Friday 31 August 2018

Matter And Spirit Symbolically Entwining Divinity. M A S S E D Part Two.

The dance of our expressed life here on Earth is played out with two energies combining their
forces and making a physical body coherent enough to allow the soul entry into the physical body.
This is a marriage of spirit and matter, synchronization and harmonization of both their vibrational
matrix, so that we can live our life here and gather the experiences that we all need, in order to
fully understand who we really are.
The human race could be seen as a collection of experience seekers, all going about our business
living our lives, and collecting valuable information along the way.
Seven billion of us are massed together,each sharing information with each other, sometimes
knowingly, more often than not unknowingly, we each have to piece our experiences together
and hopefully learn some valuable lessons in so doing.
Some of us have gained insight from our many varied experiences, and this can be used to help
us better understand the so called "riddle of life", are we just here to gather experience? And if
so many of these experiences are painful, why do we have to experience these painful ones, why
cant we just experience joyful experiences? Life answers these questions, if we listen to her still
small voice, that will arise within you at times. If the was no darkness, we would not comprehend
the light, there would be no contrast, nothing to compare the light with, therefore we would miss
its significance, if there was no darkness. We all live with duality, this is a dual universe, we have
always three pointers, yes/no.maybe, on/off/neutral, male/female/?. how we communicate with each
other is also three pointed, we have, gossiping, talking about each other, in either negative or positive
tones, we have general talking to each other, which arises mostly in the brain, as does gossiping,
then we have sharing our experiences with each other, and this type of communication comes from
the heart, and is also from the spirit, therefore being spiritual in nature,sharing at depth with each
other creates a bond of trust and acceptance, it is the love principle in action within our life.
By opening you heart to another soul, you release a vital energy from within you, this vital energy
will heal your open sores, it will takeaway the pain of rejection or feeling apart from life, it will not only help to heal you, but it will also benefit the one listening to your sharing of your expeiences,
because no doubt they too will feel the power from your emotional spiritual voice, and it will aid them greatly as well.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Matter And Spirit Symbolically Entwining Divinity. =M A S S E D .

Humanity all seven or so billion of us, are all massed together, to do exactly what? There could
be many answers to this most important question, such as, like living my life, as best I can, I am
sure dear reader of this blog, that you too could come up with several answers to that question,
but when you condense all this down, it reveals a primal reason for why we are all here on Earth.
The primal reason we are all here boils down to this,we are all here solely and only to gather
experience, we are as a race of human beings, can be likened to focused and unfocused experience
And being mindful that this gathering of experiences is not just about one lifetime, it is over many
many lifetimes, where we have been both expressed as male and female, been born in every race
on Earth,we all have been rich and poor, and have experienced a multitude of human emotions
and feelings,betrayals, positive and negative feedback experiences.
 We all need this vast scope of experiences, in order to fully understand and comprehend the real
meaning of LIFE,which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, when we can all fully
see the underlying invisible reality, we will then know exactly who we are.
There is a Greek word pneumaplasm which is two Greek words combined, the first word is
pneuma, meaning air,spirit,the second word is plasm,meaning matter, )us) physical body.
We as human beings are in fact a combination and a marriage of spirit and matter combined
in a graceful dance of vibrant motion, our experiences are all part of a very long journey we
have all been on, each experience we encounter brings us one step in the dance of life to
that joyful day, when the dawning of your true identity reveals itself before your startled gaze.
For so long mankind has been primarily focused on the physical, mental, and emotional
aspects of our expressions here upon the Earth  plane, with rampant egotism wrecking havoc
with the planets resources, rain forests are all disappearing at an accelerated pace, while wars
and famine stalk the land, the spiritual aspect of our triple expression here, has been greatly
overlooked, mainly because millions of us, do not know its there, and have never been exposed
to any real general education as to what human beings actually ARE!!!!! So its no wonder that
we are only firing on two cylinders, instead of THREE, written on the temple of Apollo at Delphi
is the Greek words saying,"MAN KNOW THY SELF, this was written many centuries ago, and what
have we learned from this?
Will explore this more in part two.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Face book Soul Realization.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Defragmentation Upsets Mankind's Balance. D U M B Part Two.

Because unknown millions of us are misaligned and out of synchronization with universal law,
defragmentation has occurred within us all, and although if its just our computer or lap top that
needs to be defragged , it is no problem to fix, just push a few buttons,  and it's job done!
However when we need this same treatment, therein lies a mammoth problem! The first and most
important issue, is that we do not identify or even understand the problem, what problem you say?
We are not machines! We are totally different from a computer? Is that so? Well in fact we are all
biological machines, and our brains our biological computers! So it follows does it not, that if we feed incorrect information into our silicon based lap tops or computers, we will only get out from it
incorrect feedback! But that can be no big deal, we can always reprogram our computer, with
correct data, but when it come to us, it becomes a very big deal indeed. The major problem is that
we all suffer the effects from being out of synchronization with natural law, but because we fail to
understand what is really happening to us, and all that is really happening to us, is that we are
being torn apart by the tidal forces of universal energy, because we are so out of balance and
harmony with real life, that we are all suffering the tragic consequences. Hundreds of millions of
us are in the grip of pain, terror and bewilderment,we rush to doctors with manifold illnesses, we
are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ill,but instead of looking within ourselves for
an answer, we all rush to see the so called professionals, who will dole out pills and plans that will
tide you over to the next time. There are literally tens of thousands of lost souls, wandering around
looking for something to hold on to, if they looked within themselves, they would find a real friend
their higher self the soul awaiting them. There is a gaping HOLE in humanity, that's why millions are addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, sex and porn,all looking for something to FEED THIS RAVENOUS HUNGER that rises up within them. All they really need is to find the source of
that inner energy that dwells within all of humanity, our ignorance of our TRUE IDENTITY is
keeping us all DUMB and out of synchronization with universal law, we fail to see or even understand that we are all PART of this UNIVERSE, but instead of realizing that we are all
connected and included within it, we all seem to act as though we are APART from what is after
all REALITY?  The answer is very simple, look within yourself, ask the question, who am "I"
and if you do that, and persist with this line of questioning, you will be rewarded by finding out
at long last, just who  you really ARE! An immortal divine soul.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Defragmentation Upsets Mankind's Balance. =D U M B .

It is so easy to defragment our laptops and computers, just push a few buttons. and job done!
However within mankind it is not so easy to defragment ourselves, and no doubt millions  of us would say, why do that? We are all okay aren't we? Well no we aren't okay, far from it,millions
are suffering and dying yearly from addictive illnesses,millions are going hungry and dying from
lack of food and clean water to drink, millions are dying from heart attacks and cancer,wars are
being waged in several countries, and millions of us are made homeless, and are displaced,
nowhere to live, and fleeing the war zones to save their lives,so the answer is that we as human
beings are not okay, far far from it.
Defragmentation can be seen as an "out of an alignment" problem, and this out of alignment is one
of the main reasons why we are all in a global mess. If mankind could realign its self, to become
in harmony with the natural universal laws, overnight, most of our suffering issues would be about
to be corrected.The four words that spell out the title of this blog make the added word DUMB
which it turn spells out Destroying Us Major Battle, the battle that is destroying countless millions
of us every year, is ignorance, plain and simple! The word dumb equates with ignorance, and the
question then is just what are we all ignorant of, that is killing tens of millions of us every year?
The answer to this very important question, is very simple to answer, yet often we as human beings
put up resistance to accept this fundamental fact of our earthly presentation, it seems that some of us
do not want to fully know and understand just who and what they really ARE!  I can identify with
this resistance, because that's what i did for years, resisted the truth about who we really are, I took
the attitude that I was okay in my ignorant state, lets not rock the boat! However when my particular
boat was severely rocked, and I was given just three months to live, I thought I better shape up, before I ship out!  We all seem to have a natural resistance to change, but unless we do, we will remain unaware of our true identity, and therefore stay dumb.
This universe runs on immutable eternal laws, and we as a thing called humanity, are firmly locked
and embedded within these principles, so it makes great sense does it not, to align ourselves with
these laws, and thereby reap the benefits that alignment brings, things like joy and contentment,
peace of mind, love and acceptance, freedom from fear, plus a true and lasting awareness and consciousness, of your true identity.
In part two, will explore this more. warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 27 August 2018

Insightful Consciousness Opens Numinosity. =I C O N Part Two.

