Sunday 17 July 2022


 This blog today entitled UM which stands for UNCOVERING MYSELF is about seeking

the reality of just what you really are by going within yourself and investigating what lies

beneath your FACADE OF FORM ? By going within ourselves and taking up the practice

of meditation or yoga we will then be venturing within our self and revealing that the 

inward journey is also that of INFINITY as with the outer universe, by going within

you are entering an inner universe which is also infinite and limitless in its reach.

One thing you will soon discover is that all wisdom and knowledge are all found within

you. What meditation does is polish the dark mirror within us which is our ignorance,

and as this dark mirror is polished by our venturing deeper within us we begin making

discoveries that arise within us. They ARISE within us because all truth and wisdom 

is VOUCHSAFED within every human being, all you have to do is to "UNCOVER"

it from Within YOUR-SELF !  Uncovering Myself  is about fully knowing who you 

really ARE, and when you uncover enough inner wisdom you will then know exactly 

who and what you are, which is an Immortal Divine Soul .

This realization will ARISE within you automatically when you have uncovered 

enough of your true SELF to be given the answer to your SELF by an INSIGHTFUL

FLASH of INSPIRATION that will reveal to your STARTLED SELF  just what 

you really ARE!

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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