Friday 31 December 2021


 May I start this blog today by wishing all my readers a very happy and prosperous new year

for 2022.Todays blog called SIR is about how we can all gain insightful knowledge and

wisdom by venturing within ourselves and practicing meditation. although we may not

realise it  at this present time, that the most important thing you can ever really know is

YOURSELF! You may imagine all sorts of other priorities that may take precedence before 

self knowing, but all these other so called priorities pale into insignificance  when put up 

against that of full soul realization.

To fully know your Divine birth-right and know your immortal soul is a wondrous awakening

and a fulfilling of all your inner dreams of wholeness and atonement with all life.

To be able to be fully aware and awake of your true inner nature is one of life's greatest 


By going within yourself you are embarking upon a journey of immense discovery, one that

will open  up your inner nature and reveal to your startled gaze the radiant beauty of our 

Divine inner nature. "WE" are all "cloaked down" by our gross ignorance of our true nature.

We are giver zero education about who we really are, no one seems to know or care about

who we really are, we become so busy keeping our heads above the water, paying our bills,

earning our living, paying the mortgage, we become so wrapped up in this living, that we 

forget our inner needs.

Can 2022 be the year dear reader when you find time for YOUR "INNER NEEDS" the need

to find out your true DIVINE NATURE may this coming new year become the year of your


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Thursday 30 December 2021


This whole world is within us, which also includes this universe , we are the WORLD 

and this universe in MICROCOSM. Outwardly we are a relative vehicle which we call 

the physical body, this vehicle is a container for a higher life force to be able to gain 

purchase in this dense physical realm of Earth. This higher life form of expressed life

is called our immortal divine soul, which is still relative but on a much higher dimensional

vibration level that the physical body, it operates through the physical body by focussing 

electromagnetic pulses through the physical body that also impinge upon your waking

consciousness and awareness faculties. All our five inner expressions  (koshas, sheaths) 

are all still relative, but each ascending kosha is a higher frequency than the previous one

the gross physical body being the lowest expression. the higher ones ascend through 

five dimensional shifts within the relative continuum.

Our main reason for any incarnation with the exception of certain karmic liabilities  that

must be exorcised, is to for us to fully know who we are. This is done by us in many 

varied experiences in both sexes male and female  over very very many incarnations  where

we experience the whole GAMBUT  of human life, the ups and downs, loves and hates, 

sorrow and joy, pain and hardship, pleasure and fun, anguish and fear, lonely feelings,

when we have gathered all this up, we begin to build up an inner picture, we start to join

up all the dots, which then when reflected upon reveals an inner nature deep within us that

needs investigating, when we reach this point in our human life journey, we then instinctively

feel the need to look within ourselves.

When we do this, by either taking up meditation or yoga we begin to reveal to our outer self 

the very real presence of an inner SELF. this inner self will eventually reveal itself to you as

that of your immortal divine soul, you will then very plainly see and also understand that the

self you thought was you which was the physical body vehicle is completely untrue, you will

fully realise that your physical body is just an ego/mind driven biological machine that houses

the real occupier which is you immortal soul.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


Wednesday 29 December 2021


 What is life? What is that of humanity? This blog called WAS IT! Will try and answer  these

questions, that baffle many of us. We all our basically souls in transit, the transits are called by

us as that of incarnation, each incarnation is a "transit for the soul" that will gradually piece

by piece bring it closer to the full realization of its inner divine nature.

Souls in transit are all on a much deeper level also that of SOURCE in Transit  the Absolute 

Infinite SOURCE of all GOD for short, is also transiting, its MOTION through LIFE which

means motion and expression being gathered at its outer extremities, which is first the soul 

then the physical body, experiencing tangibility living and also the experience of being 

condensed within a localized point of reference , from being non-locale omnipresent into

a localized relative time and space continuum/

We are all presented within a triad format, this format also includes the five koshas or sheaths

that the full expression of mankind is located within. but for simplicity will reduce this to three

basic components, which are 1, Human vehicle relative, 2, Soul vehicle of the spirit, relative,

3, Spirit, zero vehicle, Absolute pure awareness.

This triad format is the way we are all presented here upon planet Earth, those of you reading

this blog, will all be enfolded within a physical vehicle called a human biological body, reading

this blog and maybe wondering if any of this is really true?  How can you know for sure that

this is really so? Well the simplest way to check if what this blog says is true, is to look WITHIN

YOURSELF and ask yourself the question am I really a SOUL in transit, the transit meaning

incarnations. Am I actually moving through lives in order to fully know myself????? Don't 

take my word for it dear reader of this blog, but rather listen to yourself as to the answer you

get back from your very own inner small voice of intuition.!

Warmest regards  michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 28 December 2021


 "WE" have never been born, therefore how could you possibly die?? What is "born" is

a vehicle you use to gather experience here on Earth. Because of our gross ignorance of

who we really are, we therefore allow ourselves to become filled with fear and dread about

the prospect of having eventually to die. The truth is that for you to die(meaning total and

absolute extinction) is absolutely impossible why? Because you have NEVER  EVER BEEN

BORN, therefore the question of death becomes absurd. All Spirit is ETERNAL which means

very plainly that you have NEVER-EVER EPERIENCED a BEGINNING, therefore you can

never-ever experience any ENDING. No ending has ever occurred within this universe since

it was first brought into expression by that primordial thought wave intention aeons ago.

Life or spirit  are eternal principles, (the human vehicle is NOT a principle, and therefore rots)

and this is what every human being "IS" an eternal principle an unborn reality. We all occupy

space within a physical vehicle, this vehicle is NOT YOU! Any more than the car you drive to

work in is YOU! If you thought you were a car then you would be thought of as having an

"UNSOUND MIND" If you said I am a RANGE ROVER car , you would be sent for treatment

at a mental hospital.

So thinking that our physical bodies are really who we are is not very wise to say the least.

