Tuesday 31 December 2019

Year Ending Let Life Open Within.Y E L L O W .Part two.

As i write this blog today in Turkey the time is four pm which makes it now just eight hours
until the year 2020 arrives.Australia has already celebrated its new year, and we here are
waiting. What will this new year bring for you dear reader of this blog? My hopes and wishes
are that this coming new year will bring you much joy and happiness, and hopefully an opening
up from within yourself to find that unexpected inner resource that lies awaiting within us all.
Without the yellow color of our sun along with its light and warmth we could not survive upon
this planet. Yellow gives us light and light gives us the color green which is life branching out
and radiating outwards into new unexplored adventures.
We are SO much MORE than just physical bodies,biological machines, yet sadly tens of
millions of us live and die and have their being here,and only know of their biological physical
self body, never experiencing the inner spiritual reality that we are ALL totally immersed in.
but sadly fail to make that most vital connection.
We all incarnate here on Earth to experience life within the appearance of being separate and
apart from one another and the rest of life. But the operative word here is "appearance" because
this appearance is an illusion and has no basis within reality whatsoever.
We are here to be able to distinguish the difference between reality and fiction, we are here to
gain experiences that will eventually bring home to your self-aware-consciousness the reality
of exactly who you are. Then when you fully realize this inner truth and accept this reality
fully, you may well have reduced your need to keep visiting this planer Earth,and on then move
on to pastures green in other dimensions of expression,this planet Earth is just one dimension
of life among an infinite number of other planes of existence and expressions.
May this coming new year 2020  be the year that you find out your real and lasting Divine
Identity, this is my wish to you all dear readers of this blog.
I hope you all have a very happy and joyous new year,may your own inner resource higher
POWER bless you all and rise us from within each one of you and bring an inner light to
brighten this years pathway for you.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 30 December 2019

Year Ending Let Life Open Within. Y E L L O W .

We all owe our physical life to the sun which is yellow in color, the color of robust life. So at
the end of this year 2019, soon to merge into 2020 I thought that yellow the color of spring
and fresh growth was the most appropriate color to bring to this blog today, not forgetting the
vibrancy of the color green as well.
May 2020 bring us all robust life and instead of making pointless new year resolutions, I say
pointless because in my personal experience of making new year resolutions over the past fifty
or so years,is that I never kept any of them much longer than the 10th Jan.
We could all start this new year of 2020 with the aim of doing some inner explorations into the
part of us that for so many millions of us has been totally ignored and unexplored.
We seem to spend our entire life time from birth to the grave forever looking outwards, hoping
to find that "something" that will enrich and enhance our lives  and bring us peace, joy, and
happiness, the truth so often though is that these things of peace joy, and real happiness, can
only ever be found from within ourselves. That which comes from within lasts forever, that
which comes from without, will not last that long,and will often pass away from you,leaving
a bitter taste in your mouth.
We will find that if we take the time and make a little effort of looking within ourselves, we will
begin to realize that there is a whole new world there within us that we never knew existed, until
we made an effort to look within.
We are all multi-dimensional beings, although most of us never seem to realize this truth or even
care to examine its authenticity, instead we move in a compartmentalized zone which just includes
the physical,mental, and emotional domain.Yet we are expressed within five sheaths of expression,
which are five separate dimensions, and mankind in general is expressed as a mental, physical,
and spiritual being. A three fold expression anchored within this planets energy field.  The
majority of us are all very familiar with our physical emotional and mental expressions, but how
many of us are familiar with our spiritual being presence?? So for this coming year of 2020 can
we all make a decision to spend a few minutes daily in the practice of getting to know and
acquaint ourselves with our inner selves.
In part two will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 29 December 2019

Coming Home Our Inner Consciousness Enfolded. C H O I C E Part Two.

The journey "HOME" has taken us all along a path that spans billions of billions of years.
and now we as a human race have evolved into a point of departure from unconsciously
expressing life in many different forms and shapes, to where we are now that of being self
aware "I AM" consciousness self conscious beings.
Before we arrived here at this state, there were not real choices being made consciously, rather,
we were impelled along a trajectory that went along with the flow of that particular thing we
were expressing at that time. We then had unconscious impulses and instincts and not any real
choice. But now we are SELF AWARE, we are presented with the power of choice, we can chose
wisely or unwisely,make positive or negative choices.
Our power of choice extends well above the physical level, yet how many of us ever realize this?
We have physical choices, emotional choices,mental choices,and another one we rarely ever use
or for so many billions of us, do not even know, believe, or even accept, and this is the choice of
your higher self the divine immortal soul.
Our particular impulses also steer us into making the choice that will satisfy that particular
impulse that is rising at that moment.
Our consciousness and awareness will have heard of the "BUZZ WORD" that is flooding the
internet, that word is ASCENSION, dozens of web sites are full of information about the
the ascension of mankind into a higher state of consciousness and awareness.
What does this word ascension actually mean, and how does it seem to relate with our choice
to rise or fall by the way side!
Ascension basically means that of motioning along the arc of evolution, gradually climbing
higher and higher into more expanded and more inclusive states of consciousness.
When we have an impulse to buy a certain book, look at a certain website, take up meditation
or yoga,These promptings are the higher self, guiding you intuitively into making a particular
choice that will reveal more information about who you really are.Our consciousness enfolds
our entire energy matrix, it is like a mother hen who broods over her charge, we are all brooded
over by our divine immortal soul, and many of our choices are prompted into our conscious state
from that very source, largely completely unknown by the many, but known by the few.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Coming Home Our Inner Consciousness Enfolded. C H O I C E .

There is a saying that says "yer pays your money, and you take's your choice" we are all
surrounded by multiple choices every day of our lives here on Earth. Some choices are
almost automatic like having your regular breakfast, or lunch/dinner etc, then there are
choices about what we do,think, and fill our day,each choice we make brings with it the
following consequences of those choices, some of those choices will be seen as negative
and others will be seen as positive, so over time and by trial and error we hopefully begin
to accumulate a modicum of wisdom and insight, and therefore begin to hone our choices
in such a way that they are far more positive and much less negative.
The ultimate choice I suppose we can all make is to whether we decide to live or die,what will
we decide? That question is not so easy to answer as one may think.There are those who are
in the grip of various addictive illnesses can without their full knowing of the outcomes of their
actions, and therefore consequently fail to recognize that their actions are in a fact those of what
could be termed as "suicide by installments"
Coming home is about us choosing to look within ourselves and discover the infinite depths
of consciousness that lie within us all.
We are all totally enfolded within an infinite ocean of Absolute consciousness, that can only
be contacted by our inward looking, it cannot be found "out there" because in truth no such a
"place as OUT THERE EXISTS" .Because we all our in ESSENCE absolute spirit/LIFE
and having a relative experience here on Earth, and because we only are aware of our physical
body vehicle which is relative in nature, we fail to see or even begin to comprehend the bigger
picture of our inner divine immortal reality.We therefore only see what "SEEMS" to be real
which to us is the physical world and universe, but this "reality" is a facade it seems solid and
substantial, but this is an illusion, a quicksand that will swallow you up if you tread too far
upon it.
We are all journeying home,life by life, experience by experience, each day we are all one foot
closer to that realization of our true and lasting identity.
In part Two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 27 December 2019

Today Is My Birthday Experiencing Rejoicement T I M B E R Part Two..

