Thursday 30 November 2017


The solution to our s.o.u.l.u.t.i.o.n. is found by going within ourselves, by doing this we make contact
with that inner reality, as opposed to the outer, which is one big illusion. and we see it not.
All reality, exists solely within, that which you  "see" is just an outer representation of an inner
reality, no human being has ever actually SEEN a tree! What you see is the outer "formalised shape"
ie, the wooden tree,but no human being has ever seen the inner REALITY of that tree!
The same truth applies to us human beings, the vast majority of us are complete and totally ignorant
of who and "what" they actually ARE. None of us has ever seen the reality expressed within what is
called a human being, what we only ever see, is the outer form (the human physical  body) we have
no idea of what lies beneath this physical representation of LIFE, the Spirit, the soul, these realities
seem to play no part in our everyday activities. We pay much more attention to a piece of plastic
in our hands,(mobile phone) than we do to understanding who is this being living in this body,
which has awareness, and consciousness?
By going within ourselves, and practising either yoga or meditation, we enter an inner world that
will expand to include the whole universe, and more!  Consider this, millions of us are born, live,
and eventually die, without ever knowing who they really were! To me this is a sad fact  of our
so called modern life, are you dear reader of this blog, going to join this "legion of the lost" or
are you going to make the effort, and yes it is about making an effort,to start a regular practice
of meditation or yoga,look within yourself, and discover the wondrous reality that resides there.
We need to arise from our slumber, and adorn the cloak of soulful realisation, we will then
awaken within a new inner world, that will open up our lives, expand our consciousness,
increase our perceptions, and inner knowingness , and also make clear things that used to
baffle us before.
You will discover that you are a soul with a physical body, and NOT a body with a soul, there
is a massive difference between the two,the soul, and the spirit, are the PRIMARY PRINCIPLES
the human body is NOT a principle!
If everyone in this world really KNEW who theyWERE, there would be truly peace on earth and
good will toward all mankind,overnight the world would change, and joy would be our state.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

During-Inner-Spiritual-Consciousness-Energy-Reveals-Numinosity =D.I.S.C.E.R.N.

Looking within ourselves,we can with patience begin to discern a kind of intuitive energy,that
seems to "reach out" towards us, particularly when we are in a crisis, or are very ill. It can
present itself as that "still small voice" within us, that reassuring inner voice, that says we will be
okay,relax, it will be alright. The vast majority of us experience this inner voice, at least once in
a life time. How many of us though, think about the inner voice, where did it come from? Was it
the voice of God? Our higher self? Or did most of us not think about this at all? We seem so
fascinated by our mobile devices, or mesmerised  by other attractions, that anything from within
us, is ignored. We seem to focus totally and wholly on outward things, never looking within, forever
looking outward.
When we begin looking within ourselves, we discover aspects of our being that we were not aware of before, we begin to feel an inner sensitivity, our awareness grows more intense, and when we make
a regular habit of going within ourselves, through the practise of either meditation or yoga, we begin
to tune into higher levels of consciousness and perception, the ability to be "taught within" intuition,
opens up within us, we in effect seem to "come on line" to a higher and finer level of perceptual
awareness, this in turn opens up inner door ways, that were permanently closed to us, before we took
up the way of looking within us.
Man is a three fold being, physical, mental, and spiritual, most of us seem only to ever focus on the
first two aspects, the physical and the mental, the spiritual is often sadly neglected.
By not fully embracing our spiritual aspect, we are in effect only two thirds alive, the other third of our being is dead.
Our level of consciousness remains very shallow,we lack any real depth, we can become very shallow
and only existing within a narrow corridor  of a living experience, limited and stunted beings.
Our potential is only partially realised, we are only in effect "half cocked" rather than fully cocked
and this reflects upon the whole of our existence, if only we could actually discern the damage we
are doing to ourselves by ignoring this most vital practise, we would be well on the way to a richer
and much more rewarding life.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Monday 27 November 2017

Matter-Is-Consciousness-Expressed. M I C E.

The mask of consciousness hides in all things, hidden in plain sigh,.all matter is compressed
consciousness,all energy is but consciousness, matter, energy, consciousness, are all the very same
thing, matter can also be explained as compressed light,congealed. slowed down in vibration. we
need to understand that consciousness is expressed within an endless level of vibrational frequencies
at its higher frequencies it is expressed as light, and flows like a liquid, at lower levels it congeals (sets) and forms tangible shapes like the body you now live in!
Where do words come from? They can be expressed in sound, like the spoken word, or written down
like the words here,but where do they originate from, they come from thoughts that arise in your head, non physical sounds, yet acting on these words, like plans for a house, you can gather up
materials and build something solid, thereby you have a non tangible sound, (word) becoming
tangible and solid looking, like your house.
We are told in the beginning was the WORD, consciousness, and this WORD become all we have
ever known.
Consciousness is the PRIMAL WORD, and EVERYTHING that we HAVE EVER KNOWN or
ever will know, CONDENSES into that word, and that word is CONSCIOUSNESS, quantum
physics is just about to make this leap, they already know that energy cannot ever be destroyed
only converted, and they are beginning to realise that energy behaves in an INTELLIGENT way
and the pioneers within the quantum physics fraternity, are even beginning to say that energy
could actually be consciousness.
There were no words mentioned in the BEGINNING, just the singular WORD, our confusion lies
in the fact that we think (very mistakenly) that there "seems" to be an almost infinite number
of things! And to make this confusion even more compounded, each "different" thing has its own
individual NAME. What we all fail to SEE, because it is HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT, is that
absolutely without exception,everything, you see,touch,taste, smell,hear, is all exactly the very
SAME THING! Your physical body is consciousness, the chair you sit on is consciousness,the
cup that you drink out of is consciousness, the coffee in the cup is also consciousness, NO OTHER
THING EXISTS, except CONSCIOUSNESS, life which stands for Living Intelligent Focused energy
Consciousness=LIFE, Energy =consciousness,matter =consciousness,spirit=consciousness. that
is what we are, consciousness that is aware of its being, awareness,awakened, what will we do with
this awakening?
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome,face book soul realisation.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Reflection Of Our Perfection Creates The Act Of Resurrection.

Resurrection is the concept of coming back to life after death, according to Wikipeda. What then dies? The body? The ego? The personality? As with my last blog, saying that we are all reflections
of an inner perfection, and that if we knew our real self, we would automatically become WHOLE
which in reality is just another name for perfection.
We have so long been indoctrinated with bullshit and fanciful ignorance, that we have lost the plot
as to who we REALLY ARE, instead we accept the ignorance of just believing and hoping, instead
of knowing and being.
We are all encouraged to forever look outward, and buy, buy, buy, consume and remain a dumb
and hypnotised consumer, not ever realising that it is YOU, who is being CONSUMED (eaten
alive) trapped in a cage less cage, a prisoner without ever knowing the truth, or your captors.
And billions will live their entire lives without ever knowing just how manipulated and trapped
they have been.
We do not have to believe in things we are told, about what happens when you die, or what religeons
say,whether you have be told you are a sinner or not,belief and hoping, do not cut the mustard, 
you have a divine right to bloody well KNOW,  reality is what you ARE, we all our the very embodiment of realty, we all our real right? Reality is all around you, if you have but eyes to see.
The truth of what we are lies within you. Not outside of you, only by looking within, will you
discover this reality of just who YOU REALLY ARE, and the beauty of this TRUTH, for truth
it most certainly is,you do not have to take MY WORD for it, or any one else's word for it, just
look within yourself, ask yourself the question WHO AM I? PERSIST in this internal questioning
and the answer will present itself to you in the form of an intuitional inner voice. Then you will
know the reality of who you really are ,for yourself, and know that this is not bullshit, being told to you.
The reflection of perfection is when we re-cognise who we really are that of souls with physical
bodies, when then we receive a download of knowledge and wisdom from our higher self the soul,
which expands our consciousness, and completes our marrying up to our true self, we then are no
longer "fragmented" instead we become "WHOLE" beings, wholly whole, the old self is reborn
within the new higher self, you are in  effect RE-BORN or in other words RESURRECTED while
still alive and living in your physical body.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

Saturday 25 November 2017


Where are you,oh radiant light
filled with shame,that is my plight

Morbid thinking,twisted hues,
down in the dumps,got the blues.

