Tuesday 31 October 2023


soul realization: STAIRWAY TO EFFORTLESS ASCENSION LEADS TO HE...:   This blog today entitled STEALTH is about the journey we all will take when we embark on a venture of inner questing. When we take up medi...



This blog today entitled FORCES is about how we can look within ourselves

an thereby uncover the true nature of our being.

This universe is an infinite ocean of many forces of which impact upon all our

lives unceasingly. One of the forces that make up this ocean of universal energy

is consciousness. Consciousness holds all the wisdom of this universe within its

infinite embrace .We are all fully and deeply immersed within this universal fluid

of what we call consciousness . When we start the process of looking within our

self we then also begin tapping into deeper layers of consciousness.

Finding Out Revealing consciousness is about seeking out within ourselves and

thereby uncovering what lies deep within our inner core of being. Humanity is

shrouded by a dense blanket of ignorance that hides the "REAL YOU". By going

deep within yourself we then begin to uncover what lies there within us all.

We do not need to LEARN ANYTHING whatsoever what we need to do is

UNCOVER what lies beneath this FACADE OF FORM we call the human body.

As we penetrate deeper within ourselves our level of consciousness grows deeper

and deeper ,our perceptive awareness expands exponentially . We become aware of

a PRESENCE within us, this inner presence is your HIGHER SELF, which is vastly

different from your lower ego personality self.

FORCES is about how you can know your "REAL SELF" which hides under

a dense blanket of ignorance. All the answers to all your questions lie within you now.

Just venture within and find your true IMMORTAL SELF.

warmest regards michael

kirpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 30 October 2023


soul realization: SPIRAL UNCOILING DRAGONS DANCE EXPRESSING NUM...:   This blog today entitled SUDDENLY is about the journey that all of humanity will eventually take either in this life time expression or th...



This blog today entitled BLISS is about how that state of pure bliss , lies deep 

within us all. Beyond life means that we look deeply within ourselves and trace 

out our true inner nature. When we do that by either taking up meditation or yoga,

we begin a journey of inner discovery. This world today with its wars and rumours

of wars is a dangerous place to be in at times. So we need to desperately find some

inner peace and serenity. Meditation and yoga are excellent ways to do this. The 

quality of bliss lies deep within or core of being, it is the natural state of SPIRIT

Being-ness. By going within ourselves deeply , we start by letting go of all thoughts

pay zero attention to them, with regular practice they will begin to lesson and finally

peter out. Then when you enter into the silence you will begin to feel the reality

of deep relaxation and the beginnings of inner peace and serenity.

This will place you in a deeper receptive aware state, here you will encounter  that

still small inner voice of your INTUITION , which you will come to learn to know

that this inner voice which seems to arise from your Intuition is in fact your HIGHER

SELF. When you make contact with your higher self , you will then begin to uncover

masses of insights that lay buried deep within your inner core.

We all have a thick blanket of ignorance within us, and by becoming aware of our 

inner Higher Self , we can begin the process of revealing who and what we really are.

YOUR LIFE is just a physical expression of what you really are BENEATH that

FACADE of FORM your physical vehicle.

Deep inner searching will lead you to the place where all BLISS DWELLS It is 

there within you right now.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 29 October 2023


soul realization: SOURCE POINTS AWARENESS RELATIVELY KNOWING SE...:   This blog today entitled SPARKS is about how "we" are all "SPARKS"  of that  ONE Absolute Flame   of Divine FIRE,  whi...



This blog today entitled LIFE is about what we all actually are made of. We

are all Living being alive, we are all Intelligent, we are all Focused, and we are

all Energy. That is what LIFE actually is. Humanity consists of eight billion

points of Living Intelligent Focused Energy, and all these ingredients are then

coalesced into a package of condensed energy we call a physical body, which 

is in fact a KOSHIC covering, one of which we have five in total, the physical

body being the most dense. LIFE is the expression the phenomenon of something

that is behind that which is being expressed, that which is the invisible essence of

expressed Life, which is the NOUMENON which translates into that of PURE ENERGY

which is that of SPIRIT.

All Life is Spirit in motion and encapsulated within a KOSHIC sheath that enables 

spirit to venture into tangible space time relativity. Science has proved that ENERGY

cannot ever be destroyed only transformed  into something else. Which means that 

humanity being that of pure energy will live forever, when we die(change venues) you

will be transformed out of your physical body vehicle  out of the physical realm and into

the astral realm in your astral body, then you will carry on living as before.

We can thank science for proving that life is Eternal  and can never be destroyed.

To  find out our true SELF we need to look within. We spend so much of our lives

looking forever outward, and rarely if ever looking within and seeking out what lies

there within us. Life is not so much about learning anything but rather about uncovering

what lies within us, buried under a blanket of SELF ignorance, when we can fully know

our SELF then we will see our true Immortal Divine Nature.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 28 October 2023


This blog today entitled USED is about opening up that ancient occult wisdom 

that states "SPACE IS AN ENTITY" and see where it leads. If space is an  

Entity, that means that it is ALIVE and INTELLIGENT and infinite field of

Being-ness that seems to be the medium for life and matter to emerge from

within  its infinite bosom?

All matter in this universe "occupies space" with its physical presence. Without

the medium of space no life could arise, as there would be no ENTITY for it to

emerge from?

Humanity consists of eight billion occupiers of space. we all "OCCUPY SPACE"

we all occupy this ENTITY in order that we may LIVE and move and have our being.

The essence of all life is SPIRIT humanity included. Spirit is the SOURCE of ALL.

So life is SPIRIT enfolded within the FABRIC of this ENTITY of SPACE. What then

is this FABRIC that we are all enfolded within? We are all enfolded within what are

called KOSHAS, which are all "elemental sourced" from the four major elements of

Earth-Air-Fire-Water  these are what the KOSHAS are made of, Elemental Awareness

dimensional diversity. Space is the Intelligent Field in which the elements dwell and

act in serving the physicality emergences. They provide the body(vehicle) so that it

can then occupy a space with its presence, and thereby appear within this universes

space time continuum.

USED is about knowing your true immortal SELF, and the journey towards that full

SELF knowing  you become embodied and occupy a SPACE within this infinite Field.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facdebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Friday 27 October 2023


soul realization: SPIRIT PRIMORDIAL ETERNAL RESPLENDENT MATRIX. ...:   This blog today entitled SPERM is about how the HOLY (sacred) SPIRIT   of all that IS WAS and will EVER be. Is the Divine SEED MATRIX  of ...