Yesterday was my 75th birthday not today, but as this is part two of a follow on theme about
a journey of vast extremes of emotion and fears, I thought a part two was needed to try and
give a balance look at how helplessness can be evicted from your consciousness, and be
replaced by that of positive living and thinking and recovering from a terminal addiction
that literally and factually kills tens of millions of sick souls every year.
Back in 1974 when I was finally washed up on the shore of desperation and madness, feeling
empty and like that of "desolate one" mentioned in the bible,riddled with abject fears and
runaway thoughts that hammered out thoughts at machine-gun speed, I likened it to that of
my thoughts were "shooting the rapids" at warp speed.
It took me just under fifteen years to become a chronic addictive alcoholic, from being a
social drinking person,to becoming a social outcast in fourteen and a half years.
Now looking back at over forty six years of sobriety and drug free living,I can that even the
totally hopeless and desolate wreck of what was once a human being, can get well and recover
from tht madness, and even recover from that madness, and become restored to sanity(some
might question this statement) .
One of the main reasons I am sharing  this here today, is not for my benefit, I have shared my
life story thousands of times over the past forty six years of recovering from this mental, physical,
and spiritual illness. I am it today because I was told by some wise old-timers I met at many gatherings of like minded souls, that in order to keep what we have (sobriety) we have to "give
it away" to PASS IT ON" to those who too might benefit from this wisdom of recovering steps.
That is what I am doing today, passing on the message of hope and recovery from a terminal
illness that kills and destroys families by the millions every year.
My email address is on the bottom of all of my blogs,if anyone reading this blog today and
identifies with the state that I was in,then let me know and I will give you more details about
how I was helped and continues to gain support whenever I may need it. I have found an inner
resource that has infinite power to heal and mend a broken soul. You too dear brother or sister
have your own inner resource dwelling within you right now as you are reading these words.
Feel that power rise within you this very day. If you want what I have been given, and are ready
to go to any lengths to obtain this release from your obsession with alcohol, then let me know
below.May your days be filled with hope and serenity.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com. and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Today Is My Birthday Experiencing Rejoicement. T I M B E R .

Like the title of this blog today says today is my birthday and I am 75 years young today
and I am experiencing rejoicement because I never thought I would see thirty years old
let alone seventy five years young. I spent my birthday with my wife Anne on a boat trip
to the beach at Iztuzu beach in Turkey, we had a barbecue on the boat, and a paddle in the
sea, and a walk along the beach.
How different it all was years ago, when at the age of 29 I was given only three months to
live by my doctor,he said you will be dead by the time you reach thirty years old, unless
you take extreme measures to change the way you live, in particular you need to stop
drinking alcohol immediately,and also get several vitamin B12 shots in your backside
to begin repairing the damage to your liver and kidneys physical body  and brain cell
This blog title spells out the word TIMBER well I would have been dead-wood long ago
If I had not sought help for my alcoholism and pill addiction , mostly Valium (diazepam)
which I took by the hand fulls to ward off sever shakes and delirium tremens  DTs.
So today I have had an extension to my life of nearly forty six years. What a blessing that
has been, all due to me seeking help from others who had the same problems as me, and
them taking the time to share their lives and stories with me, so that I could identify with
them , and realize that I was not an hopeless helpless case of worthless rubbish, that I could
get well and stay sober from this illness if I just accepted my condition and took some practical
steps in order to realize that reality of continued sobriety.
Back in 1974 I was at deaths door, a shivering cowering wreck of a shell of a man,hollow and
empty of life, but racked with full of morbid fears and the terrors of the night time demons.
Now in 2019 soon to be 2020 I am alive and well sober and drug free for over forty six years
and enjoying life.Finding peace and serenity  and meditating daily since 74 , finding inner
contact with my higher self, establishing intuitive conscious contact with my immortal divine
soul, which I think is not that bad from someone like me who was just a helpless hopeless
drunken sot.
In part two will reveal more.         Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com.any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realsation.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

When Humanity Opens Loves Energy-Blessings Emerge Igniting-Numen-Grace. W H O L E B E I N G p2.

Today is Christmas day what does this mean to you? It will either mean something or nothing
depending in which country you were born in, and in what religion if any you follow. This time
of the year which is nearing its end of 2019 and will soon be moving into the year 2020, what
will this year bring to you dear reader of this blog? Will this coming year bring joy and happiness
to you and your family,or will it bring hunger and hardship, maybe disease and disharmony. Will
2020 bring a stop to the wars that rage around this planet? Will 2020 be able to feed those now
today dying of hunger, while we in the western world  gorge on Turkey and Christmas pudding?
Will the thirty children find taps under their Christmas tree that flow with clean drinking water?
What is a blessing? From whence does it arise? If we look into the core of our being we will see
that we are all literally "held together" in the cohesive embrace of the most dynamic and
powerful principle that exists within this universe, and that is the principle of Absolute Love.
Without the attractive power of love, without its absolute magnetic power of cohesion all life
in this universe could not exist in its present form, we would be just an inchoate mess of atoms
that would be totally unable to bond to each other, thereby physical life could not exist without
the cohesion and bonding of loves infinite power.
When we can open ourselves to enable contact with our higher selves we then open the door to
the power of loves cohesive power to flow into our consciousness and perceptions. this will
change the way we feel about things, it will open us up to the realization that the whole of
humanity is connected and interconnected to each other by an inseparable bond of divine love.
The seven races of mankind are all united by one common bond, that bond is that we have ALL
EMERGED from the ONE ABSOLUTE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE. United we stand, divided
we fall. 
I wish all my dear readers a very happy and joyful YULE TIDE, and wish all my other readers
who do not have a yule tide festive period, I wish you all the blessings of good health and joy
for the coming new year, may the GOD of your understanding bless you and your family this
end of the year time, and may 2020 bring us all peace and goodwill to all mankind.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul realization. 

