Wednesday 22 November 2017

Space-Is-Full-Of-Nothing. S.I.F.O.N.

Nothing is a presence that permeates the whole of infinity, the universe is absolutely crammed
full of NOTHING, so much so, that if there was a crevice to be found anywhere, you could not
even be able to wedge a dollar bill into it.
The word nothing is really two words co-joined, it spells out the word no-thing, there is no-THING
We fail to fully understand what a thing actually is, what is a thing? Do you know? any-thing you
point to is called a thing, a chair thing, a floor thing, a car thing, a dog thing,  what then does any
thing consist of? The basic answer is energy, all things are made of exactly the SAME THING
that being energy, all matter is made out of energy, held in cohesion by magnetic forces, energy
can flow like a liquid, as in electricity,look and feel solid as in matter stuff, like the chair your sat
on now reading this, this is what can be called congealed energy, it vibration rate is slower than
electricity, energy is expressed in three states, solid, liquid, or gas, the solid in the slowest vibration
the gaseous the fastest.
Now quantum science is beginning to see a whole new dimension within "energy" this dimension
is seen as CONSCIOUSNESS, soon they will take the next step and see that consciousness is just
another name for SPIRIT, and that if you have this energy, which is consciousness within you,
which then is in turn spirit, then that makes us SPIRIT-UAL beings does it not!
An ancient occult maxim stated that "Space is an entity" and that entity is what we call no thing.
What then is this "thing" called S.P.A.C.E.? It stands for Spirit-Pervades.All-Conscious-Expression
=SPACE,  and this space is full of no-thing, in fact it is the all-thing, which is Absolute.
No-thing actually exists,we live in a "dream world" where we imagine all manner of "things" in
really, every-thing you touch,taste,hear, smell,see, is basically all the very SAME THING, because
in reality (where we do not live in)  all that exists is, energy, which translates into consciousness
which then further expresses as Spirit, we which are called human beings are the same, we are all
energy, which is expressed as consciousness,and that consciousness has a higher dimension to it
and that is called SPIRIT, and spirit is another WORD for the very LIFE of LIFE itself, that of
the Absolute, in which we all live and have our being ,within it,we are IT!
In the beginning was the WORD, and the word spelt out,Way-Of-Reality-Dawning=WORD.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

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