Sunday 11 December 2016

Consciousness Is The Theory Of Everything Explained In A Nut Shell.

Science has been looking at a theory that explains everything in one composite whole for many years,and there are many ideas bandied about,but no concrete agreement about what is this mysteries
I  to have been investigating this very thing that of the T.O.E theory of everything for the past forty years,and have been meditating on it for as long,and wrote thousands of words and posts on this very subject on other forums.
I have now come to conclude that the answer to this question what is the TOE is simply that it is consciousness.I perceive consciousness as being living intelligent energy,ubiquitous in nature and is the beginning and the end of all creation.All the names we use to explain phenomena and exchanges of energy are confusing the issue of what reality really is,there is no plurality in reality,there is but ONE and that ONE is consciousness,no-thing else exists in the physical universe ,all that is,was,and will be is consciousness,we are consciousness formed and shaped into human form to gather experience as "formal" beings rather than being incorporeal formless aware consciousness that is our natural state when not "informed" and gathering experience on this dense and valley of tears place called Earth.
All universal laws condense into that of pure consciousness,and that includes gravity as well, we, however, are not yet able to access pure consciousness as we are not evolved sufficiently at this point in our evolution,our access to consciousness is limited by our own ignorance and lack of any real deep spiritual insight.
It is very hard to get your head around the fact that all we see,hear,smell,taste,touch,feel, is all consciousness expressing its energy signature in an infinite number of ways through vibrational variations,that of solid,liquid,or gas,what way it appears to you it is all the same thing consciousness.
Light,energy,are all the same thing,we are condensed light,shaped into a human body,and light and consciousness are exactly the same things.

warmest regards Michael
email .

Tuesday 6 December 2016

What Is Mind ?

What is mind? My mind ,your  mind are we the owners of this thing called mind? Is it centred within the brain, or is it everywhere and non locality.
These questions have been asked for countless centuries, and how far have we got? There is a move within the scientific community that suggests maybe that mind and consciousness are one of the same thing, and that  consciousness is omini present and ubiquitous by nature and most certainly not centred within the physical brain.
I feel through my own experiences with forty years of daily meditation that consciousness is indeed ubiquitous and that it is in fact the only thing that is absolutely real, we are in fact consciousness incarnate and formed into a human shape by soulful intention,(which is consciousness focussed upon a intentional point,(us)).
Energy is consciousness and can be expressed into form like our bodies, ,or , in a tree or bird ,or  it can be formless such as gravity?
Consciousness is an infinite ocean of energy and we are self aware points within this ocean in the process of beginning to wake up from our centuries old slumber and the realization is beginning to dawn (to see the light) within us that we are far more than just physical bodies ,and  that we are all interconnected with each other within an inclusive energy matrix that we are just beginning to perceive as a reality for us.
Consciousness will soon be understood as the LOVE energy that coheres the universe and binds all to all within an eternal embrace ,so  that we can never be lost or forgotten  for we are all ways within the WHOLENES of the ONE ,and  with that understanding joy will arise from within you and you will know peace.
warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

U.Prepare.Life.As.Yourself.Divine.Infinite.Consciousness.Expressed.=U. P.L.A.Y. D.I.C.E.

U Play Dice dear reader, is not life a gamble? What of your life ,have  you control over it, or does life control you? Is our fate set for us at birth, or can we make our own mark on life?
There are many questions that arise in our minds ,like  who is in control of my life? Is it me, fate, or God? Can I take control of my life? Yes you can, if you are prepared to make a few changes in your daily routine.
We need first to understand a few simple yet profound realities about us as human beings ,first  we need to understand what is this "MY" that is life? We do not own life!! We are LIFE ,that  is what we are Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy=LIFE it is NOT ours ,or  yours, or mine, it is just simply LIFE which is present everywhere within this universe it just IS.
So when we can accept this simple yet profound fact, we then can begin to explore that dimensionless space within ourselves ,by  going within and beginning to practise a daily program of meditation ,this  will begin to open up inner doorways that will lead you to a gradual expansion of consciousness ,
awareness ,and  perception.
If you are a beginner at the meditation science ,then  just start of with just five minutes a day ,sit  comfortably if you can sit cross legged with ease fine do that, and try and keep the spine upright and as straight as you can and be relaxed with that ,if
 you cannot sit cross legged that's okay, just  sit upright in a chair, spine as erect as is easy for  you, ,palms , upwards on your lap ,and  just observe your breathing, do not try and control your thoughts ,just  let them go, ignore them ,just  focus on your breath, nothing more ,do  this for five minutes a day ,when  that becomes easy for you, add another five minutes and keep doing this until you can manage 30 minutes a day.
If you persist in this by the time you get to 30 minutes a day ,you  will have noticed  many changes that have occurred from within you.
You will then be well on your way to encountering the higher  self (soul) and will have had the experience of hearing that still small voice within you, calling out a welcome to you.
warmest regards Michael.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Consciousness Opens Doorways Emergence. C.O.D.E.

What is it that emerges from within the open door of our consciousness? What lies beneath our cardboard cut out persona? Consciousness is an ocean of energy, how much we have access to depends upon our ability to find  depth within our being. Many of us ,millions in fact are drowning in the shallowness of ignorance and materialism and are basically two dimensional expressions which  would be three dimensional expressions if so many of us had not got "lost" along the way.
The  C.O.D.E. that we need to open the door that will eventually lead us to a state of emergence and where we will be "reborn "of  the spirit and be able with effort and practise to establish conscious contact with our higher self (soul),is that of meditation and yoga.
We need to understand fully and realize that truth and reality can only be ever found in one place ,and that is within YOU, without is full of snares, traps for the unwary, and is also the home of superficial bullshit posing as something of weight and substance.
Without leads to dis-ease and termination and is by nature exclusive, within leads to wholeness and healing and is by nature inclusive.
We all have an urge to know who we really are, we need to feel whole and safe, we are by our divine nature boundless and free, yet  countless millions of us  are prisoners within ourselves ,and  most do not even know they are in a prison of their own making with no bars to be seen.
Turn our gaze inward ,sit   quietly and observe your breath, let go of all arising thoughts ,just  focus on the breath in and out, relaxed and at ease with yourself, if you make a daily practise of this ,say just five minutes at a time and  slowly build on this as it becomes easier ,if  you persist with this practise your awareness and perceptions will expand ,you  will feel more relaxed and peaceful within and you will be on your way to a new level of consciousness and understanding the nature of who YOU dear reader really ARE!
warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

We Are Forever Trapped In Now Gateway.-W.A.F.T.I.N.G.

Now is the time of our discontent, we are all firmly anchored in the eternal now and will always be that way. How we fight this and imagine that there is an actual future and a past behind us. Now stretches out before us infinite in all directions ,now  can be as small as a sub atomic particle ,and  as  large as a universe Now is stationary ,and  has never moved, it cannot move as it is ubiquitous  and absolute, life however that is firmly locked within an evolutionary arc of expression can and does move and has done so in a now that defies our imagination, billions of centuries have come and gone
and all is contained in the ever present now.
A gateway into an expanded now(expanded only in that our consciousness becomes aware of an unknown aspect of the now) through meditation and certain yoga practices we can go within ourselves and explore a now that was invisible and unknowable to us , we can motion through a space where the laws of life seem very different than they are within the physical realm, you can fly for instance, just imagine it so and behold you are aloft, you find that as soon as you think a thing it is there instantly (the same thing happens on the Earth plane, but it takes much longer to materialize, so we need be very careful what we think and say ,because  by the law of cause and effect Karma, we "always "get  back what we put out, such is the law.
By going within ourselves and persisting with this most noble endeavour we will discover our true self, open a window within the now that leads to limitless possibilities and discoveries and as a by product of this find an inner peace that is beyond understanding.

warmest regards Michael.

We Are L.I.F.E. Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy=L I.F.E.

I am "not" alive, rather I am Life ,there  is a big difference. Living Intelligent Focussed Energy, shaped into a human form and "held" in the cohesive embrace of our souls Intent. The intention of the soul is that we gain experience through living in physical form and learn from that experience and grow and expand in consciousness, perception ,and  awareness .The  inner expression of intelligent energy is that of formlessness and invisible and "it" fills the universe with its hidden presence,(dark energy ,perhaps?) All is mind ,and  mind is another word for energy ,they  are the same thing.
Death is an illusion,The Whole universe is totally alive, no-thing else exists ,except LIFE .What  we call death is really just a change of expression from physical life to etheric/astral life.we "die" in the physical body ,and  arise in our astral body and continue living as before.
Focussed intent by our soul holds within the physical body long enough for us to experience what is needed for this particular trip to this heavy physical realm ,when  that is done the focus is withdrawn and we exit the vehicle (die).
All life is within an ocean of pure intelligent energy, we are self aware "points" within this super vast eternal ocean, self aware and self conscious, "pressed into shape and "in-formed" into what we call humanity ,humanity  is expressed and formed by "Intention" the intention is focussed by the soul and
as expansion is the way of evolutionary experience, we "hopefully" learn from our experiences and modify our negative traits ,re-cognise that we are all related to one another ,become  inclusive in our visions, rather than the selfish ways of exclusivity. We then learn to love one another, love and respect all nature and creatures.We then become REAL rather than the cardboard cut out so many of us are, we grow up ,put  away our toys, and become mature human beings ,who  are childlike in expression and wonder at the beauty of life, rather than the child-ish nature so many of us exhibit today.
warmest regards Michael.

