Saturday 25 February 2023



This blog today entitled REALISM is about how Life and Existence came 

"online" by the "will to move" which was that Primordial Cause-less Cause

that Primal thought intention Wave which brought about and caused the birth

of this relative universe. In the "BEFORE" when there was zero universe, NO

LIFE or EXISTENCE was present . Life and existence are both relative terms 

that only apply when there is the birth of perpetual atomic vibratory motion which 

arises within  the Willed Intention of the Absolute SELF.

The act of willed intention causes motion to arise out of motionlessness, and this 

motioning process is the birth of atomic relative vibration.

Before this began there was zero life and zero existence, all that was PRESENT

was the Absolute SELF, which is UNBORN and ETERNAL and totally 

TRANSCENDS  both LIFE and Existence.

Life and existence are NOT ETERNAL only SPIRIT is ETERNAL and Spirit 

transcends all life an d that of existence.

Life and existence are both relative concepts and are therefore TEMPORAL 

manifestations of indwelling SPIRIT in order to engage in duality based relative 

life, which is both motional (atomic vibration) and Tangible.

REALISM is about our understanding of that which is eternally REAL and unchanging

and coupling this realization with our relative physical bodies and thereby realizing 

that there is a big difference between relative TRUTH, and that of which is Eternally

true, one changes within  a relative time space framework, while the REALISM 

of PURE Absolute Spirit SELF NEVER EVER CHANGES, It is an Absolute Eternal

Infinite CONSTANT.

We need to be mindful that all Life and Existence is in TRUTH just the "expression 

MODE" the outer KOSHIC Expression of that inner eternal PRESENCE which is

that of Pure Spirit SELF.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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