Tuesday 31 July 2018

We Are Reflective Principles. W A R P

What is the reflective principle that we are? The answer to that question is "LIFE",we are all
functioning within this principle of LIFE, and that there is only ONE LIFE that exists within
this universe. So what are we then, that our functioning within the absolute principle of this
thing called LIFE?
If we just look at us,the human race, what are we basically? We are all self aware units of
consciousness,which all seem to be what could be termed as individual souls, and that these
souls  are all embedded within what is called a physical body, or more accurately a vehicle
for the indwelling soul to experience expression upon this earth plane.
So we are all LIFE, and we are all experiencing it through the "prism" of our self-aware
consciousness, which "seems" to suggest that we are all individual souls, experiencing what
is commonly called human life expression. And as we motion through these daily experiences
LIFE the eternal principle of all reality, reflects exactly back to us, what we put out.This could
be seen as perhaps the law of cause and effect, or even Karma,and of course it does include all
of this, however in this particular blog,I want to focus on that fact that life reflects back to us
exactly what we put out, every single moment we are on this earth plane, and to further mention
that LIFE is totally detached from any results forthcoming from our actions, if we purposefully
harm ourselves, or are kind to ourselves, life is disinterested in our petty motions.
However though, its reflective power is ever operative and online, and this is I feel important
to mention.
I came across this LIFE reflective principle many years ago, when I was very ill with an addictive
illness, that brought me to the point that I was given three months to live. I was offered help for my
problem, from others who had the same problem as me, but they were all recovering from it.
These people who were there to help, were like "living ambassadors of the LIFE principle" because
they showed me what they called "tough love" they offered me a way of living that would keep me
well, I said that I don't want to do that, "they" said okay don't bother then! Then I said I don't like
these meetings, "they" said the door into this room swings both ways, if you don't like it here, then
leave, we will refund your misery to you! I then said if I walk out of here,I will surely die, "they" said
okay then stay, and listen. You might just find something here that you identify with.
That occurred over four decades ago now, and I have paid attention as to what LIFE actually IS.
How many of us have said, I can't be bothered to go to work today? Then realising that if we do not go, we will not be able to pay our mortgage,or rent next month.LIFE would not intervene with our
decisions, whether we went to work, or stayed home, and got evicted for not paying our rent,or mortgage, we are the product of all our decisions, whether they be positive or negative.
Will explore this more tomorrow in part two. Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 30 July 2018

Spirit Helps All Relative Experiences. S H A R E Part Two.

Sharing our fears, hopes, and concerns with another listening soul, manifests within us a sense
of release, we are releasing pent up emotions and feelings, and also releasing tensions and stress.
Sharing can be a healing and restoring experience, if we can share easily with another, and at the same time, also be a good listener,then we have a healthy balance within us.
There is I feel a big difference between just chatting, or talking to someone, maybe moaning about
the weather,or a football game, these forms of communication come from the head, and have no
real depth or emotion to them, while the sharing form of communication comes from the heart, and
has depth and emotional feelings embedded within the content of the shared experience.
If we are feeling lonely or isolated.down in the dumps, then a listening ear to share with, will restore
some warmth to the coldness of the isolated feelings. We all need an outlet to our deep emotional
feelings, fears and anxieties, and if we cannot get this needed release of sharing our hopes, fears,
and thoughts,we internalise these turmoils that rip through our psyches and if not released, will make
us either, physically, mentally, or emotionally very ill.
The other most important thing about sharing and listening is that it gives us that most valuable gift
that of identification, because by the very fact of identification we see that others are very much like us, this form of identification can dispel our feelings of isolation, and the feeling that we are different
or weird, the deeper we communicate with another soul, the more we identify that we all have the
same kind of hopes and fears, just that some of us exhibit these feelings more intensely than others.
Sharing at depth with another listening soul, is a deeply healing and restorative practice, it can even save your life, many years ago when I was seriously ill with an additive illness, and given only three months to live, it was the deep and personal sharing of other souls, who like me were addicted to
alcohol like I was, sharing with me that I could find recovery from this illness if I did exactly what
they were doing. The amount of identification I received from these sharing souls, actually saved my
life, there is no question of doubt in my mind over this. Without their sharing of their experience
strength and hope with me, I would have died. Many of us feel that we are so different from our peers
and this perceived difference drives a wedge between us and THEM, and this wedge causes us isolation, fears, anxiety,stress,feeling different and apart from our fellow humans, we then begin withering and dying bit by bit each day, without sharing in our lives, we become cold and numb
through being isolated and apart from our brothers and sisters.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 29 July 2018

Spirit Helps All Relative Experiences. S H A R E

If we share our experiences strength and hope with another person, what are we actually doing?
And what is the difference between the word sharing, and that of just talking? To me the main
difference would be that of depth and feeling, sharing your thoughts experiences and feelings
with another person, would carry much more emotional feeling and depth to it, that just general
chatting about the weather or a football match.
When we say perceive that we  seem to be different from other friends or family members, if is
often reassuring to learn that after sharing this feeling with another, they say that they too have
felt this, and that by sharing our inner thoughts and feelings, we can see that we are all really
not that different at all, its just that if you do not share your thoughts with anyone, you would
never know this connection.
Our sense of isolation comes from our lack of sharing with another soul, if we keep these feelings
within us, and never share them, we start to cause various issues to arise within us, that will be
negative  and can cause us emotional, physical, and mental damage.
In truth we ARE all connected and interconnected to one and another, but unless we have
meaningful communication with another soul,we will fail to ever see or what's more importantly
FEEL that connection, and if that is the case, our living life-ful energy level will begin to wither
and illness and other disconnected issues will arise within your experiences.
Loneliness is a big issue these days, millions of us suffer from this, this feeling alone literally
sucks the living vital energy out of your body, like a blood thirsty vampire it sucks out all our
vitality, and therefore opens the door to depression, anxiety, self neglect,morbid thinking, and
a feeling of coldness,numbness, feeling and being isolated while living in say a city with several
million people right next door to you, yet the distance you feel from them all, they might as well
be on Mars as far as you are concerned.
Sharing your thoughts and feelings with another soul, brings a warmth into your life, we all vitally
need this inner warmth, which removes the isolated feelings, we all need to feel that we are not alone
and not isolated, we all need to feel that we are accepted as we are, to feel validated and have a sense
of well being, a self aware confidence, and this can only really arise, when we are are contact with
other souls, and that there is valid exchanges of ideas and thoughts.
In part two will explore this more.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul realization.

Saturday 28 July 2018

Grace Opened Door. G O D Part Two.

Sometimes grace opens a door within  our heart, that will cause us to stop and think about what
is happening in our life today? This grace opening moment may come via an arising crisis in our
life, that causes us pain and fear filled moments, or even a poignant moment, that causes memories
to rise up from deep within us.
As mentioned in yesterdays blog on this subject that  the word GRACE can be seen to stand for
this; Gathering-Reeling-Accepting-Consciously-Endearing, which we can take to actually mean
that LIFE looks after its OWN, what does that actually mean then? We first need to consider
as to what we really ARE? The PRIMAL MATRIX of what YOU and ME are made of is LIFE!
We all our LIFE, we are all life manifesting within a physical body and called a human being.
However you PRIMAL and FUNDAMENTAL REALITY is that FIRST you are LIFE, the
which is your SOUL.
So when GRACE comes a calling, within your life experience, it is to refocus your consciousness
away from the physical body pseudo reality, and to look within at the living life force that dwells
within all of humanity. And as we seem to be totally obsessed with just solely looking outward
and NEVER looking inward, grace tries desperate measures at times to attract our attention.
Grace often whispers to us, in the manner of that still small voice within us, that will offer
reassuring words of comfort, when we are in times of trial and tribulations, and in so doing
think that this will spark a idea of thinking, where did this inner voice come from? And what
exactly is it? Sadly it seems that very few of us actually take the time to investigate this inner
voice phenomena, and just sort of shrug the shoulders and say something like "who knows what
it could be!? Yet this inner voice could have actually saved your physical life at that crisis point
Grace is the connecting principle between LOVE and LIFE it is the unifying force that coheres  these
two points into one composite whole, you cannot have life without love and you cannot have life or
love without GRACE, they are totally interconnected and unify three forces into one WHOLE.
And we as beings of LIFE and also beings of LOVE are all connected to the grace of GRACE it is
that we only ever see it in operation when it manifests very powerfully in a a persons life and we
then call this act of grace a miracle, yet we all fail to SEE the many minor miracles that happen right
under our noses daily?
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation .

Friday 27 July 2018

Grace Opened Door. G O D

Have any of you now reading this blog, have ever said when witnessing something sad or upsetting
there but for the grace of God go "I"? What then is the grace of God? Would we really know if we
actually received it?These are questions that will sometimes arise within our minds, so what then
is grace?  The dictionary describes grace as "smoothness and elegance of movement" honour and
dignity. If we look at what we really are, what are we really? The simple answer is that we are LIFE
because we are living beings, could not grace actually be a recognition of that living principle?
If that were so, that would beg the question as to who and what was actually recognising  the life
form in question? The one that grace had just visited? Could grace actually be likened to that still
small voice within us all? Perhaps the whole of humanity is actually "overshadowed" by this
Living Grace Principle?  If we view LIFE as the very embodiment of an eternal principle, and that
the physical body is just a receptacle for the LIFE Force to embody while gathering experience
here on earth, then it would further make sense for this living life force to watch out for its receptacle
at times of trial and sickness, and to at times offer inner words of comfort to sustain the connection
of its receptacle? So when we say things like the Grace of God, we are actually saying that LIFE
that eternal principle is taking care of its projection into this gross physical realm. And when this occurs at its most intense expression, it becomes most notable to us, and can be seen by us as what
is called a miracle, but we miss the other more subtle signs of grace, because they are far less
obvious to us.
The principle of LIFE expressed as GRACE could be seen broken down to reveal this; Gathering
Reeling-Accepting-Consciously-Endearing=GRACE, in other words LIFE looks after its OWN!
We are all looked after by LIFE, because we ARE LIFE, and life LOVES ITSELF, and itself is
also you dear reader of this blog today!  We can maybe misunderstand this LOVE of LIFE and
think, what about me! My life is a complete mess, and I am in pain! Where is the grace in my life
then? Why am I suffering? I can identify with this question, because my early years were full of suffering and pain, but once I realised that it was me that was doing all this,like holding my hand
in the fire and getting it burnt and then blaming the fire for burning me! Why did I not remove my
hand? We need to understand that we all have a responsibility and if we hit our toe with a hammer
it will hurt us!
Will explore this further tomorrow in part two, Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul realisation.

Thursday 26 July 2018

What Is Life Truthfully ? W I L T Part Two.

We are life, the very embodiment of that principle, but here's the thing, the life is a principle
not the body! Our human bodies are not principles, they decay and rot away, only the life force
that animates the physical body is an eternal principle, human beings are not principles, what then
are we to deduce from this discovery? Well if the human body is not a principle, then what exactly
is it then? The human body fades away over the years and ceases to exist, the host leaves it and it
rots away, or is burned up in the crematorium. The HOST that animates the physical body in the
life force, the principle, that principle that is eternal.
Life is who we really are,the real question is this, do you know who you really are? And the
answer to that question is that there are tens of millions of us, who have not got a clue as to who
they really are, many think that their reality exists solely within the physical body, and that is the
only realty they know, or understand. They have never come to understand the reality of their life
because they were never educated into the realities of physical expressions called vehicles being
used by the SOUL to gather experience upon the low level vibration field of the earth plane. They
were never told that in TRUTH we are ALL Divine Immortal Souls, experiencing life on earth
and using a physical body (space suit) vehicle in order to do so.
Principles are universal immutable laws, and the LIFE PRINCIPLE is an immutable eternal law,
and we ALL OUR LIFE, what then does this deduction tell us? It tells us very plainly that the
physical body is definitely not a Principle, as it rots away and cease to remain COHERENT.
Whereas the life principle is ALWAYS ETERNALLY COHERENT.  So in truth we all are life
and have always been so, we are all eternal beings, living in the eternal ever present NOW and
experiencing at this point in our living journey, what it is like living within a blinkered experience
where we all "SEEM" separate and apart from one another, and learning through these experiences
to find our way back to the WHOLENESS and unified ONENESS within soul consciousness.
That is why we are here, to find out and realise just WHO YOU really are, and that is that YOU are
a SOUL with a physical vehicle, and not a body with a soul, there is a big difference, the SOUL
is ALWAYS first last and always the first and ONLY PRINCIPLE!
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

What Is Life Truthfully ? W I L T .

What is life truthfully? Does any of us really know? Are we not alive? That being so what can we
deduce from that realization ? We are all totally surrounded by life, but do we understand what
it actually is? Is the life we "know" shallow or deep?  There seems to be no plural to life, there seems
to be no such thing as life's! Only the singular word LIFE. What are we to deduce from this fact
then? It came to me in meditation years ago now, that the word life actually spells out this; Living
Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what we all seem to be, focused energy, we as human beings
are encased in what is called a physical body, other life forms all have their own shape, and some
are formless.
One life, expressed within almost limitless design form and shape.That is just here on Earth, what
about the rest of the universe? A universal life force, present everywhere.Truthfully then what is
life? Well it seems to exhibit intelligence, does it not? The question then arises within an inquiring
mind,what then is the source of this intelligence? Some will call this source God, others will call
it something else, I prefer the word Absolute, as it does not have any religious connotations added
to it.
We as a race of people are all moving through this ocean called life, and in so doing, are expressing
ourselves in different patterns. Which overall would seem to make a wondrous tapestry, the pattern
of humanity, so to speak?
If we examine ourselves, and look deeply within us, we will find a depth to our life, that we never
realized was ever there. So many of us just skim on the surface of life, too fascinated by the gadgets
and mobile phones, to leave the surface tension. Life by its very nature of being eternal has then
within it, infinite depth, all we have to do, is to look within to find.
Life and truth are one of the same thing, you cannot have one without the other, truth is that we are
alive, and the question then is, do you fully understand what this actually means?
To have consciousness, awareness, perception,motion,thoughts, ideas, insight, knowledge, wisdom,
we have all these attributes, what then do we make of this, if anything?
Will explore this more deeply tomorrow, Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael117@gmail.com any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

When Awakening Truthful Consciousness Happens. W A T C H Part Two.

When awakening, truthful consciousness happens, does this then imply that before awakening
our consciousness was untrue? Not necessarily so, it really depends on the way you were living before your awakening. In my life before a dawning broke upon my aching brain, my state of
consciousness and mind was in a complete and total mess, wrapped up in pain and delusion and
sick in mind, body and soul, so for me personally, before I woke up,my consciousness and thoughts
were primarily of a negative nature, full of self pity, fear, and isolation, and constantly lying to
I seemingly had to go through a major life threatening crisis, before I was ready to look within
myself, and find out who I really was. Not all of us need a major crisis, or a good kick up the ass!
Before we become willing to look at our lives, and make changes, although many of us seem to need
this, I have also known some that just thought their lives seemed rather shallow, and then decided to
look within them selves and by doing so effected positive changes in their lives.
We all in general have an awakening moment in our life, a sudden dawning, a profound insight that
flashes into your consciousness, that can leave you stunned. These flashes of insight, these intuitive
flashes we get at times,most often when we are in a crisis, are an inner beckon calling out to you
to pay attention, ponder on from where did this inner voice actually come from? The word intuition
literally means "to be taught from within" have you ever asked yourself, who is this inner teacher
that is communicating to me? Many of you reading this blog today, will be familiar  with the phrase
"that still small voice within us" That voice that perhaps some of you reading this now, have personally experienced,where do you think this voice comes from? Well really it comes from YOU
your higher self, or soul, if we really paid attention to this inner voice, we would beginning to bring
about a personal awakening within us. We would be embarking on a journey within ourselves, where
we would leave the "surface tension"of consciousness, and begin diving into the depths of an inner
reality we were completely unaware of before.
The word watch can mean to pay attention,are we content to stay in the shallows of life? Or do we want to find some depth and meaning to our existence? If we do all you need to really do, is to look
within yourself, take up something like regular  meditation or yoga, and see where it leads you to.
The choice as always dear reader is yours to make.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feed back welcome Facebook Soul realization.