This blog today entitled LOFT is about how all of mankind is Intersected by

two lines of FORCE. one is horizontal and intersects the body by the heart

chakra and higher chest area, the other line of FORCE  is vertical and intersects

 the centre skull area down into the heart chakra and on down into the earth.

These two lines of force form the shape of a cross T with its centre in the heart chakra

and higher chest area.

The horizontal line is the line of earthly experience gathering, and we stay on this

horizontal line for many incarnations .Gradually through many incarnations, we begin

to find an attraction rising for the vertical line, which is the line of awakening and 

ascension. The vertical line is our connection to the Divine and Spirit. When we 

become conscious of the vertical connection we will awaken within us our inner 

IN TUITION which will guide us gently into the realm of full SELF KNOWING.

We each of us go through our own CRUCIFIXION upon the cross within our heart

chakra. The CRUCIFIXION is the pain and agony we suffer in some life times, the

anguish and TRAUMA that we all experience at some time in this life or another.

This suffering awakens in us a need to know more about what is life really ?

Here we then turn to the vertical life of force and begin the journey of waking

up into our Divine inner nature. Life is about gathering experiences and through

these experiences waking up into who and what we really are.

LOFT is about waking up to the vertical line of force and beginning our ascension.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within tou then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Thursday 26 October 2023



This blog today entitled EBBED is about how "WE" that of Humanity became

to be what we call human beings. What does a human being consist of?

We are all made out of the four elements , which are Earth-Fire-Water-Air , there

is a fifth element which is the Ethereal element. All these elements are that of 

Intelligent Energy , and these Intelligent Energies are the ones that supply all

the ingredients needed to make up one human body. Our human bodies are made

out of a combination of air-fire-water-earth . The elements supply these ingredients

to make a human body, as a service to Divine Intelligence who requests these bodies

to be brought into substance. If you removed all the elements from you, what would

be left? Where would your personality and individuality go?  In absolute truth there

is no such thing as Humanity, we are all elemental combinations of Intelligent Energy.

If we look at the Bible Mark 4.35-41 we find JESUS REBUKING the STORM, and

the wind died down and calmness arose. The question then arises how can  you REBUKE

something that has ZERO INTELLIGENCE?  The answer is you CANNOT! Nature

the elements are all very much alive and vastly more intelligent than you and I.

This universe runs on the principle of SERVICE one thing serves another and so on 

into infinity. Service is the hallmark of Intelligence. The four elements serve the SPIRIT

by giving of themselves their energy so that we can have a physical body. OUR ESSENCE

is SPIRIT and our vehicles which are KOSHAS are all given  to us by these Elements.

EBBING is about KNOWING our true NATURE ?

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Wednesday 25 October 2023


soul realization: SOURCE PORTRAYED IN RELATIVE INFOLDED TRANSCE...:   This blog  today entitled SPIRIT is about how all universal Life is expressed  from within ONE SOURCE, which is that of Pure Absolute Spir...



This blog today entitled MISTY is about our understanding of what and who 

"WE" all our beneath this FACADE of FORM which is our physical vehicle.

Who are we in essence? What exactly lies at our core matrix? We are all spiritual

beings, what does this mean? This blog will try and answer these pertinent questions.

Man kind is expressed within a three fold expression being a physical and mental and

spiritual being. Here the word Spiritual means being "of the spirit". We are life meaning

that we are Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy- being enclosed within a physical body

which is a KOSHA covering for the spirit  core within. We are physical and mental 

beings , which has the added dimension of SPIRIT put into the mixture of expressed 

life. Our living signature has evolved to the point where we have gained  SELF AWARENESS

our I AM SELF AWARE  this knowing of being an I AM SELF AWARE BEING is the

GOD-LIKE signature added into mankind's expressed mixture.

We are all GOD and we know it not , and because our our gross ignorance of our true

being which is that of eternal SPIRIT, we then enter into a long process of incarnations

where we have all kinds of experiences that begin to build up a picture of who and what we

truly are. 

Incarnation sequences are designed to enable you to fully wake up and realize who you

really are. We are all Divine Spirit undergoing an experience here on Earth to try through

interactions with other life to find our way back into fully knowing OUR-SELF.

MISTY is that foggy road we sometimes travel , before we see the RISING SUN, and

thereby WAKE UP.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Tuesday 24 October 2023


soul realization: SPIRIT MOTIONING IS LIFE EXPRESSING DIVERSITY....:   This blog today entitled SMILED is about how SPIRIT which is Absolute  and omnipresent , became motioned into an infinite Diversity of exp...



This blog today entitled AMEN is about a possible answer to our prayers about

who and what we all are, and where do we all come from? This eternal ENIGMA

we call GOD or what I call NOW, are in fact one of the same thing. The reason 

why NOW has all the hallmarks of Absolute BEING GOD/Brahman  is because

they are the SAME THING, much like the the word LIFE and EXISTENCE  they

are in truth identical.

AMEN is about how we can understand that this Absolute NOW/GOD is also 

Absolute Intelligent energy when in MOTION. That this NOW has presented 

ITSELF within all life and existence. That the NOW/GOD has become localized

and fully present in all the universal expressions there are in life and existence.

Now has two phases, one is Absolute  motionlessness, and the other is relative

vibratory presentation. All existence is life, and all life is existence the words 

mean that basically motion arises out of motionlessness, by an INTENTION  TO

BECOME, which means to become RELATIVE and activated  by atomic vibratory

motion. Presented LIFE is that of SPIRIT being covered over by layers of dimensional

awareness which are called KOSHAS or Sheaths .

What we see as life is the VEHICLE covering the ESSENCE. The vehicle is the relative

phenomenon , while the essence is the invisible NOUMENON.

All life is existence that moves through a "THEATRE OF MOTION" (UNIVERSE)

so that the ABSOLUTE NOW/GOD experiences MOTIONALITY from all life 


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family or friends Thanks

Monday 23 October 2023


soul realization: CONNECTION OF HUMANITY EMERGING RELATIVE ENTI...:   This blog today entitled COHERES is about how the whole of humanity is connected and interconnected within one singular coherent thread of...



This blog today entitled COLD is about that SUBTLE IRREPRESSIBLE force we

call evolution or a more modern word that of ascension carries and ferries life along

an ascending arc of gradual awakening. Life is always on the move never still. forever

marching forward. When we look at Humanity we see that life now in us has become

SELF CONSCIOUS. We therefore "know that we know" , we have I am aware of

Being MYSELF.  So where does this place us on that "WHEEL of LIFE"?  Well

it would seem that humanity has been made aware of being a SELF aware BEING.

