Monday 6 November 2017


What is consciousness? What is force?  The Absolute, the One, that is all and in ALL, broods
within a infinite field, of infinite possibilities, this FIELD is what we call consciousness, and
consciousness is forever still, motionless,what moves is the FORCE, force has motion within
this infinite field, force and consciousness are really the same thing, the only difference is
that force moves, and consciousness is motionlessness, the reason why consciousness is
still is because it is ubiquitous, where could it possibly move to that it did not already occupy?
We all live and move and have our being within this infinite field, our access to consciousness
at our level of awareness is hovering just above zero! We no absolutely nothing about reality,
and science thinks that consciousness resides within the brain! If we accepted this logic then
the Absolute infinite being who brought this universe into being from within itself, would
be no more than a brainless MORON?
There is hope though as quantum physics is seeing and accepting clear and undeniable evidence
of a universal intelligence.
A good question to ask is what is not consciousness? If we see that force which is another name
for energy is everywhere, a ubiquitous presence, and that matter and light are all energy, and that
energy transfigures into force that in turn is consciousness, then what is not then consciousness?
The answer is that everything in the universe is consciousness, and that everything is force.
This brings up another question, what is life then? Consciousness is life, and its "motionier"
is FORCE, which is another word for energy, and energy according to science, "cannot be
destroyed, just converted" so as we are energy, which is consciousness expressed with force
means that we as human beings are all immortal beings,and will live forever!
Consciousness has as many levels of vibration as there are grains of sand in the Sahara desert
We have only access to less than one percent of the totality of expressed consciousness, but we
have the inner ability to access much more, if we take the time and make the effort,
Man in his arrogant egotistic way imagines that he is the pinnacle of creation and that he
knows what is what! In fact a Swallow knows more about navigation than he will ever know
and can fly from England to Africa without a SAT NAV in view!
Consciousness, exists within the atom, within the sun, within the humble slug, and of course within
man too. Consciousness has many levels of expression, and it has absolutely no connection to
the brain, other than acting like a crystal set, interpreting  vibrations in the infinite mind.
In part two will explore this further,warm regards Michael. any comments welcome,facebook soul realisation.

1 comment:

  1. If force is the movement of consciousness,does it equate to the Way?