The whole of humanity manifests as a physical representation of an inner invisible reality, this
inner reality is basically made up of two parts, the outer part is the soul, and the inner part is the
spirit,these two principles, are hidden away behind the facade and mask of form(physical body).
Therefore mankind is in truth a symbolic representation of an inner reality, and is therefore an
ICON, a visible portrayal representing an inner truth.
We all are an ICON, an enigma awaiting a thoughtful probe within its physical shell (vehicle)
and by doing this, we awaken insightful consciousness,this opens numinosity's portal and will
eventually reveal a radiant inner light, which is the real you awaiting discovery.The physical
body is NOT a principle, unlike the radiant spirit within us, therefore the physical body or to
give it a more appropriate name that of a vehicle, because just like the car you drive, when its
too old, or you want a newer model, you get rid of the car (vehicle) and are reborn in another
model? We attach far too much importance upon the vehicle and hardly a passing thought for
the spirit within, which being an immutable eternal principle,you would think it would be of
more interest to us, than this transitory short lived physical body!
We all live and move and have our being,within a infinite ocean of energy, where every single
atom within the universe is connected to the whole. we as human beings who are made up of
countless trillions of atoms, and sub atomic particles, and we too are totally connected to every
soul on this planet, the very notion of being apart from, or separated from the WHOLE is
absolutely and totally IMPOSSIBLE, and no separation or apart from the WHOLE has EVER
occurred within the total history of this relative physical universe. HOWEVER, because so
many millions of us live in total ignorance of our true identity, that of being an immortal SOUL
We then experience the very real ILLUSION, of being separated, feeling isolated, lonely,
which then enables fear to arise within us, and we become lonely and isolated, filled with dread
and fearful thoughts. This is the very state that so many millions are experiencing this very day.
We live in cities, teeming with human beings, and sit all alone in our homes,no one ever knocks
your door! No friendly faces to chat and be with.A desperate icy cold loneliness. Yet within us
all is a being, that loves us unconditionally, and is closer to you, than your hands and feet, you
cannot get any closer than that! This being within is YOU dear reader of this blog, yes YOU
that's right! Within you lies your true SELF, that of your  immortal soul, sit quietly, turn your
gaze inward, ask yourself the question, WHO AM I? If you do this, and are patient and persistent
the answer will flood into your consciousness, and then you will KNOW who you really ARE!
Warmest regards Michael any feedback most welcome, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 26 August 2018

Insightful Consciousness Opens Numinosity. =I C O N .

What exactly does insightful consciousness opens numinosity mean?Another name for insightful
is intuitive or even discerning, which seems to imply a certain amount of looking within your self
for the answer to the many questions life throws up at us all.
When we become insightful, intuitive, or discerning, we are actually tapping into a level of consciousness that runs very deep,and we will begin to touch on some core issues about who we
really are. If we pay attention to these intuitive insights, we will begin opening up an inner door
that for us was all but closed before,at best maybe just ajar, this inner door leads to the place where
numinosity dwells, what then does this word numinosity actually mean? In a sense numinosity is
like the more familiar term luminosity, but numinosity refers to a subtle, spiritual light, instead of
an outwardly visible light, such as the luminosity of the moon.
If we only had eyes to see, we would see that each of us is a vast field of swirling energy, rotating
around a central core, or point that anchors our vehicles, (bodies) into a coherent display of energy
and formed into physicality by vastly lowering the vibration frequency, all this energy is "HELD"
into a coherent whole, by willed intention of the indwelling soul. This leads to the actual spelling
out of the name ICON, what exactly is an icon? A symbol maybe? Would it surprise you to know
that the whole human race is actually an ICON? We are ALL PHYSICAL SYMBOLS of an INNER
DIVINE reality. This reality has absolutely NOTHING to do with ANY RELIGION or belief
system, It was in place long before we ever set foot upon this earth, and invented such things as
If any man or woman looks deeply within themselves, they will see and feel numinosity looking
back at them, because that is what we ARE. There can be no doubt about this fact, because it
LIVES within ALL Seven billions souls upon this earth plane, it there right inside of YOU dear
reader of this blog, look in the the mirror, look into your eyes, and ask yourself who am "I"? That
is the beauty and wonder of this TRUTH because you do not have to take my word for it,  or any
one else's word for it, because YOU ARE this SOUL,and if you take and make the effort to look
within yourself, you will reveal a wondrous sight that will befall your gaze, switch of your smart
for a while, and use that space to get to KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE!
Will look further into this in part Two       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 25 August 2018

Inner Directions Expresses Awakening Soul.=I D E A S Part Two.

To have any direction from within ourselves, we  first need to pay attention to these inner
promptings that arise from within us, if we can listen to this sometimes silent voice within us
it will actually save us from making some grave errors of judgement of  behaviour, we all have
this inner voice, we can call it conscience if you like, this inner voice will always guide us safely
through our encountering experiences if we just pay some attention to it.
Ideas surface within our consciousness and arise from various points of our state of being, if we
are primarily ego centred then our arising thought patterns will be all ego driven, they will be ideas
of your basic human condition, which in itself is self-centred and often selfish. If we do or act in a
way that makes us feel uncomfortable, maybe even feeling guilty, then this is our conscience
raising its head. What then is our conscience? Simply put, our conscience is what has often been
called a "divine monitor" that resides within us all. this monitor is actually our immortal soul, and
its way of connecting with its outer shell. or vehicle, the physical body, is through the medium of
what we call conscience, and if we pay attention to these inner pulses that emanate from that source
we will begin to build up a relationship, that will gradually open out as, intuitive ideas and thoughts
that will help you become more aware and understanding of reality. The greatest gift any human can
really have, is to fully know and understand who they really are, when you know that, your understanding and aware consciousness will become much more expanded, and you will see how you
are connected to every other soul on this planet.
It is so easy at times to lose our way, lose direction,feel thwarted in all we do, when this happens to
us, we need to sit quietly and go within ourselves, and ask direction from that inner POWER that
resides within us all,that power is your very own immortal soul, get to know that inner power, and
see how that will begin to transform your life, the truth is that none of us are ever left ALONE
upon this earth plane,we all have a DIVINE POWER that lives within us, and is closer to YOU
dear reader of this blog, than your hands and feet! You cannot get any closer than that! All we need
to do, is to look within ourselves, and ask our higher self the soul for help and direction. When we
can sincerely look within ourselves, and seek help from that inner divine source, this focus of our
attention, will bypass the ego, which resides in the head, and instead go to your heart centre which
is where your soul energy resides.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Face book Soul Realisation.

Friday 24 August 2018

Inner Direction Expresses Awakening Soul. = I D E A S.

Where do our sense of direction come from? Is it from our parents or peers? Did our education give
us a sense of direction? Do we ever really know, which way we are heading? We each hopefully
find our own way, in our evolving life experience, either we find a way, in which we then follow
or we are totally unsure of which way to go, and therefore become lost. There are millions of lost
souls out there in this world, who have no direction, no objective to aim for, just getting through
each day as best you can, I can identify with the feeling of being lost, and abandoned to fumble
through each day, and never knowing where the hell I was heading. No one ever handed me a
hand book of how to live your life successfully! Like so many of other lost souls, I just "made it up"
as I went along.
Life presented to me, a major life changing crisis, that almost extinguished the body and mind, but
thankfully through this crisis, I received a gift beyond price,this gift was a gift of direction,
something that I had never had before, and the direction was to look within myself, I discovered
that the real reason I  was "LOST" was because I never knew who I really was, and because of this
ignorance, I wandered around in endless circles, going nowhere fast! And these circles became
smaller and smaller, tightening its grip and quickening its rotation, a vortex of isolation and despair
ending in collapse of pseudo self, and the rebirth of the real internal self, that of the SOUL.
If any of you reading this blog, identify with this feeling of being LOST, please do not despair,
because there lying within you, is the true source of your being,and this intensity of aloneness
and feeling isolated and apart from life,is YOUR real SELF reaching out to you, and tugging at
your senses, urging to to shift your gaze from forever looking "out there" for the answer, to actually
looking within yourself, and when you begin doing this, you will make an amazing discovery, you
will find out that in fact you were never really LOST, it just FELT that way,this seemingly
directionless path that you were treading, was unbeknown to you, the exact way you needed to
arrive at the point you are now at. Our inner soul knew we were on the right path, its just that our
physical biological body, was completely in the dark about this PATH  that we were treading, we all
finally need to find ourselves, and to actually be able to do this, our resistance and ideas about life
need to be made sometimes graphically explicit before we actually are able to let go, of our old ideas
and become open to new and more wholesome ideas!
In part two will explore this further   Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Our Consciousness Envelops Absolutely Nothing ?=O C E A N Part Two.