Tuesday 24 December 2019

When-Humanity-Opens-Loves-Energy-Blessings-Emerge-Igniting-Numen Grace. W H O L E -B E I N G

This blog today and tomorrow is about us, humanity, as a Whole-Being - which is a reality that
will not come about and be realized for a long time yet.What we have today is an UN-WHOLE
being, a fragmented and disjointed humanity, that has lost its common bond of realized Divinity
The divine family of mankind is at war with itself, over religious differences,selfishness and
greed, lusts for sex and power,millions of dying souls who have no food or water, while we in
the west celebrate Christmas with a gluttonous amounts of food, and drinking alcohol like its
going out of fashion. Could a close family group eat and drink and be merry, while their
brothers and sisters were dying of starvation and thirst, or being shot at and killed in war torn
areas of the world? I think not! The reason it does happen is because we do not know or even
realize our intimate connection to each other, as part of one Divine FAMILY of what could be
UNITED-SOULS, but are instead disunited strangers who are separate and apart from each
So as this blog is occurring at Christmas time for some of us, just an ordinary day here in
Turkey where I am today, children  playing at school, the banks are open on Christmas day
here,I thought about looking at the nature of what it means to be a WHOLE-BEING. How
many of us reading this now has ever met a WHOLE-BEING? Have you dear reader of this
blog ever met a whole-being? Or are you actually one, and are reading this right now and
saying to yourself "yes that's me" I am a WHOLE-BEING!
Love is a magnetic energy that holds and binds this universe into one cohesive wholeness, we
are all the very embodiment of this Absolute Divine Principle, love is the energy that moves
us through the illusion of time and space, love moves us through our emotions and feelings.
When we feel "moved" "emoted" the power that causes this occurrence to occur is that of
LOVE, we in our semi-realized state can only call on that of conditional-love, there are a few
exceptions, like the love of a (mother for her child,) but the vast majority of us are unable to
exhibit that of unconditional love. so we make do with love that has conditions attached to it.
If we can at this time of the year open our hearts and send out silent blessings to all those souls
who are far far less fortunate than we are, those souls whose children are dying before their
very eyes, and they are completely powerless to stop this tragic things from happening, they have
zero food, and zero clean water to drink.If we all can send out our silent prayers for our brothers
and sisters in need, it will make a difference, you will NEVER KNOW the difference yourself,
but truly believe that it will happen.
In part two will go further into this      Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 23 December 2019

Consciousness on Motion Movement Off Numinous. C O M M O N Part Two.

For our consciousness to become aware of the inner OM frequency, we need to alter our gaze
from outward to inward. All intelligent energy which is just the essence of the Absolute Life
SOURCE being moved into what we all perceive and call relativity which means basically
that it moves, and anything that moves universally is basically relative in nature. Only the
Absolute Infinite Source is motionlessness, Absolute stillness, and absolute silence.
The primordial OM frequency is a beacon that has remained silent and unknown for vast
ages past, the OM just permitted the comings and goings of energy(which was just the
unconscious motions of the absolute being expressed within a relative continuum) to
interact with each other and form what looked like random bonding of various chemicals,
this bonding and expelling actions moved through all expressed life, and when we all "came
on-line" and became SELF-AWARE "I AM" consciousness, this homing beacon of the silent
OM gradually became more and more evident within our living experiences, when we had
a crisis occur in our lives, we would be drawn into looking into ourselves for answers.
Unbeknownst to us at the time, this was the silent OM making its presence felt in the way of
getting us to look within and try and connect to that inner Source, the presence that exists within
us all.
If we literally connect all the dots together,we will see beyond a shadow of doubt that we are
all connected to each other,every human being is directly connected to YOU,your energy
signature are identical with each of the seven and a half billion souls on Earth,the ONLY
DIFFERENCES, that can possibly exist are in each human beings EXPERIENCES, that
only is the difference. We are ALL NUMINOUS BEINGS,the dictionary explanation of the
word says this "having a strong religious or spiritual quality indicating or suggesting the presence
of a divinity" WE all our that DIVINITY, and because we all have that GOD_LIKE quality
of "I AM CONSCIOUSNESS,we can know that we are all DIVINE, and have the faculty to
be able to reflect upon this most NOBLE TRUTH,and thereby awake and see OUR SELF as we
really ARE. All life is divine, but the animals and birds and trees all express their individual
aspects of their divine species,they are unable to know that they KNOW, WE though all can do this
because we are all SELF AWARE consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Consciousness On Motion Movement Off Numinous. C O M M O N .

The primordial sound of the OM is the sacred sound of the Absolute stirring into motion
by causing the PRIMAL CAUSE, which was the INTENTION of the Absolute Infinite
Mind to bring about motion from Absolute Motionlessness.
This primal thought wave from the INTENTION of the Absolute infinite mind caused that
mighty pulsation beat of the OM, which I feel stands for Omnipresent Motion-OM, this
pulsating musical harmonic tone underlies all musical notes that could possibly arise here
on Earth or elsewhere in this universe.
The OM is the ground state note that all life dances to universally, the sound OM signifies
MOTION, which in turn also signifies relativity. The opposite of this note is MO which stands
for Motion OFF and this signifies that of being Absolute Motionlessness, MO is the note-less
-note that signifies NOTHING? Other than motionlessness,ans absolute silence.
What we all have in COMMON is that we are all embedded within  this OM sequence and the
note that plays within our core of being is one that has a magnetic resonance with the ALL of
the ALL, which is the Absolute Infinite Mind, we are all totally connected to this Infinite Mind
by our "I AM consciousness" field and because we have all awakened into this consciousness
state of SELF-awareness,we can then tune into this pulsating inner tone and its magnetic
attraction will begin to call out to us, and entice us to begin looking inwards into our true
nature, rather than spending all our lives forever looking outward into more and more
relativity. By looking within ourselves we are looking into that direction which leads us out
of relativity, death and decay, sadness and pain, into being resurrected into eternal life which
is our true and eternal nature.
The sound of the inner silence, is the soundless sound that will open up our awareness and
perceptions into the realization that we are all divine immortal beings,here on Earth by our
own choosing in order to experience relativity and to understand the feeling that come from
the illusion of being apart from the WHOLE, and to FEEL those FEELINGS.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Ethereal Vibrancy Opens Living Vehicle Expression E V O L V E Part Two.

We as having ethereal vibrancy have all been journeying vast incomprehensible amounts
of time, until we reached that most vital part in our evolutionary arc of ascension that point
when we all basically came "on-LINE" and woke up from an unconscious slumber of
billions of years and suddenly "there we were" we uttered those two words that are the most
powerful two words in this universe, the two words that the Almighty Yahweh -God when he
spoke to MOSES at the burning bush story in the Bible, God said to Moses tell them that "I AM"
That I AM" sent you.
There two words are the first two words we uttered when we became Awakened and said "I AM"
aware,I am SELF-conscious, I know that I know,I can reflect on my knowing! When we say these
words of "I AM" consciousness' we are in fact saying the identical words that GOD said to
Moses thousands of years ago.
If we think this through thoroughly there is only really one conclusion you can draw, and that is
that we "all our" GOD-Absolute , having what could be called a relative experience here on Earth.
It is odd in a way, that years ago before I retired from work, I spent my last fifteen years working as
an assistant psychiatric nurse in a psychiatric clinic within a hospital for mental illness.In those years
working with patients that had mental health problems, there were some who thought that they were
God, and these poor souls were called schizophrenics , they were hearing voices, that said nasty things to them,I personally got on very well with these patients,and built up a close connection with
some, bless them all, if the voices you hear are negative then you are classed as mad, and called a
schizophrenic, if the voices you hear are positive, you are called clairaudient  and can charge
money for giving people messages from the dead,like Doris Collins did and wrote books on it.
The fact is that we are all GOD, the Absolute LIFE FORCE, in which we all live and move and
have our being within this LIFE FORCE.. That is what our "I AM Consciousness is all about,
yet how often if ever is this taught to us, no one in my school none of my teachers ever told me
that I was god, and they were too. Why are we not told this most BASIC FACT?? Any ideas 
anyone? "I AM" means just that, evolve into the FULL KNOWLEDGE of what I AM actually
warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 20 December 2019

Ethereal Vibrancy Opens Living Vehicle Expression. E V O L V E .