Monday 23 July 2018

When Awakening Truthful Consciousness Happens. -W A T C H

What is an awakening? Have you been awakened dear reader of this blog? How do you know if
you have been awakened? What are the signs, if any? So many questions, where do we look for
answers? One place is to look within yourself, but how many of us ever do this? Not very many
I would guess, usually, the only time we ever look within ourselves is in times of crisis, and this is
why the life force in which we are all embedded within, will bring about a crisis as a result of  our
being out of alignment with natural laws, usually through total ignorance that they even exist!  This
arising crisis in your life will cause you to stop and think about what is happening in your life that
is causing you pain? Then the opportunity will "seem" to present itself to you, to change your focus
from outward looking, to inward looking.
If we imagine consciousness as a great infinite ocean of liquid intelligence,  which it most assuredly
is, then we can picture a vision of depth within this perpetual ocean of consciousness, let's say the
pacific ocean, the west Pacific ocean is where the deepest spot on earth exists, the Marina Trench
which is thirty-six thousand feet deep, Mount Everest  would be covered by six thousand feet of
water there. If we imagined our average depth of consciousness upon this planet, and  then thought
about how deep we would be below the surface, it would amount to but a few inches, and that is a conservative estimate! .
Many of us literally "SKIM" on the "surface tension" of the periphery consciousness that we are
using on any given day, the vast majority  of us would all stay at the surficial level for the rest of
our lives unless a crisis intervened, there are a few who will actually begin the process of  looking
within themselves, without any crisis in their lives, but these noble souls are few and hard to find
perhaps you are one of these souls, dear reader!
Another name for awakening is dawning, there dawns within your mind an inspiring thought an
 idea that really makes you think, this leads to other thoughts, that start to open up new ideas and
another way of looking at things. This is the start of venturing deeper into the ocean of consciousnessand this will naturally lead you to begin looking into yourself, which in turn will open
up more areas of unexplored consciousness to you. Truthful consciousness is really the expression
of WHAT IT IS, as it really is, without any interpretation added to it for commentary.
Will venture deeper into this in part Two, Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization

Sunday 22 July 2018

What Is NOW Deduced. W I N D Part Two.

The now is a completely unique phenomena, of which most of us are completely unaware of,we
think we are familiar with it ,that what is there really to know about it? It was not until I started
researching into the now, and meditating on it over the years, that I began to realize some amazing
things about this NOW, which we all seem to take for granted.First it is a phenomena which we all
experience moment by moment throughout our entire life here on earth, but it is also a noumenon
because there is a hidden side to the NOW that we never see, or can ever detect, yet if you meditate
on it you will see that there is indeed a permanently hidden aspect of the now, the noumenon.
The other unique thing about the NOW is that it transcends ALL UNIVERSAL LAWS, nothing
can ever effect, or influence the eternal absolute infinite NOW, it is above all laws, and is present
in every universal dimension, and the other unique thing about the now, is that it has NEVER MOVED ONCE IN ALL ETERNITY! It has no need of movement as it is universally present
everywhere simultaneously, where could it possibly move to? It is everywhere, yet nowhere in
particular. So what have we got, that maybe we have all missed? We as human beings are
outwardly dual in nature, and therefore relative, but within us we all have an eternal immortal
soul, which is not relative, and is eternal, the same as the NOW? So we have the situation daily
presented to us, and mostly completely unknown to us, that of our outward relative physical
body is daily "moving through the eternal now" the temporal body, is completely immersed
within the eternal NOW, all of your life, and we know it not, or comprehend it not. As mentioned
yesterday on this topic, we all live within the eternal now, NOW, today, it is not some far away
heavenly home, we all are as much enveloped in eternity today, as you will EVER BE in your
life, its just that we all fail to re-cog-nise this reality. Think about this remark that comes from
the Christian Bible, where God rebukes a disciple by saying these words, "Have I not been closer
to you, than your hands and feet, and you know me not?" What could be possibly closer to you
than the NOW??? Is not the now firmly around all mankind on this planet simultaneously? And
with all life on this planet, and the whole universe as well, all at the same time,NOW? So then
what are we to deduce about this NOW, now? We seem to move through the now, because we are
on a motional conveyer belt, called evolution, we are all journeying towards awakening to our
divinity, and then to recognise our perfection, then transcend form altogether and be absolute.
And when we finally do that we will all see that we were the NOW?
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 21 July 2018

What Is Now Deduced. W I N D

What does the now tell us? The answer to that question really depends on how deep you look
into the infinite ocean of consciousness. Has the now got any attributes? What makes it really
stand out? Is the now operative universally? Or are there any limits upon it? And if so, who or what
had the power to impose this?
The ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids  thousands of years ago, built  them in the NOW,
we can still see the pyramids, but where are the ancient Egyptians, and where is the Pharaoh?
What then is the most fundamental and striking thing about the NOW? The answer is that it
NEVER MOVES, the now is eternally motionlessness, It has never moved from within its fixed
point EVER, eternally still for eternity. What then is motion? We ARE, and everything else that
has any expression at all, whether is be matter, light, plasma, consciousness, energy,etc, The is
only one thing in the universe that has ZERO ATTRIBUTES, and  that is the NOW. What can we
then deduce from this "unexpressed reality"? We can firstly deduce that it is NOT expressed, it just
"IS"" Eternally and infinitely still within any point of consciousness that become aware of its presence.
If you want to know what the eternal is, just look at your present life and recall all the experieences
you have lived through,while you were doing all this, you actually WERE present within the Eternal
ocean all of the time, we can NEVER LEAVE the eternal, this place the eternal NOW is the stage in
which you act your "expressed role" whatever it may be this particular expression, whether male or
female, rich or poor, sick or healthy, we each act out these "ROLES" we are NO different from an
actor on stage, perhaps the only difference is the actor on stage has a written script, and we just make it up as we go along!
There is absolutely no need to think about what would it be like in the eternal? We are all firmly
locked within it NOW,TODAY!
If you are in motion then you are evolving, if you are absolutely still, you have arrived!  That is the
was motion works, we are all moving through a eternal motionless POINT, that point we call the NOW. The size of this POINT is absolute and infinite, its a really big POINT, wherever we could go
within this universe, if we built a star ship and had warp speed, you could NEVER OUTRUN NOW!
In part two will develop this more.
kirkpaatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Face book Soulrealization.

Friday 20 July 2018

Humans Are Vehicles Incorporating Numinosity's Grace. H A V I N G Part Two.

Humanity, human beings, what are we really? Well there maybe some very great and noble tales
to say about humanity, brave souls, who gave their life to save another, heroic deeds done,
great examples of some souls who changed a nation, like Nelson Mandala for instance, surely
this means that humanity really is worth something? Have we not risen above all our creatures?
Is it not then a let down, to be told, and hopefully realize that you are just a vehicle? Like that car
you drive to work in? It can feel that way at first, I know because I have experienced this feeling
personally. Thinking all I am is a bloody vehicle! Being driven by some higher power called the SOUL? What about ME? Don't I count for anything at all? All these questions assaulted my then
aching brain! This was then when I  began to understand what was really going on. I had been
regularly meditating and was experiencing a presence within me, intuitive ideas began fllowing
into  my consciousness, I began investigating this word "intuition" I found out it meant to be
literally to be "taught from within" which then puzzled me as to who or what was this inner teacher?
Was I experiencing a schizophrenic episode? Was I mad and hopelessly deluded ? Or was this phenomena that I was experiencing some real and genuine? after much "soul searching" and reading
about other who too had the same experiences, I decided this was real, and that indeed I was a
divine immortal soul, and using this physical body as a vehicle  in order to gain purchase upon this
low vibrational field called planet Earth. This discovery lead me to see that I was in no way unique
or different to anybody else,it  just showed me that some of us like myself, have discovered this truth
within us, while others had not, that is the only real difference, I discovered this reality over forty
years ago now, and have met others along the path of return, who also have woken up and discovered
their higher self, the soul within each and every one of the seven or so billion souls on this planet.
Our bodies provide a home for our real and true being, all souls are within a "learning curve" or arc,
sometimes called evolution, although we are all immortal and eternal beings, we have all been on a vast and unimaginable journey spanning countless billions of earth time years, culminating in
our gradually becoming SELF AWARE points of CONSCIOUSNESS, and as we are just beginning
to "wake up" and smell the roses,we still have many lessons to fully understand before we are at a
point where we will actually reflect nothing back,as we will be PERFECT REALIZED SELF, in
the mean time, each soul like you dear reader of this blog,has lessons to learn, and experiences to
Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization/

Thursday 19 July 2018

Humans Are Vehicles Incorporating Numinosity's Grace.=H A V I N G .

