Thursday 16 January 2020

Rapid Acceleration Into Nothing Invoking Numen Gateway.-R A I N I N G

Within my experience of meditation over the past forty five years, I have become familiar
with a phenomena which is that of a sudden acceleration that occurs within my meditations
a sudden acceleration into nothing. An infinite expanse of nothing in which all of everything
is contained therein? Which then arises the paradox of sitting still, while moving at a rapid
My experiences of this inner motion has given me insight into the natural laws that operate
within our being.Those souls who are in the process of dying also experience a rapid
acceleration, usually along a electric blue corridor in which there is a white/violet light
which seems to beckon the soul to come into this place of peace. Those souls who are in
the of leaving  this physical dimension and changing locations,in other words dying,are
certainly not meditating while they die, but they experience that sudden rush that I have
experienced many many times, without dying I may add!
When meditating we begin going within ourselves which then begins to manifest an access
to another level of being, this level exists within another dimension of expression, the acceleration
that is felt is that of the inner you , your consciousness touching another level of existence and to
do this we need to motion through a connecting corridor which is a vortex that connects this
dimension to the next which for most of us is the astral dimension, which within itself has
several levels of expression and stretches out to infinity.
When we venture inwards we are in effect slowly moving away from our lower animal
instincts and beginning to move towards that reality that dwells within all of mankind
by going within ourselves and either practising yoga or meditation we are beginning to
build a bridge that will eventually rocket us out of this physical dense plane into a new
rarefied level of consciousness and awareness, this inner bridge that we all can and do
build will then permit us to link into that place where the numen (spirit) dwell we each
are numen beings spirit that is clothed in flesh, by invoking the numen within us all by
practising meditation or yoga we can then step into a new level of consciousness and perception.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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