Saturday 5 November 2016

At Landmark Crisis Holographic Empathy Manifests "YOU" =A.L.C.H.E.M.Y.

Alchemy is the chemistry of God ,the  fusion of man with divinity. A divine science that is a revolutionary psychology that burns the ego into ashes and later raises the phoenix into the Christified  soul.
We have a dense physical body (the lead?) and we also have several other bodies (the gold) the idea of divine alchemy is to raise the vibrational rate of our dense physical body by right living, right thinking ,right  action, by being positive, practising meditation and yoga, ..being loving and kind as best we can. If we persist in this most noble endeavour we then begin to loose our dense physical atoms ,and  these are transmuted into finer and more etheric  atoms, we then begin the process of building a "lighted body".
This is the beginning of the transmutational process that refines the dense physical man (lead) into that valued commodity GOLD ,if  we look at the word G.O.L.D, what do we find? We have the first two letters GO the letter L which  if expanded actually spells out LOST ,and  the letter D expanded comes to the word Delivered.
Divine transmutation occurs within the orbit of natural law and will always manifest within us if we live and act in a whole disciplined way of life, we are the alchemists if you so choose to be, you can be a modern day MERLIN if you so wish, such is the law..
We are ALL souls with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls ,our  lower self is the lead ,heavy ,dull, and dense ,our  higher self is the soul (gold) our task if we are up to it, and can turn away long enough from the plastic bull shit world out there,  instead look within find your true self and be born again in a consciousness awareness of what is REAL and what is bullshit posing as have substance.
warmest regards Michael.

G.R.A.C.E.=God Reveals Actual Conscious Energy.

Through our  experiences and varying crisis,there begins an unfolding sequence that begins to emerge within us.This may take the form of extra sensitivity to feelings arising within you,and a increased sensitivity to others,empathy within you comes full on.
Through our experiences with crisis and the pain and anguish that often follows,it begins to show us that the answer to our life long questions,cannot be answered out there! We begin to look within us,and when we do that we come in contact with that reality that most of us are not even aware of,that of Grace.
Grace is the natural law of the universe synchronising with our energy output and completing an inner harmonic sequence that we have aligned ourselves to,without even being remotely aware of that response from Divine harmonics.
Good Orderly Direction -God comes into play when we are becoming aligned to the inner frequencies and harmonics of natural law,we then see wonderful things arising within our lives and call that the handiwork of God.
Grace is the action of our higher self (soul) that comes into play consciously  when we begin to "wake up" and see that we are far more that just physical beings.

warm regards michael.

Monday 31 October 2016

Chord Harmonics Rising In Synchronistic Timing =C.H.R.I.S.T.

We dance within a symphony of harmonic splendour and are completely unaware of the reality that is us .If  we could but just catch a glimpse of the awesome beauty that is our core being, we would fall to our knees and the tears would flood out of us, and in place of the tears would come blissful joy and a feeling of absolute love and acceptance, the hole that was eating us alive, would be filled and we would then be W-HOLE beings.
Christ that is mentioned in many religious books is Not a person , Christ is an ENERGY a universal force and that energy that is called that name is in fact an absolute Chord Master in which the Whole of creation dances to. Divine harmonics issue from within this force ,and  the  symphony is played out in a universal Orchestra of LOVE expressed in perfect melody.
We are living intelligent energy shaped as human beings, and we all dance to the tune of our OWN making ,some  of us dance in rhythmic splendour others dance in a daze and are the embodiment of awkwardness ,we  are all responsible for our steps.
That energy that gives us the "gift" of motion is in effect Christ energy ,it  fills our lungs every second of every day, it flows through our veins in a mighty river of blood, that energy, that Divinity which makes up the whole of our physical, etheric ,astral .and  mental bodies is mostly completely unknown by us ,how  can this BE????  Does not the good book say "I am closer to you than your hands and feet ,and  you know me not?" We all our Christ every human being ,every  worm that crawls through the earth is an expression of Christ (energy, force).  If we open our hearts to this reality then the Christ will be "born" in the cave of our hearts.
warmest regards Michael.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Drops Of Divinity Within An Ocean Of Spirit .

Discovering-Reality-Opens-Prison(prism)-Successfully =D.R.O.P.S, we are drops of divinity immersed within an infinite ocean of spirit,and we know it not.In the western world which seems to be so sophisticated  there lies an ignorance of reality that is truly astounding,it pervades everywhere,its message pumps out with relentless persistence,"stay asleep" "for Christ's sake,don't wake up! There is an almost total lack of comprehension as to the question "what is a human being?
The only ones who venture to answer this are Advertisers,they will tell you that YOU will be MORE alive if you buy our products,and look younger into the bargain,that way you can postpone your death a while longer.
Within the next twenty five years the actual reality of the Human soul (And make no mistake dear reader this is NOT a THEORY,it is an absolute FACT and has been known for thousands of years.)
will be taught in our universities and will permeate into all our minds,we will then at last know the truth of our being,and WHY we are here,the answer is dead simple,we are here to gain experience and learn from that experience and grow in consciousness and perception,and in doing so pass this on to our brothers ans sisters who follow on behind us.
I hope my friends reading this will at least consider what has been said,you can of course just toss this blog in the dustbin if you so wish,but if it at least makes you think "What If" then at least this blog has been of some value.My only wish is to pass on what has so freely been given to me,in the hope that it can be of some use and value to another soul who is maybe lost and alone as I was once.

warmest regards michael

Saturday 29 October 2016

Real Depth Today Seems As Shallow As A Sahara Puddle !

What is it about this modern age that seems to suggest to us that waiting for anything is wrong? Why wait forty  years for your pension? Cash it in now! Why read one book a week, when you can learn  to "speed read" and  plough through fifty books a week? The advert says," you maybe only thirty years old, but buying your own burial plot makes sense. Hurry while plots last!" Instant food! Instant gratification! What does the future hold?  Don't wait years to die! We will kill you today for free! And we will throw in your wife as well on our buy one death, get another one free policy!
Get enlightenment in your lunch break, on our 'Blast up your chakras and open up to cosmic consciousness speed time lunch break course' (as an added bonus and, as you are a valued customer, we will buy your lunch). It will cost you just 500 dollars cash, if you have it!
Just look around, dear reader. What do you see? Egos run riot and hundreds of talentless youngsters who all believe 'they' can sing or dance - many shows pandering to this talentless crap (posing as entertainment). These shows are about as shallow as it is possible to get, pulsating out a frequency that is guaranteed to keep you dumbed down and asleep. Is  this what you really want out of YOUR life?
We worship not the great Spirit of the universe, oh no! That's far too deep for our three second attention span (that's what advertisers say about how long you will FOCUS on their product). Instead we worship a footballer (a man who kicks a bag full of wind and  gets paid for it). As an added bonus we throw in his wife and kids. You can read all about their MOST interesting lives,while  buying the same clothes as they do and desperately try to find out what brand of toilet paper they use  - and  what's more is it 'Designer' toilet paper?
warmest regards Michael.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Real - "I"-Expression = (REAL-"I"ZATION.

We live within duality and are expressed as such. There is the small "i" that most of us hail from and are very familiar with, and then there is the real "I" of which very few are consciously aware of, and millions also that are completely ignorant of there "true" nature ,that  of (Incarnate  Divinity) .
Soul Real-I aztion of which the blog is all about, is that through the practise of meditation and Yoga
we can begin to penetrate the vibrational frequencies that separate the lower self from the Higher self (soul) and begin to put in place a telepathic communication link between the lower to the higher and the higher to the lower. 
To establish contact with the higher self (soul) we have to put in the discipline that is necessary for this to happen, we have to raise our vibrational frequency through the regular practise of meditation over a considerable time period. The time it takes bares a direct onus upon the effort you put in,being patient, persistent, and persevering ,it  might takes one individual six months to make first conscious contact ,it  might take another 6 years or more. In my case it took a brief time as I underwent a profound  psychic change and spiritual experience, which in effect blasted me into a forth dimensional level of consciousness, and revealed the inner Divinity that we all possess yet so few realize.
I wish to share this reality with anyone who cares to read this little ole blog, and reassure you all  that we are ALL souls with Bodies and NOT the other way round,  Soul is Primary ,the  body is just a vehicle that the soul needs in order to manifest a "reflection" of itself  upon the dense physical Earth plane. This is NOT a theory  my friends ,make  no mistake about this,we are ALL eternal souls and this is our Divine heritage which is a fact of nature expressed within natural universal LAW.We are here to gather experience and learn from this and grow wiser and more loving in nature by doing this.
This reality is OPEN TO YOU DEAR READER,dont take MY word for it PUT it to the test,practise meditation be honest in your efforts and practise the discipline and you will see the reality of YOUR true nature UNFOLD before your very eyes! And it will not cost you ONE PENNY,I have no-thing to sell ,there  are plenty on the internet that will sell you enlightenment very fast, maybe in your lunch  break! These are peddlers of bullshit and should be well  steered clear of.
warmest regards Michael

Thursday 20 October 2016

Be Lucid Omit Glaze =B.L.O.G.