This compared to all other expressed life, seems like a GOD-LIKE quality.

We cannot know for sure about life on other worlds, but we can be fully sure that

Humanity is at the very APEX of evolution here on Earth. What is left for us to

uncover? That is a good question indeed. We have had thousands of years to find

the answer to that question. Many over that time have fully realized their SELF and

have fully woken up to who and what they really are. Those who have done this have

all moved on from this dimension completely. 

Those of us who still finding our way about who we really are, need a place to stay

when we die(change venues) which is the Astral realms, here we take stock of our past

incarnation, rest up a while,  then return back to Earth to carry on our personal evolution

into full SELF KNOWING. When we can look deeply within ourselves and seek out

the true nature of ur BEING. Then we too will move on from this planetary conveyor

belt system .LIFE is processed into full knowing by experiencing first hand  what 

motioning life really is. We have all been on a journey of unimaginable time, now we

all beginning to WAKE UP into full SELF KNOWING.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Sunday 22 October 2023



This blog today entitled LIAISE is about expressing the way that all LIFE 

universally is expressed within a singularity vortex point of reference. Here

we need to try and understand what LIFE actually "IS", then when we know that

we can then see how it arises within a phenomenal  relative place ie, this


here we see that the matrix of life  is intelligent -focused-energy, which by 

nature is INTANGIBLE and invisible. When we look deeply into the core of

LIFE we find the NOUMENON of LIFE, which is PURE SPIRIT. What lies 


Which being ubiquitous and eternal is also Motionlessness  and eternally still. Life

universal is the PHENOMENON  visible  of that inner matrix the NOUMENON

which is invisible.

For life to become PRESENTED into RELATIVITY and become LOCALIZED into

our Space Time Continuum , it has first to MOVE out of Stillness  and into motion, Spirit

PURE and SIMPLE SURRENDERS ITS ESSENCE into a Singularity Vortex that 

LOCALIZES the eternal spirit into a "REFERENCE POINT"  which will then become

RELATIVE and lose its Absoluteness, This relative point then becomes clothed in 

relative KOSHIC SHEATHS that embody the PURITY of Spirit  into a physical vehicle.

All LIFE/NATURE is transferred into this physical dimension this way, when we look

at say a flower we only ever SEE the physical vehicle, which is the flower, but invisible

to our eyes is the matrix of that flower which is the NOUMENON. We only ever see the

Phenomenon of NATURE , no mortal has ever seen the NOUMENON of Nature.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 21 October 2023

soul realization: SOURCE IS NO-THING. S I N . (DIV...

soul realization: SOURCE IS NO-THING. S I N . (DIV...: This blog today entitled SIN spells out the words of SOURCE(GOD/Brahman) is nothing,  this then presents us with what is called the Divine P...



This blog today entitled UPON is about how we can understand the PRESENCE

of NOW in our lives and what are the implications of this Absolute relative principle

of the NOW?  We need to understand that the NOW is UBIQUITOUS , present 

everywhere  in this universe simultaneously, and also transcends this universe as well.

The NOW is both Absolute and relative simultaneously , and all life including us that

of Humanity pass through this motionless principle on a conveyor belt of motion we 

call that of evolution. The NOW is also that of NO-THING it is NOT a "THING" all

things have a relative matrix and our relative being contained within the limited 

framework of what we call EXISTENCE, BUT the NOW is both Transcendent of all

life and also existence. It is ABSOLUTE and the SAME AS the SOURCE of ALL LIFE

it JUST "IS" Eternally SO?

Humanity has the ability within itself to actually "FEEL" this PRESENCE  within 

themselves, the presence of NOW lies in your inner matrix of being. So what conclusions

can we make of this UBIQUITOUS PRESENCE?  It might seem that this ever present 

NOW has all the hallmarks of being the SOURCE  of ALL GOD or BRAHMAN?

UPON is about being able to recognise what lies around you in plain sight, and you see it

NOT. "NOW"  IS "YOU" in MOTION!!!  Dear reader of this blog. Does this sound  

totally absurd to you???? Impossible MAYBE??? Think this through, look deeply within

YOUR SELF, cannot you FEEL the EMBRACE of NOW?  "WE" are all NOW 

EXPERIECERS getting to GRIPS with our TANGIBLE expression, motioning life

here on Earth,. Evolution carries you along the conveyor belt as you gather what you

need to finally wake up, and realize just who and what you really are.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17'gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resontes within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Friday 20 October 2023



This blog today entitled PLASTIC will attempt to portray a process of expression

that the SOURCE of all uses to place "ITS SELF" Pure White Light Absolute Spirit

into all motioning life universally. PRISMATIC LENSING is about how all life is

LENSED through a prism and then refracted into a Kaleidoscope of varying colours.

which is hidden in the Bible story of JACOB'S coat of many colours.

When we fully understand that all LIFE universally is basically and factually that of

PURE SPIRIT enfolded within KOSHIC sheaths.

All LIFE is SPIRIT in ESSENCE ,prismatic lensing diversifies all expressions of life

and portrays it as points of tangible existence, its outer covering is KOSHIC awareness

layers, its inner matrix is SPIRIT.

WHITE LIGHT is ABSOLUTE PURITY, something that science has yet to accept as

valid and true. And within that pure white light lies an infinity of shading and colours.

Consciousness is LENSED out of PURE ABSOLUTE AWARENESS, consciousness is

relative  and is the matrix of all universal expressions , consciousness can be seen as 

that of a liquid, gas, solid, plasm a, Ethereal essence, and you and me are all made out

of consciousness

We that of humanity are all SPIRIT walking with KOSHIC empowered consciousness

on two legs! All life is eternal and UNBORN, because SPIRIT is ETERNAL Death is

an  illusion fostered by our gross ignorance of reality.

Life is localized SPIRIT enclosed in a "SPACE SUIT"  to keep it from coming into

contact with gross matter.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 19 October 2023



This blog today entitled IOD is a name given to the river that went out from

EDEN to water the garden (out physicality) IOD was the river of LIFE 

mentioned in GENESIS 2.This blog is about ousting the false idea that death

is the end of LIFE. Death is an illusion that fools millions of us by its apparent

appearance and how our physical body suddenly seems to become LIFE-LESS.

