Monday 3 October 2016

Fragmented Isolation Stunts Truth F.I.S.T.

So many of us today are "hole" people the "W" is sadly missing, this hole-ness within us cause millions of us to a life of utter  misery and despair. We try and fill this bottomless chasm of a hole within us by many methods of negative consumption, such as over eating leading to an epidemic of obesity in the western world ,drug  and alcohol related problems of which millions are dying from each year, and the numbers are increasing exponentially.
Being fragmented means that you are in a state of permanent flux and the "hole" within you becomes if it is not dealt with by a arising crisis that causes us to take stock and ask for help and guidance ,a  totally consuming "black hole" exactly in effect the same as those black holes out there in the universe ,which  suck in every thing and nothing escapes, to you that means that the hole will suck the life from within like a hideous parasite that consumes you alive!
F.I.S.T. "clenched" which translates into holding on to threadbare and negative ways of living, to begin the journey to weld the "W" back into our personal reality we have to unclench that fist and let go of that negative energy that is sucking us dry ,and  open up to a fresh way of living that  to ensure might very well mean asking for help and taking measures to keep us on an expansive road to wellness and inviting that wonderful "W" back into our lives and then becoming WHOLE again.
Then that emptiness within will be filled by an incoming tide of positive energy that will transform our lives and open the door to spiritual realization and inner serenity.

warmest regards Michael.

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