Our consciousness envelops absolutely nothing? And yet within this enveloping nothing, we all know
that we know, and we can all reflect on the fact that we all know that we know, do we not?  The next
point is what is it that we actually know? Do you reading these words, know for instance, who you
really actually are? The odd thing about us, is that so many of us are experts in so many differing
fields of expertise, some are the worlds foremost authorities on their given subject, the question
could arise as to how many of these world authorities, actually know who they really are? How
many of you reading this now, actually know who you really are? We all have consciousness, and
we all have awareness,depending on our individual circumstances and experiences, we will either
always look outside of ourselves for solutions to our problems, or we will occasional look within
ourselves, or ask for advice or support from a close friend.
It seems that we are programmed from birth to always look outside of ourselves, that the answer to
all our questions, lies out there somewhere. We only ever look within ourselves when we have been
confronted by some crisis or shock,this causes us to question things, that we have not looked at before, like what is my life all about? Why am I here? Who the hell am I really? All these questions
need answering, the question is where will we look?
It took a major crisis in my life before I even thought about looking within, and I guess there are
many of us like this today. What I found was that I never had a clue as to who I really was, apart
from just thinking that I had made a complete mess of my life so far, and the question arising of,
just where do I go from here? Looking within myself through the regular practice of meditation
began to reveal that there was more to me that I had ever imagined, a whole new inner reality
began to present itself to me.Differing levels of consciousness would be accessed by deeper levels
of inner quietness, as the inner chattering of random thoughts slowed down, a depth of an inner
self, became felt and recognised. There is no need to ask anybody the question of, who am I? Just
pose this question to yourself, sit quietly,meditate, and say to yourself, who am "I" and then await
an answer. For some of us the answer will come fairly quickly, like it did for me, while others it
might take longer, the thing is that the answer to the question of who am "I"? Will always come,
provided we are patient, and whats more persistent. It is not  the same to be told by someone else,
like me for instance, that you are an immortal divine soul, but when YOU dear READER of this
blog, suddenly realise this truth existing within YOU, then you will know real JOY and a deep
understanding, that will bring gratitude in its wake.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook SoulRealisation.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Our Consciousness Envelops Absolutely Nothing ?=O C E A N

What is consciousness? Without inner knowing, would consciousness exist? If we had no reflective
mental capabilities, then we would not know we had anything at all, would we? So the suggestion
as to what consciousness is, seems to depend on whether you have a reflective principle operating
within your being. Without this reflective principle operating within us, this self aware principle,
we all would be without any inner knowingness, therefore consciousness could exist, but we would
never know, or ever understand this truth.
Thankfully, we are all self conscious, and therefore are aware that consciousness exists within us
the difficulty can sometimes arise, when we use phrases such as "my" consciousness as though you
have access to a portion of consciousness, that perhaps others do not.This when pondered on, will
reveal the absurdity of such a notion. Consciousness is a infinite and absolute ocean of energy and
spirit, we as "self aware" buoys suspended within this ocean, points of reference,each one of us, is
basically a self referencing point, that is what "self" consciousness actually means, that we are conscious of a thing called "SELF" this SELF that we are is in essence, absolute spirit, cloaked
in a vehicle called the soul, and lastly along the chain of self referencing principles, stand us, what
is usually referred to as a human being.
There is only ONE Consciousness within this universe, plurality does not exist within realty, there
is but ONE, consciousness has infinite depth, and many levels of perception,we can tune into many
dimensional levels as we are capable of delving into.
Consciousness is LIFE, which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focus-Energy=LIFE, and life as we know
it, is in continuous motion, the relative physical universe we all live in, displays what appears to be
perpetual motion, everything is in motion, nothing is at rest, which would seem to imply that consciousness too is in perpetual motion? This assumption would be valid, if we only had just a relative physical universe, but we do not,because behind this projected physical  relative universe
we have that which is the ABSOLUTE, and here all universal laws, do NOT EXIST, except only in
unrealised potentiality, and here consciousness is still also, rather like unconsciousness? There is no
motion, all is still, brooding stillness, silent absoluteness, perfect peace.
Will look int this more in part two, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Shadow Of Inner Light Illuminate Man And Govern Expression. S O I L I M A G E Part Two.

As mentioned in yesterdays blog, we all need the light and warmth of our solar sun, without
which, life on earth could not survive, but again as mentioned there also, that this is only part
of the full equation, that is needed in order to become fully operational within your physical
expression, while incarnate upon the earth plane.
As we all need the physical outer sun, in order to survive here on earth, we also need the warmth
and the contact with the spiritual sun, which lies within us all. The outer physical sun is golden
yellow in colour,the inner spiritual sun in blue, and when we see this colour within us, say, while
meditating, we are seeing the "rays" of this inner blue sun.
Because so many of us fail to understand who we really are, we are then just left with the physical
sun for life, which is okay, if we were purely physical beings, then we would have no worries, and
all live healthy lives.However though, we are NOT just physical beings, we are all three fold expressions of life, that being, physical. mental, and spiritual beings,with the other added dimension
of also being emotional beings as well.
If we only pay attention to our physical and mental expressions, then the spiritual aspect of our being
is negated, and this act of spiritual negation, results in all the ills, wars, and strife, that plague this
planet today.Tens of millions of us are all out of alignment with our true potential, we are only partly
expressed, and therefore this causes vast displacements of life giving energy, resulting in disease and
mental and emotional illnesses,plus all the addictive behaviours that are destroying millions every
year, and this then coupled with rampant uncontrolled egotism, which is sparking of wars all around
the globe. Because the inner blue spiritual sun is ignored, and mostly unknown by so many,we have all become twisted in what could be seen as a negative physical vortex, a whirlwind that is causing
massive destruction worldwide. We are forever looking OUT THERE for the ANSWER, and it will
NEVER be FOUND OUT THERE! The answer to all our prayers, and our hopes, is to look within
ourselves, therein, we will find our TRUE SELF, the SOUL, whose PRIMARY focus is LOVE and
acceptance, when we find ourselves, we also find that inner SUN, which then ignites the inner fires
of compassion, thoughtfulness,and love,and this inner warmth will begin the healing process, that this
earth plane so badly needs. My hope and prayer, is that we can all become illuminated by this inner
light,and that this inner illumination will begin to govern all our actions and deeds.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 20 August 2018

Shadows Of Inner Light Illuminate Man And Govern Expression. S O I L I M A G E .

We are all shadows, that are gross reflections of an inner light. When we see each other, we only
ever see the shadow, no human being has ever seen the real Being that lies beneath the shadow.
We all live within a world of shadows, some much darker than others.If we could fully understand
who and what we really are,this realisation would throw some light onto our true natural expression.
There is what seems to be a global collective idea, which we all seem to understand as a thing called
HUMANITY, or MANKIND, nobody ever seems to question this "idea" that seems firmly "locked"
and embedded within our psyche and subconsciousness. The reality of this to me, is that we have
all created a mammoth MYTH about who we think we ARE! In truth and in expressed reality there
is no such thing existing as what we called humanity, what we are is in fact a massive collection
of VEHICLES numbering over seven billion souls, and if we see this as that, then the EARTH is
really just a garage, where we all learn to drive (live fully).
It is said, that all myth's originate from a truthful understanding,that has been lost, within the mists
of time, our ancient ancestors knew who they really were, and they were more closely involved
with the living spirit within us.We have all forgotten who we are, and in so doing have become
lost within a vast hall of mirrors, that reflect that global idea of forever looking outward, stay
fascinated by outward "things" like smart phones for instance, stay entranced and keep buying
the crap we tell you to buy.Hopelessly lost in a materialistic maelstrom of trivialised bullshit
dressed up as something of interest and value.
Our vehicles (physical bodies) are made of earth, (soil) and the image it portrays is that of a
shadow, the shadow is cast by the form being expressed in three dimensional space and its
essence slowed down and congealed into form and shaped into a body, our soul, which is the REAL
YOU, needs this physical form,which we call mankind,in order to be able to find expression and
purchase upon this low vibration realm. The soul without a vehicle would be totally unable to
exist and gather experience here, because its higher vibration frequency would not be able to
descend beyond its frequency range.
Our experience here on earth is lit by our solar sun, without its light, all life would quickly vanish
from this earth,we all need outwardly the warmth and the light from our outer sun, however though
this is only part of the full equation in which we all need,will explore this part tomorrow, in part
two. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Conscious Hologram Realises Inner Spiritual Truth.=C H R I S T Part Two.