When we die (change venues) that is what actually happens, we leave this Earth plane (exit the

vehicle) which rots and decays away back to the elements it came from, as "WE"  rise up into

the ASTRAL PLANE within our astral bodies which we have had all our physical life of 

Earth, and each night while we slept we ventured out into the astral plane in our astral bodies

so when we arrive back to the realm we have all visited countless times while asleep, 

the difference this time is that the silver cord has snapped of, so that return to earth is

impossible now. We then just carry of living full time in the Astral, with no more visits to

the Earth plane, until its time to reincarnate again, but that another blog away.

Warmest regards michael,

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail/com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 27 December 2021


 Sublimely enfolded within our inner matrix is that of DEITY, we are all intimately 

truthfully enfolded within a "divine loving energy", but because this is clouded over 

by our minds and ignorance we often know not who we truly are. Mankind has

identified itself with the physical body and has grossly mistaken this physical vehicle

to be who you really are, Thankfully many today are waking up and realising that they

are indeed a divine immortal soul. With this digital age there is so much more information

available to us, the internet is awash with websites that talk and share about our divine

heritage. The truth is DEITY is US!  We are all DEITY on two legs. When we can wake up

to this fact, for fact it truly is, not a THEORY, but a universal FACT of LIFE being 

expressed within a "I AM" self aware consciousness, who is this "I AM"? I AM is the

prefix used by DEITY to introduce themselves. Humanity consists of 7.7 billion

"I AM" using prefixes, but there is only ONE I AM, there is no such a thing as "I AM'S

there is no plural on AM, just the singular reality.

We each are a DEITY of ONE one fractal facet of the one ABSOLUTE SOURCE. "WE" 

are "SOURCE-LETS" fractal DIETY facets  that are enclosed within a physical 

body, and have forgotten who we really are!

This time now with 2022 looming on the horizon can be about waking up from our long

aeon slumber and beginning to remember who we REALLY ARE , we are all Divine beings

enfolded within a biological vehicle in order to gather experiences and eventually wake up

and rediscover your inner Divine true NATURE. We can all make this new year of 2022

the year we all rediscover our very own inner DEITY, what a wonderful new years 

resolution that would be for us all, think about it, what have you got to loose???

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 26 December 2021


 The Absolute SOURCE of this UNIVERSE becomes LOCALIZED from its NON-LOCALE

Omnipresent Self into becoming localized (embodied) within vehicles of relative expression

which then become" US" Humanity all 7.7 billion of us are all Localized "SOURCE-LETS"

embodied  within a physical vehicle body.

The whole of expressed nature, which is expressed not only on this planet, but also universally

nature is another word for "localized infinities" which is the omnipresent becoming embodied

within a finite outer form ie a physical body.

The whole of nature is this way, flowers and plants, trees are all embodied Divinity becoming

expressed within  a infinite number of DIVERSE WAYS.

When we as humanity can wake up and smell those proverbial roses, we will see and understand

that by looking within ourselves we will see that Divine LINK that unites all of nature into one

homogeneous wholeness.

Mankind has seemed to have lost its way at times, so many are looking for something that

will make them feel whole, many are looking for GOD , as though GOD is lost! 

What we all need to do is to look within ourselves. It says somewhere in the Bible the answer

to a question about where is GOD?  And God replied, "I AM closer to you than your hands

and feet, and you KNOW ME NOT!!  Very true words indeed.

The SOURCE is within us all within your HEART, you cannot get any CLOSER THAN


"WE" are all SLIDERS, SOURCE-LETS that have become localized upon this planet

we are all here to gather experiences and through that gathering process awaken from 

our aeon slumbering and therefore remember who you rally are, then we can think about

returning home to endless bliss.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 25 December 2021


 I wish all my many readers where ever you are on this planet Earth a very Merry Christmas

and a joyful new year filled with hope for you all. Christmas time for me is a time of

reflection and one of counting my many blessings. I am very fortunate and have always

had all I have ever needed. I have never been hungry or ever short of clean fresh water

to drink, I have always had a roof over my head, and a clean bed to sleep in. However In

my reflections I am made acutely aware that there are literally tens of millions of our

brothers and sisters, fellow human beings, who have absolutely nothing whatsoever,

millions are homeless, dying of acute starvation, dying from drinking filthy polluted

water, being cruelly treated and abused, those poor souls living in war torn areas where

parents mourn the loss of their children being shot or bombed. All these realizations 

impact upon my consciousness, and a feeling of being unable to help and feeling helpless/

All i can do is to pray that the great Spirit of universal LOVE can somehow make a change

in those desperate souls lives. It seems like there is a great divide in this world, where so many

have far more than they will ever need, while millions have no home, no food, no water,

and no hope. We in the west have so much, why is this great divide allowed to continue

We have so much here, that we become fixated on trivia, where surface trivia plies as having

depth, and then there is the WOKE mentality, which is trivia born out of boredom and

shallowness of integrity, when you are dying of hunger and thirst, woke crap cannot exist

because of your immediate inner need of food, water, clothes to wear, a roof over your head.

So many of us can indeed count our blessings, because we have foot to eat, clean water to 

drink, and a clean bed and a roof over our heads, ask a child in YEMAN dying of starvation

If they have any blessings to count?  Hope i have not been gloomy am just sharing what is

within my heart, bless you all dear readers of my blog.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 24 December 2021


"WE" are all localized infinity points of reference. The reference point is a singularity vortex

field  that holds the "soul essence" within the powerful embrace of a singularity point of

reference, which condenses the ethereal pure energy of soul/spirit into a condensed point 

of physicality, which in effect and in fact 'localizes infinity' within a  sub sub atomic 

singularity reference point. We need to be mindful that our spirit/soul expresses at a higher

degree which is that of  pure aware energy, which by nature is omnipresent and ubiquitous

which means non-locale. In order to be delivered within a 'physical format' we need to

'condense infinity' into a sub sub atomic point of reference, which is the singularity vortex

which acts as a super compressor. that condenses ethereal non-locale energy into a 'matter

mould'  which then becomes the physical body. 