There is a veneer cast over our eyes ,it  confronts us at every turn, the radio, television, films, all give out an air of concern for our health wellbeing and comfort ,but  the reality is what they are only interested in is profit at your expense.
The sad thing about all veneer posing as substance is that so many of us are hooked on the bullshit being peddled out and called healthy and must have this product, the advertisers are masters at dressing up contaminated ingredients and presenting them as "natural" healthy food, it is about as natural as a Martian being elected as president of the USA and having Popeye as his stand in.
Lucidity is absent in this present time ,we live in a world that tries to convince you that shallowness has actually got some depth to it, and that living by proxy ,and  virtual reality are FAR better than that awful "real" world "out there".
Karl Marx when he said "Religion is the opium of the people" would  perhaps also add if he were still around today that virtual reality and smart phones are the opium of the twenty first century.
Along with  advertisers and multinationals who are all masters of glazing over the truth and replacing it with basically lies and bullshit.
If we can omit the glaze (that film cast over our eyes)and then look deeply at what is actually going on around us, we can then begin to wake up from our slumber and take some positive action within ourselves to live in a way that calls out for depth and real meaning, and let go of  that poisoned serpent that lies to us from the shadows of where it dwells.

warm regards Michael.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Consciousness In All. C.I.A.

All is consciousness ,and  consciousness is all. There is no-thing else other than consciousness, all  that we see, feel ,touch ,taste and hear is consciousness. There are no -things-anywhere, consciousness an infinite ocean in which "we" (consciousness) all swim.
Two points exist for "us" the relative point is this one - "we" all find ourselves in now and the absolute point, we live  in both "points" simultaneously. The "outer point" (physical body) exists in the relative universe while the "inner point" (LIFE) is in absoluteness.
Within relativeness, "points" (us) surface within the infinite ocean of consciousness and become "switched" on. Self awareness  dawns, "I" awakens and the adventure of discovery begins.
When mankind finally realizes that there has never been 'Many-Things' and  realizes that all there ever is and has been in this universe is just consciousness first, last, and  always, and that consciousness is the "outer point" of the inner absolute reality of LIFE which is unknowable and likened to a darkened flame.
Consciousness expressed is like the "flow" of the life -essence. All is consciousness, all is life. We are deceived by the illusion of the "many" and taught from childhood to look without and not within.
Consciousness is in essence GOD (Absolute) and we in essence are God in embryonic form.

warmest regards Michael.

Monday 17 October 2016

We Are Being Devoured Alive And We Know It Not !

What's eating you then? Does this refrain sound familiar to you, we have all heard this, but did we then make a connection as to what this really means? There is a monster in our midst and we cannot see it because it is like an invisible canker that is rotting us from within out.
From the time you are born until this present day, we all have been set upon a path that will eventually eat us alive, what then is this harbinger of gluttony that will consume us? Simply put it is in the teachings of always telling us to look without for the answer to our problems, and NEVER to look within (what could possibly exist within there that is any good?) And once our path of forever looking without was set, we then manifested this pseudo reality that is based on illusion and shallowness, this  lack of any depth or real meaning shows itself in our plastic world and the three second attention span that most advertisers think we have ,It shows that a person living  alone ,can  have thousands of virtual friends (like the face book phenomenon?) What would you sooner have if you were a lonely old soul house bound, one real friend who called in every day ,or  a thousand virtual ones who would disappear if you had a power cut!!
The reason why dis-ease is growing exponentially and that millions are dying of heart disease, cancer, obesity, drug addiction ,alcoholism, diabetes ,the  list is endless is basically because we have just about severed our connection with the inner reality, and have all embraced the plastic pseudo shallow based idea that we can FIX ourselves by looking without and buying into all the bullshit that is constantly being spewed out of the media and  advertisers,who will tell you that if you buy our magazine you will be COOL (as in dead)! We are all living in a SHALLOW SWAMP and the stench of this DIS_EASE is killing of millions every year. WE  cannot live in a shallow swamp ,we  all need to hear the CALL from the depth of our being, and take steps while you still have breath to spare to dive into that clear pool within and be reborn back into a AUTHENTIC reality.

warm regards Michael.

soul realization: This Blog Will Go V.I.R.A.L (Valiantly Inspir...

soul realization: This Blog Will Go V.I.R.A.L (Valiantly Inspir...: Are we not all seekers of realness? Looking for that which has meaning and substance ,an  inner reaching out for warmth and comfort, am I sa...

This Blog Will Go V.I.R.A.L (Valiantly Inspiring Realness As Life) =VIRAL.

Are we not all seekers of realness? Looking for that which has meaning and substance ,an  inner reaching out for warmth and comfort, am I safe here? Does fear make us brave? Or is it just desperation and pressure from within .What  are you looking for, yes YOU reading this now, have you found your purpose for living and comfortable with yourself .Are we full of living energetic life-full-ness,or do we feel empty within? A hunger that cannot be sated rears it's head in so many millions of us today, we crave to be filled with purpose ,peace ,and serenity yet all we turn to for succour and comfort turns to ashes in our mouths, so many of us today are in the "ranks" of "the legion of the lost".
Lost souls hoping to find that which eludes them daily ,bombarded with crap telling you all manner of lies about how "their" product will enhance your life, make your hair grow ,be  a stud in bed ,and look ten years younger into the bargain.
Can we look into our own eyes and see who we are? Can we find reality out there? If we want to find ourselves ,become  authentic and real ,then  we need to look within ,for  within you is a loving all embracing soul (your higher self) who will never leave you, will never betray you ,will always accept you unconditionally 24/7.We each have our very own teacher who has access to universal wisdom and knowledge ,In-tuit-ion means literally to be taught from within,and the TEACHER is YOUR SOUL(or higher self) we all have access to this,(it is our birth right) to gain access to this inner teacher or GURU you have to venture within your inner being ,and  this can be done by either mediation or yoga practises.The easiest meditation I find is just to sit quietly and observe the breath I we are regular in these practises and persist we will be repaid a thousand fold for our efforts.The HOLE within you will be filled by the spirit of LIFE=Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy=life the when that happens we are made WHOLE the W seals the contract between your lower self and the higher self.
warmest regards Michael.

Saturday 15 October 2016

The Real U Taken Hostage.=T.R.U.T.H.!

A battle Royale is waged within us, and most often as not the winner is the ego (ease .God. out) the ego dominates our lives often from birth till death ,and  millions of us our hardly ever aware that hidden deep within us is the real you ,the soul or higher self, only in certain moments in our lives when we feel deeply moved by a majestic starry night ,or  watching our new born baby sleeping and reflecting how wonderful this little one is ,and  how grateful you are for them being healthy and well,
then we can feel from the depth of our being a kind of reassuring rightness about it all ,these are moments when the higher self is able to penetrate the thick wall that the ego has erected around you to keep out the inner reality that tries to gain access.
Self importance is an energy signature of the ego, and we all have this in varying degrees, some of us are bloated to the extreme in this such as the many "famous personalities" who think the sun shines out of their orifices and have an opinion about every thing ,and  the other extreme of the being who feels worthless and beneath others.
Our higher self has a hard job trying to get us to turn our gaze in wards rather than constantly looking without (which the ego desperately wants us to do) often it is in times of crisis, when the shit hits the fan that,  overcome with grief and despair we cry out for help ,it  is in these moments that the ego loosens its vice like grip of our lives and this gives the higher self (the real you) and not the cardboard copy that the ego is, an opportunity to reveal itself to you and let you know that you are far more than you could ever have imagined ,and  that this crisis has brought about a revelation within you that will grow and prosper ,this  will then allow the ego to let go of its suffocating grip and relax and it will then realign itself within and recognise the real master and captain of this ship the higher self or soul, then balance will be obtained and clarity of vision a by product of this holy union.
warmest regards Michael.

Swell Of Pointed Expression --Equals YOU!

The arc of evolution spans countless aeons of "motional experiences "an  ocean of infinity where energy interactions caused liquid energy to condense and become "informed" (took a shape) consciousness was omnipresent and ubiquitous, there was at this stage no self-consciousness to be found,(the Absolute or God just IS, It is NOT a SELF) that energy that existed aeons ago was us in a NOW expanded to a point of unimaginable scale and complexity.
That infinite ocean of causing causes resulted in us being evolved to the "point" where we became aware that we were alive (least most of us did?) And that we could reflect upon our being ,ask  questions ,like  who am I? What am I? And so on.
We all have "come online" (the real internet is billions of years old!) and in so becoming awake to the reality of what we actually are, and not what we think we are ,there  is a vast difference and we all have to wake up to that FACT for FACT it truly IS, and smell the roses for perhaps the first time.
We all our eternal immortal souls and totally responsible for all we say ,do ,and act the law of cause and effect deals to us the exact results of the game of life we have played, some call it Karma they are the same thing, we need to fully understand the reality of how this game of life is best played ,if  we align ourselves to natural laws and do no harm to anything, love as best you can, and be kind and thoughtful we needed then Karma and cause and effect will look kindly upon us,the choice is yours dear reader ,as  I was told many years ago ,and  have never forgotten it," you pays your money and you takes your choice".

warmest regards Michael.

Friday 14 October 2016

What Has Life To Say For Itself?

Life talks to us all the time, but it seems to be an almost silent whisper and we often fail to notice its subtle promptings. I was confronted by this "whisper" that had grown into a "roar" and issuing out of the mouth of a burly Scotsman called Hamish who said to me that "I was a defect looking for a character" and that the "door swings both ways" I  had asked Hamish for help from a soul destroying illness that left me with just three months to live, and I wanted out of this mega crisis that was destroying me mentally, physically ,and  spiritually, but I was very reluctant to do the things that I was told to do, this is where LIFE came in disguised as a fierce highlander who also had a heart of gold.
This is how the conversation played out,I was told I had to accept my problem and adopt a new way of  living ,I  said I don't want to do that! The reply was, well there's the door then off you go! I  then said well if I do that I will surely die! His reply was ok then stay! Every time I resisted or said "I don't want to do this" he said ok then don't bother! I would then say ,but if I don't bother I will be in the shit! Ok then he would say, do it then. I found that there was no way out of this crisis and finding release from the illness except by doing what I was told to do, Which of course I resented greatly.
Life presented itself to me at that time, and sent to my aid a man that I desperately needed to show me a way out of the mess and soul sickness that I was  immersed in, and be real and honest with me ,if he had been NICE I would have been dead long long ago.

warm regards Michael.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Paradigm Convergency The Way Ahead.