All life that becomes expressed and expressed life is life that moves. Motion equals life in
transit. All motioning life by the very nature that it is in motion means that it is also relative
life,life that is evolving through an harmonic pointer that gives direction to what we call
evolution. Unexpressed life is absolute and thereby motionlessness.
When I was younger and first became aware of the Absolute stillness of the Absolute Life
Force or GOD for short, I could not understand how life could be totally still always. Would
that not be incredibly boring,I thought?
Then when I discovered that Absolute life was omnipresent and ubiquitous,which I further
discovered meant present -everywhere simultaneously,then there was no need of motion,
because where could you possibly go to, that you already fully occupied?
Our expression of life has been evolving for billions of centuries, forever motioning in
a direction that would either add or remove something from us, honing and refining that
energy signature that billions of centuries in a forthcoming age, would result in you and me
dear reader of this blog, being formed and shaped into what we call a human being.
Outwardly we are relative life being expressed within a physical biological machine we call
mankind.Inwardly though we are all being expressed within an ethereal sheath which acts like
that of a vehicle, this sheath holds the divine immortal soul in stasis and cohesion and remains
that way until we fully realize ourselves to be the SELF, when that occurs we then have a choice
which ushers up from within our infinite consciousness field of awareness and we then make a
choice as to "VACATE" that last bubble that holds us within the RELATIVE UNIVERSE or
to EMERGE and burst that last bubble which is the last sheath of what we call the soul, and
then fully and consciously DISSOLVE back into the ALL of the ALL from where "WE" all
emerged from billions of centuries ago where we all were MOVED from our eternal stillness
that Divine motionlessness state of unexpressed Life Force.
We can and will all evolve into that time and place which will always be the now,where we will
make the choice of whether to remain within the relative moving universe, or to exitstage left, and
move back into the Absolute motionless state of the Absolute. the choice dear reader is always
your OWN!
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Patterns Of Energy Transforming Souls P O E T S Part Two.

The patterns of energy that transforms us is the living vibrating energy that is the living life
force of LIFE itself. We are all LIFE and LIFE stands for LIVING-INTELLIGENT-
FOCUSED-ENERGY.Energy that has intelligence because it is that of consciousness.
We are in fact intelligent energy encapsulated within a condensed field of compressed
consciousness, or compressed light, both are the same thing.From our head chakra to our
feet chakra we are all connected by a force field of rotating energy, a torus held in stasis
and cohesion by the will of the indwelling SELF, which is the divine soul incarnating  in
any particular form of a human being.
We as the being incarnate are located within the center of this pulsating torus energy life
stream this donut shaped energy field holds us all firmly is a swirling mass of recursive
There may be many theories as to why we are all here on Earth, but to me they all boil down
to just one reason, and one only, that of we are all here to realize that ultimately and absolutely
we will all condense back into, and dissolve back into that of the that of the SELF, which is
Absolute Intelligence or God for short. Our divine immortal souls are the last post of individual
encasing of expressed life energy, the last bubble to burst before "we" merge back into that place
we "all" left aeons ago, that is if we really want to, we can always do other things and have more
incarnations here on Earth,or in other places where expressions of life incarnate.
Consciousness can be a manifold of expressions, one expression is that of acting in a way that
shows itself as a reflective principle, and this reflection rotates within a torus shaped field,
without this necessary act of reflection, we would stagnate and never make any or very little
progress within the arc of evolution that we each are on.We would never learn from our past
mistakes or from our gathered experiences without us being able to reflect and seek wiser
options in the future.We have all been used to thinking that we are just human beings, but then
we can learn that term of being just a human being,just refers to the vehicle that the divine soul
uses in order to eventually fully understand that the soul is it truth just another higher form of
vehicle for the Divine and Absolute SELF.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 16 December 2019

Patterns Of Energy Transforming Souls. -P O E T S

"We" are all poets, and we don't know it! Patterns of energy surging and pulsating through
what we call 'our life', life is energy whether it be fluid or solid plant or animal, energy that
is visible to us is actually aligned within what could be called a "holding pattern" that keeps
that cabbage or cricket in its cohesive embrace thereby permitting it to follow its energy
signature of expression until it dissolves back into the invisible template of that species, in
other words it dies. The following is from a man called Don Estes,of Innersense-Portacle
quote,"One of the energy  patterns around the body is in the shape of a torus -or donut with
the energy flowing through the body and looping around to connect in at the feet and the head.
It is as though we are in the middle position of the donut  the flow in through the head and feet
is bidirectional In other words it flows like the tides one way and then the next. In the matrix
of this flow are the wave and particle relationships that structure and govern the nurturing
"cosmic" energy from which we are crystallised from. Consciousness has a geometry, the
geometry shape used to describe the self-reflective nature of consciousness is a torus" unquote.
When I read that article by Don, it just completely resonated within every atom of my being,
the energy signature of the torus replicates totally with the whole flow of relative life and its
manifold expressions.
Our gathering up of vast amounts of experiences, some pleasant,others not so, these experiences
engage our reflective capabilities which in turn cause us to reflect on the way we manage our
comings and goings in everyday living. We are using our consciousness to navigate a pathway
through our physical existence, that with acting upon our reflections on past adventures  enable
us to learn from past mistakes or errors of judgement, and thereby taking corrective measures
to ensure we do not repeat this action again, without this connecting loop provided by the torus
we would all be doomed to keep forever repeating the same mistakes, because without the
energetic flow of the torus surging through our life stream, we would not have the capacity
for reflection, thereby we would forever be in a permanent shadow of never ending ignorance.
In part two will explore this further.    warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Self Is Soul truthfully Expressing Relativity-S I S T E R Part Two.