As like yesterdays blog, I would like to start with a poem I have just created,
We are the all the reflection, of perfection,
and when fully understood,will result
in our resurrection, which means,
being born again, without entering
the womb twice,then our reflection,
will be far less prone to vice!
We all come from perfection,that is while we reflect it, or rather we would do, if only we really
knew who we are.The reality that is US, is perfection personified, we each mirror each other,
its just that we do not understand or comprehend what this reflective hologram acting IS!
We all fail to see or understand that we are all PERFECT REFLECTIONS of the WHOLE, we
act and feel as though we are all fragmented parts, all struggling to find and make sense of our
existence.We all "seem" to be individuals each gathering and experiencing our understanding
of our life, in fact we are each mirroring each other, and that some reflections resonate with us,
and others do not.
What our physical bodies are is actual "shadows" of the real light or illumination that lies within
us, the shadow which is cast by our having to take FORM (physical body) in order to become
expressed within this low level vibration field. We all seem to focus on the SHADOW which is
our outer body, or more appropriately named our vehicle. We fail to focus of the source of light
that dwells within us, which is our immortal soul. When we face and look within us, we are actually
beginning to orient ourselves to the rising sun? This rising sun,is the incoming light that begins
to percolate within our consciousness, when we search within ourselves for answers.We begin to
tune into a higher frequency, which literally translates as inner illumination, the light of the indwelling soul, begins to drive away the shadow cast by form, which is really just our ignorance
about who we really are. We all live in a world where we are all familiar with the "outer light" that
comes from our closest star, the sun, but few of us seem acquainted with the inner light, that SUN
that exists within us, we are ALL RADIANT beings,, because we all CONSIST of LIGHT, its just
that we all fail to recognise or understand this fact.We seem lost within the shadows, mainly because
so many millions of us, fail to take the time and effort, to look within there self and find that inner
light, that exists below the surface of FORM? If we can be conscious of being a hologram we will
then realise the inner spiritual truth, and thereby when that happens, the inner son/sun will rise?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Face book Soul Realisation.

Saturday 18 August 2018

Conscious Hologram Realises Inner Spiritual Truth.=C H R I S T .

Before this blog begins, a poem presented itself to me,and I quickly wrote it down, so first the
poem, then the blog,
Mirror image speak to me,tell me of truth and liberty.
slay the dragons of my mind, open my heart for I am blind,
may the reflection of my soul,restore my image
and make me WHOLE.
This whole universe is just one vast unimaginable hologram, each part replicates the whole
mirror imaging of a universal scale, we as human beings are basically self conscious holograms
we each reflect one another. like visiting the fairground hall of mirrors, where our reflections can
be distorted into all manner of weird and wonderful shapes, so too do our lives get distorted by
the ways that we choose to think, act, and do. The reflection principle that operates within the universe, directly affects every moment of out life here on earth, we fail to see or understand this
principle, and in so doing, as Karma says, we all reap what we sow, the universal law of Karma
or cause and effect,is a directly mirroring principle, what we emit from our field of consciousness
whether it be by word, deed, or otherwise, will directly be reflected back to us, sometimes at once
like having a heart attack after an angry outburst, or it might take longer, but it will always return
no doubt about this primal fact.
Our physical bodies are a direction reflection, a hologram of this universe, we reflect it, and it
reflects us, we each mirror the whole, and the whole mirrors each one of us, this word reflection
can if pondered on, open up a new level of conscious awareness for us, if we so choose. If we
look within ourselves, and begin to reflect what images come into our minds, we begin to discover
that we are all connected to each other, no question about this fact, quantum science calls this
connection "entanglement" we are all entangled with one and another, this a a proven scientific
fact, whether we feel it or not. If I harm you, then I harm myself, and ALL the other RE-flections!
It is by going within ourselves and reflecting of what arises from these experiences, that we begin
to build up a picture of the WHOLE, we start the journey within, feeling like maybe we are fragmented parts, (shattered mirrors?) and then begin building or perhaps replacing the broken glass
with the plaster of impending hope and belief that it will all stick together like a puzzle.
In part two, will explore this further, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 17 August 2018

Spirit Entwining Living Flame Imaging Expression.=S E L F I E Part Two.

Our primal reality is that of being spirit, second comes the soul, and the third part which makes
up the trinity of expression complete,is the physical body, which is the vehicle of the soul.
Now the title of this blog being SELFIE, which has become a global phenomena, and has had some
tragic consequences of the one being photoed, some have walked off cliff tops and were killed, others
have walked into oncoming traffic, and again been killed, while being totally fascinated by looking
at their own image! Is this taking rampant egotism a tad too far?
Another take on the word SELFIE, reveals some interesting ideas; Spirit-Engages-Living-Form
Inviting-Experiences=SELFIE! We primarily are spirit, and are within the infinite and absolute
ocean of spirit, within this infinite ocean we condense as dew-drops, living flames, each drop
contains the whole, and each whole contains the drop. Each drop of pure spirit, then takes on
a vehicle in order to manifest something called EXPRESSION, the formless, shapeless, invisible
consciousness, called spirit, encases itself into something called shape and form, which we call a
body, physical form, in this first instance it takes of that which is a "sheath" (vehicle) which is
the soul, then the soul takes on another vehicle, which becomes the physical human being.
Why does the spirit do this? A very simple answer would be to experience the joy and rapture
of expressive living! Within the absolute purity of absolute SPIRIT, that which we call GOD or
the Absolute, ALL is STILL, eternally SO, no MOTION,no-THING EVER happens, or arises
The ocean is still and motionlessness, an abode of absolute PEACE and SERENITY.
To Find the place where MOTION RESIDES, spirit has to condense, to leave the place of eternal
stillness, and venture out from its absolute abode of peace, into what we call the RELATIVE  physical universe, where there is an unlimited abundance of MOTION, this motion is what we
as spirit want to experience, we want to experience SHAPE and FORM, we want to experience
what being condensed into a body FEELS LIKE,we want to experience being lost, and the joy
of being FOUND, we want to experience what male and female feels like, to experience the joy
and the DANCE of formal expressed life, will we all SHAPE UP? There is a living flame within
each and everyone of us, this flame is DIVINE and is the FIRE of LIFE ITSELF, in some of us
this flame burns brightly, in others it flickers and seems to wane,it can never be extinguished or
ever burn out,we are all eternally safe within the eternal FLAME of LIFE. May your flame be
ever so bright,dear reader of this blog.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Spirit Entwining Living Flame Imaging Expression. =S E L F I E .

