Tuesday 31 January 2023



This blog today entitled FACE is about how the PRINCIPLE called FOHAT, which

means that of (COSMIC ELECTRICITY) governs all energy exchanges universally.

FOHAT in its various manifestations is the mysterious link between mind and matter

the animating principle electrifying every atom into life . FOHAT is thus the dynamic 

energy of COSMIC IDEATION, since FOHAT acts as the power of attraction between

atoms it is seen as that of DIVINE LOVE (cosmic electricity).

FOHAT is the steed and the thought is the rider, FOHAT is the link between SPIRIT 

and MATTER , subject and object.

FOHAT is the bridge by which the "IDEAS" existing in Divine thought are impressed

on cosmic substance as the "LAWS OF NATURE".

FOHAT is the galvanising principle that converts IDEATION into Electrical Energy,

it is the power that makes "THOUGHTS  BECOME  THINGS".

Within the human being all the CHAKRAS function within the auspices of FOHAT

energy. The KUNDALINI energy that rises up the spinal column which is a Fiery 

electromagnetic spiritual fire, is that of FOHATIC power. 

FOHAT is like a cosmic electrical fluid that acts within all expressed energy universally

it also operates within all expressed life. We that of humanity are all enfolded within the

infinite embrace of FOHAT. The electrical impulses within our bodies and brain are all

governed by the influence of this FOHATIC principle.

Thoughts become THINGS  by its invisible dynamic actions. FACE is about understanding

our presentation upon this planet  and being able to fully know who and what we all really


warmest  regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 30 January 2023



This blog today entitled SEALED is about the reality that all life is "SEALED

INTO  BEING" by the Presence of the invisible Spirit. The NOUMENON of

LIFE is that of the invisible spirit, the PHENONENON that we see is that which

we call LIFE.

All life is Divine , meaning that its inner presence is that of spirit, it is not just that

mankind is Divine  but rather all expressed life universally is also Divine  without

exception. On this planet Earth mankind is at the APEX of expressed life, and has the

ability of SELF AWARENESS. this added dimension is that most vital ingredient 

which enables us to fully know our selves and therefore ultimately discover and realize

that we are indeed all Divine Spirit beings.

The power of self realization is only open to mankind on this planet Earth, in other

parts of this universe things may be different than here.

We each have the opportunity to fully know ourselves how many of us will take that 

opportunity and seek out the answer within us?

We can all "BREAK THE SEAL" that keeps us locked into just being a human being,

and venture within us by taking up meditation or yoga , and thereby discovering that

hidden Divine being that lies deep within us all.

We each have that choice as to whether we look within ourselves or not, some of us

may be content with just being a physical human being, others of us may wonder what

lies within us?  SEALED is about taking up the challenge to look within and find 

your true immortal Divine nature,

To make contact with your INTUITION and thereby become guided into the discovery

of your true Divine Immortal Identity, hopefully  you reading this NOW will inspire

you to do that very thing.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 29 January 2023



This blog today entitled SIZE-TOO is about the reality of the Absolute Source of

"ALL THAT IS" transcends even the concept of being ONE SOURCE, because the

relative number ONE implies a "BEGINNING" and as the SOURCE Absolute is an


or ZERO number, because it is ETERNAL and being eternally present in that 

Awesome NOW, So  there is not even ONE SOURCE  in reality, there is ONLY

THE SOURCE . which is TOTALLY TRANSCENDENT of ANY relative number.

Life is "Source in motion" that which emanates from within source as an Intentional

IDEA. This IDEA brought about the "appearance" of a universe from within its Absolute

Mind, The relative universe is "WITHIN" the Absolutes EMBRACE of the Source and

its primal IDEA.

This IDEA of motion and atomic vibration is still ongoing after billions of years. The

Primal intention Wave is still in operation , when it ceases and is withdrawn this universe

will vanish as though it had never been.

All life is an expression of the Source made tangible and infinite in its diverse expressions.

"WE" as that thing called Humanity are all eight billion tangible vehicles, all busy 

collecting tangible experiences and inwardly mentally passing these experiences back

to the SPIRIT Intelligence that dwells within every human being on this planet Earth.

This is how the Source Absolute is able to experience tangible LIFE through billions 

of expressions SIMULTANEOUSLY throughout this entire universe, not just this tiny

speck of planet earth..

"WE" all "seem" to have life and existence while being expressed  as life, when we fully

know ourselves to be the SOURCE, we will then transcend LIFE and EXISTENCE  and

BECOME an UNBORN ETERNAL BEING, as "WE" ALL WERE, before being cast 

out of EDEN (perfect bliss) and into relative life and  experience gatherings.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

Saturday 28 January 2023



This blog today entitled DOLE TOTE is about what could be called the DANCE

OF LIFE, and  how the intangible SPIRIT (GOD) became TANGIBLE into 

condensed matter and is then able to partake in the TANGO of TANGIBILITIES

motioning through this infinite diverse expressions which are active throughout 

this relative universe. 

Absolute Intelligence is the master MOTIONEER of all living energy universal.

Life is all orchestrated by the master conductor of the Absolute Source who conducts 

the LIFE Stream of expressions as a Dance of Evolution in which the dance unfolds

the dancers step by step as it moves and sways in rhythmically precise steps of gradually

opening up as a flower opens upon the rising sun.

The ultimate IDEA behind the Dance of Life is to awaken and become aware of just

who and what this Dancer really is. "WE" have all danced though many "Kingdoms of

Expression", which are basically five kingdoms of life, which are Animalia, Plantae,

Fungi, Protista, and Bacteria, "WE" have all danced the TANGO of TANGIBLES 

through billions of years  as being expressions of LIFE.

