Friday 31 January 2020

Meditation Opens Inner Sight Transforming Enfolded Numen Significantly. M O I S T E N S Part Two.

Meditation or yoga is the key that will unlock the gateway that will lead you into the place
where full SELF-knowing dwells. That gateway lies within you,an inner space that is both
infinite and eternal.
Without venturing within ourselves either through meditation or yoga our levels of consciousness
will remain very much on a superficial level, and perceiving only that which belongs in the
relative duality based external world, that which lies beneath this outer facade that we all take
as reality,remain unknown and sealed of from us.
The faculty of inner sight reveals itself to you when you start practising going within yourself
and entering into that inner silence. Inner sight awakens a deeper level of consciousness within
us, and this deeper level of consciousness begins the process of transforming the enfolded
numen/spirit/soul within us, so that our lower ego-centred self can then raise up and make contact
with that higher self and the higher vibration frequencies.
This process steadily carried out on a regular basis significantly changes our whole conscious
perceptions of our evolving identity, which is showing itself to be that of an indwelling immortal
soul, and the full realisation that this indwelling immortal soul , is the true and everlasting
occupier of this vehicle the human biological machine  that you actually thought and believed
was actually who you really were!!
By going within ourselves we consciously begin the process of waking-up and thereby finding
our true and lasting immortal identity,as we go within ourselves it is or can be likened to
that of peeling an onion that has many layers or skins, as we penetrate deeper into our inner self
we begin contacting higher levels of consciousness, that were previously completely unknown
to us, and along with this evolving process, another wonderful and marvellous aspect opens up
within us, and that is intuition flashes of insightful ideas and new ways of seeing things, we have
then been given access to our very own teacher within us, that inner guru or master which is that
of our higher self the soul.
All these wonders and inner jewels and pearls of wisdom await any soul who embarks upon the
journey within yourself. Why not begin today dear reader of this blog??
Warmest regards Michael.  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 30 January 2020

Meditation Opens Inner Sight Transforming Enfolded Numen Significantly M O I S T E N S.

Meditation is the lubricant that moistens the rigidity of the physical self, and creates a space for
insights to flow into. An infinite wealth of knowledge and wisdom lie within each one of us,we
just need to go within, practice meditation and tune into that inner flow of living intelligent
energy that exists therein our being.
If we tune into that inner flow of silence, the energy within that silence will eventually lead
us to the place where our inner teacher dwells. How long this takes before we contact this inner
guru the master that dwells within us, really depends upon our efforts and the degree of
sensitivity we are able to align ourselves with.
When we start receiving intuitional messages thoughts that just seem to flow into our present
time consciousness, then we have already made contact with our higher self, our guru within
although at first unbeknown by us at that present moment.
As this inner communication expands and the intuition downloads of information begin to
impact upon our present awareness, we begin to instinctively feel the presence of an inner
energy, that seems to know all about us, when this happens we begin to see and understand what
is actually occurring within us.
We begin to realise that this intuitive inner voice, this still small voice,that we heard in our life
when we were in a crisis, this reassuring inner voice, that told us we were safe and would recover
that this voice was indeed the voice of our very own indwelling soul our higher SELF,
Which is our very own inner guru or master, who dwells within all of humanity,albeit largely
unknown by most of the population.
The exterior world that lies outside of you, is the one that we are all fairly familiar with, while
the interior that which is within us, is most completely unknown by mankind. we see a universe
that science informs us is infinite and seemingly eternal,what science has yet to grasp though is
that within us is also infinite and eternal, and whats more it is our true eternal abode,where we
all have been living forever.This relative incursion that we are all on incarnating here on Earth
is just a blink of the eye for the eternal soul/spirit of which we all truly are. Meditation is the KEY
that unlocks this inner universe and allows you access to your true inner BEING.
In part two will explore this further.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Truly Humanity Is Spirit-Wandering As YOU! T H I S -W A Y . Part Two .

After a wandering of countless aeons as unconscious life, we have all surfaced into a state
of self aware-recognition or more accurately a state of partial SELF- recognition, but fully
lower -self aware of 'I AM consciousness'. That is of being a self-conscious individual
personality ego centred being. We have all therefore partially awake into a personality state
lower self recognition.
The next stage which will ultimately lead into a full awakening into your Divine unified SELF
this will be accomplished over time, that will gradually transform ourselves from personality
based state of conscious awareness , into the higher state into that of being soul awareness
which will then lead automatically to that state of full SOUL REALISATION, which is what
your higher self actually IS.
The lower self, that ego personality based being, sees itself as of an individual which therefore
implies that of being separate and apart from others beings, an implied aloofness seems to
be fostered by many. However this way of thinking is in error, and does not represent that of
universal reality, we are not separate from the whole, and the idea of being a individual is
also a concoction made up and fostered by the ego, we all may well have different experiences
but in essence we are all the same ONE LIFE FORCE which is absolute infinite spirit, having
what we are all now currently experiencing, which is that of a relative experience embodied
within a vehicle called by us a human being,
Humanity is basically and factually that of incorporeal spirit life which is eternal and absolute
in nature,having a relative experience here on Earth while being within a corporeal physical body.
To gain and fully understand the true nature of what and who you truly are dear reader of this
blog,we need to venture within ourselves, and understand that within us all lies the answer to
all your questions doubts and fears, No universal truth will ever be with held from you, we all
have a divine birthright to fully know and understand our Divine heritage, this is the sole reason
we are all here, to find our true identity which is the soul that dwells within all mankind. I hope
dear reader that you will make this leap into the light and therefore begin your venturing within
your self.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Truly Humanity Is Spirit-Wandering As YOU! -T H I S W A Y .

We are super condensed and shaped into form by infinite intelligence,our true being is that of
incorporeal life which is eternal and one within the ALL. We all come from a dimensionless
plane that has its being outside of this relative universe,this physical duality based universe
is relative in nature and has this attribute of perpetual motion emanating from within the
dimensionless matrix of the Absolute. From which we also emanate from. So what are we
all doing here then?
That's a good question,in order to answer this question,we need to fully realise that all life
is eternal, there are no exceptions  to this existing anywhere  in existence.
That being said it will make it easier to understand the primal idea of motion from eternal
motionlessness. The Absolute in its Infinite wisdom manifested motion  from within its
eternal stillness,this motion was a intentional thought wave, (the primal causeless cause)
which then gave birth to the relative universe, at first this motioning inwards was called
involution where principle (law) was enfolded within principle  this sequence out-rolled
until it reached a point of super-density(which has long been gone)  thereby ensued a
momentary pause, then this super dense mass begun the next phase in which we call
evolution, involution preceded evolution. One mat now well ask, what has all this to do
with me then?
The answer is very simple, YOU were WITHIN that super condensed state of matter, the
Absolute which is infinite intelligence intimately placed itself within this super condensed
thought wave, it had to do that because quite simply NO-THING other than itself EXISTS
anywhere! That primal thought wave is still very much in action today,even though billions
of centuries have come and passed, but all thoughts of time and that of space are basically
meaningless babble when we are confronted with the ETERNAL ABSOLUTE INFINITE
which just forever IS!
Humanity you and me,are all products of that primordial thought intentional wave of the
Absolute, "WE" were cast out of EDEN,(stillness) and into the maelstrom of expressed
vibration unconscious and have been journeying ever since,until now we have all awoken from
our long slumber.
In part two will explore this further.  warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 27 January 2020

When Embodied All rotate Entwining Universal Source.-W E -A R E -U S Part Two.