The soul makes the decision to come to Earth and arranges the transport and the "method of

delivery" which is a singularity vortex of super condensed energy. a literal congealing of 

liquid light into matter substance, as we are deposited within this planets arena, we enter 

the physical egg and seed of the parents to be, and then become embodied within a 

physical format. The soul exists within the physical format, but just out of phase with

the relative dense state. It is connected to the body by an electromagnetic field of

undulating energy, which also produces a double torus doughnut shape field of energy

which completely surround the invisible singularity reference point, The physical body

is completely enveloped within the electromagnetic force field of energy, and at the 

centre of the physical body where the heart chakra lies is the magnetic home of our

divine immortal soul/spirit, our soul needs the use of a physical medium which is our

human body vehicle in order to gain relative practical experiences of what tangible 

physical life actually feels like and to experience.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 23 December 2021


 For me this universe is basically a  product of thought, an intention to cause motion by

that of a thought wave manifesting within the Absolute Source of all being or life.

Thought manifested what we now call "space", space being an infinite point  within a 

consciousness field of infinity, and within this infinite field which made space and the idea

of time as well. Both space and time are manifested from within that primordial thought

wave, they appear as aspects of a presented thought wave expressing into infinite and 

thereby manifesting characteristics of what we call time and space, both are aspects

of thought becoming expressed, and thereby manifesting a relative universe.

All universal perpetual motion can be traced back to its origin, which was that primordial

thought wave, that intention was the birth place of ALL universal motion, which arose

out of motionlessness. What we call energy is in truth thought moving through a 

consciousness ocean of infinity. Time is the motion of thought passing through a fixed

reference point (you and me) and creating the illusion of what we call time, in truth the

only point that actually exists, is the ETERNAL NOW, which remains forever motionless.

It is us who "appear" to move, through what we call time, but our inner essence is always

fixed within the eternal now, while our outer vehicle "seems" to move through the 

illusion of space and time.

"WE" have all been moved out of stillness into motion by that primordial thought wave

aeons ago, and that primordial thought wave is still being currently THOUGHT that

primordial thought wave INTENTION is still in operation and will continue to 

function until it is withdrawn, when that occurs this universe will blink out of 

existence as though it had never been,

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 22 December 2021


 This relative universe is basically a flat infinite circle, which has zero depth. Depth is

an illusion fostered by our relative limited sense of perspective . This relative flat infinite

universe is wholly contained within the "bosom of the father" who is BRAHMAN or GOD

or SOURCE, this entire universe is surrounded and contained within by the Absolute 

VOIDLESS VOID of the ABSOLUTE. "WE" "RISE UP" within this flat circle within

a "tangible format" which is our physical body, our essence is that of pure energy which is

that of SPIRIT which is intangible and is pure still motionless energy, which is Spirit,

For us to become tangible we have to become condensed and congealed like that of 

"SOLID LIGHT", we are then "pressed into substance" "RISE UP" from within the flat

universal surface, which is an infinite ocean of pure energy. We rise up and are pressed into

SHAPE (condensed) and then appear to stand out from the flat surface which implies 

three dimensions. We rise up out of flatness intangibility, and into three dimensional 

relative reality

Before we were in Absolute reality, no being expressed (moving), now we are within an

enclosed format, biological vehicle.

To get the POINT  of this blog we need to look within ourselves and see that in essence 

we are all pure intangible energy, which is spirit. To experience relative life we must become

expressed (have motion, rather than, motionlessness) We are all then PRESSED INTO 

SHAPE and thereby moulded into a physical vehicle, so that you we can thereby experience

tangible physical life.

The flat infinite circle that is our relative universe has as said before at the beginning of

this blog has zero depth, we are completely held and surrounded by the ABSOLUTE 

VOIDLESS VOID, what separates us in relativity from the Absolute is a MEMBRANE

which is far less than an ATOM THICK! 

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 21 December 2021


 Deep  listening is an art that we all need to master if we are to make any headway in our

regular meditation practice. First we need to cease all thoughts, and this takes much practice

but if we persevere we will be able to accomplish this act. What many of us are unaware of

is that listening deeply opens up inner doorways within our awareness and consciousness.

Deep listening has a powerful penetrating force effect, and it permits us entry into finer

dimensions of consciousness , it expands our awareness and conscious levels of perception.

Within the deep inner silence we make contact with out higher self. which is also our

divine immortal soul.

This communication is accessed through our inbuilt intuition, and we get an insightful 

flash of intuition, wisdom or knowledge that will fill us with perceptive awareness. Unknown

knowledge will suddenly fill your mind, and a unifying wisdom will dawn upon your 


ISLES  is about the fact that we each are an "island universe" locked within ourselves

and that by going within ourselves we bridge that ISLE SPACE and venture into that 

silent universe that is our real home and has the answer to all our inner yearnings , questions,

about like, who am I really?

It is totally impossible to BE YOURSELF when all you know about yourself is just what

you see in the mirror! All the mirror reflects is your human vehicle body, which most

definitely is NOT WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 20 December 2021


 CRABS is about the expression of consciousness that issues out of awareness and is the 

reflective aspect of awareness, and that awareness is absolute and infinite, whereas 

consciousness is always within the relative domain. And that awareness does not need 

consciousness, but consciousness cannot exist without awareness. without a reflection

consciousness does not exist only pure awareness. Being expressed entities we need a

reflective capacity in order to learn and gather experience. In essence we are pure 

awareness, but by becoming expressed (embodied within a vehicle) we therefore 

add a dimension to pure awareness, which we know as that of consciousness,

Memory is just that of reflective actions of past events, reflection helps us grow and

learn about ourselves.

When we go deep within ourselves and enter into the silence, we go into that infinite

gulf of nothingness which is full of awareness. Awareness is limitless and eternal, we

only imagine it has limits by our lack of comprehension and the faculty to open 

awareness to greater expansions

Because we are all localized here on Earth, we therefore tend to limit ourselves by the

nature of being informed within a physical body.

Meditation opens us up to a greater expanse of knowing by going within ourselves. 

When we can realize that our inner SELF is limitless we can then expand our awareness

which in turn also expands our capacity to reflect on a much deeper level.

