Friday 24 August 2018

Inner Direction Expresses Awakening Soul. = I D E A S.

Where do our sense of direction come from? Is it from our parents or peers? Did our education give
us a sense of direction? Do we ever really know, which way we are heading? We each hopefully
find our own way, in our evolving life experience, either we find a way, in which we then follow
or we are totally unsure of which way to go, and therefore become lost. There are millions of lost
souls out there in this world, who have no direction, no objective to aim for, just getting through
each day as best you can, I can identify with the feeling of being lost, and abandoned to fumble
through each day, and never knowing where the hell I was heading. No one ever handed me a
hand book of how to live your life successfully! Like so many of other lost souls, I just "made it up"
as I went along.
Life presented to me, a major life changing crisis, that almost extinguished the body and mind, but
thankfully through this crisis, I received a gift beyond price,this gift was a gift of direction,
something that I had never had before, and the direction was to look within myself, I discovered
that the real reason I  was "LOST" was because I never knew who I really was, and because of this
ignorance, I wandered around in endless circles, going nowhere fast! And these circles became
smaller and smaller, tightening its grip and quickening its rotation, a vortex of isolation and despair
ending in collapse of pseudo self, and the rebirth of the real internal self, that of the SOUL.
If any of you reading this blog, identify with this feeling of being LOST, please do not despair,
because there lying within you, is the true source of your being,and this intensity of aloneness
and feeling isolated and apart from life,is YOUR real SELF reaching out to you, and tugging at
your senses, urging to to shift your gaze from forever looking "out there" for the answer, to actually
looking within yourself, and when you begin doing this, you will make an amazing discovery, you
will find out that in fact you were never really LOST, it just FELT that way,this seemingly
directionless path that you were treading, was unbeknown to you, the exact way you needed to
arrive at the point you are now at. Our inner soul knew we were on the right path, its just that our
physical biological body, was completely in the dark about this PATH  that we were treading, we all
finally need to find ourselves, and to actually be able to do this, our resistance and ideas about life
need to be made sometimes graphically explicit before we actually are able to let go, of our old ideas
and become open to new and more wholesome ideas!
In part two will explore this further   Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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