Our biggest enemy in battling this illusion of death is our gross ignorance of

just who and what we really are. We fail to grasp the truth that our physical bodies

are just biological machines with a biological computer the brain, in which our

real Higher Self dwells within. The word LIFE means that we all our Living-

Intelligent-Focused-Energy that is what "WE" all our basically, we are all living

Intelligent  Energy ,. And here science comes to our recue, because science has 

proved that energy cannot ever be destroyed only converted. So there science is

teaching us that as we are all ENERGY we therefore cannot ever be destroyed, only

converted . And at death (CHANGE VENUES) we are then CONVERTED  from

being physical to that of being ASTRAL and then ascending into the Astral realm

in our astral body. Divine Intelligence has thought of everything because 

interpenetrating our physical vehicle lies our  Astral counterpart, which we travel

to at night while asleep, yet often forget our nightly visits upon awakening, a curtain

comes down of forgetfulness after a few minutes of awakening.

Death does not exist it never has, we because of our ignorance of reality often fail

to see this eternal truth, All life is eternal and never ending in essence, we just change

venues now and then.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks


soul realization: VOUCHSAFED OUR WISDOM ENFOLDED DESTINY. ...:   This blog today entitled VOWED is about the Infinite Intelligence sequence that has been VOUCHSAFED  within the inner being of every human...

Wednesday 18 October 2023



This blog today entitled BEWARE is about how we humanity and all life are all

in essence beyond all existence, and beyond all life. The words LIFE and existence

are temporal terms for something that has a beginning  and an ending , like we are

born then we die. Life is only a projection into relativity by Absolute Divine Wisdom

so that the Absolute who is ONE SOURCE Being less BEING, which is INTANGIBLE

and completely unable to do any of the things we the tangible lives can do. SO Divine

Wisdom projects itself into relativity as KOSHIC covered ENTITIES , so that it can 

partake in the experiences of being tangible life.

Humanity consists of eight billion entities who all emerge out of ONE SPIRIT SOURCE

all life in essence is transcendent of both life and existence , all life in essence is Eternal

and UNBORN. We all of humanity lie way beyond life and Existence. We are all 

transcendent of both ILLUSIONS  of life and existence. Both words mean the same thing,

all life is existence you cannot have one without the other. But we are all transcendent  of


We are all SPIRIT covered  over by KOSHAS sheaths that enable Spirit to become tangible

and the KOSHAS keep the Spirit from coming into contact with gross matter.

Humanity has five dimensions (LAYERS)  of expression within its presentation format

five dimensions that we present, the last dimension is the BLISS BODY when we reach

this lofty height we are given a choice , we can leave tangibility  behind and move into

another level of BEING, or we can incarnate back here on Earth and be fully awakened

and thereby being able assist fellow beings to also reveal their own immortal identity.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 17 October 2023


This blog today entitled IDEA is about how "we" that of humanity are all 

expressed within a three fold format which is that we are all physical, mental,

and spiritual beings, The majority of us are all very familiar with the fist two 

facets of our expression into life, which are the physical and the mental aspects

of our expression, but not so many of us it seems are totally familiar with our 

spiritual aspect of being.

IDEA is about looking within ourselves and beginning to explore that inner divine

nature that lies at the core matrix of our being. We each have this inner core within

us, it is our connection with that Divine Intelligence in which we all live and move

and have our being within.

When we take the time to look within us we will begin the process of our awakening

into that inner realization of being a spiritual being.. When we enter into the silence

within us, when all thoughts are stilled, we become aware of an inner PRESENCE 

within us, this presence is your HIGHER SELF , that part that has been hidden from

you for most of your life, our lower self the EGO likes to run the show in our lives, and

is not keen for us contacting the HIGHER SELF , because the ego will lose its grip  upon

us. When we enter this inner silence we will discover our INTUITION which is where 

that still small inner voice arises from , this inner voice of your INTUITION will guide

you into beginning to know your inner spiritual  SELF. The IDEA when followed up 

will enable you to realize your true DIVINE inner Higher SELF.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


Monday 16 October 2023

soul realization: NOUMENON OF WISDOM. N O W .

soul realization: NOUMENON OF WISDOM. N O W .:   This blog today entitled NOW is about our understanding of this Absolute  principle of NOW. The NOW is what "WE" the "pheno...



This blog today entitled TISSUES relates to that thick TENEBRIOUS blanket

of ignorance that hides from mankind its true immortal Divine Higher SELF.

We all can uncover our real Higher Self by going deeply within our inner being,

here we spiral downward through the TENEBRIOUS membrane of ignorance and

finally after much digging through many layers of ignorance, uncover that Higher

Self which dwells within us all. We are all well acquainted with our lower ego self

but few of us have experienced  of being fully aware of our higher Self, which is

our Divine connection the the SOURCE of all that is and will ever be.

Tissues is about taking that vital step to look within ourselves and find out who we

really are. Many of us spend most of our lives looking forever outward, and never 

taking the time to recast our gaze inwards. It is only through our inner self that we 

ever know our true Immortal Divine Identity. We are all so much more than just this

physical body, we all owe it to ourselves to fully know who and what we really are,

hiding beneath this FACADE Of FORM which is the physical vehicle lies an Immortal

Divine Higher SELF. Which is your localized connection  to the SOURCE of all there is.

TISSUES points out the way to your Divine Liberation and full Knowing of who and

what you truly are. We spiral downwards into the lower self , UNCOVER that BLANKET

of IGNORANCE  , then begin to spiral UPWARDS into the LIGHT of SPIRITUAL


warmest regards michael,

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y  feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 15 October 2023


soul realization: MEDITATION OPENS WITHINNESS NOW. M O W N .:   This blog today entitled MOWN is about how meditation opens up inner doors within us and reveals the true nature of our presented being he...



This blog today entitled BOMB  is about exploding the idea and myth of 

the big bang theory, and replacing it with the BIG IDEA that this universe

is a product of THOUGHT from within the Absolute Mind. Basically this

universe is a BUBBLE of MOTION, within an Absolute VOID  of NO


eternally still, PURE Absolute Awareness.

The BUBBLE in which we all live and move and have our being . is fully 

contained within the Absolute Mind of the Absolute Intelligence SOURCE.

We are all within the MIND of the ONE Absolute , the universe is a relative 

motioning bubble within the awesome embrace of the Absolute Intelligence.

