon a

journey that will lead us from the darkness and decay of ignorance into the light and joyful

experience of conscious contact with our higher selves, and the opening of the door that 

leads towards knowledge and inclusive wisdom. May your journey be blessed and fruitful.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 6 February 2022


 The soul in its highest integrity is genderless. rather than being a soul it is really a 

Spirit being, which has both energies latent within it, that of positive and negative,

but the spirit being without a dimensional enfoldment is always within a neutral 

state of being. Spirit is intangible and dimensionless and is universally present 

because of its ubiquitous nature. For spirit to be able to become expressed and

thereby become tangible, it has to undergo a vast change of STATE. The spirit 

encloses itself with relative energy which acts as a "body of expression" so that

it then becomes a SOUL which is pure spirit covered over by a layer (skin)  of 

relative energy. When the soul has acquired the relative energy it can then approach

the "belt of matter" and thereby surrender itself to the "vortex of transit" which

is the SINGULARITY which conveys this energy package (YOU)  into this downward

(lower vibration state) flow into this relative third dimensional space, and then deposits 

it within the womb of the mother to be. Here the soul will have decided which sex it wants 

to be either male or female and for the time being its neutral natural state is held in 

abeyance. All souls are pure spirit at the core of  being. We have all forgotten who we 

really are. That is why we are so often brought back here by incarnation, because e have

forgotten who we are and thereby misidentify with the physical body as being our true self.

We try the male incarnation, then the female incarnation trying to fathom out who we really

are. Thankfully today there are millions of us who are beginning to realise this truth, so that 

those souls will soon be able to get of this merry go round of incarnation, and move on to

greener pastures outside of this planet.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

Saturday 5 February 2022


 Alchemy is the ancient science whose real meaning has been truly lost in the mists and

miasma of the passing centuries. Alchemy is not about transforming base metals into gold, 

but something much more nobler that of transforming base physical mankind into bringing 

down into their waking consciousness the reality of their true nature, and then anchoring 

this inner divinity within the crown chakra of the one who had become realized( woken up

to its true nature). The so called "Philosopher's Stone" that would add the "magic potion" to

the mixture of base metals that would then magically transform into pure gold, is basically

a myth and not the real meaning of this ancient craft. The stone that the philosopher the 

alchemist was actually talking about was the stone cold heart of mankind, and please bare in

mind that we are talking about a time that existed thousands of years ago, hopefully we have 

moved a bit forward by now. The alchemist can be likened to a scientific  holy man! A sort

of priest or now days would be called a "guru"  an enlightened being .This being  would take 

the seeker of truth under his wing and teach him/her the way to freedom and boundless joy

through self realization and soul awareness of your inner divinity.

By going within  and practicing the spiritual science of meditation (and make no mistake my

friend it is a true science, that is thousands of years old, and has stood the test of time)  and 

has transformed and enlightened tens of thousands  of souls down through the ages.

The transformational sequence is engaged when the meditation is deep steady and regular

when this occurs the very ATOMS  of your physical body are gradually transfigured into

finer ATOMS , the dense physical atoms of your body are replaced by much finer ETHERIC

ATOMS and this will continue as long as you keep up the regular practice of meditation,

leading to a expansion of consciousness and perception beyond your present comprehension.

Alchemy is basically an ancient science that has been brought up to date and used by anyone 

who is willing to put in the effort into practicing meditation on a daily basis. Be honest with 

yourself and open  the door ,then you will engage this new way of life, your heart will melt

and turn into golden sunshine of inner joy and happiness.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 4 February 2022


 Evolution is a journey of life (spirit) to move out from stillness within its Absolute 

stateless state, to become relative and also enter into unconsciousness that hurls itself

into total oblivion and chaos.

Which was the beginning of this relative universe countless aeons ago. Life unconscious

became caught up in the maelstrom and thereby whirled into expression (vibration/motion).

Fast forward a few billion years and we arrive at a point where we have acquired an "I AM"

self aware self consciousness, we then are knowing that we are conscious alive and can reflect

upon this discovery.

This blog entitled SOLE is about how we now have the awareness to reason out that now

our evolution pathway is to become our SOLE reason for thereby discovering our inner 

SOUL which will then reflect within the SPECTRUM of life that inner LIGHT which

exists within us all, this inner light is your Divine Immortal SOUL so then evolutions

equation could be that our SOLE reason for life expression is to reveal the nature of the

SOUL that dwells within us all.

All life will eventually arrive at this most important JUNCTURE in its evolution. We 

Humanity today are already there and we are in the process of  making this most vital 

discovery to reveal the Presence of Divinity within US.

The SOLE journeying has thereby found his/her SOUL and completed the journey  of

evolution in full knowledge of who and what you really are, and also knowing where you

have originated from long long ago.