I would like to start this off with the proposal of a marriage between two paradigms science and spirituality ,and  would  like to coin a new word for this and that is "Scispirtion" a blend of the two ,taking the "best" from the two and merging them into one whole. Both can learn from each other ,then  join and build from that premise.
Scispirtion could well be the discipline of tomorrow? Super-paradigm, the reconciliation of the scientific worldview with the spiritual I have coined this new "discipline" Scispirtion,starting with the basic premise that the universe is "Intelligence-Personified" and is conscious ,and  aware.What ever we may be conscious of the faculty of consciousness is something we all share.
This consciousness is the one truth we cannot deny. It is the absolute certainty of our existence.
When this marriage is firmly locked into place, there will be a "quantum leap" in understanding of universal laws,  an intuitive "download" of new ideas will be forth coming ,this  will be brought about by the "tapping into" the  (oversoul) or linking directly with the "inflow" of intelligent energy!
These two combined will create a Meta-Paradigm.

warmest regards Michael.


Death Is An Illusion Albeit A Very Persistent One !

All life is the embodiment of reality and that of course includes us, what then is reality? Simply put reality is an expression of the Absolute, we "see" the outer shape of the actual formless energy at the back of the form. We need to get our heads around the knowledge and truth of what life actually is.
And this has been known for thousands of years ,its  just that it takes effort to find it (although this is much easier now with the internet) It is written that what comes from LIFE which spells out Living-Infinite-Focussed- Energy Can only BE LIFE, Livingness is a universal constant and that the word death actually and factually means CHANGE that's all. The problems arise within us is simply that most of humanity has not got a clue as to the actual workings on natural law, which of course  has absolutely NOTHING to do with any form of faith or religion, natural law is the eternal laws of universal expression within a relative universe and have been automatically operating for billions of years .LONG  LONG  before any mankind ventured an opinion as to what reality or truth was!
Our physical bodies are just VEHICLES ,which  allow the higher self(soul) expression on this dense physical plane in order to evolve and unfold this inner potentiality which is latent within us and for us to align ourselves to the spiritual principles of which love is the master principle.
When we "die" we EXIT the vehicle, just as you would exit an old car and put it on the scrap heap (die) we then go back into our Astral body(another vehicle off much finer energy) and take stock of what has just happened over our four score and more years upon the earth plane. The reality is dear readers of this here blog,is that we are ALL IMMORTAL SOULS and that the word death is really a meaningless word, it has NO substance whatsoever ,what  has substance is that you are an eternal being and have always been ,you  will NEVER KNOW DEATH only CHANGE in living SPACE?

warmest regards Michael.

Friday 7 October 2016

Soul Presented In Relative Inner Thought =S.P.I.R.I.T.

Who are you? Yes YOU now reading this, what is your answer to the question? Or have you had enough already and switched off, your five second attention span already stretched to its virtual limit!
Who are we? and more importantly what are we? It is really no mystery as to who we really are ,it  has been carefully documented for over five thousand years now, its just whether any of us have taken the time out of our very busy itineraries to find out about who we really are, and what's more do we really care?? Perhaps the latest fashion blog is more important than the reality of your own being!
The absolute wonder of reality is that it is ,what  we are!  Yes we are the very embodiment of reality expressed in its "outer" form as a human being ,a  human being that is a soul (higher self) and spirit as well, three in one ,and  one in three, and because it is actually what we our, this is NOT a theory or an idea some mystic had centuries ago, it is WHAT you and I are. Now I can hear things like ,this  is bullshit! And I don't buy it, fine by me ,perhaps Facebook will give you the true  meaning of reality
and you can then share that with your five thousand virtual friends! The beauty of reality is just THIS
It is vouchsafed within your  psyche, you  cannot possibly escape from what you are, whether you accept it or not it is utterly irrelevant ,it just is! Now you can know this for your self ,you  DO NOT have to take my word for it ,or  anyone else either, just sit quietly and ask yourself the question ,am  I really Spirit being expressed in human form??What have you got to loose? If you do this, and maybe a few times as it will no doubt be strange for you to be asking YOU a question like this,I can assure you dear reader of this blog (by the way) If you have made it this far ,then bless you,look within ask the question and the answer will come ,then  you will know who you really are ! And then the real work begins?
warmest regards Michael.

Am I A Voice Crying Out In The Wilderness??

John the Baptist (reportedly said these words) long ago when asked who was he! Its interesting because I feel exactly the same as he did thousands of years ago. We live in a world (western world) that is absolutely filled and obsessed with trivia posing as something of depth! Bullshit dressed up as a fairy princess and you all can look like ME it says! Have plastic surgery to help you do this! Thousands if not millions of our brothers and sisters are dying each DAY of starvation and disease ,children  dying in agony and pain every second while you read this here ,and  what do the headlines say? Breaking NEWS!!!!!! Footballer causes a stink by farting in upmarket restaurant!!!!
Are we so blinded by celebrity worship and all the shallow crap that issues out of the mouths of these soulless empty egomaniacs that we have all lost our way?
A man kicks a bag of air (football) and is paid millions! A doctor who is saving lives in Syria is paid peanuts and often killed for his efforts! Do we understand what priorities  actually mean!! How many of you now reading this ,if  you even got this far that is understand this.
Virtual reality is FAST replacing actual reality and it is growing at the rate of knots, just look at what Facebook  has created and is now news! Virtual images of YOU that can communicate with "your" friends!!What next, don't go on that date with the girl, send your virtual self instead! And then you can do something really much more interesting like playing a virtual game on your favourite bit of plastic!

warm regards Michael.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Goldfish Education And The Drive In Toilet !

How long will it be dear readers of this blog before an enterprising budding entrepreneur  will design
and open the first drive in toilet! Just like that chap who created Facebook, what could you call a new formed company like that? Something catchy like ,Faeces away .com! Do you think that this would work? What  about a drive in morgue? Be buried in your car, save you having to get out? Is there any limit to man's ingenuity or just plain laziness.
The goldfish education is that of the three second attention span that most advertisers think we all have ,watch  any video film news broadcast and count how many seconds elapses between images shown! You will see flash after flash ,the  implication of this is that the powers to be that create this bilge posing as entertainment arrogantly conclude that we are deficit morons and that we would quickly loose interest in the tacky trash posing as something interesting and God Forbid change channels and their ratings would suffer.
We are every day of our life bombarded with trivialised bullshit dressed up as something you must have! Hurry while stocks last!(in reality they have enough stock to clothe outer Mongolia) There is a furniture shop near me that has had a sale on for over ten years!! We are being manipulated by big business and Media giants to adjust   our lives like the way they want you to live ,and  of course buy only their brand of sugar filled crap. A few years ago a man driving along a highway in the States pulled into a garage and asked for a carton of Lucky Strike cigarettes,as he was about to leave the garage it dawned on him that he was a non smoker and had been all his life! So what happened to him then that made him buy something he had never used?? The answer is subliminal advertising that flashes so fast that your eye fails to see it but it registers on the brain! The highway he was driving on had billboards along the way flashing Buy Lucky Strike garage just ahead! This kind of advertising has been supposedly been banned ,what  do you think?

warm regards Michael.

Back Of Humanity Expressed Lies Divinity Latent.

The primary cause of humanities problems is not greed,or insensitivity,or dogmatism,it's that we don't understand WHO we are,and consequently,we don't LIVE as who we are!
What then are we? We are basically and  FACTUALLY Souls with a body,and NOT bodies with souls,there is a vast difference,this Reality  for make NO mistake this is reality and WE are expressing it every moment of our being,this is NOT a theory!! It has been a known fact for thousands of years,and there are thousands of documented accounts of this reality,if you take the time to read them.
We are Spirit First,human second,we are here to unfold our latent divinity and reveal the beauty and majesty that lies with us! Thousands rush hither and dither looking for the answer to that pain that eats and gnaws at their very vitals, looking for God? God is not lost we are! The answer always lies within us,if we just take the time to look within,and remove our gaze from the electronic gadgets that we clutch so tightly in our sweaty palms,many of us are in a trance like state and the only reality they know is Virtual!! Little idea of what actual reality is.Would you sooner have a virtual friend,or a real warm and loving one who could give you a hug if you were sad??
To be Really Authentic we need to open our "inner" gaze let go of the plastic crap for a while and look within us by either taking up meditation or yoga practices  this will open up the inner door and will reveal who you really are,and what is needed to find peace and serenity.

warm regards michael.


Tuesday 4 October 2016

There Is More To Light Than Shadows ?

A bar of steel laid out on a bench at say 56f feels to the touch fairly cool, now light a blow torch and apply it to the bar of steel ,slowly as the bar  hot's up it will begin to glow red ,continue with this torch and the bar will start to become white hot and give of a glow!
Now we all know this to be true,as the atoms within the steel  bar become excited they move more rapidly. The torch being the stimulus that causes the excitement, now  if it were possible to weigh the bar before and after the applied heat,the bar would weigh less than before as light had escaped from it! So far so good. Now here is where the problems start<I maintain that there is an almost exact parallel between the bar of steel that is excited by a blow torch ,and  a human being in an excited state of spiritual bliss, that will if left in that state long enough will begin to emit light that at first can only be seen by those who are sensitive ,but  if persisted with the light emitting by the one in the blissful state will become visible by all,as the atoms will get more excited the one will begin to glowas though an inner dynamo was powering the appearance.

warm regards Michael.