An infinite bubble a flat circle of infinity in which  "WE" arise out of the circle

as holographic images, when we look deeply within the FACADE of FORM which

is our physical vehicle , we will only find pure intelligent energy, which is formless

and shapeless pure energy is the NOUMENON which is the essence of all expressed

life. Here the word expression means the rising up out of the matrix of pure energy

intelligence a holographic image which is what you and me all are in truth.

Life is Ethereal Pure energy (SPIRIT) clothed in KOSHAS and thereby able to give

the "APPEARANCE" of a solid living body. Life is HELD in the Cohesive embrace 

of Divine Intelligence Energy. This ENERGY is that of PURE AWARENESS  being

motioned into its reflective role as that of relative consciousness. "WE" all rise up out

of the infinite field of living intelligent energy (SPIRIT) an ocean of living 

potentiality where we rise up on the wave  of "BECOMING" and thereby

enter into physical appearances, in our case we become a human being.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Saturday 14 October 2023


soul realization: CONGEALED LIGHT IS MANKIND BECOMING SPIRIT. ...:   This blog today entitled CLIMBS is about how we all will eventually climb the JACOB'S LADDER (KUNDALINI) of ascension. We are heading ...



This blog today entitled MOMENT is about how mankind being a METAPHOR

for NOTHING trying to become SOMETHING, and then something trying to again

become NO-THING. The journey into SELF realization and the full knowing of who

and what we really all our.

The reality is that mankind is basically a collection of eight billion vehicles that all

hold within its matrix the REAL BEING ,  which is the Divine SELF. This divine SELF

is the PRESENCE we feel in times of  AWE and blissful experiences . This inner SELF

SPIRIT is the real you , and we know it not.

The other METAPHOR that arises in our lives from time to time, is that in order to fully

live, we must also die of the ego lower  self . To live fully we have to die in the ego illusion

of being the real you. The real YOU is NOT THE EGO or personality. The real YOU is

your HIGHER SELF, not the lower ego construct, that belongs to the vehicle, and YOU are

not the VEHICLE, YOU are a Divine Immortal Spirit. We have to die (EGO) in order to

fully LIVE, we need to fully understand what this MEANS. WHAT DIES is your lower

self EGO-personality and the illusion of being an individual.  There is no such a thing

as an individual, "WE" are all made out of the SAME SPIRIT ESSENCE. The word 

individual is a meaningless  FANTASY conjured up by the ego to make you feel different

from your brothers and sisters. MOMENT is about waking up and seeing who is the real

IMMORTAL YOU, and realizing you are not the cardboard cut out which is just

your vehicle a biological machine, to house the REAL HIGHER SELF "YOU"!

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates  within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks

Friday 13 October 2023



This blog today entitles CRISIS is about how we all encounter a CRISIS or

two in our lives. and how this affects us all , when our backs are up against 

the wall and there is nowhere  to go. We have a feeling of being crushed

emotionally , heads reeling in fear and extreme anxiety, feeling inwardly sick

and totally desperate.  Then we hear that still small inner voice of out INTUITION

which speaks to us in hushed tones, a reassuring inner voice that give us hope and

relieves our feelings of hopelessness.

Who among us has not experienced  this crisis point? Few I would guess, We can

turn our lives around after a crisis  has arisen in our lives . If we have been fortunate

to hear the still small voice, we can then ask the question of where does this inner voice

arise from? The answer is that this inner voice lives within each one of us. It is called

our INTUITION and this intuition is our direct connection to our HIGHER SELF. We

have basically two self's, the lower self which is the ego personality mind which gives us

the feeling of being an individual . And there is the HIGHER SELF which is that of 

who you really ARE, which is a Divine Immortal being. By going within yourself 

and taking up meditation or yoga , you can then tap into this intuition  which will become

like an inner teacher , a personal guru to you. Your Intuition has all wisdom of the ages

within its infinite being.

It will uncover the layers of ignorance that hide this truth from your view. YOUR  CRISIS

POINT can become the best thing that ever happened to you, as it brings in its wake an

awakening within you, that you then embrace your HIGHER SELF.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 12 October 2023



This blog today will examine the illusion that presents itself as diversity within 

expressed life. We will see that what we see on the surface of presenting life does

truly seem to be totally different from one another. That is the surficial difference,

but if we took a deep look into what is life , we would see very clearly that all life 

humanity included has all the same core matrix of being. What we all see as diversity

is only the physical presentation of that physical phenomenon, all physical presenting

life will certainly look different from each other, the phenomenal appearances always 

differ, but within the core matrix of that presenting life there is the invisible NOUMENON

which is the core essence of life and here at the core level all life is exactly the same, that

of pure divine Spirit.

We are all deceived by the appearance the outer shell of life presented . When we focus 

our gaze deeply inward we see a completely different thing. Life is a singular presented

phenomenon upon this planet , it appears so very different that we see what seems to

be different entities,   but in truth they are all the same.

DIODE is about making us acutely aware that all life is the same ONE THING that of

SPIRIT cloaked in KOSHIC coverings an d being presented as a diverse life form.

Its good to see the man y different looking life forms and shapes , but also to be mindful

that beneath the FACADE OF FORM  all life is exactly the same thing which is PURE


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks



This blog today entitled D N A  is about waking up and realizing who and what 

we really all our. To be able to DIVINE nothing and by doing so awaken into full

SELF KNOWING. How do we DIVINE nothing? We need to understand that the

word DIVINE can be seem to mean "TO PERCEIVE INTUITITIVELY" by 

therefore looking deeply within ourselves , we begin to come face to face with 

NO-THING. The art of Divining is to "seek and you will find", seek out what 

lies beneath that FACADE OF FORM which is the physical vehicle. D N A is

the composition of the elements that make up your vehicle, which the real inner

Presence uses to gather tangible experiences. By entering into your inner silence  you

then begin to make conscious contact with your real HIGHER SELF. Humanity has

been asleep for ages long past, a few here and there have awoken, but today our D N A 

is calling out to us with intuitive insights about who we truly are, our higher self is 

urging us to look within and thereby begin the awakening sequence. Which will finally

reveal who and what we really are. Within us buried under a blanket of ignorance lies

the real YOU. WE have zero to learn, all we need is to UNCOVER the divine wisdom 

that lies within us all. To uncover this buried treasure of full self knowing , all we need

to do is to seek out that inner silence that arises within us when all thoughts are stilled.

