Saturday 4 November 2017

Conscious-realisation-Of-Soul-Opens-Vibratory-Expression-Rising.=C.R.O.S.S. O.V.E.R. Part Two.

What lies beneath the surface of man? How well do you fully know anyone? Do you fully know
and understand yourself? These basic questions are fundamental in our full understanding of
just who we really are, yet they are seldom if ever asked, why is this? Possibly then answer lies
in our basic knowledge (usually lack of it) of what are human beings? Apart from biology and
anatomy, we are not taught very much about what is a human being, that is because the reality
of our human experience is not known to our teaching fraternity, and is therefore absent in any
curriculum,ignorance of who we really are is a global reality, and because of this most grave
error, millions  of us suffer the consequences, all the wars and the depravity that accompanies
these actions,is the direct result of our not knowing or realising just exactly who we really ARE.
It was written in the temple of Apollo in ancient Greece that of "Man Know Thyself" that was
written many centuries ago,how far have we come in knowing our self today?  Just look around
you, watch how many of us are fixated by a piece of plastic held tightly in their hands?  Mobile
phones, are just one example of this global dis-ease, television is another distraction, all these
devices, have but one PRIMARY message, and that is to keep you firmly forever focused
outward, to constantly keep you FASCINATED, MESMERISED, in a trance like state.
We are constantly bombarded by messages of "look at this" "it will change your life" really?
the life they mean is the one where you are completely ignorant of who you really are, "they"
want you to look forever outward, and see and buy their products, God, fore-bid you ever
look within yourself! You might just find something, that re-focuses your attention!
What might you find, if you look within yourself? Well what is what you will find out dear
reader of this blog, whatever I say about our inner being, you can and hopefully will validate
my words by your own inner experience of finding  the real you within yourself.
We are SOULS with physical bodies, and not physical bodies with souls, there is a big
difference between the two states.
We are fist, spirit, second souls, and third physical bodies, that are called human beings.
Our inner nature and heritage  is Divine, we are all divine immortal souls, having a human
experience, here on earth. That is what we really are, you can all verify this reality, by going
within yourself. practice meditation or yoga, ask your higher self the question, who am I?
If you are patient and persist the answer will present itself to you, with an inner voice.
In part three will unite all this in a whole presentation, warm regards michael any comments welcome facebook soulrealization

1 comment:

  1. Who or what it the "they" that works against us discovering our true selves? Is it purely ignorance or is there a concerted effort/group behind it?
