Sunday 31 July 2022

Meditation Is A Science Meaning Ascension. M I A S M A .

 This blog today entitled MIASMA is about the obscurity of our inner SELF. and how

the most ancient science of meditation can open up and throw some light on the fog 

or miasma that BESPOKES our ignorance of our true identity.

Meditation is that most ancient of sciences that goes back thousands of years and has

accumulated vast wisdom along the way. This science is about by going within ourselves

we can begin to understand just who and what we really are. 

This science means and leads to the phenomena of ascension, where through entering into

the inner silence we begin to tune into our inner intuition, which will gradually speak words

of wisdom to you. This with flashes of insight and downloads or up-welling's of information

will begin to awaken you into the realization that there is an INTELLIGENCE at work 

within you, which is giving you these flashes of insightful downloads of information and

wise ideas. Miasma  is about clearing away the miasmic fog which is our ignorance of

identity and using  this ancient science of meditation to do this.

We tap into an inner radiance of ethereal light that exists within us and impinges upon 

our consciousness when we have been deeply within that deep inner silence. Within this

inner silence wonderful things happen. Our vibration rate becomes more rapid and we

expand our awareness and perceptions, which then brings up into touching higher states

of consciousness where we then begin tapping into universal wisdom , which has laid 

dormant deep within you.

Meditation is also the science of UNCOVERING, UNCOVERING your ignorance and 

thereby truly revealing before your startled gaze  that reality of whom you really are which

is an Divine Immortal SOUL, when the MIASMIC FOG is cleared away you stand 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonages within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 30 July 2022

Stairway To Effortless Ascension Leading Towards Heaven. S T E A L T H .

This blog today entitled STEALTH is about the journey we all take when we embark 

upon a venture of inner questing. When we take up meditation and begin our inner

journey, we are then beginning to gradually ascend an invisible stairway that lies within

the centre of our being and is wrapped around our spinal column. This stairway or ladder

as in "JACOBS LADDER" which was seen in a vision by JACOB ascending upwards

into what he called HEAVEN or inner harmony. What he was witnessing was the inner

ascent of the KUNDALINI energy as it slowly uncoils itself up each of our chakras.

When we begin our inner quest we touch BASE with our ROOT CHAKRA , we become 

grounded within its energy vortex. This is the beginning of our journey of ascent, Which

will take place at the pace you are able to handle, some of us will ascend quicker than others

it really depends on your individual level of sensitivity. 

The deeper we can go within our meditation and enter into a profound silence will be the 

speed that we will ascend. Holding the silence without any thoughts is the key and what to

aim for. Silence is literally GOLDEN because it touches the GOLDEN RAY that opens 

up when we start to ascend and envelops us in its aura spectrum.

Our journey is from the root chakra  upwards around the spinal column until it reaches 

the crown chakra. This energy which is the dragon serpent energy uncoils slowly with 

STEALTH and caution because it can be dangerous to try and force this process along

too fast. It has to ascend at a controlled rate of ascent, usually in stages one chakra at a time

allowing you to become used to the higher intensity as each ascension stage brings. 

When we are then ready to experience the higher levels of ascension our awareness and

consciousness are expanded exponentially leading up to the the crown chakra where we

then begin to experience a full blown SAMADHI awakening, this is the ascent into

HEAVEN which means literally Divine Harmonic Resonance or HARMONY for 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 29 July 2022

Absolute Self Spirit Expressing Motion Becoming Localized Earth. A S S E M B L E .

 This blog today entitled ASSEMBLE is about how Divine Self which is pure SPIRIT

becomes LOCALIZED upon this planet Earth. Assemble is about the INTENTION of

pure spirit to experience tangible expression here upon this planet Earth. And the process

it has to undergo in order to become expressed here .The first thing to realize is that pure

spirit is motionlessness  and Absolute which means that it is also omnipresent and 

ubiquitous, so it has to become relative in order to be presented here on the Earth.

To do this the SPIRIT has to become motioned from stillness, in its pure state there is

zero vibration all is forever still and motionless. The Spirit has to manifest a thought 

which produces motion . This motion then manifests as ENERGY and energy can become

compressed. So spirit becomes condensed into motional reality which is that of relativity.

Once spirit is condensed and has a vibration signature it can become further compressed

into a singularity vortex  point of reference, where it then can be born into physical life.

This is what "WE" ALL OUR in principle. We are a principle in motion walking on two

legs. Humanity is made up of 7.7 billion singularity points of reference  all imagining that

it is a personal being, has an individual  reality, but in essence we are all PURE SPIRIT

GOD having a relative experience here on Earth.

Warmest regards michael feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.


 This blog today entitled BLOG is about who or what is the actual BESTOWER of

GRACE upon us?  And also the question the question of what actually is GRACE?

What is GRACE? If we assume that an Individual GOD or Great Spirit is the 

BESTOWER of all grace, then does this not suggest that this Great Spirit seems

to favour certain individuals rather than others? If that were so then GOD would

be singling out special souls for BESTOWING this grace upon them .And what

exactly is GRACE? We need to first understand who we really ARE, because in 

knowing who we rally our will thereby answer the question of what is Grace?

Mankind is in essence GOD or the Great Spirit, that is what we actually are. "WE"

are all DIVINE SPIRIT GOD undergoing a relative experience here on Earth in

order to gather tangible experiences of relative expression.

If we can accept this truth of us all being God in essence, then it becomes easier

to see and understand just what grace is,

The truth is that "WE" are all the "BESTOWERS" of GRACE  UPON OURSELVES

by an arising spiritual energy within us that rises up into our awareness at a time when

we need to feel that inner energy within our soul being.