When we are not living in our 'true place' we experience what is called 'Divine Discontent'
It is an inner urging that calls us forth to our next growth opportunity. Yet so often we ignore
it or procrastinate on listening to it, and usually something unexpected happens to throw us
into a state of having to listen. This unexpected state often comes in the form of an arising
crisis within our life. When crisis comes into our lives, this is natures way of saying that a
change  is needed.
The Divine discontent is the stirring deep within us, urging us to look within for the answer,
our higher self the soul is trying to get your attention, and because we are often set in our ways
and are reluctant to change our direction in life, the soul brings about an event that will make
you sit up and take notice.
We need to realise just who and what we really are. We are all LIFE which stands for LIVING
INTELLIGENT-FOCUSED-ENERGY, that is what we all are,living intelligent energy that has
acquired a physical body, a vehicle to use here on Earth in order to experience this tangible
corporeal existence of being within a relative frame work in which several laws of cohesion and
dimensional variances all come into play coherently to permit this evolving pulse of action (you)
to take place.
We are all held here by the intention of the soul-ray field, which is us (universal source) in our
incorporeal state,in order for us to fully realise this truth and recognise  this while we are still
within physical form.
It is important to mention here why this realisation needs to be made here on the Earth plane
while we are in physical form, we cannot make this full realisation state when we are discarnate
state and occupying those waiting rooms commonly called the Astral planes, these planes are just
basically holding stations where we visit in between one incarnation and another, we can only
fully realise ourselves while here upon the Earth plane,which is the only reason any of us our
here in the first place,the only other factor that vectors into this evolving equation is that of
Karmic liability. Full self knowing is the ultimate destiny of all mankind,no one will ever be left out
or forgotten,each of us in our own good time,will make that leap of attraction to that inner magnetic
pulsing beacon which is our souls crying out from the deep within us,look within dear reader and
make that inner journey of discovering the real YOU, that lies beneath the facade of FORM.
Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation,

Sunday 26 January 2020

When Embodied All Rotate Entwining Universal Source.-WE-ARE-US,

'WE' that are all contained within the primordial principle which is LIFE, are expressed shaped
formed into many varied species of which we that of humanity seem  to be the summit of the
evolutionary arc so far.
Humanity has that most vital added ingredient that separates us from all other life forms, and
that is our ability to say those two magic words of "I AM"self aware consciousness.That is what
'we' all are, we are all embodied self aware rotating and entwining that I AM consciousness,
that identifies 'us' as the universal source of all life which is that of the Absolute -Infinite-
Mind of the primordial life force or GOD for short.
What holds and anchors us all here is basically a singularity, that has tapered down into a fixed
point of reference(we are that fixed point of reference!) the singularity, this rapid rotational
vortex flows downwards(and here downwards means a lowering of vibration frequency).
This point holds our self aware level of consciousness in a coherent state while we remain in
physical form and using the vehicle.
The singularity that holds our I AM self aware consciousness field, is anchored in two reference
points within the vehicle (human body) the first anchor point is within the crown-chakra and the
second anchor point is within the heart chakra these two point complete a circuit that permits the
self aware I AM consciousness unit of life to engage with the physicality of relative expression
and therefore be able to gather experiences that will ultimately lead that life force to the internal
inner knowing of its true and universal identity of being that of the SELF which equates exactly
to that of the ABSOLUTE.
'We' are a BEING of  absolute stillness, engaging within relativity which equates exactly with
that of motion, we have all been contained within perpetual motion, which is just another name
for relativity for aeons of past relative time, and in that elapsed time have encountered
unimaginable experiences over an unimaginable  period, this has now brought us all up to this
precipice this pinnacle  point in our expression within relativity, where that divine inner beacon
is flashing homing signals which are arising within our higher selves and being transmuted into
our everyday consciousness, and give us feelings of what could be best described as that of
In part two will explore this further.            Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 25 January 2020

Inquire-Analyse-Meditate.-I A M Part Two.

What we seek when we go within ourselves is union with our higher self. The lower self
which is the personality the ego, the mind, and the idea of individuality, to link this lower
self into the higher self. This act of reaching inwards and also reaching upwards is basically
an act of union, which also means yoga or meditation upon the self.
Our lower self is fragmented and torn by desires and emotions that forever focus our gaze
outwards looking and seeking satisfaction for our wants and needs and desires.
In order to find real and meaningful union within our selves we need to inquire within ourselves.
Because by the time we have begun thinking for ourselves ,we have by then been used to calling
ourselves by the name of I AM Joe Blogs or Mary Smith, not realising what a magnificent and
powerful thing we are actually saying.
We are the only life form on this planet that can say the two most powerful words ever spoken
which is that of "I AM" we need to realise just how powerful  and far reaching these two words
represent, and whats more what does the two words of I AM actually IMPLY?
As I have mentioned in other blogs, these two words of  "I AM" were spoken to MOSES by
GOD when he was at the burning bush, and was told by this voice, tell them that I AM sent
you, after Moses had inquired who shall I say sent me? I AM sent you!
Is it then just a coincidence then that we prefix who we are by saying I AM?? Then reason we
all say this is because we all our I AM being represented in relative form in time and space and
enclosed within  and encapsulated within a physical biological machine, in which we all
mistakenly believe is who we really are, when in truth our bodies are just vehicles for that real
and lasting divine principle the immortal I AM soul/spirit.
In order for us to know and fully comprehend and understand this inner reality, we need to inquire
within ourselves and thereby receive first hand  a download and a intuition flash of this inner truth
of your real being.The lasting beauty of this inner truth is that it is vouchsafed within every human
being on this planet, you do not have to take anybodies word for it, it particular not my word for it
rather just inquire within yourself and then you will know by your own inner realisation the validity
of these words,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 24 January 2020

Inquire-Analyse Meditate- I-A M .

It took me nearly thirty years before I ever thought of venturing within myself. I only did it
then because my previous thirty years had been a complete mess, and filled with pain and
an addiction to alcohol. I stood on the threshold of a new beginning to my life, one where I
would be free from active addiction and one where I could learn to live and identify with
others so that I could  feel that I was no longer alone and isolated from the world.
I wanted to know who exactly was I, who was this force in my voice that said I AM
Michael?I wanted to know what lay beneath that outer proximity, that facade of form that
said it was me!
I found that in order to find the answer to these leading questions was to inquire within
myself.I seemed to instinctively feel that meditation was the answer I needed to throw light
on these dark areas of my life.
Meditation became a daily discipline to me and have been doing this now for over forty five
years, and over those past four decades many insights and awakenings presented themselves
to me.
I discovered very early on in meditation that I was not a human being that had a soul, rather
that I was a soul that had the use of a physical vehicle, and was made to realise the difference
the soul is primary and immortal, the physical is just a vehicle the soul uses in order to gather
I discovered the guru the master  lies within every human vehicle on this planet, this inner
guru is our immortal divine soul, we each have one,I have no monopoly on inner masters or
gurus, all of you reading this blog,each of you have within you your VERY OWN INNER
GURU, all you have to do, is to go within yourself and meditate and ask to be introduced
to your higher self, that dwells within your heart chakra.
By going within yourself and making that most vital inner connection you then open the door
to a real and lasting education that enters your consciousness and personal frame of reference
via your heart and crown chakra this inner learning comes from INTUITION which literally
means being taught from within yourself, by your higher self.
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 23 January 2020

We Are Infinite Truth-Universally Presented.-W A I T -U P Part two.