Here in that inner silence our INTUITION (HIGHER SELF) will reveal slowly to our

startled gaze just who and what we really all our. which is the Divine Immortal Higher


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: CONNECTION OF HUMANITY EMERGING RELATIVE ENTI...:   This blog today entitled COHERES is about how the whole of humanity is connected and interconnected within one singular coherent thread of...

Wednesday 11 October 2023


soul realization: SOURCE PORTRAYED IN RELATIVE INFOLDED TRANSCE...:   This blog  today entitled SPIRIT is about how all universal Life is expressed  from within ONE SOURCE, which is that of Pure Absolute Spir...



This blog today entitled ROSE is about the complete cycle that all life takes on

its journey to completeness. I believe the full expression of life takes the form of

a TRIDENTAL pronged approach , that of 1)INVOLUTION, 2) EVOLUTION,

3)REVOLUTION, because it seems to fit in perfectly. The dictionary explanation

of the word revolution  says ( A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion).

This description fits perfectly with the long AEONIC journey all life takes until it 

reaches a point of FULL SELF KNOWING. This takes billions of years . Humanity

is now at the point of its journey where many  see this evolution as past, and the 

IN-WORD is that of ASCENSION, ascension is another word for REVOLUTION

because for AEONS long past we have all turned very slowly on our AXIS of 

motion through life experiences. 

Now many in humanity are beginning to climb that PROVERBIAL JACOB'S

LADDER that is the inner ascent of the full KUNDALINI experience. Man is 

beginning to wake up and realize that "WE" are all the SELF/GOD. We begin to

feel the REVOLUTION inside us, which is expressing the REAL BEING and 

ousting the imposter which is the ego minded individuality and personality. The real

immortal SELF is beginning to awaken within you. We are beginning to fully realize

and fully understand that not only is the SELF/GOD closer to us than our hands and

feet, but in "FACT" YOU ARE "IT"! We are all GOD/SELF and know it NOT.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 10 October 2023


soul realization: FOHAT ACTIVATES COSMIC ELECTRICITY . F A C E .:   This blog today entitled FACE is about how the PRINCIPLE called FOHAT, which means that of (COSMIC ELECTRICITY) governs all energy exchang...



This blog today entitled "US" is actually all about "US" and who and what 

we rally are beneath the "FACADE OF FORM" we all present to the phenomenal

world at large. What is the "SELF"? Well the simple direct answer is that the SELF

is what millions call GOD. This "presenting field" which GOD/SELF is where "WE"

all live and move and have our being. The SELF/GOD  stands for "SPIRIT-ETERNAL

LIMITLESS-FIELD" is SELF. Within the "FIELD" "WE" "US" have all "condensed"

into physical biological entities which in our case are called human beings. The title of

this blog UNSUNG SELF is about how  countless millions of us go through our entire 

physical expression here on Earth and never ever realize what lies deep within themselves!

All life universally is in fact presenting phenomenal forms of a condensed Divine Holy 

Spirit/SELF. Most of humanity is completely oblivious and totally ignorant of their true

immortal inner nature.

We spend our entire lives as a human being fascinated by outer things, forever looking 

outwards, seldom do er look within and discover what lies beneath this FACADE OF FORM

the human biological machine. We are all the SELF being expressed by a biological machine

and calling this biological machine your real self? Would you call your car which is a 

mechanical machine the real you?   We have physical vehicles that's all they are a vehicle

nothing more than that. your car is a vehicle it is not YOU  you just drive it , then step out.

We need to wake up from our AEONIC TORPOR and begin to see that real SELF that dwells

deeply within each on of "US" TODAY!!!!!!!

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization 

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 9 October 2023


soul realization: HUMANITIES ASCENSION SEQUENCE TRANSFORMING YOU...:   This blog  today entitled Hasty is about how the whole of humanity is gradually being transformed by the inbuilt ascension sequence that p...

soul realization: SOULS EQUAL EMBODIED KOSHAS. S E ...

soul realization: SOULS EQUAL EMBODIED KOSHAS. S E ...:   This blog today entitled SEEK is about how we can Seek out the true nature of the SEEKER  who lives within us all. Question, what is the t...

Sunday 8 October 2023

soul realization: BLACK LIGHT IS SACRED SEED, B L I S...

soul realization: BLACK LIGHT IS SACRED SEED, B L I S...:   This blog today entitled BLISS is about how that sacred seed thought that Primordial Intention wave, gave birth to the Sacred Seed of all ...



This blog today entitled SISTER is about how the Absolute Source of all that is,

the UNBORN Eternal Infinite Intelligence, chose to become Localized  and 

relative, to manifest a relative universe from within its Ab solute Mind , and then

place its Presence within this relative space which we call the universe, infinite space

time continuum. What is difficult for us to understand is that all that is contained  within

this universe is all the very SAME THING, the only difference between all things is

the vibration rate and density and size of the presentation. But the essence of everything 

in this universe is exactly the same thing, which is condensed spirit covered over by

layers of awareness , we call Koshas, A star, a planet, a human being, a frog, and an ant

are all made of the same thing condensed spirit. No other thing exists anywhere in this


Why did Absolute Intelligence decide to move, have a thought wave? And manifest a 

universe?  One answer might be that the Absolute cannot experience anything ever in

its Absolute Stateless State  Only Eternal Bliss which is motionlessness  At One Meant

within its SELF. GOD/SELF cannot feel ,touch, taste, laugh, cry, see, hear, smell, feel 

emotion and all the other interactions we enjoy as human beings.

So Divine Intelligence thought about manifesting a universe where it could then take

part in all the things we experience daily. This is why this universe was thought into being

so that the Absolute could seem to become motional and feeling things that of an enclosed

life form. All life is the Absolute in DISGUISE  the ants that you see scurrying around are

as much GOD and you and me are. SISTER is about widening our perspective and becoming

more inclusive in our understanding of motion and life,

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com Any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your fanmmily and friends Thanks

Saturday 7 October 2023


soul realization: ENTER NOW INTO GRACE MEDITATE ALWAYS, E...:   This blog today entitled ENIGMA is about how we each can enter into a state of GRACE  by going within ourselves and taking up daily medita...



This blog today entitled IBEX is about how this universe was born aloft an Intentional

Thought Wave within the Absolute Mind of the Absolute Intelligence.