We are all GOD in miniature and therefore BESTOWERS of grace upon ourselves

quite unconsciously as this energy arises from our soul in response to our inner needs

at that particular moment in our lives,

We feel it overshadowing us with its PRESENCE of GRACE which has arisen within

you and being BESTOWED UPON YOU by YOUR HIGHER SELF which is the Immortal


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

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Thursday 28 July 2022


soul realization: GOD-REALISED-AS-CONSCIOUSNESS-EXPANDS. G.R.A.C.E. ...: Who but the authority of God, can bestow grace? Can man actually bestow grace upon himself ? A Great Master was once asked by his ardent d...


soul realization: GOD-REALISED-AS-CONSCIOUSNESS-EXPANDS.=G .R.A.C.E.: What is GRACE? Have you ever experienced it? Is grace a BOON from God? Or have you actually earned it,(albeit unknowingly)? By the grace o...

Mankind Is Localized Eternity M I L E .

 What is Mankind? This blog entitled MILE is about answering this very question of

what is mankind? To answer this question fully we need to know what lies beneath this

FACADE of FORM we call the physical body. We need to understand that the physical

body is only a vehicle for the immortal divine soul to use here on Earth in order to

gather valuable experiences of physical life and its interactions.

"WE" are all localized within our physical body , localized means that we are projected

parts of consciousness which have been taken out of omnipresence universal state and

become localized within  a physical body . Our inner nature is Divine Spirit, and that is

ubiquitous , but our outer nature is relative and localized to this planet and your exact 

location on Earth. To find out who we really are we need to look within ourselves, within

us all lies the answer to our true immortal identity. When we can know ourselves then the 

answer to who and what we are and why we are all here will become self evident.

We are all basically eternal being having a relative experience here on Earth, and the 

reason we are here is very simple really, we are all here to gather experiences of 

tangibility living, to "enjoy" the illusion of separation from the "WHOLE" and to engage

in emotional encounters with the illusion of "others"  for in truth there are no "OTHERS"

we are all ONE fragmented and made into fractal images, into 7.7 billion beings  who are

all busy gathering experiences and seeking answers from tangible sources. The real answer

will only come from within your self, Go within and find out who you really are dear 

Reader of this blog.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Wednesday 27 July 2022


 This blog today entitled AWE is about how all we have to do to find out who we really

are ,is to ASK WITHIN ENQUIRE within OUR-SELF. All knowledge and divine wisdom

lie within each one of us, all we have to do is to enquire within ourselves. 

Take up meditation or yoga and begin that journey that will take you from the bondage

of ignorance to the freedom of full self knowing . Meditation is the ancient science of full

self knowing, and how to ascend to higher states of awareness and consciousness. When we

enter the inner silence where all is calm and still, we begin to tune into out intuition and 

begin getting flashes of insights and knowledge of things that we previously did not know.

Here in this silence in the void we also tune into the wisdom of the ages . All this lies 

within you awaiting your discovery . We do not learn anything, rather we uncover what

was already there. AWE is about being in AWE as you gradually reveal more and more 

about the truth of who and what you really are, we stand in AWE and wonder when we

finally realize we are all Divine Immortal Souls, this realization will bring a tear of joy

to your eyes as you finally begin to know your true SELF which is the immortal Soul.

Deep enquiry into who am I? will finally reveal to your startled gaze your real lasting 

immortal identity. The answer to all your questions lie within YOU, all you have to do 

is to go within and find that answer to the question of WHO AM "I"? Your inner wisdom

and knowledge will answer all these questions for you.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Tuesday 26 July 2022


 Mankind is presented within  five koshas of expression which are, 1)physical body.

2)energy body, 3)emotional body, 4)wisdom body, 5 bliss body, five bodies of 

expression make up the presentation of mankind  today. This blog entitled AEONS

is about the third body of expression which is the emotional body , which is also 

that of the ASTRAL BODY. The astral body is within our physical body or rather

interpenetrates it , and when we die(change venues)we automatically enter fully

into that astral body and are automatically taken into the astral plane to a point where

you resonate with and have an affinity with. Astral entities can communicate with 

physical beings, and have done so for thousands of years. The ORACLES of DELPI

were prophesying to the priests were all Astral Entities.. There is a fallacy about astral

entities which talks about how we can talk with the DEAD!! Well that is impossible to

talk to a dead being, newspapers are fond of this wording "THE DEAD SPEAK", the 

reality is that astral beings are often much more alive that we physical beings.

Astral entities is a name which I think describes them more accurately than calling

them SPIRITS, because they are no more spirit than we physical beings are.

They have an astral body expression and we have a physical body expression the only

real difference is in DENSITY, the astral body is less dense than the physical body.

The reality is that the LIVING can only communicate with the LIVING in differing

dimensions, ONLY LIVING BEINGS can communicate with each other, you cannot

communicate with a CORPSE,! When the owner has left for the astral realm.

Each one of us, you reading this blog now are an astral being within a physical body.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Monday 25 July 2022

Presented As Spirit Soul In Vehicle Expression P A S S I V E .

 This blog today entitled PASSIVE is about how "we" are presented upon this planet 

Earth and how "we" are funnelled down into physical form and born as a human being.

PASSIVE is about how the "SPIRIT" which is absolute and omnipresent , "swoons"

and "surrenders" into the flow of being presented within a relative background upon

this planet earth. The SPIRIT becomes "localized" by condensing into relativity and 

being "clothed" covered by five layers of energy plasma coverings which act as a 

dimensional "SKIN" for what then becomes the SOUL. The Soul is presented within

five sheaths or koshas the last kosha the physical vehicle being added last when the 

connection is made within the womb of the mother to be.

Humanity is mostly in the dark (ignorance) about how they become presented upon 

this planet . What we are in truth is gatherers of tangibility as the Spirit in its 

omnipresent stateless state cannot know about relative existence and how interactions

take place, it cannot know of feelings like touch, taste, smell, see, hear. That is WHY

we are all here to gather experiences of tangibility.