Echo's forming in darkened gloom
have I the strength to leave this room.

Moment of peace,and extended grace
wonder to be held, in this place.

Hopes arising with billowing thought
pray that my efforts,don;t come to nought.

Seize the moment,make it yours
leave work behind,ignore the chores.

Peace of mind, comes in slices
the more I get,less are the vices.

Tranquil days,and romantic nights
search the mind,for forgotten delights.

Life is over, and I have just begun
is this battle,ever won?

Warm regards Michael.

We Are The Reflection Of Absolute Perfection.

We all our the reflection of absolute perfection, what then is perfection? Does anybody know? This
one would venture to suggest that another name for perfection is "WHOLENESS" which of us dear
readers is wholly WHOLE? We,life, came from perfection (wholeness) and have ventured out into
this universe aeons ago, for ages long past we were unconsciously unaware of our beingness , just
going with the flow of universal tidal eddies, that eventually brought us here to this solar system
and the Earth plane we now inhabit.
Our path within the evolutionary arc reached a critical point, this point was reached many millions
of years ago, this "point" was the "point of departure" from unconsciousness to aware consciousness
at this "point" man became SELF AWARE, he had in effect to use a modern term "came on line"
and here was the birth of self consciousness, self awareness, the EGO was born, this in turn birthed
the "I" which we are all to familiar with. And with all this multiple birthing sequence  was the
arising of "THOUGHTS" thoughts were born within mankind, and thinking became a national
pass-time! Today man is plagued with endless thoughts, and cannot control the onslaught.
Well that's the brief history lesson over for today! Will now return to the title of this blog, we are
in effect all perfect, that means we are ALL, WHOLLY WHOLE, the difficulty arises because
none of us are AWARE of this FACT! And yes it is a FACT, NOT a theory! We need to consider
exactly what we are, what is a human being? We are all three fold expressions of life expressed in
FORM-ATION, which means that we are life expressed within a physical body (form) there is also
an abundance of life, unexpressed in form. Man is a physical, mental, and spiritual being, many would add an emotional being as well.The physical and mental aspects of man are located within
duality, which is what this physical universe is dual in nature, the spiritual, or spirit within man
is not located with the dual universe, rather it is within the  "bosom of LIFE" within the Absolute
or GOD if you prefer that term.
If we really knew ourselves, then we would recognise our inner perfection, "for in the knowing
comes the WHOLENESS" sadly for most of us, we never imagine this reality, we think, wrongly,
that only "so called saints" reach perfection!  We are not taught, or informed about our natural
heritage , we are not told that we ALL OUR DIVINE by NATURE, that IS OUR NATURE and
we KNOW IT NOT! We are all ignorant of our inner spirit, ignorant that we are all TRULY
REFLECTIONS of the ABSOLUTE, thereby WHOLE and PERFECT, all we have to do to
realise this reality, is to look within ourselves, find that SOUL that lives within you, and claim
your DIVINE birthright and heritage, then you will KNOW the reality that is written here TODAY!
Warmest regards Michael any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

Friday 24 November 2017

Theory-Of-Everything =T.O.E. Truth-Of-Everything=T.O.E. (Which TOE fits the right FOOT?)

The theory of everything explained on Goggle website states this; "A theory of everything (TOE)
final theory,ultimate theory, or master theory,is a hypothetical single, all encompassing, coherent,
theoretical framework of physics that fully explains, and links together all physical aspects of the
universe. Finding a TOE is one of the major unsolved problems in physics".
I have been writing about the TOE, for many years now, there was a science forum on the internet
called the TOE forum, and many of us wrote about what the TOE could be.
It occurs to me that the theory of everything is somewhat of a misnomer, because we all LIVE
WITHIN EVERYTHING every day of our lives, it is NOT a theory rather it is a LIVING and
BREATHING reality. The fact is that we are all alive within everything and that is the TRUTH.
Which brings me to the obvious conclusion that if we all live and move within everything then
the correct wording of the TOE would be the Truth of Everything,  reality is hardly a theory,
is it?
The question that Goggle asked in its explanation of what the TOE was, that the science of physics
was trying to find a all encompassing, coherent, theoretical framework that would link together all
the physical aspects of the universe. And so far it has failed to do so.
The Truth of Everything which i put out here is very simple, so simple in fact, that a ten year old
child could easily understand it,
In my forty three years of meditation and searching for what IS, i have found that consciousness
is all there really is within this universe, and that all is mind, and mind is all, if you were to put
it in some maths formula i would express it as  (C) being consciousness, and (A) being all,
all = consciousness, and consciousness =all, that is the formula that explains everything within
this universe, it is absolutely fundamentally simple. Physics in its complex mode, is far too arrogant
to see this TRUTH, for truth it verily IS, quantum physics is slowly realising that as everything
is made of energy, that energy cannot be destroyed only converted,they are beginning to see
consciousness (peering out at them) through the veil of energy. and very soon will announce that
consciousness pervades all aspects of reality within this universe. Then they can all make the jump
from "theories" to facts and the truth of everything.
Consciousness being ALL means simply that, everything you see,touch,taste,feel, smell,hear, is consciousness, all matter is consciousness, the chair you sit on is consciousness in solid congealed form,your physical body is consciousness in congealed form, light is consciousness in liquid form
energy is consciousness and consciousness is everything absolutely.
The only differences that there really are is in the rate of vibration, a banana vibrates at a different
lower rate of vibration than a human being, the only difference is in the frequency, speed of motion.
Consciousness  has a three fold expression, exactly the same as water, which can be a liquid, solid,
or gas, consciousness can be solid, like matter, liquid like thought or light, or gaseous like that of spirit, that is why we are also a race of spirit-ual beings, because we are that in our core expression.
Warmest regards michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

Thursday 23 November 2017


It is said, that in the beginning was the WORD,what lies within that name? This one, suggests that
broken down word spells out, WAY OF REALITY DAWNING=WORD,  and for that dawning to
manifest in was the birth of the universe, which stirred out of eternal motionlessness, and gave birth
to MOTION, which is where space comes from, As motion stirred within the word, spirit-pervades
-all-consciousness-expressed=space, that is what space actually is,Spirit.
"We all are the Absolute (GOD) made manifest in relative form" following on from my last blog
s.i.f.o.n. space is full of nothing, that the whole of reality consists of just ONE THING, there is
NO SUCH thing as plural, only the singular, there is no such thing as an "S" added to the end of
a word, in reality this is meaningless nonsense.
As mentioned yesterday in the s.i.f.o.n blog, quantum science which for ages has acknowledged
the reality that all is ENERGY, are now making the jump to further acknowledge that this energy
is actually CONSCIOUSNESS, the next step they will make is that this consciousness, is really
just another name for SPIRIT, and then you take the final step and see and acknowledge that
spirit is in fact LIFE ITSELF.
So what then is life then? That's a good question, but really an easy one to answer, just look in
the mirror dear reader of this blog, look into the mirror, look into your eyes, which incidentally
are "the windows of your soul" that which looks through your eyes is LIFE, which by the way
stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, we, you, are LIFE, we are the very
embodiment of life, being expressed through a physical body, which is just a space suit for
the indwelling soul.
We need to try and get our head around the fact that there is only ever been, and will always be
just ONE THING in this entire UNIVERSE, ONE THING ONLY!!!!!
When we use the words,energy,consciousness,matter, spirit, life,power, force, everyone of these
words are the very same thing! The only difference between Spirit and a BANANA is in its
vibration, a banana has a much slower rate of vibration than spirit. But in essence they are both
the same. We are all life,expressed as spirit,cloaked with energy and consciousness,and dwelling
within what is called a physical body.
We all our in essence Absolute, living a relative experience, within a dualistic theatre in which we
all play our parts,like actors on a stage, our stage dear readers of this blog, is called the planet
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Space-Is-Full-Of-Nothing. S.I.F.O.N.