This planet Earth is not your real home, rather it is a place of experiencing interactions with
other 'classmates' and by this repeated experiencing over many life times here in incarnation
we eventually learn the lessons we needed to learn and experience, in order to realise the truth
of our inner Divine nature.Which is that we are all divine immortal souls experiencing
expression here on Earth in order to fully realise this fact.
This planet is for us basically a school and like any education system there are therefore various
stages that we each are in, within this particular incarnation. Some of us are in the infants class
some are in the senior class, some in college, and others in university, several stages of self
awareness and comprehension.
This universe is totally alive and vibrant, life is living intelligent focused energy, we are all
living energy, however not all of this living energy is self aware consciousness, rather it is
in a state of unconscious life being expressed and fully alive, but not self aware.
We however are in that most magnificent state of full I AM self aware consciousness, the
infinite ocean of life has washed us all upon the beach of I AM consciousness, we are no
longer drifting through the infinite stages of expressed life, most of it unconsciously
undertaken. We have been brought into that state of self aware consciousness, where we have
the divine power of the potential of full  SELF knowing,the power of reflection, the power
to know that you know! Saying those two most powerful words in the universe which are
"I AM" these are the very two words that the Absolute Source of all LIFE said to MOSES
tell them that I AM sent you! We are that I AM SELF aware consciousness. and to fully
understand this reality(for make no mistake, this is what it is) we are here incarnating on
Earth to bring about through the nature of multiple experiences that very realisation upon
ourselves that of an awakening, a spiritual awakening from deep within us as to our true
and immortal reality, that of us each being divine immortal souls.
We will then move on from just being in a sense of "wait up" for something to happen,to
then actually "waking up" and realising exactly who we truly are.The being re-born into
a higher stage of consciousness, and spiritual unfoldment.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

We Are Infinite Truth-Universally Presented. W A I T -U P .

What is truth? Does anyone really know? We as this thing called humanity  must be true, or
else we are all untrue, and thereby false, is that right? The question is what are we all really?
All seven point seven billion of us, what are we all collectively known as besides that of
being called humanity? The answer to me is that of LIFE, we are all living things,thereby
alive and thereby consisting of that principle called LIFE.
The primordial principle within this universe is that of LIFE/SPIRIT, it is an immutable  and
unchanging eternal reality (TRUTH)
Modern science in general has not caught up  as yet with the ageless wisdom , which clearly
states that "space is an entity" a living thing. There are a few in the quantum field of science
that are beginning to realise , that which has been known for tens of thousands of years,by the
ancient wisdom , that the whole universe is ALIVE and has CONSCIOUSNESS.
This realisation comes back to the title of this blog today which is,'We' are infinite truth-
universally presented. That universal truth is that we all are that most precious thing called
LIFE. Each one of 'us' which are indeed universally presented are each the very embodiment
of that eternal immutable principle which is LIFE.
Life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy,it is an immutable principle which is
experienced as relativity when it is being expressed (motion equates with expression)
unexpressed life is Absolute  and motionless. ALL IS ALIVE UNIVERSALLY, that is
an unchanging timeless eternal truth, this universe is totally alive and throbbing with
energy. Within that which is real,absolutely real that is, there is no such a thing which we
call death,NO_THING has ever died in this universe EVER, nor will it ever come to pass,
human beings that are souls which incarnate into biological machines never DIE, the soul
and spirit that animates the soul are an eternal principle which is LIFE, the physical body
does indeed rot and fall away,when the soul vacates the body at that point we call death
but this is not an annihilation of the being ,or being cast out into oblivion,to be completely
obliterated from all existence, certainly not,what belongs to the earth (physical body vehicle)
returns to the earth (remember that the Earth is very much alive as well) and is recycled back
into the living energy field of life, but YOU who are an immortal living soul, are NOT OF THIS
EARTH, this Earth is NOT YOUR HOME, rather it is a SCHOOL where we come to learn the
reality of that which we truly are.
In part two will explore this further,  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Superimposition Is Love Expressing Numinosity Truthfully-S I L E N T Part Two.

Mankind straddles a dual force that coalesces within the heart chakra of man. This dual force
are two waves that link into the centre of man and become superimposed within the matrix
of the expressed life force.
A vertical wave flows through mankind and this is basically the intentional wave  of the
indwelling soul. The other wave is a horizontal wave that is  encoded  and imprinted within
it our karmic liabilities carried over from previous incarnations.
These two waves form a standing wave, which then holds the physical matrix in cohesion
for that present incarnation.
These two lines of force replicate the shape of a cross, a cross that all mankind has to work
through,(please note here, that these two lines of force, are natural universal laws, that apply
to all expressed physicality universally.and have absolutely no connection with any man made
religions, nor with Christianity!)  and experience eventually that of the crucifixion upon the
cross of physical life.
This means at a deep and personal level we all arrive at a point in one life time or another
when we begin to question our lower animal heritage, and long for something more
coherent and lasting, we then start looking within us, most of us will only do this when we
have suffered enough mental,emotional, and physical pain,when we have been betrayed by
loved ones, hurt and dismayed by life, we then instinctively have an urge to look within us.
When we reach this point in our lives, we begin the vertical ascent into the place where our
higher self dwells, which is the divine immortal soul, it seems that we human beings cannot
except for a few rare individuals ever make this vertical ascent without being literally beaten
to our knees by pain and suffering.
Once we begin this vertical climb, leaving behind our animal past and growing towards a
spiritual future we then begin to feel the presence of this silent universal force of life, which
we begin to understand is that of that most potent force in all the universe which is that of
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 20 January 2020

Superimposition Is Love Expressing Numinosity Truthfully. -S I L E N T .

Life that is expressed and therefore has motion, needs a carrier to propel the life force along
and that carrier is a wave, a life wave so to speak.
The word used here which is superimposition means in this case, that a life wave (us) melds
into each other and becomes one,in other words they superimpose upon each wave and become
one expression.
We all our this expression here on Earth. The force that binds all this energy together and
coheres your physical body in a steady state of cohesion is the primal power that exists in this universe, and this is the power of LOVE.
We are all 'held' here by the cohesive embrace of love, and we are all not even aware of this
truly remarkable effect.
We are all life waves that have coalesced  into the shape and form of a physical biological
machine in order to gather the most vital experiences that will eventually lead us into the
higher realm of fully knowing the true nature of who and what we really are.
Another way of looking at the word superimposition is that of the eternal infinite intelligence
that in which we call by many names, that great invisible absolute spirit has superimposed
its essence within all expressed life, which we are all a part of,so that our outer life wave
which is the physical body is directly connected and interconnected to that inner life wave
that is the very life of life itself, that of Absolute Infinite Spirit. All we really need to do, is to
make those vital connections, by going within ourselves and seeking this out.
The presence of this life-force completely surrounds all expressions of form, the more sensitive
we become we will then realise this to be so. The life force is motioned universally by the
power of love, in truth no other force exists,we are often mislead by thinking that there is an
evil force, and think that this is another entity separate from love, but this is not so, if we
look at the spectrum of energy expressed it will have endless degrees of differentials from
the highest level of absolute unconditional love to the very gross and base levels which we could
evil. but evil is love inverted upon itself by the mind set of a self possessed being or beings.
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 19 January 2020

Primordial Light As Cosmic Electricity.-P L A C E Part Two.

