Friday 14 October 2016

What Has Life To Say For Itself?

Life talks to us all the time, but it seems to be an almost silent whisper and we often fail to notice its subtle promptings. I was confronted by this "whisper" that had grown into a "roar" and issuing out of the mouth of a burly Scotsman called Hamish who said to me that "I was a defect looking for a character" and that the "door swings both ways" I  had asked Hamish for help from a soul destroying illness that left me with just three months to live, and I wanted out of this mega crisis that was destroying me mentally, physically ,and  spiritually, but I was very reluctant to do the things that I was told to do, this is where LIFE came in disguised as a fierce highlander who also had a heart of gold.
This is how the conversation played out,I was told I had to accept my problem and adopt a new way of  living ,I  said I don't want to do that! The reply was, well there's the door then off you go! I  then said well if I do that I will surely die! His reply was ok then stay! Every time I resisted or said "I don't want to do this" he said ok then don't bother! I would then say ,but if I don't bother I will be in the shit! Ok then he would say, do it then. I found that there was no way out of this crisis and finding release from the illness except by doing what I was told to do, Which of course I resented greatly.
Life presented itself to me at that time, and sent to my aid a man that I desperately needed to show me a way out of the mess and soul sickness that I was  immersed in, and be real and honest with me ,if he had been NICE I would have been dead long long ago.

warm regards Michael.


  1. I really like your blog.

  2. u are a genuine seeker; u have attained heights in spiritual field& 'wd further attain to more heights in TM& merge in Constant-Integrated-Consciousness!