Nothing is a presence that permeates the whole of infinity, the universe is absolutely crammed
full of NOTHING, so much so, that if there was a crevice to be found anywhere, you could not
even be able to wedge a dollar bill into it.
The word nothing is really two words co-joined, it spells out the word no-thing, there is no-THING
We fail to fully understand what a thing actually is, what is a thing? Do you know? any-thing you
point to is called a thing, a chair thing, a floor thing, a car thing, a dog thing,  what then does any
thing consist of? The basic answer is energy, all things are made of exactly the SAME THING
that being energy, all matter is made out of energy, held in cohesion by magnetic forces, energy
can flow like a liquid, as in electricity,look and feel solid as in matter stuff, like the chair your sat
on now reading this, this is what can be called congealed energy, it vibration rate is slower than
electricity, energy is expressed in three states, solid, liquid, or gas, the solid in the slowest vibration
the gaseous the fastest.
Now quantum science is beginning to see a whole new dimension within "energy" this dimension
is seen as CONSCIOUSNESS, soon they will take the next step and see that consciousness is just
another name for SPIRIT, and that if you have this energy, which is consciousness within you,
which then is in turn spirit, then that makes us SPIRIT-UAL beings does it not!
An ancient occult maxim stated that "Space is an entity" and that entity is what we call no thing.
What then is this "thing" called S.P.A.C.E.? It stands for Spirit-Pervades.All-Conscious-Expression
=SPACE,  and this space is full of no-thing, in fact it is the all-thing, which is Absolute.
No-thing actually exists,we live in a "dream world" where we imagine all manner of "things" in
really, every-thing you touch,taste,hear, smell,see, is basically all the very SAME THING, because
in reality (where we do not live in)  all that exists is, energy, which translates into consciousness
which then further expresses as Spirit, we which are called human beings are the same, we are all
energy, which is expressed as consciousness,and that consciousness has a higher dimension to it
and that is called SPIRIT, and spirit is another WORD for the very LIFE of LIFE itself, that of
the Absolute, in which we all live and have our being ,within it,we are IT!
In the beginning was the WORD, and the word spelt out,Way-Of-Reality-Dawning=WORD.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Looking-Out-Not-Going-Inward-Nothing-Gained. L.O.N.G.I.N.G. Part Two.

What does longing mean?  A yearning desire, prolonged unfulfilled desire or need, a hunger for
something  that you cannot quite put your finger on.
Imagine, if you will, the world that you live in, your family, your friends, work mates,  all these people  you know?  But consider, what do you actually know about any of them? Yes you know
what they look like, you know their names, you know where they live, but do you actually KNOW
who they really are?  What about your parents? Do you really know who they are, besides being
what is called your mum and dad? Who is that being, behind the eyes, looking at you?  And you
there now, reading this blog, yes you my friend! Do you know who YOU really are? The world
is full of shadows, and we mistake this as light and reality, we mistake personalities, and ego's
and human beings  as "wholly real" the walking embodiment of reality, with arms and legs!
It might surprise to to know that this planet called Earth is not your real home, the Earth is
basically a classroom, and we are all in school, and your lessons take up the whole of your
time and experience here, they continue till you die, (change) venues.
As science, and quantum physics clearly states, that whatever we "see" is only ever the outward
impression of an inner reality, we never see what is real, we only EVER see the outer image
of an invisible inner reality, and this principle applies very much so with what we commonly
call "human beings" what we all "SEE" when we look at another human being, is the outer
impression of an invisible reality. We never see the REAL BEING, we only ever SEE the
"cardboard cut out" we all fail to see that our bodies, our just VEHICLES (space suits) in
which the real life, that of the SOUL can gain purchase in this dense dank vale called earth.
The "root cause" of all human longing is to become "unified within the whole" we are fragmented
and our identity has been lost in the amnesia of  false hopes and false identification with the physical
body. Until we reunite with our inner reality, we will be forever plagued  with dis-ease pain and sorrow, that empty feeling we all get is our inner monitor, the soul sending us a message, and urging
us to look within ourselves, and find our true and lasting spiritual heritage, that of the truth that
what we all our, is SOULS with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls, the soul is the PRIMARY
life force, the "human physical body" is nothing more than just a vehicle for the soul to use while
it gathers experience upon this plane of expression.
Man know thyself, was written in the temple of Apollo in ancient Greece, they knew then the truth
because when you know yourself, you know that you ,we are all Divine beings, and are called
living immortals souls.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome face book soul realization.

Monday 20 November 2017

Looking-Out-Not-Going-Inward-Nothing-Gained. L.O.N.G.I.N.G.

When we look outward, we find "things" and things lead to confusion, when we look within, we
find "nothing" and this leads to clarity, and release.Within the space of nothing, all is found!
Within the clutter of many things,confusion is found.
Mankind has a deep longing within , this longing, demands to be filled, the longing often presents
itself as a feeling of emptiness within, like a "hole" that needs feeding with something, it can
develop  like a hunger, and we find way of feeding this "hole within" us, some use alcohol, others
use drugs, or food, it can and does become like a  "ravenous wolf" with an insatiable appetite
that can cause us severe problems and many deaths.
In fact millions of us die every year from addictions to drink, drugs, and food, plus a varied
assortment of emotional and mental illnesses, and all these are caused by the very same thing
LONGING, we are all longing to feel WHOLE and COMPLETE, and because we do not know
how to do this, we try and fill this "gaping hole,chasm" within us, with all manner of things,
like booze, drugs, and food, which then leads to severe addiction and a complete breakdown
of the victim, so much so that they either die, go mad, or just exist in a nightmarish twilight
world of addiction.
What is the nature of our longing? How can this longing be resident within every human
being? All seven billion of us! The answer lies in who we really are, and that is not what we all
think that we are, do you who are now reading this blog, do you really know who you are?
The question that man really needs to ask, is this, who  am I? You are not John Smith, who
works at the bank,and was born in New York, that is just what you do, not who you really are.
Your name was given to you by your parents, you are much more that just a John Smith!
There is no such thing as a "JOHN SMITH" in reality, there are no John Smiths existing in
interstellar space! Who is it that looks out through the eyes you use? You might say that it is
ME! What then is a ME, when it is at home? What is a collection of me's called? If you are
me, then who am I? Am I a me also? Take away your name, take away your job, take away
your race, take away your birthplace, what then is left? Me you might say, but then can you
tell me precisely what a ME actually is? Maybe you could say I am a human being, okay then
what exactly is that then? You stand in a physical body, and think of yourself as a human being
you refer to the body as "yours" which implies that you own it,do you really own that body?
This is a question that will be fully answered in part two, warmest regards Michael any comments welcome,facebook soul realization.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Secretive-Inner-Longings-Enable-Numinous-Consciousness-Expression. S.I.L.E.N.C.E. Part 3.