Primordial light is cosmic electricity also called Fohat. Fohat is divine thought, the essence of
all cosmic energy, it is the ever impelling urgency in the force we call nature.When we use the
word life, we are calling out the name of the most powerful and only thing that exists anywhere
in this universe, and all that exists is LIFE-ONLY!
Whether it be expressed life and therefore relative and be imbibed by perpetual motion, or
whether it is motionlessness and therefore Absolute-Life, expressed or unexpressed that is all
there is within that which is reality.
Within the word LIFE exists its inner meaning which is Living-Intelligent-Fohat-Energy=LIFE
We as human beings are all living-intelligent-fohat-energy encapsulated within a biological
machine and wrongly imagine this biological machine to be whom we really are, which of
course is completely untrue and a false assumption  based on our ignorance of our inner-self
Our consciousness and self awareness are all aspects of this primordial light which is Fohat
fohat gave birth to consciousness as it emerged from perpetual stillness into perpetual motion
We now who are E-motional beings moving through life on an ascending arc we call evolution
are all seeking to be connected(albeit unbeknown and unconscious to most)  unless there is
an inner connection, we are all basically and factually unplugged from reality, and therefore
live just within three basic dimensions of freedom, excluding the higher dimensions that exist
within us, but we must seek them out, and take some responsibility for doing so.
All the tools you will ever need to find your true and lasting immortal SELF lie within you
all we need to do is to look within,use our consciousness and intelligence,seek out that inner
light that dwells within us all, that inner primordial light that has been your constant companion
ever since you left that place-less place of perpetual motionlessness and were rocketed out into
relativity and therefore perpetual motion. We are all totally immersed and super saturated within
that invisible light which is FOHAT-CONSCIOUSNESS and we are all completely unaware of
this reality. By reaching within ourselves, we then connect ourselves to the universal family of
LIFE,when we connect to that inner reality, our consciousness will expand into cosmic awareness
and perception.Don't take my word for it, try it YOUR-SELF dear reader.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 18 January 2020

Primordial Light As Cosmic Electricity -P L A C E .

What is our place in this world? What lies within us that has mystified mankind for
millennium? These are deep and seemingly unfathomable riddles that has baffled mankind
and also invoked countless arguments and violence over the passing centuries.
The primordial light has also another name which is that of FOHAT, this is an ancient word
that comes from Sanskrit text and originates from the Tibetan script language. It means the
primordial light that emanated from within the Absolute BEING at the place of where all
motion was born,perpetual relative motion, from absolute motionlessness.
The word FOHAT broken down spells out . Force-Of-Holistic-Absolute-Thought=FOHAT
equals LIFE 'you and me'are fohat in motion life is Cosmic Electricity  condensed into shape
and formed  into a human being by infinite intelligence.
Our PLACE in the universal scheme of things is here and now upon this planet Earth. Why are
we all here?
The reason we are all here is indeed very simple and elementary,in its direction. The path or
direction we are all heading towards is called the realisation of that in which you truly are,
but are as yet completely unaware of this reality.
This pathway is commonly called evolution, Our base gut feeling is to feel safe and secure, a
'PLACE' where we are ;safe and secure,whole and happy,this basic gut feeling is what we all
crave for and seek out.
The primordial light FOHAT  is our link between mind and matter, our outer physical body
is anchored within that of matter, this is our biological machine body vehicle, our consciousness
within is purely non physical and is universal both relative and absolute simultaneously.
When we have absorbed enough experiences, suffered enough pain and agony, been let down
and betrayed by those we loved, experienced joy and happiness, when we have become
disquieted enough with our understanding of life, we will instinctively begin the process
of looking within ourselves to the answer of what is life all about? And why am I here?
Self knowing is the force of FOHAT that 'personified electrical vital power, that drives us
all through endless lifetimes here on Earth in order to WAKE UP and realise your inner
In part two will go further into this.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 17 January 2020

Rapid Acceleration Into Nothing Invoking Numen Gateway. R A I N I N G Part Two.

What is it we all want in life? The answer to that question would depend very much on the
one going to answer, as to whether they had for instance food and water, if not then all they would want for life is food and water, because without those most vital essentials we cannot stay alive
on this planet. So what we all want in life depends on our personal circumstances at that time,
whether we are fit and healthy, or sick and sad.
All I wanted in life when I started meditating forty five years ago, was just to experience peace
of mind, and a stilling of those rapid thoughts that kept firing into my brain at what seemed
like warp speed. When as time passed and I began gathering those things I wanted and badly
needed, I found that there was a 'space'within me  and how could I fill it? That is if it really
needed filling!
By going within and venturing into inner space,I quickly discovered that this inner space was
indeed infinite and eternal. I found that there was no limit on how far I could venture  within,
the only limit was set by myself  and my ability to push deeper into the inner spheres of life.
I discovered that there is a natural process that will not allow you to go beyond that which
you are capable of absorbing and realising, a kind of natural law that protects you from your
own ignorance and enthusiasm.
An eerie and strange feeling of being sat very still and also feeling that inwardly you were
moving at the speed of light all at the same time.
By going within ourselves with an intention and a willingness to understand ourselves fully
we will very soon begin to invoke the numen (spirit) within us, and this will begin a process
of us receiving intuitive insights into things that used to completely baffle us.This inner
teaching comes from our higher selves the immortal divine soul.
We open a gateway a connection to our inner spiritual reality, and once this gateway is
opened, we then step into a world where your consciousness perceptions and awareness begin
expanding within you. Suddenly life begins to look very different than it did before.You begin
making connections with all life around you, being connected to everything in the universe is
now for you,not an intellectual concept  or a cool way to think, rather it has become a living
reality to you, you feel that connection within the very core of your being, no doubt no longer
exists within your mind.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Rapid Acceleration Into Nothing Invoking Numen Gateway.-R A I N I N G

Within my experience of meditation over the past forty five years, I have become familiar
with a phenomena which is that of a sudden acceleration that occurs within my meditations
a sudden acceleration into nothing. An infinite expanse of nothing in which all of everything
is contained therein? Which then arises the paradox of sitting still, while moving at a rapid
My experiences of this inner motion has given me insight into the natural laws that operate
within our being.Those souls who are in the process of dying also experience a rapid
acceleration, usually along a electric blue corridor in which there is a white/violet light
which seems to beckon the soul to come into this place of peace. Those souls who are in
the of leaving  this physical dimension and changing locations,in other words dying,are
certainly not meditating while they die, but they experience that sudden rush that I have
experienced many many times, without dying I may add!
When meditating we begin going within ourselves which then begins to manifest an access
to another level of being, this level exists within another dimension of expression, the acceleration
that is felt is that of the inner you , your consciousness touching another level of existence and to
do this we need to motion through a connecting corridor which is a vortex that connects this
dimension to the next which for most of us is the astral dimension, which within itself has
several levels of expression and stretches out to infinity.
When we venture inwards we are in effect slowly moving away from our lower animal
instincts and beginning to move towards that reality that dwells within all of mankind
by going within ourselves and either practising yoga or meditation we are beginning to
build a bridge that will eventually rocket us out of this physical dense plane into a new
rarefied level of consciousness and awareness, this inner bridge that we all can and do
build will then permit us to link into that place where the numen (spirit) dwell we each
are numen beings spirit that is clothed in flesh, by invoking the numen within us all by
practising meditation or yoga we can then step into a new level of consciousness and perception.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Condensation Of Spirit Manifests 'I' Concept -C O S M I C , Part Two.

