Wednesday 15 November 2017

Query-Upon-Each-State-Therefore-Implies-Omnipotent-Numinosity.=Q.U.E.S.T.I.O.N. Part Two.

We are questioning beings,we want to know, why is this happening? What is that? We ask
thousands of questions, and get thousands of answers, but are we ever satisfied?  Do we ever
reach a point, where no more questions present themselves?
If ever there was an ultimate question, i believe it would be this one, "WHO AM I? Yes you
who are now reading this blog, do you know who you really are? What is a human being?
What is the source of that still small voice, "that whispers comforting words to us in times of
trial and crisis"? Do we realise that we all our three fold beings, physical,mental, and spiritual
most of us know about the physical and mental aspects of us, but what about the spiritual?
What do we know about this? We are spiritual beings, because of our birthright, it has absolutely
nothing to do with what you believe, or don't believe, nothing to do with religion or any faith
whatsoever, whether you are an atheist, agnostic, of firm believer in some religion or another,
all this is totally irrelevant, we are spiritual beings, because we are spirit-beings! That is what we
all are, it is who you really are, spirit first, soul second, and human vehicle (body) third.
Mankind, is not about sex, whether you be male or female, a more appropriate name for us would
be "spirit-kind" rather than mankind, in truth all a "human being" is, is a "spacesuit" a vehicle for
the soul to gain purchase in this dense physical plane, in order to experience the experience of
being separated "from the whole" the feelings that arise from the "real illusion" that you are all
alone and isolated in this world, and the fears that arise from that mind set.
We need to stop identifying with the spacesuit )the physical body) and look within our self
and begin to identify with our true being, that of the SOUL, what we actually are is  souls with
physical bodies, and not the other way round of physical bodies with souls! The answer to the
question, who am I? Is that you are an immortal soul having what is called a human experience
the human being the vehicle, we all our vehicles, that is what the physical body actually IS
Humanity is basically seven billion space suits or vehicles, all here to learn the lessons of
separation from the whole, and to find themselves "AGAIN" through the experiences of
journeying through this earth plane, many times, in many different places, in many different
If you can now make the connection to your true identity, through yoga or meditation, find
your soul within you, realise the reality of it, accept it, establish contact with it, where then your
intuition will become "fired up" and your consciousness will expand more rapidly, then you will
truly know your self, and when you do that, then please pass this knowledge on to who will ever
listen to you.
May this realization become your own, warmest regards michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

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