As our awareness expands, so does our capacity to reflective more deeply on the question

of who are we really? By reflecting on this question using our consciousness to do so 

will also expand both our awareness and consciousness simultaneously, we will then by

activating our inner intuition faculty become aware of a much greater degree of reality

than we ever knew existed, before we started searching within ourselves.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Sunday 19 December 2021


 The SUBLIME truth is that we as that of humanity are all in essence the SOURCE

of all reality and absolute atonement. We are all fractal facets of the one SOURCE, we

could be called in a sublime way that of "SOURCE-LETS". We have all become localized

points of singularity referencing, condensed spirit pure energy into that of congealed light

energy manifesting as a biological unit called a human being vehicle. Outwardly we are 

physical beings, a vehicle which act as a host for the true dweller of the form which is the

immortal divine soul and finer in that is the essence of the SOURCE itself which never 

comes in contact with gross matter, as spirit and matter can never be together purity and

grossness can never mix.

When we go within ourselves and seek out our true inner nature, we will then see and

understand the SUBLIME MAJESTY of our presentation here on planet Earth.

We are all presented within 5 koshas or sheaths each within its own consciousness 

dimension each koshas finer in vibration than the previous one, the last kosha is the

finest, this last sheath is the final barrier  you as a presented expression of the SOURCE.

Beyond this point you are no longer expressed (meaning motion) you then dissolve back

into the place you emerged from before this adventure had begun.

We are all in essence every one of the 7.7 billion human beings, each one of us is

omnipresent at its highest level, its only the gross material body that is localized within

the illusion of time and space.

We all go from the SUBLIME to the RIDICULOUS and back to the SUMLIME that 

is all our (E)MOTIONAL journey of SELF/SOURCE discovery,

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 18 December 2021


 Divine wisdom has decreed that humanity needs a place of residence for us to go to

when we die(change venues). This place we call the Astral Realms, which consist of

seven major realms of differing densities, all infinite in operation, plus 49 other sub

realms, which make the total of 56 dimensional residences. which we all inhabit when

we pass away here on earth.

Our astral bodies which interpenetrate our physical body is made of a far less dense

ethereal energy, wholly different in density to the gross physical body. This astral body

has by its nature a natural affinity to the astral realms, and when we die(change venues)

we automatically gravitate to the realm or sub realm that resonates with our frequency

vibrations. WE can only gravitate to the vibrational dimension that we resonate with ONLY.

The saying of "birds of a feather flock together" is very apt here, because we only gravitate

to the dimension that we are naturally aligned  with by our vibration rate and level of aware

consciousness. The astral realms are really only "holding stations" in-between incarnations.

The real work of gathering experiences and finding out who we really are, can only really

be done here on Earth.

The astral realms are a place for rest and reflection about our last visit, how did we fare?

What things I regret saying or doing?  Meeting up with passed friends and family if there 

is an affinity between you. We than wait for our next incarnation here.

The only reason the astral realms are there is to provide a place in between expressed lives

here on earth, all our real understanding and awakening takes place on Earth only, the astral

is really about reflection and rest in between incarnations, we are all here in truth to wake up

and realize our divine natural heritage, and this simple objective takes many many life times

of a vast number of incarnations. 

When we fully awaken into realizing that we are basically all GOD/SOURCE  the absolute

ONE SINGULARITY undergoing a relative experience here on Earth, we can then ASCEND

into a dimensional-less dimension, and thereby transcend the astral realms forever. We will

then be back home, the place we all left countless aeons ago.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 17 December 2021


 IDEAS that form in our minds as the result of practicing meditation, can lead us into

making some profound inner discoveries  that before taking up the practice we would 

have never known existed. I have been meditating for over 47 years now and have discovered

that the silence we find within when all our thoughts are stilled is infinite in its limitless range.

I have found that there is a parallel between the depth of your listening and the expansion of

consciousness. Within this silence lies a profound wisdom I have discovered, the greater the

depth of listening means a greater depth of consciousness and awareness. Silence has infinite

depth and we penetrate into that infinity by stilling all thoughts, were we literally lose our

minds, and enter into pure awareness consciousness. In this quiet infinite inner space , flashes

of insight impinge on our awareness, answer to questions you never even asked are revealed

within this awesome stillness.

Our awareness expands exponentially as we go deeper into the silence., we expand our

awareness and perceptions the deeper we listen, the further we penetrate into infinity.

What I have found is that LISTENING is the GREAT SECRET of inner knowing

and revealing our true immortal nature as being divine immortal SOULS.

Listening into that infinite silence the dark infinite space with a blue tinge unravels the

mystery of your SELF. We discover that as we can go within infinitely that we too are

therefore infinite BEINGS who are being presented within a biological vehicle we call

mankind. IDEAS is about revealing the Divine wisdom that lies infinitely PATIENT

within the silence of our Inner SELF.

Listening deeply is the true art of self knowingness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 16 December 2021


 What is a human being that we are mindful of it  ? To me humanity is presented within

a collection of fractal facets that are all holograms of the ONE SINGULAR REALITY.

Each human being is one hologram image which has become condensed from an intangible

essence and therefore being presented as a flesh and blood fractal facet that imagines its

body as being a human being. What we call a human being is in truth a solid fractal image

that is and acts as a vehicle for the intangible essence to use in this dense material plane,

so that it can gather experience of tangible living, being expressed within a tangible physical


We are all basically tangible ECHO'S of an intangible essence SOURCE of all LIFE.

When we begin waking up and seeing the connections and interconnections that we all

have with one another, we therefore begin to see the fractal nature of our being. Its like

that principle which is life unconditional love, has fragmented into billions of fractal

images so that it could experience expression here on Earth, being presented within a 

solid looking fractal image.

We all seem to DIFFER on the surface periphery of our presentation here on Earth, but

below the level of the outer form, we all are the same divine energy that has formed

us into this lower dimension of physical expression.

By recasting our gaze from outward to inward we can then begin looking within 

ourselves, and searching for confirmation of our true immortal reality.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 15 December 2021


 Absolute awareness , pure spirit is an intangible reality, the only reality that exists, arising

out of this PURE SPIRIT is that of unconditional love, and here is i feel the key that unlocks

the answer to the question of why is there evolution and what is its purpose? Intangible Spirit

Pure life force cannot experience what we all experience and take for granted, like being able

to see, taste ,touch, feel, hear, smell, feel joy, sadness, all these abilities we have would be 

impossible as Pure Spirit.