We are all cosmic universal beings engaging in gathering experiences over many incursions
here on planet Earth. When we can fully realise that the true nature of our inner being(being
ever mindful, that the physical body vehicle is not who you ARE)  which is eternal and has
never experienced any beginning or will it ever experience any  ending.
What begins and ends is our physical vehicles that we use to motion through our expressions
here on Earth.
 When we can begin the process of full knowing and understanding our true reality, then all
fear and foreboding about dying and ending will vanish from our thoughts, just like the mist
that vanishes before the rising sun! The rising sun in our case is the leap from ignorance into
full self-knowledge which will then lead automatically into inner wisdom.
Cosmic consciousness is who YOU ARE, we do not have to engage in any learning process
in order to tap into universal cosmic consciousness. We are already it! Its just that we do not
'KNOW' what we have 'vouchsafed' within us all .
Within all of us lies infinite eternal knowledge and all wisdom, no-thing is ever kept from
you knowing it. The only thing that will EVER get in YOUR WAY is your OWN ignorance
of who you truly are.
Albert Einstein said in a quote,"For the rest of my life I will reflect on what light is!" unquote.
The SOURCE from which all life flows from, and returns to, comes and emanates  from a
place-less place that modern science has some difficulty in accepting, this place-less place
is that of Absolute motionlessness, which science says cannot exist within this universe
well it does not exist within this universe by the simple reason that it transcends this universe
of relativity, and further this relative universe which is in perpetual motion, is actually within
the bosom of the SOURCE which is absolute motionlessness. Our entire universe is WITHIN
the absolute embrace of the absolute SOURCE.
We are all absolutely ANCHORED into the SOURCE at our inner most being, within our inner
most being we our absolute life/spirit/light/ and at our outer extremity we are relative and contained
within a physical body vehicle. By going within ourselves we begin an ascent into and closer to
who we really are, may your journey dear reader be fruitful for you.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization..

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Condensation Of Spirit Manifests "I" Concept.- C O S M I C .

Life and spirit are synonymous you cannot have one without the other. All so called things
condense into one THING,and that one thing is Life/Spirit. The 'I AM' concept that we all
have, can be likened to a 'universal gong' a very loud bell, whose note reverberates through
out this universe.This is the silent sound of the mighty OM. The 'I AM' consciousness is the
call to wake up, and recognise who you really are.
I AM is a cosmic wake up call,  that lets you know the true nature of what LIFE actually
is,and what life actually is, is YOU ! You  are LIFE, we use words like I am alive, which
implies that this is a temporal reality, and that at some time you will then become un-alive
or dead as we call it!
We miss the point (because of our ignorance) which is we are not just alive, but rather we are
all the very embodiment of LIFE itself, which is by nature that of being Absolute,Infinite,and
When we use the word "I" AM' we are saying the two most powerful words that can be said
in this universe, we seemingly seem unable to make that most vital of vital connections that
these two powerful words convey.If any of you have ever read the Bible, a very powerful
clue resides within there, because when Moses heard Gods voice at the burning bush story
Gods voice told Moses to tell the people his message, Moses asks who shall I say sent me??
The voice said "I AM" that I AM sent you, tell them that!
We all use the prefix every day, I AM JOE Blogs.or I AM Mary Poppins,is there not a very
real clue here issuing out of our mouths every time we say I AM?????
We do not need to have the skills of Sherlock Holmes to see these clues very clearly,just look
within ourselves.
WE all our LIFE, in fact we are all the very LIFE of LIFE itself, and being life means that we
are ALL immortal eternal infinite BEING. The word BEING is in the singular because there
is just one BEING at SOURCE,which is absolute and motionless,however within relativity
in which we all now dwell we enjoy the illusion of the many, and can and will continue enjoying
this relative state for a long time to come.The SOURCE is the COSMIC JEWEL, and we are
the many facets that make up this one JEWEL. The JEWEL is absolute ans forever still, we as the
facets within this JEWEL are all relative, and are therefore always moving.
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 13 January 2020

Absolute Motion Is Spiritual Stillness.-A M I S S Part Two.

I would like to start this blog today on stillness with a quote from Bryant McGill  quote,
"Only in stillness does the imperceivable become discernible"unquote, If we drew a line
from our Source of Being which is absolute and motionless, we would have a direct line
of force of Life motioning from a place of absolute motionlessness to spanning many
dimensions of expression each dimension slower in vibration than the previous one,
until we arrive at this planet Earth and the physical body vehicle where the line stops.
We all our at the 'end of the line' the one that is forever in motion. We are all still at Source
and motioning in expression.Stillness is an energetic quality of being,stillness is not something
we have to go in search of nor is it a journey into escapism or numbness. It is where we came
from and what we are innately made of and this is our natural state of being.
By going within ourselves we are heading in a direction that gradually ascends the
e-motional levels of vibration heading into a place where stillness dwells.
Connection to the source of all being can only really be achieved  by going within ourselves,
sometimes this takes place because we have been confronted with a major crisis in our lives
perhaps life threatening, this arising crisis often causes us to reevaluate our lives, and this
often leads to looking within ourselves to the deeper questions that haunt so many of us, like
what is the point to all this? What is the purpose,if any in my life? What happens when we die?
These questions cause us to look within for answers.
What is really AMISS in all our lives are the answers to that most basic of all questions, that is
just who and what am I really? Who am I ? When we know the answer to these questions, then
we will naturally fall silent, because we will know with absolute certainty that we are all immortal
divine souls, having what could be termed as a relative experience here on Earth.We have NEVER
EVER had a beginning, nor will we ever experience an ending, for that would be an absolute
impossibility. We need ever be mindful that our physical bodies are just vehicles for the soul
to use and gain purchase in this dense physical realm, death is utterly meaningless, no-thing
ever dies, in the sense that it vanishes forever from reality, your physical body belongs to the Earth
it is the clay that allows the spirit access to this realm, but YOU dear Reader are NOT the physical
BODY,exactly the same principle that you are NOT your CAR you drive to work in!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 12 January 2020

Absolute Motion Is Spiritual Stillness-A M I S S .

