Saturday 30 November 2019

Localised Universal Consciousness Indwelling Divinity.-L U C I D .

The word lucid comes from the Latin adjective 'LUCIDUS' , meaning to be "shining" and
also from the Latin verb 'LUCERE' meaning "to shine", so we as human beings who are
LUCID in our expression upon the Earth plane, in other words we are all 'Localised universal
consciousness indwelling within a vehicle that holds that of Divinity within its inner matrix.
And this inner divinity, higher self/soul, is that part of our inner nature that is LUCID, in other
words it "shines"within us and when we make conscious contact with this inner-divinity, this
inner light or lucidity can actually glow with luminosity which can as is seen by those who are
a little sensitive to seeing that of auras and energy emanations from us.
The sole reason we are all here, including working off our Karmic liabilities, is in order for us
to become "fully SELF knowing"which will result in our also becoming fully 'lucid' shining
with that light of which we are all composed of, yet fail to recognise this most ancient truth,
Our outer physical bodies which are just vehicles for the indwelling spirit , are basically
composed of 'congealed light' light that has frozen because of its very slow and sluggish
vibration, this slow vibration causes light(energy) that in higher dimensions flows like a
liquid, to become dense(condensation) and eventually solidify into what we call matter.
Our flesh and blood bodies are just matter being expressed within a biological machine,
which is what we all are physically, and our brains is nothing more that a biological computer.
A biological computer that is connected up to the divine soul that operates it, via
electromagnetic and electrochemical neuron connections within the brain and central nervous
Consciousness is a universal absolute reality, it is ubiquitous, infinite and eternal,in quantum
speak consciousness is "NON-LOCALE" present everywhere simultaneously. "WE" as human
beings, have in effect "captured" this universal cosmological constant and localised it within
our "I AM consciousness"vehicle and therefore think that we are this I am self aware being
who has this facility of self aware consciousness, contained within the mind/ego self aware
structured ego personality, which is then seen as that I am a human being, and that's all I am?
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 29 November 2019

Mind As Direction Has All Thought Transforming Emotional Reality.-M A D -H A T T E R Part Two.

Our minds are the 'mad-hatter' that dwells within ourselves, the manifestation of all our
thoughts arise within this 'mad-hatter' called the mind. Without the mind thoughts would
not,or could not exist. Who then is in control of our thoughts? Is it you dear reader! If we
take full responsibility for all our thoughts, as hopefully we all do, then we would seldom
if ever need to make excuses for ourselves, or our behaviour. How many of us though do
actually make excuses for our behaviour, or something we said that might have caused
offence,or hurt feelings in another person?
If we make any excuse for what we think,say or do, what are we actually doing? Are we
somehow suggesting that we would have said something different, or acted in another way
if we were in complete control of ourselves? If we say 'my head told me to do that' even
though I did not really want to'feel this way' or do this act', then we have abdicated control
of ourselves, to this thing called "my head-mind"!
There is an ancient occult maxim which states that "Thoughts are Things" we create things
by our thoughts,what then are you creating dear reader of this blog? Are you creating peace
and harmony within your life, or complete chaos, the choice is ours, if we but realise this.
What then is this "thought producing phenomenon" which we call the mind? Simply put the
mind is part of the universal consciousness field, that has developed a "formal human body
awareness"that it believes it really is contained and exists within this localised human being,
and has forgotten within this entanglement its true universal nature.Our "I AM" self awareness
consciousness, becomes localised within your body at birth and the mind evolves around
your experiences from birth and your interactions with others, then we your ego "I AM" comes
on line around your second birthday, the "terrible twos" are the birth of the ego, which is then henceforth becomes what we call the mind.Without any thoughts, the mind does not exist.
When you cease thought, and are just aware, then all that exists within you is consciousness
without thought, therefore mind-less! Ultimately we will all have to lose our minds in order
to find our true eternal SELF. We can however use the mad-hatter mind as a directional beacon
to lead us into that point of stillness within our hearts,that will open up our awareness to change
our minds into intuition lead consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 28 November 2019

Mind As Direction-Has All Thought Transforming Emotional Reality.-M A D -H A T T E R .

This blog today was inspired by the story of Lewis Carrol's book "Alice's Adventures In
Wonderland" and the character within that story called the "MAD HATTER". "We" all have
a "Mad-hatter" that dwells within each one of us , and the identity of the 'Mad Hatter' is no
other than our mind.
Our minds give direction to our thoughts which in turn effect our feelings and emotions.
In other words our own inbuilt 'mad hatter'denotes the way we think,act, and react. What
is the daily direction of your thoughts, acts and feelings? Whether we are happy or sad
depends upon what way we direct the ebb and flow of our thoughts, and whether they are
positive or negative, joyous or sad. We can sometimes feel like a victim of our circumstances
and fail to ultimately realise, that we always have complete control over our feelings if we so
choose to act or react to anything.
So many of us however, seem to get into the habit of blaming outside circumstances for the
way we feel, Which suggests if we were but to realise it,that we had no real control over the
way we feel. Which is of course totally incorrect. We always have control over ourselves, if
we make the effort and stop blaming outside influences on our behaviours or mental and
emotional feelings.
A term that is often used these days is the one that says "my head tells me this and that" I
have pondered on this phrase, and looked into its implications.The implication stated in
this phrase, suggests quite implicitly that there is somehow another entity dwelling within
this body, that tells the true "owner" of that body, "what to do"! This is seen quite clearly when
the phrase is used in this way"I did not want to drink alcohol,or take illegal drugs, but my head
told me to do so"!"I did not want to tell you a pact of lies, but my head told me to do so"! When
we say things like this, we are stating that we have no control over ourselves and the way we
think,we are in effect then abdicating responsibility for all our actions, and saying without even
realising what we are actually doing, that we as a human being, are not in any way responsible for
anything we say, think, act or do,and there are millions of us upon this planet today, who think
feel, and act, as though they are victims of this "MAD HATTER" called "MY HEAD" told me to
do this"! Are you one of these persons dear reader of this blog?
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Crisis On Cross Of Ascension C O C O A Part Two.

"WE" all of humanity are all part of ONE composite Wholeness, which is where "we" all
came from, which is the Source of ALL LIFE, and the very LIFE of LIFE itself. That of
Absolute Perfection or God for short. "We" all descended from that perfect state of stillness
and were "flung out,or cast out, of EDEN" by the INTENTIONAL WAVE of the Source.
We all our the fallen angels, that have ended up here on the Earth plane. A fallen angel
or a risen angel are both the same thing, one has fallen into dense matter, and the other is
ascending through dense matter.. The angel or spirit being is just a facet of the one JEWEL
which is the Absolute SELF JEWEL or Divine-Diadem of the Absolute.
Life is Absolute Perfection and "we" are that absolute perfection "set into motion". "We"
have all "moved" from our perfect stillness into motion, and have descended gradually into
dense physical matter, and have awoke as self-conscious human beings.
Our crisis on the cross of ascension is to realise ourselves by way of experiences through
our human lives, and understand that we all have had many lives and many incarnations
here upon this Earth. The horizontal line that intersects the vertical line within our central
chest area, is the line which registers all our experiences gained through each life time, where
we have been both male and female, each crisis we encounter will bring us one step closer
into the beginning to change our gaze from outwards to inwards, and ask ourselves questions
about our lives and our values.When we begin to do that we are then beginning to ascend the
vertical line that leads to ascension.
The internet is full of stuff about ascension, some of it is utter nonsense, some is suggesting
that we are all aliens,and unless we read their teachings we will be in danger, again utter drivel
then there are some really good websites that are in alignment with natural law, whatever
resonates with you dear reader take notice of that.
There is no mystery about ascension, it is perfectly aligned with natural Divine intelligent
law, and every human being will undergo this process either in this life time, or another
there is no shortage of time, we have the whole of eternity to ascend. Ascension laid bare of
all mystique connotations, literally translates as leading to full SELF Knowing.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome. Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Crisis On Cross Of Ascension. C O C O A .