We hear and are taught about evolution in school, but we are never taught what came

BEFORE evolution was born. BEFORE evolution came on-line, there was the

INVOLUTIONARY cycle that arose within the Absolute Mind . INVOLUTION is 

the cycle that compressed all the universal laws to be, into the focused INTENTION

WAVE of the Absolute, INVOLUTION rolled out of the Absolute Mind, Principle

within a Principle they all rolled up in a Absolute state of Infinite Compression, all

the universal laws were put into the INVOLUTION CYCLE , so that when the 

cycle was complete , there would ensue a momentary pause, which is replicated 

on Earth in the oceanic tidal system that ebb and flow daily, in between tides flowing

there is a momentary pause , this pause is called slack water, The cycle of involution

reached a point where there ensued a pause then involution ceased and immediately 

the evolution cycle began , here all those universal principles were "UNWRAPPED"

and thereby became universal laws such as cause and effect and the law of vibration etc,

all laws or principles we know today began by being unwrapped as the involution cycle

finished. Life too was wrapped up and began to  flow within the embrace of evolution.


something "OUT",  You cannot take something out which has not first been placed in or

wrapped up, so that it can then be unwrapped!

First came INTENTION-THOUGHT-MOTION-Involution-Evolution-then much much

later came humanity popped upon the scene. IBEX is the journey "WE" have all taken

to be here today as you read this dear reader, look within and know the SELF that dwells

within us all.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks


soul realization: ABSOLUTE WISDOM EMERGING SOULS OPENING MANKIN...:   This blog today is about the AWESOME-NESS of our manifested being here on Earth. "We" are all the "products" of Absolu...


soul realization: ABSOLUTE WISDOM EMERGING SOULS OPENING MANKIN...:   This blog today is about the AWESOME-NESS of our manifested being here on Earth. "We" are all the "products" of Absolu...

Friday 6 October 2023



This blog today entitled ATOMICAL is about how that Primordial Thought Intention

Wave opened up motion from motionlessness and manifested the process that we now

call life and existence.  The motional intention wave which arose within the Absolute 

MIND of the SOURCE of all there is was and will ever be. This motional wave then

began to coalesce into various densities of what became known as matter, All matter

is a product of THOUGHT. This entire universe and everything within it is a product

of thought. The THOUGHT wave of the Absolute is the "Intention WILL to BECOME"

Quantum science has now begun to accept the IDEA that this whole universe is a product

of Mindful thought. 

All life and existence which are the same thing are basically all SPIRIT coalesced into

formal matter and covered in KOSHAS or sheaths that protect Spirit from coming into

contact with gross matter. All gross matter is in essence spirit the gross matter is the

phenomenon , the essence which is invisible is that of Spirit which is the NOUMENON.

Here we need to understand that PLURALS only "SEEM" to exist in a relative 

space time continuum , there our zero plurals in Absolute reality. There is NO-SUCH

a thing as "SPIRIT'S" there is only ONE SPIRIT ABSOLUTE, which is Transcendent

of both life and existence.  ONE SPIRIT, ONE LIFE , ONE WHOLENESS of BEING.

All eight billion of us human beings will all eventually become ONE SPIRIT as "WE"

have always BEEN? Humanity is basically a holographic image enclosed within an

electromagnetic fields of undulating magnetic energy a double torus doughnut shaped

torus field, we are fractal facets of that ONE ETERNAL JEWEL.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: SOURCE POINTS AWARENESS RELATIVELY KNOWING SE...:   This blog today entitled SPARKS is about how "we" are all "SPARKS"  of that  ONE Absolute Flame   of Divine FIRE,  whi...

Thursday 5 October 2023


This blog today entitled CONFESS is about how consciousness fosters LIFE 

into coalescing into shape and form , depending upon its evolutional blueprint 

design Consciousness  the "RIDER of the WILL" of the Absolute SOURCE, and

its infinite momentum consciousness flows out from SPIRIT SELF  in the form

of IDEATION  Absolute Focussing . consciousness is the Divine Chariot of focused

thought which is the Absolute Divine "WILL TO BECOME". Confess is about trying

to put into words which arises out of INFINITE MIND, as an Absolute Intention Thought

Wave ..What arises out from this mighty will is that of consciousness,  Consciousness fills

this entire relative universe with its absolute relative presence.

Here we need to understand that the principle of consciousness which is subordinate to

that of PURE AWARENESS  and that of the eternal NOW, is in fact the only thing that 

actually exists within this relative universe, The Maxim is that "all is consciousness and 

that consciousness is ALL". All the stars and planets in this universe are that of 

coalesced consciousness, all expressed life universally is that of compressed consciousness

ALL of that EXISTS in this universe is made 100% out of coalesced consciousness,

which in ESSENCE is condensed THOUGHT from the Absolute SOURCE of all there

IS WAS and will ever BE.

CONFESS is about us thinking LIFE forms that are physical, mental,  and spiritual

in nature. When we can go within ourselves and look into the silence, we will then 

perceive that we are all condensed coalesced and beneath that mental image , our pure

SPIRIT BEING will emerge and will welcome us back home after an AEONIC 

Journey through the many motions of expressed life.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Wednesday 4 October 2023


soul realization: SOURCE PORTRAYED IN RELATIVE INFOLDED TRANSCE...:   This blog  today entitled SPIRIT is about how all universal Life is expressed  from within ONE SOURCE, which is that of Pure Absolute Spir...



This blog today entitled IDEAL is about how all life has within its inner Matrix

the memory of past excursions into physical life and that this hidden memory 

surfaces in the brain of any animal or creature as that of an Instinctive DNA

memory pattern that assists the life form it its every day life.

We can see this in birds who are born in one country and upon fledging. fly to 

another country thousands of miles away, without a MAP! without ever being there before

its DNA memory surfaces as an instinctive urge to guide that bird home.

Even insects like the Monarch Butterfly  migrate hundreds of miles and none of

them ever complete the entire journey , but lay eggs that hatch and then become 

butterflies again after a time as a caterpillar these beautiful insects have an inbuilt

instinctive urge in their DNA to allow them to make their momentous journey

every year.

When we enter the human kingdom we have a added DNA vital ingredient which

is our I AM SELF AWARE CONSCIOUSNESS , this self awareness then generates 

a thought generator which we call the our minds. Although we all have inbuilt 

instinctive drives, we have also the ability which no other creature has and that is 

thought and mind. WE all have that added extra thing of mental thought. Our

minds are only thought producing firings within our brain. We can do what no

other life form can do , and that is to resist our instincts and make negative decisions

that cause harm to us like drug and drink addictions, that cause harm and even kill us.