Dualism in life is expressed in a dance of entwining forces that of the masculine and feminine
flames of spiritual expression, Yin represents the female aspect and is oriented into the negative
spectrum of expression, while Yang represents the masculine and is oriented into the positive
spectrum of expression. These two are like ardent lovers who relentlessly pursue each other
throughout the entire universe. You cannot have one without the other being present, not in this
dual universe anyway.
Our DNA rotates in a cosmic dance, the double helix splendidly shows this tender embrace, will
it produce a GENE or a GARY? Every person is, at his or her core androgynously predisposed,
because we all must learn how to perfectly express female and male. Our spirit correlates to the
positive pole,our soul correlates to the negative pole. The left half of the body  of everybody is
feminine polarised, and the right side half masculine polarised,the feet are positively polarised
the head is negatively polarised,
Balance is a universal point that each dual expression  motions into its directional impulses,
as all life is inherently intelligent, then the positive and the negative forces will always strive
towards balancing these "apparently" opposing forces.
We as human beings need to find a balance within ourselves, and find a way to enable both our
male and feminine aspects to have a sway in our lives. We each have many experiences here on
earth, and have many experiences at being male and female.
It may be very hard or difficult to imagine that we are at our core expression, living flames imaging
the form and shape of a human being, remove all the FACADE of FORM ant thereon in lies the
living flame of LIFE, which is of course SPIRIT, that is what we ALL ARE, when the form and
shape is REMOVED. While existent within the relative dual universe, this LIVING FORCE which
is the spirit , splits its energy consciousness into two LIVING FLAMES that of YIN and YANG
and these two are then LOCKED into a COSMIC DANCE that enfolds within EACH and EVERYONE of US. All life is a DANCE, and our constant journeys from one incarnation into
another, are about learning HOW TO DANCE? In life we often stumble and fall, pick ourselves
up, brush off the dust, and try again,the natural rhythm of life will present itself to us, when we begin
to align ourselves to what we learn from past experiences,and therefore adjust ourselves accordingly
then our dancing steps will really begin to resonate with life.
Will explore this more in part Two, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Meditation Opens Doors Expanding Realities Numinosity.=M O D E R N Part Two,

Meditation is a science that leads to inner knowing, inner understanding,it is a science of expanding
consciousness and awareness,consciousness exists in unimaginable levels and degrees  of
expression, exploring some of these levels within myself, having been  the most exciting time
of my life.
Meditation can act like a laser beam, particularly if we are one pointed in our inner enquiry, if we
focus our intention on say asking ourselves the question, who am "I"? And continue and persist with
this one pointed focused enquiry, our intention focused to the exclusion of all other thoughts and ideas, will burn deeper and deeper into previously completely unknown levels of consciousness
deep within us, our focused intention upon the question, who am "I"?  Will begin to reap dividends
that begin with intuitive responses to our questioning, Puzzled as I was at first, as to whom and where
did this inner voice arise from? Then with more patient persistence, and questioning,that answer
finally came, that this inner voice, was indeed, my immortal divine SOUL, and as soon as this realisation was vouchsafed within my consciousness, the other realisation also dawned, that the
whole of humanity must to have souls, and that millions of us are completely unaware of this most
basic and fundamental reality of our being here, in the first place!
When you open up the doors within your being, light floods in and begins to illuminate those dark
recesses we all have within us. Meditation acts like a KEY that unlocks the doors of your inner
consciousness,its practice brings expansion and illumination in its wake.
It is a global disgrace, that so many millions of us, are born, grow, "educated" marry, and then die
and have spent their entire life NOT KNOWING a JOT, about who they really ARE, a SOUL.
If this measly ole blog can attract ONE SOUL, to look within themselves and find their true and
immortal identity, I shall weep with joy! Because I was fortunately able to find this truth, but only
after nearly dying, and being in a severe crisis, this crisis forced me into looking at myself, and
using meditation as a tool to do that.
I hope anyone reading this, can take up meditation, without the need of a intervening crisis to
spur them on.By going within we find our real SELF the SOUL, and in finding that reality, we
see clearly that divinity lies within the heart of all mankind, and that we are all interconnected to
one and another.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Meditation Opens Doors Expanding Realities Numinosity.=M O D E R N.

Although meditation has been around for centuries, it has only really become popular since the
early sixties, with the arrival of the pop and hippy culture, plus the Beatles rock group who went
to India to see the Maharishi Yogi and were taught meditation, so meditation is really a modern
phenomena, that seems to be even more popular now with the arrival of the internet.
It is said that we have to loose ourselves, in order to find ourselves, that seemed to be in my case,
meditation came into my life, in 1974 after I have been seriously ill with a addiction problem
and was given three months to live. After getting help, and starting to recover, there was a sort
of natural attraction that presented itself to my awaking consciousness which was impelling me
to take up meditation, which I duly did, and that began a journey within the self, which I am still
now on, after over forty four years of meditating.
Countless discoveries began to present themselves to me, as time passed,new levels of consciousness
seemed to open up,my life and understanding of it, became much more alert and perceptive, intuition
would begin playing a leading role in my life, my mind was fired up by new and exciting
possibilities, insight began to impact upon my mind, the word intuition, caused me much profound
thought,I meditated on the word intuition, I had some sort of strange "feeling" like a excited or
expectant anticipation about this word, the literal meaning of the word intuition, means to be taught
from within, that being so, then begged the question in my mind, that who then, or what is this
teacher that is within me? What is this power,force, energy, intelligence,that is teaching me all these
wonderful insights that I am receiving? This discovery occurred very early on in my meditation
experience, it seemed to just come out of the blue, after only a few months of practice, so I have had
well over forty years to better understand this phenomena and equate it into my normal day to day
I discovered that the source of this intuitive teaching that I had been given, was from ME actually?
But not the physical body me, rather the real ME I discovered was the higher self, or more commonly
called the SOUL, This higher self was teaching this lower self the reality of its expression upon this
earth plane, it pointed out to me that this physical body, which I had always thought of as me, was
mistaken,and that this physical body was just a vehicle for the REAL ME the soul  to gain purchase
on this dense physical plane.Never in all my life did I expect something like this to happen to me,
what a wonderful experience it was for me, which set my mind wondering, does this happen to everyone?
Will explore this more in part Two, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 13 August 2018

Self Conscious Awareness Reveals Enfolded Divinity. =S C A R E D Part Two.

The word SCARED reveals much when dissected letter by letter, it reveals; Spiritual-Consciousness
-Arrested-Reality-Emergent-Doomed=SCARED.  This is what happens to us all, when we fail to
understand and realise our true and real identity. We get scared, fear uncoils its tentacles that thwart
and cause us frustrations and worries. Our inner reality, cannot rise up within us, because we are
all mesmerised by such fascinating displays of ocular gyrations that keep us all transfixed to forever
looking outwards, never venturing within ourselves. You only have to look at the modern phenomena
of smart phone focusing, many have been killed by traffic, as they walked out in front of a bus, and
died with their eyes glued to that piece of plastic trash.
With all the plastic gadgets we have today, it seems almost impossible for any soul to find time
or even reason to, look within themselves. I have recently observed very young children, babies
still who were making a noise as babies often do, and as soon as the child made a noise, the parent
put a piece of plastic in front of the child, which produced lots of goo goo ga ga noises,and what
was really disturbing for me to watch was the look on the child's face, as soon as it looked at the screen, it fel silent, its eyes were wide open and it never moved, the child was totally mesmerised
transfixed  with a vacant lost empty look upon its face, with its mouth wide open staring blankly
at this plastic screen. This is how so many of us are becoming like that child, hooked line and
sinker to plastic gadgets. If we make the time and effort to look within us, we will be heading in
the right direction, that if followed and persuade would lead us into making conscious contact
with our true self, the indwelling soul. We all belong to one divine family, this has absolutely
nothing to do with any religion or belief system, it just is the way we really are, it is a fact of
universal nature, which you will find out for YOURSELF, if you take the trouble to look within
take up something like yoga or meditation, practice this for a while and when doing this, ask yourself
the question of,WHO AM "I"? If you persist with this line of inner self questioning, an intuitive
answer will be forthcoming to you. Then you will KNOW the TRUTH of WHOM you really ARE
so that you will not have to take my word for it, you will know this reality as is arises within your
own self-consciousness. Enfolded within us all is this truth, every atom of your being knows this truth,just shift your gaze from outward to inward, and see this reality unfold before your startled
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 12 August 2018

Self Conscious Awareness Reveals Enfolded Divinity. S C A R E D .