Now Humanity is at the APEX of its long dance of Expression and has been CROWNED

by our I AM SELF AWARE consciousness and becoming  SELF AWARE of an 

inner Intelligence within us which is that of the INTANGIBLE SPIRIT which we are

all beginning to wake up and realize our Divine Immortal Heritage.

"WE" have all DANCED within the RIVER and RHYTHM of LIFE for AEONS 

long past . Now we are beginning to AWAKE to our true DIVINE BEING, we will

then FULLY WAKE UP . then we will be able to "Leave the dance floor" of life

and then move back into the stillness of eternal bliss and atonement within the ALL, 

or we can consciously chose to  remain on the dance floor of expressed life, and 

thereby assist other dancers into fully knowing their selves, as an act of service.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 27 January 2023



This blog today entitled LIME-BLUE is about the journey that Divine Source,

Brahman , goes through to enable the Absolute Intangible SOURCE  to be able

to experience TANGIBILITY first hand. Life is basically "spirit in motion" the

motion is atomic and sub atomic vibration, if it MOVES  it is LIFE, which means 

that it is Living-Intelligent -Focused-Energy, the energy is that of atomic motion.

All motion universally is ALIVE (has motion) although science as yet has failed to 

realize this basic fundamental truth.

LIFE universally has primarily arisen from that of THOUGHT, Divine Absolute 

Intention. All life is THOUGHT EXPRESSED within an atomic and sub atomic 

field. LIME-BLUE is about the journey from motionlessness into motion (atomic life)

and then back into motionlessness as SPIRIT. Life is infinite in nature , but not 

ETERNAL, when Life and Existence end, the eternal SOURCE  carries on. Spirit

is beyond LIFE and beyond existence, it is totally transcendent of both, it has no 

beginning or will EVER experience an ending.

The SOURCE covers its SELF with KOSHAS which enfold  which we call the SOUL

The Soul in fact is a KOSHA (SKIN SHEATH)  which enfolds the pure Spirit Source.

When life has been through the evolutionary journey which is the downward spiral

of the GREAT CIRCLE then when at the point of arising , we then call this ASCENSION

which is the upward ARC of expansion in consciousness and perceptive awareness.

In the beginning was the THOUGHT INTENTION which was the Primordial Motioning

WAVE , from this LIFE WAVE came MOTIONAL LIFE which was relative, the SOURCE

which is Absolute , became a relative intentional wave.

The universe began and motion was born aloft that Thought wave. The Absolute Source 

though about motion and tangibility , and so lo and behold we are all here experiencing 

this motional life, within our provided vehicles the human body, and all receiving first 

hand the experience of tangible life.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Thursday 26 January 2023



This blog today entitled MATTER is about the far reaching implications of

mankind's destiny as we begin to fully enter into the ASCENSION sequence 

and the expansion of our SELF AWARE consciousness.

As we penetrate deep into the ascension embrace  it will begin a sequence of

our D N A  signatures to begin uncoiling the chemical information that is hidden 

within its relative expression.

This process is that of us being made AWAKE of our true immortal divine inner

nature. Deep within all our D N A  is locked all knowledge and wisdom of all 

universal truth. As we become more aware of our selves and earnestly begin to 

look within  ourselves via meditation or yoga, the D N A  unlocking will begin 

to speed up, and we will through our INTUITION which is directly connected 

into our D N A begin to fully know and realize the eternal nature of ur BEING.

We will then be moving consciously away from our Earthly awareness, and begin

to transcend that into becoming  more universal and inclusive of our understanding

of reality.

We will see clearly that our physical bodies are nothing more than a vehicle, for 

divine spirit to use while here on Earth gathering tangible experiences.

Our D N A  which to me stands for DATA-NEURAL- ACQUISTIONING, which

is that of coding-sequencers that directly respond to how we are thinking and acting.

And when we meditate and enter into the silence this sends an IMPULSE an 

electric signal to unlock the D N A  and open our memory of long forgotten TRUTHS.

Humanity is beginning to WAKE UP after an AEONIC SLUMBER.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 25 January 2023



This blog today entitled GRAZED is about how the Absolute Spirit  which is GOD

/Brahman, is closer to us than our hands and feet, and we know it not! Each human

being is a temple of the Great Spirit and the ground on which we stand is sacred, 

and again we know it not!  Divine Intelligence does not live in a place called Heaven

or in some far away place. in truth  Divine Spirit Intelligence lives within YOU, 

within all of the eight billion souls upon this planet Earth.

There is ZERO-DISTANCE from you and the SPIRIT which is closer to you than

your ATOMS and CELLS so close that the distance is Absolute ZERO.

So many of us look for God or a higher power as though this Infinite Intelligence

is somehow LOST! It is us who are lost, and to find  out who we are we need to look 

within our SELF.

Within us we will find our true immortal SELF, we will see and understand by 

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE the PRESENCE of SPIRIT within us. This will be

revealed when we practice meditation and go within ourselves and meet and Experience

this inner Divine Presence, which is your true immortal SELF.

GRAZED is about waking UP and realizing that we all are Spirit divine beings having

a human experience upon planer Earth.

We will see through practical personal EXPERIENCES the REALITY and ZERO 

DISTANCE of spirit from us. When we personally experience this DIVINE PRESENCE

within us we then know and fully understand this to be TRUE and personally  

experienced. Each one of you reading this blog can personally experience the reality

that is mentioned in this BLOG  by going within your SELF and therefore find out 

first hand that YOU are a Divine Spirit, having a human being experience.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 24 January 2023



This blog today entitled IGNITED is about how we as searchers of truth can

IGNITE that spiritual fire that is present within all of mankind, and become 

acquainted with that Divine Faculty we all have within us which is our


Our Intuition is that "still small inner voice" that speaks to us internally when

we are in a crisis and offers us words of comfort and hope, that we will be able

to resolve this. 