We can chose to kill ourselves. no animal can do that. 

We all have a GOG-LIKE POWER of CHOICE , other life forms have zero choice

they are totally unable to change what they are and do .Our I AM SELF AWARE

CONSCIOUSNESS is the CROWN of DNA Beckoning us It is a GOD LIKE

PRESENCE within us all.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: VOUCHSAFED OUR WISDOM ENFOLDED DESTINY. ...:   This blog today entitled VOWED is about the Infinite Intelligence sequence that has been VOUCHSAFED  within the inner being of every human...

Tuesday 3 October 2023



This blog today entitled SCAN is about how SCAN spells out the the Absolute

reality that impinges upon all expressed life in the relative physical universe.


fact the same ONE THING. Three of these names Spirit-Awareness-and Now are all

Absolute Principle which has a three pronged trident expression when impinging

upon relativity. The forth expression which is consciousness is not Absolute but is rather

a relative phenomenon.

Consciousness is the phenomenon expression of awareness that impinges upon a human

mind thought producing phenomenon. Awareness is the NOUMENON and consciousness

is the phenomenon relative expression upon this planet Earth.

The three primary principle is Spirit-Awareness- and Now, which have a trident expression

here in relativity, but in absolute truth the three expressions are only ONE THING ONLY.

Now and awareness are all arising out of PURE SPIRIT ABSOLUTE. Consciousness

can be expressed as a solid-liquid-gas-plasma, our physical bodies are made out of

condensed and super compressed consciousness , our thoughts are that of consciousness

in a fluidic state within a mind that acts like a prism for awareness to become localized

and relative and able to move in motional presence.

Consciousness would be just a solid or liquid expression of awareness. but because 

humanity has the added phenomenon of an I AM SELF AWARE consciousness, we have

the OBTAINED (though most of humanity fail to recognise the phenomenon) A GOD LIKE

awareness of the SELF, the HIGHER SELF is that of Absolute Awareness which is what

we call GOD or BRAHMAN.

SCAN is about waking up and knowing exactly who and what you really are beneath

that FACADE OF FORM . that covers over the real invisible YOU!

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: SOURCE IS NO-THING. S I N . (DIV...

soul realization: SOURCE IS NO-THING. S I N . (DIV...: This blog today entitled SIN spells out the words of SOURCE(GOD/Brahman) is nothing,  this then presents us with what is called the Divine P...

Monday 2 October 2023


soul realization: ETERNALLY PRESENT INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS. ...:   Todays blog entitled EPIC is about how we that of humanity have within us an anchor which is that of Divine Spirit, which is eternally pre...


soul realization: DANCE OF LIFE EQUALS.-TANGO OF TANGIBLES ENTWINED....:   This blog today entitled DOLE TOTE is about what could be called the DANCE OF LIFE, and  how the intangible SPIRIT (GOD) became TANGIBLE i...


soul realization: DANCE OF LIFE EQUALS.-TANGO OF TANGIBLES ENTWINED....:   This blog today entitled DOLE TOTE is about what could be called the DANCE OF LIFE, and  how the intangible SPIRIT (GOD) became TANGIBLE i...


This blog today entitled CREATE is about how that of consciousness which in 

essence is just a reflective principle , what it reflects is that of awareness. Consciousness

is really just a reflecting ECHO of awareness when refocused upon the PRISM of the 

human mind.  CREATE is about how we can  understand exactly what consciousness 

really is,  and that the absolute and PRIMARY PRINCIPLE is that of AWARENESS

Consciousness is in truth just a relative reflection of awareness. This ethereal universe 

which is a duality based relative infinite expanse  of motional conscious energy, like 

sunlight and shadow awareness represents the sun light while consciousness represents

the shadow. This relative universe is an echo of stillness manifested as motion.

The same is Pure Awareness is absolute and motionlessness.  while consciousness

is motional and reflective and it  moves through the medium of fluid space. The fluid 

fluid is pure awareness the idea that reflects it is consciousness. You can have awareness

without the presence of consciousness , but you cannot have have consciousness without

the presence of awareness awareness is always Primary while consciousness is always

secondary.. when we can know fully who and what we aee it will become abundantly 

clear that our physical bodies represent consciousness , while our inner spirit is that of

awareness. Humanity is that of a consciousness vehicle , consciousness made into a dense

physical matter which has become flesh and blood human being Humanity is a reflection

of the Divine principle of awareness . When we fully know our true Divine immortal 

nature it will become abundantly clear as to what our vehicles actually are,

CREATE reveals the LIGHT (AWARENESS) behind the SHADOW within is


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.



soul realization: LIFE IS MOTIONAL EXISTENCE---BEYOND LIFE UNBORN ET...:   This blog today entitled LIME-BLUE is about the journey that Divine Source, Brahman , goes through to enable the Absolute Intangible SOURC...

Sunday 1 October 2023


soul realization: RELATIVE EXISTENCE AS LIFE IS SELF MANIFESTE...:   This blog today entitled REALISM is about how Life and Existence came  "online" by the "will to move"  which was that ...



This blog today entitled EASED is about how many of us have been born 

within the last thirty or so years that have been called INDIGO children or

Star children there incarnations bring with them an inbuilt intuition that they

know that they are more than just a human being, they have an inner knowing of

their inner Divine spiritual nature. These indigo or star incarnates are part of an

anchoring plan devised by Infinite Intelligence to bring about a mass anchoring 

of known divine beings here t Earth so that they could pass on their inner knowing

to other family and friends. It seems, it seems that over about the last 30 years 

millions of Indigo children have been born here. Incarnated with an inner knowing

of who they really are , which is Divine inner spirit. It seems that Divine Intelligence

and wisdom have taken the steps to bring about a massive incarnation sequence that

also seems to include those spirit beings from other parts of this universe, and not just

from the astral plane assigned to this planet. 

The balance of materialism and egoism greed, became unstable and so the IDEA of

INDIGO children  was thought into action . Millions now world wide are tuning

inti higher energies   and accessing spiritual realms of bliss and serenity. Much is being

passed onto others by websites and magazines that teach  about our inherit divine nature.

Meditation and yoga  have now millions of followers who are all in the process of 

waking up, and by doing so  become themselves ANCHORS of divinity upon this

dense physical planet. Seekers of self knowing are popping up everywhere world wide.

These SEEKERS of inner knowing will then pass it on what they have discovered 

within themselves. That way millions more will also become a anchor for some other

lost and searching soul.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within yu then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.