"WE" are also here to wake up and know about our presentation sequence and how we all

our Divine Being. We are in order first we are SPIRIT which is the SELF absolute

then we are "clothed" in five koshas and become a Divine Soul an expressed spirit being,

then lastly we are ejected out into physicality and become a human being.

That is the order of our expression , when we go within ourselves and begin to unravel

the sequence of our presentation and finally know who we really are, which is SELF

Spirit absolute Brahman GOD.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Sunday 24 July 2022

Electricity Enfolds Reality Infinitely Expressed. E E R I E .

 This blog today entitled EERIE was inspired by that great one off inventor Nikola Tesla 

born 1856-died 1943.EERIE is about how all universal life and expression is all of an

electrical nature. Humanity is a collective of electricity condensed into solid energy

the energy which is living is that of electric light condensed and congealed into a 

biological machine, which is what you are. The dictionary meaning of the word ERRIE

says this; "mysterious, strange, chill up the spine, not of earthly origin" all these words 

mean that our understanding of what expressed life actually IS remains very limited.

Light -energy-motion are all components of one thing, which is in essence 

ELECTRICAL, electricity can be presented in a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma state

stars are electrical plasma emitters . Human beings are solid electrical machines with

our biological computer the brain using electrical impulses to compose thoughts and

ideas, and to send electrical signals to your organs and muscles , all movement is

centred on electricity, which flows like a fluid, our blood is fluid electrical energy

which feeds the biological machine.

This whole universe is one infinite relative electrical  field of dynamic motion. 

Vibrations  are excited atoms expressing motion in a controlled unified way,

Consciousness is a field of knowing , this field is electrical all life expression runs

within a current of electrical impulses.

We exist within an electrical life current our expression is physical motion within a

biological machine .We can tune into this infinite field of power by going within 

ourselves and connecting to higher charges of power which then melds into that of

etheric electricity.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Saturday 23 July 2022


 This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about who and what we all our, beneath this FACADE

of FORM we call the physical vehicle;

We are all presented within this incarnation physicality as a three fold expression of being

physical, mental, and spiritual , the spiritual part today I want to focus on. We are in 

primal form pure-spirit,  that is the essence of who and what we all our-pure-spirit. The

letters UAL which are added to the word SPIRIT making it to spell SPIRITUAL, the UAL

stands for universal-absolute-life that in essence is who and what we all are in truth.

The SELF that is presented in relative infinite truth(physical body), the word SELF stands

for SPIRIT-ETERNAL-LIFE-FORCE, that is what the SELF actually IS.

When we as that of humanity can refocus our gaze inwards into our inner being , we can

then begin to unravel the mystery that surrounds mankind. By taking up meditation or 

yoga we b begin to peer into the inner part of our outer presentation which is the 

physical body, looking within and entering into the silence we draw back that curtain 

within us that veils the inner spirit and soul.

By tuning into our intuition we begin to discover our true inner nature, we begin to see the

connections we have to all other life and humanity.

When we can tune into our intuition we begin to reveal who we really are. We discover 

that we have a higher self within us, we see the grip of our ego's and the effect it has on

our state of being, the ego does not want you to find your true SELF, because when you 

do the ego will loose all its power over you, and it will try many ways to deflect you from

going any further. Be very wary of the ego, and its many antics to get you to start focusing

outwards rather than inwards.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization,

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Friday 22 July 2022


 Todays blog entitled HAIR is about how humanity has begun to turn a corner in our

journey through incarnation experiences. The evolutionary cycle that we have all been on

for thousands of years is beginning to close and the angle of ascent has begun to raise 

upwards towards the vertical. This incoming change has been loosely called the 

"Dawning of the age of Aquarius" another more new age name for evolution is 

that of ASCENSION. The downward flow of evolution has now reached the tipping 

point, we are all now gradually ascending into higher levels of consciousness and 

perceptive awareness. With the digital age now in full swing, and dozens of web sites 

all talking about ascension we are now busy gathering all we can to learn about this new

phenomena we call ascension.

Millions now around the world are tuning into spiritual  pursuits and things like yoga

and meditation have been taken up by millions of us worldwide.

This blog HAIR is about us beginning to WAKE UP  and realize that we are all spiritual

beings having a human experience here on Earth.

Beginning to wake up and realize that we are souls with physical bodies, and not bodies

with a soul. The soul is the primal principle reality, the physical body is secondary and

falls away when we move out into the astral body life, when we exit the vehicle and move

into our new home in the astral plane.

Ascension to coin a phrase is "ON THE RISE" and humanity is gradually being LIFTED

UP  one soul at a time , into a greater dimension of awareness and consciousness . The 

Sleeping Dragon that lies within mankind is slowly waking up one soul at a time.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

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Thursday 21 July 2022


 This blog today entitled MOIST is about how we are excluded from  a "full living

experience" by our embedded ignorance which acts like a dark mirror within us 

hiding away the the full potential of what we could become. "WE" are in a fact within

what could be called the "dance of the living death" because many of us are only

operating within two dimensions of expression, rather than the three dimensions that

we all our expressed within. 

Millions of us are only physically and mentally alive, with the spiritual dimension 

either completely unknown about, or rarely if ever aware of. This failure in our full

knowingness results in all the misery , wars, and mayhem that abound upon this 

planet. Our task if we accept this is to begin cleaning this black mirror within us

which represents our profound ignorance of just who and what we really are. Instead

of being three dimensional expressed beings, we are only two, so we are all "HALF

COCKED" and NOT fully "LOADED" into the full life SPECTRUM that is open

to us all. This blog MOIST is about "wetting our Appetite" for looking within ourselves 

and becoming acquainted with the spiritual dimension of our full expressed nature.

Meditation is a wonderful relaxing way of cleaning away our gross ignorance and 

polishing that darkened mirror, so that it begins to reflect more and more of just who we

really are.