Evolution has got nothing to do with learning anything, but everything to do about experiencing

everything. This is why evolution had led us all through the experiences of being a star, gas,

plasma, matter, all the expressions of motional life has been experienced by us all, even our

physical bodies are made from star dust. Infinite Intelligence was curious about becoming

expressed and forming bonds with that expression, to become tangible and experience that

feeling of being SOMETHING  rather than being NO-THING.

Now we as humanity are all self aware consciousness, we are beginning to awaken and realize

that primordial intention wave, that launched us out on the becoming tangible trail of

experience gathering.

None of us our here to learn anything, what we are here for is to UNCOVER what lies

within us by the method of interacting with each other. We are not here to learn anything

but rather uncover the true nature of our being, which starts of as uncovering the truth

about us being an immortal divine soul, then leads onto revealing that we are the SELF 

that infinite intelligence that sent us all out on this endless journey of tangible SELF

realization through the gathering of an infinite amount of experiences.

This blog named ULCER Is about the pain and suffering plus the joy and happiness 

that bitter sweet taste that is uncovered by us all within out tangible expressions being

busy collecting experiences through our long journey back HOME.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed faccebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Tuesday 14 December 2021


 This blog todays spelling out the word EGO is about all those of us who are interested

in meditation, or are already practicing it. We all have our own guru within us which is

our higher self, the divine immortal soul, which we can all tune into if we choose.

But for those of us who would like to tune into another guru we can do so. My Guru

that i tune into is SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI, who passed from this plane in 1950

in India. But what I discovered in meditation is that all of the great masters. Yogis, 

or Guru's, although they have all passed beyond the veil so to speak, Their ECHO

remains for all time. Everything that has ever occurred in this universe is recorded

upon the AKASHIC RECORDS so all the long gone masters of old or recent are all

available to contact within this eternal record. Although the masters may have passed

into NIRVANA , their ECHO remains within the relative universe. So that any of us 

can tune into their frequency and receive guidance within the internal silence.

This means that the guru or master you choose to tune into is omnipresent within you

if you make the INTENTION and tune into that guru's or masters name. the name said

out loud acts like a homing beacon within the ethereal plane and an electromagnetic 

pulse or signal homes into the AKASHIC RECORDS  that resonates with the vibration

that is magnetised to that masters or guru's name.

This way when we understand this truth it shows us that nothing or no one is ever lost  or 

forgotten forever. Everything  and everyone is recorded within this AKASHIC RECORD.

The whole of our entire history from our first incursion into expressed life countless 

aeons ago, right up to this present incarnation  is wholly recorded in these records and we

can and do look into these records of our past encounters if we go within ourselves and 

tune into our own ECHO record.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass this onto your family and friends Thanks,

Monday 13 December 2021


 In essence we are all pure energy, which is Intelligent Spirit or life force Absolute, in order

for "US" (universal spirit) to be born here on Earth, we need to undergo a covering process,

first the spirit which is pure energy cannot interface or touch gross matter, therefore it needs to

become "clothed" in a covering of fine ethereal energy which we all call the soul, the human 

soul has a further cloak which follows its journey through its relative expressions, which we 

call the astral body. This astral body follows the souls journey through life after life.

As we cast of our physical bodies in death we keep our astral body all the time we are in

relative space, which is the relative universe.

As we ascend over many life times we begin to recognise the presence of the soul, and

eventually obtain soul realization in the process, our next objective is to find and reveal

the SELF, which is our true Eternal Nature. When we finally awaken into our true Eternal

Spiritual being, we then lose our Astral body as it is no longer needed, ascend within the

soul consciousness and if we choose , shed the soul clothing and reveal  the inner spirit 

which is the SELF and exit this relative universe and re-join your WHOLE-SELF within

the ABSOLUTE. Or if we choose we can turn our back on perpetual bliss, and decide to

return to Earth in full Self aware consciousness and help our brothers and sisters who are

still finding their way into awakening.

The astral realms were created by us over millions of years by our collective consciousness

we all needed a place to stay in between lives so we created this astral plane by our thoughts

over millions of years. When we have all ascended the astral planes will dissolve back into

the ether which they came from.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 12 December 2021


This blog called RITES is about expressing our rites of passage from ignorance of our soul

to knowing of its reality. To be able to realize that inner truth that lies within every human

being on this planet. For me this realization rite of passage was in the act of me taking up

meditation and beginning to embark on a passage of inner knowing, little did I realize where

this would lead me, all I was looking for in the beginning was to find some peace of mind

and hopefully some serenity.

What I eventually found was at first beyond my comprehension, it was a mind blowing

experience. I had not ever given much if any thought before taking up meditation as to 

whether the soul was real or not. But soon after beginning to meditate i began to experience

various psychic phenomena occurring around me ,I became aware of my aura, and heard

an inner voice whispering to me words of reassurance. I began to tune into my intuition and

found that this inner voice would reveal things to me that I never knew before. 

Then one day this inner voice said, who do you think I am?  I said the voice of my intuition!

Whose voice it that it said? Then I felt an overwhelming feeling of love enveloping me and 

I knew that this inner voice was indeed my higher self, which was my immortal  divine

soul ! I had made conscious telepathic communication with the divine soul was and IS who

I really AM.

I could then at that same time realize that my physical body was just a vehicle for the soul

to use here on Earth to gather up various experiences of expressed tangible life.

All my blogs are really about us each and every human being has the inner capacity to do

the very same thing that I done and realized my own soul realization over forty years ago now.