"We" have all been on a journey that spans a distance far back in time,that it is beyond the
comprehension of the mortal mind to conceive. Way back before this solar system was even
born, way back before the Milky Way galaxy was even born,long before any of that occurred
"we"were already "on the move" and have been moving ever since.We have "all" been in the
core of a Super Nova as it exploded into infinity in all directions, we have then settled and
condensed again. This motion eventually carried our energy signature to this place in time
and space, which we know of as that of the Earth."We" then made the long journey of
ascension from the mono- cellular blogs of jelly until we finally reached a point where we
emerged out of the ageless slumber of billions of years unto a point of SELF recognition
where we awoke,where we came ON-LINE, where we became "I AM" consciousness, I
AM that I AM AM I! UNBEKNOWN to mankind at that time of awakening, that this,
Today millions of years after that first ALMIGHTY CRY of "I AM HERE! And I know that
I am here.How far have we ventured from that point of emergence long ago? How many of you reading this blog realise exactly WHO YOU ARE? When we say the words "I AM" do we fully
understand who this "I AM"CHARACTER you are referring to? Most of us would say that
this is ME! Who then is this thing called ME? Manifested Energy=ME? Which is what we all
are manifested biological energy vehicle, that acts as a host for the force of life which is that of
the SELF, which is the Absolute having a Relative experience, and using a vehicle called the
soul to localise a point of Absoluteness into a localised point of relativity. This is further
localised by the formation of a physical biological body, which then provides a location for
the soul to download its consciousness and energy into.
The SELF is being expressed within our souls,and our souls animate and indwell within the
physical vehicle, this forms a trinity of expression which simply put is higher SELF (absolute)
SOUL (relative) Lower self (relative) This is a very simple illustration of a more complex
system.We all our eternal beings, GOD incarnate, having a relative experience. Let us hope that
all our coming experiences will lead us all out of the shadow of ignorance, and into the sunlight
of spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Self Is Soul Truthfully Expressing Relativity. S I S T E R .

What "we" call Humanity or Mankind is in truth I feel that of the SELF, which is absolute
reality, the "SOLE  EXISTENCE" being expressed within a vehicle which "we" call
the soul, and that this being called the soul , is what we call the human being. What mankind
actually is,is that of the Absolute Being which is the "SOLE BEING in Existence" having a
relative experience here upon the Earth plane. The seven and a half billion souls on Earth will
"ALL"eventually ascend and dissolve back into that from whence "we" all came from,that is
of the Absolute Reality. "We" have all came from that place of eternal stillness, which is that
of Absolute reality, and have all been "motioned"out of that eternal silence of Absolute
Perfection by the INTENTFUL will to MOVE thought-wave of the Absolute. We then
entered into what was fast becoming relative time and space sequencing.
That which has been our home for aeons of elapsed time.Much of it experienced
unconsciously, and this remained so until we all reached a momentous point within our
evolutionary path of return,where we had gathered enough causal experiences, which then
ignited the Divine-Fire which purified the experiencer (us) enough to permit the universal
consciousness field to become localised within a point of SELF AWARE consciousness,
the dawning of the "I AM"consciousness field upon the Earth plane. This Ignition of the
Divine fire, which comes on-line when conditions arise within the life form to permit this
ignition to occur, is also called by the Hindu tradition as the fire God AGNI the Divine  Fire
It is interesting to note therefore that this Sanskrit word for fire which is AGNI is not that
far removed from the spelling in English of the word which sounds the same, that word is
AGONY/AGNI ? When we think that with the birth  of self consciousness, which also then
automatically gives birth to what we call our conscience, and the feelings of shame and
remorse that arise from our dealings with "others", then this divine fire which ignited our
self aware consciousness,also automatically beings in its train that of pain and suffering
various traumas, and the shedding of tears, this Earth plane has often been called "the vale
of tears", so along with the joy and happiness, there is also agony and pain.
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

Friday 13 December 2019

The Harmonic Eternal Sound Expresses -Omini Motion. T h E S E =O M , part Two.

The OM is a pulsating -beacon that vibrates throughout this relative universe, within mankind
who is Self-aware, this pulsating throb of the OM is calling out from its Absolute Being state
within Absolute reality sending out a beacon that will "stir"a "remembrance"within the
relative formalised being (that of mankind) and cause this relative image of ITSELF to looking
within and to find out where this Divine musical note or sound symbol is coming from, that
then will cause the relative image (YOU!) To begin the journey back to full cognition with the
It is the journey back HOME that each human being will make eventually, time here is totally
irrelevant as we are all eternal beings in truth and in reality.
We as human beings are in fact just "shadows of pure existence", pure existence is formless
consciousness, we are in effect formless consciousness, embodied within a formed shape of a
human being. We are IN-FORMED and enclosed within compressed consciousness, the OM
is the silent signal that throbs and reverberates within your being, and invites you to return
HOME, when you are ready to leave this "vale of tears"which we call planet Earth.
The way home lies within, inward vision will eventually lead you to the place of internal
stillness, stillness is your true eternal existence. Motion is relative , anything that moves cannot
be absolutely real,only relatively real. Only stillness is Absolute and Eternal. By going within
your SELF you are ascending varying levels of motion, crossing over varying dimensional
expressions , until you reach a point where all bodies , all expressions, dissolve and fade out
of existence, and only YOU the SELF REMAIN ETERNALLY.
We may well ask the question here, as to what have we got to DO in order to realise this basic
truth and reality of all our BEING? The answer to that question is that we are actually required
to do NOTHING-WHATSOEVER! You have zero need to study anything at all, you have zero
need to practice anything at all,all that truth and reality, all that the Absolute reality that many call
GOD asks you to do, Is to just be YOUR-SELF! If we just be our SELF that ACT of BEING
rather than DOING, will open your heart to the inner truth of what you have always been
which is the SELF.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 12 December 2019

The Harmonic Eternal Sound Expresses-Omini-Motion.T H E S E =O M .

Quantum physics has discovered that all expressions of form and shape including our physical
bodies, flash in and out of existence 1044 times per second, our physical bodies flash in and
out of existence 1044 times per second, but not our awareness, this remains forever constant
and never changes. Our awareness always knows its place within the infinite consciousness
field of eternal awareness. We are in effect a luminous energy field organising itself as a
physical body in order to experience a form of compressed consciousness? We are all pure
consciousness having a physical experience within a biological machine.
This blinking in and out of existence at 1044 times per second is a universal pulsation of
intentional energy that manifested the very moment that Primal -Thought-Wave manifested
motion from eternal-stillness (motionlessness).
This MOTION was caused by the THOUGHT WAVE of INTENTION of the Absolute-Mind
motion made and caused "vibration" and vibration manifests infinite motion within this relative
This motion is a musical tone,that base note which underlies all other musical tones, this note is
the Primordial-OM. which stands for Omini-Motion, the equation is that of zero-motion-zero
Om -zero vibration=ZERO RELATIVE UNIVERSE!
Without OM. without vibration, without motion,only the Absolute would be forever still and
forever unmoved, we would have never had the experience of being "formalised" (made into
a physical body) and would have never had the feelings and the emotions we have all experienced,
without the 1044 we would never experienced our four score and ten years here on earth.
Our awareness exists outside of what we call our space time continuum, awareness is really that
of consciousness, and consciousness is Absolute and transcends this relative universe, which in
truth is just a backdrop for the real absolute reality which lies behind this facade of a motioning
expanse of vibrating energy.
The OM is a Pulsating-Beacon that vibrates within your heart and crown chakra, it is a Homing
Beacon that silently calls out to its children, and directs them back home, via an experiencing
sequence of varied events, that will eventually lead you to look within your self, and begin that
conscious journey home.
In part two will explore this further      warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Shadowed Consciousness Enfolds Negative Energy.-S C E N E Part Two.