This way we will become more aligned into our true expressed nature. We are all physical,

mental, and spiritual beings a three fold expression of human life, we need to pay full

attention to becoming three dimensional beings in tune with the truth of our expressed 

BEINGNESS. That way we will be "FULLY LOADED" and full aligned within a 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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Wednesday 20 July 2022


 This blog today entitled STUFF is about the way life becomes expressed (motioned)

within a series of Torsion Fields  which are singularity vortexes which act as condensing

agents for pure energy to become steeped down into dense matter energy. The STUFF we

are made of is intangible spirit which "amounts" to NO-THING. so to get SOMETHING

from NO-THING  you need a field of Torsion waves that can SPIN pure energy which is

intangible spirit into SOMETHING that becomes relative . This is done by the force of

a singularity torsion spin wave vortex which super condenses pure energy into what we 

call matter. 

All life that is visible to us is condensed in this way. What we do not see is the NOUMENON

that exists within the torsion field invisible to our eyes, we only see the outer phenomenon

which is visible, we cannot see the invisible field of electromagnetic vortex torus field that 

completely surrounds the visible life presentation.

Humanity for instance is visible as a phenomena we can see the form and shape of the 

being, but what we cannot see is the invisible energy that envelops this life form, which 

is the NOUMENON the essence of life expressed all we see is the phenomena this 

physical form.

The STUFF we are made of is NOTHING that becomes SOMETHING through 

condensing  and contracting, putting pure intelligent energy (spirit)  into a singularity

vortex torsion field that spins at the speed of light and super compresses and condenses

pure energy (spirit) and also localizes the omnipresent energy into this time and space

continuum within this relative universe.

"WE" are all the STUFF that INTENTION made us, spun into SHAPE and presented

as a human BEING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Tuesday 19 July 2022

Spirit Motionless Absolute Reality Transcendent. S M A R T .

 This blog today entitled SMART is about how SPIRIT which is ABSOLUTE and 

motionlessness (zero vibration)  which transcends our concept  of LIFE because life

only comes ONLINE when there is MOTION (vibration) which equates directly to

vibration. Spirit is TRANSCENDENT of LIFE and existence, the word exist which

comes from the Latin word "Existere" which means to stand out from the background

spirit does not stand out from any background , it is the background and foreground

and every other ground, because it IS EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY. SMART is

about how spirit became "MOVED" by an arising intention within the absolute Source

and this arising intention  was the birth of ALL MOTION and moved into manifesting

this relative universe.

When motion was born aloft the primordial intention wave , Life came to become 

expressed as pure energy. Energy is spirit  in motion.

We as human beings are at the apex of our expression range, We have nearly completed

a FULL CIRCLE of our orbit of evolution, we are now ascending close to the circle 

point of origin. Man has the capacity inbuilt to know himself, and by knowing himself

he can then see that at its core of being you are SPIRIT.

When we finally know ourselves we have completed the full circle of expressed 

motioning life, and then we can either enter back into the silence of pure being, or make

a choice  to remain here and help your brothers and sisters to find their way. Or you can

choose to leave this part of the universe and move into another dimension within a planetary

chain  of expression and incarnate there as starting a new adventure.

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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Monday 18 July 2022


 This blog today entitled SAID is about how humanity are all 7.7 billion informed (made into

a formal shape of a human being) informed souls with a physical body vehicle which then 

gives purchase for the soul to engage in tangible experiences via the proxy server  which is

YOU reading this blog dear reader..

Divinity which amounts to SPIRIT cannot enter the physical realm without a proxy server

that's where we come into the picture. Spirit cannot know or even understand what tangible

reality is really like, so in order to do so. Divine Intelligence came up with a way to explore

this physical dimension by using vehicles as proxy servers. When we can look within ourselves

and seek out our true inner nature, this reality of proxy servers will make sense because when

you look deeply within your self  you will find out that the real you is the Divine Immortal

Soul, and that INFORMED BODY  was and is just a vehicle for higher Intelligence to use 

as a way to gather valuable experiences of tangible living.

Our physical bodies are all "loaned to us" by the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, 

these four elements cooperate together an provide a physical vehicle for the soul to use,

and when the vehicle dies the elements claim back that energy that was loaned to the soul

out of service. The soul approaches the elements looking for a vehicle and asks the elements

to help., which they do.

So when all is SAID and DONE  we are all souls using vehicles loaned to us by the four

elements, can we all say thank you to the elements for their loving service towards us all.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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Sunday 17 July 2022


 This blog today entitled UM which stands for UNCOVERING MYSELF is about seeking

the reality of just what you really are by going within yourself and investigating what lies

beneath your FACADE OF FORM ? By going within ourselves and taking up the practice

of meditation or yoga we will then be venturing within our self and revealing that the 

inward journey is also that of INFINITY as with the outer universe, by going within

you are entering an inner universe which is also infinite and limitless in its reach.

One thing you will soon discover is that all wisdom and knowledge are all found within

you. What meditation does is polish the dark mirror within us which is our ignorance,

and as this dark mirror is polished by our venturing deeper within us we begin making

discoveries that arise within us. They ARISE within us because all truth and wisdom 

is VOUCHSAFED within every human being, all you have to do is to "UNCOVER"

it from Within YOUR-SELF !  Uncovering Myself  is about fully knowing who you 

really ARE, and when you uncover enough inner wisdom you will then know exactly 

who and what you are, which is an Immortal Divine Soul .

This realization will ARISE within you automatically when you have uncovered 

enough of your true SELF to be given the answer to your SELF by an INSIGHTFUL

FLASH of INSPIRATION that will reveal to your STARTLED SELF  just what 

you really ARE!

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 16 July 2022

Astral Incarnating Souls Localizing Earthwards. A I S L E .

 This blog today entitled AISLE is about how humanity gradually through many

incarnations works out exactly who and what they really are. In order for us to do 

that "WE" all have to walk the AISLE in the shadow lands (EARTH) before we

can step out into the inner light of full self knowing. Walking the AISLE of

expressed life is about reincarnation, the process that eventually leads each being

to a full knowing of just who and what they really truly immortally are.