Sleep First Cousin Of Death.

We all lead two distinct lives one that we are very familiar with that of the day time "waking" life that we all share ,and  the other life that only a very few know about, that of our (awakened sleep life) that we all experience every night when we go to bed.
In effect we "die" each night and are reborn back into our "waking" familiar life, sleep is indeed the first cousin of death, because the act of sleeping each night is a rehearsal for the real thing ,that  of death ,and  leaving the familiar physical world and entering a world where we usually only visited in slumber.
Nature and evolution are compassionate about us not receiving nasty shocks on our journey towards
expansion and maturity, and when we are in physical human form we visit the place where we will  go at death ,but  as not for it to be a scary thing, we go there every night for all of our days here?
What mostly happens though is that on the point of awaking in the morning a veil is cast over our memory of the adventures we had been experiencing while in the Astral light or plane ,and  this is why so many of us are completely un-aware of this nightly ritual.
There are many alive now though who catch snippets of these nightly sojourns and can remember what they were doing there, lucid dreaming is another way of being able to remember our visits to the Astral plane. One way of building up the abilty to remember is simply to say to your self three times very firmily that "I will remember my visits to the other plane, when I  awake"If  you do this over a period you will gradually be presented with memories of your experiences there.

warm regards Michael.

Can You Divide Logic With A Pogo Stick ?

Noumena, the intellectual conception of a thing as it is in itself, not as it is known through perception.
What are the laws of logic? They are laws of receptivity of the three dimensional worlds ,or  the laws
of our three dimensional receptivity of the world. But in order to understand that which is at present beyond our comprehension, we must throw of the chains of our three dimensional logic.
We  must embrace the illogical, and try to understand that without this, no reality can be forthcoming! To penetrate into the pulse of the noumena one must see everything in a new light,in
the world  of the noumena duality of our world cannot exist ,there  being is not opposed to non-being,
life is not opposed to death ,on the contrary ,the  one includes the other within itself.
The unity and multiplicity of the "I" the "I" and not the "I" ,motion  and immobility, union and
separationess, good and evil ,truth  and falsehood, all these divisions are impossible there. Everything
subjective is objective,and everything objective is subjected.
That world is the world of the unity of opposites. No-sense  is as in in-sense in this all embracing illogical noumena?

warmest regards Michael.

Monday 3 October 2016

Fragmented Isolation Stunts Truth F.I.S.T.

So many of us today are "hole" people the "W" is sadly missing, this hole-ness within us cause millions of us to a life of utter  misery and despair. We try and fill this bottomless chasm of a hole within us by many methods of negative consumption, such as over eating leading to an epidemic of obesity in the western world ,drug  and alcohol related problems of which millions are dying from each year, and the numbers are increasing exponentially.
Being fragmented means that you are in a state of permanent flux and the "hole" within you becomes if it is not dealt with by a arising crisis that causes us to take stock and ask for help and guidance ,a  totally consuming "black hole" exactly in effect the same as those black holes out there in the universe ,which  suck in every thing and nothing escapes, to you that means that the hole will suck the life from within like a hideous parasite that consumes you alive!
F.I.S.T. "clenched" which translates into holding on to threadbare and negative ways of living, to begin the journey to weld the "W" back into our personal reality we have to unclench that fist and let go of that negative energy that is sucking us dry ,and  open up to a fresh way of living that  to ensure might very well mean asking for help and taking measures to keep us on an expansive road to wellness and inviting that wonderful "W" back into our lives and then becoming WHOLE again.
Then that emptiness within will be filled by an incoming tide of positive energy that will transform our lives and open the door to spiritual realization and inner serenity.

warmest regards Michael.

Before Evolution Was Involution.

We hear a great deal about evolution and our indeed taught about it in our schools ,but  how many of us have seen or even heard of the teachings of involution on the main school curriculum? Not that many I think. What then is involution? Really it is quite simple,it's like wrapping up Christmas presents, before you can take out the gift within ,you  have first  have to put it in? To further this analogy, you would have father Christmas putting all the presents in there packages awaiting opening
on Christmas day many aeons from the initial insertions.
What then are these "presents" they are simply Principles, a principle within a principle within a principle, and so on, outworking and out rolling the sequence of Awesome Intention, until there is a
momentary pause ,the  Great Thought has reached it's goal.
Then there begins the "unwrapping process" evolution had commenced. This all commenced in mind and always stays in mind ,the  principles are really no more or less than a thought within a thought,
matter in those far off  "days" was of a much denser  nature than it is now ,matter  has got less dense as it evolves, when the final principle is unwrapped we will then be "exposed" to the real "Father

warmest regards Michael.

Sunday 2 October 2016

What Exists Within A Name?

What is the reality of  this thing called NAME what lies within it? A breaking down of the word name would seem very apt at this critical time in our evolution, None-Attention-Manifests-Everywhere=NAME a name is a sound uttered ,or  a word written down, where does the sound emanate from? Where does the word emanate from? it comes from within us as an idea and ideas are formless and shapeless energy! Consciousness is energy and idea arise from within it, science and Quantum physics are beginning to realize what the ancients have know for thousands of years that ALL IS ENERGY NO-thing else exists, consciousness is just energy called consciousness as the great bard once said "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" that means that we are just units of energy nothing more, living intelligent energy is what we are! So then we come back to the title of this blog, What  exists within a name and what secret lies hidden within its  matrix? If we can accept that all is energy ,and  science says it is then all the millions of names we use and utter every day are in reality describing the same thing "and we know it not" Every word we have ever uttered in our life time has been actually calling out to the Absolute Supreme Being Creator of all the Is without any of us ever realizing that fact-For make no mistake dear reader it is indeed a fact and NOT a theory.The atheists among us who proclaim there is no God (have been calling out its name all there lives) completely unaware of this reality. It is written all names belong to me! So then what's  in a name then ?
warmest regards Michael.

An App A Day Keeps Reality At Bay!

What was the world like before the APP? The word to me spells out the sickness that is unfolding within the Western world,app to me stands for Acquiring-Personal-Possessions=APP,we are possessed by our possessions! You do not need a Ghost from a Hollywood film to possess you,the App will do a much more finer job on you than any film portrayal, I heard a chap say the other day ,when he was asked if he meditated,his reply was yes I have it on an App in my phone!!
If we are aware,and I sincerely hope you all our dear readers of this blog,the distance from being an app being used by each of us is expanding in nature and we need to be very wary where this expansion will lead us for on the horizon heading toward us is the completion of this expanding sequence and it spells App-athy and all the mental and physical illnesses that arise within the app-
athy of having no real hope or inner joy.
We live in a world that is choking to death on plastic,the oceans are polluted with it,plastic beads used in cosmetics are killing of fish and other marine life at a frightening pace,we seems to live most of our days clutching a piece of plastic in our hands,and forever gazing at it as though in a trance,hundreds of people every year are injured and even killed while crossing the road,instead of paying attention to where they were,they were so fixated on their plastic device that they failed to see the lorry or car approaching! When you next travel dear reader,on a bus,train,or plane,look around you,pay particular attention to young parents with small children and notice how many of them are actually engaging with their offspring? Most will be fixated by that plastic hypnotic divice they hold tightly in there hands.Notice the look on the child's face? Many have "given up" trying to get any attention from mum or dad,they just sit there with a blank stare (apathy being created before your very eyes) dear readers,don't take my word for it,get on a bus or train and see for yourself!
PLASTIC to me represents this following sequence that is unfolding as we speak.Place-Limit-At-Soul-thinking-Inner-Closure- =PLASTIC!!!!

warmest regards michael.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Surfing On The Pressure Wave Of Divine Intent.

We are told in the teachings of the ageless wisdom that soul creates it's physical body, it's phenomenal appearance ,it's outer form .The soul creates in time and space, in line with it's desires.
Thus the secondary world of phenomenal things come into being, and our modern civilization is the result of this creative activity of the souls desire nature, limited by form.
The soul creates through the direct agency of the lower mind and hence the appearances of the world of symbols which fill our united lives with interests, concepts, ideas and of course beauty, though the written word ,and  creative arts
The way of the soul is we are a driver to steer course, ego can mean to (ease God Out)-ego. I have seen  a mushroom move a paving stone thousands of times it's weightin just a couple of days,that is Divine intention or the power of nature ,they  are both the same thing. There is a pressure wave inviting us to surf upon it ,all  we need to do is to find some humility,become less self centred then grab our boards ,anyone for surfing?
Life unfolds within the parameters of the seed  intent, evolution is an idea being expressed over billions  of years ,and  illustrates  the timeless eternal now of the Absolute.
The pressure wave that propels all existence is unrelenting and totally focussed on expansion and unfoldment, "any interference" with this pressure results  in vibratory crisis? Which to a self aware human means pain!
When authenticity awakens within the individual, and wisdom radiated within the temporal mind (brain) the powerful suggestion of alignment makes it's presence known.
If we can align ourselves with the wave outworking we will suddenly find a relaxation of the pressure
'cause we are "surfing" in tune with the waves harmonics, then fluidity of actions bring synchronous
 events into regular occurences within our lives.
We are the in effect and in fact in "tune" with the purpose of evolution.
warmest regards Michael.