Life or spirit (they are both the same thing) has basically two distinct states of being, if life
or spirit is being expressed  which means that it is moving and has motion, then it is relative,
if however life or spirit is unexpressed then it remains motionlessness and is therefore
absolute. Absolute rest (stillness) is a state that matter cannot experience, only the soul
or spirit can experience such stillness.
This is why all the ancient teachings of self-knowing talk about the need to go within yourself
in order to attain stillness.
We still get the same teaching today from yoga or meditation practices, the key wording is
always go within yourself and find that inner silence. Silence and stillness are inextricably
linked together.
The reason we need to go within is because of what we really are. At our outer marker which
is the physical body vehicle we are totally relative and made of gross physical atoms at a low
vibration frequency, as we venture into ourselves we begin to enter an inner space which
gradually begins to move into higher and higher vibration frequencies, thereby over time
and sustained effort, we begin loosing our dense physical atoms, and they are automatically
replaced by finer ethereal atoms.
We 'each' are being expressed through five dimensions of expression tapering down from a
very high level of perceptive consciousness and awareness, down to the gross level of
physicality the physical body vehicle.
Each of these five bodies or dimensions of expression are all within what could be termed as
a 'relative bubble' at the highest expression of relativity (motion) we can choose whether to
burst that last bubble of relativity and thereby melt and dissolve into the absolute. or chose
to either stay within one of the five dimensions of expression, and do whatever you feel you
would want to do, maybe go back into the Earth plane and help out those who are still
groping about in the darkness of their ignorance of their divine heritage.
The dictionary meaning of the word AMISS says this; "not quite right,inappropriate,out of place"
I think these meanings of the word AMISS describe mankind to a tee!
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 11 January 2020

Mankind I Am Self Manifesting Infinite Consciousness. M I A S M I C Part Two.

I would like to start this part two blog today with a quote from LAO TZU, "we shape the clay
in a pot,but it is the emptiness inside that holds what we want"unquote. 'We' that thing called
mankind are all self-contained points of "I AM" referencing self aware states of consciousness
that identify themselves to be that of "I AM" called Joe Blogs,or Mary Smith!
We are all points of physical reference cohered into form and shape by infinite intelligence,
our bodies are made of matter which really consists of light being slowed down in vibration
and steeped into a torporous state of unawareness of who we really are.
Consciousness is absolute and transcends this relative universe, within the absolute infinite
ocean of consciousness lies all wisdom and all knowledge.
We as human beings only seem to be able to tap into the most surficial level of this infinite
ocean of SELF-KNOWING. We are all here to do one thing - and that is to WAKE UP.
The process of waking up involves many incursions into this so called "Vale of tears" this
Earth Plane.
Here in each incarnation we are presented with situations that will cause us all eventually
to look within ourselves for the answer to the riddle of life. The riddle of life is not a riddle
at all, because when you look deeply within yourself you find that YOU are in effect and in
fact LIFE itself, indeed you eventually find that you are the very embodiment of all LIFE
The vaporous cloud that creates the miasma enshrouding mankind is basically that of SELF
ignorance,and because of our total lack of self-knowing we have all the self-centred selfish
acts that leads to violence wars, racism, greed, lust for power and sex,millions dying of
starvation and thirst, while other places the citizens are obese and dying of heart disease and
diabetes, and cancer.With ego inflated leaders of countries lusting after more power will do
anything to get it, no matter who suffers or dies in the process.None of this self centred
cancerous bullshit could ever occur if we all knew who we really are, and have the full and
lasting realisation that we are all intimately connected to each other, we are in fact brothers and
sisters within the infinite ocean of consciousness and are all eternal immortal BEING.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 10 January 2020

Mankind I Am Self Manifesting Infinite Consciousness -M I A S M I C .

The miasmic cloud vapour that hovers over mankind can be seen and likened to that of gross
ignorance of being and self. We do not even begin to understand the fullness of what our "I AM"
consciousness really means.
If your very essence is transcendent then it is inexorably connected with all else that is
transcendent.Because transcendent is one of those absolute concepts that we cannot weasel-word
our way around. We are not transcendent to or of something this is not a relative concept, our
essence transcends the ego completely and with absolute finality, you are humbled in the
presence of the knowledge of your true SELF.
Our lower self is that of the physical biological machine, where we use the ego to guide us
through the labyrinth ways of our expression within physicality,and with this physical expression
so many fall into the idea that this physical vehicle is who you really are, so that instead of your
"I AM consciousness being what it truly is, and that is universal and absolute, it becomes distorted
by our ignorance and therefore we seal ourselves  off from our true immortal identity.
In order to unseal ourselves from our relative ignorance, and open the door that leads to full
and complete comprehension of our true immortal divine heritage which is absolute and eternal,
we need to refocus our gaze from being permanently looking outside of ourselves, and begin the
process of looking within our interior and begin seeking from within ourselves the exact nature
of our true BEING, asking ourselves that most important question we can ever ask of ourselves
and that is the question of all questions,which is WHO AM I ? Your higher self knows exactly
who and what you truly are, all you need to do is ask this question, from your lower self, and
await the answer. The answer will always come,if you persist and are patient, no inner truth
can ever be with held from you, unless your sincerity to know fully is not really a hunger
to know the truth of SELF, the ancient wisdom says, that the hungry will always be fed, if
they are sincere.
We all limit the limitlessness  of our consciousness by our gross ignorance of our true identity
consciousness is infinite and absolute there is no limit on what we know or wisdom we can
find within us, we limit ourselves, if we can recognise this fact and open our minds to the concept
of that vast infinite world that lies within us all, then we can expand the limitlessness  of our conscious contact with consciousness.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 9 January 2020

Stream Of All Knowledge-Source Of Wisdom-S O A K +S O W . Part Two.

The reality of truth and wisdom are locked away within every human being, vouchsafed there
by the Infinite wisdom of the Absolute-SELF, in whom we all live and move and have our
Because we are all immortal divine spirit, having what is in truth just a relative existence and
experience here upon this Earth plane, we have all forgotten we we truly are, and that being
so, we have also totally forgotten the knowledge and wisdom that is vouchsafed within each
of us. 99.9999 per cent of human beings are completely and totally unaware of what lies
beneath the surface level of their operating consciousness frequency.
We have been brought up with the idea of learning which only comes from without, such as
that of schools, college, or university, and hardly ever if at all about any seeking of knowledge
or wisdom from within yourself.
True and lasting knowledge and wisdom is never learned, rather is arises from WITHIN
YOURSELF, and it arises from within yourself, because the reality of ALL UNIVERSAL
knowledge and wisdom, lies buried WITHIN YOU dear reader of this blog.
And the reason all this knowledge and wisdom lies within you,is because of our common
denominator which is the 'we' are all eternal immortal spirit,and are all therefore Absolute at
our core of being,at our outermost marker which is the human biological machine, we are all
then shown as being relative beings,so we all have access to all knowledge and wisdom
we all are total knowledge and wisdom, (but we know it not).
We can spend most of our lives looking for things outside of ourselves, such as knowledge
and wisdom, seeking enlightenment by going on a course, seeking a guru or master to
teach you how to realise all these things.We totally fail to realise that the MASTER of ALL
WISDOM, lies within YOUR OWN HEART! You cannot seek and find any enlightenment
outside of yourself, and a further truth that not many fully UNDERSTAND is that every soul
is already enlightened , but are completely unaware of this reality,we live on the surficial
matrix of our being, here we live in ignorance of what LIES-BENEATH, within our INTERIOR
until we look within ourselves, we will always remain in ignorance of SELF IDENTITY and
therefore will continue suffering the consequences of this inaction.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Stream Of All Knowledge-Source Of Wisdom. S O A K +S O W .