Our intuition is that Divine Monitor that resides within all of humanity, we can

all access this inner teacher by taking up meditation or yoga.  The word INTUITION

means to "be taught from within" and if we make contact with our intuition we will

then be able to access the knowledge and wisdom that lies within us, which is buried

under a blanket of ignorance which prevents us from knowing who we really are.

When we can begin to make regular contact with our intuition , we will then be well

on our way to further revealing the presence of the HIGHER SELF that lies within

us all. The Higher Self is often seen to be our SOUL or inner Spirit.

This Higher self has the answer to all the questions you may ask. When we have 

stilled the chattering mind by meditation and thereby entered into that inner silence

when all thoughts have ceased. Then we are able to access the Higher Self  who will

reveal to you that you are a Divine Spirit being , having a relative experience within

a human body vehicle , it will inform you that you are a Eternal unborn Spirit Being

And will further reveal to you that all universal wisdom and knowledge lie within

YOU right NOW! And you can access this in the inner silence deep within YOU.


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 23 January 2023



This blog today entitled ITEMS will attempt to portray the sequence that occurs

when the SOURCE of all life and reality, has the "WILL to BECOME" expressed

into this relative universal LIFE. The Intangible Pure Spirit essence , has to engage in a 

process that will be able to enable an INANGIBLE ESSENCE to become TANGIBLE

and dense within a physical body.

When the SOURCE of all wishes to become ALIVE (gain MOTION) it needs to loose

its ABSOLUTE NATURE , and become relative  within this universe. It does this by

becoming contracted and condensed into relative intelligent energy and further congealed

into a localized point of reference, thereby loosing its omnipresent status, The localizing

process is that of a singularity vortex , which removes the reference point out of 

sequence and omnipresence and places this point of reference within the vortex which

super compresses the energy life stream. And it will then rotate downwards in vibration

until it reaches this Earth plane. Here it will then enter the physical body of the mother

to be and into the child to become.

Humanity is a collection of SOURCE POINTS of reference, we are all here to experience

the tangible life experience of relativity living  and the interacting of this which takes 

place between us all daily.

All expressed LIFE is the SOURCE which is PURE SPIRIT Intelligence. That is what we

all our deep within us, outwardly we are a physical being within a vehicle body , which 

is there to enable the Invisible Intangible Spirit  to engage in gathering TANGIBLE

experiences. "WE" are all immortal being having a relative  experience here on planet


warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 22 January 2023



This blog today entitled ENIGMA is about how we each can enter into a state of

GRACE by going within ourselves and taking up daily meditation.

The ENIGMA arises  when we start our inner searching by the practice of meditation

looking for nothing in particular , and ending up finding the answer to all our wonderings

questions, just by entering into that inner silence , which opens up when all thoughts are

stilled. We can ask the question of what exactly is GRACE?  And where does it arise from?

When we fully enter into that inner silence , when all thoughts have ceased, we then 

become aware of a DEEP INNER SILENCE , when we can become and stay within 

this deep inner silence we will then become "VERY AWARE" of a "PRESENCE"

within you. The PRESENCE is "GRACE" that will enfold and fully EMBRACE you

with its Loving PRESENCE. 


and CORE of your being. When you are deeply within that inner silence you are contacting

your HIGHER SELF which is the inner LIGHT of GRACE, GRACE lives within all

of us here on Earth, but to make contact consciously with this inner light Divine 

energy we need to go within ourselves and meditate.

Sometimes when we are in a crisis situation and our backs are up against the wall, we 

will hear an inner reassuring voice that will calm us down and comfort us, this inner

small voice is that of our INTUITION which is directly connected to our higher self.

The best way to make contact with our inner GRACE is to meditate and not wait for 

a major crisis to arise in our lives.


and entering into that profound inner silence, it is NOT bestowed upon us by another


warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 21 January 2023



This blog today entitled ESSENCE is how evolution moves through the life Stream

process and gradually through the experiences gained  from this motioning process

gradually evolves more and more complexity. What is the essence of life? What is 

its inner invisible nature? Humanity is regarded as being at the apex of evolutional 

life , what are the implications of this rational? To answer these questions we need to 

look deeply within ourselves for the answer. The Essence of Life seems to me to be 

that of Divine Spirit  or the SOURCE. The inner invisible nature is the NOUMENON

that invisible essence that  is omnipresent and Intelligent which also is that of the 


I believe that the rational behind all this understanding is that mankind has the ability

to consciously look within its self and thereby able to discern the true immortal nature

of its BEING.

Evolution or to use a more modern  word of ASCENSION , has brought humanity to

the point in its journey where the FULL DISCLOSURE of just who and what we truly

are has become possible, with our SELF AWARE I AM Consciousness, we all can tune 

into our inner being and reveal that HIGHER SELF that dwells within us all.

We are then able to DISCERN our true immortal nature by looking deeply within 

ourselves. We become aware that we have been all on a long long journey of self

DISCOVERY, and now we are at and on the POINT of FULL SELF REALIZATION

and thereby FULLY KNOWING our SELF, which is that of PURE SPIRIT

INTELLIGENCE. ASCENSION has brought us BACK to our true HOME which 

we all left many AEONS AGO.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 20 January 2023



This blog today entitled MODEL is inspired by an ancient wisdom maxim which

states that "As above so below, so below as above" Thinking about the vast diversity

of life on this planet earth, I got to the realization  that life must be universal, and 

that being so this whole infinite universe must be literally teeming with countless 

trillions of diverse life. There are literally countless millions of differing life 

expressions just here on Earth. All life expressed has its own level of intelligence

and expression , and this to must be replicated universally. Life and Intelligence  go

hand in hand with each other. 

This to must be a principle that is also applied universally. What then the question 

arises as to what then exactly is LIFE? To me it is what could be called a "MOTIONING

INTELLIGENCE" that moves through an INBUILT PROGRAM  which we often call

INSTINCT. Each life expression has its own path to follow and will not DEVIATE

from that inbuilt program, the only form of life I know that does this is "MANKIND"

and we are supposed to be the most INTELLIGENT!  We that of humanity can become

"WILLFUL" and intentionally deviate from our programmed instincts . Many harm 

themselves with all manner of harmful substances, that never occur in any other life 

form, only mankind, and we are supposed to be at the APEX of EVOLUTION!!!!!

Behind all life expression lies an Absolute Intelligence which is the MOVER of all 

expressed Life universally. Mankind has SELF AWARENESS and this places MANKIND

in the PRESENCE  of being DIVINE. LIFE'S mover and shaker is that of Absolute 

SPIRIT, which its ESSENCE lies WITHIN the MATRIX of all expressed LIFE


Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resontes within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 19 January 2023



This blog today entitled LIFE is about explaining the idea of what LIFE actually

is, as it is expressed in so many diverse ways.

To break it down into four parts, the first word is "LIVING" it is alive and has 

motion within it, second we have "INTELLIGENCE" so here we have something

that is alive and also Intelligent. The we have "FOCUSED" which means that this 

living intelligence has a directional focus on what it  needs to prosper, and last we have

"ENERGY",  so that this energy is alive, intelligent, focused,  and has the energy to do

what it needs to function in its environment.

To me LIFE is an expression of an inner invisible force that is the motioning intelligence

that moves through this universe. We as observers only see the phenomenon we call life

that which has a physical presentation . But beneath the outer showing of this life 

principle lies the unseen NOUMENON which is the Eternal Essence of all expressed 

life, which is that of SPIRIT.

Behind all the motioning of expressed life, lies that of STILLNESS which is the 

NOUMENON. The Divine Intelligence that motions all LIFE into EXISTENCE (motion

atomic vibration) ,

Humanity is on the exterior tangible physical life phenomenon, but on the interior we are 

all the essence of LIFE which is the NOUMENON which is called that of DIVINITY


WE EMERGE into Motional Life Expression from within the STILLNESS of Eternal 

Being-ness. LIFE is a Collective Cooperative  of experience gathering on a universal

scale beyond our localized self aware comprehension.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 18 January 2023



This blog today entitled HIGHER is about how we can fully know and 

understand as to who and what we all truly are. We are all DIVINTY being

expressed as a relative hologram, with the invisible essence of us hidden away

beneath the physical body vehicle.

We are all GOD/SOURCE and we KNOW it NOT! We are blind to our true 

eternal divine reality by our ignorance and false teachings of what we all truly

are.. When the life essence fully crystallizes within the human vehicle and this

intensity is FUELED by an arising CRISIS, it cracks open the inner door within us

and we then become acquainted with that still small voice within us, this is our 

INTUITION here we then open the door which will lead us to full knowing of 

our  Divine Immortal IDENTITY.

There are eight billion holographic images of us here on Earth. eight billion ;points

of an "I AM" a SELF aware being. Each point (YOU) is a reference point a holographic

image an invisible essence of that ONE Absolute SOURCE. We are FRACTAL 

IMAGES frozen LIGHT ENERGY, congealed into a physical body vehicle.

Outwardly you are a physical biological machine  called a human being, but 

inwardly you are a DIVINE SPIRIT, who has become "wrapped" up in five 

Koshas of ethereal energy and being expressed as a human  being, Our true ESSENCE

is DIVINE SPIRIT, which is GOD/SOURCE. We are all here to gather experience

of tangible life and share into relative life and learn about it by experiencing it,



warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

soul realization: What Opens Motions Birth ? -W O M B .

soul realization: What Opens Motions Birth ? -W O M B .: It is written in the ageless wisdom, "that all motion comes from stillness" how then can motion arise from that which is still? ...

soul realization: All Motion Universally Leads Exponentially To Stil...

soul realization: All Motion Universally Leads Exponentially To Stil...: In the before  when reality was as yet unborn, all was absolute motionlessness, only absolute potentiality lie dormant within the absolute...



This blog today entitled V I R A L is about the birth of vibration (atomic motion)

Which arose out of the stillness within the Absolute Mind of the ONE SOURCE

and became motioned by its Absolute "will to become", which produced the motion

we now know as that of energy.

Life was actualized by this motion of the Will to Become, and became localized within

what was becoming a motioning relative universe.

The Intentional "will Thought Wave" brought about the birth of MOTION(energy-atomic

vibration) and the manifestation of a relative based universe.

Life came on line from the Eternal Spirit becoming ENCLOTHED within Ethereal 

matter that made up a package  of presentation to emerge within the physical realm of

dense matter.

ALL atomic vibration emerges from within the "Will To Become" intention WAVE 


The WILL to BECOME means that SOMETHING (motion/energy) comes from 

(NO-THING) from eternal motionlessness , comes MOTION (energy) from the 

Willed Thought Intention Wave  of the Absolute SOURCE.

LIFE becomes ACTUALIZED by MOTION and then MOVES into a shape of 

presentation within the relative realm. LIFE becomes EXISTENT and is presented 

into relativity by the will of the Source. The inner core of ALL LIFE universally is

SPIRIT. Spirit is NON-EXISTENT, unborn, Absolute eternal reality. Life is SPIRIT

being presented within five Koshas or sheaths of expression. Behind all Temporal LIFE

is the Eternal Spirit, the UNBORN SELF-SOURCE.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 16 January 2023



This blog today entitled WADED is about how we that are called Humanity are

being expressed upon this planet as human beings. All Life is Divine and emanates 

from ONE DIVINE SOURCE which is that of Absolute Spirit, or GOD/BRAHMAN.

We that of mankind are at the apex loop of this Diversity chain of expression. We are 

Life that has awakened Self Aware Consciousness and the ability to become an "I" AM

Self aware being. With our self awareness we can begin to understand the nature of our

expression. We can begin to understand the nature of our expression . We can with our 

aware intelligence see the beauty of life and realize that behind all this diverse beauty 

lies a universal intelligence , we can then begin to realize that we are all Divine life forms

beginning to awake fully  into this realization.

Waded is about how we can see through this diversity and realize that we are Intelligent

Life, and that there is a reason why we are all here. And to reveal the answer to that 

question of why am I here? We need to look within ourselves and reveal the nature of 

this Intelligent Energy that animates and guides all expressed life .

We realize that behind the diversity of all life lies an Intelligence and a direction .

We begin to understand that this intelligence which is universal must be the SOURCE

of all LIFE everywhere. What we see as life is the outer phenomenon presented as a 

physical life form, but what we do not see is the NOUMENON which is the living

ESSENCE of life being expressed and this is that of SPIRIT or GOD/SOURCE.

All of humanity is DIVINE in ORIGIN , we have but only to look within ourselves 

deeply to realize this basic reality.

We are all SPIRIT clothed in a LIFE BODY expressing a Human Being.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 15 January 2023



This blog today entitled DOING is about us doing something by going within

ourselves and entering into the silence that arises within when we meditate.

DOING is about awakening an inner CORRESPONDENCE that will arise from

within the DEPTHS of your being, that will UNCOVER  the hidden wisdom that

lies buried deep within all of mankind.

We are seeking an answer to the question of "WHO AM "I""? Looking for the true 

nature of our being , and the INDENTIFICATION at depth that will reveal to us 

the EXACT nature of your true BEING. When you reveal the true nature of your Being

you will have in "EFFECT"  gained "NOTHING", instead though you will have 

"GAINED ALL" because your true nature is that of being PURE UNBORN SPIRIT


"YOUR" ALL-NESS amounts to "NO-THING" rather it amounts to the ALL-THING


All human life is that of SPIRIT BEING which is Absolute having a Relative experience

here on planet Earth. We are all here to gather tangible experiences of relative life.

Your physical body is just a vehicle for the Spirit to use while gathering this information.

Doing is about us BEING our SELF and to do that fully we need to enter into the DEPTHS

of our Being  and SEEK OUT full IDENTIFICATION of who and what we really are.

When we do that we will fully know who we ARE and NOTHING will have been  

"GAINED" which translates as that of GAINING ALL within the ALL-NESS of BEING

the SELF. The wholeness of HUMANITY is the SELF, and we know it NOT.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm ail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 14 January 2023


This blog today entitled KEBABS is not about something we all eat, but rather

it is about what we all really are, and the way we are presented upon this planet

earth. What exactly is a human  being? A human being is in fact a biological machine

with a biological computer on board we call the brain. The vehicle (human body) is a 

ENSOULED  Kosha which means Sheath which is within five layers of expressions , all

within a differing dimensional density. The human vehicle body is the most dense of these

Koshas, what we call the SOUL  is in fact the covering Kosha skin sheath, which is there

in place so that the real ENTITY can have  purchase within  this dense Earth realm this

entity is the SPIRIT. What we call the soul is really a "covering for the Spirit", when all is

removed all that is left is that of the UNBORN Eternal Spirit.

The five Koshas when their purpose is FULFILLED, all the Koshas dissolve back into the

Ethereal energy field that they all arose from, all that remains is SPIRIT.

The purpose  of us being  here is two fold, one is to gain tangible experiences of 

relative motional life, the other is to find out who you really are, to find YOUR SELF.

When you find your SELF  you will then have  the realization of your true UNBORN

Divine Identity and by doing that you will no longer need to be here any more upon this

Earth, no more need for the use of the KOSHAS, you will then know that you are Pure

SPIRIT  being. You can then decide what you want to do, you can exit this relative realm

and return back to the ABSOLUTE from where you left aeons ago, or you can chose to

remain here on Earth, and incarnate into full waking consciousness of your true SPIRIT 

being, and use your awareness to help guide other souls into the true reality of 


Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 13 January 2023



This blog today entitled MICE is about how mankind comes into  being-ness and

the process that is engaged in to make a human being presented upon this planet earth.

When we ask the question  of what exactly is a human being? We then begin to unravel

the inner answer as to how humanity is "FORMED and SHAPED" by Infinite Intelligence.

Our physical bodies are made up from the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

The four elements are universal Intelligence energies, and these four intelligent energies

cooperate together yo bring about a human body vehicle.

This process occurs when  Spirit wants to incarnate as a human being in order to gather

tangible experiences, it requests the loan of their materials from the four elements of 

Earth, Air, Fire, water  which combine together to make one physical being. Then the

Spirit adds ethereal energy to the mixture which is the fifth element, and this is then

presented within  the LIFE STREAM VORTEX and exits as a human being born 

within the female mother. Without the four elements combining to produce a human 

being , physical embodiment upon this earth plane would be totally impossible.

From within the eternal stillness came the motion of the many. This blog is about 

understanding the process that takes place so the "YOU" dear reader of this blog can

then be presented upon this planet within a cooperative exchange of intelligent energies.

The human body is basically a collection of ethereal energies coalesced into a fluid 

state and then densified by vibration reduction into a semi solid state which will make

up a human body.

The FACT  is that NONE OF US would be HERE, were it not for the sacrifice  of the

four elements who loan the SPIRIT (YOU) the vital ingredients to empower and embody

the presentation of a human being. May we all awaken to this process and be grateful to 

the four elements for their loving service to humanity.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Thursday 12 January 2023



Todays blog entitled BRUSH is about how we can become REAL by going within

ourselves and finding out who we REALLY are. Becoming real is to seek out what

your TRUE IDENTITY actually is.

In the ancient temple of DELPHI in Greece it is written "MAN KNOW THYSELF"

we all need to fully know who and what we really truly are. We need to fully 

understand that our physical body is only a vehicle for a higher intelligence to use

while gathering experiences here on earth.

To become entirely real, we need to fully understand who we really are, to help 

ourselves reveal what lies beneath this FACADE of FORM we call a physical human

body.  Some of us are content just to believe that all we really are is this physical body 

and nothing more than that exists,  that is fine if you are happy and content with that

understanding. But if you are one that has questions about who we really are, then you

are ready to begin the journey of looking within your  SELF for the answer.

The answer to whom you really are lies deeply within all of us. All you have to do is to

venture within your self . Within us lies the answer to all questions we can know about

our true and immortal IDENTITY, all we need to do is to look within our self and take

up the practice of regular meditation  if you do this and then ask  your inner self the 

question of "WHO AM "I" REALLY?    You will then be surprised at the answer you get

back, from your INTUITION,  by contacting your intuition we then have access to that

INNER VOICE , and if we listen to that inner vice of our intuition which is the voice

of our HIGHER SELF, which will lead you gently into the full realization of your 

Divine Immortal SELF.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this b log resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 11 January 2023



This blog today entitled POCKET is about how the name CHRIST  which comes

from the GREEK word "CHRISTOS" , which means a symbolic term for a purely 

impersonal universal Divine principle, present within everything in this universe.

The true esoteric SAVIOUR is "NO MAN", but a Divine Principle "WITHIN" 

every human being, and is found within the heart chakra. The Christ principle 

(Christos)  which also means the "anointed one " means that when we open our

hearts and look deeply within ourselves by either meditation or yoga  we in 

"FACT ANOINT" ourselves. and thereby awaken this Divine Principle which

is asleep within our heart chakra. This is what this blog is about "WE" awaken this

divine principle within us, which is enfolded within our heart chakra , the answer to

waking up and knowing who you really our lies THEREIN. all you have to do is

to meditate and "anoint yourself"  with this divine principle which is there within

you awaiting your conscious contact ,

"YOU" then "become" YOUR OWN PERSONAL SAVIOUR  by looking within 

yourself and making conscious contact with that divine inner principle that lives within

the whole of humanity.

This inner divine power has always been within you, closer than your hands and feet, and

we knew it not!

The real beauty of this truth is that you do NOT have to take MY word  on this, but you 

can prove it to YOURSELF by looking within YOU TODAY, and if you look deeply within

you will AWAKEN that SLEEPING divine principle within YOUR SELF dear Reader.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 10 January 2023



This blog today entitled HEWED is about understanding the meaning behind the

word "WORD" (LOGOS) and how it relates to the expression in the BIBLE which

states  that "In the beginning was the WORD (LOGOS) and that word was with GOD".

The question arises as to what does this "WORD2 (LOGOS)  refer to? Here we need

to go back a step and see and understand what was there before the BEGINNING?

Here we are in a "PLACELESS PLACE" before this universe was born, before 

relativity came on line, before there was LIFE, and before there was existence, In

the BEFORE all that "IS" is the Absolute ALONE within an eternal VOID of 

NO-THING-NESS , and this Absolute GOD is BEYOND and Transcendent  of 

LIFE and that of existence, "IT" is eternally unborn BEING.

So when we move to the BEGINNING this "WORD" (LOGOS)  became that of

"motioned spirit" motioned by that primal thought wave , motioned spirit then BECAME

"LIFE" the WORD  means LIFE becoming expressed within a virgin universe, and

pure spirit became HOLOGRAPHICALLY ENCAPSULATED within five Koshas 

of expression, and was then able to begin experiencing tangible relative life.

The WORD means LIFE Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy , this energy is spirit

in motion within a relative dual based universe.

Humanity consists of eight billion living words (life)  which out worldly is a physical 

body vehicle for the divine intelligence spirit to use in this low dense vibration state.

In order to experience the tangible expression of interacting with other vehicles and

the inter changes that these experiences bring.

"WE" are all eternal UNBORN SPIRIT having a relative experience here upon this 

Earth plane, LIFE means MOTIONING through EXPERIENCES and gaining insights

into the wonder of BEING-MOVED in MOTION which then beholds us to experience

the ultimate of motion which is "EMOTION".

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Monday 9 January 2023



This blog today entitled PSALMS is about how the Absolute Infinite Eternal 

Unborn Spirit , becomes presented by the Radiant Light into the medium of

relativity and thereby becomes that of expressed Life.

The SELF is seeded into motion and becomes enfolded within its Living Energy

which is light which becomes condensed and contracted into tangible form and shape.

We as that of humanity are all at the apex of expressed life . We have that most vital

ingredient which is our I AM SELF AWARE consciousness, we know that we know.

This potential flowering of humanity will become that "RARE EFFLORESCENCE

of a generation of enquirers ". So many of us are now waking up and realizing that we

are all spiritual beings, and that our self awareness expands beyond the physical ego

body into a HIGHER SELF which is directly connected to the SOURCE of all LIFE

which is GOD/BRAHMAN.

PSALMS is about realizing how we are all presented into this physical world. To 

understand that we are all Spirit having a tangible experience here on Earth within 

a physical vehicle  we call a human being.

By looking within ourselves we see that we are expressed within five Koshas of 

varying layers of awareness energy, and that our physical body is the most dense

expression. Millions of us are all in the process of awakening into our Divine Heritage

of spiritual being.

Our evolution cycle is speeding up and is now being called ASCENSION by waking 

up we increase the rate of MOTION THROUGH LIFE EXPRESSION, and our awareness

and consciousness will also expand exponentially.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com.any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 8 January 2023



This blog today called KNIFE EDGE is about how we are all within the truth of 

being, which is the eternal ever present motionless NOW, and that we are all on 

a "KNIFE EDGE" of realizing what we are all contained within, that which is the

NOW.  The ancient wisdom states that "wide is the path, and narrow is the gate 

that leads to liberation". If we can KNOW that the NOW  is a Divine Force that 

embraces and enfolds all life universally, then we can MOVE to the "EDGE"

of Full Knowing which is understanding that the EDGE reveals to our inner gaze

that of Eternal Divine GOD expressed. and that "we" are all part of that Divine 

SOURCE expression  being expressed as a human being right now as you read

this dear reader of this blog.

The "NOW" (SOURCE) embraces and enfolds all life universally  "WE" all are 

"TOTALLY WITHIN IT" super condensed  pure spirit  "appearing" as that of a 

physical human being.

KNIFE EDGE is about knowing ourselves as we really are, and recognizing that

we are all totally submerged within the infinite embrace of that which we call the

NOW. The  NOW is that of the "IDEA" that gave birth to all MOTION and motion

was born as LIFE 

All Life emerged out of the NOW  which is motionless . LIFE is the IDEA  born in

stillness an d moved into motion by the WILL of the NOW.

The eternal NOW and that of the SOURCE  are both ONE of the SAME THING.

NOW is the GREAT SPIRIT being expressed in LIFE MOTION  by its WILL  in


warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 7 January 2023



Todays blog entitled HAND is about how "YOU" have never left the HERE and

NOW since you were born, and what's more you never will during your entire life

time here on planet Earth.

We all seem to buy into the illusion that there is a future and a past . our memories 

support this illusion , but the reality is that all that is eternally real and present always

in your life expression is that of the HERE and NOW. These two facts are always present

and up to date moment by moment throughout our lives.

Life is a spiral that we are all on. is a motioning force that we all call evolution ,

evolution moves ever onwards as we slowly ascend into this upwelling spiral of 

expressed life. The more modern word for evolution is that of ascension and all of 

humanity is ascending by motioning through the eternally still ever present HERE

and NOW.

We that of life moves, the NOW never moves and is a stationary point within the Absolute.

The NOW is absolute and it reaches into our relative universe from which it is 

Transcendent of.

The question then arises as to then what is the HERE that is always NOW? What is its

NATURE?  If we then DIVINE its nature (look deeply into it) we find an 

"OMNIPRESENT PRESENCE"  that is eternally motionlessness and also transcendent

of this universe. Does this not remind you of SOME-THING? Are not these all the 

HALLMARKS of the SOURCE GOD ALSO? Omnipresent Transcendent, always still?

HERE and NOW  are the eternal UNBORN Reality , that we as expressed life (which is

SOURCE) are all moving through gathering experience of tangible motioning and that

of interacting with other tangible life expressions and becoming fully aware of what life

and motion are really like to experience.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 6 January 2023



This blog today entitled SPINS is about how we perceive the relative universe 

through our physical eyes, and further to express what the NOW actually is.

The NOW  is a point(singularity) of consciousness localized within a human

vehicle .Consciousness as it "IS", is universal and omnipresent it transcends 

this relative universe , as does awareness and the NOW.

The NOW  "removed" from the vision of the eyes mortal, and a point of localized

consciousness is that of an Eternal Absolute VOID  of NO-THING-NESS, eternally

still and motionlessness absolute and UN KNOWN.

The relativity of energy and the seemingly endless supply of "THINGS"  overshadow

the NOW and COLOUR it with a MYRAID of things that we all perceive with our 

eyes, and this paints a picture of the world as we see it. The NOW we SEE is through

the perspective of a distorted LENS that is our localized consciousness which is 

peering out into and from that point of singularity which is our ANCHOR  into 

this physical dimensional realm of Earth.

"WE" are looking into the absolute VOID of the NOW Eternal Expanse through 

the LENS of our physical brain and eyes, and we see the illusion of countless things

which can baffle us into seeing many when there is but "ONE". 

Everything in this relative universe is made of ONE THING ONLY and that is 

ENERGY which is LIGHT condensed and congealed , and the essence of energy

which is MOTION is THOUGHT INTENTION which arises from within the ABSOLUTE


"WE" are all SPIRIT POINTS (singularity) SPINNING  and peering out into the Void

of  NOW and thereby seeing relativity and motion, and within this motioning sequence

we "LIVE and "MOVE" in the MOTION and have our BEING while collecting experiences

of being able to feel motion and emotion through tangible exchanges with other tangible 

beings, and experiencing the interactions of those experiences.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 5 January 2023



This blog today entitled WAITED is about us asking that most vital question of

"who am "I" ? Who are we really beneath this FACADE of form? What is our 

invisible inner nature? These questions will arise within us all at sometime within

our life, what will your answer be dear reader of this blog? Some of us will say we

do not know, others will say that this physical body is who I really am , and when

I die, its all over. There is a way that we can all find out who we really are, and that is

for us to look within  ourselves to take up regular meditation or yoga. 

If you do that and are able to enter into the silence within yourself, when all your 

thoughts are stilled , then you will begin to enter a place where the answer to who 

you are will become presented to you.

The deeper you penetrate into your self you will then become aware of a inner voice

within you . This inner voice is your INTUITION once you have contacted your 

intuition you will be then well on your way to revealing who you really are.

You will discover that you are not a body who may have a spirit or soul, but rather

you are primarily a Spirit  first who has a soul covering called Koshas and that your

physical body is really just a vehicle which the spirit/soul uses in order to gain purchase

into this dense physical realm of earth.

When we examine the findings from our INTUITION we can then decide what the 

answer is to the question of who am "I"? 

You will then know that you are really an UNBORN eternal Spirit  being presented

through five Koshas of expression and lastly contained within a physical body vehicle

in order for that Divine Intelligence to gather experiences of tangibility and interacting

with other life forms.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 4 January 2023



This blog today entitled BLISS is about how that sacred seed thought that Primordial

Intention wave, gave birth to the Sacred Seed of all Life universally. All expressed 

life universally is born within the Black light of life's holy womb,  here in that black

light the SEED of life is IGNITED into the flame of life and expression .

The sacred seed of all universal life is within that primordial seed thought that was 

given birth (motion) within the Absolute Black Light void of the Absolute MIND of


The seed thought of life is "motioned relativity" brought about by an Intention Thought

wave within the SOURCE Mind of the Absolute.

Our birth into physical form takes the same path as that of the Absolute primordial thought

thought wave, but on a much lower scale. We are all seeded by our father with his sperm

and the female egg becomes fertilized by this process , which all occurs within the 

darkness of black light and the "intention" to make love.

Bliss is about how all life became motioned into existence by that primal thought wave

what was that First Seed of motional life into expression. Expressed life is in reality the 

outcome of a thought wave focusing the motioned wake of energy into a physical universe

from within its Absolute SELF Spirit.

Black Light is the sacred fire of intention  being used to bring about an opening  into

MOTION from motionlessness and the birth of motional energy which then condenses 

into the expression of life within its infinite variety of being expressed universally.

This Primordial SEED THOUGHT WAVE that brought about this relative universe 

is STILL CURRENT and ON GOING, it has been ongoing for billions of years, when

this seed thought is finally WITHDRAWN, then this universe will vanish in a blink of 

an eye, as though it had never been.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 3 January 2023



This blog today entitled LISTEN is about how life was born aloft a Primordial 

thought wave and became MOTIONED into being carried into a newly forming

relative universe. The term "expressing nothing" means that what is being expressed

is NO-THING as we understand things to be. What  is being expressed  as life and

energy is the Absolute SOURCE becoming "RAPT" in motioned thought and 

presented into a relative Spiral which becomes through this rotation the relative

universe. NO-THING is in truth the ONLY THING that is absolutely real, all else

is made of this ONE NO-THING. Simplicity and complexity are the hallmarks of

manifested spiritual energy.

If we could visually see how "we" are actually presented upon this Earth plane , we

would all fall to our knees and weep tears of Rapturous Joy at the wondrous majesty

and radiant colours within the electromagnetic spectrum of light that makes up our

full presented sequence upon this Earth.

The simplicity and complexity of it all is only possible by that of Infinite Intelligence.

If we can look within ourselves and LISTEN into that SILENCE that appears when all

thoughts are stilled, then we will be able to reveal the beauty of our living presence here

on earth.

"WE" are all Spirit Being  "wrapped" in five Koshas of presentation and our here to 

collect tangible experiences of relative physical life and to understand and experience

the complexity of interacting with each other.

You physical body is only a vehicle for your indwelling spirit being to be able to gain 

density of the body to be able to interact and gain purchase upon this Earth Plane.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 2 January 2023



This blog today entitled LOWEST is about how all wisdom  universal and eternal

is al vouchsafed within  every human being. All expressed life universal is a 

"localized" expression a relative formation of that which is omnipresent and 

ubiquitous when in its UN-LOCALIZED  state which is that of the eternal 

UNBORN Spirit.

Within humanity locked within its localized presented state of physicality is all

knowledge and wisdom, which resides deep within all of mankind . To uncover

this hidden treasure within us all, we need to look within ourselves  and take up the

practice of meditation . When we can do this we will begin a journey that will if

practiced lead us into becoming awake into the real nature of who we all really are.

You will discover that wisdom and knowledge lie deep within you, you have nothing

to "LEARN" but only to "UNCOVER" what lies within you.

Our Localized points of reference within the life stream of presentation , is fully 

connected to all knowledge and universal wisdom , we have but only to reconnect 

with this inner truth to UNCOVER that hidden treasure within us.

This blog LOWEST is a "direction pointer" for the way to reveal to yourself who you

really are.

All the wisdom of "SOLOMON" lies deep within you now dear reader of this blog 

today, all you need do is to begin the daily practice of meditation, enter into that inner

silence when all thoughts are ceased and listen to that small inner voice of your INTUITION

this will guide you  into a place of full self knowing, if you persist with this quest to know

who you really are.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 1 January 2023



This blog today entitled IRON-BITS is about how Intangible Spirit Essence which

is NO-THING. becomes an infinitely Tangible SOMETHING which we call that

of relative reality which is Life as we know it. Showing how intangible nothing

essence of ALL, can become SOMETHING by the way of condensing and congealing

pure energy. Before this universe was born, there was NO-THING whatsoever. There

was no LIFE, no EXISTENCE, no MOTION. zero relativity, only that of the ABSOLUTE


All relativity was "BORN" at the "POINT" of that Primordial Intension Thought Wave

which caused MOTION to arise from within that of motionlessness. From that primal 

thought wave all relativity began and this motion of IDEATION  rotated in SPIRAL

motion which was a singularity vortex which brought about the condensing of 

intangible thought into that of pure energy. 

And from pure energy which is condensed SPIRIT, we have further condensing into 

what we call dense matter , which is tangible stuff which makes up LIFE.

All expressed life has its tangible visible relative phase (phenomenon), and its invisible

intangible absolute matrix essence phase(NOUMENON).

Humanity are no exception to this universal law of expression into tangibility sequence.

On the physical presented level we all are relative physical beings , but at the invisible 

matrix essence we are all Spirit intangible reality.

"WE" are all SOMETHING in our presentation  sequence, and our all NO-THING in

our pure essence of BEING SPIRIT.

IRON-BITS is about making inroads into the mystery of expression into LIFE and what

life really "IS" Behind the shadow of its physical form? 

The intangible becomes tangible by being MOVED by the MOTION of Divine 


warmest regards and happy new year dear readers michael.

kirkpatrickmichael7@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within  you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.