Friday 30 September 2016

Mobius Strip Singularities Last Dance Part Three.

Physical life is graced into form by Mobius we are ferried back into physical expression by a vertical vortex (much like a figure S) turning with a left handed spiral  for inbound and a right handed spiral for outbound (death) the singularity being the zero point at which we are anchored into this dense physical realm.The anchor is held in place by the overall "intent" of the soul that governs the facet of it's being (us) in it's present incarnation ,so  that it can outwork the overall plan of intent that the law of  Karma has presented us with.
This anchoring zero point is located within the crown chakra and remains fixed there until the ferryman (Mobius) is called again to ferry us back into a finer realm for a period of adjustment.
The letter S is the partial sequence of the Mobius expression into physical form a left handed vortex that transcends the dimentional divide between physical and non physical life.
The ferryman has been underestimated and totally been misunderstood  for centuries ,it's  time now to give credit where it truly belongs to Mobius and the vortex of expression that permits us this stage to
enact our urges and grow into a blossom that flowers with a fragrance of beauty to behold after many such excursions to this vale of tears.
When we die we "enter another dimension"the Astral plane, this is where  dear old Mobius comes into play,as we are ready for re-birth into this dense physical plane,and when we have chosen the parents we need to further our goal of unfoldment from ignorance tto knowledge and beyond,we
then "fall" into a deep sleep and then "die" on the Astral plane and our re-born on the earth plane.
The ferryman (or vortex) that enables this lawful descent and ascent into matter is of course Mobius.
warmest regards Michael.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Videri Quam Esse. To be rather Than Seem to be.

The Latin phrase  Videri Quam Esse to be rather than seem to be is somewhat badly needed in our plastic times,where we are viewed by the media and video makers as having only a five second attention span,rather like a gold fish it seems!
How many of us ,and  be really honest about this "as if you are not you are just kidding yourself"
are truly authentic with our friends and work mates? Or do we rather put on a front ,a  false image of what we think they expect to see .Do  many of us "seem" to be doing the right thing "but with suspect motives" we have all heard the phrase "just be yourself" but actually what is yourself? Do you Really know? And  what's   more do you really care? Are you more interested in more "real" and important things like "what a footballer had for his breakfast? Or how many apps can I get on my plastic device called a phone?
The whole media circus is filled with a shallowness that is beyond belief, often a breaking news flash is that some "celebrity"favorite colour is blue!!! That is breaking news ,no  mention of the millions who are dying every year through starvation and disease oh no, rather you will be told that a "burger chain" is adding another dish to their wonderful healthy crap they are selling ,that  is causing thousands of deaths every year through obesity and burgers!
We live in an age of bullshit dressed up as something you really must have," hurry  while stocks last"
a plastic realty with no substance or depth where most of the population spend all the day gazing as though in a "trance" at that bit of useless plastic in their hands,I have watched countless mothers and fathers being out with their children with absolutely no contact with the kids the parent is sat there in a trance like state watching that little screen that seems much more important than interacting with the children.
warmest regards Michael.

Final Analysis.

I would like to present what I call the final analysis of expression and in-form-ation,I am suggesting that we we,and all that is manifest within the universe, are the result of the crystallization of thought.
Thoughts made manifest crystallized into form by "intention and will "an  idea becomes in-formed
(formed from within)and emerges into "physical reality" the intangible becomes tangible.
All "ideas" of the Absolute become immutable universal laws once crystallized,when we are able to gaze very deeply into "form "we  will eventually "see" the idea behind the presenting form!
What this suggests is that we are indelibly linked and part of the whole ,each  of us connected and interconnected with the "whole idea" of manifested form-ation!
I believe that we shall see the day and it is not far off ,when  mainstream science and physics, realize what has been known for centuries by some,that  matter and energy are all the out workings of thought,pure and simple!
All the militant materialists will have to be  re-educated into the reality of form and how ideation and intent crystallize into matter and energy.
On the periphery creeping slowly inwards is the idea that thought lies at the back of matter,many scientists already have this notion,so do a few physicists,there numbers are steadily growing,soon these militant materialists will find their services surrounded by their alleged colleagues ,who will be calling a very different tune indeed. They will find their tired and worn out claptrap will be resigned to the dustbin for recycling into something useful for once.
Patterns exist everywhere if we could  but see them, take water for instance water freezing on a glass resembles ferns! the crystallization of the liquid reveals some "hidden intent"vouchsafed within the water! Embedded within all matter is the idea of form-il-zation,is that not now crystal clear??
Crystalsgive form to elements ,they provide a body for expressing elemental form? We are made up from the elements,earth,air,fire, and water,all express crystalline form! Need we say more?
 warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

The Nature Of Glamour And Its Hold On Us

Glamour, alluring, illusory charm. Some quality or feature exerting a fascinating influence. A mentally conditioning characteristic of the emotional astral plane.
An incorrect interpretation and response to that which is perceived .Anything that is distorted is glamour .The  basic  cause of illusion, glamour, and maya  is Duality! A  sense of separation from the higher energies and consciousness of the soul,which forces one to identify oneself exclusively with the material world, the physical form ,and  outer appearance ,and  to focus ones awareness on their engulfing phenomena to the point of delusion!One sees oneself as an ongoing helpless victim of forces and energies of which one has no real understanding ,and   over which one has no real control.
Duality is a state of being dual, consisting of two parts as in body and soul, matter and spirit. It is brought about by an act of separation ,of dividing,of disconnecting ,of  disunity from an inter grated whole! We need to dispel the mists  and fog of glamour by re-cognising that we are all interconnected
and as one.
Of all the many glamour's that surround and engulf us,one in particular I find most amusing and also disturbing that of "designer labels" and  I have been in many heated exchanges over this one!
If I got hold of an empty "coal sack" cut a few holes in it and put my name right across the front of it. would you  pay a thousand dollars for it! Of course not ,but  instead  put the name of some other chap who is well known and famous! Then you would pay plenty for that "designer coal sack?"
The wanabee generation instant fame just like that! From a nobody to a somebody in 24 hour.
It is truly amazing that some will pay many times over the "true price" of a bit of cloth, sunglasses, shoes,simply because it has the "NAME" of some one they will never meet in their life time! What next one wonders, designer condoms that spell out this famous moron when the wearer gets an erection!!
the designers and their marketing chums must be laughing all the way to the bank at so many buying crap and paying way over the odds because this moron has his name on it,one wonders if perhaps if glamour here is too fine a word and perhaps bullshit would be more appropriate!
warm regards Michael.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Mobius Strip Singularities Last Dance Part Two.

The highway of Mobius is one of ever changing hues, reflecting back accordingly our dues?
The highway of Mobius is a very long one spanning a Now of  unimaginable size ,those  travelling this highway at every re-entry onto the strip, acquire a little more "substance" and developing consciousness ever motioning onward towards a point far away,where the ever generous Mobius will bestow upon the "traveller of the way" the faculty of "self awareness", self consciousness, an implosive realization that "I"am here,and that now "I "know  that I am here.
The dance then becomes focussed as the dawning gives way to the rising son? Being born within.
Mobius ever watchful of its charges looks on with a kindly smile.
The dance of Mobius is rhythmic splendour and for "time" long past unconscious of its true identity
as we developed self aware consciousness we also inherited the responsibilities that come with the territory,that of exorcising free will and the actual ability to say "why" prior to this we were without "spot" now Mobius has given his charges "spot" and the ability to choose.
(With generosity like that, Who needs Social Services????)

warmest regards Michael.

Spinners Of Force--Willed Intent.

Within the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom there  is a central idea that goes something like this.
Centrifugal force is that of spirit, and centripetal force is that for matter ,two  primal vortexes ,spinners of form and ideation, one on an ascending arc the other on a descending arc.
The Ying and Yang ,one  going from fine to dense, the from dense to fine (matter).
Vertical rotation of primary energy (force)each locked within the other in an eternal embrace.
We are within both of these primary forces and at times "feel the rapid current and roar of these convergent eddies" that gather at etheric points within us. Little does modern quantum physics realize how their findings are paralleling that of the ancient wisdom,when modern physics talk of "spin up" and "spin down" they are echoing the ancients almost word for word!
The two primary spinners that bring force and matter in and out of density are Ying and Yang by any other name are centrifugal and centripetal forces.

warmest regards Michael.

Indescribable Thoughts Of Ideation (What Is God?)

When I was a boy,which seems so long ago now I thought that God was a big man in the sky with a long white beard who looked down on us waiting for us to put a foot wrong then "look out" a thunderbolt would be fired down and burn me to a cinder!
Over the years that followed by boyhood I had many thoughts on this very thing "what is God" and came to understand that those who to had gone before me had also attempted to find out about this "great Being" in the sky.Most of the conclusions were that this Being was beyond human comprehension and that there were no words to describe the indescribable, that it was unutterable indefinable,completely overwhelming it seemed to me to present a very difficult task then to actually attempt to do that very thing  that of total "indescribableness".
So I set upon a path of  focussed  meditation and continued that up to this present day which is now over forty years,in that time I have been able to penetrate deeper and deeper into the storehouse of universal knowledge and wisdom,the first thing I discovered was that knowledge "divides" and wisdom "unites" and that wisdom presents the inquirer with the "whole picture" rather than a "fragmented"one which issues from knowledge.
The first thing wisdom shows you is that all of universal expressions whether they be of plasma,gas,solid,liquid,or just like us human kind are ALL Exactly the same THING,and that this thing is what we all call GOD,wisdom says in the most precise way that the entire universe is made of GOD,that NO-THING else exists,or ever has done ,or ever will do,all there is IS GOD,we are GOD,the ant that crawls over your shoe is GOD,we are basically and fundamentally illusions,(we) you and I do not exist,and whats more we never had done,there is only the Absolute that exists nothing else PERIOD! Our task then is to understand this reality (for reality it verily IS) and to unite our "phantom Self"(the ego)with the higher self the soul and then release this dross weight and unite with the reality that we are all drops in the mighty ocean of life and each of these drops (you) are DIVINE it is our birthright to WAKE UP and smell the roses and see the GOD within each one of us then when that is done we let go of earthly things and embrace the Divinty that lives within us all.
When that happens love will wash over humanity like a huge tidal wave bringing in a new beginning for us all.

with warm regards michael.
and facebook page called soul relization.