Silence and stillness are "kissing cousins" the more they both embrace within you,the better
quality of life and joy you will experience. Silence and stillness, are essential ingredients for
a healthy balanced life.
We live in a very noise filled world, which often jars our "nerves" and constantly rings in our
ears, having to talk loudly in order to make yourself heard, seems to be the "norm" these days.
Just living in this modern world, can and does create tension, driving to work, stuck in jams,
pressure manifesting from many directions,calm and stillness, are absent here.
We are constantly doing, and never just being,no time to relax, the body, the mind, and the
emotions, are all working overtime, the only time many rest, is when they go to bed. then
as they lay down, their body is still, but their thoughts are still working overtime. Millions
of us, have no real idea that we can have control of our thinking, you actually have the ability
to stop thinking altogether, if you so choose, were you aware of this fact? Have you actually
ever done this? many of us our slaves to our thoughts, bombarded with all manner of thinking
bullshit, revengeful thoughts, resentment thoughts, I'll show them thoughts, who do they think
they are thoughts, Its unfair thoughts, poor old me, self pity thoughts, the list is endless, we get
caught up in this self indulgent stupor, and consequently become ill, either physically, mentally,
emotionally,or spiritually, we become sick and tired, of being sick and tired, we all need rest,
we need stillness, and most of all we need silence.
Healing and grace abide within the stillness, the silence that is the abode of peace, without
peace and silence in our lives, we are in effect open to emotional and mental difficulties, plus
physical illnesses as well.
Meditation and yoga are excellent ways to enter into the silence within us, we need to understand
that as food, and exorcise and rest, are important things for our health, so too, is mental rest,
and inner quietude, without these important aspects being sought in our lives, we leave ourself
open to attack from, physical, emotional, mental, illnesses, millions suffer unnecessary because
they have no peace of mind, bombarded by thoughts night and day, have no inner peace and silence
just a constant inner turmoil, this is what causes sickness to arise.
This world calls out in vain for peace and silence, we all need it desperately, emotional and spiritual
growth can only really flourish when there is a silent and peaceful background to emerge into.
Warmest regards Michael, any comments welcome facebook soul realisation

Saturday 18 November 2017

Secretive-Inner-Longings-Enable-Numinous-Consciousness-Expression.=S.I.L.E.N.C.E, Part 2.

The sound of silence,is a noiseless listening to the absence of thought, having a head full of
nothing, but noiseless sound. Like a lake without any ripples, placid clear, and still, a thought
creates a ripple within this stillness, and that can create other thoughts, which then break the
inner silence.
It is only in silence that we can ever find our true nature, to fully know who we are, we all fail
to realise that thoughts that we think, are, in truth, a habit, a habit that we have been using every
day of our lives, and so has everyone else, therefore "thinking" is a collective habit, that is
globally accepted as the norm, many thoughts are "rehearsals" for future actions, what we are
to do in the future, and what we will say then, there is an ancient axiom which states that
"thoughts are things" and theses things are created by our thinking, that's where all our illnesses
come from, thinking negatively.
How many of us our masters of ourselves?  We can control so much outside of us,but can we
our thinking? Can we pause, or stop thinking at all? Do we ever try?  Do our thoughts control us,
or do we control our thoughts? Is there any spontaneous actions in our life?  Or is every move
thought out first? Inner silence is absent in our lives, unless we take some action, and do something
to create a space within us, that is peaceful, quiet, restful, and regenerative, we can do this by
taking up the practice of meditation or yoga, the power of silence is that is is a "healing balm"
one that will repair shattered nerves,bring peace within a warring self, balance our emotions,
take away our resentments, and dissipate our anger, and will foster loving feelings, joy, inner
happiness and peace.
The "habit" of thinking was born within us, by our interactions with our parents, family, and friends
who all talked to us, the birth of our ego, at around 2\3 years old, when suddenly things that were
anybodies before this egoic birth, suddenly become "mine" ME was born, and with me, came
the energy to exorcise this energy, which gave way to the creation of thought, before the birth
of the ego, there was no self, that had a "its mine attitude", and with this birth of ego, came thoughts
and the rest is history.
There can be no real peace, and healing silence, when thoughts are in torrent flow, slowing down
the thoughts, and eventually  stilling them altogether, is a goal to aim for.
We can only ever really know ourselves, by going within, stilling the mind, and entering into
the silence.
In part three, will look at this way to become. Regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realization..

Friday 17 November 2017

Love IS.

Love is all embracing, withholding within
It comes from the centre
where life does begin
You see it at sunrise sparkling
on a spiders web, you see it at
sundown, when the tide
starts to ebb
It is felt in the heat, when
passions rise, it is seen in
the heavens, where the
comet flies
It will make whole its
shattered charge, its narrow
concepts it will enlarge
Until with growing heat within
its brilliant light will cleanse
all sin.

Warmest regards Michael.

Ode Called Mirror Image.

Oh mirror image,speak with me,
tell me of truth and liberty
slay the darkness of my soul
uproot my ignorance, and make
me whole
tell me of joys forgotten found
lead me to the noiseless sound
decode the mystery before
my eyes, may my orbit
draw near to the wise
open up my inner door,
engage the centre of my core
may the fullness of nothing
expand within,its tidal flow
will cleanse all sin.

Warmest regards Michael.


What are our inner longings? Can we actually put a name to them? Many who i have spoken to
over the years, have all mostly said the same thing, "that something was missing from their life"
and they did not really know what it was. I identified with this feeling that something was missing
from my life, and could not quite put my finger on it, at least not until i was about thirty years old.
The common denominator in many of the stories I heard, mine included, was about an empty
feeling inside, just like a "hole" a chasm within, that seemed to be aching to be filled, a ravenous
hunger, a deep longing or hunger for "something" unknown, the way i tried to fill this hole within
me, was to gulp down alcohol like it was going out of fashion, which resulted in me becoming
totally addicted to the stuff, and almost died, or drowned in it. Others I spoke to said they too had
tried to fill this bottomless pit or void within them, some took to alcohol like me, others turned
to drugs, some to food, some to gambling, and many other ways, that often led to mental and
emotional problems.
 What was missing in all those lives that i chatted to, mine included, was silence, I was a complete
and total stranger to this thing called silence.
For as long as i could remember my head was constantly crammed full of thoughts, millions of
thoughts, these thoughts towards the end of my drinking, were firing into my brain at "warp speed"
it was as though my thoughts were being fired through a machine gun, rat a tat tat, they were so
fast that i was driven to distraction by them, and this went on 24 hours a day, even in sleep, there
was no let up, nightmare, after nightmare, reared its head, and constantly thinking how to escape
these hideous monsters created in my addled brain.
Salvation came to me in the form of meditation,a friend of mine told me about it and said it could
change my life, if i practised it, how right he was,  meditation seemed to be about stilling the mind
stopping the thoughts, which to me seemed a total impossibility, i was told to enter the silence
within, with this i laughed and said you must be joking! There has never been a silent moment
within me since i was born!  How can i enter something that does not exist within me? I had
many questions about this,was told to sit still, close my eyes, keep my back straight, observe my
breathing, my reply to this was why? How is observing my breath, going to help slow down my
thinking? I was told to shut up with all these questions, and just try it for a while and see what
happens. I did this and to my astonishment, things started to improve within me.
Will explore this more in part two.warm regards Michael. any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Light Essence.

Ode to luminosity.

Truth "they" say is all there is
I wonder then, where am I?
For truth seems to escape me
tries to pass my by, my intellect
is sorely strained to puzzle out
the cause, just where on earth
is the answer, I hear myself
applause, I stop,sit quietly
and a trickle of thought
seeps into my aching brain
you fool, you fool, your trying
to intellectualise again,will
you never learn, have you not
one grain? Truth  is a feeling
a knowing that its right
it goes beyond the intellect
its essence lies in light.

Warmest regards Michael

Sleep First Cousin Of Death.

An ode to resting travels.

Sleep,oh first cousin of death
once more we rehearse this
nightly ritual,like some aged
actor on stage,do I know my
lines? I feel you coming dear
cousin,where are we going
tonight? Will you get me back
in time to catch the suns first
light, the world without is
fading,the one within grows
bright,I feel myself drifting
towards some strange new sight.

Warmest regards Michael.

Orbit Of Life.

An ode to becoming.