When we die (change venues from earth to Astral plane)  we then have an 

opportunity to take stock of our past life on earth and evaluate the pros and cons

of our life, see our positive aspects, and also the negative ones as well, did we have

an internal inkling about our true identity? 

We need to understand why incarnation takes place, the bottom line is that the

reincarnation process is about "waking up"  and smelling those proverbial roses

of your true Immortal Being. That is the SOLE purpose of the reincarnation 

sequence. To WAKE UP!  And find  your soul. And when you do that you will 

realize that you are also more than  that, which is SPIRIT.

That realization comes later when you have awakened into soul Realization.

We go up and down into life after life being expressed on Earth, then back into

the Astral realm  for a rest, then back here again, How many times you do this 

really depends on how much you look within yourself and begin to make those 

vital connections, that will fully WAKE YOU UP, when you fully wake up ,then

your incarnations become less vital, as you are awake to your true immortal nature.

When you do that you will also realize that there are many other options that will

open up for you, where you can go a a very different journey altogether?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 15 July 2022

Science Cannot Accept "LIGHT" Expressing Spirit. S C A L E S .

 This blog today entitled SCALES is about how science today cannot accept the presence 

of pure spirit light radiance, which is a WHITE LIGHT that "retains its INTEGRITY"

and cannot become and does not contain any other colour within its unique purity only

pure white light, which cannot become fragmented  or if put through a prism  would 

only reveal pure white light, and no-thing more than that, And this unique principle of

pure spirit light according to todays science is totally impossible. Science knows of

the light from our sun which is fragmented when passed through a prism and reveals 

several colours of differing hues, this is physical light which is relative in nature.

But spiritual light is not relative and exists within a different dimension from our own

physical reality. We are all in essence bathed in this pure white light it is the radiance

of love enfolded.

This blog SCALES is about weighing up the idea of our inner radiance and looking 

within ourselves to reveal it to our self aware consciousness.

The core of our being is pure light, this light is INTELLIGENCE absolute light

is consciousness being expressed and visually seen. Light and intelligence are one of the

same , pure life which is pure spirit is all ablaze with luminosity and the pure radiance is

WHITE LIGHT. The light is a BEING-LESS BEING, which is pure SPIRIT 

ENERGY. We are all radiated by the physical sun outside in relativity, but inwardly

we are all radiated by the spiritual SUN, which is white light purity in BEING-LESS.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 14 July 2022


 This blog today entitled CLIMB is about what we all are and what does destiny have in

store for us? What are we all becoming? What are we made of? The answer to that 

question is really very easy but also somewhat difficult for some of us to accept, 

Because basically we are all made of nothing more than congealed light, or solid

light which has become compressed within a singularity vortex and spun out as a 

tangible being, all matter is basically solid light energy super compressed or

condensed or congealed  into physical matter. Mankind consists of five bodies of

expression each expression is finer that the previous one before, and the most 

dense is the physical body. The other four expressions including the astral body are

all made of varying densities of energy light substance . Mankind is a three fold 

physical expression  on Earth  which is physical, mental, and spiritual, We quickly

learn about the first two expressions the physical and mental, but are somewhat 

slow on the uptake of the spiritual. The spiritual part within mankind is the point 

where you can begin the process of BECOMING!  What you really ARE! Which 

is a Divine Immortal Soul, which is made out of Fluidic flowing LIGHT energy

that is SELF LUMINOUS and alight with realized energy.

Our incarnation are all about CLIMBING out of the physical mass, engaging the

mental faculties then rotating inwards to seek out the spiritual reality of your true 

nature. When we do this we are connecting with less dense light we are becoming

ALIGHTED from within ourselves by seeking out the true nature of your real inner


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 13 July 2022


 This blog today entitled STAR is about how we are all STARS awaiting the opportunity

to SHINE! This truth of who you really are, is locked within each one of us, all you need

to do is to look within and find it. 

The most important thing you can ever know in this life time is your SELF or your SOUL

all else is secondary. Taking up meditation  or yoga is the best way I know of looking within

yourself and realizing what lies beneath this FACADE of FORM  which is your physical body.

All the answers to all the questions you might have, will and are answered from within yourself

when you manage to connect yourself to your INTUITION your intuition is the way ahead for 

you to know who you really are.

Millions of us think we know ourselves but we are only fooling ourselves and fail to see and

understand what lies at the core of your being . Your Intuition will answer all your questions 

about who am I really? It will reveal and put you in touch with your Higher Self,  which

in turn will reveal to you that it is really your Immortal Divine Soul  when you get this

realization you are waking up into the understanding of your Divine Heritage which means

that you realize by your DIRECT EXPERIENCE of awakening into the DIRECT

REALIZATION of this reality within you. Direct Knowledge  by EXPERIENCING

is the BEST KNOWLEDGE of all because then you become a STAR who knows  who

they really are. You no longer believe  who you are, you now KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

Which is a Divine Immortal Soul.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17' any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 12 July 2022


 This blog today entitled TABLE is about how the TABLE become laid out for us  to

appear aeons later. In the beginning was the INTENTION and that INTENTION 

MOVED the ABSOLUTE from eternal motionlessness  to that of MOTION which

was the causeless cause that produced motion from motionlessness. The thought

wave was the PRIMORDIAL MOTIONING FACTOR that brought about this 

relative universe as we know it today. 

Within that primordial thought wave was the ABSOLUTE IDEATION of manifested 

motion. This motion gave "BIRTH" to all ENERGY  universally, The TABLE was now

laid to begin the expansion of IDEATION into Diversity and Complexity, varying 

densities and dimensions. The Absolute then become relative but retained its Absoluteness

within the core of all motion, and the arising of complex life forms.