When I was a young man, and never been kissed,(perhaps I was not that handsome)  anyway at
times I might behave in such a way, that it would get someones back up, To which so much so, that they would say, "who the hell do you think you are!" To which I would smugly say, I have not got
the remotest idea my friend, and walk away thinking I was exceedingly clever.
The real truth as it was then, was that I really did not have a clue who I really was, other than my
name, where I was born,and occupation, I was completely ignorant as to who I really was.
I  was not alone in this identity ignorance however, I discovered over the coming years that there
were literally tens of millions like me, maybe you reading this are one of those ignorant ones like
me and all the other millions?  I am absolutely sure that I would have remained ignorant for the whole of my life, unless a major life threatening crisis had not presented itself to me. This crisis
was the major turning point in my life,without this crisis,I would have died ignorant as to my true
identity many years ago now.
At the time of this crisis, when it was in its full blown painful presence, if anyone had told me then
that this agony filled crisis was actually a "blessing in disguise" I would have punched their lights
out! Its only after the crisis subsided that I began seeing positive effects arising out of the ashes
of my painful past.
The real turning point was when I realized that other souls had been in the same crisis as I had, and
that they were helping out each other,meeting in groups and offering to share their experience with
you, so I got involved with other like minded souls. It was at this time I became attracted to meditation, it seemed to issue a magnetic beckoning toward me and an urge to look within myself.
This started me of on a journey that I am still embarking on after over forty three years. Meditation
as I began to understand was the science of "inner knowing" rather than just hopefully believe  in
something, I began to instinctively know that "this was so" it was an experience of experiencing
the action of Knowing? Which was vastly different than just believing something. I tried many
forms of meditation over the years, but now just keep it real simple, sit down, cross my legs or
ankles if its difficult for you, keep the spine as straight as is comfortable for you, close your eyes,
look at the point where the eyelids meet, and focus your gaze there, then just observe your breath,
breathing in and out in a balanced and easy manner, then let go of all thoughts. simply ignore them
all, this takes lots of regular practice, it sounds easy to just say, let go of all your thoughts! But it is far from easy, as you will find out if you try. Start with just five minutes, then when that is easy, add another five, and so on.
Tomorrow will talk about soul discovery, and how wwe are just vehicles, that is in part two.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Nothing Open's God's Heavenly Thought.- N O U G H T Part Two.

The physical relative universe is absolutely full to the brim with nothing, and nothing reveals
itself to be some-thing quite remarkable,that of fluid consciousness.An infinite ocean of liquid
intelligence, in fact consciousness is a liquid medium and this is the hallmark of Intelligence.
However this liquid consciousness, is not like what we normally understand a liquid to be.
This liquid consciousness is not "fully in phase" with this universe, there is a dimensional
invariance that makes it almost impossible to detect with our monitors we use today, perhaps
in a few years time we will develop a tool that will be sensitive  enough to reveal this liquid
intelligence that of consciousness.
All life expresses motion, all motion arise from absolute stillness,all motion began with INTENTION
the intention is followed by the WILL, and the will manifests within this universe fluid
consciousness, which is expressed in a "tidal SURGE" which we all call evolution.
We all live and move and have our being within the fluid consciousness  of the Absolute ONE
we literally swim (move) through the LIFE BLOOD of the Absolute, swimming (moving) through
liquid consciousness.
What happens when you read words, either on paper, or your computer? You eyes perceive and
understand the written word, then what happens to that word you have just read? it becomes fluid
in your brain, in fact it sort of liquefies into "your" consciousness? The is no such a thing as your
or mine consciousness, this would be absurd, there is only ONE CONSCIOUSNESS within the
entire universe, we actually own nothing in reality, yet we have all? Our brains are conduits that
can receive and transmit consciousness waves,we are basically just biological computers and our brains are the keyboard that can tap into the infinite ocean of consciousness that we all our deeply
immersed  in.
Nothing is the gateway that leads to all,all is nothing,and nothing is all, that is the equation that
opens the door to infinite expansion of consciousness, if we can fully understand what nothing
actually IS,and further realize that we all are absolutely FULL ON NOTHING, and have been
all our lives, and never knew NOTHING about this reality!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any ffeedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Nothing Open's Up God's Heavenly Thought.= N O U G H T .

Science informs us that the universe is 99.999999 per cent empty space, nothing there! It goes on to
say that even the atom is 99.999999 per cent empty space, again the atom seems to consist mostly
of nothing! And this seems to be replicated across the whole of the known universe. What then is
the link, if there is one, between the word space and nothing? Can the universe be actually full of
nothing? And could this also be replicated on the atomic scale within the atom? Space is what?
The emptiness between objects is called space,space to move through, what then are we to make
of the word nothing? This word actually is two words, no-thing, there is no-thing here, so if there
is no-thing there, what are the implications of this deduction? To me the implication is that if there
is no-thing there,then there must be that which is not a"thing" there, and that being so, what is this
invisible force that is definitely not a thing?
To answer this question we need to go back in time, to around five thousand years ago, here it
was written  in the ageless wisdom, "Space is an entity, and the entire "vault of heaven"  is the
phenomenal appearance of that entity"unquote.
So what then is the identity of this mysterious "entity"?That fills all universal space, and that within
the atom? To my understanding of this,it can only really be that what we call nothing or empty
space, is in fact, "FLUID CONSCIOUSNESS " which really boils down to being the LIFE BLOOD
of the ABSOLUTE.Consciousness is NO-THING, it IS the OCEAN in which all phenomenon swim
though on a TIDAL SURGE which we call EVOLUTION! The whole universe is immersed within
a fluid state, this fluid state although it can and indeed does flow just like water does,is in another
dimensional presentation, and cannot easily be detected by our primitive devices yet. NOTHING
therefore really IS, expressed as fluid consciousness, the whole universe is basically a WOMB
which needs a fluid state to present a "living FORM (shape) (US) , whereas the womb of say an
earth mother is filled with a watery substance, the universe uses fluid consciousness to give birth
to shape and form. In truth the universe is Absolutely FULL to the BRIM with fluid consciousness
so full in fact that you could not possibly add ONE MORE DROP TO IT, you could not even find room to slide a dollar bill through.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome(seldom get any) Facebook Soul Realization. If any of you reading this want to say anything email me.Thanks.

Monday 16 July 2018

Singularity Is God's Numinous Signal. =S I G N S Part Two.

Written in the Advaiti Vedanta, over two thousand years ago is this,"Consciousness is singular,
all happenings are played out in ONE universal consciousness, and there is no multiplicity
of selves"end quote.
One is the signature of all reality.If we look at the word life, this world and most likely this
universe, is literally teeming with life, but hears the thing, no one on this planet has ever seen
LIFE! What we only ever see is "the outward manifestation, of an inner reality"all mankind has
ever seen and most likely ever will see, is a shape or form of some animated thing, like say a
cat or dog, or even you dear reader, we only ever see shapes and forms, we never have seen LIFE
that is because it is invisible and to our minds unknowable. The other reality about life as well is
that there is only ONE LIFE FORCE in this entire universe, there is NO SUCH THING as life'S!
The singularity signal that flashes into our conscious minds, particularly when we are in a crisis
mode, and our backs are up against the wall,is that reassuring inner voice, sometimes called "that
still small voice within us" this inner voice is actually your higher self, the soul, calling out to you
and offering you reassurance.  This is the inner spirit, that which is all and absolute, of which YOU
now reading this are totally locked within it, in fact it is YOU, when you fully awaken from your
slumber! We all live within a massive illusion, one that purports to be lots of "things" to see and
entertain you with, this is totally false and a lie, a deception caused by our vast ignorance as to
just what reality actually IS. There are over seven billion souls on this Earth, but there is ONLY
ONE LIFE FORCE, there is only ONE SELF! So where do the other seven billion souls go then?
If we really knew ourselves, then we would know the answer to this question. The title of this
blog gives the answer, the SIGNS, are that this inner voice, wants you to wake up, to look within
your self, ask your self the question, who am "I"? you will then eventually get the full answer as
to who you really are, you will see that this physical body is just a vehicle for you real self the
indwelling immortal soul,human beings are JUST VEHICLES, nothing more! animated
biological computers acting as a anchor in this low vibration, enabling the soul to experience
three dimensional physical expression, and gather experience. We came from the One point the
singularity, we emerged from eternal stillness,and we ushered out through the singularity by the
will of the Absolute,in full  motioning expression to journey through vast ages, until we reached
another POINT, the recognition of our inner Divinity and the ability to be self aware and know
who we really are, and begin the journey consciously back to our true blissful HOME! We are all at
that POINT NOW TODAY! Have you the desire to wake up my friend?
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 15 July 2018

Singularity Is God's Numinous Signal. =S I G N S .