In constant orbits,ever still
enter in the human will
aware of self this dawning comes
dim at first, then growing bright
ascending scale into visible light
who am I? This one does say!
How have I got here,on this day
questions arising in new formed
mind, who can help me!
Am I blind?

hope you like it. regards Michael.


Conscious liquid of radiant light
flows through my soul with
exquisite  delight.

Fever mounting, hopes ascending
will this day be never ending.

Boxed in the mind, with frigid fears
hollowed legs, bring me to tears.

Darkened days, and empty nights
feed the self, with scary frights.

Sunlight freeing anguished thought
if only courage could be bought.

Starry nights and a waning moon
reawaken a melody, a cheery tune.

Rising hopes carry me aloft
hope my landing will be soft.

Warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Query-Upon-Each-State-Therefore-Implies-Omnipotent-Numinosity.=Q.U.E.S.T.I.O.N. Part Two.

We are questioning beings,we want to know, why is this happening? What is that? We ask
thousands of questions, and get thousands of answers, but are we ever satisfied?  Do we ever
reach a point, where no more questions present themselves?
If ever there was an ultimate question, i believe it would be this one, "WHO AM I? Yes you
who are now reading this blog, do you know who you really are? What is a human being?
What is the source of that still small voice, "that whispers comforting words to us in times of
trial and crisis"? Do we realise that we all our three fold beings, physical,mental, and spiritual
most of us know about the physical and mental aspects of us, but what about the spiritual?
What do we know about this? We are spiritual beings, because of our birthright, it has absolutely
nothing to do with what you believe, or don't believe, nothing to do with religion or any faith
whatsoever, whether you are an atheist, agnostic, of firm believer in some religion or another,
all this is totally irrelevant, we are spiritual beings, because we are spirit-beings! That is what we
all are, it is who you really are, spirit first, soul second, and human vehicle (body) third.
Mankind, is not about sex, whether you be male or female, a more appropriate name for us would
be "spirit-kind" rather than mankind, in truth all a "human being" is, is a "spacesuit" a vehicle for
the soul to gain purchase in this dense physical plane, in order to experience the experience of
being separated "from the whole" the feelings that arise from the "real illusion" that you are all
alone and isolated in this world, and the fears that arise from that mind set.
We need to stop identifying with the spacesuit )the physical body) and look within our self
and begin to identify with our true being, that of the SOUL, what we actually are is  souls with
physical bodies, and not the other way round of physical bodies with souls! The answer to the
question, who am I? Is that you are an immortal soul having what is called a human experience
the human being the vehicle, we all our vehicles, that is what the physical body actually IS
Humanity is basically seven billion space suits or vehicles, all here to learn the lessons of
separation from the whole, and to find themselves "AGAIN" through the experiences of
journeying through this earth plane, many times, in many different places, in many different
If you can now make the connection to your true identity, through yoga or meditation, find
your soul within you, realise the reality of it, accept it, establish contact with it, where then your
intuition will become "fired up" and your consciousness will expand more rapidly, then you will
truly know your self, and when you do that, then please pass this knowledge on to who will ever
listen to you.
May this realization become your own, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

The Search For Serenity.

                   IS  IT  REALLY  YOU?

The wind fans the grass, like a thousand tiny fingers
the scent in the air, all around us, it lingers,
 Is it really you?

The cawing of a winters crow, spotting food
on the frozen ground below.
Is it really you?

The rainbow arches high above
symbol of forgotten love.
Is it really you?

The tiredness that follows
from working day
warmed bed beckoning
ready to lay.
Is it really you?

The sparkling dew on a spiders web
lonely feelings begin to ebb.
Is it really you?

The emotional feeling, rising fast
worried thoughts, will it last.
Is it really you?

The days are short, and moments long
where dear love, do I belong.
Is it really you?

Hope you like this ode to serenity. warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcome.


How many questions have you asked in your life? Thousands of them, some much more important
than others, we each seem to have a burning desire to ask question after question, and when each
question is answered, are we then satisfied? We never seem to gain any lasting satisfaction from
the endless questions we ask, why is this? Perhaps the answer lies in the very nature or notion
that forms within us, and thereby exits our mouth with the question awaiting an answer.
So what actually is a question? It seems to arise within us, because there is a need or curiosity
to be made aware of a fact that we do not know. And the answer hopefully will fill this need.
We are all aware of the endless questions children ask, what's that, what's this, and so on, a
burning desire to know things.
Suppose we were to ask, what is the most important question, you will ever ask in your lifetime
what would you answer? The mind can reel with this question, as there would seem to be many
things that would qualify as the most important question you ever asked in your life.
We could give ourselves a headache honestly trying to answer this question,here i would venture
to make a suggestion, as to what i feel is the most important question we can ever ask to ourselves
that of the question, who am I ? Who exactly am I? What lies beneath this thing called a person
who has this thing called a personality? Am I the ego? We may say this is "my" ego! Which puts
the initial question back a little, and then inquires, who is this "MY" that has an ego? Are you a
MY?  If so what exactly is a MY? Belonging to me, you answer! Well then what exactly then is
a ME? One could go round in endless circles like this. If you ask most folks who they are, they
will tell you their name, their occupation,where they were born, where they live, they will tell
you all of this, but that is NOT who they are.
What lies beneath the facade of form, that we call the physical body? Have we considered that
we are expressed within three dimensions, physical, mental, and spiritual, and what that could
mean? What do our emotions tell us ? What does consciousness tell us? What does our inner
awareness tell us? What does our intuition tell us? What does our perception tell us? What do
those gut feelings, that we sometimes get tell us? What does that still small voice within tell us?
These are some of the most important questions we can ever ask our self, leading to that ultimate
question that answers the question, who am I? This question, is the question of all questions,
and is the one that burns away deeply within us all, and DEMANDS an answer, Who are YOU
dear reader of this blog?
In part two, will explore this question more deeply. warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

Monday 13 November 2017


Golden rays of speckled light
upheavals from the heart
sheer delight.

Melting minds in wondrous peace
join together, warring cease.

Rapture encountered, with startled gaze
emotions rushing,mind ablaze.

The words of life, spoken in hushed tones
send a chill through to our bones.

The frame of life in which we play
can become entangled is disarray.

Lumined  minds, vagaries explained
rush of fever,sweat sustained.

The shadow light of darkened beam
links further hope to extreme.

The tears of joy and the rapture
fall to pieces in the capture.

The way that was clear and bright
now casts shadows in dimmed light

The relegation of my aspiration
leads to sadness and desperation.

Hope you like the poems dear readers,warmest regards Michael.

The Infinity Symbol Opened Out.

The infinity symbol  (which is the number 8 lying horizontally) an ancient two dimensional
representation of a 3D double toridal energy, flow, self generating,continual, never ending.
Rather than being a horizontal 8, as the infinity symbol usually is shown as, I suggest that
their is a dual symbol here, which is represented by a vertical 8 as well, which has been
unnoticed through the ages, but was known in its entirety by the ancients.
Infinity is both vertical, and horizontal, in fact in all directions infinity just is.
The vertical 8 is in fact two S shaped vortexes, which within mankind act as transporter
from one dimension to another, the two S shaped vortexes when joined together make
the number 8, one vortex which is flowing clockwise is an S configuration (vortex)
downwards, brings the life force (man) into incarnation, this vortex then remains in place
rotating in the same clockwise fashion for the whole of the incarnation upon the earth plane
and then at the point of termination, physical death, the clockwise rotation ceases, and
a counter clockwise rotation immediately commences, this vortex raises the life essence
out of the physical body, and places it in another non physical dimension.
The vortex is anchored within our crown chakra, and includes the "silver chord" that is severed
when we die.
We are all within a vast energy field which is like a double torus one on top of the other, which
makes this 8 shaped configuration, science is beginning to see these energy configurations and
will soon realise that these shapes are the "holders of spiritual expressions" (us) we are "held"
and cohered, in formation, by these mighty vortexes.
We flow "down" into physical life within a clockwise vortex, we gather experience, hopefully
learn a few things along the way, then the flow will change, and turn "upward" (we die) and
we will leave this physical venue for a while, and become then re-focused in another dimension
where we will see our self as we really are, and then make the necessary adjustments , before thinking about our next encounter down there!
Consciousness is multi-faceted and becomes the energy signature that brings and holds you here
plus it is your living form as well,, it is also the energy that you call yourself, the ego, and it is
your soul, and spirit as well.
Up and down rotations are the way that we are expressed and compressed in shape and formation
because consciousness and spirit which are the same thing are formless and shapeless and invisible
we are thereby steeped down in vibration, and become congealed solid looking light or matter.
Warmest regards michael any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