According to science 85% of the mass of the universe is made up of a material that scientists
cannot directly observe, known as 'dark matter' dark matter does not emit light or energy.
To me dark matter or dark energy are both the same thing, and that is a form of consciousness
as yet unknown to science, a form of consciousness that is ever so slightly "out of phase" with
our known space time continuum, and thereby almost rendered invisible, except by its presence
made known by its gravitational effects and the inference drawn from that implication.
Because we so often fail to see the intimate connections that are universally presented to us
"if we had but eyes to see" we would realise that each human being in particular utters an
astonishing clue to the secret of life and reality, every time they introduce themselves to
another with those two PRIMAL-INFINITE WORDS, that of "I AM" These two words
were the words that MOSES was instructed to say, if he was asked "WHO SENT YOU" I AM
sent you.Does this not give you a inkling of whom YOU REALLY ARE THEN?? What is that
other saying,"there is none so blind, as those who do not see"We are all totally submerged in
the reality of I AM consciousness, yet we fail to join the dots together and thereby reveal our
true and lasting IDENTITY, do you not want to know who you really are dear reader of this
The negative energy that enfolds mankind, this dark matter, this dark energy, is in truth
nothing more or nothing less, that our ignorance of our infinite eternal real and ever lasting
identity.We are using less than two percent of our consciousness and perception fields of
awareness,98% asleep, two percent awake.The ancient writing cast in stone at the temple
of Apollo in Delphi said MAN KNOW THYSELF, that was written centuries ago, but
never is it as relevant as it is today, where we are destroying our planet and each other by
wars of greed and lust for power.If we all knew who we really are, then this planet would
be turned into a new EDEN, where peace and love and acceptance reigned supreme,
instead of hatred and suspicion.
To be able to contact this higher level of consciousness,that is slightly out of phase of our
space time continuum, is just to go within yourself, to look inwards, within each one of us lies
a place that is fully outside of the physical relative perceived continuum of "OUTER SPACE
by going within yourself, you are ENTERING-INNER-SPACE? The home of where we all came
from long long ago.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Shadowed Consciousness Enfolds Negative Energy. S C E N E .

Physics uses the concept of negative energy to explain the nature of certain fields including
the gravitational field and various quantum field effects. This blog today is about what I
believe that what science calls dark matter or dark energy , really is that of what I see as
"shadowed consciousness"or even unrealised consciousness,the actual "shadow" is really
 our ignorance and lack of understanding of what consciousness actually is. Consciousness
is the "LIFE PRINCIPLE" (another name for the ABSOLUTE/GOD) being expressed
within a motioning relative duality based presentation (showcase) in order for motion to
move  the stillness(Absolute unexpressed Life) of the ALL . into many expressions which
we now call evolution.
Some in the scientific field think that dark matter is a "gravitational shadow" of a parallel
universe,it just well might be that as well!
We often fail to fully realise that we all live and move within this "field of life"consciousness,
dark matter,dark energy, flows through your body every micro-second of everyday, we are all
totally and absolutely submerged within an infinite field of consciousness,it exists within us.
There is no such a place in existence as being "out there" this whole universe is ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE. Every atom,every particle,every wave,every motion,is wholly
and absolutely fully and totally connected and interconnected, there is not ONE ISOLATED
particle,beam, ray, energy, being,life force,anywhere in existence, anywhere within this
universe.There is NO THING anywhere that is EXCLUDED from being within the WHOLE.
If we fully understood and accepted this reality, for reality it truly is, then so much more
knowledge and wisdom would naturally arise within us.
The parallel of a seed needing to be placed into the darkness of the earth, in order to sprout
and grow, is also replicated within humanity, for us as human beings, we need to look into
the darkness of our selves in order to find that inner light of the spirit.and therefore out of
our animal nature, and into a more refined and less gross being, by going within ourselves
and gradually revealing and throwing light on the shadow of form (physical vehicle) to reveal
the higher self dwelling within. Dark matter, dark energy,is the undiscovered consciousness
that lies within every human being, throw light onto that darkness, and the shadow will vanish
as though it had never existed at all?
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 9 December 2019

Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M P L Y Part Two.

The universal field of consciousness becomes localised within an "I AM" field of self-aware
consciousness, and therefore becomes even more localised and personified into that of a single
entity (you and me dear reader) which has grown up into the belief that 'its' physical body is the
true identity of the person inside that physical body, which of course is entirely untrue.
Yet millions of us spend our entire physical life time here on Earth believing that totally
false assumption, and only realise the error of this false belief when they die(change venues)
and find that they are still very much alive, without their physical bodies, and find themselves
now living in their astral body.
Incarnating and taking on substance (physical body) is a process manifesting within the law
of  gradual ascension, which we call evolution, in the process of our evolution which has
spanned aeons of relative time, we have gone from ONE BEING ABSOLUTE in perpetual
stillness, to manifesting within perpetual motion and the illusion of becoming many, if
fact there are seven and a half billions units of localised energy (you and me dear reader)
here on Earth today, we have gone through formless and plasma stages, become stars, and
then grown into a super nova, and blasted into the vacuum of space.Gone from single
celled blogs of jelly, crawled and swam through the swamps of time, and finally emerged
as self conscious beings.The process of transvection the rising up, the levitation of animal
man into spiritual man. is where we all are now.
Our DNA our chromosomes are waking, the ascension sequence has been engaged and is
operating within millions of us today, our human ascension,our transvection into higher
levels of consciousness is happening right now today. Millions are waking up from their
aeonic slumber, and beginning to realise the true and eternal nature of all of humanity.
The IMPLICATION of YOU dear READER being incarnate here TODAY reading this
blog, is that YOU are HERE to FIND YOURSELF, not the ego mind, not the personality,
not the so called individualism, that we cling on to,but that eternal PRINCIPLE of LIFE that
YOU actually ARE.WE are ONE! That one is Absolute, having a relative experience here on
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 8 December 2019

Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M P L Y .