We as this thing called Humanity, which really consists of physical vehicles that hold the Divine
essence, that of the Self -or immortal divine soul.
We are all completely submerged and supersaturated within a consciousness infinite field, that
contains all universal knowledge and universal wisdom. We all are the very embodiment of all
knowledge, and all wisdom. There is NO-PROCESS of 'learning' this knowledge or wisdom,
this cannot occur, by reason of that all universal knowledge and wisdom is already vouchsafed
within our inner core of Being.
The idea of 'learning anything' at all is purely a relative thing, and does not exist within Absolute
reality, where all is known and it is known by virtue of BEING, and that Being is from where all
knowledge and wisdom emanate from.
So how do we contact this infinite font of all wisdom and knowledge? The only way to access
this infinite knowledge and wisdom that I know of, is to go within yourself and take up the
practice of meditation or yoga, we can of course read about knowledge and wisdom, but this is
not the same as realizing this from within yourself,when via intuitive flashes of insight come
into the mind and you are suddenly made aware of things you had never known or even
realized a few moments beforehand.
Knowledge and wisdom are all contained within consciousness, and consciousness is among
other things that of energy manifesting within this relative universe, this energy stream which
can also manifest into a mighty river exists all around us,all we need to do,is to tune into this
vast infinite ocean of wisdom and knowledge that resides within consciousness and its inner
Sitting quietly and stilling the chatter box mind, focusing only upon your breath, letting go
of all arising thoughts as best you can (it gets easier,the more you regularly practice this) then
sitting in that silence, where only the silent OM may reverberate through your being, this is
the point that you will become introduced to intuitive insights and flashes of illumination that
will reveal a reality that you had previously were unaware of.
In part two will go more into this, Am travelling tomorrow, so next blog on Thursday.
Warmest regards Michael. Any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 6 January 2020

Infinite Consciousness Omni Numinosity.-I C O N Part Two.

At its essence Life/Spirit/consciousness is intangible(not having a physical presence) Ineffable
(cannot be explained in words) Incorporeal,(having no material existence) invisible cannot be
seen by mortal eyes, all these descriptions of Life/spirit,consciousness you and me, are all
relating and leading to just one reality that includes and also transcends all those other words,
and that one reality is consciousness.Consciousness is ALL and ALL is consciousness, what
does this really mean?
If we look at the medieval proverb which states that "All roads lead to Rome",which can mean
that wherever you start from you will always end up in ROME. Well consciousness can be
described and paraphrased as this maybe? "All words lead eventually to ONE-WORD  which
is Consciousness"! Because within that one word the whole universe resides within its infinite
and absolute embrace.
We all use billions of words, but in essence they ALL Condense down into that  of
The ICON is US  human beings , first we have the "I" then we have the CONsciousness
making the "I CON".
The full sequence of this equation is 'I  AM Consciousness' or ICON for short!
In our core of being we "all" are ONE LIFE only,immaterial,incorporeal,ineffable, invisible
and wholly ALIVE  and absolute BEING. But at our "outer marker", which is this relative
universe,and us within it being expressed as this thing called humanity. We are all self aware
our consciousness life stream is condensed from its universal ocean of non locale to that of being
localized within your localized consciousness energy matrix, which is holding you in physical
stasis in order for your soul to gather valuable experiences so that it can eventually reconnect to
the whole and can therefore disembark from the illusion of separateness and fragmentation, and
get of the wheel of physical expressed life, and move on to higher and more rewarding insights
and inclusive wisdom and knowledge.
Consciousness is who and what we all are, consciousness which is also light as well, has been condensed and vastly steeped down in vibration in order so that it can become flesh and bone and
provide a suitable residence for the soul to interact with, wisdom at its finest!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 5 January 2020

Infinite Consciousness Omni Numinosity.-I C O N

Consciousness is an infinite ocean of life being expressed within and spanning the Absolute
and relative universe, plus it is present in every dimension of expression universally and
Consciousness is both absolutely nothing and also absolutely all at the same time simultaneously.
There is no such a thing as 'consciousness' because consciousness transcends all dimensions and
transcends all universal law, no-thing can ever apply to consciousness,because consciousness is
Absolute  Infinite and eternal , and is in absolute Transcendence of all expressions of motion
and life, in fact it is LIFE , it is GOD, it is Absolute ALL that EXISTS is Consciousness.
Everything within this universe is consciousness and everything that moves within the universe
the galaxies,stars, planets,are all contained within the matrix of consciousness.
In truth and in fact the only reality in existence is consciousness, naught else exists . Spirit is
consciousness,God is consciousness,Life expressed or otherwise is consciousness,atoms are
consciousness,energy is consciousness, light is consciousness,you and me are consciousness,
Where zero motion exists within the Absolute here consciousness is still and unmoving.
Consciousness is termed in quantum science speak as being non-locale present everywhere
and not localized anywhere in particular.
When we come to mention that of humanity, something fundamentally amazing occurs that
as far as we know for certain, only occurs within mankind, and that is the localizing of that
universal absolute constant which is consciousness, consciousness which is ubiquitous  and
universal in nature,suddenly become LOCALIZED within a HUMAN BEING and this
localizing of consciousness is called by us as our "I AM" self aware consciousness,when we
say the words I AM we are saying the two most powerful words in this universe, yet most of
us are completely unaware of this fact. I AM were the words GOD said to MOSES, when he asked
"who shall I say sent me?" The voice of GOD said I AM that I AM sent you. Tell them that!
We as human beings who are self aware are using an infinite power, yet fail to perceive this truth
We are in fact and in truth, consciousness walking on two legs, consciousness that has congealed
and condensed into semi solid material our flesh and blood bodies.
In part two will examine this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 4 January 2020

Womb Holding Embryonic Numen Consciousness Enfolded -W H E N C E Part Two.