What is the point of a singularity? Reality as we try and understand it seems to arise from one
point, and one point only. Conventional science calls this point the big bang, however, I believe
that this is incorrect, rather the point of this universe becoming "online" so to speak, began at
the exit of what was a manifest singularity. The arising motion from a motionless state, which was
the PRIMAL ABSOLUTE THOUGHT WAVE, this Absolute intentive WILL manifested the singularity (white hole?) into which a virginal relative universe was born.
At the exit "point" of the singularity, motion was born, motion is the womb of expression, all
motion arises from absolute stillness, there is no other way. There is only ONE singularity,
there cannot be more than one, the fundamental universal law is ONE, never TWO! We live
in what we call a relative physical universe, which seems dual in nature, lots of opposites, Yin
and YANG, Male/female, it only "seems" that way, because we are blinkered in our vision and
understanding of reality, this relative universe is just  a "blanket" thrown over to hide the reality
behind it, which is the Absolute universe, which is like the singularity just ONE. there is no such
thing as opposites in reality, opposite to what?
Some of us might think, what has this singularity stuff have to do with me? I am living on planet
earth, and am a human being, surely all this singularity nonsense has got nothing to do with me?
Well, actually it has dear reader because we are all firmly locked into the singularity sequence
and will be so for a long while to come. We need to understand that "things" are not as they appear
to be, there are over seven billion souls on this earth, but only ONE LIFE FORCE! What does that
mean? Are we not all alive? Yes indeed life is truly ALIVE, But there is, and only ever HAS BEEN
ONE LIFE FORCE, in the whole universe. You might then well ask, what about me then? Do I not
count for anything? In fact dear reader you account for everything in total, it is just that you are not
yet aware of this fact. We need to fully understand just who and what we really ARE. When you fullyunderstand who you really are, which in a nutshell is (absolute at your core) you a vehicle
for your indwelling soul, and your soul is a vehicle for the indwelling spirit, and the spirit is ONE
and ALL. All life is firmly anchored into the singularity, that ONE POINT where all MOTION
arises from, and eventually returns to.
In part two will explore this more, Warmest regards, Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul realization.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Love Is Coherent Knowing Expressing Divinity. =L O C K E D Part Two.

How many me's make a unified whole? If we say let it begin with me, I will look within myself
and find that reality that lies beneath the facade of form. And when I find my true SELF within
this outer form, I will share this revelation with my family, friends, and anyone else who will
listen to me.This way if we all take our turn to look within us, we will be well on our way to
manifesting coherence within our communities, and eventually the world. This truth begins with
one's soul intention, maybe even you now reading this blog, dear reader,It only takes one soul to
make the change and look within and find themselves, then share this with others, and forge an
unbreakable chain of coherent love, radiating from those awakened hearts. Look at the effects
Nelson Mandala had on the world! He said let it begin with me! We can all say that very same thing
can you say that today dear reader? The truth of the matter is this,that we are ALL totally connected
and interconnected into one WHOLE, there is no such thing as being separated  from within the whole, this is just an illusion, albeit a very persistent one, as Einstein  once quoted, we are all one
divine family, this is not a THEORY or some vain imaginings from a deluded mind,we are talking
about reality as it IS. The only reason you are here on Earth, apart from Karmic debt, is to find out
through experiences, and here i would like to mention as to what is exactly this word we call
experience, what are we actually experiencing? What are we doing, when we experience?
What  are we doing when experiencing?  We are "GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS"
and unlike the sewage treatment man, who can plainly see the crap beneath his feet swirling
around and being separated, when we go through "the motions" of life, by the very fact of the way
we motion and steer our course through it, a lot of "CRAP" will cling to us, and we may not even
notice the filth we are carrying around with us, this is sometimes called baggage.
We can begin clearing away the wreckage of our past by going within ourselves and finding that
inner truth that lies within us all, we can find honesty and true integrity, and by finding these with
perhaps a modicum of genuine humility, we will then be forming a coherent energy field within and
around us, this will aid the atmosphere and area where you are, and you will be aiding the motion
of harmony and peace within your little neck of the woods.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirrkkpatrickmmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 13 July 2018

Love Is Coherent Knowing Expressing Divinity. l O C K E D .

Coherence could be likened to the "direction finder of love", coherence implies intelligence,it also
describes the coupling and degree of synchronization between different oscillating systems operating
at the same basic frequency.
A dictionary version and definition of coherence is, "the quality of forming a unified whole". Is
that not we we all our? Is the human race a unified whole? What is it that keeps us from becoming
a unified whole?  Why do we have the opposite of coherence, that of decoherence? If we see love
as coherent knowing, then the opposite of this love spells out decoherence, which is another word
for the absence of love, that being hate. Instead of a coherent motion flowing inclusively and
encompassing the whole,which is love in motion, instead we have decoherence, which is flowing
in an exclusive motion,which has the very upsetting results of  separating people, and making
barriers from each other, resulting in wars, and endless strife.
Without the universal intelligence of coherence holding all life together in one unified whole, we
would all fly apart and vanish into oblivion within a microsecond. Humanity is "HELD" is the
cohesive embrace of Intelligent consciousness, each human vehicle (body) is literally a swirling
mass of intelligent energy, some forming the shape of the body and internal workings, these are
slower vibrations that give the "appearance" of solidity, then there is also the more ethereal
energies that form our electromagnetic spectrum, all of this life giving energy that makes up just
one human being, is all held in a coherent intelligent focused WILL, which is the higher self, the
soul. Because of global ignorance as to who and what we all actually ARE, which if we all knew and accepted that, the result would be a tsunami washing over the entire planet, filling it with love and
full acceptance of each other, as brother and sister. There would be a state of total unified coherence
across the entire world.Instead we face global conflict, hatred, suspicion, mistrust, the very opposite
of love acceptance and endless joy. What can we do against this juggernaut of global ignorance?
Well we could say something like, "let it begin with me"! If "I" look within myself, and find out who
I really am, then there will be ONE LESS SOUL to awaken, and one step closer to unity and
Will explore this more in part Two, Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 12 July 2018

Nothing Is Real Verify Answers Numinous Awareness. -N I R V A N A Part Two.

Nirvana, The abode of perfect peace. This planet Earth could certainly do with all the peace
it can muster. Nothing or no-thing,is real, verify answers given, to find reality and to understand
truth we always need first is to understand the "BOTTOM LINE"when you fully understand the
bottom line, all else will simply fit into place. What then is the Bottom Line? The bottom line
that underpins this universe and all of its manifestations, is that  "all things,ALL condense into
ONE THING,quantum physics, and unified field theory all attest to this reality (look it up on
on Google) the One thing that is reality is whatever suits your idea, (But remember please that
whatever you choose, is exactly the same as the other names that will now follow!)  You can use
energy, which many quantum scientists use, or some now use the name of Consciousness as the
primal and only force within the universe,they have yet to make the last "quantum jump" and call
it what it basically IS, that of Spirit/Life.
So when you know that ALL is ONE and that ONE is ALL, this then makes understanding very
easy. There is only ONE TRUTH,and only ONE REALITY, and only ONE THING! There is in
absolute reality no such thing as THINGS, there can be NO PLURALS in  absolute reality, just
the SINGULAR.  While we live within this physical form, this vehicle for the soul, we all have
the "appearance of duality" and the "appearance" of many different things, but any of these "things"
examined under an electron microscope, would just reveal energy, atoms force, all one thing
appearing different on the "SURFACE" look beneath the surface and its all the very same THING!
This truth equally applies to all of US, there are just over seven billion souls upon this Earth, but
there is only one LIFE/SPIRIT? We are all just REFLECTIONS of the ONE, nothing more, we are
all facets of the ONE JEWEL. We are spirit FIRST.SOULS second, and vehicles for the soul third.
That is the order of all our expression.if you look within yourself you will ultimately find this truth
awaiting to be unfolded within you, then you will know exactly who you are!  This is called
NUMINOUS awareness, which literally means to be aware of the spirit within YOU! NIRVANA
the abode of peace lies within your heart, by going within and taking your gaze from outward
looking to inward looking, you will find that place of peace within yourself, and when you find
that, you will see that ONE is all and all is ONE, and realize that you are forever safe and secure because you are firmly and eternally locked within this ONE LIFE/SPIRIT.
May each of you reading this, find that inner peace. Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed,(never get any!) Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Nothing Is Real Verify Answers Numinous Awareness.-N I R V A N A .