Mankind straddles between two lines of force, one line is horizontal and the other line
of force is vertical, these two lines of force intersect within the central chest area of the
being. This central chest area is called the heart chakra, this point within the body is
exactly where these two lines of force meet and make the shape or figure of an cross.
The vertical line runs through the centre of the head(crown chakra) through the centre of
the chest at the point where the heart chakra is and exits the physical  body via the anal
orifice and grounds itself within the earth. The horizontal line flows our central chest area
(heart chakra) and exits at the end of each hand, which when the arms are outstretched runs
parallel with the central chest area, This forms the shape of a cross.
The horizontal line represents our evolutionary experiences, and our journey through many
life times, the vertical line represents our ascension into a more inclusive spiritual
understanding of our true and lasting nature. These two lines of force that intersect all
mankind, have absolutely nothing to do with any religious or Earthly created religion,
these lines of force are universal and are within the ebb and flow of Natural Universal
The act of what we call crucifixion is an occurrence that assails every human being on
its journey from animalism into spiritual consciousness.
We have all been upon the horizontal line for long ages past, and through many many
life times, and have all experienced both male and female incarnations, we have built
up both positive and negative Karma,suffered endless pains along the way, along with
unparalleled joys and exquisite wonders,the horizontal line of force is the first one we
all encounter, and we gain all of our early experiences along this horizontal line of force
we all continue along this line, until we start to wonder and think about who we really
are.When our pain or joy, have brought us to the question of what is the meaning of my
life? Why am I here? What is the purpose of all this? Is there any purpose at all? When
we arrive at this point within this particular incarnation, we have already begun to tune
into the vertical line of force, this line of force will gradually reveal to you the reason
for your own crucifixion. In part two will explore this further.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 25 November 2019

Spirit Entwining Living Form Manifests As Divinity Expressed. -S E L F -M A D E Part Two.

"WE" are all SELF-MADE facets of the ONE-COMPOSITE WHOLE, who ushered out
into motioning expression by the primal thought wave intention of the Absolute Life Force
Source being. that began a journey which is beyond human comprehension, spanning aeons
of being expressed and compressed into endless shapes and sizes, from stars to planets,from
liquid to solid, billions of years passed, then the tide, which is called by us evolution,took a
turn towards that which will eventually lead us all into full self-knowing. Humanity was born
"I AM" consciousness was the "birth" back into consciousness of that spiritual reality of the
"I AM" knowing GOD-LIKE quality.
Our history upon this Earth plane spans much further back in time, than present day science
believes, this will become more evident when we uncover more evidence of so called "lost
civilisations".The "collective unconsciousness"that was mentioned in yesterdays blog, is a vast
"psychic field" that interpenetrates this planet and surrounds it completely. It occupies exactly
the same space that we all occupy, only in another dimension of expression. We call this 'space'
the Astral -plane,or planes as there are many of them.Mankind,WE.over a vast time period have
actually created these psychic realms, which we call the astral planes. The "collective
unconsciousness" of us all has manifested this vast seemingly infinite expanse of relativity in
order to advance our consciousness to the point of full SELF-KNOWING, when we fully know
ourselves to be the SELF (GOD/SPIRIT) then the astral planes for YOU who has just fully
woken up, will vanish from existence for you, as your consciousness will have by then
transcended this illusory realm of relativity.
"WE" are all ONE-LIFE, having seven and a half billion experiences.there is NOT seven and
a half billions LIFE'S, just ONE! "our" task is to find that ONE within US=universal-spirit
=US."we" each will find our own way the be our SELF which is GOD absolute. and because
we only live for a limited time within our vehicles (human body) we all need a place to stay, after
we die (change venues) that place is the astral plane, we stay there like in a "holding pattern"
until another opportunity to revisit this planet becomes available to us, then we are reborn again
into a physical body, and have therefore another opportunity presented to you, to find out just who
you really are. The sole reason "we" are all here is first to find the reality of your indwelling soul
then when having found that,realise that your soul is just another vehicle covering the real BEING
within. which is the SELF.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 24 November 2019

Spirit Entwining Living Form-Manifests As Divinity Expressed.-S E L F -M A D E .

"WE" are all Self-Made manifestations of Life experiencing the experiences of being what
we term as that of a human being.The living Life force has become entwined within dense
matter, which vastly lowers its high frequency vibrations. and therefore has caused the life
force which in its natural state is ethereal and more like that of a fluid, to become solidified
and congealed into that of a flesh and bone body.Outwardly we are physical beings and
therefore are limited (relative) and will eventually cease to function and decompose, and
inwardly we are of an astral and spiritual nature,which at the core of our expression is
Absolute and therefore Eternal.
The only limitations upon mankind is bound only by mans ignorance of his true nature.
The more we realise our true nature the less less bounded we become."WE" mankind,
have created what is termed as the 'Astral Realm' (the one all mankind visits nightly
while asleep). The Astral Realm does not or could not exist, without mankind who
created it."we" all created this astral realm which exist and was created by the "collective
unconsciousness" of mankind over an extremely long period of relative time.Carl Gustav
Jung the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst  born July 1875 and died in June 1961. wrote
extensively on the subject of the "collective unconsciousness" of mankind.
This "collective unconsciousness" has in fact manifested a psychic field/realm  around this
planet Earth, which we commonly call the Astral Planes,these planes of expression are all
contained within several dimensional levels of vibration frequency, sub divided into sub
planes of  seven times seven making around forty nine planes of expression, each plane
on a slightly different vibration frequency level that the one higher or lower than itself.
These levels of extended expression completely surround us all,and radiate from and
interpenetrate the same space we all use, only on a different frequency and also minus a
physical body, instead we are clothed within an astral body, which is not subject to the
physical laws we all our, and can therefore walk through solid objects, as those things called
ghosts are reported to do! The reality of these realms, which in truth are no more than holding
stations, where we exist between one incarnation and the next. Will go further into this in
part two,  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Relativity Expressing Absolute Life-Universally Presented. R E A L -U P . Part Two.