Saturday 11 November 2017


Things are not what they "seem" to be, "all things are the same thing", that is the basic reality
behind all "appearances". Your body is made out of the "same thing" that you now sit on,
the chair! How can this be, you ask? I am completely different from this chair, yes you "seem"
to be, but we need to consider that "appearances" like the word "seem" can be deceptive,
the only real difference between you and the chair, is by degree only, your vibration rate is
more rapid than the chair,and you are what is called animated, while the chair is thought to be
inanimate, but the reality is that you are both made up from the same "THING" and that thing
Consciousness and thing are exactly the same thing! In our language we use plurals and say
that there are many things, this is in fact wholly incorrect, the reality is that there is "no
plurality in reality" there is only THING there is no "S" on the end of the word, the same as
there is no such thing as consciousness-es, just the singular thing or consciousness, if we can
accept  that all is consciousness and that consciousness is all, then that's all there (IS)
consciousness is then put into its rightful place of being both absolute and relative
simultaneously, just as the THING is.
No-thing is consciousness, and consciousness is no-thing, it is in fact ALL-THING! And that
means that every-thing that we now use a multitude of different names to describe these so called
different things, which include descriptive words like, GOD,  electricity, energy, force, light,
power, atoms, solar systems,suns, dining tables, shaving soap,dogs, cows, us, are in truth all the
very same thing, the only difference is in degree and vibration,inanimate is still consciousness,
but at a level that we are as yet unable to attune with, we all will eventually.
We are the embodiment of no-thing, made out of no-thing, that no-thing is the all thing which
is consciousness, consciousness is LIFE, divinity is life, and life is consciousness, spirit, is also
consciousness,consciousness at its ultimate state, which is beyond vibration and is absolutely
Consciousness was never "made" it just "IS" eternally present. We too are the same, we were never
made and consequently we can never be unmade  or die, we just change our venue from earth to
another level of consciousness, on another realm.
Warmest regards Michael any comment welcome face book soul realisation.

Friday 10 November 2017


Cast out of motionless womb
Seals unexpressed opened

Darkness flowing like a mighty river
Light receding like a forgotten dream

The sound of silence fills all
with its deafening trill

Nothing is leading to nowhere
and opening void, bids welcome

Come in to this emptiness and
fill it with nothing

Pressure mounts upon the formless one
Its flowing state becomes entangled

Fear is recast, into reborn hope
The shadow grows smaller

Closing in on a distant shore
Blessings float by, unnoticed 

A golden glow beckons
in a rising hope

Hope you like this little ode, warmest regards Michael.


The word we all use that of nothing, is actually two words joined together, it really means
no-thing, what we do not know is what actually a "thing" is!  What is a thing? Do you know?
Are you a thing? Is this cup I hold out also a thing? In England sometimes the phrase thingamabob
or even a thingamajig, is used, what does this mean? If you were to point to fifty different articles
from say a cabbage to a sports car, all that was pointed out , would be things! But can then a cabbage
and a sports car be exactly the same? If so it would be much cheaper to buy a cabbage and drive of
in it!
If you are a thing, say a human-thing, then what is the difference between your thing and that of
a cabbage thing? Are things, just another name for ignorance? We could easily say that the universe
is full of things, okay, then what exactly are these manifestations that are all lumped together in the
word thing? Is say a star, the same thing a meteor? Or a planet the same thing as a cabbage?
The ancient ones actually said that "thoughts were things" if that is so, then your thoughts can
become architect can think of a house,draw it, then get it built, so in that case his thought
became a house-thing.
The word thing can in effect apply to the totality of universal expression, both visible and invisible
where then we can add the no to thing and make the word nothing, which then implies that nothing
is all, and that all is nothing.
Which then means in reality that we are actually no-thing at all,yet we are everything as well!
We are all, and yet we are nothing, another question here suggests itself, that of can you ever
actually see a thing? What we only EVER SEE is the outer manifestation of an inner reality.
we only ever see the "shadow of a thing" we never see its inner luminosity.
Perhaps the word thing, which seems to be a universal name for every-thing and as things seem
to be everywhere in the universe, full of things! Then maybe another longer word would also
apply to this phenomena of all-things-ness that of consciousness? Maybe consciousness and thing
are one of the same-thing?
We are made out of no-thing, and become some-thing, the inner invisible consciousness is the
no-thing, and the outer visible consciousness becomes some-thing.
In part two, will explore this more, regards Michael any comments welcome,facebook soul realisation.

Thursday 9 November 2017

An Ode To Memories Lost.

Luminaries ideas spring up within
Like volcanic liquid fire.

Reason flashes before a moths wing
Clouds of doubt, regale our gaze.

On distant shores, ventured alone
radiant beauty softened the chill.

Rivers of liquid light flowed
like swirls of vaporous mist.

Fear called out, but listened not
as the gateway to nowhere opened.

                                                          Many were there, but none
were present.

The "hole" in life flashed by
like a rabid dog on its last day.

Within  a strand of being
echoes raised.

Were it not for this
that would be.

Feeling lost among many,
shadows whisper comforting

Out of our depth,in shallow seas
waves of despair carry comfort

Rivers of joy beguile,
my awkward gaze.

Hope  you like this dear readers, warmest regards Michael.                                                                               

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Focused-Omnipotent-Reality-Consciousness-Expressed.=F.O.R,C.E, Part Three.

Consciousness is the Ocean in which we are all submerged within, and force is the "wind" that
causes a "wavelet"(us) to arise within this ocean.
We are consciousness that is aware of being a Self, self knowing,self aware, although the true meaning of these words "self aware" is completely lost in the vast majority of mankind, only
a virtual handful of humans,really  understand and actually are SELF AWARE, the other seven
billion or so of us left, are only actually aware of Their personality, their ego,we are personality
aware,egotistically aware, "I" am aware, me-ism. but NOT SELF AWARE! Self awareness means
that you know that you are spirit, you have experienced it in your aware consciousness, it is a living
truth within you,and not a theory! Self awareness means that you know absolutely that you are a
Divine soul, an immortal soul,you know this because you have experienced it in your present
life, you have a rapport, a telepathic link with this divine being within you, and there are few
like that on earth today, the numbers are growing steadily, but still very few.  Most of us are
just personality aware, ego aware, no more.
If we asked the question, what is reality? It might seem an impossible question to answer, in
fact it is very simple to answer, reality is consciousness, no other thing exists! Consciousness
transfigures into EVERYTHING, the only difference is in its vibration quality, consciousness
is, energy, light, force,spirit, soul,the chair you sit on,the mirror you shave with, the razor you
use, the house you live in,the food you eat, the water you drink, it is the ground you walk on,
the sky you look up to, the moon you see, it is Everything and All-things, consciousness is
the universe and everything that is within it,everything is alive as well, even that stone, that
pebble that you skim on the rivers surface, and it bounces along is consciousness and that
means alive as well. not animated like you are, but still alive, in a state of "profound lethargy"
We are the very embodiment of consciousness that knows it is consciousness, we know, that
we know, and because we know, we can do what other consciousness cannot do, that is to
"CHANGE OURSELVES" a wolf cannot ever be more than a wolf, a donkey might make
an ass of itself, but it will always remain a donkey, man can though raise above his humanity
and embrace his inner Divinity, no other life form can do that, except man. So what are you
waiting for dear readers of this blog, go forth and embrace your inner Divinity and expand
your consciousness as you do so!
Warmest regards Michael any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Focused-Omnipotent-Reality-Consciousness-Expressed.=F.O.R.C.E. Part Two.