It is said, that nothing is all,and all is nothing, what are we to make of this? Its a bit like the ZEN
koan, "what is the sound of silence? Deafening maybe!  The word Nirvana which the name of
blog spell out,means, "perfect peace, perfect joy" is there anybody reading this blog in need of
perfect peace and inner joy?  We could all use some of that ,I am sure.  Have you ever seen of
ever experienced nothing? If nothing is real, how can we verify this idea? And what pray is
numinous awareness? The more questions we ask, the more questions will arise, and every answer
arises another question. If we look at the word nothing, what do we see? Nothing! But in truth
you cannot ever see, what is NOT THERE! If we really look at the word nothing it actually reveals
two words no-thing, there is no-thing there,the question then is, if there is no-thing there, is there
something that is not a thing? After all if you look up at a blue sky and say there is nothing to look at
just empty space, but if it were actually really empty, you would immediately suffocate from zero
As we all live within a dual based universe, we tend to imagine that all that we see, taste, touch,
and smell, is real, well yes it is, but only in a relative way, it is relatively, but NOT absolutely real.
Quantum physics, and Unified field theory, already know and accept, that in truth there is only
one force in operation within this universe, some of them call this primal force energy, others who
are more open minded are calling this one primal force consciousness, the next move will be to
call it what it really is that of SPIRIT/LIFE. Behind the manifested field of the relative dual
natured universe, lies the true home of reality that of the Absolute Infinite Intelligent
Consciousness, from which all life emanates from and returns to. We wrongly imagine that we
are surrounded by something called THINGS, this is an illusion, there is only ONE THING
anywhere in this universe, and that one thing is, energy if you prefer that name,consciousness
if you prefer that name,or life/or spirit, they are all the VERY SAME THING!  I well understand
that while living here in this dimension, we have to go along with what appears to be real, that's
how we need to deal with this relative illusion, it is just seeing beyond the appearances and knowing
in our hearts that we can see through all this, and know a higher truth than that of relativity.
Tomorrow will go deeper into this, Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickkmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

We Are Thought Expressing Reality. =W A T E R. Part Two.

We are motion within the ocean of life, caught up in the mighty flow within the current of evolution
or rather, expansion, we swim, motion, our way through, while engaging in a multitude of experiences,some of these experiences will be life changing direction experiences, while others
will be mundane daily stuff like cleaning your teeth and going to work!
The title of this blog is, We Are Thought Expressing Reality=Water,what then is the primal IDEA
behind the outworking of this thing we call life, and evolution? If we go back to the POINT of
DEPARTURE, before the universe was BORN, here we are at the point where the FIRST IDEA
was motioned into motion from eternal stillness, absolute motionlessness. into a manifested thought
wave, if we look at the word IDEA, it reveals this,Inner-Directional-Energy-Activated-IDEA, this
primal thought WAVE manifested the universal infinite ocean, in which we all now have our being
within it.We as human beings (souls wearing space suits!) Are all products of that primal thought wave,, and as we have evolved into what is commonly called this name of humanity, are at the apex
of evolution,in our neck of the woods? Within this solar system that is, not universally! We all have
thoughts, we manifest the same principles as the Absolute, (which is not surprising,as we are all IT
and fail to re-cog-nise that reality) when you look in the mirror, what do you see? You see a
reflection, a reflection of what? You see an outer reflection of an inner invisible reality. The real
you is always invisible.no one on this earth has ever seen the REAL YOU? What is only ever seen
is a pale reflection of the inner soul, or spirit.
Life, flows through the river of life being expressed within a multitude of forms and shapes, each form and shape is basically an IDEA crystallized into a shape or form, your form dear reader of
this blog, is a human shaped form, flowing next to you in this mighty river might be a dog or
a whale! Our ultimate destiny is to be finally swept out, or flushed out, of this mighty river, and
then become ONE with the OCEAN, then no longer a wave,with its crests, peaks, and troughs,
instead we will be within the abode of eternal peace and bliss. But before you finally reach YOUR
destiny dear reader, you have some more living and expressing to do, what you can do to change
your direction and focus, that will eventually lead you to blissful being, is to reverse your gaze from
forever looking outward, to start looking within yourself, then you will have firmly placed your
self in the direction of expansion of awareness, and consciousness, which will benefit your life
beyond measure.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 9 July 2018

We Are Thought Expressing Reality.-W A T E R.

What is life? Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what life actually is. What then is energy?
Well if life is intelligent energy, which it most certainly is, then energy is consciousness,this is
what quantum physics and unified field theory are finally saying, that consciousness is the
primal force within the universe, they have not yet made that final leap across the gulf of ignorance
to add that this consciousness is actually SPIRIT. Fundamentally spirit has two modes of being,
one is MOTION, and the other is motionlessness. We are all firmly within the motion sequence
which is to do with expressing spirit through a vehicle, firstly a soul, then in our case, that of
human beings, we have as our vehicle of expression a thing called a human body.Why are we all
here? The simple and most profound answer is to FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE!! That
is the ONLY reason any of us are here,there is NO OTHER REASON. Life can be likened to a
river, the river of life, where does the river of life flow to? Where do all rivers on earth flow to?
They all flow into the ocean, and then that water from the river which had a name, perhaps like
yours dear reader of this blog? Looses its name and merges into the ocean, this is all our ultimate
destines to one day merge back within the infinite absolute ocean of life.
In the meantime though we are all living (swimming) some drowning in sorrow? within this river
of life. We each have to experience our own personal experiences, and through that process make
a life for ourselves, as best we can. We can go with the flow of life, which if we do, we will meet
little resistance, however if we resist,we encounter "cross currents"within your river and these will
if left unchecked rip you apart at the seams,either by, mental, physical, or emotional illnesses.
And exactly like a "REAL" river on earth, life's river has what is called "eddies" these are actual
vortexes that rotate from within a central point (you!) and the turn of spin denotes the severity
of its actions, the faster the eddy spins the more out of control your life will be, a slower spin
and you and your life is literally "going round in endless circles".
All life and expressions are liquid like in expression, we are all totally submerged within the great
ocean of life, and we are completely unaware of this most basic reality. Life called simply be called
fluid-dynamics, spirit is fluid, energy is fluid, consciousness is fluid, life is fluid, and we here on
Earth called humanity are also fluid..
In part two will explore this more. Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul realization.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Pure Unconditional Love Leads Into Numinous Gravity. =P U L L I N G Part Two.

As mentioned yesterday, Albert Einstein knew that gravity was really unconditional love, but also
knew, that at the time when he wrote that letter to his Daughter Lieserl Einstein, that science was
NOT ready or prepared to accept this most radial idea! Science would have to wait another few
decades before this idea would be accepted, with the latest understanding in the UNIFIED FIELD
THEORY, they are very close to accepting this idea of Einsteins. Gravity attracts in exactly the same
ratio as does love, that is because in truth they are the same thing.Big hearted people like Nelon
Mandela who I mentioned yesterday, and today would like to mention,Mahatma Gandhi,1869-1948
whose quoted this,"Where there is love, there is life" unquote, Gandhi was a man who stood out from the rest of the crowd,he was a man who believed so deeply that thousands followed him, his heart
was so big that thousands orbited around his love/gravity/ centered heart. He had courage and bravery
beyond the average man, he had a vision, and he died or was killed by one that opposed that most noble vision.
The last noble soul to be mentioned here is Mother Teresa,1910 1997,her quote was"Peace begins
with a smile"unquote,  this small frail looking woman, was a human dynamo of action and acceptance, she was known throughout this planer, was awarded the noble peace prize, she mixed
with Popes, royalty, heads of world governments, poor destitute souls, prostitutes, and everyone
in between, she had a courage of her convictions, a faith that amazed millions, and was loved by
those from almost every country on the planet, she too had an enormous heart, and attracted pulled
towards her by the love/gravity that issued out from her soul.
This constant pull of gravity can be likened to the unceasing beckoning of the Absolutes love-
tugging at our deepest core. The invitation is open at all times, are we going to wake up to this
tugging of Divine love beckoning us home? This pull is unconditional love/gravity. No one is
being spared.
Unbeknown  to us all is that we are all really the embodiment  of love, crystallized and shaped into
the form called a human being, pure love is spirit, we are in effect crystallized spirit, condensed and
vastly slowed down in vibrational frequency, and portrayed in this manner called humanity. Love
Gravity is the universal beckon that is PULLING HOME all its CHARGES however long it takes
we as humans are at the apex of this frequency, and are consciously self-aware of what love really
is, therefore we all have the opportunity to tune into this inner tugging and begin our journey back
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome, (never get any!) Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 7 July 2018

Pure Unconditional Love Leads Into Numinous Gravity.-P U L L I N G .

