Sunday 19 November 2017

Secretive-Inner-Longings-Enable-Numinous-Consciousness-Expression. S.I.L.E.N.C.E. Part 3.

Silence and stillness are "kissing cousins" the more they both embrace within you,the better
quality of life and joy you will experience. Silence and stillness, are essential ingredients for
a healthy balanced life.
We live in a very noise filled world, which often jars our "nerves" and constantly rings in our
ears, having to talk loudly in order to make yourself heard, seems to be the "norm" these days.
Just living in this modern world, can and does create tension, driving to work, stuck in jams,
pressure manifesting from many directions,calm and stillness, are absent here.
We are constantly doing, and never just being,no time to relax, the body, the mind, and the
emotions, are all working overtime, the only time many rest, is when they go to bed. then
as they lay down, their body is still, but their thoughts are still working overtime. Millions
of us, have no real idea that we can have control of our thinking, you actually have the ability
to stop thinking altogether, if you so choose, were you aware of this fact? Have you actually
ever done this? many of us our slaves to our thoughts, bombarded with all manner of thinking
bullshit, revengeful thoughts, resentment thoughts, I'll show them thoughts, who do they think
they are thoughts, Its unfair thoughts, poor old me, self pity thoughts, the list is endless, we get
caught up in this self indulgent stupor, and consequently become ill, either physically, mentally,
emotionally,or spiritually, we become sick and tired, of being sick and tired, we all need rest,
we need stillness, and most of all we need silence.
Healing and grace abide within the stillness, the silence that is the abode of peace, without
peace and silence in our lives, we are in effect open to emotional and mental difficulties, plus
physical illnesses as well.
Meditation and yoga are excellent ways to enter into the silence within us, we need to understand
that as food, and exorcise and rest, are important things for our health, so too, is mental rest,
and inner quietude, without these important aspects being sought in our lives, we leave ourself
open to attack from, physical, emotional, mental, illnesses, millions suffer unnecessary because
they have no peace of mind, bombarded by thoughts night and day, have no inner peace and silence
just a constant inner turmoil, this is what causes sickness to arise.
This world calls out in vain for peace and silence, we all need it desperately, emotional and spiritual
growth can only really flourish when there is a silent and peaceful background to emerge into.
Warmest regards Michael, any comments welcome facebook soul realisation

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