Consciousness is the motionless field,(the infinite backdrop for universal occurrences)  we need
to be mindful that although the word consciousness is used here, that we could also use the word
Absolute, or Great Spirit, they are all the same thing.Consciousness is the infinite ocean in which
we are all contained within, and the other aspect of consciousness (the one that moves) is force
which we need to remember is just consciousness "animated" nothing more.
It can be likened to that consciousness is just the "being" and force is the "doing" it can also be
likened to the wind upon the waters of life, the ocean (consciousness) is still, but the wind "force"
blows upon it.
Force is eternal motion, and we are forever within the motion, unless of course we go within ourselves, and become still, thoughtless, then the wind (force) relents its grip, and we sink into
the calm of the ocean,
What then is thought? Where does it arise from? Is thought consciousness, or is consciousness
thought? Thoughts arise within us, as directed by the ego, the result of desire and wants, these are
constructs of the ego and that thing called personality,does a bird need thought to fly thousands
of miles? All without a map! A bird has no ego, no personality, yet it has intelligence and
instinct and intuition, we being more (advanced) than the bird, or so we think, we have ego's
wants and needs, we live in a constant state of  endless thoughts, it is only when we still our
selves, become quiet within, when all thoughts cease, that we begin to see that we can tune
into that inner teacher, and gain access to intuition, to be taught from within.
Consciousness exists everywhere, we see it every day in "plain sight" and we know it not.
All of existence, all that we see,feel, touch,taste,and hear, is consciousness, force, the chair you
sit on is consciousness , the house that you live in is consciousness, the food you eat is consciousness
remember that we are dealing with just ONE FORCE here, but called by many names, another name
for consciousness is ENERGY! And energy is eternal ubiquitous and is everything you see, touch,
taste, smell, or hear, there is only one reality,  we as human beings, living in a "spacesuit" called the
physical body, are only "visitors" here, our bodies are vehicles for the soul, we are the soul, gathering
experiences within the consciousness of motion expressed by the force.
We are basically the noumenon within,and the phenomenon without, at our essence we are divine
the Absolute, at our outer rim, we are relative and partially conscious.
In part three, will go more into this idea. regards michael. any feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

Monday 6 November 2017


What is consciousness? What is force?  The Absolute, the One, that is all and in ALL, broods
within a infinite field, of infinite possibilities, this FIELD is what we call consciousness, and
consciousness is forever still, motionless,what moves is the FORCE, force has motion within
this infinite field, force and consciousness are really the same thing, the only difference is
that force moves, and consciousness is motionlessness, the reason why consciousness is
still is because it is ubiquitous, where could it possibly move to that it did not already occupy?
We all live and move and have our being within this infinite field, our access to consciousness
at our level of awareness is hovering just above zero! We no absolutely nothing about reality,
and science thinks that consciousness resides within the brain! If we accepted this logic then
the Absolute infinite being who brought this universe into being from within itself, would
be no more than a brainless MORON?
There is hope though as quantum physics is seeing and accepting clear and undeniable evidence
of a universal intelligence.
A good question to ask is what is not consciousness? If we see that force which is another name
for energy is everywhere, a ubiquitous presence, and that matter and light are all energy, and that
energy transfigures into force that in turn is consciousness, then what is not then consciousness?
The answer is that everything in the universe is consciousness, and that everything is force.
This brings up another question, what is life then? Consciousness is life, and its "motionier"
is FORCE, which is another word for energy, and energy according to science, "cannot be
destroyed, just converted" so as we are energy, which is consciousness expressed with force
means that we as human beings are all immortal beings,and will live forever!
Consciousness has as many levels of vibration as there are grains of sand in the Sahara desert
We have only access to less than one percent of the totality of expressed consciousness, but we
have the inner ability to access much more, if we take the time and make the effort,
Man in his arrogant egotistic way imagines that he is the pinnacle of creation and that he
knows what is what! In fact a Swallow knows more about navigation than he will ever know
and can fly from England to Africa without a SAT NAV in view!
Consciousness, exists within the atom, within the sun, within the humble slug, and of course within
man too. Consciousness has many levels of expression, and it has absolutely no connection to
the brain, other than acting like a crystal set, interpreting  vibrations in the infinite mind.
In part two will explore this further,warm regards Michael. any comments welcome,facebook soul realisation.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Conscious-Realisation-Of-Soul-Opens-Vibratory-Expressions-Rising.=C.R.O.S.S. O.V.E.R. Part Three.

We are presented all of our lives with the phenomena of physical life, we are all totally familiar
with it, and unless a traumatic circumstance arises in our life, or deep emotional turmoil. or
perhaps a grave illness, we never give much thought to who we are, as subconsciously we
are very sure of who we are, at least we think we do, (when we ever think this way,that is!)
To "cross Over" is to make the fundamental and life changing decision to start looking within
yourself, to "re-focus" your attention from forever looking outward, to beginning to start
looking inward. The facts seem to be, that very few of us, if any, will make the choice or
decision to look within ourselves, unless we are faced with a crisis, there may be a few
exceptions to this, but as yet i have never met one.
I would like to present here an alternate meaning and understanding of the word SIN,
I know it has religious connotations for many, and implies we do wrong, however i
see this word as "Spirit-Is Negated"=S.I.N.  and we negate this truth of our being
though "ignorance" and NOT through any wrong doing! We negate our spiritual
heritage because of our ignorance of whom we really are, "we do not know" we
were never taught this basic and fundamental reality,it is only in times of crisis, that
the soul within us, catches our ears and attention, that "still small voice within us"
that is the voice of your soul, trying to get through to you.
I hope that any of you reading this, will at least consider what is being said here,that
we are all immortal souls, having a human experience here on earth,your reality our
reality, is that first we are all spirit, second we are all souls,and third we are all human
beings, in that order,if you take the trouble and time to look within yourself, ask yourself
the most important question you will ever ask in your entire lifetime, that of "WHO AM I"
if you ask yourself that question, you will eventually receive an answer saying who and
what you really are,then you will know once and for all, your true identity, your divine
heritage,your higher self will communicate with you, (the very same voice, that is that still
small voice within) it will verify what is being said here, to you, now reading this!
Crossing over is about re-focusing our gaze from outer to inner, so that we can learn and
understand our true identity and thereby adjust ourselves accordingly.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome facebook soulrealisation.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Conscious-realisation-Of-Soul-Opens-Vibratory-Expression-Rising.=C.R.O.S.S. O.V.E.R. Part Two.