To start this blog of on what I see that gravity really is, I want first to include a letter written by
Albert Einstein, to his daughter Lieserl Einstein, here follows an extract from this letter, "There is
an extremely powerful force,that so far, science has not found a formal explanation to,it is a force
that includes and governs all others,and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe
and has not yet been identified by us.This universal force is LOVE. love is light that enlightens
those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to
Einstein really knew and understood what gravity really is, gravity is basically pure unconditional
love, gravity is a primal  force of "attractive acceptance" which also means unconditional  love.
Gravity only ever PULLS and therefore only ever attractive,all other forces in nature have opposites
except gravity! So what makes gravity so different? Gravity is different only in that it is the primal
force, to see where gravity was "BORN" we need to go to the beginning where all motion was born
because without motion, gravity CANNOT EXIST. When the primal Thought Wave Willed a motion
to move within its Infinite Absolute Consciousness,   Motion was born and a universe was manifested
from "within this primal thought wave" not created, but rather begotten from within the Absolute, there is a big difference between "created" and begotten, the main difference is that the Absolute has
nothing to create anything from, other than itself!! No-other thing exists, except IT! Therefore begotten is more in line with reality, In truth the Absolute is incapable of creating anything!!
So Gravity was born within motion, and the motion manifested this universe, this in turn brought
about the word we use to describe the phenomena of opening out and expanding, in other words
evolution,if we could put words to the Absolute idea behind the primal thought wave that manifested
this universe, it might be something like this, as an explanation of evolution and returning to source
eventually, the words might be this, "Spread your wings, Then fly back home to ME"!
If we look at three people who were big heart ed and therefore very attractive (gravity) who attracted
hundreds and even thousands of us who all wanted to be close to this "force/gravity/love. we can see
how one central being like a sun in our solar system attracts the planets to orbit around them?
I shall finish this blog today with the first person out of the three, and begin with the other two tomorrow, first one I picked was Nelson Mandala, 1918-2013,a quote from him was this, "It always
seems impossible until its done" unquote,here was a man who was blessed with a big heart and a real
understanding of what love and forgiveness really means, this magnificent man was a dynamo of energy and attraction, and had thousands attracted to his gravity/love and was known throughout this
planet  as a man of immense courage and humility, and carried a dignity that was unparalleled in
our time.
Will continue this tomorrow, warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization. 

Friday 6 July 2018

Examining Emotions Reality Implications Explored. =E E R I E . Part Two/

There may well be the "appearance" of many emotions, but in truth this is an illusion,as we live
and experience within a "seemingly"dual based reality. We see what "appears"to be endless
opportunities, that endlessly seem to present themselves, but if we look behind the expressed
phenomena , you will only find ONE FORCE in evidence. Science, in particular quantum
and unified field theory, all purport that there is just ONE FORCE-ENERGY within this universe
they have even started to call this ONE FORCE Consciousness. This one force also applies to what
we call emotion, and the implication here is that there can only really be ONE "E" motion operating
within what we call humanity. This one emotion is called "LONGING" and from this primal
energy, which arises and falls within the Soul, comes all the "other"manifestations and degrees of
positive and negative connotations. Longing is wholly inclusive, it is love unconditional at its
highest level of the spectrum, and just liking someone at its lowest. The energy that arises due to
our almost limitless frustrations, are egocentric self centered behavior, all these struggles as the
ignorant soul (human being) searching in its own way for unity, (albeit mostly unconsciously)
anger, greed, hate, lust,affection,niceness, etc, are all egocentric self centered "explorations"as
to how can I find my way HOME to wholeness and UNITY.
The word Emotion is i feel wrongly applied to this phenomena of energy arising from within
the heart chakra, this is due to our vast ignorance of who and what we really ARE. As mentioned
yesterday the "E" which prefixes the word motion if understood from the perspective of a soul
realized  person, would be somewhat meaningless,rather the prefix and the addition of the word
love-motion would be better suited. The letter "E" in this sole instance, as the prefix to motion
reveals some very interesting aspects if you look deeply into the shape of the letter."E" has tree
parallel lines,the top two lines represent the ego and the concrete mind, the last parallel changes
the letter to L which is the beginning of LOVE? To find our way back to the UNITY and WHOLENESS that is all our ultimate destiny, we need to deflate our egos by gaining a modicum
of humility each day,and re-cog-nise that LONGING comes from a magnetic pulse which pulsates
from within the heart chakra, it is the silent message of your soul, calling you HOME. Be true to
your inner SELF, dear reader of this blog, and starting today, look within yourself, and if you do
that, and sit quietly in meditation, you will discover a wonderful living JEWEL within you, and that
living JEWEL is WHO YOU REALLY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Examining Emotions Reality Implications Explored.=EERIE.

Where do emotion arise? What is their purpose? These questions have been asked by many of
us down through the past centuries.All motion has a cause,and also has a "point of arising"and
emotion is just motion with an added "E. Question; what are we all looking for, and perhaps
do not even know that we are actually looking for it? Subconsciously, we are all looking for
exactly the very same thing,and that thing is,a unified WHOLENESS-COMPLETENESS
to be ultimately ONE with ALL, no separation or incompleteness, but fully whole and totally
unconditionally accepted and loved. However that is what we are looking for subconsciously
but we seem only to be able to operate consciously, and therein lies the difficulty, and the basic
ignorance that we all feel about "our" emotions. Where is the primal home(matrix) from where
emotions arise? And what is there ultimate purpose? The home of the emotions lies deeply
embedded within our soul, and the purpose of the emotional energy is ultimately to guide you
back into COMPLETE WHOLENESS, and to sever completely the ILLUSION of
SEPARATENESS, and INCOMPLETENESS, however long it takes, and how ever many life times
it is needed to complete this mission! We need to be mindful that the "LONGING" feeling we all
get at times, is coming from the soul, which sends out rhythmic pulses hoping to get your attention
and invite you to look within, sadly most of us fail to make this most vital connection. Longing,
feeling, and emotion are all connected at one point, and that point emanates from the soul which
is centered within the heart chakra., not in the head, as some suppose.Before mentioning emotions
as to how many there are? I want to suggest the following. We all know that motion moves, and
that we put the letter "E" in front of motion to make E-MOTION, suppose the "E" stood for EGO?
And suppose the other line in the letter E stood for MIND? If we then removed those two top lines
from the letter "E" what would be left? The letter L which stands for love, then the more correct word
would become LOVE-MOTION, rather that E MOTION, the ego and the concrete mind are both
barriers to soul and self realization. All of our misery and pain are born out of not realizing that we
are ALL DIVINE and connected to one another in ONE WHOLE FAMILY. The emotion that we all
experience are in truth what could be called "UNITY FINDERS"  because every emotion we experience is one step closer towards full unification with the whole, however LONG IT TAKES!
Will continue this in part two, Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Way Of Movement Becoming-Simplifying Complexity About Motion. W O M B S C A M Part Three.

