Sunday 19 January 2020

Primordial Light As Cosmic Electricity.-P L A C E Part Two.

Primordial light is cosmic electricity also called Fohat. Fohat is divine thought, the essence of
all cosmic energy, it is the ever impelling urgency in the force we call nature.When we use the
word life, we are calling out the name of the most powerful and only thing that exists anywhere
in this universe, and all that exists is LIFE-ONLY!
Whether it be expressed life and therefore relative and be imbibed by perpetual motion, or
whether it is motionlessness and therefore Absolute-Life, expressed or unexpressed that is all
there is within that which is reality.
Within the word LIFE exists its inner meaning which is Living-Intelligent-Fohat-Energy=LIFE
We as human beings are all living-intelligent-fohat-energy encapsulated within a biological
machine and wrongly imagine this biological machine to be whom we really are, which of
course is completely untrue and a false assumption  based on our ignorance of our inner-self
Our consciousness and self awareness are all aspects of this primordial light which is Fohat
fohat gave birth to consciousness as it emerged from perpetual stillness into perpetual motion
We now who are E-motional beings moving through life on an ascending arc we call evolution
are all seeking to be connected(albeit unbeknown and unconscious to most)  unless there is
an inner connection, we are all basically and factually unplugged from reality, and therefore
live just within three basic dimensions of freedom, excluding the higher dimensions that exist
within us, but we must seek them out, and take some responsibility for doing so.
All the tools you will ever need to find your true and lasting immortal SELF lie within you
all we need to do is to look within,use our consciousness and intelligence,seek out that inner
light that dwells within us all, that inner primordial light that has been your constant companion
ever since you left that place-less place of perpetual motionlessness and were rocketed out into
relativity and therefore perpetual motion. We are all totally immersed and super saturated within
that invisible light which is FOHAT-CONSCIOUSNESS and we are all completely unaware of
this reality. By reaching within ourselves, we then connect ourselves to the universal family of
LIFE,when we connect to that inner reality, our consciousness will expand into cosmic awareness
and perception.Don't take my word for it, try it YOUR-SELF dear reader.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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