All we need do is to refocus our gaze inward, take up meditation listen out for that still small

inner voice, this inner voice will if listened too gently guide you in the direction of awakening

up your inner divine being. Why not give it a try, what have you got to lose?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks,

Saturday 11 December 2021


 This blog which spells out the word ARCH is about building an archway within ourselves

that we can enter and tune into the universal flow of wisdom that surrounds us all, and yet

we are all completely unaware of its proximity to us. This universe is basically a self 

replicating hologram. The meaning of the word hologram means, "to enable a wave

front to be recorded, and later to be reconstructed" this is what the AKASHIC record is,

a recording of every occurrence from the point of expression within the Primordial thought

wave, up to and including this now we are in. All life flows within an electromagnetic 

current , we each have a frequency that follows us through each incarnation here on earth.

This frequency can be tuned into by us if we go within ourselves and meditate or practice

yoga. Our whole journey through infinite expressions of life is all recorded within the 

AKASHIC records, and everyone can tune into these electromagnetic recordings if you

make the effort to do so.

We can tune into previous life times if we look within and still the thoughts, pose a question

to the inner silence, and then wait for an answer. This act of asking within tunes you into

your natural intuition faculty, which will then transmit any message to you from the AKASHIC

records. We are all pure intelligent energy  manifesting within a physical vehicle  form.

Like musical notes  wave frequencies flow through us all, with practice we can learn how

to tune into the frequency that we are tuned into, then when we do that , we will tune into

infinite knowledge and infinite wisdom that all abound within there.


TO LEARN!!!!!! Rather its about UNCOVERING what already is THERE within YOU

dear reader of this blog. WE have NOTHING to LEARN, this is a fallacy fostered by

ignorance, We just need to polish our inner mirror to reveal what we already know but have

forgotten, because of being so dense within this heavy matter vehicle, by going within 

ourselves we literally and factually LIGHTEN UP our DENSITY!

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 10 December 2021


 Have  you ever been asked dear reader of this blog, the question of "who the hell do you think

you are?" What would your answer be? If this question becomes who am "I"? Then what will

I say? When John the Baptist was asked the question of who was he, he replied," I am a voice

crying out in the wilderness" how many of us feel like that at times? What is the WAY that we

must all tread upon this pathway of expressed life here on earth. In my meditation experience

over 47 years, I have come across the term of the "PATHLESS PATH" which becomes unique 

to each and everyone of us, we each tread and create our own pathway through our journeying

in our gathering of experiences.

We each create our own unique way, by the choices we make daily in our lives. For me choosing

to take up meditation was the best choice I have ever made, because meditation answered for me

the question of who am I ? Which also answers the question of who are you? Because when I

discovered that I was an immortal divine soul, I therefore also realized that I was not some 

unique entity that was a divine immortal soul, rather that everyone must also be an immortal

soul  as well. It was just that they did not realize who they really were.

This is the reason and why I write these blogs about soul realization and the reality that lies

within each one of us, all we need do, is what i did 47 years ago, and that was  to look within

take up a daily meditation practice, and therefore discover for yourself, that immortal truth

that lies within your heart chakra, awaiting to become activated by your self inquiry interest.

The WAY AHEAD for YOU lies within your inner hidden self, we need to recast our gaze

from perpetually outward, checking our smart phones and gadgets, instead be SMART and

look within your self, and ask yourself the question of all questions which is that of WHO AM

"I"??? Within yourself you will find that question answered.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcome facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks. 

Thursday 9 December 2021


This blog today called VOID which stands for, VEHICLES-OF INNER-DENSITY is

basically a description of what we call a human being. The essence that makes up what 

we call a human being, is an intangible living energy that is formless and has zero density.

In order for this formless zero density life expression to be able to incarnate upon this

planet, it will need to become a tangible presented encapsulated tangible embodiment

which will become a physical entity born upon  this planet. Our essence of being is 

simply that of intelligent intangible SPIRIT. To become  a human vehicle it needs to

become super-dense, which means that the spirit/soul has to become "clothed" and

"wrapped" within layers of varying densities of matter until the most dense matter is

reached which is also the lowest vibration possible that permits spirit/soul entry into 

this Earth realm.

We each our the VOID in essence intangible and NOT LOCALIZED  in any one 

place, we are in essence omnipresent and ubiquitous. It is only within our presentation 

sequence that we gradually became more and more localized, finally becoming firmly

fixed within a point of reference held within a double torus field of electromagnetic

energy which deposits us here on Earth within a singularity vortex.

We are all VOIDED (made dense)  through five sheaths or koshas  of expression

each sheath is less dense than the previous one. Our physical body is the lowest vibration

It may be hard to believe but in absolute truth there is no such a thing as a human being

what we call human beings are in truth just VOIDS vehicles for higher intelligent energy

life essences that of the Sprit and soul to gain purchase here upon this planet. Humanity

is just in truth 7.7 billion VOIDS  vehicles that are animated by higher intelligence in

order for Spirit/Soul to be able to experience tangibility and experience localization within

an encapsulated vehicle to gather the experiences gained thereof. This planet can be likened

to a large garage for 7.7 billion vehicles to park in.

 Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 8 December 2021


Albert Einstein spent much of his latter life trying to find the answer to a UNIFIED FIELD

THEORY. which he seemed to get very close , then something was always missing from the

final equation. The main problem with this idea is I feel, that there are different forces  or

energies that somehow need uniting? When in truth there is only ever one FORCE that exists

universally, and that is INTENTION, INTENTION is the singularity non-dual that unites 

everything together, because in truth it has never been APART! Relativity there is one force

in operation within this universe and that is perpetual-motion (atomic vibration) . Perpetual

motion was BORN ALOFT an INTENTION rising within the ABSOLUTE SELF MIND of

the SOURCE. The relative universe has motion, the Absolute void is motionlessness. The 

SELF is the ONLY FORCE that exists anywhere in this universe and within the Absolute

ALL-NESS of NO_THING. The SELF equals Absolute Singularity. the ONE and ONLY 

SOURCE of ALL non-dual motionlessness. From the SELF/SOURCE all that exists is

from WITHIN that ONE-SELF. From motionlessness came motion in the mode of an 

INTENTION, this universe was THOUGHT into EXISTENCE. 

The unified field is that the SELF is the SOURCE and the Source is ALL THERE IS

relativity and absolutely NO OTHER THING EXISTS!