What exactly is evolution? And what exactly is motion? And what is the primal CAUSE, of which
we are all the effects of? Three primal questions that this blog will try and answer.
Motion and evolution are co-joined within an eternal embrace like two ardent lovers. Yin and Yang
Shakti-and Shiva, Masculine and feminine principles locked within the eternal dance of Expressed
Life. You cannot have ONE without the OTHER, Motion cannot exist without evolution, and evolution cannot exist without motion, and motion is the principle "HOLDER" of ALL LIFE
EXPRESSED, this "holder" is called the WOMB, motion=WOMB, and we all our still firmly
embedded within it.How can this be, you may well ask? To answer that, we must first realize who
and what we really ARE! We are ALL SPIRIT FIRST,SOUL SECOND,and vehicle (human body)
third, that is the ORDER of our expressed REALITY.Don't take my word for it, look within yourself
and ask yourself the question,WHO Am "I"? Right now back to the primal cause, the primal cause
was the Absolute intention and WILL to Manifest Motion from stillness, This IDEA Was from within
stillness=Masculine, the stillness became motion, when the Feminine aspect of the Absolute engaged
and brought about a universe,as this universe was born=motion requires polarity to function, hence
the birth of two divine principles YIN and YANG, SHAKTI and SHIVA. Evolution really means
UNFOLDING, opening out and eventually BLOOMING into what? Full realization of the SELF!
When you fully realize the SELF, you are ONE with ALL, and here we need to distinguish the vast
difference between the SELF and the SOUL, there are seven or so billion souls on this Earth, but
only ONE SELF! The SELF is absolute spirit. This is all our ultimate destiny, to loose our tiny
egoic self, and finally find the absolute eternal ominpresent SELF. Meanwhile we will continue
"going through the motions" acting out our roles, and awaiting our time to shine!  We all our very
much still in the womb, and will remain there until we blossom in cosmic consciousness and step
out of the prison of FORM and SHAPE, and become universal conscious formless blissful
oneness.What we call being born and dying, and being born again and dying, is in truth just
going through the motions of the universal WOMB and every lifetime you experience hopefully
brings you one step closer to being really BORN and to rejoin  that original THOUGHT that gave
birth to ALL MOTION,then you will  be back at HOME, from whence you came countless aeons
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkkpatrickmichaeel17@gmail.com any feedback most welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Way Of Movement Becoming-Simplifying Complexity About Motion. W O M B .S C A M Part Two,

I was going to write this blog in two separate parts, the first being;Way Of Movement Becoming
which equates to the word WOMB, and then do a completely separate blog entitled,Simplifying
Complexity About Motion=the word SCAM. However thought it better to combine into one whole.
The first part of this is the womb, what exactly is a womb? We all think we know what it is because
we see babies born via this thing called womb,we see animals being born, what is the common link
between all thing being born, whether human, bird, fish, or insect? The common link is MOTION!
What then if we extend our vision beyond this tiny speck called Earth? Suppose we look at the
universe, which expands into infinity in every direction,what is the common denominator that
occurs everywhere within this universe? The answer is very simple, it is MOTION!! This universe
is totally full of MOTION, and for the word motion we should read WOMB, because in reality
motion and womb are absolutely the very SAME THING! The only tiny difference is that on
Earth the seed (sperm) comes from the father, and the egg from the mother, these are physical
things, because we are physical, on an absolute universal scale the SEED is a THOUGHT within
the Absolute Consciousness of the Absolute, and the SEED THOUGHT impregnates the FEMININE
aspect of the ONE, which is the EGG, and this then gives birth to MOTION from Absolute stillness
this motion manifests the universe and all therein it. What does this understanding imply? It implies
that all motion is occurring within the womb, and it further implies that this whole universe is STILL
very much EMBEDDED within that WOMB TODAY!! We think we have been born and died,
but is that really so? It might APPEAR THAT WAY, but I leaned many years ago that "Appearances
can be DECEPTIVE! Do not always believe what you think you see!
If I can move onto the second part of this heading,Simplifying Complexity About Motion, which
spells out the word SCAM.Before venturing into the simplifying process, I want to mention this word
scam,which if you look it up its origin is unknown, but first used in the 1960s, we understand the word to deceive or con someone,because  the religions that exist upon this planet, have for centuries
held back inner teachings that they all knew, but was kept from the like of you or me,why? because
if you knew the truth that they knew, you would have no FURTHER NEED OF THEIR SERVICES!
So they all worked a SCAM, in order to keep you turning up every week, and paying their wages.
The idea of evolution and simplifying the complexity of motion will have to wait till tomorrow
in part three this trilogy will continue, warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 2 July 2018

Way Of Movement Becoming-Simplifying Complexity About Motion-W O M B -S C A M .

What is the primal function of a womb? To give birth? Birth to what exactly?Here on this blog
today I am suggesting that we have all failed throughout the centuries to fully understand the
universal nature of what we call a womb. We have further failed to understand this womb like
nature, that we do not even realize that we are all STILL FIRMLY WITHIN IT!!! I will explain
all this as we go along. When a man and woman engage in sexual intercourse there is a seed
implanted within the egg of the female, and this seed and egg combined/co-joined make a third
entity a baby, so two together make three! Now being human being with physical bodies, we then
use a physical seed (sperm) from the male, and the female supplies the egg, where does the third
one come from? Now the act of bringing "LIFE ONLINE" and producing a third entity involves
doing something, and its this SOMETHING that i want to introduce here.First we need to look
at the word WOMB its hidden meaning can be spelled out in the very word WOMB which
spells out this; WAY-OF-MOTION-BECOMING=WOMB! We need to fully understand the
PRIMAL MEANING of the word WOMB, because the womb gives BIRTH TO MOTION!!!!!!!
When a human is manifested from the co-joining of the sperm to the egg, the first thing it does
is MOVE=MOTION. This physical universe is what? ALL IN MOTION? NO-THING is still
in this universe,why? Because all motion in this universe is still in Embryonic state, including
us. The womb is universally the producer of all MOTION, that is what a womb basically is
a motion producing universal LIFE FORCE, The FEMININE aspect of the ABSOLUTE
sometimes called ADI SHAKTI , the FEMININE aspect of the ONE is what could be called
the MOTION-ER For she MOVES the universe in endless motions.The MASCULINE aspect
of the ABSOLUTE provided the SEED THOUGHT this was the BIRTH of motion, as the seed
thought AROSE within that absolute consciousness, the Great MOTHER set it in MOTION and
entered into an embryonic virginal about to become UNIVERSE. The MOTHER is the
embodiment of ALL UNIVERSAL MOTION, and behind all that motion lies ABSOLUTE
MOTIONLESSNESS, this is the abode of the GREAT FATHER or GREAT SPIRIT, where
eternal stillness reigns SUPREME. This is where we try and connect to in deep meditation
that great stillness that lies deeply within us all.Tomorrow I will continue this and look at
the inner meaning of the word evolution, and go deeper into the fact that we are all still firmly
locked within the WOMB, we have not yet been fully REALIZED .
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com all feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 1 July 2018

What Is Reality Examining Definition.=W I R E D Part Two.

One definition of reality that harmonizes with me (that's because I thought of it????) Is that there
can only ever be ONE REALITY, and that ONE REALITY can EXPRESS itself in an infinite
number of ways, infinite expressions of the ONE REALITY. If we think this through we will see that
the very idea of TWO REALITIES is completely absurd, if one is totally REAL, What is GOD'S
name would the other one be called? Well  the answer to that is very simple, it would be called a
duality based RELATIVE universe, which is the one in which we all DWELL IN today. And this
universe is not only relative (and an illusion) but also TEMPORAL in nature, and here we should not confuse the word temporal with a "short passage of time" the meaning of temporal here is that this
universe will last for billions of years, which against the BACKDROP of the ETERNAL ABSOLUTE, is but a blinking of the eternal eye! The law of ONE opens up endless doors if we take the trouble to open them,it reveal also that there is only ONE TRUTH, exactly the same as there is
only one reality, the ONE TRUTH, is expressed in an infinite number of ways! the law of ONE
also answers a seemingly impossible QUESTION, the question is,"how many forms of life are there
in this physical universe?" The answer a child could know, is ONE, one form of life in the physical
universe, expressed in an infinite number of ways!
We are all embodiments of reality, outwardly we live in a dual world and are surrounded by plurals
where instead of thing, we think we observe THING-S" but inwardly we dwell in another dimension
where few of us ever venture far into.Outwardly we are relative=dual, inwardly we are Absolute
ONE, in between these two expressions lies a vast gulf of experience gathering and understanding.
If we pay attention to the new discoveries of the quantum field and unified field science, where they
already know that this universe is basically an illusion, a "relative cloak thrown over the real absolute  one" which the ancients all knew ten thousand years ago" This unified field theory also
talks of ONE REALITY, and they now today call it consciousness, tomorrow they will call it a more
realistic name of SPIRIT, or ABSOLUTE LIFE!Because all of us dear readers of this blog, are all contained and live and move and have "your" being within this ABSOLUTE LIFE, or consciousness
if you prefer that, or even energy intelligent or otherwise, they are ALL EXACTLY THE SAME THING! So on ending this blog on what is reality, YOU ARE! Reading this NOW?
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback most welcome, (never get any!) Facebook Soul Realization.