Are we SCARED of really finding out, what lies within us all? Is our self consciousness a millstone
around our necks? The very word that of being self conscious, has some very negative explanations
in any dictionary you care to look at. It seems to imply that if you are "overly" conscious of who
you really are, then this is seen as negative rather than a positive, adding that you may be very
conscious of your appearance or looks, which again is seen as a negative, rather than a positive.
What all the dictionaries fail to mention, because basically they do not know, is that we are all
SELF, and to be actually conscious of this reality, is totally positive, and will eventually lead to
full realisation of the Divine SELF.
The other problem that arises from within our self conscious meanderings is that we do not know
or understand what SELF actually is, we think quite wrongly that our physical body is our self
and that if we are say, overweight, or very thin, we tend to view this aspect of our shape, as being
who we really are, and therefore imagine that "others" will judge us by our large or thin appearance.
We all have enfolded within our expression of the life essence, (our physical body) the "vital force"
that is the Living Energy of LIFE,self consciousness and self awareness are "pathfinders" to the real
you? Think about this aspect of a pathfinder, and it will reveal much to you.  Our access to consciousness is revealing or hidden depending on how we use it, if we constantly look outside of
ourselves for answers to life's big questions, we will never find them. It is only when we go within
our being, that we begin to access the truth of our immortal heritage and inclusive family.
We are involved with our own families, and fail to realise that the WHOLE HUMAN RACE is
just ONE COLLECTED FAMILY, and because we feel that we are all SEPARATE families and
not only THAT, but different religions and creeds and customs, this can then SCARE us into
justifying wars and cruelty to other families and races. Which of course has been regularly going
on for thousands of years, and goes on today as well, what have we actually learnt in the past five
thousand years????What is the order of our life bearing signature? What comes first, the human,
the soul, and the spirit? This is correct in reverse order, the first and only "REAL PRINCIPLE"
is the SPIRIT, the spirit is absolute, immutable,eternal, the only REAL thing that EXISTS, second
we have the soul, which is a vehicle for the spirit to become expressed within, and third we have the
physical body, which is NOT a PRINCIPLE, just a VEHICLE for the soul to become expressed
upon this earth plane.
Will continue this more in part two, warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Death Is An Illusional Doorway Entwining Mind.=D I A I D E M . Part Two.

The indwelling soul or higher self, is the real and only (mover/driver) of your vehicle, what you
call your physical body,which we wrongly misidentify as being YOU, because we falsely think
that were are a physical body, and that is our only true reality, we therefore fall into this mindful
idea, that when we die, we are finished, we just vanish from this universe, and have a last hope
that we will be remembered by our loved ones left behind. Along with this train of thought is all
the arising fears it fills us with, none of us wants to die, because we have no answers as to what happens to us at death? Many feel that when you die, that's it! You are finished, extinguished,
you no longer exist! And that thought scares many of us, because deep down within us all, is
the feeling that we want to remain alive, always!
Because we do not understand what death is, we tend to fear it.The more correct word to use when
we leave our physical body is CHANGE, rather than DIE, because that is exactly what happens
when the REAL OCCUPIER chooses to vacate its vehicle, it then without the living vital energy
of LIFE vitalising the physical body, it begins to decay and rot away, returning to its appropriate
elements it came from.While YOU the REAL OCCUPIER changes your viewpoint from the
physical dimension, and seamlessly moves into the Astral dimension using your astral body
which has always been there,invisible to most human eyes, except those with clairvoyant
capabilities, we all travel in the astral realm every night of our life here on earth, its just that the
majority of us forget these nightly journeys into the astral realm, upon awakening. Sleep can be
likened to the first cousin of the word death, because each night when we "fall" asleep, we leave
or rather "die" on the physical plane, and are awakened within our astral body and begin exploring
and meeting others there. Then when about to awaken, we move out of our astral body, and then are
born again into physical consciousness.
Another more appropriate name for death would be CONVERSION, when we die (are converted)
we move out of the physical vehicle, and convert to another dimension our life energy to that of the
astral plane dimension, then we continue living as before, minus our dense physical vehicle, the human body.Death meaning total extinction, oblivion, no longer existent within this universe, is a
total and absolute impossibility, and has NEVER OCCURRED and WILL NEVER OCCUR!
We are ALL LIVING SOULS, and are therefore DIVINE and IMMORTAL, which in plain old
language means that you will NEVER DIE, instead on your journeys through evolution, you will
instead, change your vehicles often, and convert often, but YOU will always remain FULLY ALIVE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 10 August 2018

Death Is An Illusional Doorway Entwining Mind.=D I A I D E M .

We all fear something that does not exist, death! How crazy is that? Suppose we said we were
afraid of Martian clog dancers, what would our friends say? Apart from maybe thinking we were
nuts! They would most likely say there is no such a thing as Martian clog dancers, on this planet!
So you have absolutely no reason to fear anymore.Why then do we all fear something that does
not exist? One reason is that it "seems" to exist when a being leaves the physical body, when they
are called "dead" then the empty vehicle or body, is buried, or cremated, they then have disappeared
from what we call as life.Because they have disappeared from our view, we call that process death
meaning that that life we once knew, no longer exists! Is that the truth though? No it is most certainly
not! It is because of our gross ignorance of the reality of LIFE, we fail to ever understand what life
actually IS. LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focus-Energy, we are ALL ENERGY, condensed
and shaped into a form called a physical body, and that physical body, is just a VEHICLE for the
REAL LIFE ENTITY that animates the physical FORM Facade-of Real-Matter=FORM, that of
the immortal divine SOUL. Science and Quantum physics all agree that ENERGY CANNOT
EVER BE DESTROYED, all it can ever be is CONVERTED, never DESTROYED which means
that energy can NEVER DIE,or become DEAD!!! So the GOOD news is that we are ALL ENERGY
therefore we are ALL ETERNAL beings, that is a FACT! Science says so!Check it out on GOOGLE
It is because we have never been educated into the reality of what life actually is, all life is eternal
when we can fully understand the reality of just who we are, then the idea of death will loose its
fearful grip on us all. We will know and understand that we are all immortal divine souls, and that
which we all thought was us (the physical form, called a human being) was in fact an illusion
conjured up by our ignorance and superstition.
We are all consciousness energised by intelligence and focused by soulful intent, our physical
bodies are just a vehicle, nothing more than that, a spacesuit, for the indwelling true OWNER
of the vehicle the soul. When we "die" (LEAVE THE VEHICLE) the physical body, OUR
ENERGY is then CONVERTED into our ASTRAL BODY, which has been with us all of our
earthly expression, mostly unbeknown to us, then the silver chord that connects the physical body
with the Astral body, is severed, it snaps away,and then the physical body decays and rots away
while YOU, carry on living as before your departure from the dense physical plane, in another
dimension, called the Astral realm.
Will continue this further in part two, Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Lost In Space Time Evading Discovery. L I S T E D Part Two.

We all have a real need deeply within us all,to be loved, and to love,and be fully accepted,to feel
that we truly belong somewhere. That we are a part of a wholeness that is locked within our
subconscious mind, this feeling that arises within us of longing, is the subconscious mind
leaking out into our conscious awareness and giving us the feeling that there is something
missing in our lives, but we cannot seem to put our finger on what exactly this longing feeling
actually means, longing for what exactly? Because we cannot identify as to what this longing
feeling means,we then fall into what could be seen as walking into a "Cul-de-sac " we try
and find ways to fill this longing feeling, and this often leads to addictive behavior and other
negative traits, because this inner longing feeling, grows into a gaping chasm within us, a
HOLE within our psyche that demands filling! We all really need to fully understand what this
longing feeling actually is, and from where is  it arising from, and that's not easy as where can you
find out the answer to this,you can hardly go and ask your neighbour, saying do you know what this longing feeling in me means? We have no guide or instruction book for life, saying something
like go to page 197 for "longing feelings"!  I had to find out for myself, after years of suffering
and mental agony, it was a major crisis in my life, that opened the door that lead me to the source
of my longing feelings, that mutated into an ravenous hunger that could not be satisfied.
I discovered that the answer to these longing feelings, lie deep within us all,and that the actual
longing feeling is actually an invitation to look within yourself, and find out what lies beneath
the veneer of our personality?  It is just that we have all become so accustomed to only ever
looking outward, that it never occurs to us to look within, because we mistakenly think there
is nothing there inside us!  I discovered through my own experience that I was indeed a soul
and that the longing feeling we all encounter, are like beckon pulses that the soul sends out, to
try and attract your attention, and that you will then instinctively turn within yourself, and
investigate this curious phenomena, alas though the vast majority of us do not do this. My
hope dear reader of this blog, is that you do not have to have a major crisis in your life, before
you make the decision to look within yourself, and find your own immortal soul dwelling within
you.Every human being upon this planet, all seven billion or so, each have an immortal soul within
them, all you have to do, is look within, ask yourself the question, Who am "I"? Then you will find
out the same way that I found out, and then you will really know WHO YOU ARE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Lost In Space Time Evading Discovery. L I S T E D