Mobius Strip-Singularities-Last-Dance.

The Mobius strip is an expression of non-duality it reveals the unity of all polarities ,creating  a state of oneness, joining the whole and the part ,the  masculine and the feminine. It is the symbol of balance and union.
All dance is an expression of movement-motion-rhythm, life  dances to the rhythm and sway of universal harmonics ,whose  tune is played out to the will of absolute intention and orchestrated in a
symphony of unified motion.
Mobius is the highway we walk on towards transformation ,a  never ending highway of ever expansive opportunity and conscious expression.
All existence has its cycles of expansion and contraction ,a  dance of coming on stage, then vanishing
into the wings, only to reappear later.
Mobius and his merry strip represent  this cycle to perfection an endless procession of visiting minds finding their true place in the singularities point of circle?
warmest regards Michael.
can be reached on home page Facebook soul realization.

Monday 26 September 2016

soul realization: Robes Of Expression.

soul realization: Robes Of Expression.: We are expressions of a life force an animating energy that propels us along  along a long road of unfolding evolution.At the  "center...

Robes Of Expression.

We are expressions of a life force an animating energy that propels us along  along a long road of
unfolding evolution.At the  "center" of this life force I see "spirit" that pure essence that "holds life
itself".The robes we wear are expressed in manifold ways each at a differing  vibrational pitch,down
through the octaves until we arrive at the physical body the lowest level of expression.
Consciousness coexists within this matrix and is the  "tool" that allows us to "uncover" the many layers of maya that keep us in ignorance and pain.
By being self aware we are able to examine ourselves and ask questions,who are we?How are we? As we inquire within(for that's where the answer resides) we begin to tune in and come "online"much like becoming "radio active"we begin to attract to ourselves that which is most needed to expand our
evolutional  arc.
Locked within us is infinite potential, we are both relative and absolute,one the outer expression,the other the inner "un-expression".
As we expand in conscious awareness and our perception becomes more finely attuned, we gain greater access to a more universal consciousness,we begin to "feel" that we are much more than just the sum of our parts.
At first, we were only able to express ourselves on a pure physical level with a basic conscious awareness, then thoughts  as we evolved  up the evolutionary arc we were more able to perceive finer vibrations and perceive the difference.
We now stand at the doorway to the Etheric and Astral  levels of consciousness and many today "tune in" to this higher vibrational pitch.

warmest regards michael.
and I can be reached on face book soul realization.

Eddies Of Life Within An Ocean Of Consciousness.

Humanity could really be nothing more  than the appearance of "eddies" within an ocean of consciousness ,All  interconnected, all seperatness  an illusion,no "realness in the absolute sense" just a point of reference within this eddy, that being self awareness which questions its identity (am I real)
No you are not.It appears we really are is not a person,or individual, but rather just a wave or eddy within the ocean, ,when the swell pushes up and intent presses out a wave or eddy is "born" aloft we are that wave!
Whereas the wave of H2O may only have a few seconds of experience before sinking back into the ocean,we on the other hand can have many years before sinking back into life's ocean. But are they not the same? The time difference may suggest this ,but  time is an illusion as well!
Life seems to flow like a liquid and that's exactly what it is,we are in effect liquid  consciousness arising moment by moment through the infinite  ocean. Each wavelet formed is one life cycle on Earth, and so it continues until one discovers that it can transcend the eddy and release the inner
intent from manifesting any other wavelets ,unless it so chooses.
An ancient wording says this "As above ,so below" I would like to add another maxim here and it says "As with the ocean,so with life"we  are the ocean expressed as waves,each swell (wave) is a lifetime on Earth, however long or short that may be, as with a storm at sea the waves get bigger and the troughs deeper ,this  manifests in physical life as a very turbulent expression,and a painful existence,while in calmness like the Doldrums nothing much seems to happen in that life time with very little experience gained.
We as humanity are "riding along on the crest of a wave"and seem to have lost contact with the ocean,thus resulting in the utter chaos and greed ,selfishness, that abounds todayand why so many are lost and bereft of any internal sustenance.
I would respectfully suggest that by practising positive wholesome thinking and using meditation as a tool which will "PIERCE"the surface tension of the water and allow  access to the ocean beneath.
Thereby  re-establishing contact with the source of being and begin the long journey Home.

With warm regards Michael.
you can also visit my home page on facebook called Soul Realization if you care to.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Space Is An Entity.

The universe is full up 100% full there is no space(an absentness of anything) anywhere ,the  very word is meaningless ,yet  we give it meaning and value ,any wonder we get confused.
Consciousness pervades all of the physical universe ,it  is both absolute and relative simultaneously
when this  is readily understood it might well create some "space" for a clearer understanding of just
what is.
It is said that "all is an illusion" and indeed It Is ,how ever in this relative universe that we are now in
we are taught to accept "things"as true, and on a surface relative basis they are, well partly true,
relatively true but absolutely false.
Space is a word that is banded about, usually meaning emptiness  or room to move about in,an absence of stuff.  We think of outer space as empty, devoid of things ,but  it is not as a liquid fills  a jar it becomes totally full of liquid ,there is no empty space to be found in there.
Well the universe is exactly the same filledto the brim with energy or consciousness,our task should we accept it is to allow this "liquid"to totally fill us up and displace the "bubble"within caused by the ego, when this happens we will be full of life-full-ness and will have ridden ourselves of that false buoyancy of egotism and will now swim with the  current of life rather than against it.
with warmest regards Michael.
email  you can also visit my webpage on Facebook called soul realization and you are welcome to comment on there.   

Are You Spotless Dear Reader ?

All animal and vegetable life is without spot, what does this mean? It  basically   means that they are all innocent  and can only act as they are programed to do ,and  cannot deviate from this program that is installed within them ,and  that although they have consciousness which in some form of creatures such as dolphins and elephants where there is a considerably higher level of consciousness than other animals ,the  one thing they all lack is that of self awareness and self consciousness and much more importantly we have the ability to go against our "programming" by being "wilful" and going against the natural flow of expressed form, no creature on earth can do this ,except man.
What then is "spot" this thing that we all have ,some  teachings suggest that spot is actually sin ,and  that mankind is basically sinful, there are even those who suggest the absolute nonsense  that we are born in sin-Is that so! No it is certainly not .S.I.N .spells   out the following sequence that unfolds when this action is taken by us Sickness-Is-Negativity=SIN, when we are negative in thought ,word,
and deed we in effect and in FACT invite a monster in our midst that if left unchecked will devour us alive from the inside out!
That is why there is so much more dis-ease in the world ,because  there is so much negativity there  literally millions dying every year ,and  that amount is increasing at the rate of knots as things like cancer ,and  heart disease are reaching "epidemic proportions" .When  we align ourselves to universal law and live in harmony with it, we will be dis-ease free, the law is basically very simple ,love and respect each other, have compassion for all living things ,be  kind and considerate to each other do no harm ,and  find gratitude in your heart for the life you have, the dear readers you will indeed be spotless and without S.I.N.
warmest regards Michael.

Saturday 24 September 2016

How Do You Feel About Being A Facet Of The One Jewel ?

In meditation deep over the last four decades it has been presented to me the following sequence of how the physical expression of tangible life has unfolded from within the momentary pause that occurred when the  involutionary  sequence had reached its zenith and all the principles that were to be unfolded after the momentary pause when the evolutionary cycle then began (the one we are on now).
If I now fast forward a few billion years and arrive at the point that us as humanity are presented the following images were shown over a period ,A living Jewel was seen in a light that cannot exist on this earth plane ,it  was Absolutely Pure White Light (Pure meaning that it cannot exist at this gross level and that it has NO prismatic emanations as does sunlight here on earth ,there  are none 7 colours within it ,It  stands alone in Awesome purity).
It was revealed that we are all facets of the ONE Jewel ,so  that all the billions of us here are all facets each showing a side (facet) of that one Being in our own unique way.
The word JEWEL was broken down to spell out this sequence;Joining-Energy-With-Expressed-Love =Jewel.
A facet is "cut" to reveal and increase its ability to reflect light,when we share with each other deeply that light from our facet reveals a darkened place within our friend and illuminates them and that how we grow and blossom,share with our brothers and sisters and reveal the hidden light within and  reflect that awesome Jewel we all are facets of.
warmest regards Michael

Friday 23 September 2016

What Is The Point Of Now ?