The implication and reason for our incarnations here upon this Earth plane are hidden
and vouchsafed within our inner being, and are located by our various experiences here
on Earth, in particular those experiences that bring us much pain and suffering, and deep
levels of emotional and mental turmoil.
These kinds of experiences cause us to think carefully about our lives. and inquire if there
is any real purpose to it all? The other way of locating the reason why we are all here on
Earth, is to go within yourself by taking up the practice of yoga or meditation.
The basic reason for our incarnations here is to learn and comprehend the nature of our
inner-true being, and also recognise that our physical body is not who you really are.
It can and does take many many life times here on Earth before we are prepared to accept
this truth of our physical bodies being just vehicles for a higher life form , that of your inner
spirit and soul.
The planet Earth is really that of being a school, where we all come and learn our lessons
and just like the education system we have created  as human beings, which consists of
primary school for infants, secondary school for teenagers,college, and finally university
incarnations here on Earth reflect this same principle of understanding and comprehension
some of us human beings, are fairly new here, and are therefore in the infants class, and so
on until we reach the final lessons at university, by the time we arrive here we will have
begun developing and deepening our consciousness levels of awareness and perception.
We will have had flashes of intuition and insight that will imply very implicitly that there
is far more to us human beings that we had ever realised before beginning to awake as
though from a very deep slumber.
The very process of incarnation localises and focuses a point of self aware consciousness
which we call our "I AM"consciousness, consciousness is an absolute composite wholeness
that transcends this physical relative universe,yet "WE" by incarnating into physical vehicles
and acquire a "I AM" localised consciousness field,capture this universal field of consciousness
and localise it by calling ourselves "I AM" John Smith or Jane Summers.
In part two,will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmihael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Control Head Acquisition Of Signal-C H A O S Part Two.

The primal OM sound reverberates throughout the entire physical universe, it is basically
the primordial "homing beacon" emanating from the SOURCE of all LIFE within this
universe, that source is the Absolute from which all life emerges from and returns to.
This pulsation , this rhythmical throbbing echo's through all life. Within humanity it
silently pulsates within the vehicle and within the other expressions of that vehicle.
Mankind in the majority has lost contact with its 'home-base'and what we desperately need
to do is to find as way where we can get and maintain an "acquisition of signal" that will
once again connect us to the Whole.
Mankind has become fragmented and this fragmentation has caused great harm within
humanity at large.If we can change our focus from outward to inward we will be able to
reconnect ourselves to that inner truth of our connection to the Whole.Within the silence
of inner space, there is a pulse beating out universally, it is our connection to the Source
of all LIFE.
We are all three fold expressions of physical life, that of being, physical,mental, and
spiritual,the spiritual aspect or dimension of our expression is often neglected or denied
as a reality. This denial of our true eternal nature , causes all manner  of mental and emotional
disorders,plus a vast array of illnesses to arise such as cancer,heart disease, diabetes,the list is
endless. Instead of being expressed in a three folded manner, tens of millions are only being
expressed in two dimensions that of mental and physical, the spiritual dimension is not being
used,either by ignorance, denial, or just wilfully materialistic.
The OM is the soundless sound of inner quietude, by being still within ourselves , we reconnect
with the living SOURCE of all LIFE.
We all need to reorient ourselves into the position of connecting ourselves into the Source of
all Power, to "plug ourselves into the mains" the reality is that none of us are isolated separate
entities, no matter how much we might like to cling onto this fantasy, we are all within a
collective WHOLENESS which is called LIFE.The pulsating throb of the OM is the homing
beacon that will eventually guide every soul HOME.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation. 

Friday 6 December 2019

Control Head Acquisition Of Signal. C H A O S .

All expressed life within this universe pulsates to the sound of 'living motion' which is the
primal sound of all motion universally,which is that of the AUM or OM, that sound that
reverberates within all life, and that indeed includes all of us human beings.
To become fully alive and expressing this life force to its full potential, we need to tune into
and get what those astronauts got when they emerged from behind the dark side of the moon.
When they emerged they got A O S  which stands for acquisition Of signal, in other words
back in contact with their Earth base.
Well we as human beings are in a way similar to those astronauts in that we all need to be in
position to be able to establish acquisition of signal, that signal that will put us in contact with
our deep spiritual inheritance that lies behind the veil and facade of form, we call the physical
body, or vehicle of expression in physical space.
The primal OM sound is that frequency that has the infinite power of activating the full
awakening sequence, that will finally transform, and transfigure the base material human
animal form, into that of a spiritually awakened fully aware soul realised and SELF realised
BEING of deep inner radiance.
We are similar to that of an iceberg in the way that an iceberg only shows one third of itself
which floats on top of the water, we as human beings are very similar in that way, more so
in fact, because around ninety seven per cent of us is submerged, with only about three per
cent visible, which is our physical body.Ninety seven per cent of our full potential is totally
unknown and invisible to the vast majority of mankind.
Mankind has basically,fundamentally,and factually, "lost contact with BASE" and that is why
we are all in a MESS globally, with the raping of the planets resources for bloated profiteering
wars and carnage, millions dying of hunger and thirst, while in western countries we are being
ravaged by obesity and diabetes and cancer and heart disease.Our home base, has become self
absorbed selfishness, mesmerising smart phones and gadgets, the world is sinking into the sewer
of gross materialism, "going to hell" and trying to get as many likes as you can get  on social
media, before you are terminated in mid flow.
In part two will go into the journey back to home base.       Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com.any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 5 December 2019

I-Absolute-Mystery-Insubstantial-Self.-I- AM-IS. Part Two.

Mankind in this so called modern era, has become transfixed and absorbed with a trivia
field of glamour ridden allure , that mesmerises so many of us today. Many are killed daily
world wide , as they are so 'fascinated and absorbed' by the allure of their smart phones, that
they walk out in front of an oncoming bus or lorry, walk of a cliff while taking a selfie, or
just walk into a wall, lost in that digital "blue light"that has become the reality for so many
today.The prefix that will soon follow that statement of "I AM" will be "lost" I AM LOST!
"The legion of the lost" are many today,lost in an ocean of trivia and false sentiment, lost in
obligations, that in reality do not exist.
If we really all knew ourselves then change would occur at warp -speed globally. The most
important two words you could ever utter , are that of "I AM"if we fully understood what that
statement really meant, we would immediately awaken from our slumber in a flash of spiritual
insight,that would cause us all to fall to our knees in resplendent joy,with tears of happiness
falling down our cheeks.
We have all journeyed for vast ages of time, and now we are all located on Earth in a state of
"I AM"Self-Aware consciousness, this state of self awareness will enable us to see the full
value of all of your experiences, and more importantly , why we have them? This vast journey
we have all taken culminates in the full and total realisation of the SELF, that dwells within
each one of us.When we fully realise our-SELF, then our journey of experience gathering
will be over. Our Karmic liabilities will have been all paid in full, and we can then get-off
the Wheel of Repetitive incarnations,and then choose to do whatever you choose to do,if
anything at all.There are seven and a half billion human beings or souls upon this planet
Earth, but there is only one SELF, and one ONLY!  Where then does this leave you and me
then dear reader of this blog? Are we not all the Self then? Yes we all are the SELF, fear not
you will only loose your ego-lower self, your personality, but you will GAIN the higher SELF
and cease being what you thought of a a temporal being, and will be "promoted" to an
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Infinite-Absolute-Mystery-Insubstantial -Self. I -AM-IS.