Like the proverbial Prodigal Son, many of us are lost within within the space of our ego's,
knowing that something is missing within us, but unable to find out what it actually is.Longing
arises within you, where has this feeling come from? We start searching for an answer as to what is
this longing feeling that i am experiencing? We feel empty within, seems like a hunger for something
yet its identity escapes our knowing. Some of us will see and feel this inner hunger, as an emptiness
that needs filling, and will then move into a mindset that will try and placate this inner longing
which has by now mutated into a hunger and an empty feeling that needs filling. How we will
fill this what now has grown into a hollow feeling within, a gaping hole in our psyche has opened
up, and it demands that it be filled, and quickly.
We are then faced with various options, all of which will lead us down a blind alley, and becoming
hopelessly lost within ourselves.We can choose food, and see if that will fill this "HOLE" within us
and in so doing we enter a world where we become eventually grossly over weight and obese, and
realise if we are lucky enough that is, that food will not fill this gaping hole. We can also use alcohol
and find that we get addicted to this liquid and loose control of our lives, and become very sick and
bankrupt in our emotional and mental welfare. We can also use various drug, both legal and not, to
see if countless HIGH'S will satisfy this inner hunger, and eventually if we are still alive that is, that
drugs are not "cutting the mustard" either. We can even develop all sorts of compulsive disorders
and see if this will fill in this gaping hole, we can get depressed, loose hope,be filled with unknown
fears, dread the dawning of a new day, develop ingenious behaviours that keep us distracted from
facing this inner LONGING headfirst, imagine that we will find out what is missing from our lives.
We each have within us a thing we call our conscience, do we actually know and understand what
this idea of conscience actually is? Is it somehow associated with what we often call that "still small
voice within us" and further is it also associated with the phenomena called "intuition"? Intuition
literally means to "BE TAUGHT FROM WITHIN" if then that is so, this begs the very real and
pertinent  question to arise, as to what or whom is the identity of this inner teacher that seems to
dwell within us???
Will go into this more deeply in part two,  Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

We Are Vehicles Expressing Divinity.=W A V E D Part Two.

We all motion along the broad highway of life, using our vehicle the physical body to steer us
along through a variety of experiences, some of these experiences will be painful, and others
enjoyable.There is however something missing in all this,many of us are only experiencing
this in just two dimensions, that of physical and mental,the spiritual aspect of our full expression
is somewhat missing.
How many of us, ever sit down quietly and think about who we really are? What about you dear
reader of this blog? Have you ever sat down and asked yourself the question, who the hell am "I"?
What am I doing here? Is there more to life than THIS?
The reality of our expression within this dense low vibration field, is that of a three fold expression
or three dimensional expression,that being, physical, mental, spiritual, and some would add another
dimension that of emotional. The reality that plays out in most of this planets physical human
population, falls far short of expressing our fullest three levels of expression. tens of millions
of us are what could be seen as being "HALF COCKED" and not FULLY LOADED in the full
sequence spectrum of being fully conscious of one's FULL IDENTITY of being a Divine SOUL!
Therefore, because we falsely identify with the vehicle as being who we ARE, we consequently
fail to even realise that we are hopelessly lost upon the broad spectrum of life's highway.Our
inner guidance navigator, is offline, and we are often left going round in circles, back where we started.
To become fully alive, we need to embrace our WHOLE SELF,we all need absolutely to KNOW
just who the HELL WE REALLY ARE!  We all our Divine Immortal Souls, that is all our REALITY
and this reality, being REAL,being ABSOLUTE, being IMMUTABLE, is way beyond any thing
that we may think,act, or say, it is totally irrelevant as to whether you accept this FACT or NOT
like this fact or not, reject this fact or not, this reality of us all being Divine Souls, totally
transcends our thoughts or opinions, it is an immutable FACT and eternal FACT, whether we like
it or accept it, we are THAT which IS. Life is a motioning expression of Divine intention played
out and experienced in this theatre called planet Earth, we are all actors, acting our our assigned
roles, (do I know my lines, for this role?) Let us all play our roles with the integrity of fully knowing
who we really are.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 6 August 2018

We Are Vehicles Expressing Divinity. =W A V E D

We have various modes of transportation available to us all, starting with a bicycle, motor bike,
car, boat, or plane, what then are all these modes of getting from A to B ? They are all vehicles
that we all use from time to time, in order to move quickly from point A to B. What then are we
to make of the vehicle that we use every day we live on this earth, the human body?
When we use words like Mankind, and Humanity, what are we actually saying? What exactly is
this thing called humanity, or mankind? Suppose you drove a Ford car vehicle, as some of you may well do, what would you then do, when it got old and rusty? Hopefully you would try and trade it in for a newer model,you would then step out of your old vehicle, the old Ford car, and gladly step into
you brand new expensive vehicle. There are literally millions of different vehicles upon this planet
but we do not hold them in any special reverence, like saying my new Raleigh bicycle is something
very important to this planet! Yet we it comes to US, which are just as much a vehicle as that FORD
car, or Raleigh bicycle, we call ourselves things like humanity, and mankind. Why is this? In truth
there is no such thing as humanity! What we call human beings, are in fact Souls,Spirit,  expressing
their dynamic divine energy signature, through a VEHICLE called a human being, mankind is in truth, non-existent, what actually exists is SPIRIT, Condensed into a SOUL expression, and then
further condensed (much lower vibration frequency) in what we call Humanity, or mankind.
Because of a vast ignorance of our true identity, we live in a blinkered thee dimensional level
of consciousness, and therefore are never acquainted with our inner REAL SELF, all we identify
with all our lives is just the SHADOW OF OUR REAL SELF, the physical Vehicle, imagine
if you thought your FORD car was really YOU, or you identified with your Raleigh bicycle and
told your friends that is was really you? Then men in white coats would be called to take you away
to a place of safety! But are we all not doing thing very thing everyday? Do we not all identify with
our body, saying things like this is ME! Pointing to their physical form. We are in truth ONE divine
family,being expressed in several billion ways upon this earth plane, each in order to gather experience and to then use this gathered experience to begin understanding who you really are.
In part two will explore this more. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 5 August 2018

Become Yourself Explore-Be Yourself Expanded.= B Y E B Y E Part Two.

To become who we really are, we need to explore what actually lies deep within us? And if we
think the we are only a physical body, shaped into what is commonly called a human being, then
if we truly think this, then it is unlikely that we would bother looking within our psyche.
There are literally millions like this today, just believing and accepting that they are just a name
their parents gave them, where they were born, what level of education  they aspired to, and what
they do now, that's all they know about themselves, and tens of millions of us, are born, get married,
and then die, without never knowing who the HELL they really WERE! Here the word hell can
be seen to represent;Host-evaporating-Listless-Life=HELL.What seems to evaporate is the "presence" of the inner PRINCIPLE that of the SOUL!
So it seems that unless certain conditions arise within our personal experiences, such as having
parents that are spiritually active, and that their example encourages us to look within ourselves
or,we have a profound and life altering experience, that causes us to reflect, and look within
ourselves, or like in my case ,a major life threatening crisis, caused or even forced me to look
and ask a Higher power for help, as I thought I was beyond human aid.
It seems that if our "BOAT" is not "ROCKED" then we just carry on being what we believe is
our real self, just the physical body.
My hope is that if you dear reader of this blog are in that category where your boat has never been
rocked, and you are happy to be just who you are, an ordinary human being, that you will at least
consider the points raised here, and perhaps ask yourself the question, do I really know who "I"
am? Who am "I" really? Is it at all possible that what this blog writer is saying, may actually be
TRUE? That I am really an Divine Immortal Soul, and just have never realised this truth?
The very fact that you have come to this point of even reading this blog, which after all is
entitled Soul Realisation, means that you are open to this possibility, so I am sure that you will
be able to identify with what is written here, find some inner correspondence with it, and hopefully
this will open up a whole new level of understanding and experiences for you.
Then we can joyfully say BYE BYE to our outer vehicle, and begin embracing our true inner reality
that of soul consciousness, then we will be perfectly balanced in our earthy expression, we will
look after and protect our outer vehicle, which is a wonderful  biological computer and machine
and balance this with an inner expansion of soul consciousness and perception.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 4 August 2018

Become Yourself Explore-Be Yourself Expanded. =B Y E -B Y E .