Before I get into this blog the point of Now ,I  want to share a few things with you  about me, firstly  that I had a very basic education and left school at 14 years old ,I  spent most of my last years at "school" playing  truant, and  instead of being at school I was in the woods building rafts out of old oil drums and floating about the lake there thinking that maybe I was like Robinson Crusoe and about to find a lost island. The only degrees that I got are on a thermometer on my balcony here .I  am not academic but have studied hard over the past forty years on things like esoteric astrology/esoteric
psychology .and  glamour a world problem ,the  only thing I know for sure that is without any contradiction  is the depth of my own ignorance .Now  back to the blog title.
The first thing about now is that it is a "POINT" and that it is absolutely motionless  and has never moved, what actually moves is us and the relative physical universe. Now is actually a concept in the mind of the Absolute ,a  concept that arose from absolute motionlessness and was willed into motion
This motion became a "point" and that point can be called a singularity ,the  point of departure became the physical universe as we don't know it ,the now that is a singularity is eternally still and the entire physical universe is balanced within this point. We live and move and have our being motioning along in our lives upon an evolutionary arc that "points" us in the direction of expansion and consciousness that gradually leans toward inclusivity and away from exclusivity.
In reality there is no such thing as "a before" or "an after" there is only now and that is fixed until this universe is withdrawn from the will to be by the Absolute ,which will be billions of years  away in our concepts but just the blink of an eye in the Absolute .We  emerge from a point ,that  point isNOW
and it is an eternal constant forever still,it is all of us folk who are rushing headlong into whatever you create for yourself .Live  in the now, it all the is ,th e rest is illusion ,a   veil cast over our eyes bye our own ignorance of reality as it is-ness .If  we meditate and practise yoga the veil will lift and our eyes will open and we will smell the roses like for the very first time.
warmest regards Michael.

Thursday 22 September 2016

How Deep Is Our Shallowness?

How many soap operas do you watch a week? Nothing wrong in that I hear you say, well you could be right there, however it seems so many of us are living our life by proxy, there is an obsessional "fascination" about what so called "celebrities" are wearing, saying, where they go to eat, what kind of home they live in, what kind of car do they drive ,the  list is endless, what's next I wonder? How often they go to the toilet, what kind of toilet paper they wipe there ass on, and do they fart in the bath?
What about you dear reader, what is happening in YOUR life today? Are you sat there crying alone full of sadness and a feeling of loss ,no  one to turn to, are you old and alone, ,your life long partner has just died ,and  you wonder what's   life all about. Or our you busy getting ready for another days work just so you can pay the mortgage thinking only forty more years and I retire!
I worked in a factory once where they made fridges ,worked  twelve hour night shifts drilling holes in pieces of metal (really fascinating stuff!!!!) The main topic of conversation there was always about "rolling on" they would say at the start of the shift roll on six o'clock when we go home,then it would be, roll on pay day day, roll on the weekend, etc etc I found myself saying to one chap there roll on the undertaker then we can all get the f---k out of here!!
Shallowness is a fatal disease that is sweeping this planet in the form of a black and malignant vortex that is sucking the life blood out of millions who are caught up in this shallowness frenzy,any depth seems to have been left far behind. I cannot live in this shallow cess pool what is called life the deep from within calls me, ,will  it call you too dear reader?????
warmest regards Michael.

How Many homes in Heaven?

When I was a boy I thought like a boy ,then   I grew up and realized that I had to put away childish thoughts and attempt to become an adult. One story I read as a boy was about Jesus saying to some of his followers that " In My fathers house there are many mansions ,I  will go and prepare a place for you" this caused me to think very deeply as to what that actually meant. As the years went by I was thinking would Jesus be hiring an architect to build these mansions? And would there be a garden and if so would it be landscaped by a professional gardener? These questions bothered me, would they be semi detached?  After forty years of meditating and studying the ancient wisdom that lies within deep consciousness and spending thousands of hours in discussion with all sorts of "experts" ,I  found that
in meditation and soul consciousness the answers were forthcoming.
The  "mansions" mentioned are really "states of  being ness"  they are a state and NOT a place.
Heaven translates as an state of  Ataraxy  which is profound inner peace, serenity, joyful ,a  state of serene calmness. Heaven and hell only exist as states within the human mind ,they  are non existent outside of this state.
WE prepare OUR VERY OWN mansions by the way we conduct our lives here upon the Earth plane
we are our own judge ,jury  and  executioner, there is no other THING that judges us,and there has never been since this universe was first conceived by the Absolute ,who  is the "I AM" of all power and energy within this little old universe .It  all came about by an act of "Will To Be" and so it was done ,we  are all products of "thought-full-ness" just as the universe is a product of thought as well.
with warmest regards Michael.

soul realization: Cause And Effect Karma's tool for Balance.

soul realization: Cause And Effect Karma's tool for Balance.: We are all effected (or maybe infected) by the great universal law of cause and effect, from birth to death in operates through us ceaseless...

Cause And Effect Karma's tool for Balance.

We are all effected (or maybe infected) by the great universal law of cause and effect, from birth to death in operates through us ceaselessly. If we look inside of these words(which are after all just sounds frozen in written words)what can we find? lets take the word Cause, broken down it reveals this; Consciousness-Allows-Universal-Sequences-Expansion =CAUSE ,and  the word EFFECT reveals this; Energy- Flowing-Freely-Extracts-Conscious-Thoughts =Effect.
We need to fully understand the very real difference between the words (BY and FOR) we are NOT
effected FOR what we do ,rather  we are effected BY what we do ,there  is  an enormous difference between the to ,and  this  misunderstanding has caused countless misery to millions of us because we thought we were being punished by some almighty Deity rather than the truth of that we were just receiving in equal manner what we had caused to occur by our actions ,and  when we do this universal law responds to our output .We  are not judged by anything within this universe our only judge is ourselves, there is NO greater judge of man than man himself (or herself).The wisest thing we can try and do each day is to attempt to align ourselves to universal law which is simply being kind and  thoughtful ,loving   and true to your self, help lift up a brother or sister who is in need, show compassion to all life and be true to your highest ideals ,that  way universal law will respond to your efforts and expand your consciousness and awareness and enable you a greater scope to be of service to your universal family.

warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Hidden In Plain Sight.

A favourite story I love that beautifully illustrates the title of this here blog is this, "two  little fish were swimming along together when all of a sudden a big fish swam up to them and said ,I  am looking for the water do you know where it can be found?" Are we not all like this big fish?
Teachings that go back thousands of years have all said much the same thing,that truth and reality are hidden from us in plain sight, if we but had eyes to see!
What then does plain sight actually mean  then ,it  means basically and fundamentally everything you see in your daily life ,at  work ,rest ,or play, the phone you clutch tightly all day long ,the  food you eat, the chair you sit on ,the  flowers you admire in the garden ,what  have they all got in common?
What they all have in common is that they are all made of exactly the same Thing, so to is your body what they are all made of is Energy ,living  intelligent energy, everything that you have ever seen,
touched ,heard  is all the same. What we "see" on the surface is only a outer showing of an inner reality,Quantum physics has now discovered that this inner reality of all appearances are exactly the same thing ,they  have just caught up with the ancient wisdom which is thousands of years old.
We rush around in endless circles looking for the answer that will release us from this treadmill many of us our on ,and  set us free. We all live in an infinite ocean of liquid energy ,that  will directly reflect back to us what we give out,so if we give out negativity we get it back on the next "tide" so  we need to beware what we send out, kindness and love  reap their own reward. It is said in the Good Book that God said to an anguished soul," I AM, closer to you than your hands and feet ,and  you knew me not!" How many of us are like that today? As Quantum physics is now showing in non duality "the everywhere and no where man ,I t suggest that time and space are illusions cast over our misty vision ,and  that reveals that the spirit of what we all our, fills us all completely like a vessel filled to the brim with liquid? The spirit or God is not lost, we are ,look  within and find the peace that is your birth right to claim, outside ,is an illusion ,there  is only within..
with warmest regards Michael.

soul realization: What are The Consequences Of Being a Creator ?

soul realization: What are The Consequences Of Being a Creator ?: The definition of the word to "create" are from the Merriam Webster dictionary meaning (a person who makes something new) what the...

What are The Consequences Of Being a Creator ?

The definition of the word to "create" are from the Merriam Webster dictionary meaning (a person who makes something new) what then do we make new dear readers?
What then are the consequences of being a creator? well the word consequence can have at least two results ,one  favourable by us ,and  the other can be a nightmare. Eventually in our lifetime we need to come to the very basic and very real understanding of just what this Really means.
Basically ,actually, and very really we are the creators of everything that happens to us, whether it be pleasant or very painful, there is NO one to blame for where we find ourselves ,when we point the finger at some one else, three fingers point back at us!
This is a very hard truth to swallow ,tell  the cancer sufferer that they created their illness and they are most likely going to ask you to leave ,and  get very angry at the very thought of such utter nonsense!
Nevertheless though it is absolutely true and in line with universal law of "cause and effect" If we think negative thoughts long enough we will create negativity within our body which will be expressed as illness or dis-ease .Ultimately  we all have to take personal responsibility for everything we say ,do ,or act, we are all co-creators of our lives and build our life as best we know how to.
Nothing either positive or negative will ever be removed from us by another source (such as God ,or  a dear friend) although we can share with friends and get ideas and feed back, or even ask for help from a Higher being such as God, and  get much comfort from doing this ,however  ,and as always in real life there is always a "however"(even God has NO authority to remove from YOU what YOU created whether it be in ignorance ,or  full wilful  knowledge ,If God were to talk with you on this request the Creator would say something like this ;My  dearest child how can I be so rude as to remove from you that which belongs to you ,it  is your creation my child.
warmest regards  Michael.