When we then pass forward billions of years, we arrive at a point where within what is 

known as mankind , the TABLE is SET for the completion of the FULL CIRCLE of

expressed life. mankind  Mankind has an indwelling Soul within each vehicle this 

spiritual self within is directly connected to the ABSOLUTE  of the SELF/GOD.

We as humanity are all able to seek within ourselves and reveal the reality of our 

own Divinity. The TABLE is SPREAD before US INVISIBLE, all we need to do 

is to go within and reveal our true immortal identity. YOUR TABLE is SET dear 

reader of this blog, will you now look within yourself and see what's on your TABLE?

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 11 July 2022


 This blog today entitled SILENCE is about how we the "ENTITY" (human being) are 

in truth  all localized Spirit  engaged within NO-THING and issued out of a VORTEX

 into a physical ENTITY. Outwardly we are all physical human beings 7.7 billions making

a collection  of ENTITIES, who call themselves human beings, while inwardly we are in

Essence pure spirit being.

The silence comes into play when we can look within ourselves and take up the practice of

meditation or yoga, when we do this we begin to enter into the SILENCE which we will

eventually grow to understand is the home of spirit and wisdom universally.

By going into the silence we are venturing into the heart of our being , for within this 

silence wonderful things occur. The deeper you go within yourself you will discover more

and more about who you really are. The silence reveals to you your true divine inner nature

and also reveals to you that this silence is infinite and eternal which REFLECTS back to

YOU what is your INNER TRUE NATURE, which is infinite and eternal.

The silence within you, when all thoughts have ceased open up this infinite vista  of your 

true immortal nature, it reveals that you have zero-things to learn, but rather you have 

"MUCH TO UNCOVER" within yourself.

We are all a universe in miniature, within us is everything that exists, all is replicated 

within you. By going within and entering into that SACRED SILENCE you are thereby 

connecting to your TRUE SELF, which is SPIRIT. 

The vehicle (physical body) that you dwell in is the ENTITY that permits you entry 

into the physical plane of expression.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks. 

Sunday 10 July 2022


 This blog today entitled VOID is about how the illusion of distance only "APPEARS" real

to us because we are bodily trapped or encased within a vehicle of LIMITATION which 

is the body. I wrote a blog many years ago  now entitled "THE ABSURDITY of DISTANCE

when you are an UBIQUITOUS BEING" well we are all in essence omnipresent spirit life

which has become "LOCALIZED" by being super contracted and condensed within a 

singularity vortex funnelled into a relative physical body.

The whole human race all 7.7 billion of us are all electromagnetically connected and 

interconnected with each "other", there is ZERO-DISTANCE from any ONE of US.

The idea of distance is an illusion fostered by our gross ignorance of reality as it is.

This whole universe is "WITHIN THE VOID"  containing absolutely all within it.

This entire universe which is relative is WHOLLY connected to EVERY PART of this

of this INFINITY. Galaxies a billion light years from us are all totally connected  to us

on planet EARTH.

The idea of distance is an total illusion that we all buy into because of our relative nature

in your imagination you can be anywhere instantly, our imagination is limitless and so our

we when we fully know and realize the SELF.

If we can see our bodies as a temple for the indwelling SPIRIT there is no DISTANCE


than your hands and feet, and you know me not"?  That comes from a verse in the 

Bible and is very APT here to make the point of zero-distance from divine contact.

Infinite power lies within us all if we only understood how to access this Divine Source.

By understanding this holy principle of Total connectivity within the ALL, we never need

to feel lonely or outcast or abandoned ever again, "WE" are all connected to Divine Power

and unconditional love, zero distance from us NOW!

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization'

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Saturday 9 July 2022


 This blog today entitled TREMBLES is about three distinct phases or realizations that

we must all eventually pass through in this life time or another incarnation. The three 

realizations are first the realization of the ego, personality, your sense of individuality

and being-ness. This first phase can last through many incarnations, and we incarnate

multiple times within this primary first phase of realization of the ego. The second stage

or phase of realization is reached when we have begun looking within ourselves due to 

undergoing a crisis or two in our present incarnation and this causes us to see what lies

within us. Here if we then take up the practice of meditation or yoga we will begin to

sense an inner presence within us, and if we probe deeper into this we make conscious 

contact with our INTUITION which will eventually lead onto finding that we have a 

higher self .

When we reveal this reality to ourselves we are nearly there at realizing the second 

realization which is that of the SOUL REALIZATION, once  we arrive here we have 

awakened into a new and profound spiritual dimension of expressed life, here when 

we make conscious contact with our immortal divine Soul, we then know that we are

just vehicles for our indwelling soul  to use here to gain purchase here on Earth and 

thereby gather valuable experiences of physical tangible life here on earth.

The last realization we will ever make here on Earth, is that of the SELF  which means

we realize that we are the SELF ABSOLUTE having a relative experience here on Earth.

This realization will make you TREMBLE at the very TRANSCENDENCE of its

MEANING to YOU and the and the realization of WHAT you ACTUALLTY ARE

IS GOD the ABSOLUTE BRAHMAN incarnated within a physical vehicle.

It goes without saying that only a handful of humanity reach this final realization

but the potentiality lies within you NOW, all you have to do is realize IT!

Will you make the decision dear reader and make the third realization your own?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Friday 8 July 2022


 This blog today entitled POTAGE is about how all life universally and absolutely is 

a product of Absolute INTENTION which occurred within the Primordial Intention

Wave  that AROSE within the Absolute Source and became the BIRTH of all 

MOTION from Motionlessness. This Intentional Thought Wave was the Primal

Causeless Cause that brought about the manifestation of MOTION and motion became

known as that of ENERGY.