"WE" are all expressing reality within a relative mode, which is characterised by that of
motion. Motion that 'appears' to us and science to be that of perpetual -motion. We are LIFE
being expressed within what we commonly call that of Mankind.
That which we all call humanity, you and me, are all basically Life, life that has reached a stage
within its evolutionary arc where it has attained that "GOD" like 'acquistion'  of being 'SELF'
aware, self conscious, and the ability to say "I AM" aware and self conscious.
We are all self aware, but the vast majority of mankind  is only 'lower self' aware', and not higher
self aware.
That reality will slowly dawn upon mankind's consciousness as we all slowly become more
spiritually aware of our true immortal nature.The majesty of presented mankind is seen when
we can appreciate the vastness of our journey within the evolutionary arc ascension, which
spans aeons of "relative time"(which only seems to exist, but in truth does not) Now we are
awake from our aeonic slumber and can begin to see the wonder and magnificence of our
epic journey, which began within the Absolute motionless BEING of the Absolute, then
"we" were "all" rocketed out into an embryonic virgin universe,we then went instantly
from being Absolute to that of becoming relative and began a life (expression) of a motion
unconscious state for an eternity,until then like today, you are reading this blog and know
that you are reading this blog, because you have that GOD-like acquistion of self-aware
We now all stand on the precipice of a new dawning upon mankind, to continue our ascension
into an all inclusive heart-centred and not head centred reality, we also need to let go of our
"perceived"humanity, which in TRUTH is just a collection of vehicles, vehicles that serve the
purpose of LIFE being consciously expressed here, being able to experience conscious aware
motions here on Earth.
We now all need to begin embracing that eternal principle of our true and lasting SELF which
is Divinity.We need to let go of the vehicles(humanity) and begin embracing our INHERIT
DIVINITY that lives within the heart of every "human" being upon this planet.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 22 November 2019

Relativity Expressing Absolute Life-Universally Presented. R E A R -U P .

There is I guess an infinite number of ways that life can be expressed, and not just on this
planet Earth, but also universally.The one common factor in all expressed life. is that any
expression of this one thing called LIFE,will be relative,which also means that it moves
has motion, and all motion can be seen as a direction towards eventual evolving into higher
dimensions. Absolute LIFE remains forever motionlessness, only relativity moving through
life moves. This physical universe is therefore manifesting as an illusion of perpetual motion.
I say illusion in the context that this universe we all live in, is only relatively real,but NOT
absolutely real, and is in fact an illusion cast over and a back-drop to the Absolute reality
that lies behind the illusion of perpetual motion, in perfect stillness.
That which is "universally presented" is LIFE which  stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused
Energy =LIFE. means literally and factually that every atom,every molecule,everything that
exists within this universe is ALIVE  absolute,being expressed relatively.
This whole universe is alive, but not how most of us understand that term.The ancient occult
wisdom states very clearly that "Space is an Entity" and space which is the relative universe
is wholly occupied by relative life, motioning through its orbiting path towards evolving into
a more unified wholeness, and developing eventually to become like us.
The factor that distinguishes us and makes us stand out from the crowd so to speak, is that
wondrous addition which is called our "I AM" consciousness, our self awareness, we all know
that we know, other life being expressed does not have this ability of FULL SELF KNOWING
Our I AM consciousness is the link that will FORGE a connection, an eventual conscious
connection, that will link up our physical body vehicle which is wholly relative and will
dissolve back into the Earth from which it came, at the time of physical vehicle death, to
opening up an inner link within our consciousness, that will connect us directly back to
our SOURCE of BEING, which of course is ABSOLUTE.
This connection can be made by you taking what could be seen as the most vitally important
decision you will ever make in your life, that of going within yourself on a daily basis doing
either meditation or yoga, and therefore discovering who you really are.
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 21 November 2019

We Are Infinite SELF Transfigured. W A I S T Part Two.

"WE" are all suspended within relativity, condensed into physical form, and held here by our
gross ignorance of SELF knowledge.The transfiguration of mankind will begin when each one
of "us" makes that directional change from forever looking 'outward', into that of looking
'inward'. The image of humanity presented by modern psychology is not only fragmentary but
misleading, in reality to be human means to be as if suspended between anamality and divinity
but modern thought whether philosophical or scientific admits only of anamality practically
speaking. Traditional wisdom corrects and perfects the image of man,by insisting on his
divinity, not by making a god of him, but rather by taking account of his true nature, which
surpasses the terrestrail  and, without which there would be no reason for our existence.
We stand within a physical body  which is directly related to that of the animal kingdom,we
are therefore outwardly animal, and inwardly divine, our task is to unite with the divinity that
dwells within us, by going within ourselves we will begin the process of transforming
ourselves, and raising our vibration rate, which will then gradually begin building up our
inner awareness and perceptions, this act of regularly going within ourselves and meditating
or practising yoga will bring about a unifying force of spiritual union within your SELF.
Your lower self,the animal part will raise up towards the higher self, which will then descend
and meet up with the lower self, this act will unite within a fusion of divine force, which will
then set into motion the act of transfiguring the being from that of "mortal minded man" into
that of immortal minded Spirit/Soul/Life force, in other words you will be born again, without
having to enter the womb again.
Our physical body vehicles are relative, and belong to this Earth, when we leave this planet
at the time of our departure which is really just a change of venues, we call it death, when we
leave here we will not be permitted to take even one atom from this planet, our spiritual body
though is not relative, but absolute and will remain that way for eternity.
The paramount and most vital thing any of us can ever find, is our-SELF, all other findings
pail into insignificance compared with the reality of SELF KNOWING.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

We Are Infinite SELF Transfigured. W A I S T

We are all boundless Being, the only limit we have on our realising this boundlessness, is
our ignorance of our real eternal absolute BEING.
What mankind actually is, and what it expresses is a collection of localised "I AM" 
consciousness, points of reference. The infinite absolute SELF, is condensed and localised
within a relative-biological- machine, which we all call humanity or mankind.
The Absolute Infinite Life Force, is thereby having and experiencing a period of relativity
being expressed and "INFORMED" within a biological capsule called man.
Understanding this reality, will make our minds reel with a sense of wonder and disbelief
how could "I" possibly be all this? You may well ask! Many if not all of the readers of this
blog today might well think this way,how could humanity that is over seven and a half
billion souls, all be condensed into ONE ABSOLUTE BEING ? Sound like total nonsense
poppycock,ridiculous,absolutely absurd you might say.
Because we do not know ourselves, and being mindful that ourselves does not consist of our
physical body,that is just a vehicle to permit expression here upon the Earth plane.
Many of us mistakenly think we know ourselves, because we have observed ourselves in
various means of self analysis, what is missing in this ego, personality, mindfulness inventory
is that we can only been studying the biological machine, the vehicle, which is called the lower
self, the personality,ego,individuality,mind and memory, but has revealed absolutely zero
account of whom you really are, which is the Higher Self, or the Soul.
Mankind literally rotates on a point of reference, this point of reference is called your "I AM"
consciousness field of reference, it is a singularity point that tapers downwards through several
dimensions of expression, and exits within the solidification of consciousness/light within a
physical body, and is anchored in this physical dimension within the crown and heart chakras.
A clue to this sequence of expression is in seeing and understanding what those three letters
stand for  "I" A" "M" INFINITE-ABSOLUTE-MANIFESTING. ="I AM" "WE" all our "I AM"
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Hole In The Soul. H I T S Part Two.

Mankind in general has a distorted perspective upon our human intellect, in the famous
observation made by Descartes 'Cogito ergo sum'which means 'I think therefore I am' what
he implied by this conclusion is that because we think, we know that we are. But this is
putting the cart before the horse, we do not need to think in order to know that we are.
First we know 'I AM' and then only is it possible for us to think, or know 'I AM thinking'
More appropriately, therefore his saying could be inverted  as 'I am therefore I think' or
better still as, 'I AM' therefore I seem to think'. Even when we do not think, as in deep
sleep, we know 'I AM'.Our thinking depends upon our knowledge of our being, our
fundamental consciousness 'I AM'-but our knowledge of our BEING, does not depend
upon our thinking.
Humanity in general seems to think that this 'I AM' consciousness arises and is contained
within the human body.that the physical body is really who YOU ARE.
And because of this most fundamental and basic error, or more precisely that of gross ignorance
as to the real and lasting eternal identity of humanity,there unfolds a gaping chasm, an emptiness
a cancerous chasm that is the HOLE in the SOUL of mankind.Mankind is being manipulated
by the forces of gross materialism, that has a choking and suffocating hold upon hundreds of
millions of human beings, the WATCHWORD of this force that manipulates mankind is that
you must be ever DISTRACTED by any means fair or foul, to forever look outward and NEVER
INWARD. The forces of glamour, such as our smart phones, and the multi media bombardment
of their trivialised bullshit, posing as "interesting entertainment" keep mankind mesmerised by
this trivia trash, and therefore keep us forever distracted and away from looking within ourselves.
DIE-EASE runs rampant across this planet, because of our gross ignorance of our true and lasting
identity, the HOLE in the SOUL is actually causing a cancerous vortex to arise within humanity
and is literally and factually SUCKING the life giving energy out of mankind, what we have
in our MIDST is a VAMPIRE that is sucking the life blood out of mankind, and the name of this
vampire is SELF-IGNORANCE! I hope this blog will HIT-HOME to its readers and that will effect
some modicum of change. Unless we can know ourselves, all other knowledge is WORTHLESS.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 18 November 2019

Hole In The Soul. H I T S

This blog today is about what I perceive to be a global fragmentation within mankind, a
cancerous sore, that has produced a "hole"  within tens of millions of the human race.
In our natural healthy unfragmented state, we are WHOLE healthy beings that have a purpose
in life and are reasonably happy and well..What is happening though is that dis-ease, which
takes the form of various addictions, such as alcoholism, drug addiction,food addiction and
the massive rise in global obesity,sex addiction, plus many other severe and debilitating
forms of emotional,and mental disorders.Tens of millions are dying every year through these
dis-eases and mental and emotional anguish.Then on top of all this we have also wars and
bloody conflicts, that kill and maim thousands every year,that along with those millions who
are dying of hunger and thirst. And we in the west are all bloated with food, the supermarkets
groaning under the weight of all the food on their shelves. Yet a few thousand miles away,
children are dying of hunger and thirst.
This cancerous HOLE that is eating mankind ALIVE at the rate of knots boils down to just
one fundamental thing, we could find thousands of other things, that might "seem" to pertain
to the state of this planet and mankind, but unless the ROOT CAUSE of this cancerous 
dis-ease  is not dealt with, all the other many issues will remain. What then is the ROOT
CAUSE that is eating humanity alive?
The root cause is basically our gross ignorance of who we really ARE, if we all knew that
TODAY, then tomorrow would dawn into a WHOLE NEW ERA for MANKIND.
Thee illusion that we are all separate individuals and therefore apart from each other, would
immediately vanish,we would see and feel the connection we have with each other,selfishness
and self seeking egotism would also vanish as our consciousness will have been ignited with
the fire of love and goodwill toward all mankind, the fragmentation, the hole in the soul will
begin to close over,the emptiness that once filled our hollow selves will become filled with
the joy of knowing who we really are.
When this truth about the "hole in the soul" HITS home, then remarkable things will begin
occurring across this planet.
In part two will explore this further.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization..

Sunday 17 November 2019

Reflections Of Perfection Expressing You. R O P E Y Part Two.

We do not have to "strive" for perfection, we are already that way,what we need to do is to
know ourselves truly,then the reality of our perfection will become SELF-EVIDENT.
When we say things like "I am only human" this is often seen as us "excusing ourselves"
from doing any better than we are now. Like how can I be ever perfect, "I am only a human
being, you know".
We say things like this because we fail to understand that this human being you are identifying
with, is in fact just a vehicle,a biological machine, that the REAL-YOU uses to gain experiences
here upon the Earth plane.
We are all in effect something that present day science would say is impossible, that of being a
"solid-shadow" which in effect we really all are, our true immortal eternal, Absolute SELF
is at the CORE of all our being, and this SELF(GOD) is pure light absolute(LIFE/SPIRIT)
at its source of BEING, it however becomes denser and slower in vibration as it crosses over
lower dimensional states, and by the time it reach us here on Earth and condenses into our
physical bodies, it becomes congealed  and solidified,, in other words we are in fact "solid-
By throwing light on our shadowy outer form by going within ourselves and meditating or
taking up yoga, we  then start the process of inner illumination, and the beginning of turning
into who we really are. Which is a perfect , whole, complete SELF.
Without any spots, (perfect).The meaning of "being without spot" is to know yourself , be
YOUR-SELF which is naturally PERFECT. With spot means that we are ignorant of our
true nature, it does not mean however that we are exhibiting something called SIN, that word
is a creation manifested by religious  leaders to keep control and power to them selves, sin
can be seen to mean this SPIRIT-IS-NEGATED=SIN, which basically equates with our self-
We all reflect what we all truly are, and that is perfect wholeness of BEING.The closer you can
be to just being YOUR-SELF the closer you will be to realising this inner reality, that dwells within
the heart and soul of every human being.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Reflections Of Perfection Expressing You. R O P E Y .

I would like to start this blog today with a poem I wrote some time ago, that seems to fit this
today's blog like a glove.The poem is as follows.
"We are all reflections of perfection
and have no need of correction,
just to know ourselves, and therefore
experience our resurrection."
We all reflect that perfection from within our inner core, but because so many of us  have no
idea of whom we really are, therefore we all reflect a distorted image of our inner core reality.
We even say things like "nobody is perfect" and likewise truly believe that this is so,when the
truth is the exact opposite, we are all perfect, and we know it not.
If we remove the names that we use to describe us. like that of humanity, mankind, the human
race, once we have removed the terms of reference  about ourselves, what then is left?
Well what name is left is what we all our, plus every other thing on this planet, and that is LIFE
we all our life, and if we think about this term called life, we will see that it is in the singular,
there is no such a thing in existence anywhere in the universe that is the plural of the word life.
There are not any life's anywhere in existence, just life. For me the word life stands for Living
-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what "we" all are.So the reality is that we are all part of
just ONE THING and that one thing is called LIFE!
Outwardly we reflect what we have come to understand as reality,which is an relative reality
and therefore it is dual in nature and comes and goes like the seasons, always changing, but
within ourselves, when we look inwards, and focus our attention and awareness on our inner
consciousness, we begin to perceive an inner stillness and begin to sense an unchanging
reality that lies there behind the veil of the formal physical body.
If we were not perfect,we could not exist, its as simple as that, all existence is in essence
perfection, it could not possibly be otherwise.
The only thing that stands between us and the recognition of your truthful perfect SELF
is just that of our gross ignorance of ourselves, and an absence of looking inward, instead of
what the majority of the human race do, and that is solely to look forever outward.
In part two will look further into this.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 15 November 2019

Self And Mind Entangled. S A M E Part Two.

Our mind is in fact nothing but our power of attention. When we direct our power of attention
towards thoughts and objects, which we imagine to be other than ourself, we rise as our mind,
leaving our natural state of mere being.But when instead we direct our power of attention back
towards ourself, we return to our natural state of mere being,and so long as we keep our attention
fixed on ourself,without allowing it to stray out towards anything else,we remain as our mere
being,that is,as our own essential self. In other words,our outward facing attention is our mind,
whereas our inward or 'I'-ward facing attention is our real self- our own simple and essential
self conscious being.
Our 'minds' our basically consciousness that has wrongly imagined itself to be within a localised
position, that position being the physical body.Whereas our real non-local SELF consciousness
is absolute infinite,and is just BEING, which means "just being" and doing absolutely
NOTHING-EVER. The mind (aspect) of our consciousness  is forever DOING, and what it
is doing is THINKING, forever thinking and believing the home of this thinking is that of
the physical body,which the mind identifies as itself, this "mind" arises from our collective
experiences from birth,where we gain the attributes of a human being, which are things like
ego, personality, individuality, our "I" or me me, concepts, this lower self "I" which manifests
from thought, is the home of the mind/personality/ego/ lower self/individuality/etc, the mind
can only EXIST within the parameters of arising THOUGHTS, zero thoughts, = zero mind.
Remove all thoughts, and whats left is pure consciousness, the SELF conscious aware BEING
When we lose our minds, we therefore gain our SELF, which is our immortal infinite SELF
What humanity basically is, is that of consciousness, which in its pure being, is formless and
insubstantial,it is absolute and infinite, being also omnipresent, consciousness is really just a
word, it is also spirit and LIFE. We as human doings, we are not BEINGS,  and will never be
beings, until we learn to stop and cease all DOINGS,and just BE. Mankind is condensed and
congealed consciousness, light solidified and frozen into FORM (a human being).
To untangle the entanglement that separates our minds from our real eternal SELF, we need to
go within ourselves, and focus our attention inward, this will reveal your true nature of BEING
if you persist in this most noble endeavour you will find your-SELF.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Self And Mind Entangled. S A M E ?

Our mind as we know it,is just a bundle of thoughts.thoughts that is in the very broadest sense
of the term,namely anything that our mind forms and experiences within itself,such as any
perceptions,conception, idea,beliefs,feelings,emotions,desires or suchlike. All thoughts are just
images that our mind forms within itself by its power of imagination.Except our fundamental
consciousness"I AM" each and everything that our mind knows or experiences is only a thought
that it forms within itself.
There is a distinction here that we need to understand regarding the mind and our "I AM"SELF
consciousness. Our "mind" is entangled with and associated with our physical body vehicle,
which the mind believes itself to be.The mindful ideation of being the physical body, is the big
difference between that which we call mind and that which is the "I AM"consciousness SELF.
The bottom line regarding the existence of the mind is this"without any thoughts the mind
does not exist". The only thing that exists within a thoughtless state is the SELF and the SELF
Consciousness is an infinite absolute reality in which "we" all tap our relative vehicles
the human body. In the absolute reality mind does not EXIST all that exists absolutely is
consciousness,which is just another word for LIFE,GOD,Spirit, all these names are basically
meaning this ONE ABSOLUTE REALITY  which is consciousness and within consciousness
all names abide.
"WE" are all absolute consciousness experiencing relativity within a physical body vehicle,and
this relative experience we are all having gives "birth" to this concept (which is a thought) called
"MIND". Mind exists because we feel "limited" within   this form and therefore make the error
of judgement because of our ignorance of out true eternal nature, and therefore mistake this
physical body as your only reality, the mind consists of thoughts,solely of thoughts, no thoughts
no mind exists.
When we all eventually lose our minds as we all will surely do, one at a time, we will see that
the mind is in fact the SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS absolute reality,Its that being confined within
a constrictive physical body, manifests the illusion of the body being real, the mind identifies solely
with the physical body and the thoughts that arise from within it.
In part two will explore this further         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Self Consciousness Opens Up Truth. S C O U T Part Two.

Consciousness can be known or experienced directly only by itself, and not by any other thing.
Therefore if we try to study consciousness as an objective phenomenon, we will only succeed
in studying something that is not consciousness itself, but is merely an apparent effect of
consciousness.If we truly wish to study consciousness and understand what it really is, we
must study it within ourselves,as ourselves, because we ourselves are consciousness,and
anything other than ourselves is not consciousness but is only an object known by us.
There is a duality that exists within our outer expressions of relative reality and this duality
conjures up a "phantom"self, which is what we call the lower self, which consists of the mind,
ego, personality,individuality, and this lower self, identifies itself with the physical body as
being who IT really IS " I AM the physical body" (that is all I AM) the lower self stands for
Soul-Enfolded-Localised-Form=lower self. which explains the lower self physical body.
Which is NOT who YOU ARE! This lower self is the "phantom body" that thinks it is the
reality of BEING,(which in relative truth,it is but a shadow, cast by the light of the spirit)
When we say we are self conscious we usually always mean the lower self,the vehicle that
the higher self uses to explore this relative realm of Earth.
The real and eternal SELF which is Absolute consciousness, what you and me call our "I AM"
consciousness, the higher SELF stands for,SPIRIT-ETERNAL-LIFE-FORCE, that is what
"WE"all are when we remove or pierce beyond the veil or facade of form, (physical body vehicle)
To open up the truth of our true eternal nature of BEING pure BEING.""We" will then begin to
understand that we at our CORE of BEING are all Absolute BEING having  what could be seen
or expressed as a Relative experience here on Earth.
We do not need a master, or outer guru to be guided into our own being,we do not have to study
anything whatsoever, except YOUR-SELF,we all have our own inbuilt GURU and MASTER
that is our HIGHER SELF, all we need to do is look within, and reveal the reality of who YOU
yes YOU dear reader of this blog really ARE.Our ignorance of our true and eternal reality can
be seen as a "dark place" within us,and all darkness immediately withdraws when light
approaches it, that inner light of your true inner Higher Self, will flood your consciousness
with clarity, insight, and intuition, don't just take my word for it, try it out for yourself!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Self Consciousness Opens Up Truth, S C O U T

The title of this blog today says"Self-Consciousness-Opens-Up -Truth" spelling out the
word SCOUT, to scout means 'to make a search' 'to observe in order to obtain information
or evaluate' so this blog today is about scouting out the answer to our self-consciousness and
what it actually means.
The first thing is that we are all in possession of two forms of SELF, which is part of the
duality and relativity we all experience in this phenomenal world.
The first self is that of the lower self, and this lower self stands for "soul-enfolded-localised-
Form"= lower self. The higher self stands for 'Spirit-Eternal-Life-Force=higher -self, and this
higher self is who "WE" all really are.
The lower self consists of the mind, ego, personality,individuality,and all thoughts arise within
this mind. This lower self identity its being as that of the physical body vehicle,it sees itself as
separate and apart from all other things,"I am different to you!"sums up this lower self.
The higher self which stands for Spirit-Eternal-Life-Force, is who you, me, really are.
Higher self consciousness opens up the eternal truth of what you are, and that is "I AM"
consciousness, in fact there in no-other truth in REAL Existence, other than this ONE
Absolute Eternal Reality, of this "I AM"That I AM  CONSCIOUSNESS.
There may well be many "relative truths"that we may cling to,but these "truths" will all come and then go, only the Absolute truth of BEING will thereby abide for ever.
As long as we continue to identify ourselves with the physical body vehicle ,we will never gain
access to that truth that reality that abides and dwells within you.
Letting go of our lower egoic self, and beginning to embrace our higher self ,we will then open
the door that will lead us out from our ignorance into the real and everlasting knowledge and
universal wisdom, that awaits us all, there within our inner being.
Our higher SELF CONSCIOUSNESS is absolutely BOUNDLESS, Infinite,it has within it ALL
KNOWLEDGE, all WISDOM,all KNOWING,none of us has to LEARN-ANYTHING, for there
is NO-THING that your higher SELF Consciousness does not already KNOW! Infinite wisdom
and infinite knowledge is all there vouchsafed within us ALL, Just take a look and SEE!
In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 11 November 2019

Space Presence And Now Negate Even Distance. S P A N N E D Part Two.

The true or essential being both of God and of ourselves is only that which merely is,
and not that which is either 'this' or 'that'. That which merely is, and is not contaminated
by association with any adjuncts such as 'this or 'that' is what is described in philosophy
as 'pure being' or pure existence. This pure adjunct-free being is the one true substance
of which all things are formed,the sole reality underlying all appearances , in truth
therefore, pure being alone exists.
We all our that pure being, which is our "I AM"self aware consciousness. SELF-
CONSCIOUSNESS when fully understood, will reveal our true and infinite nature
"We" all are the presence, the insubstantial ethereal life force which is SPIRIT  has
become substantial (physical body vehicle) and has projected itself into the illusory
place we all call relativity. Which really means in its root form meaning as that of
MOTION, if it moves,then it is relative,if it is absolute motionlessness, then it is
"We" all our always "HERE"  and NOW" we will never leave this POINT ever.
Space presence and now are all part of our SELF CONSCIOUSNESS. we are all the
presence, we are all the space,we are all the now, in truth NO-THING exists except the
"I AM" consciousness, our SELF-consciousness .
This whole relative universe is CONTAINED within the "I AM SELF" aware consciousness
it could not exist otherwise.
If we examine the point of reference which is our "I AM"consciousness point,we will then open
the doorway that leads to infinity and beyond.
We need to lessen the human doings, and replace our doings with that of BEING, doing NOTHING
except BEING YOUR TRUE IMMORTAL SELF! It sounds very easy, but it is not, because we
have all been conditioned to think otherwise, and like the blind leading the blind, we all end up
in the ditch of conditioned ignorance. The TRUTH IS THIS, you have NOTHING to LEARN
all knowledge and WISDOM lies within you and everyone else on this planet, all you have to
do is NOTHING AT ALL! JUST BE YOUR SELF, and everything will be added to you.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Space Presence And Now Negate Even Distance. S P A N N E D .

Space is always present/presence in the now, we are all the presence living in space in the
eternal NOW! All there is in fact in Existence is ONE ENTITY, that ENTITY is absolute,
expressing relativity from within its SELF. We are all that ENTITY and we can know that
to be absolutely true, by going within ourselves and inquiring into the root meaning of our
"I AM" consciousness.We live within an illusion of things called space, presence, and now,
if fact space is the presence of the eternal NOW, and are therefore the very same thing.
The very idea of a thing called distance is again an illusion, distant  from what? Your SELF?
What is the distance between YOU and GOD or the Absolute? The answer is ZERO
DISTANCE, as it says in the Bible, "I AM" closer to you than your hands and feet? Ring
any bells? There is not ONE ATOM distance between you and the SELF, which is GOD.
How can you have such a thing as DISTANCE from an "I AM"consciousness, that is
absolute Infinite Eternal and omnipresent? Distance is a relative term used by us to go
from A to B ,that is for the relative physical body only, Consciousness though is infinite
and sees through the absurdity of such a word as distance.
All our knowledge of duality is relative, and therefore though it may be relatively valid,it is
not absolutely valid.The only knowledge that we can consider to be absolutely valid and true
is knowledge that is perfectly non-dual-that is a knowledge that knows only itself and that
is known only by itself. Any knowledge that is known by a consciousness other than itself
necessarily involves duality, distinction, and relativity.
Therefore the only science that could be absolutely true and valid is the science of consciousness
or more precisely the science of SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.
When we can begin to understand exactly what our "I AM consciousness really is, we will begin
the process of waking up from a very long sleep, and begin to realise the truth of who and what
we really all our. By looking within ourselves we will see the absurdity of the notion of my mind
and your mind, who then is this YOU or YOUR that possess this thing called a mind? And also
the ridiculous idea of my consciousness and your consciousness, as though we own this eternal
principle called consciousness, which is also universal and owned by zero being.
In part two will explore this further,     Warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Informed Deity Eternal Absolute.-I D E A Part Two.

"We" each are the "informed fruit" of that original primordial "IDEA" that absolute intention
to cause motion our of stillness by the infinite power of INTENTION which is THOUGHT
made manifest.
Take away the word Human, what have you left? Being, is the single. non-dual, undivided and
infinite 'is-ness' or essence of all that is, and as such is just is, and never does anything.
Whatever we or anything else may appear to do, our essential 'is-ness' or being remains as it is.
All Karma, all actions,or doing, is finite and therefore relative and superficial. That which is
infinite, absolute and essential is only Being. All 'doing' depends upon 'being' unless we are, we
cannot do, but whatever we do does not in any way affect change or modify the fact that we are
Being.Therefore transcends all forms of Doing.
Very few of us are really human beings, in fact the last word needs changing to that of "doings"
because virtually none of us are just "being" instead we are constantly doing something from
the cradle to the grave.
What "we" basically are, with that I mean that of Humanity, are the "ripening fruit" of that
primordial thought wave intention,which rippled out of that Absolute Infinite Mind into a
relative motioning universe.
We as human doings rather than beings, are at the stage where we can tune into our inner deity
and begin the process of realising the SELF which is our divine inner matrix, the immortal soul
which is the vehicle of the indwelling SPIRIT/LIFE  FORCE.
We have all eaten the "forbidden fruit" of the tree of knowledge, which just means simply that
we have all woken up and have now acquired the last divine equation that will finally reveal our
true and eternal nature, which is that of our "I AM "consciousness, the birth of self aware consciousness, perception and awareness.
We are now very much so becoming aware that our physical bodies are NOT WHOM WE ARE
but are just vehicles for the indwelling spirit to use here on Earth, we are beginning to wake up
to that divine presence within us all, that Deity that dwells within every human doing/being.
May this IDEA make its presence KNOWN in your mind and HEART dear reader,
Warmest regards any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 8 November 2019

Informed Deity Eternal Absolute. I D E A .

In the beginning (birth of all motion) was the "IDEA" and the idea became "eventually" "in-formed" the word informed comes from the Latin root, "informare" which literally means to
"shape and form". We as human beings are shaped and informed "formed from within" by that
original IDEA of the Infinite Absolute Intention. "We" all are that Deity(GOD) hidden away
under  the veil and "facade of form".
As we have acquired the added Divine dimension of self awareness, the "I AM" consciousness
factor,we can now begin waking up to grasp the reality of our eternal REAL Identity.
As a separate being,God is real, but only relatively real. So long as we imagine "him" to be
separate from us, he cannot as such be the Absolute reality, which is infinite and therefore
separate from nothing.However "his" separation from us is real only in the limited and distorted
view of our mind.In HIS/HER real nature of essential being,God is always one with our own
essential being,so when we experience our essential being as it really is, we will discover that
GOD is our real SELF, and that as such, HE is the Absolute Reality.
We all are the out-workings of that primordial IDEA, that INTENTION by the Absolute to
MOVE from absolute stillness into that of relative motion. We can spend our entire life looking
for this or that, thinking that this thing we need to find, will answer all our prayers,
unfortunately this is more often not the case.
The truth that is hidden and vouchsafed within all of humanity is that what we really long for is
to KNOW who and what we REALLY ARE!
But often this desire to know ourselves is hidden from us by our never ending array of distractions
that keep us fascinated and enthralled by our gadgets such as smart phones, and the internet media
attractions, which hold so many in like a trance like state, and thereby keep us away from learning
about the most IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE you will EVER LEARN on this PLANET which
is the knowledge and UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU dear reader of this BLOG, really ARE.
Other distractions that keep us away from true self knowledge are those addictions to things like
food, sex, alcohol, drugs,work,plus many more emotional and mental disorders, all keep us focused
on outside of ourselves, the answer lies OUT THERE, well truthfully it most assuredly does not, when we can begin looking within ourselves, we will then eventually find what we have been looking
for countless life times, that is our Immortal Divine Being the Soul.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

Thursday 7 November 2019

Presence Exists Absolute Consciousness Enfolds. P E A C E Part two.

"We" all our the presence, and we all our being presented and expressed within a physical
body, which is a vehicle for the higher self the Divine indwelling soul/spirit.
The presence which in truth is the Infinite Absolute Intelligence field of expression, this
Divine absolute field of life unexpressed and thereby motionless and eternally still. "We"
are all the expressed Life principle and being expressed means that outwardly , in our
five sheaths or bodies (vehicles) are all relative and therefore move within the perpetual
motion of the relative universe.
The presence never moves, and remains forever still,humanity is the "outward expression
of an inner reality". The inner invisible reality is that we are all immortal beings and the
"presence personified in shape and form" "WE" are ethereal spirit ,clothed within layers
of expression and gradually journeying into an awareness of our eternal true nature.
It is written in the Bible about encountering a "peace that passes all understanding" this
peace that is beyond ordinary understanding is found within "your-SELF" which is your
Divine Immortal soul. When you make even a momentary "touch"of that inner indwelling
reality, peace will descend into your enthralled conscious awareness and perception.
Touching that presence within us all,is like that of "touching the hem" or cloak of the
Divine Intelligence, the immortal spirit, the Absolute-God.
When our consciousness touches the presence within us, we are transformed from within
out.Space and the presence are the same thing it is the illusory "outer" field of presence and
also the very real inner presence that lies beneath our facade of form.On our surface we are
human beings, relative and have a physical body(vehicle) that will one day cease to function
and that physical body vehicle will then decompose and rot away, returning to the earth from
whence it came,the GOOD NEWS though is that we all are NOT the physical BODY, it is
as we come to discover just that of a vehicle, much like your car, when your car has had its
day, you scrape it and get another one, when the physical body dies, you "EXIT THE VEHICLE
and move on into the Astral level of expression,When its time for you to revisit this planet, another
vehicle will be prepared for you to occupy, no worries. Its all done with mirrors in a way, our reflections from our past life, then decide the shade of the next one,automatically .
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Face Book Soul Realization.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Presence Exists Absolute Consciousness Enfolds.-P E A C E .

Many of us have felt that feeling of the "presence", in times of awe and wonder, in times of
great emotional and mental turmoil, suddenly we feel a something a presence, that seems to
bring in its train, a feeling of peace and comfort, a feeling that we are somehow safe!
What then is this presence that we all feel at certain times in our lives?
The awareness that intuits upon my consciousness suggests that the "presence" is that of what
we also call "space" that presence and space are in fact one of the same thing."both" are
infinite, absolute, eternal,and relative as well.
The presence and that of space are motionlessness, and have never moved,being omnipresent
any movement would be totally futile, where could you possibly move to, that you already
occupied! The presence is absolute but "we" who are within a physical body are relative and
filled with motion.
The presence is an infinite ocean of spirit or life essence, and we all are the "motioneers" that
move through this ocean, we are relative and we all occupy that presence/space.
We are all submerged totally within this LIFE-ESSENCE, the infinite ocean of life being
"We" are in effect sealed off from this ocean by our "self absorbed" being, another name for
this is egotism and individualised personalities. It is only when we go within ourselves, or
encounter a trauma in our lives , which then punctures our enclosed selfish identity, that then
allows access to that real part of who we are that of the LIFE-FULL Presence.
Our consciousness self awareness enfolds us all around a point of singularity, that holds our
"I AM" consciousness in perfect cohesion, and the spiralling downward vortex, that provides
the anchor (gravity well) to keep us safely here to encounter the necessary experiences we all
need in order to move into the full awareness of that of complete SELF KNOWING.
The paradox that presents itself to mankind is that we all have to "go within, in order to get
out" when we go in, we then get out, when we let go of our physical lower self, we can then
embrace our higher spiritual self.The presence occupiers both "SPACES" simultaneously that
of your inner lower self, and also your outer higher self. We cannot escape the PRESENCE because
how could you possibly escape that which you ARE?
In  part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Motion Emotion Evolving Transcending.-M E E T Part Two.

"WE" have all been motioning through space for 13.07 billion years, that's what science states.
All motion in general is singular in its matrix, it moves perpetually, and gradually goes through
many varying expressions of, gas,liquid,solid state etc,it is only when motion reaches a point
in its evolution that it acquires an added dimension to it, making then motion into that of
EMOTION. No other life has this full emotional addition , although we see it in a fragmented
form in animals like dogs,horses, elephants,dolphins, and apes,the rudimentary signs of a
dawning of emotion and self awareness.Perhaps to in alien extraterrestrial beings who also
have this Emotional self aware consciousness.
We often fail to fully realise the full potentiality that we each have residing within us all. "we"
are all "SELF AWARE", think about this for a moment, Aware of YOUR_SELF, what then does
this insightful awareness tell you? The ancient ones who walked this Earth long long ago,said
in their ancient wisdom teachings that, "when man fully awakens from his slumber,then "GOD
will walk upon this Earth" What then is the definition of a GOD?  An Absolute Infinite
Almighty Eternal being perhaps?
What if I were to suggest that this description  of a GOD, actually fits the whole of expressed
humanity! Without exception! God is PERFECTION you will say,we are not perfect,therefore
how can we all be Gods? The answer is very very simple to answer,the reason we all think that
we are imperfect is because WE DO NOT KNOW WHO WE ARE!!!! If we all knew who we
are,the question would NEVER ARISE, it only arises because of our gross ignorance of our true
and lasting Divine Identity, we think that we are just imperfect human beings, we fail to
understand that your physical body is NOT WHO YOU ARE!! all your body is just a VEHICLE
and nothing more than that. We are ALL immortal divine souls, spirit incarnate, we are all GOD
walking this EARTH,all of us are in varying stages of waking up, and beginning to smell the roses
that bloom within the heart chakra when it awakens into its realised inner Divinity.
Imperfection does not EXIST anywhere in this universe, all is all perfection, the only other thing
that exists within perfection is IGNORANCE.
The MEET-ING place for motion to meet emotion and to evolve and transcend  is within our hearts
and within our self aware consciousness, by going within ourselves, we will transcend the vehicle
and become aware of our eternal spiritual heritage. May your journey dear reader be blessed by the
wisdom of those ancient ones who trod this sacred path before us all, and showed us the way ahead.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 4 November 2019

Motion Emotion Evolving Transcending- M E E T .