I am is , can be seen as a way to describe the indescribable  which we often call God. The "I" is
Infinite, the "A" is absolute, and the "M" is a mystery, The "I" is insubstantial, which means in
dictionary speak, means, "lacking substance, or material nature", and GOD being that of spirit
or Life Force, has no substance that we know of, and is certainly not material in nature.The
"S" stands for SELF, Which is that of Absolute reality, the ONLY THING that EXISTS
anywhere in this universe,or any other, in fact this very relative physical universe emanates
from within the SELF.
The first two words we ever utter when we introduce ourselves to others is that of "I AM"
called John Smith, or Mary Williams.And the prefix of "I AM" are the two identical words
that God or YHWH said to Moses at the burning bush encounter,reported in Exodus 3-14.
is this more that a coincidence? I think not,because the reality of the matter, and the word
matter here is the operative word, because human beings are all clothed in MATTER which
consists of our physical body vehicle, we are literally material of the outer form, and also
insubstantial spirit at the centre of our spiritual matrix.
The arc of human evolution has risen and ascended to the point where we have all in computer
speak, "come on LINE" coming online equates exactly to our "I AM" consciousness we have
all became SELF-AWARE, but so many of us fail to fully understand what that TERM actually
means, it means literally and factually  that if we fully knew ourselves, then we would
automatically know GOD, because that is who the SELF actually IS.
Our true SELF, hides away behind our gross ignorance on who we really all are,it hides away
behind our ego's and personalities,our so called individualism, our minds that are filled with
endless thoughts,that never cease night or day.Forever looking outwards, and never inquiring
within, mesmerised by gadgets and smart phones that keep billions of us dumbed down and
endlessly fascinated by trivia which is shallowness pretending depth.All this deceptive  and
glamour ridden allure, keeps us all from discovering who we really are.
In part two will go deeper into this.       Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Self Help Accept Responsibility Evolve.-S H A R E Part Two.

Human communications are expressed in around three different ways, the first way is what can
be seen as straight talking,chatting about this and that, this form of communication originates
with the head, and is ego centred, the second form of communication is called 'sharing' and
this originates from within the heart-centre,and this form of communication is saying this
is 'me' and I am sharing with you from my heart,and this is part of our spiritual nature, and
relating of our spiritual experiences as we motion through life.
The last form of communication originates in the lower part of our body, and this form of
communication  consists of gossiping, taking other peoples inventories,giving out your
opinions, and is ego and selfishly centred, with a secretion of bile added to it.
To evolve as human beings we have a great need to accept responsibility for all of our actions
thoughts, words, and deeds. I spent over thirty years of my life blaming others for what had
happened to me, and making endless excuses for my actions and selfish manners. It was not
until I began listening intently to those souls who shared their experiences with me, from their
hearts and not from their heads. They shared their experiences , and not their opinions with me.
I quickly learnt to keep my opinions to myself, to shut up and listen.
I began to realise that listening is an ART, and one that was absent in my life at that time, hearing
is not listening! Paying attention is.
If it were not for those many noble souls who shared their lives and experiences with me over these
past four decades and more years,I would not have ever lived to tell this tale today. I owe my life
to those who opened theirs hearts and souls with me, and showed me that I could live a happy and
content life, if I just continued to share my experiences with others,who are just about to begin a
new way of life, and a new awakening of their consciousness into a new way of life beyond their
wildest dreams.We each within us have a presence, this presence is the LIFE-FORCE that
animates all life in this universe, this POWER resides within each one of us, a spiritual life
force, that we can all tune into if we so chose to do so.
I hope that this share of mine today, will be of some use to a soul who may read it today,there is a
way out of addiction, and of being lost. We can all be FOUND if we ask for help.
warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com.any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 2 December 2019

Self Help Accept Responsibility Evolve.-S H A R E .

Who among us has never needed any help? Not me for sure. How many of us accept full
responsibility for all that we think,say and do? I spent many years of my life making a
vast number of excuses for many of the things I did. Making excuses was a daily part of my
life for many years. Along with making excuses , came 'blaming others' for my life and
situations I got into. I blamed my step father for messing up my life, and treating me like
garbage.This caused me to hate and resent him , which in turn poisoned my mind and feelings
which lasted for many years.
It was not until I became very ill with alcohol-addiction and had been given just three months
to live by my doctor, that I realised that something had to change very quickly in my life, or
else that was it,dead and buried! I was then twenty nine years old and a complete and total
mess,mentally,physically,emotionally,psychologically, and spiritually bankrupt in all these
departments, yet still full of blame and excuses for what had happened to me. The main one
was that of"if it were not for that bastard of a stepfather, I would have never been in this mess"
"he made me become like this!"
I quickly began to learn that I had to let go of all these excuses,and begin to take back some
responsibility for myself. This happened because I was fortunate to come across what I later
found out to be, a global wide network or groups of like minded souls who all had similar
problems like mine, and got together in groups and shared their experiences, strength, and
hope, with each other, which then gave me valuable insights into what was happening within
I also found out about being responsible for helping others like me, who were just beginning
to realise the mess their life was in.Helping others in turn helped me, and added to a deeper
understanding of our human nature.
There is a saying that "an empty vessel makes the loudest noise" I can readily identify with
that saying, as in my early time in recovery, I had a lot to say about nothing! In other words
I had verbal diarrhea, opinions on everything, and knowledge of nothing.
Emotionally growing up, and accepting responsibility for our actions, and finding inner
peace, will go into in part two.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 1 December 2019

Localised Universal Consciousness Indwelling Divinity.-L U C I D Part Two.

Consciousness, that universal cosmological constant has become 'localised' within our
"I AM" consciousness field, and we have further localised this infinite absolute eternal
field, within what we commonly call ourselves, that of "me" this "me" is imagined to be
as that of an individual personality and ego mind, who perceives him or herself to be the
centre of consciousness which is then confined within the parameters of that individuals
physical body, and that the self-consciousness arises within this individual personalities
physical brain.
Our localised self aware consciousness has in effect captured this universal
consciousness life-field, and encircled it within a vortex that spirals down several
dimensions, and exits into a singularity point of reference which is then connected to
our physical bodies through the crown and heart chakras. That infinite ocean of life force
which is consciousness has been narrowed down into a fixed point in time and space, that
fixed point is you dear reader of this blog today.Because we can say I AM therefore I AM!
we have arrived at a point of angular reference within our evolutionary arc of ascension that
puts us on a par with that of the ABSOLUTE LIFE FORCE, which is called GOD, by some
or ALLAH by others,Jehovah,Brahman,Yahweh,Great Spirit, or as it says in the Bible, tell
them my name is I AM that I AM sent you! We all our at that point of reference today,right
now, when we say "I AM" HERE! Do we all fully realise and UNDERSTAND the full
IMPLICATIONS of what we are saying, when we say "I AM" here! This "I AM" is NOT
your physical body, it never has BEEN, it is just our total ignorance of our true identity and
the constant reminder of this illusion by the media, our friends and family, who also fail to
understand our true eternal nature.
The only way out of our ignorance is to go within ourselves, and seek that lucid clarity that
dwells within the heart of each one of us, we each have our very own "personal guru" which
is our "higher self" look within and seek out your true "I AM" IDENTITY. You will then realise
that your physical body, is just a vehicle that the REAL YOU uses while here on Earth.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.