When we can understand that the SELF is ALL there ever IS. We will see that there is

no such a thing as FORCE'S , because within the singularity no PLURAL can ever exist

and indeed do not exist, there is only one FORCE in this relative universe and this is

perpetual motion, and perpetual motion was brought into motion from stillness by an 

INTENTION to move thought wave .

There are no forces just one FORCE being expressed in infinite diverse ways Perpetual

motion is also that of intelligent motion, this whole universe is SELF- aware.

In closing on this blog about UFO'S it is well to be mindful that this intention thought

wave which arose from within the SELF, is still in current use the intention wave is still

within its being expressed mode. When the intention is withdrawn this universe will 

vanish within a blink of an eye.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 7 December 2021


 We can now be all fully reassured as even science tells us that energy can never be destroyed

only transferred or transformed into another state, science tells us that energy is basically and

truthfully eternal. And here we need to be mind that humanity is all composed of ENERGY!

So all of us who have ever feared death as some sort of terrible end to everything we have ever

known, a sort of oblivion, is now shown to be totally false,  even science recognises this fact.

When we die (change venues) we are therefore transferred or transformed from this dense 

physical realm , and then automatically ferried  into the astral realm firmly within our astral

body, which we all have without exception. We at death (change of venues) are all seamlessly

transferred to the astral realm where we then continue living in our astral body. The physical

body is NOT who you ARE, it NEVER HAS BEEN, the physical body is just a vehicle 

nothing more than that, a vehicle for the real life the soul to use here in this dense physical

plane. But because of our gross ignorance of what we really are, we have all bought into the

illusion that the physical body is really who we are, which then fosters all manner of fears

and foreboding about the illusion of death (changing venues) being final forever.

I have personally spoken to many so called (dead) people over the years when I was 

involved in mediumship and believe me the so called dead folks were much more alive 

than many of the ones awaiting a message from a loved one.!

This blog entitled IODINE is about my attempt to remove the fear and foreboding that abounds

around that of death, and what we see as the end of all life, this idea is completely false and

totally untrue, all life is eternal and that means we all live forever .All through our physical

presentation here on earth we have been living in two dimensions all that time, while awake

we are all living in the physical dimension, but when we go asleep we all leave our physical

bodies and more into the astral realm using our astral bodies, here we have all sorts of 

adventures  and meet up with long lost friends. We are attached to a silver cord which 

connects our physical body and our astral body, this cord guides us all back into our 

physical body when we return, at death the cord snaps of, and then return to the physical

body becomes impossible. Most of us forget our nocturnal adventures soon after waking,

but it is possible to begin remembering where we have been if we keep a notebook an

pen by our bedside and immediately we awake, before you rush to the loo, write down

all the thoughts in your head as fast as you can,  as there is only a window of remembering

that last or no more than about three minutes, then a curtain comes down and we forget

everything. If you do this daily, you will build up a picture of what you have been doing

there in the astral. One last thing, nature is very gentle at times, and sleep whose other 

name is that of the "first cousin of death" get us used to the fact of this other realm 

because we have all visited it thousands of time each night we fall asleep, so by the time

death pops up we are well used to the place we have been visiting for years, no worries.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Monday 6 December 2021


 The destiny or pathway of humanity is enfolded within the primal matrix of what we call

evolution or that of ascension. Each human being has his/her own unique localized ascension

pathway, depending on the journey that soul has so far reached, everyone has his/her own 

pathless path to tread, through each incarnation upon this planet Earth. This blog called

AWAKENING spells out in the name of this blog part of the process that we will all undertake

sooner or later, in this lifetime or the next. We can ascend both consciously and unconsciously

depending on our aware state. The unconscious ascension takes place as we interact daily within

our experience gathering, the conscious ascension is when we are actively trying through either

meditation or yoga to awaken our inner selves.

When we do that we therefore accelerate our process of evolution within our localized vehicle.

The process of awakening is written into the destiny of every human being. If we practice 

meditation or yoga we quicken the process of ascension within us. As we gradually ascend up

through our chakras, we become aware of an inner energy percolating around our spine, which

begins in our root chakra and ascends all the way up our spine like two uncoiling serpents  until

the rising energy finally reaches our crown chakra. When that connection occurs  we have what

I would call an "IGNITION OF INNER SPIRITUAL LIGHT" that illumines our neural 

pathways in the brain and therefore opens  up the inner GATEWAY that leads to full cosmic

consciousness , and the full awareness of just who and what you really are. This AWAKENING

reveals to you BEYOND any SHADOW  of DOUBT that all life is DIVINE and ETERNAL

and all life is connected and interconnected to just ONE COMPLETE SOURCE ONLY.

Our destiny which seems to be written within the stars is to find ourselves, reveal our true 

inner nature to our outer physical vehicle, and when we can do that and understand the 

process, then share this inner awakening with your family and friends, sharing is caring is

it not?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 5 December 2021


 We humans have much in common with icebergs, because the majority of our being is

submerged  into the invisible spectrum of higher energies. Only about 2% of us is visible

and 98% completely unknown to us. Wholeness  being WHOLE means the same as the 

word HOLY both words mean "COMPLETENESS of BEING" and our completeness 

of being expands INFINITELY, into and including this entire universe of relativity, and

then to complete the wholeness sequence the life essence has to withdraw from this 

relative  and thereby enter into the VOID of the ABSOLUTE, where it left aeons ago then


BEING. Then there is no-thing else in existence, except YOU-ALONE! NO-THING no stars

no universe, no life,  only ETERNAL BLISS of ATONEMENT.

We are the illusion of being localized entities , 7,7 billion of us, we see the illusion of our 

concept of what we term as "OTHERS", which in truth there is no such a thing as "OTHERS"

what is it OTHER than? Other than life perhaps? Other than YOU? In truth "other" have

never existed except within our gross minds.

There is but LIFE which is SINGULAR never PLURAL, when we are localized we appear as 

separate entities , but we need to be mindful that this is only an "appearance" and appearances

can and ARE deceptive.

In essence  we are all universal intelligent energy omnipresent . But when we become embodied

within a human vehicle we became localized to this planet Earth.