What you do next is really up to you, when you fully know yourself, and realize your 

Divine real nature, you can remove yourself from the "WHEEL OF LIFE" which is karma

and leave this planetary evolution cycle, and move onto greater adventures else where, or

if you wish you can reincarnate here in full waking knowledge of your real self, and use

this inner wisdom to serve your fellow mankind who are still within the shadow of ignorance

of their true immortal identity.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 3 February 2022


 The saying that "love makes the world go round" is very true in its innermost meaning.

But another word for love is SERVICE and without service this world would soon become

a barren wilderness. We are all served in one way or another, sometimes we pay for this 

service, other times it is free. But do we really understand what service actually is? Do we

know for instance that our very vehicles our human bodies, are all supplied to us by an ACT

of SERVICE?  By the elements of Earth-Air-Fire-Water, without their cooperation of 

supplying the raw materials  that will make an atomic physical form, we could not exist 

here on Earth!  Yet 99.999% of humanity have no idea whatsoever of the SERVICE  that

has been rendered to them by the ELEMENTS (which are all intelligent entities).

Our SOUL when an incarnation is planned ASKS the four elements to supply the 

ingredients to make a human body. The elements then "surrender themselves" so that

we might "LIVE" here on Earth in what is like a "space suit" for the soul to use.

The soul being immaterial (spirit) cannot engage directly with this material realm at  all

and therefore it needs a vehicle that it can control through electromagnetic connections 

which are embedded within the brain, and also within the heart chakra.

In truth if a life force ceases being of service it withers and dies. Human life is the same, 

if we do not serve life then we gradually shut down and wither away as well.

Life serves Life that is the universal law of vibration and expression. Without being of

service we CONTRACT into our self , rather than EXPAND in service.

Millions of us today are in a CONTRACTED state, rather than a EXPANSIVE state.

We each have the divine power within us all this power is by nature expansive, if we

can look within ourselves, let go of CONTRACTION which leads to illness and decay

and instead open up and go with the flow of life and serve by giving something  back

rather than forever taking and not giving, this way we will be serving life, and therefore

life will serve us with expansion and joy.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 2 February 2022


 Daily meditation  over the past forty six years has taught me many things, and the 

most profound thing is where the home of wisdom is found? This blog entitled SEW 

is about relating what I have discovered within the infinite silence that dwells within

us all. Sewing brings together two pieces of cloth and binds them into one wholeness.

This equates directly to entering into the inner silence and just listening as deep as you

are able to, deep listening magnetises and attracts wisdom into the threshold of your inner

awareness and consciousness. Silence acts like a magnet that "pulls wisdom" out of the

void  and into your awareness. As we go deeper into ourselves within meditation we are

heading in a direction that leads us closer into the place and proximity which is the home

of our ESSENCE, the universal matrix of our inner BEING is expanded as we reach deep

silence, and deep listening, here we are making  CONTACT to our CORE of BEING

and that which lies at the Core of Being suddenly becomes available to us, because we

spiritually Touch this HOLY-CENTRE of our BEING, which is the home of ETERNAL

WISDOM and all LOVE.

By going deep into our inner silence we are touching our HOME BASE, THE HEM of

that holy garment is TOUCHED BY US HERE. Our home base is the VOID  which lies

outside of this relative universe. We approach the stillness the silence where all vibration 

begins to slow down, and when fully crossed over, we will then enter into BLISS.

SEW is about joining up our outer self with our inner self and therefore BECOMING


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 1 February 2022


 To light that inner fire that exists within mankind, there has to be a Spark that

will IGNITE the being into the flame of eternal life. This spark is often lit by

our emotional experiences which often force us to look within ourselves. When

we do this look within ourselves, we then can become aware of an Inner Presence

this inner presence is the flame of eternal life touching you gently and opening

up the understanding that there exists within you something that is sublime and

wonderful and also Divine. We are all Divinity being expressed and encapsulated

within a physical biological vehicle.

This enclosure of our inner true being causes so many of us to therefore misidentify 

with the belief that our physical body is really who we are, which is of course

incorrect. But this misidentification causes us untold misery and suffering to mankind.

When we can feel awe on a starlit night, and see the wonder and radiant beauty of 

nature and expressed life, we then touch an inner part of ourselves , this inner part

is your spiritual being self, the SOUL.

When we are in a crisis situation, we often hear a still small voice within us whispering

words of comfort and reassurance supporting us. This inner small voice is also that Divine

Spark that lies within us, reaching out to your outer awareness and consciousness  hoping

that you connect within this inner voice and therefore join up the dots and see that within

you lies an Immortal divine Soul.

Our inner selves reach out and notice where we are, it then tries to get our attention one

way or another, it tries various ways for us to make that most vital of connections and

thereby cause the outer being to wonder what lies deeply within us all? When we therefore

decide to investigate and look within ourselves, the flame of life thereby flickers with JOY.

Warmest regards michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks