This blog today entitled V I R A L is about the birth of vibration (atomic motion)
Which arose out of the stillness within the Absolute Mind of the ONE SOURCE
and became motioned by its Absolute "will to become", which produced the motion
we now know as that of energy.
Life was actualized by this motion of the Will to Become, and became localized within
what was becoming a motioning relative universe.
The Intentional "will Thought Wave" brought about the birth of MOTION(energy-atomic
vibration) and the manifestation of a relative based universe.
Life came on line from the Eternal Spirit becoming ENCLOTHED within Ethereal
matter that made up a package of presentation to emerge within the physical realm of
dense matter.
ALL atomic vibration emerges from within the "Will To Become" intention WAVE
The WILL to BECOME means that SOMETHING (motion/energy) comes from
(NO-THING) from eternal motionlessness , comes MOTION (energy) from the
Willed Thought Intention Wave of the Absolute SOURCE.
LIFE becomes ACTUALIZED by MOTION and then MOVES into a shape of
presentation within the relative realm. LIFE becomes EXISTENT and is presented
into relativity by the will of the Source. The inner core of ALL LIFE universally is
SPIRIT. Spirit is NON-EXISTENT, unborn, Absolute eternal reality. Life is SPIRIT
being presented within five Koshas or sheaths of expression. Behind all Temporal LIFE
is the Eternal Spirit, the UNBORN SELF-SOURCE.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.