What lies beneath the surface of man? How well do you fully know anyone? Do you fully know
and understand yourself? These basic questions are fundamental in our full understanding of
just who we really are, yet they are seldom if ever asked, why is this? Possibly then answer lies
in our basic knowledge (usually lack of it) of what are human beings? Apart from biology and
anatomy, we are not taught very much about what is a human being, that is because the reality
of our human experience is not known to our teaching fraternity, and is therefore absent in any
curriculum,ignorance of who we really are is a global reality, and because of this most grave
error, millions  of us suffer the consequences, all the wars and the depravity that accompanies
these actions,is the direct result of our not knowing or realising just exactly who we really ARE.
It was written in the temple of Apollo in ancient Greece that of "Man Know Thyself" that was
written many centuries ago,how far have we come in knowing our self today?  Just look around
you, watch how many of us are fixated by a piece of plastic held tightly in their hands?  Mobile
phones, are just one example of this global dis-ease, television is another distraction, all these
devices, have but one PRIMARY message, and that is to keep you firmly forever focused
outward, to constantly keep you FASCINATED, MESMERISED, in a trance like state.
We are constantly bombarded by messages of "look at this" "it will change your life" really?
the life they mean is the one where you are completely ignorant of who you really are, "they"
want you to look forever outward, and see and buy their products, God, fore-bid you ever
look within yourself! You might just find something, that re-focuses your attention!
What might you find, if you look within yourself? Well what is what you will find out dear
reader of this blog, whatever I say about our inner being, you can and hopefully will validate
my words by your own inner experience of finding  the real you within yourself.
We are SOULS with physical bodies, and not physical bodies with souls, there is a big
difference between the two states.
We are fist, spirit, second souls, and third physical bodies, that are called human beings.
Our inner nature and heritage  is Divine, we are all divine immortal souls, having a human
experience, here on earth. That is what we really are, you can all verify this reality, by going
within yourself. practice meditation or yoga, ask your higher self the question, who am I?
If you are patient and persist the answer will present itself to you, with an inner voice.
In part three will unite all this in a whole presentation, warm regards michael any comments welcome facebook soulrealization

Friday 3 November 2017

Conscious-Realisation-Of-Soul-Secretion-Opens-Vibratory-Expression-Rising= C.R.O.S.S. O.V.E.R.

We all need to "cross over" in one life time or another, will this life time be your time to
cross over? We need to at one time in our evolution to recognise that we are much more than
just "skin and bone". To cross over the abyss that lies between our human being level of awareness
to a deeper level of consciousness and awareness,often comes "disguised" as a crisis arising within
our life,this crisis causes us to reevaluate our position, and perhaps make some fundamental
changes in our thinking and acting,perhaps even causing us to begin looking within ourselves
for some form of direction.
To "cross over" basically means to alter the way we think, and to examine the idea of who we
really are, which by the way the vast majority of the human race, would never once consider,
unless a major crisis pervaded their cosy corner!
In a very realistic way we could look upon a crisis as a sort of blessing, causing us to refocus
and to rethink our lives, which it turn can become a blessing when this is recognised.
Of course while we are in the middle of this crisis, and our life seems to hang in the balance
we do not see it that way then!!
Crossing over means shifting your gaze from outward to inward, which usually will never
happen, unless there is a crisis, certainly in my own life, nothing would have changed for
me, unless my life and sanity were in the balance, i basically had to change or die in a mad
and horrendous drunken stupor.
My crossing over into a different way of thinking and behaving began with the idea of
looking within for an answer, that i needed something greater than me, that was able to
guide me out of the utter chaos of my life, and enable some peace to enter into my
We are taught from birth to look out there for the answer to all your needs, this is a big lie,
albeit an innocent one, we are never taught to look within, because our parents,teachers,
clergy, all taught us this, because they knew no difference, they too were taught by their
elders to forever look without.Imagine this, say you were married to your partner for say
fifty years, would you say that in that time you knew then really well?  You would most likely
say yes, of course, I know them very well indeed! But often all you know is what is presented
to you on the surface,  But, what lies beneath that surface?
This is what we will explore in part two, regards michael. any comments welcome face book soul realization.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Dawning-Experiences-Awakens-Termination-Here. =D.E.A.T.H. Part Three.

Life as expressed through us humans is cyclic in its nature, we are born here on earth, live out
our experiences here, then we "die" (change) and return to where we came from before this
present incarnation, the Astral plane. We do this repeatedly  over a vast time period, the point
in us being here is to gain experience, and to learn how to adjust ourselves to this gained insight
which is locked within our consciousness at a very deep level.
This cyclic energy that propels us ever onward, is also tied in with the law of cause and effect,
otherwise known as Karma, which we are all deeply embedded within its universal embrace.
One cycle, we are born on earth, next cycle we are "born" in the astral. and so this pattern repeats
itself  many many times.
If we can understand the fundamentals of the principles at work here, we will never again fear
that word "death" which really means CHANGE, first we need to fully understand exactly what we
really are, what actually is this thing called a human body? The human body is NOT YOU!!!!
Regardless of what you may have thought about this all your life,YOU, the REAL YOU, is
what is sometimes called the higher self, or soul, that is who you REALLY ARE, not that
"spacesuit" called the physical body that you are using as a vehicle to enable the soul to express
itself here on earth.
A question asked by so many is that what happens when we die! Will we meet up again with our loves ones? In order to answer those questions, first we need to understand that the soul, of
which we all truly are, has several bodies of expression, i will not go into them all now,just mention
a basic two expressions, one the physical body, and two the astral body, while on earth we have
two expressions, the outer one being the physical body, the inner one being the astral body, the astral
body is connected to us by a silver chord, we visit the astral realm every night when asleep, the chord
stays attached until we reach physical termination, then the chord snaps, and we enter the astral world
full time, until of course the next incarnation.! Now getting back to the question of will we meet up
with our "loved" ones who have already departed before us, the answer to this question is both yes
and no, the operative word here is "LOVED ONE" if there was truly a bond of love between you,
then yes you will most certainly meet up again there in the astral realm, but if there was no true love
between you, then the answer is no, you will not meet up with them, the natural law of life will not
attract two together who are "poles apart".
So in closing this trilogy on death (CHANGE) i hope it has been of some use to you reading it, and
hopefully it has made you think about what was said here, and hopefully gave you a small measure
of comfort, may peace be with you all.
Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcome, facebook soulrealization.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Dawning-Experiences-Awakens-Termination-Here.=D.E.A.T.H. Part Two.

Death is a word that conjures up fear and dread within most humans, because it seems to spell
the "end of life" as we know it, oblivion, to be extinguished forever, all consciousness and awareness
forever gone, plus the end of our time with loved ones and family, we think we will never see them
again, and that makes the pain even harder to bare.
We think this way because of our ignorance as to what is really going on when the word "death"
enters our consciousness, we do not understand a perfectly natural process, and because we do
not understand it, we are very fearful of it.
The word death as we mostly understand it, that of complete termination of life, is basically
a meaningless phrase, the correct word for death is CHANGE, life by its very nature of "being
alive" is an eternal principal, life is forever eternal!  The word LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent
Focused-Energy=LIFE, that is what we all ARE! Science knows this fact when it states that
"energy cannot be destroyed only converted" remember that what we are is ENERGY!
Therefore we the time comes for us to leave this dimension, (or stage?) our physical energy
is "converted into astral energy" and then we leave the vehicle (or space suit) that we have used
for a time, and move fully into our astral body, where we are most assuredly "FULLY ALIVE"
in fact far more so that when we were here on this dense earth plane!
All our fears of dying are solely born out of ignorance, and because we are not taught the
reality of human expression, and are not taught the reality of the human soul, and our natural
immortality, we are then fed, "old wives tales" and fanciful notions of going to a place called heaven
"provided of course you are a believer in that religious  faith" if not, then you are in the shit!
Reality has NOTHING to do with faith, or any other notions, it operates whether you know it or not,
believe it or not,accept it or not, reject it or not, whatever we do or don't do, reality operates, our
thoughts and ideas are utterly irrelevant .
We need to understand that we are FIRST, souls, Second, human bodies, the human body is a "spacesuit" for the soul, the human body is just a vehicle, nothing more, a vehicle for the soul
to "gain purchase" in this dense heavy dimension, in other words gravity acts as an anchor to
keep the soul fixed into this dimension, so that it can gain experience of feelings of separation
from the "WHOLE", when we so called die (change venues) we then leave this dimension and
go into the astral dimension, this time we stay longer there, as the silver  "chord" that connects
us to this world and the next is sever or snapped and the time of the change. When we sleep at
night the chord stays attached, and we makes thousands of visits there during our stay here
on earth,
In part three will try and tie this all up so there are no loose ends.regards michael any comments welcome facebook soul realization.