Mankind is 'born from the womb,explores and experiences then dies,and is sealed in a tomb'
that's a poem I just made up,is that all there is to life then? Most assuredly it is not! We are all
LIFE,and life has nothing to do with humanity! Humanity really means a 'collection of vehicles'
to express the life force that dwells within the physical vehicle.99.999999 per cent of all life
universally is NOT HUMAN, mankind or humanity is in truth just a collective term for
biological machines that all have(a largely unknown) real occupier which is the higher self
also called the soul. The word life actually means Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy=LIFE.
Following on from yesterdays blog,we are still on a journey of SELF-discovery, thereby
we are all being expressed in relative ways, the inner core of our being is absolute. This means
that spiritually we all are as yet not fully born into the FULL-Realization of our Absolute
reality STATE of BEING. The lower practice of repeated incarnations upon this Earth plane
is in order to bring about the full awareness and full perception of who you actually are, and
this process within the collective arc of human unfolding  involves a vast amount of experiences
before the full realization dawns upon the newly awakened divine life force. Thousands of
incarnations  spanning untold numbers of centuries, have to come and pass  before this dawning
 brings light into the darkened void of the human mind.
Because 'we' are all divine and absolute in our core of being, and because we have all got access
to thoughts and mind, we have all created over millions of years our OWN  place of Reference
where we can visit when we exit our vehicles (die) , this place is commonly called the Astral
Realms, or as Carl Jung called it the "Collective unconsciousness of humanity"we have all
created albeit unconsciously the Astral Realm ,it can be likened to a "HOLDING STATION"
between one life and the next.The astral realm is still only relative not absolute, and still physical
but very much unlike or as dense as here, also the astral although in interpenetrates  our physical
dimension, it is within another dimension finer and less dense than here
We have all "been born again" many many times,within one lifetime you can become spiritually
reborn, sever times in the same time frame of one particular incarnation, maybe this one you now reading this, will become reborn by a deep and profound spiritual awakening, Many are now in
the process of awakening into a more inclusive and connected reality. The NUMEN is YOU dear
reader of this blog,YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS is enfolded around your inner DIVINE REALITY
If you do not believe me, well just look within and see if there is anything there, what have you
got to lose?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 3 January 2020

Womb Holding Embryonic Numen Consciousness Enfolded. -W H E N C E .

The title of this blog today spells out the word WHENCE the dictionary meaning of that
word is, 'From what place or Source', so this blog is about tracing our origin from SOURCE
to SOLUTION by looking at the way life enfolds  and is unfolding within the evolutionary
arc of ascension.
Intuitively I feel very strongly that we are all still very much contained within the womb on
motioning life. This may sound very strange and seem totally absurd at first. Have we not all
been born from the womb already into physical life? If that is so, how could we possibly still
be contained within the womb? Also, what sort of womb are we talking about here? That's a
good question! The womb that we are all born from is the female mother, and we are all
familiar with this natural process, the female mother is the 'birther' of human vehicles that
gain entrance into this physical domain via that method.
Life though is not really a physical thing,we perhaps need to be mindful of this reality,
physicality is only a vehicle provided by infinite wisdom to permit spirit entry into the
physical  dimensional domain,it provides a physical vehicle for this to occur.
Universally though there is another MOTHER who some call SHAKTI  who is the Goddess
in Hinduism meaning 'The Great Divine Mother' there are many divine mothers in all countries
with many other names, but all really meaning the same thing.
If we look at what at what evolution really means, this idea will be made clearer. Evolution  is
really about MOTION motion that emanates from eternal stillness and absolute perfection.
All motion is by the very nature that it moves thereby it must be relative, so evolution that moves
along an arc of ascension is by that nature relative, in other words that of relative perfection ,
perfection that is in the 'process of becoming ITS-SELF' That is where we all are today along
the arc of evolution, we are all motioning through this arc of ascension, heading to that place
where all MOTION ceases and we return back to stillness.
But while we are still on this journey of SELF-DISCOVERY we are only thereby relative and
not absolute, which means spiritually we all are as yet not FULLY BORN, and still remain
within the WOMB of SELF Discovery.
In part two will go further into this           Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Singularity Presented Opens relativity Expressing Self.-S P O R E S Part Two.

In order to understand the singularity point that expresses the pluralization of the Absolute One Whole Life Source, one must accept this fragmentation into relativity, which allows the One to be the many. This is the basis of the concept of relativity, which causes us to use a plurality of terms such as 'we', 'them', 'us'. This plurality occurs in relativity and cannot exist in absoluteness.
The Infinite Absolute state of BEING is total and absolute motionlessness  and is Absolutely
In order to depart from that state of awesome atonement, a point of departure has to be made,
the point of departure actually means the manifesting of MOTION from within Absolute
This is done by manifesting a thought-wave, a Absolute intentional thought -wave , that one
whose crest we are still all surfing on.
Now to return to what we call humanity, what exactly is it? We need need to fully know and
understand what this thing called humanity actually is.
We are all basically Absolute Singular Being at our highest point of reference, "WE" are all
ONE Absolute BEING  within relative reality, "we" all have the illusion of the MANY  the
"them and us"illusion.When in truth there is only "I AM consciousness reality present. And
there is ONLY ONE I AM PRESENT ANYWHERE,so where does this leave you and me?
If we look at humanity as that of each "we" being just a facet of the one ABSOLUTE JEWEL
and each facet is here in order to fully know its true identity which is obtained by many
incarnations here on the Earth plane, and learning from those many experiences the true and
lasting nature of your Divine Heritage.
The words spelling out this blog today, spell out the word SPORES, we all are the spores the
seeds from the one PLANT that has cast its mighty presence out from its awesome stillness
into the "seeds of expressed life" we all are those spores/seeds, our 'I AM' consciousness
in order to manifest here int his relative universe has to create a vortex that enables the
absolute to enter into relativity  and funnel 'downwards' (downwards here means vastly lowering
the vibration rate ) until it reaches the point which is the 'borderland' between absoluteness and
relativity, that point is called the singularity point, where the ethereal spirit becomes super
condensed and congeals as flesh and bone. This singularity point is anchored within the physical
body twice once in the crown chakra, and once in the heart chakra, and is held in coherence by
the intention of the immortal soul, who overshadows each human body.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Singularity Presented Opens Relativity Expressing Self. S P O R E S

How can the Absolute Infinite Reality becomes presented within an relative physical universe?
In order for this to be achieved we need first to discover that the relative universe is in truth
just an illusion, it is not absolutely real,rather it is only relatively real, in other words a"temporal
reality"even if this temporal reality last for billions of years according to our concepts of time,
we further need to realize that time too is an illusion as well.
This relativity this relative universe is really just a backdrop covering that which is Absolute
that lies behind the facade of relativity.
"We" as this thing called humanity, which in itself is an illusion , because so many millions of
us actually believe that this physical biological machine is actually who we really are, which of
course is utter nonsense, because when we look within ourselves we soon realize that the
physical body is only a vehicle for its true occupier and divine energy intelligent matrix of
the soul or higher self.
So where does the singularity come into play here? If we can imagine that the SOURCE of
all life, which "we" all are totally submerged within is like an Absolute Infinite Ocean of PURE
Consciousness/Spirit/Life Essence, this is where "we" ALL have come FROM, and will ALL
eventually return to at some point in our journey from stillness Absolute motionlessness, then into
perpetual motion last aeons of illusive time. Then ascending higher and higher levels of consciousness  and awareness reaching cosmic consciousness and beyond ,then finally merging
back into that total stillness of the Absolute.
The singularity is the only way any of us can become presented here in the dense physical realm
on and on this planet Earth.If we can try and understand what we ALL OUR in ESSENCE then
the idea of a singularity will immediately clarify itself.OUR essence is DIRECTLY from the
SOURCE of ALL presented LIFE universally,and this SOURCE of all life is ABSOLUTE
so the question then arises as to how can an Absolute BEING become expressed within a relative
field of many dimensions?
In part two of this blog will explore and explain how this seemingly impossible state of expression
and how that expression is held in coherence to permit the needed experiences to be gathered.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.