This was the birth of our universe as we know it. Life (motion)  issued out from that 

Primordial thought intention wave and became eventually all the diverse forms and shapes 

that we call life. We however fail to recognise that everything is ALIVE  (has motion, atomic

vibration), the mountains are alive , the planet is alive and called GAIA, the stone that you 

hold in your hand is alive, classed as in a state of "profound Lethargy" NO-THING  is 

dead within this universe, ALL is ALIVE meaning that it has ATOMIC VIBRATION (motion

=LIFE). The greatest power in this universe is INTENTION and WILL. the power of 

intention willed into BEINGNESS. Which amounts to SOMETHING from No-THING !

Humanity all 7.7 billion of us are all products of THOUGHT, and we use thought every

day. The GRACE that is bestowed upon us all is that we have conscious  life and are able

to live and gain experiences while exploring what it is like to be a human being.

When we begin looking within ourselves we find that we are what could be called 

"THOUGHTLETS" of the Divine Source. We are basically intangible thought (SPIRIT)

being expressed within a tangible vehicle we call a human being.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization 

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 7 July 2022

Vehicles Of Localized Unified Motional Energy. V O L U M E .

 This blog today entitled VOLUME is about how "WE" humanity are all localized 

vehicles of unified motional(MOVING VIBRATION) energy. Localized meaning 

that the inner core or your expression is by nature ubiquitous and omnipresent and

that this inner presence becomes constricted and compressed into a singularity point

of reference, where it becomes localized within the physical dimension of the planet

Earth, and thereby "HELD" within a singularity vortex of electromagnetic energy

which remains with the expressed form (human vehicle) while it remains in 

incarnation. "WE" humanity at first have little or no idea of who they really are,

most of us think mistakenly that we are physical human beings who are the real being

a personality with an ego, who is really who you are , That seems to be what the 

majority tend to think about who they are, just a human being and nothing more 

than that. However, there are millions of "us" who are also waking up and seeing 

that they are more than just a human being. Many now regard themselves as divine

immortal souls, and many realize that the physical  body is only a vehicle for the 

soul to occupy the form and use the vehicle to gather experience.

When the awakening takes place it is called Soul REALIZATION  and today there

are growing numbers of us who have indeed woken up and see and accept that they are

immortal divine souls, and have personally experienced this truth  within themselves.

They have realized their own immortal soul. VOLUME  is about the waking up 

process. to look within ourselves turn up the VOLUME and listen into that inner 

silence within you, which you will find within yourself after taking up the daily

practice of meditation.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 6 July 2022


 This blog today is about the greatest mystery that has ever been known to MANKIND

and that is what is the nature of ENERGY? What is ENERGY? Where does it arise 

from? These questions have perplexed mankind for centuries and have never been fully

answered. So today I will give my answer to what I think is the nature and home of 

energy. Modern day science admit that energy can never be destroyed  only converted

into another aspect of itself. So we know as science informs us that energy is eternal

unborn reality. Question, what else is an UNBORN eternal REALITY?  That to me is

the SOURCE of all LIFE which is GOD/SOURCE or BRAHMAN. So then how does 

energy arise out of BRAHMAN or SOURCE? To me that is simple to answer, which

is that energy arose out of BRAHMAN within a PRIMORDIAL INTENTION THOUGHT

WAVE, this THOUGHT WAVE was MOTION the birth of ALL MOTION, the birth of

motion from motionlessness. ENERGY and MOTION are the same-thing, all energy is 

in motion this relative universe is in perpetual  motion which means that it is a vibrating

infinite field of limitless ENERGY;

Energy became ONLINE when an INTENTION thought wave issued out of BRAHMAN

this caused  motion and energy is motion and motion is BRAHMAN BECOMING 

Expressed in motion and motion =ENERGY.

Energy =ALL OF EVERYTHING!  This entire relative universe is composed absolutely

of just ONE THINGLESS THING which is ENERGY. Infinite eternal energy .

All life expressed is composed entirely of ENERGY, this includes the whole of mankind.

This Primordial Intention thought wave is still ONGOING, the intention is CURRENT

TODAY, and has been operating for billions of our years. ENERGY has its BEING 

WITHIN this CURRENT intention thought wave, when the INTENTION CEASES

then energy will become FROZEN and motionlessness, and in a blink of BRAHMANS

eye this relative universe will VANISH as though it had NEVER BEEN.

Warmest regards  michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 5 July 2022


 Today  this blog is entitled WAY and is about how we all can all find our WAY out of

the quagmire of ignorance that surrounds us on who we really are  beneath this FACADE

of FORM which is our physical body. We can all spend years of our lives gathering facts 

and knowledge about all manner of things. We can even get to the end of our lives  and 

never know who we really were. This is sad when you are dying and have not got a clue 

of who you really are, and what's more where are you going now !  When you die? We 

can waste years gathering knowledge and passing exams , getting diplomas and never 

knowing for one minute the true nature of YOUR BEING.

For me it was only when I was in a major crisis and was given only three months to 

live that I began to think who the hell am I really? This desperate realization brought 

me into the idea of taking up meditation, which I started doing daily, meditation saved

my life literally, feelings of almost zero self worth began leaving me, and I found 

inner peace . This was the beginning of finding out that there was more to us than

at first meets the eye. I discovered the inner faculty of intuition, "which means to 

be taught from within", so who was this teacher  that was teaching me from within?

I quickly found that this inner teacher was like having a personal GURU within you.

This inner voice was a precious gift that opened the inner door that led me to full

self/soul knowing, It revealed to me that we are ALL SOULS with a BODY and not

a body with a soul, there is a big difference, and the soul is the primal reality, the 

physical vehicle is only a biological machine nothing more than that.

The "WAY" that lies open for all of us, is to reveal your inner divine immortal soul 

to your outer periphery awareness and consciousness  so that you then know who 

you really are, which is an immortal divine SOUL.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 4 July 2022


 This blog entitled PSALM is about how "WE" are all in essence pure spirit , which 

means that we are all omnipresent consciousness and intangible. When the INTENTION

is SET for "US" to become relative "we" are then condensed and steeped down our 

universality becomes "localized" within a singularity point of reference and this vortex 

funnels "you" down through m any dimensions of expression and finally emerge within 

the planet Earths dimensional field and vibration frequency, our life essence is then held

within this point and then enters the FETUS , and is then localized and locked into status.

