Tuesday 21 January 2020

Superimposition Is Love Expressing Numinosity Truthfully-S I L E N T Part Two.

Mankind straddles a dual force that coalesces within the heart chakra of man. This dual force
are two waves that link into the centre of man and become superimposed within the matrix
of the expressed life force.
A vertical wave flows through mankind and this is basically the intentional wave  of the
indwelling soul. The other wave is a horizontal wave that is  encoded  and imprinted within
it our karmic liabilities carried over from previous incarnations.
These two waves form a standing wave, which then holds the physical matrix in cohesion
for that present incarnation.
These two lines of force replicate the shape of a cross, a cross that all mankind has to work
through,(please note here, that these two lines of force, are natural universal laws, that apply
to all expressed physicality universally.and have absolutely no connection with any man made
religions, nor with Christianity!)  and experience eventually that of the crucifixion upon the
cross of physical life.
This means at a deep and personal level we all arrive at a point in one life time or another
when we begin to question our lower animal heritage, and long for something more
coherent and lasting, we then start looking within us, most of us will only do this when we
have suffered enough mental,emotional, and physical pain,when we have been betrayed by
loved ones, hurt and dismayed by life, we then instinctively have an urge to look within us.
When we reach this point in our lives, we begin the vertical ascent into the place where our
higher self dwells, which is the divine immortal soul, it seems that we human beings cannot
except for a few rare individuals ever make this vertical ascent without being literally beaten
to our knees by pain and suffering.
Once we begin this vertical climb, leaving behind our animal past and growing towards a
spiritual future we then begin to feel the presence of this silent universal force of life, which
we begin to understand is that of that most potent force in all the universe which is that of
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

1 comment:

  1. The soul intentional wave is vertical, the life evolutionary wave is horizontal. these two waves intersect within the centre of man, and therefore form the shape of a cross.