Can we really say bye bye to our physical vehicle the body,and turn inwards and say Hello to
our inner reality, which is the Divine Immortal Soul? Well yes we most certainly can do that
very thing, if we so choose to do so.However, how many of us would actually choose to do that?
The answer seems to suggest not that many, why is that? Well if you are happy and content with
your life,if you have a loving family, friends, reasonable good health, then the chances of you
looking to change your life's focus, is very slim,after all you are happy, healthy, and content,
what more could you possibly want or need?
It seems to me after studying this thing for over forty years now, that although there are always
exceptions to the general rule, whereby a person who has a happy contented life, does choose to
explore within themselves, and find their inner soul, these folks are in the minority, it seems
the vast majority of us, will never look within our selves, and take stock of our life, unless we
are presented with a major crisis, perhaps a life threatening crisis.
I know in my own case in particular, I ended up being given three months to live by my doctor
unless I dramatically changed my life, starting like Today!
It was this life threatening illness, and mental and emotional anguish, that actually forced me
to take urgent stock of my life,and effect major changes immediately, or just DIE!
This is where among other things, I discovered  meditation, which then eventually lead on to
what is the title of this web site, that of Soul Realisation, to become consciously and intuitively
aware of this inner reality, that of our Immortal Divine Soul, and whats more to be able to
telepathically communicate with this inner reality, which is who YOU REALLY ARE!
I am NOT alone in this SOUL  REALISATION consciousness, there are tens of thousands of
us all around this planet, maybe even millions, each of us has woken up to the inner reality of
BE-ING who you really ARE, in my case, and I guess in many other cases as well, I had to be
reduced to a total wreck of a man, bordering on a CABBAGE like existence, and given just three
months to live! But death did not scare me, I died every day for years, it was LIFE that scared the
shit out of me! I did what I did, out of a major crisis, and intense mental and emotional pain, and
was given hope, and a way out of this agony of existence, and thank my soul for helping me to
find out who I really was.
In part two, will explore this further. warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 3 August 2018

Soul Consciousness Opens Up Truth.= S C O U T Part Two.

We are all connected and interconnected to each other,this is a fundamental  reality that even
quantum physics will agree to.We are all energy, we are all alive, we are life, which translates as
Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and all the energy that we all are is totally connected to each
form and being upon this planet.
Soul consciousness will indeed open up the truth of BE-ing , the problem with that though is the
fact that tens of millions of us, do not know or even realise such a thing as soul consciousness
even exists!  Millions of us wander around and engage in our daily routines, completely unaware
of that living VITAL FORCE that exists within them. Why is this? Total lack of any basic teaching
and education as to who we really are, you cannot blame your parents, they were never taught this
reality at school, college, or university, neither were your grandparents taught this,so we all grow
up knowing just our names and address and not much more. We are taught from birth to look
forever outward, never within,we then naturally believe and think that who we really are is just
this physical body, and that's it! And when we die, well who knows, what happens then? If we were
GOOD then we may be lucky and get in this place called Heaven! Heaven actually means harmony
and its NOT a PLACE, rather its a STATE of BE-ing.
What state are you in dear reader of this blog? Hopefully you will be in a state of scouting out as
to whether what is being said here is REALLY TRUE, are we all really and TRULY immortal
Divine Souls, is this chap (me) telling us (you) the truth about this? Can I check this out anywhere?
Or will I just dismiss this idea of being a SOUL as nonsense, and not worth checking out? As they
say in the movies, "you pays yer money and you takes yer choice" I just hope dear reader that you
will ask yourself the question, could this blog mentioning about that we are ALL  immortal divine
souls, be actually true? And if I think it is, then how will I find out more information about this
thing? Well there are several things you could do, you could start by looking within yourself and
asking yourself the basic question of, WHO AM "I"? Meditate upon this question, and eventually
a "still small voice within you" will intuitively answer you and tell you the answer to that question.
Or you can check out a vast number of websites that explain about the reality of us all being souls,
or you could even read many of my older blogs that go into this reality very deeply.
The truth of life and reality is vouchsafed within each human, all you really have to do, is look
within yourself, and ask the question, Who am "I"?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Soul Consciousness Opens Up Truth.=S C O U T

Tens of millions of us, will be born,exist then die, without ever knowing who they really were
is this not a tragedy? Are we still living in the dark ages, as to personal self knowing? It would
seem that we are indeed still living in a dark age mentality of self unknowingness! We can send
probes that can even leave our solar system, land man of the Moon, built hydrogen bombs that
can kill millions in one brilliant flash, but knowing who we actually are, forget about It! as the
gangsters would say.
Why is the world not teaching this most fundamental reality? Why is there this apathy about
knowing and understanding exactly who we are? Are we all deliberately choosing to remain
ignorant of our TRUE IDENTITY? Do we think that this is untrue, that there is no such thing
as immortality, and no such thing as having an immortal soul? Do you dear reader of this blog
think that? After all we are all entitled to think and believe whatever we want, is that not so?
The thing about this shall we call it a concept, can this concept be proved by any individual
who would make an honest attempt to do so? The answer to this is most definitely yes, if any
individual looks within themselves, and asks the question to their inner being,WHO AM "I"?
To meditate upon this question, who am "I"? The whole point of knowing anything, is to
discover its reality within the threshold of your consciousness and perceptual awareness, and
when that occurs, you will then indeed know who you really are.We do not need to take anyones
word for this truth,you do not have to take my word for it, but hopefully you WILL TAKE your
own word for it, when you personally discover the reality of the immortal soul that you discover
resides within you, and further is the REAL and IMMORTAL YOU, because then you will see
that what you always thought of as YOURSELF, was actually JUST a VEHICLE for the true owner
the SOUL.
To become conscious of being a soul incarnate within a physical vehicle,opens up a whole new level
of consciousness and awareness, we then actually see and feel the connection to ALL that IS, we see
and what's more feel that the whole of humanity is one Divine family, in fact we are ALL related to
each other, there is NO DIVIDING LINE in existence ANYWHERE! We are ALL connected and
interconnected with each other, if we hurt ONE, the whole will SUFFER, such is universal law.
In part two, will explore this further, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

We Are Reflective Principles. W A R P Part Two.

We all our reflective principles called LIFE,we are all contained and condensed into what we
term as a physical body. This physical body as long as it is in synchronisation and harmony
with the laws of expressed life in physical form, it will then reflect back to its occupier,(you)
good health and balanced experiences.
If that is not the case,then we begin to experience the phenomena caused by a WARP within the
fabric of our living matrix, the word warp, means to twist out of shape,warped thinking produces
negative results, when we are out of alignment with the laws of life, we are impacted with this
warped reflection, and the results cause us damage, either, physically, mentally, emotionally,
or spiritually. As mentioned in yesterdays blog, LIFE is absolutely impartial to whatever we do
or not do, if you want to jump of a cliff, it will NOT interfere with your decision, if you want to
reflect your inner perfection,life will not stand in your way. It is our decision to align ourselves
to the immutable laws of life. If we do our best to do that, we prosper, if we don't we suffer.
It is our complete ignorance of who and what we are, that causes most of the damage that mankind
suffers, not only are we out of alignment with natural law, the vast majority of us do not even know
that it exists!! Plus not knowing the fundamental laws of life, we additionally are completely and
totally unaware of just who and what we actually ARE! So it stands to reason then that literally
billions of us are all REFLECTING WARPED REFLECTIONS, which pan out as wars, hatred,
gross egotism, selfishness, exclusivity,greed,the list is endless, very FEW of us are reflecting love
and compassion,understanding and kindness, very few of us understand the meaning of the word
humility and acceptance. All this STEMS from ONE PRIMAL CAUSE, that of gross ignorance
as to WHO you really ARE, BECAUSE if we knew who we really are, we would then totally
realise and further understand, that the WHOLE of MANKIND was ONE Composite WHOLE
we are all brother and sister, we are ALL immortal souls, having a human experience. If we fully
understood who we are, we would ALL be REFLECTING LOVE and ACCEPTANCE of each
other. There would be no wars, or conflicts, the idea would be absurd to a LOVING ACCEPTING
HEART. We are basically what we reflect, are we reflecting love and kindness, or hatred and selfishness? We individually are the ones who decide what we reflect out into this world, what are
you going to reflect this day ,dear reader of this blog?
Warmest regards Michael any feed back welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.