This field is then an electromagnetic field like a double torus that surrounds the FETUS

and remains there within the being to be for the rest of their expressed time here on Earth.

We as that of humanity are all centres of consciousness and awareness, there are basically 

five centres consciousness and awareness which interact on varying dimensional levels

of expression, the physical body  is the lowest expression. Our basic task here on Earth 

is to experience tangible existence and experience a wide variety of interactions.

We all have within us an astral body which acts as a carrier vehicle for the essence 

which is spirit to interact within the astral realm when physical death takes place , 

we then move automatically into the astral plane, and take stock of what we have

experienced while being earthbound .

After resting up a while we then return again to continue gathering up tangible experiences

when we finally wake up and see how we are expressed and know that we are all SOULS

which in turn beneath that soul expression  lies that  of a PURE SPIRIT, when we know

this to be SO, we can more on up and away from Earth to other adventures that beckon


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 3 July 2022


 This blog today entitled IDEALS is about how eternal ubiquitous spirit  become 

Infinitely Compressed within a singularity point of reference and thereby become

LOCALIZED within a point of reference which then becomes a human soul being.

The localization steeps down the omnipresent spirit into that of a relative point of

reference  which is the human soul. The human soul  knows not of its identity as

that process of being born results in a blank slate with zero memories of who and

what you really are.

The IDEAL is that when we grow into adulthood and have many varied experiences

we gradually become aware of an inner presence within us. This does not happen to

every soul, many never find that inner presence for the whole of their life time, but

the more sensitive soul can and do feel an inner presence, and wonder what is this 

presence that dwells within me?

Whether you become aware of your soul or not really depends upon your point of 

ascension on the evolutionary arc of ascension , below a certain level you will be so 

absorbed in physicality of life that the spiritual will have no interest  to you. This

will eventually become online in another incarnation.

If you are on the cusp of ascension then you will be interested in what lies within you,

and you will take steps to look within yourself, and gain a foothold of inner seeking.

The IDEAL thing for you will be that you discover that inner spirit the soul who 

dwells within you. By practicing meditation you open up the way within you and if 

you persist you will eventually make contact  with your higher self, which will then

reveal to your now startled self your real IMMORTAL INNER NATURE of being a

Divine Immortal Soul. When that occurs within YOU you have then met your


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 2 July 2022


 This blog today is about the Divine "WHOLLY" Marriage of Shakti and Shiva which 

take place within  the human physical body, when certain conditions are fulfilled. Shakti 

is the Divine mother who resides within our Muladhara chakra (root chakra)  and means 

energy, movement, power, nature, and change, SHIVA who resides within the Saharara 

chakra (crown chakra) and is pure consciousness it represents the unlimited unchanging 

and unswayable observer, Shiva has no desires is an empty screen in which Shakti 

projects her film. These two forces combine within the human being and when 

COJOINED results in a divine mystical marriage. This has nothing to do with 

sexuality  meaning the union of man and woman, but rather that of spirituality 

meaning the union of the divine an d human consciousness. 

Shiva represents the masculine aspect, and Shakti represents the feminine aspect. Both 

these forces reside within  every human being on this planet . The names may well change

but the divine energies within us are all the very same. This HOLY marriage is about 

how when we get deep into meditation and begin to awaken to awareness  of our 

chakras and energy centres within us , we start on a journey of Divine discovery.

The KUNDALINI energy that lies dormant in our root chakra , where Shakti 

slumbers is like a sleeping serpent (dragon) that is coiled around that chakra.

As we awaken and develop sensitivity to the inner nature of our being, we begin to

arise the KUNDALINI energy which starts a slow ascent up the spine through each 

chakra as it climbs upwards within the spinal column towards the crown chakra where

SHIVA resides, here the two will meet within the heart chakra . SHIVA will descend 

downwards while Shakti ascends upwards, when both meet in the heart chakra there

will be a great release of ENERGY which constitutes what is commonly called a 

profound SAMHADHI experience. which is then called a HOLY DIVINE 

Marriage of the masculine and feminine energies, within you which brings about 

a profound enlightenment experience within the one who has engaged within this 

HOLY UNION. (YOU) will be "DUMB-FOUNDED" by such an exhilarating and

profound enlightening process , which will change you completely forever.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Friday 1 July 2022


 This blog today entitled FILE is about how all expressed life(has MOTION) is universally

expressed through  holographic fractal imaging. The Source of all life universally inputs

a fractal image of its essence within every expression that is expressed. 

The Source being PURE ENERGY is an intangible Source of all there is, for this 

intangible imageless being-less BEING to become tangible it must condense its energy

signature so that is can become tangible and thereby relative as well.

The essence of life is the NOUMENON the invisible inner source of the expression of

life. Fractal imaging is about how multiple expressions over varying densities and 

dimensional divergence of life can all reflect the SOURCE from within outward.

All expressed life is a holographic fractal image . Mankind is no exception to this rule,

outwardly we are a physical biological machine vehicle,  but inwardly we are a Divine

Immortal Soul who reflect and refract the inner divine SPIRIT or LIGHT that we inwardly

are. When we look within ourselves we are looking into the invisible imageless 

NOUMENON which will in turn  reflect back to us just who we really are if we persist

in this inner quest.

We are all living light that has condensed or rather congealed into a semi-solid form 

of a physical body, by looking within ourselves we are reaching into that inner light

and illuminating the inner pathless path  before us.

We are all here to find ourselves and the only proven path I know is through meditation

where we still all our thoughts, enter into that inner silence, and here in that silent space

we will begin to see that inner light that will gradually dawn upon your waking

consciousness and perceptive awareness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.