"WE" all started our journey at the point of departure which was the primordial thought
wave of the ABSOLUTE, The FIRST THOUGHT was our CALL from eternal stillness
into what was then BE-Coming perpetual motion, and the BIRTH of a virginal relative
This beginning according to our science began 13.07 billion years ago, if that timing is
correct, then motion was born 13.07 billion years ago, that was when "we" all were "stirred
into motion"and fired out into motion, Not by a mythical BIG BANG, but rather by a 
As motion was born by the intentional wave of the Absolute, motion then became the
occupier of SPACE. That which occupies space is that of MOTION, and motion ONLY.
Space is the Eternal Presence and this eternal presence is FULLY OCCUPIED  by MOTION.
Part of that motion consists of what we call Humanity! We all occupy space by our motioning
through life expression.
Motion has occupied space for billions of years ,motion that was life but unconscious life
the universe being full of unconsciousness life, until "we" arrived and this wonderful thing
called mankind.
Humanity is at a point in its evolution that it has transcended motion and now has access
to a higher dimension of motion which therefore has an added degree or dimension to it.
that of the letter "E" which then transcends motion and thereby "moves" into a higher degree
of motion to that of EMOTION, which then translates into that of the "I AM" self aware
consciousness state.
That is where we all are now, after 13.07 billion years, give a month or two! We are now all
in a state of self awareness, which really is the state the the ancient ones called "the GOD
aware state" We all have the gift of self reflection, self knowing, self awareness, self
consciousness, self perception,we all have these added dimensions within us, but how many of us
fully make use of our on-board tools? The PRESENCE which is absolute and infinite is termed
misguidedly by us,  as that thing called SPACE, space is the PRESENCE which is INFINITE
INTELLIGENCE, and "WE" all occupy this PRESENCE by our presence?
In part two will explore this further.          Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Absolute Thought Opened Motion.- A T O M Part Two.

In the last blog,it was mentioned about the atom as being the manifestation of MOTION
atom equates with that of motion, and motion was the causeless cause that arose within the
Absolute Mind the Infinite LIFE FORCE, which brought the FIRST EXPERIENCE of
MOTION manifesting from within motionlessness.
That primal INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE was the birth of all motion (ATOMS)
The universe is atomic because it "MOVES" anything that moves is a atom and atom
means MOTION.
Absolute motionlessness cannot exist within this relative universe,it can only exist within
that of the absolute, which equates with motionlessness.
Our task as human beings is in being able to reduce our degrees of motion, until we finally
attain full stillness,this is our ultimate destiny which will not be achieved by most of us for
many more incarnations into this "vale of tears" which we call Earth.
But we can begin the process of reaching for stillness by going within ourselves, and taking
up either meditation or some form of yoga. By doing this we begin the process of a gradual
ascension into expanding consciousness and perception.
By trying to let go of the physical and begin embracing the spiritual with our hearts and minds
we are then tuning into higher levels of reality, and beginning to wake up into the realisation of
who we really are.
Mankind is expressed within five sheaths(Koshas)these areas follows, (1) physical body,(2)
energy body, (3)mental body, (4)wisdom body, (5)bliss body,  as we ascend within and make
conscious contact with these inner sheaths or bodies, our "degrees of motion" begin to lesson
All of the five sheaths have degrees of motion (ATOM) within them,the highest the bliss body
has barely any motion within it. If we then decide to leave this last bubble or sheath, then all
motion within us ceases, we then transcend the relative universe, and become ABSOLUTE.
None of us now reading this,need have any worries about this evolutionary path we all will
ultimately tread, we have literally all the time in the world, to take this final journey, and when
we remember that time is an illusion, and does not even exist, that we are all eternal beings
having a relative experience here on Earth, then just be yourself, and do what you like?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 2 November 2019

Absolute Thought Opened Motion. -A T O M .

Question,what exactly is an atom? What lies at the very core, or root of what an atom actually
is? For me the answer can only be ONE THING that produced the primordial protlye atom,
and that was the birth of ALL MOTION from absolute stillness. Motion was born aloft the
primordial intentional wave of the Absolute Intelligent Infinite Mind of that which just (IS)
Motion was ;produced by the INTENTION of the absolute mind, which in turn gave birth to
the universe as we know it, and also birth to all universal MOTION.
Motion comes from consciously manifesting a THOUGHT WAVE, the atom is a product of
that intention wave of the absolute. There is in fact just one atom within this universe,because
the reality of the atom understood this way represents that of all universal motion.
Atom therefore equals that of MOTION and consciousness spanning all dimensions and
vibratory expressions.
Atom is life being expressed, which translates as that of BEING MOVED, motion.
Humanity can be seen as ATOMS (moving through experiences) upon this planet. We are being
represented as packets of condensed energy (physical body) moving through the energy field
of expressed life, and thought expressing this motion of life. Which to us has the added (E)
which  makes us all (E)motional beings, which equates with the atom being that of motion, we are
now self aware atoms (motion,moving) and are just beginning to realise that this self awareness
will lead us ultimately into the realisation of who and what we really are.
As we open up our minds, and let our consciousness expand within the infinite space of the
PRESENCE within us all.We will begin to understand that ancient injunction in the Bible
which states BE STILL, and Know that (I) am GOD!, Being still is the beginning of the
extraction of MOTION from the moving ATOM (YOU),this is why all ancient practices of
meditation and yoga which means union, the union of motion back into stillness from whence
It CAME. "WE" all came from absolute motionlessness, life unexpressed, atom-less, then we
MOVED INTO an ATOMIC state (MOTION) and we have all been moving for aeons of endless
timeless motion.Now we are self aware atom/motion , and if we so wish can begin looking for
ways of achieving less motion, and more stillness in our everyday life.
In part two will look further into this.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 1 November 2019

Define One Three Seven-D O T S . Part Two.

The late Richard Feynman, Physicist, born 18th May 1918-Died 15th February 1988, said
this of the number 1/137. quote"You might say the 'hand of God' wrote the number (137)"
137 refers to electrons and the odds of an electron absorbing a single photon. We can be seen
as the vessel (electron) trying to absorb the photon (spiritual light). Our physical bodies
represent that of the electron and our higher self the soul represents that of the photon, if we
can absorb the photon we can radiate spiritual light into the darkness on the planet.
99%of reality is hidden from us, we are only aware of just 1% of that which is real, by going
within ourselves we begin the process of transmutation of electrons into photons, raising the
lower level vibrations into higher levels of frequency by contacting the higher self, the soul.
137 begins with the number one, 1 represents the primal thought wave of the Absolute, 
therefore 1= that of INTENTION, intention then manifests motion from stillness which
then reveals the triple force of positive/negative.neutral,or Yin/Yang/neutral,this then leads
to the seven, which is expressed in numerous ways, such as the 7 rays of expression, 7 races
of mankind,7 rays of the light spectrum,7 days of the week, the list is endless.
We are all vessels physical bodies,composed of atoms and electrons this represents the lower
self,the ego/personality, individualism, the higher self the soul is represented by the photon.
We all instinctively "crave the light" this light is the hidden secret of 137 to search out and
reveal that inner light It is not the outer solar light that we crave for , although we do all need
it to remain physically healthy, but what we all crave for(and very often this craving comes
disguised in the form of additions?) Many of us become LOST within the electronic light
which emanates from all our devices,smart phones etc, and within that lost state we suffer
within this vale of tears. Instead of be joyful and bathing in the photon light of the soul, we
instead are bathed in the false light (dead light?) of physicality the electron, and the electron
ic age, if we had a balance then all would be much better, but we do not have a balanced
planet,far from it. We can however begin to reconcile this imbalance, by taking charge of our
own actions,thoughts, and deeds, we can all begin the journey of going within ourselves and
attracting into our auras the living light of the soul, the divine PHOTON  that which gives life its
inner illumination and radiance.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.