The journey to complete wholeness began for us long long ago, now we have self awareness

and have the ability to reflect our awareness and thoughts within our consciousness, and thereby

begin to put the pieces together that will eventually lead us into becoming COMPLETE and

WHOLE. We all have an inner instinctive urge for WHOLENESS to become COMPLETE

and HOLY (WHOLE). Within each one of us lies a HOMING BEACON this homing beacon

is the universal frequency of the OM this OM silently pulsates within your heart chakra, look

within yourself ,take up meditation and begin your journey back home,

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook  Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 4 December 2021


 Two of the most ancient sciences are that of meditation and that of alchemy, which

both date back to well over twenty thousand years. Both these ancient sciences are 

linked into one composite whole. As meditation aligns the bodies energies, and stills

the the rising of thoughts, and alchemy brings about an inner change of ones vibrations

and inner density. Alchemy changes you from within  outward, and meditation expands

our awareness and consciousness.

This blog title which spells out the word MUSIC is referring to the "music of the spheres"

that we tune into when in deep and profound meditative state. The music of the spheres 

is that silent melody that opens the door to infinite wisdom and universal knowledge.

It is also becoming consciously aware of the silent beat of the universal OM which 

pulsates within all expressed life. The OM is actually a homing beacon calling all its

charges back home to beloved bliss and deep serenity.

The science of alchemy which aligns perfectly with that of meditation, there is nothing to

the myth about the old misunderstanding of alchemy which was the myth of turning base

metals into gold. What alchemy is really about is turning a gross human physical being 

into an awakened spiritual soul, which is the divine Golden light  of your own recognition

that you are indeed a divine immortal soul.

When we embark on the science and method of meditation, the majority of meditators are

not aware that unbeknown to them they have an added bonus to their noble endeavour which

is that of alchemy, this silent companion adds to your meditation experience and in 

conjunction with that experience, it weaves through our gross density and LIGHTENS as

in the process of discarding our dense physical atoms, and replacing them with much more

etheric lighter less dense atoms, this is the rich beauty of alchemy at its best, and we all 

engage its magical weaving without even being aware that it is working within us.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

A warm welcome to all my new readers in IRAN you are most welcome.

Friday 3 December 2021


 Question, what is the presence? That is localized within a physical vehicle, we call humanity?

The presence within its own integral field must be by nature infinite and both relative and

absolute simultaneously. What then can be the nature of this omnipresent presence which has

also localized its self within our physical vehicle? I think the answer to this question of what

is the presence must have at least three distinguishing marks about it. 

At the highest level the presence is I think that of pure SPIRIT and therefore Absolute

in its WHOLSOME INTEGRITY. Secondly I think the presence is that of motional energy

that pervades this entire relative universe. And thirdly I feel that it is an emotional degree of

self aware consciousness that all of humanity possesses. Which means that the presence is

being expressed within a trident  three fold manner.

This blog entitled PLEASE is about bringing home the reality of the presence within our

relative framework of reference. And also becoming aware of one very important realization

that surfaces within ones mind when we begin to realize  the true nature of the presence, and

become mindful that it is localized within every human being?  

Which means this; "we all our the PRESENCE"! Manifesting within a physical biological

machine we call a human being.

This PRESENCE is also a HIGHER POWER that is localized within the whole of humanity

but not recognised by millions of us,

Does it not say in the Bible that God said "I am closer to you than your hands and feet, and you

know me not"! 

This higher power, this presence, this Source, of all life is closer to you than your feet and hands

there is not one atoms distance from you and that of the PRESENCE., We all our the Presence

we just need to awaken and embrace this reality.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 2 December 2021


 This blog called AMBER is about awakening the 'sleeping dragon' that lies dormant

within mankind's root chakra. To be able to recognise the depth of ignorance that covers

the eyes of humanity. Instead of being a three fold being as we all really our expressed

within the human vehicle. Which is that of being physical, mental, and spiritual being,

so very many of us are just being expressed within a two dimensional format of just being

physical and mental with the spiritual dimension almost in an atrophied state. Through not

being used or not even aware of its existence.

Mankind being expressed with a physical body format is just the last and densest expression

of its full emergence into relativity and motional expression. We are all expressed within 5

koshas or sheaths, each one ascending from the densest the physical body each ascending 

sheath is less dense than the previous one. We are all immortal souls encapsulated with a 

physical body, when we begin waking up to our true inner nature, we then begin to awaken

the "sleeping dragon" of wisdom that lies in our root chakra , this divine energy will ascend

like two coiled serpents up our spines and into the crown chakra. When that occurs we then

know fully who we really are, we become the awakened emergent  reality, and therefore see

the true nature of soul and spirit. Which is that of inclusive love and total acceptance.

To fully know yourself is our Divine Destiny  dear reader of this blog, why not start today 

and begin your glorious  journey and bold adventure into full self knowing?????

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 1 December 2021


 Awareness can and does function without the arising of any consciousness, but consciousness

cannot exist without the presence of awareness. The consciousness that we use in humanity

is that of reflective awareness. Awareness pure awareness is absolute, while consciousness is

always relative and needs to echo or reflect upon an object or thing from our memory.

We as human beings because we are all 'localized' anchored within a physical body here

on Earth, therefore also quite naturally localize our consciousness and our perceptions.

Awareness and its reflection consciousness are universal and eternal constants, which 'seem'

to become localized within our human vehicles, and appear to arise within our heads.

Our thoughts arise within our mind , the mind is just a 'thought generating space', nothing

more than that. All thoughts are generated within the reflective mode of awareness, which we 

all call consciousness,  our minds are manifested by our memories since birth. The download

of the "I AM" ME a self aware point of consciousness, this download occurs at the time of 

the birth of the ego at around two years old. We then suddenly awake to being 'someone'

rather than an attachment to our mother, we feel a distinction by the birth of the ego ME is

born, MY, I WANT this and that NOW!  This is when the mind is born by our ego and 

memories since birth, and our interactions with family and friends.

Awareness is universal and becomes the appearance of being localized by our confinement

within a physical body. Without the physical body we are universal awareness non-locale.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook  Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.